dNoPE: 1x02 - The Rule of Cool

January 25, 2023 dNo Season 1 Episode 2
dNoPE: 1x02 - The Rule of Cool
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dNoPE: 1x02 - The Rule of Cool
Jan 25, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome to dNoPe. The podcast expansion of the dNo Universe. We're back for episode two! Listen as Olivia is joined by Chase Hiday. A community creator, writer, and possibly Olivia's best friend. 

Together the discuss the "Rule of Cool." When it should apply, when maybe it shouldn't and what their favorite implementations are. They also discuss the importance of Rules Lawyers, share tales about the difficulty of DMing and play a little dice ASMR guessing game. Chase also faces our regular feature “Yes or (d)Nope”.

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to dNoPe. The podcast expansion of the dNo Universe. We're back for episode two! Listen as Olivia is joined by Chase Hiday. A community creator, writer, and possibly Olivia's best friend. 

Together the discuss the "Rule of Cool." When it should apply, when maybe it shouldn't and what their favorite implementations are. They also discuss the importance of Rules Lawyers, share tales about the difficulty of DMing and play a little dice ASMR guessing game. Chase also faces our regular feature “Yes or (d)Nope”.

Thanks for listening to dNoPE! To learn more about who we are and what we're doing, join our Discord and follow our social media by using the links below. Have questions, comments, or ideas? Shoot us an email!

Join our Discord: http://discord.gg/dNoDice
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok (@dNoDice)
Email us at: social@magicave.io

Olivia Serio

Hi and welcome to dNope, the podcast expansion of the dNo Universe. I’m Olivia Serio, I’m the community manager and host of the show. I am joined here with Chase Hiday,
who is a community creator and writer and also, coincidentally, my best friend.

Hi Chase.

Chase Hiday

This is news to me. I didn’t realise we’d reached that kind of intimacy in our relationship and I’m a little embarrassed. Well, we really shouldn’t do this kinda of thing. We
should talk about it later.

Olivia Serio

We’ve been friends for eight years. You are literally staying in my house. We are recording this in the same room right now because you are staying with me for 10 days.

Chase Hiday

I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m in a hotel right now, that is immaculately decorated. I don’t know who these postcards belong to.

Olivia Serio

Whoever they are they have great taste.

Chase Hiday

You know, I have to agree. Their sense of composition tends to translate across different areas of a given room with different postcards. Only some of which could be used and mailed in the mail. I wouldn’t know anyone who knows anything about that though.

Olivia Serio

Me neither, me neither. Speaking of cool things and cool decorations. Today, I have brought you on to talk about one of your favorite things, which is the ‘Rule of Cool’. We’ll get a little bit more into that later in the episode, but just as a quick overview can you tell me what the ‘Rule of Cool’ is?

Chase Hiday

The ‘Rule of Cool’ is, it’s exactly what it sounds like. If you’re in the middle of, in my opinion frankly, usually a social situation. In the middle of the TTRPG and you want to use a skill or a feat or a spell. You know anything along those lines. It is where a good DM should be able to go in and go, ‘Technically, that’s not how thing works, but it makes the story better so we’re going to do it’. That is the long and short of the ‘Rule of Cool’. Does it make the story better - yes or no? If the answer is no, you’re probably not going to do it. If the answer is yes, it does not matter what it is. If it is a 10-minute mediation spell with concentration as the way that it is maintained, but it’s really cool. If you just kinda do it immediately, and it happens right then and there. ‘Rule of Cool’ it happens.

Olivia Serio

Cool. I’m very excited to talk more about that with you and its uses, and when you should and shouldn’t use it and how it can be applied in other ways. But first, I want to know. We’re recording this in January of 2023, which is a wild thing to say. What are your TTRPG goals for the year. What do you want to do in 2023? I’ll share some of mine and I know, hopefully, they will align with some of yours. I want to try more systems, is my biggest thing.

There’s a couple systems that I’ve heard about and I’ve read the rules for, but just really haven’t gotten a group together to play and I know, like, a couple of them. Like I’d really love to play Vampire the Masquerade. I’ve been saying that for months. It might now technically be years.

Chase Hiday

Ever since that I heard it existed. I was like, this, OK, you know what, you’re also...that is so far up your alley, it’s embarrassing that you haven’t tried it yet.

Olivia Serio

I know, that’s the only thing. It’s like, I don’t want to admit that I haven’t played Vampire the Masquerade. I also want to try some other systems. I’m really excited to do, for the podcast, I’ve been exploring some solo TTRPGs

Chase Hiday 

Speaking of which, the 1,000 year old Vampire?

Olivia Serio


Chase Hiday

For example.

Olivia Serio

Yes? Different options on how to play by yourself and how to play with smaller groups of people but...

Chase Hiday

Which. Can I make an also, sort of bad admittance? As like, someone who... when I was a kid, I moved around a lot. So like I did a lot of reading and I really loved playing make-believe. Then at a certain age no-one else wants to do that anymore. And so you either find out DnD exists very early. I have several friends who I know who did that. Or you’re like me, who kept moving around and you just never had the opportunity. It is so embarrassing that I only found out that solo play TTRPGs existed, maybe 5 months ago.

Olivia Serio

Yeah, I know it’s a super recent thing that I found out about too! And it’s like, I,there’s been so many incidents and opportunities, like ‘Aw, I just want to be imaginative’ and I don’t know if I want to rope anyone else in. Or I want to be in control of it all.

Chase Hiday

To be honest that’s why I’m working on 3 novels right now. One of which is explicitly fantasy, and one of which is explicitly ‘kill your inner child’ but make it funny.

Olivia Serio

Yeah, I read some of that. You’ve read some of it to me too.

Chase Hiday  

Thank you, it’s all excellent. You don’t need to voice any other opinions.

Olivia Serio

Especially not a public forum.

Chase Hiday

No, unless you’re going to say basically how good it is and expand at length about why.

Olivia Serio

So we’re going to move on to some other goals for the new year.

Chase Hiday 

I would love...I’m going to go a little bit more basic than yours because I’m even
needier. I just want a regular campaign to play in again. I kinda blew up my last one. By dumping the DM.

Olivia Serio

That’s one way to do it.

Chase Hiday

It’s crazy how that happens and two other friends groups ending up having new campaigns start and I was invited to neither of them.

Olivia Serio

That’s rough buddy.

Chase Hiday 

I know. In fairness, one of the group of friends was the dumped Ex’s friends.

Olivia Serio

Yeah. I don’t think that you would be a natural invite to that table.

Chase Hiday

No, it’s not the first thought that comes to their mind, I have to assume. So no, I have very basic wants and needs this year. I want to regularly play. Once a week with people who at least pretend...

Olivia Serio

Once a week is a high ask.

Chase Hiday

Twice a month.

Olivia Serio

I mean yeah, so I’m currently in a quote-unquote ‘regular’ campaign. I don’t think we’ve met since the beginning of November. And theoretically, we’re supposed to play weekly, but I mean, the holidays really messed everything up.

Chase Hiday

December doesn’t count. December is a wash month. We all know that.

Olivia Serio

I mean, I think we also actually supposed to technically play yesterday but I was like ‘Sorry guys, my friend’s in town’.

Chase Hiday 

Do I know her?

Olivia Serio

Ah, no. I don’t think you do.

Chase Hiday 

Would I get along with her?

Olivia Serio

Probably, she’s a pretty cool person.

Chase Hiday

I’d have to judge that for myself.

Olivia Serio

Yeah, everybody’s dream is to have a regular DnD campaign. I think.. I was really lucked out with my introduction to DnD with a regular weekly group of really talented fun people.

Chase Hiday

I absolutely. I know someone, who.. I’ve taught.. he bragged, and was right to brag. He’s had the same DnD group, which of course they all moved away. None of them live
near each other now. So they just do like one big one-shot once a year sometimes. The man is nearly 60. They have been playing consistently for almost 30 years straight.

Olivia Serio

That’s...that’s a dream.

Chase Hiday

Literally, can’t imagine.

Olivia Serio

Longer than either of us have been alive.

Chase Hiday 


Olivia Serio

That’s not how math works.

Chase Hiday

It is if you’re bad enough at it. I’m a good DM, I swear.

Olivia Serio

Speaking of being a good DM, and why we are here today- the ‘Rule of Cool’. I’ve always been a fan of the ’Rule of Cool’. Obviously, I know you are. That’s why you’re here. But I also know that it can be kind of a conflict or conflict, like in combat situations and...

Chase Hiday 

There is a reason why it’s specified that I think it applies mostly when you are in a social situation. I think there’s a couple of real play DnDs podcast and things like that. I’m not going to name any, where the ‘Rule of Cool’ has been applied, like applied a lot, but they’re telling a story for an audience. So when they apply it in the middle of combat, I don’t really feel that it counts. Unless again, it’s very, very cool.

Olivia Serio

Yeah. I think the other thing I was going to say is that the other place that it can come into conflict is with Rules Lawyers situations.

Chase Hiday

I love Rules Lawyers.

Olivia Serio

Which, I don’t love the term Rules Lawyer but often times really appreciate having
someone at the table who knows the game. Whatever game, really well enough that they kind like, just, you don’t need. You can look it up in the book if you need but you can...

Chase Hiday

It’s so much easier if someone is sitting at the table who knows what is going on.

Olivia Serio

Or at least knows where to look it up in the book.

Chase Hiday

Immediately. Because, I’m like. I’m not. I can admit freely and happily, all of the campaigns that I have run. After my first one, which was a one shot, which I don’t want to get into.

Olivia Serio

Was I in that one?

Chase Hiday 

Erm, oh no. This would’ve been while you were away at college. It was a guest session of, where I wanted to try it out with my first introduction, which was with my co-workers. I was working at a movie theater. And I hated it because I had to read everything, I had to be so familiar with it. All of my campaigns are homebrew. It puts so much more work on me but also so much less work on me because I am writing a story for my players to play. We’ve already established the fact that I’m a writer more than anything else. I find it so much more freeing, and so much easier, to have the time if I am trying to craft a story that is going to make the best experience for the people around me.

Olivia Serio 

You’re also not relying on someone else’s lore. You can make your own lore.

Chase Hiday

I can change it.

Olivia Serio

And you can make it up as you go along. Fly by the seat of your pants.

Chase Hiday

Good example. One of my favourite campaigns that I’ve done in recent times, was a pirate theme campaign that was designed to be able to trade off DMs if we needed to. Where, it included both politics where the rule was that at the beginning of every session I rolled a d20 behind a screen and everyone else rolled a d20. Whoever was closest to what I rolled was Captain for the week.

Olivia Serio

Oh dang.

Chase Hiday

Which works great and the intention of it was... when I was originally writing it.. I was going to be surrounded people by who, most of whom hadn’t ever, who were likely not super-familiar but more likely weren’t super comfortable be creative or open with other people. It was a way to force that out of that situation and to force the bigger personalities to take a step back. I thought it was a great mechanic and I would love to use it again. The point is, the first campaign had us stranded on an Island because there’s no better way to start a boat campaign than off the boat. But two things happened. One, in the first session which was supposed to be. I wanted to have a couple of minutes of just like getting everyone used to talking in character to each other. And to do so, I had an NPC who was meant to be yanked off by a kracken and killed after she had got them all talking. And I’m just putting this mug down.

Olivia Serio 

For our audio listeners because this is an audio format. Can you please read what your mug says?

Chase Hiday

It has a lovely d20 that has blood around it because it is the blood of my NPCs.

Olivia Serio

Theoretically what is filling the mug.

Chase Hiday 

Hmm. But she, she literally was a throw away character. She like had a purpose in theory, but she did not need to exist and so she got yanked off to be killed immediately. I forgot and one of my characters, who was playing a Druid, so he shape changed into a dolphin to go and try and save her.

Olivia Serio 


Chase Hiday 

And then I doubly forgot that our Bard. We had homebrewed a water Genasi. So she also leaped into the water to try and save her, because I didn’t think that through. So she got saved and I had to try and rope her in to like, which obviously I can do because I’m not inept but I needed to rope her into the rest of the campaign. Oh OK, why is she hanging out with the big bad that is coming at the end of this short campaign? Among other things. I’m justifying the reason I brought this up. I brought it up because I had a marketplace where I wanted to let them buy new weapons and gear and stuff, because it’s fun. It’s always fun and to fill out one of the inventory sheets. I put in just like random things for flavor and made them way too expensive for them to buy. One of them was called, and it was a joke, ‘The Tears of My Father’ and it was a crystal heart with eternally dripping liquid in it. And they, again, one of the characters had Daddy issues, and I had written this ahead of time. So they figured out a way, again ‘Rule of Cool’, theywere convinced that thing had something to do with the campaign. It did not. It was just there to take up space but with the Daddy Issues, and they rolled very well. I think there was one Nat 20 in there, in terms of just like trying to connect with the shop owner.

Olivia Serio


Chase Hiday

Yeah. Among other things. I can’t remember how I got it but they gotta hold of the heart. So I literally ended up roping it in to the end of the campaign to make it necessary to seal away a larger Kraken. This would be the same time period that one of our Barbarians, I gave them their animal companion, because they were playing a multi-class, early, cos we had Goblin famers, and they were farming ants. Don’t ask me why I thought it would be weird and cool, and they were rainbow ants. His animal companion was a swarm of ants.

Olivia Serio

That’s pretty cool. That’s also another example of how for DMs and in campaigns of any variety, any game, sometimes the ingenuity of your characters and your players can affect and change how, like how you play. There’s the infamous story about the DM. There’s like wolves howling in the distance, and one of their Druids, one of their players asked what the lunar cycle was and they were like ‘Funny you should ask’. And they switched from the stat lock from just a standard wolf to a werewolf and that changed the course of the campaign because sometimes your players. Integrating player ideas without them, whether or not they know is part of the fun of being a DM.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio 

It’s also one of the reason that I’m a really bad DM.

Chase Hiday 

You did your best.

Olivia Serio

I have DM’d for you once. I have only DM’d one other time. I was far too new to DnD and everybody else I was playing with was also, like, it was one of their first times playing and so none of us really knew what we were doing.

Chase Hiday 

I maintain that I think that if you also had written out your own world and weren’t relying on the manual in front of you and were able to be a little more loose with it. I maintain that you probably would’ve done a fine job. That being said, some of us don’t have the literal brain chemistry to work with a manual.

Olivia Serio

Yeah. Yeah. It wasn’t great. I also don’t have the time or patience really to do a lot of homebrew campaigns. Especially because if there’s anything I’ve learned from having DM friends, it’s that the things you end up spending the most time on are often the things your players will never interact with. And I think I might find that just a little too frustrating.

Chase Hiday 

I am working on an Amenesia campaign right now. That I don’t want to get in to the details of because of obvious reasons but it means I’m designing an entire city. And that is so thoroughly my worry. I’m really happy with the fact that I decided this is a magical center and so therefore there are colleges for all the different colleges of wizardry that all exist within the city. It’s a College town and having the very fun flavor text that... Yeah, it’s situated right next to the graveyard cos Necromancy is one of those schools. One, and two, there is a special graveyard that is just for Wizards and so a lot of Teacher’s Aides are just Necromancers who need to go wake up the Professors to go to work for the day. I think that’s so fun and such a good idea. I’m so worried that in the campaign, five years down the line, no-one is going to know that I did that, but I think it’s such as good idea.

Olivia Serio

Circling back to the ‘Rule of Cool’. Just to finish that off before we move on. What is your favorite instance, either listening to other actual plays or in things that you have played, campaign wise or DM’d. What’s you favorite example of the ‘Rule of Cool’?

Chase Hiday

He had a name. His name was Garyl the Binocorn, which, when I specifically brought up the idea of the ‘Rule of Cool’ shouldn’t always apply in combat and how real play DnD podcasts ruin that a little bit. Garyl the Binocorn is exactly what I am talking about cos phantom steed is exactly what I talked about. He used a mediation spell, I think. I’m fairly certain of that and so therefore in the famous arc of ‘Pedals to the Metal’ of the Adventure Zone by the McElroy Brothers and Father. They’re in the middle of a race and the Wizard pulls out of his butt that he has the Phantom Steed spell and just casts it. And you know what? Fact of the matter is,if you’re in a race. You don’t have the option for mediation, and it’s much cooler to have a very cool, deep voice, like jazz musician sounding Binocorn show up, out of nowhere to carry our hero to safety. That is the best example and my favorite example, cos he has a plushie.

Olivia Serio

Yeah. Garyl is a wonderful example. The Adventure Zone is, famously, one of those podcasts that I think uses the ‘Rule of Cool’ with some degree of ....

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

.. frequency but is also worth knowing that part of if has to do with the fact that, like you are saying, they are storytellers. They are telling a story in a podcast environment while it is actual play, there is a little bit more dimension to it than you’re typical. Like it’s a different kind of environment....

Chase Hiday

Yeah, it’s not what you should expect.

Olivia Serio 

...to the typical kitchen table DnD session. I think I’ve been in, there’s been a couple of instances in my previous campaign where we have used ‘Rule of Cool’ a couple of times in combat but more often than not, it has to do with, it barely breaks the rules. Or it like, if you read the text as it’s supposed to be read it shouldn’t work.

Chase Hiday

It’s not in the spirit of the thing.

Olivia Serio


But it’s not in the spirit of the rules but it is in the spirit of the game. So before we wrap up the ‘Rule of Cool’, it is also important to talk about the dangers of the ’Rule of Cool’ which I know you and I have talked about a little bit outside of the podcast and things like that. And that is about the ‘Rule of Cool’ can be abused and overused. While it can really benefit actual play settings and podcast storytelling settings. When used around kitchen table DnD and honestly, it applies to any TTRPG. It’s most commonly referred to as part of DnD because of the expansive rule set, but it can apply to any TTRPG that the danger is when players try and take advantage of the situation. Or when...

Chase Hiday 

It derails the storyline.

Olivia Serio

When it derails the storyline or when it’s something that the players think is cool, is actually, instead of neatly fitting in and kind of wrapping something up or continuing the story in a new and interesting way, ends up as a bit more of a Deus Ex Machina kind of effect of they are too powerful, too OP for this situation.

Chase Hiday 

It’s you playing Tag when you’re a child and saying ‘Actually, I’m invincible right now. I’m touching this one thing’.

Olivia Serio 

Yeah. And that’s always the danger of breaking and bending rules, and you have to know the rules in order to break and bend them properly. Which is why, as we were talking about it, it’s really helpful to have someone, if you don’t know the rules kind of backwards and forwards.

Chase Hiday

If you are not Matt Mercer.

Olivia Serio 

Then being able to have someone who says ‘Just so you know, this isn’t part of the rules’. To make the decision. Or if you’re like OK, someone realizes ‘Oh actually, that’s not how that spell works. We’ve been doing it wrong’ and being like ‘OK, we’re not going to retroactively undo all of that stuff’.

Chase Hiday 

But going forward.

Olivia Serio

But going forward we’ve got to keep that in mind.

Chase Hiday

I don’t want to say that the ‘Rule of Cool’, the ‘Rule of Cool’ puts power into the hands of the players, which includes the DM. The DM is a player. If the DM is having a bad time, then you’re not doing the campaign correctly. And at the same time, the ‘Rule of Cool’ runs the risk of taking too much. I don’ t want to say power, but it’s kind of how it is. It almost takes the constraints that are the rules and throws them out the window. To the point where giving the players more agency than they should. Which sounds negative, which is why I’m bringing it up, quite frankly, and I’m not sure how to phrase it better.

Olivia Serio

It’s the difference between democracy and anarchy, that there, the DM is there to be a guide and direction, like a directional force. They’re the storyteller but as a reader, if you’re reading a book and you decide. I mean fan fiction exists and fan fiction is fun for a reason but it’s also not cannon for a reason. Once you take the power away from the storyteller and put it entirely in the hands of the reader. Then the story you are going to get is going to be a lot less consistent.

Chase Hiday 

Or at least.

Olivia Serio

It will be a lot less directional, and it’s going to be a lot less enjoyable for everybody else around the table.

Chase Hiday 

It becomes inherently more chaotic to the point of...It always comes back to the same thing of when you’re a kid and you’re playing a game and someone makes up a dumb new rule to make it so they are able to win. Like, my character is immortal times infinity so you can’t kill it. That’s dumb and not playing in the spirit of things.

Olivia Serio

It removes the stakes.

Chase Hiday 

So it’s kind of the same thing. If you are not playing by the spirit of the game, that’s really what it is. If you are not playing by the spirit of the story, the spirit of the campaign. I don’t want to say that you are playing it wrong, because there’s no quote-unquote ‘right way to play’. But I am going to call you a bad player and I don’t want to play with you.

Olivia Serio

That’s fair enough. But also, the ‘Rule of Cool’ is cool.

Chase Hiday 

The ‘Rule of Cool’ is so cool. Ever want to cast fire? You know one last excellent example from your time DMing. Letting the players get away with something that is not in the spirit of things but is very cool. We, I, had the pleasure of you having to DM one person who was an extremely experienced DM. One person who was an extremely experienced DM, who is so experienced they’ve written their own campaigns that have been published. And then a bunch of other people who were just very good at the game. And you’re at the head of the table and doing your best, and it was great. We were playing White Plume Mountain, is that the name of it?

Olivia Serio

Yeah, it’s part of the Tales from the Yawning Portal.

Chase Hiday

It is a classic. It is a classic campaign.

Olivia Serio

It’s a very classic Dungeon crawler. I think it’s a very classic for some of the ridiculousness it pulls, which is why I liked it.

Chase Hiday 

Because the point that came up that made me go...see you have the bums to do this well was upside down ziggurat, full of a whole bunch of monster... Where you are supposed to go battle through every single layer, and ooooh, it’s a big hard challenge... And one of the Warlocks. I don’t remember who, we had two Warlocks, first of all.

Olivia Serio

Which was wild.

Chase Hiday 

And it worked because they were two different flavors of Warlock...was like, I have Sphere of Poisonous Gas, whatever the name of the spell was, and how big did you say this room was? And you were like ‘Hmmm, it’s a forty-foot radius’ or something like that and they went ‘Great, this is a 100-foot diameter’. So we just stand like five feet outside of the door in to the room. This spell lasts like ten minutes. And he casts this many damage per minute and you were like ‘checking my notes’ for audio listeners, I mean.

Olivia Serio

Yeah, I mean. The only thing was there was nothing saying that didn’t work. I think the way I also got around it to still make it difficult was, the. There was glass walls and stuff and those ended up as you were going down...

Chase Hiday

Yeah, you gave us like some acrobatic tricks or whatever.

Olivia Serio

Yeah, collapsing and stuff, so you had to deal with the water.

Chase Hiday

You rolled us some random encounters in the middle of hallways, just to like force us into combat a little bit.

Olivia Serio

Yes, because you guys kept avoiding combat. I was like ‘What’s going on?’

Chase Hiday

We were a bunch of soft players. We were very good at that. This is also the same part where we found out that my Rogue did not have the intelligence to open a safe.

Olivia Serio

Yeah. It was a lot of fun.

Chase Hiday

Which is pretty bad.

Olivia Serio

We have a couple minutes left before we, unfortunately, we have to end recording this but knowing us, we can go on forever.

Chase Hiday

Oh, easily. We’d probably derail on something absolutely ridiculous. Like trying to randomly generate a character that would actually work.

Olivia Serio

Uh yeah. I think I’m going to note that down for a future episode. But before we go I want to do a little bit of dice ASMR. I’ve come up with a very fun game. So I have two piles of dice, over here by me. One of them is a set of d6s and the other is a set of d10s, d100s so they are all ten-sided dice. And I want to see if you can tell the difference. So...I’m going to go back and forth. Here is the first one.

Chase Hiday

d6s and d100s, yeah?

Olivia Serio


Chase Hiday

Those are shockingly similar.

Olivia Serio

Right? Right? Here hold on. I’m going to do a little bit of the....That’s one, this is the other.

Chase Hiday

I think I have it but can you roll them across the table.

Olivia Serio

We’ll see if the microphone picks that up. I’ll give it a shot. Here is one.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Here is the other.

Chase Hiday

Yeah, so group one is the d6s and group two is the d100s

Olivia Serio


Chase Hiday

No!!! Absolutely not!

Olivia Serio

This is a d100, D10. This is a d6. I said D10s/d100s, they are ten-sided.

Chase Hiday

I didn’t hear that part.

Olivia Serio

I have Yes or Nope questions for you. These are quick answers. You do not expand, you do not explain. They are yes, no questions.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Yes or nope.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Nope, as in dNope. The dNo Podcast Experience. Can dice be cursed?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Yes or nope please.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Can dice be uncursed?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Snacking at the table?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Session Zero?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Can you have too many dice?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Wild. Would you ever be an Adventurer?

Chase Hiday

My Dad says yes.

Olivia Serio

Have you ever played a TTRPG?

Chase Hiday

Yes, yes.

Olivia Serio

Would you let other people use your dice?

Chase Hiday

Yes, and have, often.

Olivia Serio

OK, one of the characters you’ve played before in a TTRPG. Pick that in your head.

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Would you party with your character?

Chase Hiday

Absolutely. She’s as cool as hell.

Olivia Serio

Would you trust your character to guard your drink?

Chase Hiday


Olivia Serio

Would you trust your character to guard your treasure?

Chase Hiday

That so thoroughly depends.

Olivia Serio

Yes or no please.

Chase Hiday

Which I think means nope.

Olivia Serio

Would you use digital dice, characters and or tile sets?

Chase Hiday

Yes, of course.

Olivia Serio

Thank you so much for joining me today Chase, and for staying here with me, and for visiting with me. I’m so glad that I get to see you, and I’m sure you will be a guest on dNope once more but I’m very glad you get to be one of our first.

Chase Hiday

Thank you for having me. I love doing your dishes.

Olivia Serio

Thank you so much for listening to dNope, the podcast expansion for the dNo Universe. If you want to learn more about who we are and what we’re doing. Go follow our social media at @dNoDice. That’s D N O D I C E on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. For the latest updates and to join in on the community we’re building, you can also join our Discord. By going to Discord.gg/dNoDice or following the link in our episode description. Thanks again for listening and we hope to see you around soon.