EMF Remedy

#58 Rebuke, Rebranding and Cognitive Dissonance

EMF Remedy LLC Season 1 Episode 58

Welcome to an exciting new chapter of our podcast,  we're rebranding -- changing our name and cover art. The new name of the podcast is  EMF Remedy -- same as our business name, same as our web site.

Rest assured, your subscription to our podcast remains untouched, requiring no extra effort on your part.  Make sure you look for our new podcast name and artwork in your feed.

To our dear colleagues, we share some long-considered musings, hoping to stir constructive discussions.  I just can't abide worthless 'solutions' that are becoming so often promoted when the real solution, as we all know, is the difficult work of proper assessment and remediation of nnEMF.   As an industry, I'm inviting you to stay the course and provide legitimate help.

We're nothing without our listeners, and we're immensely grateful for your unfaltering support. Remember, each one of you can play a part in spreading the word about EMF exposure and its solutions. Let's continue this journey together, hand in hand.

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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this episode is going to be a bit different. I'm really excited to tell you that we're in the process of rebranding our efforts both here on the podcast and on the website as well. I want to tell you why we're making these changes and I want to give you a broader perspective, but the most important thing everybody needs to know is exactly what you need to do in order to continue receiving our podcast Coming up.

Speaker 2:

EMF Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, when you're considering for purchase or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, EMF Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation.

Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Keith Cutter with EMF Remedycom and you're not listening to the Reversing Electromagnetic Poisoning podcast. That's right Beginning. Today we are transitioning. We're in the process of rebranding. What is rebranding? Good question.

Speaker 1:

But before we dive into the details, I want to make a quick comment. We're going to talk mostly about branding today and rebranding the podcast and how and why and what are the implications and whatnot. We're going to get into that presently, but at the end of this episode I have a few words for some of my colleagues. I have, I've been feeling a sense of righteous indignation and I really need to. I really need to express that and since I have this platform, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do it at the end of the podcast, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the bottom line, the quick answer on the rebranding, is this and then, if you'd like to remain, we're going to talk about the details and all that follows. So the name and the artwork are both changing. You can see the artwork in this week's episode and beginning next time, the name of the podcast will change. It will change from reversing electromagnetic poisoning to EMF remedy. So look for the new name and the new artwork in your feed. You won't need to make any changes, so be aware to look for the new name and the artwork.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you'd like more in depth and understand a little bit what's behind this, let's get into that. The most urgent thing you need to know right now is easy. It's really easy. It's simple. It is, first of all, be aware that the podcast, as I say, has a new name and new cover art. The new name, first. We're no longer reversing electromagnetic poisoning, as I said. Now we're EMF remedy, which is catchy, right, I mean, you've never heard that. All right, same as the name of the business, same as the name of our website, emfremedycom. Should be easy to remember.

Speaker 1:

But what in the world is cover art? And I'll tell you what. I didn't know what cover art was, and I once managed a huge group of graphic designers, so I guess we weren't doing cover art in that time. But anyway, cover art is. It's the visual design or the illustration that's used as the front facing or the outermost layer of a physical or a digital product, you know, like a book or magazine, an album, video game, or even something like a film or, in our case, a podcast. Cover art is intended to provide a visual representation of the content within and it often serves as a means to attract and engage audience members. You know, think about if you go to a movie theater which I haven't been to in years because of the EMF issues, but I remember going to the movie theater and you'd see all the posters on the outside and it would give you kind of some indication about whether you might be interested in a movie or not. That's really what cover art is.

Speaker 1:

In addition to its marketing and promotional functions, cover art can also serve as a form of artistic expression. Yes, yes, yes, I know Keith hasn't talked about artistic expression, but I think it's beautiful and I think it's important and I think it's a good thing to get it right. And cover art is, you know, you can do your own, which I've tried to do these last two times and leveraged a little sort of clip art or royalty-free stuff and it's just not, it's just not getting there, it's not doing the job. So cover art, I think, is done properly by a talented graphic designer, an illustrator, an artist. It plays a significant role in shaping the initial perception and the reception of the product it represents. So I am really pleased with the work.

Speaker 2:

Hannah did.

Speaker 1:

She's my graphic designer. Let me know what you think. Take a look at it. Would love to hear your feedback. But I believe she's captured the essence of the kind of all.

Speaker 1:

Right now you're going to think I've really gone over the top. First I said artistic expression and now I'm going to say transformative experience. Oh yeah, well, I labored over that term but yeah, I think she's captured the essence of the kind of transformative experience I offer my clients, which is nothing less than going from darkness to light. And the darkness is that total exposure, the involuntary exposure, non-native EMF, and the light is getting away from that and getting into the native EMF, the natural EMF. So, going from a you'll see in the design going from a darker place with only a hint of the natural, that's the dark green, a darkened hue, what's to be found in nature? One stained really by non-native EMF, and through a portal yes, a portal, yes, keith, use the word portal Labeled EMF remedy. So the remedy for harmful, man-made electromagnetic radiation, striking in its simplicity. I'm talking about the design as well as the concept. Really, all my work is about is those two things. How can I get you out of a life filled with involuntary exposure to or voluntary, involuntary and voluntary exposure to non-native EMF and into a life more abundant filled with exposure, in the main, to the natural EMF of this world. The remedy for harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation simplicity, all right. The obvious but it's tricky to attain transition through this portal is it's expelling all the non-native EMF from your life. Once you walk through that portal, the beauty of God's creation awaits under the sun and in nature, where you can connect with the unstained and nourishing electromagnetic environment we've had since the beginning.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so in review, you need to know two things the name is changing and the cover art is changing. Next, wherever and however you access the podcast, what you need to do in order to consume continue to receive the podcast. All right, so are you ready? You don't need to do anything. How is that? For painless? No, we're not moving to a subscription model. No, you know, you don't need to enter in a new podcast name. None of that stuff. You don't have to do anything. You just need to be aware the name and the artwork are changing. So you'll continue to have new episodes in your feed with the new podcast name and cover art. Just hit play. If you access the podcast through the EMF Remedy website. You'll access exactly as before, no change other than the name and the image. Even the links you've used to access will be the same for all previous and future episodes.

Speaker 1:

So this brings to the question why, are we making this change, so let's get into that a bit. We're going to go deep here.

Speaker 2:

You ready.

Speaker 1:

We're making this change for a few reasons. First, the old name served its purpose well, which was getting people in touch with the fact that they have been. They are being poisoned by an environmental toxin, day in, day out For most people, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Non-native EMF Wasn't a part of this earth a short while ago. Now it's to be found in abundance in every home. The problem isn't that you are too darn sensitive, you're hypersensitive, you're electrohypersensitive. The problem is that we're building our future on a collection, specifically four types of energies which are foreign to they're in opposition to life itself. Obviously, as they say, this dog won't hunt. Have you ever heard the expression this dog won't hunt? It is unsustainable. The path that we're on Cognitive dissonance.

Speaker 1:

Cognitive dissonance, I believe, keeps people from clearly acknowledging this fact. It's like this Many people refuse to believe the world was created. What, yeah? Many people refuse to believe the world was created, that it didn't issue forth from nothing and evolve. The true reason I believe many don't acknowledge this truth is that doing so yields the natural follow-on question, which is gosh, if I live in a created world, I wonder if the creator expects something from me. So the thinking stops there. Cognitive dissonance, that's the big one, that's the great one right there. What I'm going to talk about with EMF is a small shadow of that. In a much smaller, less significant way, we have the very obvious cognitive dissonance around electromagnetic poisoning. It's obvious, really, just like the larger example Home prices, for example, drop an average of 20% near a cell phone tower. What does that say about our collective knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Not just in one town or one county or one state everywhere.

Speaker 1:

It's embedded in our collective awareness that non-native EMF is bad, but on an individual basis, bringing it to the forefront of our thoughts, well, no Many I would say most, I would say the vast majority are not strong enough to admit the poisoning. Because, just like the greater example I gave before, there's an obvious follow-on, which is does that mean I should limit my wireless tech? Would I have to give up my beloved smartphone? Does this mean I should move? Does this mean my job requires too much non-native EMF exposure? Do you get it? I mean, that's really what's going on in society right now.

Speaker 1:

As it regards the issue with non-native EMF exposure, I think everybody knows it's a problem.

Speaker 1:

You see that clearly in the example that I gave with real estate prices.

Speaker 1:

I mean, people are pretty fond of their money, right, and so when they lose 20% of the value of their home because a phone tower gets put in, all that, people become aware of that the realtor, the appraiser, the person selling, the person buying, etc. Okay, so why are we making this change? Because we need to grow the podcast and our followers beyond where we are now, and I'm hoping that the rebranding will present something more approachable to the world. People are willing to acknowledge EMF harm in order to buy a magic charm, a harmonizer, to keep them safe. I heard the other day about a father saying I bought harmonizer stickers for my whole family because I want to keep them safe Great. And then in that they'll probably all increase their exposure because they feel safe and the harmonizer is just a useless sticker in my opinion. But anyway, it does indicate that people are aware, right at least to some degree, that there is a problem See my episode on harmonizers and whether they really work if you're interested about this topic.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so magic charm harmonizer to keep them safe without, of course, making any real changes in their lives, and that's what it's all about. And you know what I want these people to why? Because I believe I can help them. I can't do that if the podcast name is scary to them, because going too far, too fast for these people triggers that cognitive dissonance that we talked about before. In addition, I've always believed the name EMF remedy really captures the value proposition. We are the remedy, the cure, if you will, for non-native EMF in your home. Your home has excessive non-native, non-native EMF. Where the cure? We want to cure your home of the non-native EMF. That's what we're all about One trick pony and really follow through on that one trick. So that's what we're all about. Ending the poisoning. We're in stealth mode now. So that's it. All past episodes will continue to be available.

Speaker 1:

As you listen to the old episodes, you will still hear me say you're listening to reversing electromagnetic poisoning. From this point forward, new artwork and a new name, and you won't hear me saying reversing electromagnetic poisoning. So I hope this is clear New artwork, new name, Otherwise, everything as before, no action required on your part. And I would like to make some closing comments here. So I want to mention that we're well into our second year now and I can't tell you how much gratitude I have in doing this work, in having you as listeners along for this journey, how much I enjoy helping people take control of the non-native EMF in their homes. It is not an easy thing, it is not a simple thing and I continue to be a little bit frustrated with clients who they just want to pay, you know, a certain amount and have the problem done. Well, you know what? There's behavioral changes that are sometimes necessary and they're perhaps the most difficult, and we've got to make sure your electrical system is up to snuff because there are errors. There are there are many errors that that get made that can increase your exposure to non-native EMF. I can see the benefit for my customers and my listeners. I'm getting the feedback and I so much appreciate people's encouragement to me, communication to me about how much these episodes have meant or what changes they've been able to make. It is so rewarding and I thank people for that. It seems like also this is the perfect time as well because honestly, it is a bit disheartening to see the what shall I say? Turncoats Would turncoats be too strong a word? Those who know better, those who are involved in non-native EMF realm, they know the danger of it. Maybe they've even swam in the waters of legitimate assessment and remediation for a while. Maybe they've carried that banner and just not found it very profitable. It's a bit disheartening to see the turncoats. Those who know better and are beginning to or continuing to offer let's see how shall I say this Useless seminars, information harmonizers etc.

Speaker 1:

To address the serious issue of involuntary, non-native EMF exposure One trick pony. There's not a thousand things you need to do. There's not a different thing you need to do every week. There's really one thing you need to do you need to stop the poisoning. It's not going to happen at a city, state or a national level. It's going to continue. That seems to be the trend.

Speaker 1:

I want to hope that our politicians locally and on a state and on a national level might get their act together sometime, but for right now, maybe you would like to control the environment in your castle. Your home should be a castle, and the problem is that it is virtually transparent. Unless you've made specific design choices, your home will be virtually transparent to non-native EMF. So the one trick pony, the one thing you must do is either create or find a pristine place, a place away from non-native EMF exposure, either because last week's example, Julia Lupine was running for her life, and there are many others and I went down that path, I know what that's like or others are just being prudent, taking a precautionary approach. But in either event, the reality of the matter is there is one thing, and that is ending your exposure to non-native EMF, and it's hard work. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes fortitude and commitment and, yes, financial investment, and it means getting somebody who's legit out to your house or helping you remotely in doing the assessment and guiding you through the remediation. And it fills me with a sense of righteous indignation when I see people that I believe know better selling a different idea every week or every month and what are clearly things that have nothing to do with the one thing that needs to happen.

Speaker 1:

All right, why am I talking about this? So I'm into my second year. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed helping people take control of non-native EMF and it's encouraging and I know it's the right thing and it's helping people. I see the benefit. It is so rewarding. I am super charged. I am getting into this next year with great enthusiasm and I love doing this work and I love helping people. And I wanna say shame on you, people who know better and you're leading folks astray. You should be ashamed of yourselves. There's one thing we need to focus on how to actually help people reduce their exposure in measurable ways to non-native EMF. That's the game. Okay, that's what needs to be done.

Speaker 1:

So disappointed to see some of the until now respected memories respected memories, respected members of the EMF assessment and remediation community seemingly peddling worthless stuff when people need real help. What a time. All I can say is what a time that we are living through. Isn't it, Isn't it amazing, all the changes that we are seeing and things happening so quickly. But I wanna turn this into a word of encouragement. I wanna encourage you to stay the course if you are having trouble with non-native EMF exposure or you're truly wanting to take a precautionary approach on behalf of you and your loved ones, Stay the course, reduce that exposure in a measurable way, get legitimate help to help guide you through that.

Speaker 1:

And I just wanna continue to offer something different, that message, that tone over and over, Even if it's not easy to hear or implement. I wanna be your trusted guide and supporter in this continuing battle. I did a little math and I realized I've spent over 400 hours of development and production time. I couldn't believe it when I put the pencil in the paper. I've spent over 400 hours of development and production time and bringing you 55 episodes this past year. It's been an honor and I am so grateful for all of you who have been listeners. If you would like to help us, if you would like to help us continue, if you support our mission, you can become a financial supporter by using the link in the description of this episode or by visiting our website emfremedycom. Slash donate. Help us get the word out by telling your friends. Written reviews are very helpful. Keith Cutter, emfremedycom. See you next time. Thank you.