The Brazen Leader

Senior Leaders Need a Shirt...and No, One Size Does Not Fit All

Kevin Berchelmann

That's right, a shirt.

And no, I'm not changing careers now to sell clothing...

When I was active duty Air Force, my last position/assignment was that of a First Sergeant. In the USAF, unlike the Army, this title is a position, not a specific rank. I was a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, acting functionally (among other things) as the Commander's #2 -- his chief liaison to the entire enlisted force.

Translation: I did whatever needed to be done, whenever it needed to be done, and did so without much fanfare. I took care of business, and a good portion of that business was making sure that the troops -- the ones actually doing all the work that got us promoted -- were operating smoothly. A work-seeking missile.

First Sergeants are typically known as "First Shirts." "Shirt," for short. The name originated nearly a century ago from work details, where someone would ask for "The Shirt;" the only person wearing a shirt in a hot, laborious work detail, obviously, was in charge.

If only people realized how well that definition fit... but I digress.
So, anytime the "Old Man" (aka Commander) wanted something, he would yell out "Shirt!" or send someone to get me, depending on proximity. I "handled" whatever needed "handling," and did so quickly, effectively, and -- equally as important -- quietly.

Multiple commanders have commented to me how their success hinged on the actions of their respective Shirt. This level of behind-the-scenes, "git-r-done" sort of execution was instrumental in many a commander's -- and organization's -- success.

Hence my title above: Senior leaders need a Shirt. You need someone to take care of things, to fix things (including, yes, your screw-ups from time to time). A go-to sort of person who understands your vision, your direction, your objectives, and is able -- and willing -- to help you in whatever manner possible.

Having a Shirt will quite literally multiply your executive footprint.

Get one today, if you don't already have one around (and you may, you just don't realize). Buy him (or her), grow him, or steal him, call the person an assistant, project manager or even chief of staff. it doesn't matter to me, and if you get the right person, it won't matter much to them. But you need one to really be successful around the top of the organizational food chain.

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Don’t forget to be brazen, and that grace and accountability can coexist.