EMF Remedy

#62 Wellness in the Wireless Age and Guidance from the Good Book

Keith Cutter Season 1 Episode 62

As the days grow shorter and we find ourselves on the cusp of a new year, I found myself grappling with the invisible forces that shape our lives - not just fate or circumstance, but the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that weave through our existence, often unnoticed. This episode is an invitation to join me in this moment of introspection, as we consider personal growth and EMF remediation. For those of you feeling overwhelmed by the omnipresence of technology, I offer up a thoughtful exploration that promises a pathway to understanding and mitigating the influence of EMFs, all while nurturing your own resilience. It's not merely about fear, but about informed action and well-being as we embrace the upcoming year with open arms and a fortified spirit.

Amidst our discussion on EMFs, I turn to a source of profound wisdom that has guided me through life's tumult - the Bible. Whether you're steeped in faith or simply curious about the spiritual texts that have shaped civilizations, this episode invites you to ponder your beliefs and consider embarking on Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Bible reading plan, a practice that weaves together the Old and New Testaments in daily contemplation. As we stand at the threshold of the New Year, let's not only reassess our living spaces for EMF safety but also renew our inner worlds through the power of scripture and the strength of community listenership. Join me, as we chart a course for a year of health, heart, and holistic growth.


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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Speaker 1:

I know, I know, I know I'm not supposed to be podcasting again until after the first of the year, but I got some stuff that's time sensitive that I would like you to consider two things. One is a couple of questions to help you focus on your EMF related goals and objectives for the coming year, and this is just such an incredible time between Christmas and New Year for reflection on what you've accomplished in the past year, what you're looking forward to in the New Year, so that's the time.

Speaker 1:

Sensitivity and the other is something of a spiritual nature changed my world with regard to studying the Bible, and whether you've studied the Bible or not, or even never considered it, let me tell you about it coming up.

Speaker 2:

EMF Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, when you're considering for purchase or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, EMF Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful manmade electromagnetic radiation.

Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Keith Cutter with EMF Remedycom, and you're listening to the EMF Remedy podcast, where we help you take control of the non native EMF in your environment. So today's going to be a relatively short episode but, as I was alluding to in the introduction, this is just such an important time of year and a lot of people are taking off work not me, obviously, but some people who work for others and are given time off and and whatnot have this period of time between Christmas and New Year and it's often such a great time for personal reflection and in what has been accomplished in the past and what maybe you're looking forward to. I hate to say I hate to say New Year's resolutions, because often they fall by the wayside. What I'm really talking about is implementing something new, and that is, in particular, what I want to talk about in the second half of this episode, but the first half. I want to ask some questions. I want to help you focus your interest and your attention.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you have concerns about harmful manmade electromagnetic radiation in your life, or you wouldn't be listening right now. So what are you doing with that concern? You know my, my desire is that people would live without fear, so I've often stated I'd like to help replace that fear with knowledge and a plan. So if you have concerns about EMF related issues, I want to ask you a few questions that will perhaps help you focus on how you can learn enough to make changes that are going to be productive, so you don't have to worry anymore about EMF related things. So let's start with that.

Speaker 1:

All right, and there are two types of people in the world with regard to EMF issues.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, there are billions of people. We all have our unique attributes, but when it comes to dealing with non-native EMF, there are sort of two camps that people fall in. The first is people who are desperately trying to get to the lowest possible levels of EMF exposure for a variety of reasons, but that has become a life priority for them and they realized they must do it, and do it on an ongoing basis. You know new every day, understanding their environment and how they can drive that down, etc. And then there are people who. They're not in that camp, but they simply want to be prudent. They want to take a precautionary approach to allowing themselves and their loved ones to be exposed to this unnatural form of radiation which is unfortunately increasing rather than decreasing in the world. So if you are in that first camp where you realize EMF remediation in your living environment is the key thing, you know your critical issue right now. What I want to ask is one simple question, and here it is Are you improving in your resilience to non-native EMF?

Speaker 1:

That's it. Are you improving in your resilience to non-native EMF? In other words, when you're exposed to the various types of non-native EMF, does it take you less time to recover? Because, logically, you're either improving in your resilience, you're staying the same in your resilience, or you're slipping and you're losing resilience. And when you're slipping or you're losing resilience in a living situation that has you continuously exposed, that's probably not a good formula. So it's just this simple if your resilience is not improving or at a minimum staying the same, but hopefully improving if it's, not improving.

Speaker 1:

You need to keep going. You need to seek more of a pristine environment, either one created in an area that can support a pristine level of exposure in a living environment, or to actually go out, as others have tried to do, to attempt to find that place that is today a pristine environment. I think that's a tougher road, but I know a lot of people have done it and I know some people have done it successfully. If you're not improving in your resilience, then you need to get more serious about things. So that's my focusing question for people who already know avoidance of non-native EMF is the key issue in their life right now. If you're not improving in your resilience, then whatever you've done and you may have done some wonderful things it's not gotten you to where you need to be as a measure, being able to improve your resilience. So just be aware of that and and be aware that, okay, everything I've tried up up until this point, at least in the environment that I'm in right now, isn't enough. I need to do more. So that's my Focusing question for folks that they know that is a life priority for them right now. Now, the other group of people who are looking at this whole absurd theater that we have going on in the world right now and they're saying you know what? I'm just not really sold on unlimited exposure of myself, my children, my spouse, to non-native EMF, and one area where I have the most control is in the home. So I want to take a precautionary approach to the assessment. You know, learning what the sources of non-native EMF are in your home and remediation, which is the second half of that process, which is the ferreting out of all of those things and the diminishing your individual or your family exposure to all those different types of non-native EMF. Why are we talking about non-native EMF? Because it seems to. It seems to be universally bad and the natural stuff, part of the created world, the electromagnetic environment, that that we inherited, seems to be all the good stuff. So we're focusing on the non-native stuff and if you want to take a proactive stance and you have decided that that is an important thing for you, here's my question, maybe a couple of questions. The first question is have you had somebody who is appropriately skilled hopefully a local resource come in and do an accurate and thorough assessment of your home and given you a custom remediation plan? That's my first question. If you have done that, kudos to you. If you haven't yet done that, what I can tell you is you. There is no way to move further faster than having an appropriately skilled individual, particularly in your local area. Come in and perform that assessment for you.

Speaker 1:

I won't be able to help the vast majority of people listening to this because we're in 30 something countries now with this podcast and I don't travel. I stick around the majestic inland northwest. If you're in the majestic inland northwest I would be delighted to help you. But for the rest, I encourage you. I've published two separate podcasts on how to find a great EMF consultant in your area and I would encourage you to listen to those, both the first and the second episode where I've discussed that. I may even put out a third one in the future. But yeah, there are so many important things to consider when choosing the right person, but I just want to encourage you to get it done. Get that done. If you have decided you want to take a proactive approach to the management of non native EMF in your home and the exposure of everyone in that home, the first step, the major step, is get that assessment and that is my encouragement to you. Now. There will be the rare individuals Maybe not as rare as I wish. Anyway, there will be people who can't find someone appropriately skilled and they don't want to have an outside resource blow into town, spend a couple of hours and then they're gone Because that isn't going to help you with the remediation, particularly if it involves power line issues, which so many homes have problems in that area so anyway,

Speaker 1:

if you can't find an appropriate local resource. You don't want to bring in a sort of fly by night in and out resource. I can help you with a remote assessment. It's not nearly as good as having the right person on site, but I may be able to help guide you through a remote assessment. It's going to take a lot of time, energy and effort on your part and mind, but that is a possibility. So, bottom line have you or have you not had a professional assessment? Because it is the fastest way to move forward on all fronts with regard to non-native EMF exposure in your home. All right now, some of you have had a professional assessment done by an appropriate individual familiar with your local area and you've received a remediation plan, a custom remediation plan for your home. So the next question for you is have you followed up on everything in that plan? Because it's not like a card you put in your wallet and you're done.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. It isn't like oh, I had my assessment done, I'm good. Well, the assessment is half of the process and the other half of the process is actually the arduous follow through part, where you need to track down the wiring errors with the skills and the ability of both an EMF qualified individual and a licensed electrician. That can take days and it can be a real investment. But why have an assessment if you're not going to follow through and actually get the work done? And if there are power line type issues in your home, you really want to get those ironed out before you deploy things like a bed canopy which we're going to talk about bed canopies in more detail in the new year or dirty electricity whole house filters. You can make the dirty electricity worse in the magnetic spectrum if you don't take care of those wiring errors first. So for the group of people who want to be proactive and they've gone as far as getting a thorough EMF assessment by a qualified individual and you have not yet followed through on the elements in the remediation plan my question is what are you waiting for? Yeah, what are you waiting for? Because that is the culmination of the process. Now, it may be you didn't have the money at the time, or it might be you know you didn't have the time in your schedule and whatnot, and so what I would do is I just want to encourage you to choose a date and choose a time and say I'm going to have this remediation plan followed through by this particular date in time, and bear in mind that no remediation plan is complete until you've measured, you've implemented all of the steps and re measured and actually seen measurable decreases in the different phenomenon, the different types of EMF that you're trying to abate in your home. Okay, so those are my focusing questions for EMF for the coming year. The reason I wanted to give them to you now is this is a great time to reflect on what you've done in the past and what you want to do in the next year, and you can schedule this on your calendar.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to talk about something very near and very dear to my heart. I have not been shy about sharing my faith on this podcast. I am really grateful to say that I know my need for a Savior. I really do, because I want to be reconciled to the Creator of this world, heaven and earth and the seas and all that is therein. And I learned long ago that there is this book, this unbelievable book put together by a host of different authors over a long period of time, that has this unique feature of prophecy, fulfillment of prophecy, and it interlocks, it interweaves between the different ages and the different authors, like nothing possible for man to do.

Speaker 1:

I believe two things. I believe that I live in a world that was created. I want to have a guest coming up one day and we'll talk about what we were all taught in school, which is evolution and Big Bang and all that stuff. But this guest I have in mind and I hope I can bring in roundly defeats in a debate format, all comers with regard to that creation versus evolution thing. I'd love to share that with you one day. But anyway, I believe I live in a created world and I want to be reconciled to that Creator. And I believe the third thing, which is I believe he's left us something by way of instruction, which is the Bible, and I believe in it, whether you do or whether you don't. First, for the people who don't believe that, I would just ask you, humbly and in all humility, I would just ask you do you not believe in that because of what you know or because of what somebody else has told you? That would be my gentle question that I would like to ask. So what I want to propose is knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Take a look at this incredible book. I mean, we've just come through Christmas, and Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birth of the Messiah, christ. Christ, miss Christ. It's a celebration of Christ's birth and all time revolves around that event. The years leading up to his birth are denoted BC. You know, 1740 BC or 600 BC. That means 640 years before the birth of Christ. That's what that means, and everything AD. We're almost in the year 2024 AD. I can't speak the Latin. I think it's Anuodomo or Domino or I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I can't pronounce that well. It means the year of our Lord, so the time itself revolves around the birth of this Messiah. And the book yeah, it chronicles everything from the creation of the world to the redemption of the saints. And so here's what I want to share and here's what I'm so excited about, and here's what was new for me five or six years ago when I first started using it.

Speaker 1:

There is a way to read the Bible. There is a way to read the Bible that is unlike any other way that I have tried before. So the first time I tried, the first time I did read through the Bible. I picked it up, picked it up, opened it up and began on page one with Genesis, and I simply read through the entire thing. But I discovered and this is for now people who have never experienced the Bible.

Speaker 1:

And also now I want to bring in those people who, yeah, maybe they've been walking with God their entire lives and they're well familiar with the Bible. I would encourage you folks as well to maybe look into this reading plan that my wife and I began using several years ago. So there was a fellow and his name was Robert Murray MacCainey, and he was born May 21 of 1813 and he passed away on March 25th of 1843. Yes, a very short life, but he accomplished something that was very unusual he came up with a Bible reading plan. It's a one year program designed for both personal and family devotions, and it involves four different scripture readings daily, so you are in four different books of the Bible continuously, throughout the entire year.

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You don't go through one book at a time. You read just a little bit of four different books every day and it's covering the New Testament and the Psalms twice and the Old Testament once. This plan harmonizes both the Old and New Testament readings and it provides a comprehensive, an interconnected understanding of the Bible. It's structured to balance sequential and thematic study so it fosters I would say it fosters a deeper. It's a quicker road to deeper insight into the work. So the reason I want to bring this up at this time is, if you're going to start this on January 1, you only have a few days to make that decision and you might want to get a hold of this reading plan. It's available many different places online. I'll see if I can find a specific link and put it in the description of this podcast, but all you should really need is Robert Murray MacChainey and he spelled it M apostrophe, cheney, c, h, e, y, n, e and reading program, and you should be able to find that in a number of different places. So yeah, give it. Give it some consideration. It really was wonderfully enlightening for me.

Speaker 1:

Very often my wife and I will be reading and in one night we'll be reading from the New Testament and the old about the same thing, and seeing that reflected so clearly is yeah, it's just fun, it's enlightening. Now, for those who have read the Bible, you already know that it is God's speaking to you. I have a friend who's a pastor. He once challenged himself, or somebody else challenged him, to read a particular passage in a book of the Bible three times each day for 30 days. And you might think, wow, I'm reading the same brief passage three times a day for 30 days. That's, you know, I got it. I mean, if I haven't got it by the first day, certainly I've got it in the second day. And what he shared with me, and what I've certainly found to be the case, is you get something different and deeper every time when you approach with an open heart and mind. So it is. It is referred to as God's word, and I don't know what more I can say about that.

Speaker 1:

So if you're not familiar with the Bible, you've never read it. Maybe you hate the idea of Christianity, maybe you hate the idea of the Bible. I would just say is it because you've looked into it or is it because of what other people have said about it? And I'm just gonna say that gently. And if you'd like to explore that, here's a great way to do it. And for folks who have read through the Bible many times, you're probably gonna continue reading through the Bible, and just here is another way to do it.

Speaker 1:

It is a wonderful thing, in my opinion, to speak it aloud and something to share with family members. In fact, this Bible reading plan was developed by Robert Cheney because he wanted members of his church to have something they could talk with one another about when they ran into each other in town or in the field or wherever. So it extends the notion of family and it could be the basis for, if it becomes necessary, home church study simply around this particular Bible reading plan. So I wanted to share that with you. I will endeavor to remember to put the link in the description if it sounds like that is something interesting to you.

Speaker 1:

Take this time is my encouragement. Take this few days before the new year and consider what your goals are with regard to non-native EMF and ridding your home to the greatest degree possible of non-native EMF, whether you are somebody whose life has been dramatically altered or you're just trying to take a proactive approach. A couple of questions there to consider to help you on your way. If that's your real goal, and then, from a spiritual perspective, I can't miss the fact we just have gone through this celebration of Christmas and all the other things that I've shared here.

Speaker 1:

And this is just a Bible reading plan that I have grown to love and appreciate and, for those of you who'd like to try it, great, and I'm looking forward to the new year. We have so much to talk about. I had a wonderful interview this last month that I will be publishing on the podcast soon. It is a very long interview and covers things pretty quickly. I think you guys are ready for it, particularly folks who have been with the podcast for a period of time and have a base of knowledge with regard to the different types of non-native EMF and, in particular, all the power line issues. I think you're gonna be ready for this, and we've had some folks contact me over this little break and ask me if I could cover certain things that I have not covered yet in the year year and a half that we've been doing this, and I'm looking forward to doing those too. So thank you very much for your time and your attention. Super, looking forward to next time. See you then. Fait oeuvre. Official start on some end Eggs time. Hello.