Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes with Eleanor Barrett

January 18, 2023 Marie Reynolds London
Good Vibes with Eleanor Barrett
Good Vibes Only
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Good Vibes Only
Good Vibes with Eleanor Barrett
Jan 18, 2023
Marie Reynolds London

Eleanor Barrett is an Actress who has dealt with acne since the age of 11. Her journey to self-healing stems from the belief that everything is connected and connection to yourself, listening to your body and self love are of the  upmost importance. 
Marie has been treating Eleanor since she was 18 years old with the most extraordinary results.

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Eleanor Barrett is an Actress who has dealt with acne since the age of 11. Her journey to self-healing stems from the belief that everything is connected and connection to yourself, listening to your body and self love are of the  upmost importance. 
Marie has been treating Eleanor since she was 18 years old with the most extraordinary results.

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Marie's page @mariereynolds_mrl
Marie Reynolds London Skin and Wellness range @mariereynoldslondon

Facebook: Marie Reynolds London Page

TikTok: Mariereynolds_london

Today's guest is one of my favorites, Eleanor Barrett. I started cheating. Eleanor when she was around, I think 17 or 18, around that time And she came to me initially for, breakouts on the skin, which then progressed to acne. And it's an ongoing journey cuz I've always said to Eleanor, that it is a condition that we need to cheat. So Welcome Eleanor. Thank you for coming onto the podcast. Thank you for having me. Oh, it's an absolute pleasure. Eleanor, you are one of those people that are like the characters that Roll Doll used to, talk about that you absolutely exhume happiness like a ray of sunshine whenever you come in. And I know that you've really gone through the mill But the one thing that I as a therapist am so grateful for is that your commitment and your trust in. So if we go right back Yeah. To when you was 18 and you came to visit me, what was the first core thing that you came to visit me, bud? Because I know that we've done so many treatments. Yeah, so basically since I was 11 I'd been having sort of progressive breakouts and then when I was 16, all came up on my cheeks and I did laser treatment, which did not work. and I just remember hearing of you, and I'd already kind of started on the journey of figuring out foods and how food can affect my skin. I think I've always been someone who has believed that everything is connected. I think it's been, a long journey in terms of kind of figuring out how I can sort of piece what was happening on my face, how I could piece it all together. I remember coming to you and I didn't know a huge amount about you. I know, you, had helped someone else with, her skin and then everything open up it started off a lot with internal and topical treatments and talking about how everything you put on your skin, how that affects it all. When somebody is dealing with it. Mm. Day and day out. It actually feels a really, oh my god. It does. as a young woman, I was so impressed at how, you do your research and you really understand and you really grasp. The whole thing because a lot of people want a quick fix, and this was the biggest thing that I always told you, that, it isn't a quick fix. Yeah. And I know at one point, when you came to me as we was going through the treatments, I said to you that, this is a journey that it's about looking at your diet and your life. Style and we're going into that in a little while. Mm-hmm. At the same time you was, also studying cuz you're an actor. Yeah. Yeah. And you was going through your drama time at drama school. At drama school. Mm-hmm. And that was a particular difficult time for you, wasn't it? Oh my God, it was. Oh my God. Because that was when. My skin started purging. Yeah. So I had had acne before that, but then all of a sudden it went into another gear. It was. Istic angry acne all over my face. Mm. Right when I started drama school. So what happens with purging, and I remember so clearly saying to you, just keep packet. Just keep, yeah, yeah, yeah. And your mom, bless her, your mom who's just such an angel. And I can still remember the emails from her, Desperate messages from a mom, wanting, you to be so happy and to fix it. And it's something that you just can't do overnight. Yeah. But I used to say to you, look, please stick with it. Because when you start, especially when you look at your diet and you're stripping right back Yeah. Is that your body then has this thing called vic variation. And what that means is that either you have toxicity that purges out. Or actually it purges inwards, so that can make you feel really flu-like achy. You can feel like I'm motivated, really low and you are purging. Bless you. It just literally just purged a massive lesson. Yeah. So at that point, many people give up, but that's the worst time that you can give up. You just have to sticker it so you went into uni I went into uni but I do remember always trusting you and my mom, you know, bless her again because she obviously, as my mother was watching me go through this emotionally and. I remember even her saying, are you sure you don't want to go down the medical route? It might be quicker. And I went, no, mom, it's not the right road for me. And, I have always trusted you and it wasn't ever something that wavered, and I think that made it much easier for me just to keep going because I, I did fully believe in. at that, at the end of this road? Well, that there wasn't an end. That if I was choosing this road, then I was choosing to learn about my health and I was choosing to work with my skin rather than attacking it. But going back to drama school, I remember it was purging, It was very kind of traumatic really. But in the very first week we were doing improvisation. And improvisation is already, it is very exposing. and then at the end, our teacher wanted us to show, our little scenes that we'd come up with in pairs and right in the middle of. my skin started bleeding and it was still in the scene. And I remember going, oh my God, my skin is bleeding. It's bleeding. It's bleeding. And I remember I had this white jumper on, and I would get the sleeves up and I had to find ways in the scene that I could sort of just hold, the sleeve up to my skin just to stop it bleeding and to hide it. and it was just so exposing and I think, cuz I always felt that with my skin, it, it felt like a mask covering up who I really was. Yeah. And as a young woman, especially in drama school where there's a lot of judgment, there's a lot of pressure. There's a whole host of things going on. I remember there were certain teachers my main teacher, at the beginning, he barely looked at me. Because of my skin. And I remember it was because of my skin, because towards the end of the year, my first year when my skin, after the purging, it had started healing. I remember him going, oh, you seem different. I mean, you even look different. And he started treating me differently. So I was like, oh. So it was because of my skin. With. All my clients, whenever they go on a journey, I hold your hand through it, you know, so that whenever you get these dark moments, I'm available and I can remember these times when a particular one where your mom was emailing me saying Elena's in her room, and she's desperately low. And, you know, and, and I said, look, don't worry, let's get on a call. And we'd always get on on Skype or we'd always talk. And I think that's so important But I specifically remember, because it's like you say in, in the field. Acting or modeling or the arts there's a huge pressure. Oh my God. Yeah. Be it whatever age to look a certain way to have in what society deem as perfect skin. Yeah. And your skin is perfect to me, it's perfect. it just needed a little bit of balance. Yes, exactly. And a bit of, and a bit of love as well. Yeah. I think it is so much about kind of how you see yourself, and just that period of time and you just showed me the most enormous amount of love and support and I think, talking about how I've always trusted you, that also came from the support you gave me and also how even though I was purging everything you were doing and suggesting and recommending was working at the same time. Mm-hmm. so. I think if you are coming from a place of. Fear and, that kind of very confusing place then you are and, and speaking negatively about yourself and speaking negatively. Exactly. Then I can see how if you started purging, you'd go, oh my God, it's not working, and then take a step back and go, okay, why? Why am I purging what's going on? Maybe this really is working and this is just everything that needs to come out. Mm-hmm. and before meeting you, I went to a dermatologist and they said, well, we'd like to put you on Roaccutane, but you do have a history of depression and anxiety. but we can still give it to you if you want. And I remember thinking, what, why shouldn't you. Give it to me. If I have a history of depression and anxiety and they were going, well, it could make things worse. And I was like, wow, I don't think I want that But then isn't that part of the issue as well? If I have a history of depression and anxiety, can that not be factors in my skin? Again, like the negative self-talk, how my outlook on the world, my outlook on myself, most importantly, and well, yeah, I mean most definitely what people don't understand, is that people look at their skin as a linear thing. The skin is the largest organ, but obviously, Your skin and your gut has a massive, relationship, but also your gut and your brain has a massive relationship. Your gut and the levels of serotonin have massive relationships. Your immune system with your gut is huge. 90% of it is made in the gut. I remember asking questions to you about, how you were born because it's really important, if those that are born, through C-section, there is a, a higher. Probability of acne and mm-hmm. low mood so all of these have links to the skin, so it's very much like, a very complicated Da Vinci code of each person that comes in. Yeah. So as you know, when you come in I'd been looking at your, your feet. Yeah. Or We'd be using all sorts of different things and all sorts of different combinations. Mm-hmm. and, but the core is, treating the liver was one of the biggest things that we did was supporting the liver. Mm-hmm. Getting back to Roaccutane, I know you didn't wanna go on it then, but it was something that was on the table at one time and it was something I just wanna say that I would never, ever tell anybody not to take their medication. Oh, you never did. You never did. That was mainly bless her soul, my mum, I think she sometimes found it harder than I did. but I remember that I remember, coming to you with, these things and I remember you saying, I will never tell you what to do. It's absolutely your choice. And I think, I think that's also helped me on this journey as well, just knowing that everything. It sort of empowers you. Do you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. I feel, I feel empowered in my own health and skin journey, and because it's never just been you telling me what to do, it's you showing me the evidence, showing me things that work, recommending things and taking the time to explain why they work. Mm. with the Roaccutane, issue is it's not for me to say whether that's right or wrong for you. Yeah. Because for some people that has helped. them massively. it is a quick fix. Mm-hmm. because when we are looking at issues with the skin, especially in young people, well, whatever age, any issues with the skin, your self-confidence, yeah. And your self-esteem can be hugely affected. And that negative thinking, that inner saboteur constantly eating away at you. So taking something that is recommended. From a dermatologist can be massively helpful to some people. However, There are reasons why you have to go on the contraceptive pill with Ro Accutane. There are reasons why it can do this to your skin and that to your skin. So do your research. Ask the questions to your dermatologist or to your doctor before you make your decisions. And that's what you did. You did exactly that. Totally. I did. I asked the questions. I didn't like the answers, And so I decided, you know what, RO ac containers not the one for me. and I know people who, it did clear up their skin and, their self-esteem was massively improved. But I also know that, a lot of them, if not all of them, everyone I've met who has been on it is still on it to a certain degree, even if it's a very low dose. And I remember a girl saying to me, if she ever came off it, she'd start breaking out again. Yeah. And so she kept taking it and she had loads of, digestive and liver issues, which, are all part of the effects of rota and. You've gotta do what you've gotta do. In this world of constant, bombarding of these perfect skin images it's really, really tough. It's really tough and, yeah, it's incredibly hard especially when you feel that you don't fit into that niche. Yeah. Of being accepted or Exactly. Which is utterly rubbish. exactly. And it was really refreshing that to see some fashion designers actually using models that had acne. Yeah. Um, that was, on the catwalk. Presenting their, latest collection, which was really lovely. Mm. Because it is a normal thing. It's normal, that's the thing. It's, it's completely normal. And you're made to feel like you are this disgusting thing who has, an infection on their face. Yeah. That's not what acne is. It's a very normal thing, especially in this modern world with all this pollution, everything that goes into our diets and, all the factors that go on, of course people are gonna have acne. it's totally normal, and I think it's so important to normalize it cuz I used to feel, oh my God, it's this mask on my face and it's hiding who I really am. But I'm at a point now, seven years after we started where it's more unusual for me to have a spot than to have clear skin. And that's unbelievable. Yeah. Your skin is just beautiful And I always said to you, didn't I? We will get there. It's just a hard slog. It takes Exactly. And even now, I'm still not at the end of the road. And when I first started I thought, okay, by this point I'll have perfect skin and then I won't have to worry about anything ever again. No. And it's about learning. If you want to have a healthy relationship with yourself and your health and your skin, it's constant, and I think a lot of people are really realizing this now, that you can't have quick fixes and that doesn't really exist because it doesn't occur in nature. Everything is ongoing and if you want these healthy, nourishing relationships, Whether that be with, with anything, with your surroundings, with yourself, with your skin, it's a constant learning, evolving thing. Yeah, it is. Absolutely. we did. And we continue to do lots of different things with you. Mm-hmm. I mean, obviously we did lots of topical treatments. We've done the master lift, we've done something like plant based peels, gentle peels, very because not gentle people go into with the big guns. We then worked on scarring with the master lift. But a majority of it with internal rebalancing and resetting. We did the opening channels, we've worked on supporting the liver with supplemental health. We, of course, always do a detox with the Bioresonance, which works on knocking out any, frequency communications that interfere with those cellular, communications. And then recently you had a colonic hydrotherapy. And you'd never had one before. Had you never, afterwards, I was like, oh, wow. I could definitely tell I've had colonic hydrotherapy, but I felt like all of a sudden, I went around zinging. I was like, oh my God, I feel amazing. and everything I put into my body just, I, could almost feel like digested beautifully. And the end result was beautiful a lot of people have this fear of colonic therapy. Oh, therapy. Because of the, obvious elephant in the room, the speculum going at the bum But it's very, very discreet, isn't it? And it's done very quickly. So discreet. So discreet, so quick. Not at all painful. There's no pain involved whatsoever. There's no pain in anything you do. Actually, I think, and that's always something I remember you saying is I don't want, I don't want this to cause pain. Cuz from pain comes, inflammation and all of these other things, and it's very discreet and you talked me through the whole thing and in the end it was quite calming experience really, despite, you know, you've got water going up inside you, but it's just so worth it. So worth it. Yeah. I mean, your eyes are brighter, energy levels are fantastic and yes. You know, and of course it does implement the skin because you also have absolutely a hydration of all your visceral organs and a hydration of your liver and, it does reflect in your skin. So what advice would you give to anyone suffering from acne, but particularly young people that are, struggling and suffering? I would say the most important thing that I've learned is, Self-love, and I think everything comes from that loving space. You know, the language you use with yourself. And I think that also then just very naturally extends to what you put in your body, and understanding that having these healthy relationships with yourself and your skin. It's a lifelong thing, and if you think of it as a lifelong thing, then you don't need a quick fix. Mm-hmm. you can take the road that follows more naturally in just how you learn to love yourself. Honestly, I think it is about loving yourself. Mm-hmm. Honoring and cherishing yourself. And, and that is the words you think about yourself. It's the environment you put yourself in. It's the people you surround yourself with. It's the food you put in yourself. It's all of these things. And there is no quick fix. No, there is no quick fix. And if you know that, and don't come from a place of fear it's just coming from that loving place. And if you come from that loving place that I do think it's easier to listen to your intuition and it's easier to make the steps that will actually heal you. Yeah. That's such a beautiful message that you've given. Mm-hmm. I'm very proud of you. I'm so proud of, of the commitment and the journey that you've taken so much. But, it's really key to understand that as well as being kind to yourself. The food that you are, you are eating. Oh yeah. And remember that when these things happen to your body, it's not your body letting you down or your body fighting against you. Yeah. It's a sign. Your wonderful body is signaling to you. that it's unhappy or is imbalanced. Exactly, exactly. And also, you know, there's so many different patterns of acne. I mean, in the linear world there's different grades, but in my world there's different patterns. There's patterns of dampness, there's patterns of heat, there's patterns of dryness, and they all link with different organs. So it's understanding that. So if anybody's listening, Suffer from acne. You can reach out to me or, go to, your local TCM practitioner, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, because they look at patterns, but the most important things are doing tiny little things each day that you can do. Exactly. So for example, if you are female, then you know, you make sure you use organic sanitary care because. These things, Xen estrogens build up. You get things called forever. Chemicals that our body holds onto. Look at foods. Foods that are inflammatory are key to avoid. Especially sugars. So your fizzy drinks, get them out the way. Sugars, caffeine, all things like that. See what you can cut out. And it's really hard to do, especially when you are suffering At a point where your skin is purging or you've got breakouts in your skin. The last thing you wanna do is deny yourself a treat. Exactly. Yeah. But actually once you break the cycle, you don't actually crave it. I was gonna say it's actually so much easier than you think Mm. Because I cut sugar out completely and everything, but it's much easier. Than you think. And sugar cravings can be born from parasitic influence. Yes, exactly. So these, these little parasites are saying gone, you can treat yourself to that bar. Yeah, you're gone. You can have that can of Coke and you are actually feeding the little parasites. So by exactly cutting out that sugar, you're actually breaking that cycle. So there's so much more to it than just putting on a really harsh product or an acid, and what you've got to remember as well is that this mad idea that oils are not good for the. Oh, that's so good. Our skin is made up of oil and moisture, and that lipid barrier protects any bacteria from forming and any moisture from being lost. So if we have any impactions or any dryness, dehydration, that's an indication that your lipid barrier is impaired. So, make sure that you're using high grade oils. I have anoint, which you can use as a pre cleanse, which is fantastic. and we obviously have to mention restore, which is Honestly, it will change your life. We will change your life. It's. Unbelievable. I put it on in the bath as well, so it doesn't get too dry, and it's just a lovely, beautiful, relaxing experience. But honestly, it will change your life, honestly. Yeah. It's just if I have little breakouts that I go, oh, I can feel something there. You put it on and oh my God, it gets rid of it like immediately. Yeah. It's unbelievable. Unbelievable because the most powerhouse ingredients in restore. are the pre and probiotics. Mm-hmm. is the hemp protein and the phytonutrients, so it's incredibly healing. But those pre and probiotics, the eight strain probiotics work on your innate immune system, which is your epidermal microbiome. We have a microbiome in our gut, but people tend to. Not even put two and two together, that there's a microbiome on your skin. And that microbiome has a host and a community of viruses, molds, bacterias, that not only, can be imbalanced and work against us, but they work for us. So restore helps to we. Yeah, it does. It does. When it says on the tin, Stores, and it, it helps to bring equilibrium to that environment on the skin. So tell everybody where you're at now in your skin. Oh my God. like I said, I'm at this point where it's more unusual to have a breakout than to have clear skin. And it's amazing, but it comes from having a very deep relationship with it and knowing myself and knowing, everything happens for a reason. If you are breaking out what's going on in your life, in your lifestyle, in your diet, I've also noticed that for me, a lot of my, breakouts come from stress. Yeah. And a huge part of my life is de-stressing. But that also, food comes into play with that as well, and, absolutely everything is connected and once you go down this road, it's actually incredibly exciting because it's incredibly rewarding when you start making these connections and you, and it all starts, manifesting in healing your skin and more vibrant skin, more vibrant health, that's where I'm at right now. It's very exciting. Cuz you know, I still feel like I'm at the beginning, it's been seven years, but, seeing the effects already that this, change of lifestyle has had. on me, my thing was skin, that was the main thing I came to originally. I can really see the difference. Mm-hmm. I used to say. Right. Yeah. Send us a picture every week and we will journal your improvement it's just so lovely to see you. It really is. And it's always a pleasure to have you. Oh, love seeing you in the clinic and I love plumbing Oh, and I personally want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because when people say, oh, you've done this, it's not me, it is you. It is 100% you. All I do is give you the tools and you are one of those people that have literally, Grasp the nettle, no matter how much that's stung and you've run with it and I'm incredibly proud of you. It just goes to show that when you really commit and you put in the hard work, you really do get results. And they are long lasting results. Oh my God. They are, they are. You know, it's not a quick fix, but it's a real fix. It's real. And I also. I wanna thank you, Marie, because I know you say it's me, and obviously, every decision an individual makes is their own, but the support, the endless, endless, endless support you have given me, and I know you give to all of your clients. that also gives you the strength to be able to do it and. Thank you from the bottom of my heart because if I hadn't met you and your beautiful energy and personality, I just, I. I, I, I dunno where, I dunno where I'd be today. And so I'm very thankful for you for opening up this whole world to me. It's incredibly exciting, Well, listen, we're both blessed. Thank you so much for spending the time and coming on here because I'm sure there's lots of. That, would love to hear your story and it's so hard for people and frustrating for people to not get answers. They dunno where to turn and they dunno what to do. And I wish I could have said to you at 18, just use this cream and everything will be all right But the key thing there with what you said, it's not a quick fix, it's a real fix. That is fantastic because that is exactly what it means. Yeah. It is a real fix. It's a huge change in lifestyle and you have to commit to that lifestyle and a lot of people don't do it. But you did and I'm incredibly proud of you. Thank you, so much lots of love to your wonderful family. Yeah. I'll see you soon. Oh, lots of love.