EMF Remedy

Five Issues on My Mind

July 17, 2024 Keith Cutter Season 1 Episode 90
Five Issues on My Mind
EMF Remedy
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EMF Remedy
Five Issues on My Mind
Jul 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 90
Keith Cutter

There are things not being discussed broadly within the EMF realm.  Here are five of the most important things you should know.

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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

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There are things not being discussed broadly within the EMF realm.  Here are five of the most important things you should know.

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Support this podcast here: https://www.emfremedy.com/donate/

Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

Speaker 1:

Five things on my mind recently. Challenge facilities can change the world the best way I know to tell if someone is on the right track with regard to dealing with their electromagnetic poisoning. I know a few severe EHS people who know how to perform a decent EMF home assessment. Hucksters and fly-by-night EMF consultants trouble me, and if you haven't had an appropriately qualified individual perform an EMF evaluation, you really haven't started Coming up. Hi, this is Keith Cutter. With emfremedycom.

Speaker 1:

I'm the host of the EMF Remedy Podcast, the most comprehensive and practical EMF education available anywhere. I draw on my 39 years of personal experience surviving electromagnetic poisoning and my ongoing work as an independent EMF consultant. I offer pre-sale real estate assessments, that's, an EMF assessment before you buy. Post-sale home assessment and remediation, new home design, one-on-one coaching, and whether you're looking to take a precautionary approach to EMF exposure or you must get to the lowest levels of exposure possible, I can help. Get in touch with me through the contact form on the emfremedycom website. Let's get started.

Speaker 1:

So today I want to do something a little bit different than we have done before. This is totally unscripted and it is five things that are on my mind right now. The way this came into being is. I've been communicating with people in the industry that I think are just doing a great job, a great service to mankind in the EMF realm, and I was communicating with one such person recently and I just started jotting down hey, I'm passionate about a few things here, jotting down, hey, I'm passionate about a few things here. Do any of these resonate with you? And then maybe, rather than covering the same ground everybody covers when they do interviews, what, among these things?

Speaker 1:

resonate with you with how you've traveled through this same space and I thought it was an interesting thing in hindsight to share you know of the 90 different topics we've had so far, and I could easily do 90 more. I'm sure there is just a lot of things to cover, but what are the things that occupy my thought, what are the things really worthy of consideration and a little additional focus? So that's where I want to spend my time today and, like I say, this is unscripted, so this is going to be just sort of off the top of my head and I want to share with you these five items.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and get started. We're going to talk about challenge facilities first. What is a challenge facility? Well, I don't know of any in within a thousand miles, at least within 500 miles, of where I am. I don't even know how many there might be in the United States. I don't know if any of them are legit or not, and that's not a criticism. I just mean whether you're able to get somebody in a zero synthetic EMF exposure environment or not, or whether there's compromises, I couldn't tell you.

Speaker 1:

But what I do believe and I believe it strongly is if I could show people a contrast in their life between living in this unnatural sea of electromagnetic radiation, this synthetic EMF, and what it's like just to have the natural electromagnetic environment of the world. I think we could change the entire world If we could offer that possibility. Wow, what a wonderful thing that would be. Imagine, for example, a tiny village of tiny houses. Oh, I didn't mean to make a rhyme there, but anyway. Tiny village of tiny houses that had each been constructed in such a way as to eliminate entirely exposure to synthetic EMF. So we're talking about no magnetic fields, no electric fields no radio frequency fields no dirty electricity inside the tiny home.

Speaker 1:

And then what if there could be a screened-in area where you could still be outdoors and yet have zero exposures? You could still have the you know fresh air as much as we can get these days, and the healing rays of the sun could still put your feet on the ground in a relatively healthy place, what would happen?

Speaker 1:

I am convinced because of my personal experiences and with the clients that I work with and learn from all the time. It is always the ability to establish a contrast in one's life that gives people the aha. You know, living in this synthetic EMF environment is bad. Living in the natural environment is good. So if we could bring that to be with, just you know, you could start with one tiny house on a piece of land, and the land wouldn't even have to be perfect from a synthetic EMF exposure perspective Of course better if it's lower exposures. But, like I say, you could make a screened-in outdoor area where you could have indoor living and outdoor living without any exposure whatsoever to synthetic EMF.

Speaker 1:

And I just imagine that people would have an experience, as I've had, an experience that yields that personal aha moment of wow, I'm able to think straight.

Speaker 1:

Or wow, my memory actually does work.

Speaker 1:

Or gosh, I can write again, I can compose poetry again, I can actually sleep without medication, I can play chess I can, you know, whatever it is in that individual's life, my, you know, whatever symptoms have gone away.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not making any medical claims, I'm just saying that if we had a facility where one could check in and spend a weekend or a week or a month and just see how their life might be better without synthetic EMF exposure, I truly think we could change the world. So I'm going to handle these today just to sort of a short topic basis so I can get through all of these. Who knows, maybe in the future I might do an expanded episode on each one, but I just at least want to get my top-level thoughts out there, how somebody is doing in their journey of electromagnetic poisoning recovery and again, not medical advice, not making any claims anything like that but I'm of the opinion, as somebody who's been through this, that if you're not looking at the twin features of sensitivity and resilience, you're missing something and, in particular, if your resilience is increasing over time, that is the right stuff.

Speaker 1:

I see so many who suffer, who don't get aggressive enough in reducing exposures. And you know, well, I was at 100,000,. You know microwatts per square meter, and now I'm at 1,700, and isn't that great. Well, I don't know. Are you becoming more sensitive? Oh gosh, yes, yeah. How's your resilience? How long does it take you to recover? Oh gosh, it's taking me forever to recover from my exposure. Okay, well, I would say that, no, you're not on the right path. I think the right exposure levels are right around zero. So, whether it's 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, or 0.000, you know, with, again, just to pick, microwave radiation or RF radiation exposures, and you know, for electric fields, 0.0, I think, is the right amount. And for, well, you get the idea, people don't go far enough.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think, if they would focus on whether or not they're achieving a reduction in sensitivity and an increase in resilience.

Speaker 1:

I took my wife out to lunch yesterday and we had sushi and we enjoyed doing that once in a while and we had a wonderful time and we had a wonderful meal. And I got up to go to the bathroom and I walked by the place where the router is, because you get a mandatory side order of radio frequency radiation Because everybody in this 21st century thinks they need to radiate their customers. Now I just had this thought as I walked by this router man, I used to not be able to spend any time at all in this restaurant. I mean I would do it, for love's sake, right? I mean I would go in there and grit my teeth and quickly order and get in, get out, but we had a leisurely lunch and I didn't even feel it. It was so strange, did not even feel it. Now, don't get the wrong impression. I mean I'm not going to start using a smartphone or Wi-Fi in my house or Bluetooth earphones or something like that.

Speaker 1:

No, of course not. Or Bluetooth earphones or something like that no, of course not. But to be able to go places and experience life as it once was. Now I don't kid myself. I know at some level my body was in a sympathetic nervous system response. It's just that it was below my threshold of discernment, which has not been well for a period of several years. That just ruled my life where I could go and what I could do. I couldn't go many places that I wanted to go. I wanted to take my wife or visit my grandchildren or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And now I'm able to do that and I credit that to being able to spend so much time in a pristine environment in my case, a shielded home. Much time in a pristine environment in my case, a shielded home. But I know others have achieved the same thing by identifying a pristine environment. In a recent conversation with Shannon Rowan, I asked her this question about what did she think with regard to the sensitivity and resilience, and I was a little nervous what she would say. But she said absolutely. That's been her experience as well and I've seen that in other people, and so I'm just putting that out there into the podcast world for people to think about and to consider, so I hope that's helpful. Number three I know really of relatively few folks who are suffering the most from this electromagnetic poisoning who know how to perform a decent EMF home assessment and remediation.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not saying people need to get to where I am in my abilities, but, man, if you are suffering to the point where this has become a huge factor in your life, maybe you've lost everything, like I had, and so electromagnetic poisoning is shrinking your world, and maybe you've lost your home already. Maybe you've lost your vehicle and maybe you are scraping together what you can to get rentals or whatever it is. I have heard stories and I've talked to people that would just make anyone want to cry, but the thing that I see over and over again is the people who need it most. I just don't know very many of them who know how to do a basic quick assessment, a basic quick assessment, and it is just so important, especially for the people who are most impacted. And I understand you don't want to be technical, you don't want to learn these skills, you don't want to learn the difference between RF radiation and dirty electricity and what are the remediation methods for each. I get it. I get it.

Speaker 1:

But the alternative is using your body as a meter, which is a horrible idea because you might be sensitive to RF radiation, for example, and your body's a pretty good meter and it only takes you an hour or two or even less in a certain location before you realize this place is horrible. But can you really know? Do you really know if you have alternating current magnetic field exposure? Can you feel that? If you're sensitive to RF, can you feel what dirty electricity feels like? Can you feel electric fields? I think the answer is going to be, for most people, no, which gets into the whole area of man. You've got to have the right equipment, not a cheap all-in-one meter that's not going to get you anywhere, but a basic kit of the individual meters that are necessary to do a very quick look at what are my electric field exposures, what are my magnetic field exposures at, what are my electric field exposures, what are my magnetic field exposures, what's my radio frequency radiation exposures and what is my dirty electricity exposure. And I just want to encourage people that it's going to take a little bit of work and it's going to take a little bit of time and it's going to take some experience, but the ability to do that, I think, is so critical. My wife and I had a great opportunity last month to meet with two individuals, two heads of households, two different households, and I took them through how to do a quick home evaluation and the thought is that these two men are going to learn these skills and they're going to serve their friends. They're going to serve their family members, not necessarily in a professional capacity but just with the desire to help people, maybe through their local church or whatever. From my perspective, I'm not worried about the business impacts To me from my perspective is the more people that have these skills at least to perform a decent EMF home assessment and remediation for the house.

Speaker 1:

You're living in Such a critical thing at this point in time I may, if there is interest, have to put together some kind of a program or something where I could get a group of people who are willing to commit. It's going to cost, oh, I don't know $1,200 or $1,300 to get a core level, a core group of meters, perhaps more. If you want to do the electric fields three axis, you could add another $1,000. Want to do the electric fields three axis? You could add another $1,000 to that, easily $1,500.

Speaker 1:

Anywhere somewhere between $1,200, $1,300 and say $3,000 for a passable kit or a very good kit and then are willing to expose their weaknesses and say, okay, I've went and got all these numbers in my house and now I don't know what it all means. So help me. And maybe we could do that in a class environment, or maybe it would have to be. I don't know. I haven't really thought it through, but I see that it is a serious need, particularly for the people who are most affected and the people who most want to take a proactive approach in their families, their children's exposures.

Speaker 1:

For example, I was being interviewed today by a podcaster, a content creator in the United Kingdom, and he's just starting on his journey with regard to understanding EMF and wanted to expose his followers to me. So we were having a chat and I asked him the question. I said how much synthetic EMF do you want you being exposed to today? Silence, I mean no idea, Absolutely no idea. And these exposures are involuntary, and that's the thing. And without the ability, without the understanding to be able to quickly ascertain what your exposure levels are, you don't really know if you should be spending a minute a day, a week, a year in a particular place. So let's move on to the next one. We're at number four now.

Speaker 1:

This one has always bothered me. Hucksters and fly-by-night EMF consultants trouble me. That's putting it mildly. They trouble me. I hate to see, I guess, what I could call my people being taken advantage of, and we've talked in the past about many ways that that happens with harmonizers and neutralizers and stickers for the back of your phone and shungite and crystal necklaces and all these different things that very intelligent people are, that they're selling these things, and I think some of them without even knowing that they're doing a disservice to people.

Speaker 1:

So I'll tell you a little story. Yesterday my wife and I were in town and we were we had to stop at a gas station, so she went in. I forgot. Oh, she was looking for root beer so we could do root beer floats for the grandchildren, Anyway. So she's coming out of the gas station, she's got this root beer and getting into the car and somebody stops her, a stranger. We didn't know this person and they pointed to the side of our vehicle and the you know, the EMF remedy side panel there on the vehicle. And this person proudly announced to my wife we have lots of shungite in our store.

Speaker 1:

We have lots of shungite in our store and you know my wife is very kind-hearted and very loving and very helpful at all times, but she's also very well-educated in the EMF realm and she said, oh gosh, no, you know, that doesn't work. It doesn't really do anything helpful with regard to EMF remediation. And this person just looked like she had had her birthday taken away, you know, kind of like couldn't. You know, her face just fell and there wasn't really an interaction beyond that and my wife and I were both wondering is this person like a shop owner who, you know, truly believes deep down in their soul that somehow you can effectively remediate all the synthetic EMF exposure by carrying a piece of shungite on your body or having a junk commit in your home or something like I don't know? But that's, that's kind of the sense that I got and and I can really understand how how people could get to that place, and there are harmonizers and stickers that people put on their phones and just all manner of things.

Speaker 1:

And I've written a paper on this whole topic recently and it was received very well and I won't go through all the points that I outlined in that paper. But when I say it doesn't work, what I mean is we've never been able to measure any kind of a benefit. The people who are really seriously affected by electromagnetic poisoning and are getting better. I don't know any of them who rely on any form of quote personal protection device. None Zero, and it certainly hasn't been my experience as well.

Speaker 1:

And then the other thing is I'll tell a brief story here. I need to tell you about Moe and Joe's Blow and Go. Yes, you heard that, right, moe and Joe's Blow and go. Yes, you heard that, right, mo and Joe's blow and go. So I have a um.

Speaker 1:

I had a good friend. He's departed this world but, um, he was a professional painter and I'm talking about like a house painter and he really took his craft seriously and he had a very funny way of turning a phrase. So, for example, in a previous career he had worked for a state government and he would talk about, yep, eight for the state and hit the gate. I said what? Yeah, eight for the state and hit the gate. And what he was saying was yeah, I put my eight hours in for my job there at the state and then I'm out of there. And so now you know, in this new career as a house painter and um, yeah, a high level of quality and and a real concern for doing the job. Right, he had this um phantom that he would talk about called Mo and Joe's blow and go. So I said you gotta, you gotta, explain that to me. And he said well, you know, you get these people who they blow into town and they do a poor job at painting, but their marketing is such that they've got a zillion people lined up and they're in and they're out of town and then they're onto the next place up and they're in and they're out of town and then they're onto the next place and in their wake they leave people saying, wow, those guys didn't do any masking. I mean, I've got overspray on my trim. Uh, on my bushes I've got the. You know, all they used is air compressors. They don't do any brush work and so in certain cases that won't provide good adhesion. They weren't doing any cleaning of surfaces. So if you put paint on over a dirty surface it's going to chip and peel and come off. And I'm sure there's 10 other things that I don't have any idea. You know, painting is not my specialty, but his phantom was Moe and Joe's blow and go. That was the eternal, you know, competition for him. When he's out there trying to do a good job, that's going to be lasting and it's going to serve the person well, well, and I just kind of have the same. I keep my friends' words in mind Mo and Joe's blow and go, and yeah.

Speaker 1:

So consultants who really don't have a good grasp of their craft are potentially not really doing anybody a favor. And when somebody really wants an EMF assessment and they invite somebody into their home, some people take that as an opportunity to just sell people a whole lot of stuff that perhaps they don't need and their skills. You know, we learn from one another. Emf consultants whatever they may call themselves who are really committed to doing a good job are in dialogue with one another and they might have a particular problem they haven't run into before, and they might go out to people in the community and say what's your experience with this and and what you know, what is your advice and, and by that mechanism they're able to offer more complete service, more more thorough service for their clients. But the Mo and Joe's blow and go. They alienate everyone and so they can't learn because nobody wants to help them or they're too arrogant to reach out and ask for help. So I don't have anybody particular in mind when I say this. It's just that there are wolves among the sheep. I guess that's the best way that I could put it. So I'm troubled by people who are selling things that are not needful and people who are doing less than a really helpful job of EMF assessment and remediation.

Speaker 1:

And the last item I want to talk about today is if you have not had an appropriately qualified individual perform an EMF evaluation and put together a custom remediation plan. You're kidding yourself. You really are. This is a necessary first step. I often say you can't go further faster than to get the right individual. Go further faster than to get the right individual, preferably in your local area, to come over and to do a thorough EMF assessment of your unique challenges, your family dynamics, your preferences for technology. You know everything unique about your living place and you and then take an assessment of the EMF, the synthetic EMF exposures, and put together a plan that says okay, look, we can most cost-effectively reduce your exposure in the following ways, your exposure in the following ways. I've put together 90 episodes, done the best job that I can in showing you lots and lots of things that will help.

Speaker 1:

But there is nothing like having somebody who's capable to come into your environment and cut through everything and say you know 87 of these things you don't need to do. Here's the three things you really do need to do. So if you haven't done that. If you're one of these people that just feeds at the trough of information that's available on the internet about, of information that's available on the internet about, well, you know, do this with your router and try that and put a cover over this and and, uh, you know, on and on and on. I'm just trying to tell you it's.

Speaker 1:

You're not going to get to as efficient a place as you could without getting the right person, preferably local, and I say preferably local because that individual needs to be an asset to your local community, right? And if you are bringing somebody in and you may have to, I understand that in certain circumstances, but if you're bringing in, if everybody's bringing in an outside resource rather than feeding their local infrastructure, it's like defiance of the support. Your local farmer, right, you want healthy food that's going to come from your local farmer, and so it costs a little bit more for a chicken or a pound of potatoes or whatever. Okay, do you want local farms in your area? Is that good and productive and nurturing for your family? Okay, then you need to support that Same thing.

Speaker 1:

With a good EMF consultant in your area, if one exists, I would say support them and do so by getting that evaluation, because, despite how hard I might try, I just can't tell you how much information I've gleaned from the driveway of a client's home to their front door just as I look around and I'm making the walk up to the house. I'm aware of all kinds of factors that, over the fullness of time, I would love to teach you, but there's just nothing like an experienced set of eyes and hands and the appropriate equipment and techniques to be able to get to the bottom of what's going on and formulate a solution from a remediation perspective. And it might be to tell you that, yeah, you can do this, this and this, but you're going to be off the charts no matter what you do on this particular element of synthetic EMF exposure. But without that first step you're really nowhere. And I recorded one of the first episodes because this was so dear to my heart, I don't know, maybe episode 10 or something around there. Oh, by the way, I'm renumbering all the episodes thanks to a listener in. Where was he? New Zealand, I believe it was. So it'll be easier to access different podcast episodes by number. So well gosh, I guess I should just do that right now. Let me see.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's actually episode 11, how to find the best qualified EMF consultant in your area, and so if you're looking for somebody, do take a listen to that. I broke break down what you can expect from the different types of EMF consultants, how this needs to be. Uh, perhaps one of the more important professional relationships that you have. As you transition in and out of different homes or the local EMF environment changes and you need updates. You want to consider a new house or whatever. It's often more than just the one-time assessment and remediation plan. If you have such, you are blessed. How do you find one? Well, listen to every episode I've ever published and you'll know. Just interview the person who's going to be actually doing the evaluation. You will have more than enough knowledge to be able to ask intelligent questions. And, yeah, otherwise, take a listen to that episode and get some detailed information there.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't had an appropriately qualified, preferably local, individual perform an EMF evaluation, you're kidding yourself. This is a necessary first step. So this was kind of fun. You know I said it was off the cuff. Let me know what your thoughts are. These are things that are repeatedly on my mind, as I've had a chance now to do lots of interviews, talk to a lot of people in the industry and write the papers on Substack and whatnot. Write the papers on Substack and whatnot. Everybody's talking about the same things. Nobody's talking about these things and yet I think they're absolutely critical.

Speaker 1:

One more thing in that last item of if you haven't had an appropriately qualified individual, if you live in a place where you don't have a local qualified EMF consultant and you're not able to bring in one that you can actually speak with personally to be able to determine if they're going to be able to meet your needs, to be able to determine if they're going to be able to meet your needs, then I need you to go into your bathroom and look into the mirror and you'll be looking at the local soon-to-be-qualified EMF consultant. And this kind of goes with number three that I just mentioned, which is this ability to perform at least a preliminary EMF evaluation. So I've begun to work with people who are in that situation and again, it's a certain kit of tools that you're going to need. It's a certain kit of tools that you're going to need and then I can help you through the process and you know what. You really learn how to do EMF assessments, by doing EMF assessments, and that's my observation personally and that's my observation professionally. It is that sort of clinical experience, if you will, that makes you better. And if you never start, you're never going to improve.

Speaker 1:

So that person you're looking at in the mirror may be the local, certainly, and then soon-to-be qualified person. The local, certainly, and then soon to be qualified person. What that involves, by the way, is I need pictures from all four directions, with your backup against the wall and showing me what's to the north, south, east and west of your home. And then I need a hand-drawn floor plan of how your bedrooms are laid out and then I will coach you through how to use the different meters and the measurements I want you to take. And then we go from there. And it's not as good as a qualified local consultant, but it is pretty good right now. Better than perfect, never All right. Hope all this has been helpful. Keith Cutter emfremedycom. We'll see you next time.

Speaker 2:

The EMF Remedy Podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home. The contents on this podcast are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other healthcare professional. It is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, healthcare or medical advice. Opinions of guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the EMF Remedy podcast.

The Power of EMF Challenge Facilities
EMF Assessment and Remediation Importance
Locating a Qualified EMF Consultant
Trustworthy EMF Remedy Podcast Guide