S2E3: The Power of Volunteer Marketing Teams ft. Natalie Hogg, Founder of MethodQ
Mindful B2B Marketing | Business Growth and Social Impact (Former: Forward Launch Your SaaS)
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Mindful B2B Marketing | Business Growth and Social Impact (Former: Forward Launch Your SaaS)
S2E3: The Power of Volunteer Marketing Teams ft. Natalie Hogg, Founder of MethodQ
May 07, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Keirra Woodard

Guest Bio:
Natalie Hogg is the founder and head marketer of Method Q. She has a background in communications and journalism and initially aspired to join international relations but later shifted to marketing. After a successful career in corporate marketing, she founded Method Q, where she can help businesses grow while giving back to her community.

Company Description:
Method Q is a full-service marketing agency that provides comprehensive marketing solutions for businesses, whether supporting existing in-house teams or acting as a complete outsourced marketing department. 

Contact Information:

Main Insight:
The power of creating volunteer marketing teams lies in aligning business goals with personal passions. By blending work and life purposefully, you can build a community of professionals who share your values, create meaningful impact through nonprofits, and help the next generation succeed.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone:
    • Expand your network by attending events and engaging with new people.
    • Reach out to potential mentors and ask for introductions.
  2. Define Your Goals:
    • Write down your career and life goals to manifest them into reality.
    • Create a timeline of where you want to be, even if it's a rough outline.
  3. Build and Nurture Relationships:
    • Foster meaningful relationships within your network and community.
    • Leverage your network's skills and interests to make a positive impact.
  4. Incorporate Volunteering into Your Business:
    • Recruit your team to volunteer their skills for a nonprofit organization.
    • Start by offering small contributions, like managing social media or redesigning a website.
    • Encourage your team to take ownership and contribute their expertise.
  5. Practice Self-Care:
    • Maintain a healthy balance by prioritizing self-care.
    • Lead by example, showing your team the importance of taking care of themselves.

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