The Door to Peace

Making Space for Conflict: A Path Forward from the Chaos

Rev. Jen Fraser/Tom Stephen Season 2 Episode 6

Conflict at home?  At work?  In your faith community? 

You might be surprised at what lies at the core of most conflicts. 

Jen Fraser joins the Door to Peace podcast to share practical tools of what she has learned about psychological phenomena that occur in conflict. She is passionate to meet people where they are and bring peace and understanding to the root of the anxieties and worries during conflict. 

Jen masterfully says that “Conflict can be a way of stabilizing the system”. Jen shares her experience of conflict at a church she attended and what helped her learn where spiritual maturity fits into working through conflict with those we care about. She touches on the importance of communication, commonalities and connection. Holding space and making space for a neutral and powerful God is the ultimate pathway to moving from conflict to peace. 

Jen Fraser is a pastor at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Santa Barbara, Ca.  and is originally from Phoenix, AZ. Jen’s passion and care for getting to know people is palpable in her words. Jen takes a counseling framework to navigate her personal and professional worlds to empower those around her and hold space for Christ in her relationships.