EMF Remedy

#87 The Critical Importance of 1-1 EMF Coaching

June 25, 2024 Keith Cutter Season 1 Episode 87
#87 The Critical Importance of 1-1 EMF Coaching
EMF Remedy
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EMF Remedy
#87 The Critical Importance of 1-1 EMF Coaching
Jun 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 87
Keith Cutter

Whether you're just beginning and don't know where to start,  have been at this for some time and you're not making the progress you like, you're running for your life, or you want to become an Independent EMF Consultant you can benefit from 1-1 coaching.  

I'll go so far as to say, you can't do without it.

I wouldn't be able to do the work I do, perhaps wouldn't have survived without early access to experts in the beginning of my journey.

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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

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Whether you're just beginning and don't know where to start,  have been at this for some time and you're not making the progress you like, you're running for your life, or you want to become an Independent EMF Consultant you can benefit from 1-1 coaching.  

I'll go so far as to say, you can't do without it.

I wouldn't be able to do the work I do, perhaps wouldn't have survived without early access to experts in the beginning of my journey.

Support the Show.

Support this podcast here: https://www.emfremedy.com/donate/

Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

Keith Cutter:

There is a kind of a well, I guess you could call it a secret sauce associated with the development and the use of assessment and remediation skills for synthetic EMF, and I can't tell you how important it is, and I've realized we are 80, this is going to be episode 88, I believe, of this audio podcast and I can't believe we haven't spent more time talking about this. So I want to clue you in. There is this is an accelerator Wherever you are in your journey, you really have to learn about what's possible through one-on-one coaching, coming up.


EMF Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, one you're considering for purchase. Dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, one you're considering for purchase, or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, emf Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation.

Keith Cutter:

Hi, this is Keith Cutter with EMF Remedycom. Host of the EMF Remedy podcast. We're living in this insane period of history where, for the first time ever, personal radiation exposure for you and your children and your grandchildren has been normalized. I mean, why would anybody do this? And people are waking up to that fact and they're in various states of well. Maybe we just need to be a little precautionary, or okay, that's what's killing me. I'm running for my life, man. How do I get to a safe place? And everything in between. And I deal with both types of customers and I love them very dearly and I yeah, I just see all the different dynamics I was thinking this morning.

Keith Cutter:

I've spent now thousands of hours producing content. I really feel like I'm compelled to get information out there that's going to be helpful for people surviving this crazy time in history. And I've mentioned many times, I'll mention it again I learn the most from my sensitive clients because, like me, they've come to realize that this synthetic radiation exposure is really causing a lot of problems and if you ignore it long enough, in my experience those problems manifest in very unproductive ways, sometimes requiring you know that running for your life phenomenon that I mentioned or losing everything. Or you know, I can relate to all of it. I can relate to all of it. So I've now designed and built several homes that are, I don't know, anti-synthetic EMF fortresses, you know, durable protection built in. I've been behind the scenes with a lot of people who are doing excellent work in this field and, frankly, I've been behind the scenes with some that are doing not so good work and you'll never hear them on my show because it won't go any further than a preliminary interview. But I've learned from all of that as well. I've written several papers and it's just been I don't know how many homes that I've been in helping people with assessments of their personal space and coming up with measurable techniques for giving measurable reduction in all the different areas of harmful man-made electromagnetic energies.

Keith Cutter:

And I wouldn't be here doing what I'm doing today if I hadn't taken advantage of a special technique. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have survived, honestly, would not be able. I probably wouldn't have survived. You see, in my journey there was no EMF consultant in the area where I work and so when I got sick and I needed help with an assessment and remediation, there wasn't anybody within hundreds of miles that would be able to help me.

Keith Cutter:

By then I had lost everything, so I had little funds. I mean, I couldn't fly somebody out from one of the coasts or whatever, and to this day there isn't anybody else really in this area. So it's given me a very unique perspective on how people make progress and what people's needs are and where they get hung up, and what are the major inhibitors for moving forward and what are the points of confusion in the journey. And so I guess I would just start by asking you a question Is this just a curiosity, or is this something that you have decided is important to your life and your health, and perhaps that of your loved ones as well?

Keith Cutter:

I mean, are you? Are you just filling time? Are you just filling time or is this something you really want to get serious about? And if you're answering that it's something you want to be serious about, that it's something you want to be serious about, then how are you doing on your journey? So I mentioned there was nobody who could do this work. I luckily, providentially, had had a lifetime of experiences and technical skills and high tech and healthcare background and whatnot. So when I came to the point where I needed to do an assessment because there was nobody, I reached out and I got some one-on-one coaching from the best in the industry. I mean by this point, like I say, we had lost everything, I spent what little I had left on the best consultant that I could possibly afford, and then some.

Keith Cutter:

I mean I'm selling possessions right To make ends meet. Yeah, became an expert in eBay in those days, but all I'm trying to say is, even when a time when I couldn't afford it I made that investment. I'd read the books, I had seen what material was out there that was freely available and I needed to ask specific questions to a subject matter expert to hone in on my areas of weakness or my misunderstanding or whatever, and I was able to do that and it's always, for me, been the most effective way to learn and progress. I'm going to give you a couple of examples from my previous life, if you will, but what I'm talking about is the benefit of one-on-one coaching. So, very briefly, I, when I was a kid, you know, in junior high, we used to have woodworking classes and we had an excellent wood shop and an excellent woodworking teacher and I learned a lot of things there and it just I mean that just it became an interest.

Keith Cutter:

When I was years later, when I was newly married, I had an opportunity which I took and, believe me, I didn't want to spend time away from my new bride and I barely could afford to, you know, take time off of work, but I took advantage of what is called a summer program at a place called the College of the Redwoods, studying underneath a master of he would never call himself that, but a master cabinet maker. So we're talking about fine woodworking. His name was James Krenov. He's written several books and taught very many people, influenced very many people and made a lot of beautiful pieces. So what I learned there I mean I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about it, but you watch a video or you listen to a lesson or you read a book and it can't compare with a master like James or his assistant in those days was Michael. He was an expert as well. There is no comparison to here. Don't do it that way, do it this way, put a little bit more pressure. No oh no. Yeah, like this, like that. Yeah, that's good. You know what I'm saying? I mean that instant feedback. Or I'd come with a project idea and they'd say, well, have you thought about doing it this way? And I, no, that's a much better idea, but no, I didn't think about that. Or just a skill acquisition. I mean they told us that any tool we bought was just a kit to be turned into a useful tool they taught us to make our own tools to be turned into a useful tool. They taught us to make our own tools and I just can't. I don't want to spend the time, but it was an incredible time for learning. I never could have replicated what I learned on my own, and I guess that's what my point is.

Keith Cutter:

I'm going to give you one other brief example when I was driven out of my misspent youth, my 16-year career in high tech and when I say driven out it was like driven out with the best job offer I had ever had to go off expense paid relocation to Europe to manage this European marketing center for a multi-billion dollar product line for a successful company and one of the most successful products in that company's history. So how was I driven out? I was driven out because I didn't know what I was suffering from and if you know my story, it was more than three decades before I would find out what was causing me all the health problems I had in my life and of course it was synthetic EMF. But I was driven out of high tech not because I knew what was going on exactly. I just couldn't continue. I mean, we were at that time on 3G, you know, the third generation of cellular, and I'd start started suffering with 1G, you know. Anyway, to make a long story short, so I was in this first career in high tech. Everything was going great. I just couldn't continue because of EMF, but I didn't know it. So next stop providentially, my wife and I moved to an area with very little population and very much space, so low population density. That gave me another 10 year lease on life.

Keith Cutter:

I was able to improve in many ways and be able to continue as a productive member of society. I was a volunteer with a search and rescue organization. One day they announced that they were going to be offering a class taught by two wonderful people, phil and Evelyn. He was a former Vietnam medic and she was involved in healthcare as well. They were going to be teaching an EMT emergency medical technician course. It was an EMT basic. There are three different flavors of EMT basic, advanced and medic and they each have a different scope of practice. But in our rural area that scope of practice was very broad and anyway, to make a long story short, I took this class. It didn't have anything to do with anything as far as I knew in my life, I just wanted to take the class, I guess. Honestly, I wanted to get the card and I wanted to stick it in my wallet and be able to say, oh yeah, I wanted to get the card and I wanted to stick it in my wallet and be able to say, oh yeah.

Keith Cutter:

I'm an EMT you know, yeah, so I worked hard. Um, I applied myself. I think I would a good student. It was about 140 hours, which is that's a fair investment of time, given that it's like four hours maximum per night. You're driving there and back and you have home study and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, so I get through the program. I did well on the exam. The last night we were going to get our little graduation ceremony and Phil gets up there.

Keith Cutter:

He's the former medic, vietnam medic and he says congratulations on graduating for this program. You don't know anything, I'm not kidding you. It was like that blunt Y'all don't know anything and you're not good to anyone. And I may well I was going to say I may be exaggerating a little. I'm not sure I was exaggerating. I mean, it was like that blunt, I was mad man, I was boiling, my face was probably turning red. I was, you know, just younger and more foolish and I really hadn't thought it out. But as I left that night I was thinking about what he said and his message was until you have treated 100 patients, you're not good to anybody. So I took that as a personal challenge. I began working part-time around my full-time job. At that time I worked part-time. I would take a couple of 24-hour shifts. Here and there I worked part-time.

Keith Cutter:

I would take a couple of 24-hour shifts here and there and doing 911 response and then also inter-facility transport, and everything I did, of course, was under the shadow of a more experienced provider and I really did get those hundred contacts and by then I was hooked. And, to make a long story short, I was able to support my family, by God's grace, for the next dozen years or so and I worked for a number of different agencies.

Keith Cutter:

I think I worked for four agencies, all centered around the same part of the world, the same community, and I went to lieutenant and then field supervisor, captain and ultimately became deputy chief of the final organization that I worked for. But throughout all of that, none of that could have happened except for one-on-one coaching. One-on-one coaching was constant. Coaching was constant. Somebody better than you for quite a while, as you're gaining skills to show you not that way, this way. Okay, next time you have a patient interaction, ask this question Did you think about doing this? Did you? You know, just that kind of immediate you know learning.

Keith Cutter:

And boy, you can learn really quick and pretty soon. You're teaching and I remember one time when I was a captain I had a relatively new employee and she was working on her going between a basic and an advanced EMT and part of that you have to learn how to do IVs. And I heard her talking to a team member saying she wasn't certain about her IV skills and she was worried about it. So I took the two of them.

Keith Cutter:

I said you're coming with me and they looked at me. What? So? I had the new person in back with me, I laid down on the cot, I said I'm a patient, I told the driver to drive on a bumpy, windy road and I said now you're going to start a couple of IVs on me and she was panicked. She's like, oh my gosh, you know, here's the captain and he's telling me to. I don't want to do this and I've you know, and you know I just made the point that I'm going to give, you're going to have, immediate feedback and develop your skills under simulated, although stressful, situation. And it was very helpful for her. I knew she had the ability to do it. I was willing to suffer a little bit in the process, get a few extra holes in me, but you get what I'm saying right.

Keith Cutter:

It is one thing to learn all about how to do something and it is quite a different thing to be able to do that when it matters matters. Maybe one other quick example I was doing wedding photography for about 20 years and I had the honor of photographing weddings that the first kiss was actually the first kiss. You know what I'm saying? What I'm talking about is that the bride and the groom had never kissed before, and so that first kiss, as witnessed by all of those people after they had gone through the marriage covenant ceremony, they had their first kiss. And I'm the photographer. Now, that's a lot of pressure. I mean, how'd you like to miss it? How would you like to have a? You know your flash fails or you didn't have film yes, it was film in those days, not digital, um in your camera or you know whatever excuse. No, I didn't want to do that. So, um, yeah, so I mentored with with other photographers. I would carry their bags, you know, until I learned and got to a level of skill where I could do it. And then, when I got to do these um weddings that I that I mentioned first kiss was actually the first kiss. I had not one but two cameras. I had not one but two flashes, both independent systems. If one failed. The other one was, you know, and it was like okay, make sure everything is is is right. So I'm just trying to illustrate the importance of coaching. So in the first example, coaching under master cabinet maker. The second example, me having learned under the coaching of others and then passing on that learning to my employees and giving them real time feedback in a stressful environment. And then learning as a photographer. You know, I started carrying another photographer's bags, really until I learned how to do it and then shot with that person, got feedback and got to a level of proficiency where I knew that I could catch the important moments without fail, moments without fail. So all of that has examples of one-on-one coaching and the critical importance of that. So this has been a long intro. Thank you for bearing with me. I had much more dialogue in my earlier episodes, I think for the last 20 or 30, 40 episodes I've just kind of gotten right into it and we haven't really talked a lot. So thank you for sticking around.

Keith Cutter:

The apprentice method that used to be the norm is no longer in our society, and yet there are certain things that you can't learn without being an apprentice. We have a couple of schools that you can go through tribes, maybe I'll call them and become an EMF, whatever, whatever, whatever they call that you know within that particular tribe. And I'm going to say it doesn't mean anything without a mentor, without one-on-one coaching and help and oversight. I think the best way to make an EMF a new EMF consultant would be have that person come along on assessments that we would provide together for a client. That would be the best way to learn, but I digress.

Keith Cutter:

Anyway, not everybody wants to become an EMF consultant, although, interestingly, I've had more than a few people come forward and say they've listened to everything I've ever done on the audio podcast, they've watched all of my videos and they've read all my content on Substack and they want to become an EMF consultant to serve their community. And so we are working through that process with a number of individuals. So, whether that's your goal, whether you just want to look after your family, whether you're not quite sure about this EMF stuff but you want to take a precautionary approach, maybe understand what your problem is and it is synthetic EMF exposure and you're trying to endure, no matter where you are, I can say I get it, I can say I've been there and you can tell me, no, you don't understand, I lost everything there. And you can tell me, no, you don't understand, I lost everything and this impact was real, you know, and friends left me and family members don't get it, I get it, I've been there, you know.

Keith Cutter:

So, wherever you are in your journey, is this important to you? Mean, if you're just doing this for fun, like you like to listen to podcasts, or you think it's kind of interesting, but if you know, that's one thing. But if you have a goal of understanding what your exposures are, measuring them and then creating measurable reductions for you or your loved ones, where are you in that journey? You've probably consumed content from a number of different places and found some of it contradictory and, quite frankly, you know how I feel about this. There are people out there who pretend to be in this space and they're just offering a bunch of ridiculous things that have nothing to do with measurable EMF assessment and measurable decreases from remediation. But all that information is out there Information and disinformation and misinformation.

Keith Cutter:

So are you stuck trying to figure all that stuff out? Do you have a way forward? Do you have identified goals? Have you written down timeframes? You want to understand what your exposures are by July 17th and you want to accomplish at least a reduction of 90% 80%. You tell me in which fields, by which time, through which techniques, because when you get serious, you can set up specific goals and you can mark your progress and you can reach a day where you say I've done it. I've done it. Now I'm in monitor phase. Okay, I make sure that the devices around me are not misbehaving and, um, you know, I my exposures are still my exposures that I measured last time, but you're actually there. How long have you been interested in EMF assessment and remediation and where are you on your journey Now? Some of you will say because I hear this they just learned about the harm associated with, you know the normalization of personal radiation exposure frankly.

Keith Cutter:

They just learned about it. So they're like, oh my gosh, I got to get some help, good, now what do you do with that? So they go and they take a look. My back catalog now is 87 episodes. I want to have a big celebration when I get to 100, just because it's a round number, but you're looking at 87 different episodes You've just gotten into this and people are blown up.

Keith Cutter:

I mean, they don't know where to start.

Keith Cutter:

I'm not trying to make this any more complicated than it is, but, guys, I'm not even halfway there in terms of sharing what you really need to know, all the things you really need to know to be able to live a low EMF lifestyle.

Keith Cutter:

So I'm going to keep going as fast as I can, as long as I can, and I'm doing it in multiple platforms.

Keith Cutter:

But if you're serious about it, whether you're brand new, okay, and you're overwhelmed, you don't know where to start, or whether you've been in this for five years and you think you got it all figured out, but, to be honest, you really don't know what your exposure levels are according to any kind of level of accuracy that you know, other than like a cheap meter reads zero because it's cheap, it doesn't have sensitivity or accuracy. So either you're brand new, you don't know where to get started. You've been doing this for a long time, but you don't really know what your exposures are and you don't really have any specific goals with regard to remediation. And, no, you're not ever getting to a place where your body can recover. If you're being honest with yourself getting to a place where your body can recover, if you're being honest with yourself, and your baby has never had a day in its life without radiofrequency radiation exposure no, matter where you are in your journey.

Keith Cutter:

If you haven't already taken advantage of one-on-one coaching, I would encourage you to do that. I know it's expensive, you bet it's expensive. It is difficult to attain this level of expertise and to have all these different pulls on your time, pulls on your time. It has to be expensive, but it is worth it. This coming from a guy who lost everything and was selling his personal possessions so he could go find the best consultant in the industry and consult over the phone. So I practiced what I preached, in fact.


I'll tell you something.

Keith Cutter:

I don't have to pay for it just because I got the backstage pass, you know, but I would pay for it. It Yesterday I spent two hours with an incredible genius in one specific narrow area and man, I learned a lot and I will continue to be the student on occasion so that I can increase my knowledge, increase my perspective. I mean, nothing bad can happen. Either everybody will confirm what I already know to be true, based on my experience as a poisoning survivor and the experience helping other people do that and the experience helping other people do that, or I will be a student at somebody else's feet, so to speak, and I will learn something new. There's no, I can't lose from that.

Keith Cutter:

So I would encourage you, if you have not already tried one-on-one coaching and you're serious at all about EMF assessment and remediation, find somebody you trust and book a session. Book three sessions. If you're serious, why three? We just talked about these sessions are expensive and now you're saying three. Well, here's why three. Book three and get them on the calendar.

Keith Cutter:

Let's say you have an initial counseling session, live session, and you clarify what your objectives are and are given certain marching orders and things to accomplish, and you already have a follow-up session scheduled in 30 days where you're going to report on the progress that you made and the pitfall, the issues that you had, and the difficulties and challenges and questions and whatnot. And then, beyond that one, you already have, you know, one further already scheduled, at which time, hopefully, you'll be able to say yep, I've done everything. You've shared the results. Here's the remediations we got them in place. These are my results and that's great, and it may take more than that A lot of people. I have a new client, one-on-one coaching, from last week. I didn't ask her how long, but she's been doing this for a number of years and had information and counter information and whatnot, and we just.

Keith Cutter:

I told her. I said I think I can help you.

Keith Cutter:

Let's spend an hour and, oh my goodness, maybe someday I'll get her on and she can tell her view of the story. But it was electric. I mean she was so enthusiastic because I showed her how to find items that were going to be hazardous in her environment and how she could make real progress immediately. And how she could make real progress immediately. So she made the real progress immediately and then she went out on a hunt to find these devices. She was so excited. She found a bunch of things in her environment. She took a picture, she sent it to me and she was like a kid in a candy shop. It was yeah for somebody who had been aware of the EMF issues for many years and had ingested a lot of content from a lot of providers to be able to put her on some firm footing where she could do some things immediately that would have effect and then have a productive direction in which to travel. I think she would tell you. I'm confident she would tell you that it was very worthwhile.

Keith Cutter:

She's a lover of books and she's able to ingest information in that way, and so I gave her some advanced reading assignments and she's crushing it advanced reading assignments and she's crushing it. So I don't know. I suppose I could go on and I could talk about a lot of different things with regard to one-on-one coaching, but this is the first time, I think, I've talked about it in detail. I don't know, frankly, how long I'm going to be able to offer the service. I've got a lot of demands on my time. I have to first prioritize my local clients who need on-site help, and then, of course, my writing and my audio podcast and YouTube and yeah, a lot of exciting things coming up and YouTube, and, yeah, a lot of exciting things coming up. But I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep up the one-on-one coaching, but I just think it is such a valuable thing.

Keith Cutter:

I've seen it change people's lives, whether they're becoming an independent EMF consultant and they need some finishing advice and whatnot, or whether they're brand new in this journey and they don't know where to start, or whether they're somewhere in the middle and they just need now to proceed with an actual assessment and remediation. I've seen anybody be able to. I've never had be able to bet. I've never had somebody who is not happy afterwards. I usually ask the question at the end. I usually say, has this been helpful? And I've never had somebody say no or not too much, or anything other than yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this has been helpful. So and and uh, one-on-one coaching that I deliver is either through a telephone Hopefully you have a wired telephone, um, and we can do it that way or, if you prefer, we can do zoom or Skype or um Riverside or you know what, or whatever you would like. If EMF avoidance or finding a pristine place to live, or considering building a low EMF home, if any of that is important to you.

Keith Cutter:

I urge you to take advantage of one-on-one coaching to get started at the middle of your journey, when you begin to serve others in this way no matter where you are.

Keith Cutter:

This is something that you cannot learn just from books, and I want to say something about that. I saw I'm ashamed to say I bought something from Amazon. For all the reasons I despise Amazon, but anyway, I bought something from Amazon and they suggested this book and it was in the area of EMF and I thought, well, I haven't read that one yet. So I ordered that as well and it came and I started reading it and I realized this person literally has no idea what they are talking about and it was in the area of home assessment and remediation. I mean, I couldn't believe it. My eyes were wide, my palms were getting sweaty. I'm like I can't believe it.

Keith Cutter:

People would be, they would be dumber after reading this thing than when they began. What is my point here? When they began? What is my point here? My point is you cannot make progress in this field, given all the varying qualities of information that is available, alone. You're just. I can't say it's impossible to do it without human intervention. I'll say it this way I've never met anybody who's cleaned up their environment, including people who have run for their lives and tried to find safety that way, certainly anybody who's practicing as a productive EMF consultant. I've never seen anybody that got there through books or just online learning or whatever. So, all right, you can sense my passion for this area. I would encourage you to give it some consideration. But the website has had an update. You can book a one-on-one consultation on the homepage of the website. If you would like to talk about doing multiple sessions or whatever, you're welcome to contact me.

Keith Cutter:

There is a contact form on the website the website is emfremedycom, so I've posted some interviews that I've done. Recently. Did I mention I was interviewed by Children's Health Defense? I don't know, maybe I've already published that here. Anyway, the video is on the website, as well as another video interview that I gave and some other video content there as well.

Keith Cutter:

So if you haven't, been to the website in a while. You might check that out. If you want to get my writings keithcuttersubstackcom I'm beginning to collect a small collection of writings up there and I've gotten a lot of feedback from people that that's helpful. There's no cost, you know. If you want to get it free, you're welcome to do that. If you want to support my efforts, you can get a paid subscription to Substack. That will help me do what I'm doing now, which is producing more free content for people. There's also a donate tab on my website, so I always appreciate the help in being able to help others in in the, in my local community, and then actually this podcast last year reached I think it was 39 different countries.

Keith Cutter:

So, folks all over the world, pray, please pray that my efforts here would be helpful to those who are suffering the most or those who need this content the most. I would appreciate it if you would do that. I've got an interesting situation with Apple Podcasts. They're like the biggest source of podcasts anywhere, the biggest platform, if you will, and interestingly, I had somebody say that they left me a uh, a detailed review there on Apple podcast, which is, of course, helpful, but it's never shown up, and so I want to, I want to, I want to ask one of you but here's my voice right now Take the time and, um, do a review for this show on Apple Podcast and then get in touch with me through my website and tell me hey, this is so-and-so and I just did a review on Apple Podcast. I want to make sure that the reviews are getting posted there.

Keith Cutter:

So, yeah, please pray for our efforts that this would be a blessing to many. If you'd like to support the work, we would appreciate that. I hope this has been an encouragement. I hope this has been helpful for you Give it some thought. Keith Cutter emfremedycom. See you next time.


The EMF Remedy Podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home. The contents on this podcast are provided. Thank you.

The Power of One-on-One Coaching
The Value of One-on-One Coaching
Maximizing the Benefits of One-on-One Coaching
Improving Your Home's EMF Environment