Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes Only with Dr Ye -Female Health

March 17, 2023 Marie Reynolds London
Good Vibes Only with Dr Ye -Female Health
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Good Vibes Only
Good Vibes Only with Dr Ye -Female Health
Mar 17, 2023
Marie Reynolds London

Dr.Liuzhong Ye, Ph.D and Master of TCM he started his practice of TCM as senior consultant in the UK after graduating from Guangzhou. He has also been a senior lecturer and module leader of several TCM colleges across Europe, including LACA London, Wroclaw Academy of Acupuncture Poland, and Swiss TCM University.  He serves as the director of CAHMA (Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance) and the general Secretary of British Institute of Scalp Acupuncture. Dr. Ye’s speciality in meridian palpation differentiation enables him to achieve great success in clinical practice and wins him high reputation in the acupuncture and TCM teaching across the world. He has held many workshops and seminars in many countries on meridian palpation treatment. Dr Ye practices in Norwich 
In to-days episode Marie and Dr ye discuss all about Female Health

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Dr.Liuzhong Ye, Ph.D and Master of TCM he started his practice of TCM as senior consultant in the UK after graduating from Guangzhou. He has also been a senior lecturer and module leader of several TCM colleges across Europe, including LACA London, Wroclaw Academy of Acupuncture Poland, and Swiss TCM University.  He serves as the director of CAHMA (Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance) and the general Secretary of British Institute of Scalp Acupuncture. Dr. Ye’s speciality in meridian palpation differentiation enables him to achieve great success in clinical practice and wins him high reputation in the acupuncture and TCM teaching across the world. He has held many workshops and seminars in many countries on meridian palpation treatment. Dr Ye practices in Norwich 
In to-days episode Marie and Dr ye discuss all about Female Health

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Marie Reynolds London Skin and Wellness range @mariereynoldslondon

Facebook: Marie Reynolds London Page

TikTok: Mariereynolds_london

I am back here with the amazing Dr. Yay. Your podcast episode was the highest rating thus far So, it's obviously something, that people are really, really interested in. For those that haven't listened to the podcast, if you just want to introduce yourself again, and then we are going to talk all about female health today I am a Chinese medicine and acupuncturist. I came from China. in 2003. I graduated, from my PhD study in Guangzhou. And then I decided to start a new job, a new life in the uk. So therefore, here I am 20 years on, I'm still in here and looking, looking as fresh as a daisy. You don't, you only look about 20 Yeah. So, at moment I have my own practice and, but also I'm teaching in different places. I have. a job in Laca, uh, London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture. Mm-hmm. and also on, um, like visiting lecturers, uh, in various countries. That's Switzerland and, uh, Poland. And that's a new job coming on next year, possibly in Ireland. So, oh my gosh. So busy, busy, man. You're always lecturing and teaching yeah. So we spoke about the different characters of chi last time, but today I wanted to touch on female health because obviously it's one of those subjects that are always of interest, especially, with women going through the menopause and, we'll talk about the menopause today, but I just want to also touch on. Period issues, endometriosis, P C O S, because mm-hmm. with my background with energy medicine and now with traditional Chinese medicine, it's all about energetic processes, and looking further and wider than the linear approach of just heavy periods or, periods that are scanty or, missing periods. So let's first start, about why it's important to understand when we do a consultation, the age, the menarchy of the. Female. Why is it important to know whether they are starting their periods before the age of 12, or between 12 and 15 or post 15? What is that significance? in Chinese, classic book yellow, this is the Bible of, Chinese magazine. I only had a chapter talking about particularly, girls and boys development. and I'll mention about, girls, in their live stages in every seven years. So therefore, talking about at age of seven, you're supposed to, uh, doing what? At age of 14, you're supposed to Doing what? Life. So the, the, the, the first appearance should start around the, like the age 14. So that's the girl supposed to be. this is our ancestor, believe this is the factory mate, you know, so the setting of the factory is supposed to be. Yes. So a female cycle is in years of seven. Yes. So, at the age of seven, we're coming out of infancy. Coming into childhood. Yes. And at 14 we're coming into puberty. Yes, that's right. Yes. Yeah. So therefore, the modern times of people are possibly like growing faster, but they, I think this is due to different various reasons, but a lot of them, it is to do with the environment and also the diets. You know, people affect different from the ancient times. Therefore, the development of girls are much quicker. but. that has created many things because it is against the natural process. Mm-hmm. So therefore, if you start a imperial at age nine or at age of 10, add us too soon. which would just spit up your, all your, your development and all your sort of aging process because, you know, humans' life is come coming from, this small childhood and into the puberty, and then into this meat age. So they're set in different stages. And if you are bringing everything earlier, then it just means you are, you are, you're dying quicker. Yeah. Well, and your body is under stress. And that also can bring. Symptoms earlier as well, That's right. Yes, yeah. And also, a woman, the number of over produced by women is determined. So then, you know, born with that. So much of over, you're supposed to just have that much over to be released then. So every time you have a period, you have a process or ovulation. So what you're saying is that when a female is born, they're born with already set amounts of over their eggs. Yeah, that's right. And then each time that they have their periods, that is the set amount of eggs that they. Going to release course you start. Yeah. So if they start their periods early due to possibly, hormones in food, especially nowadays and preservatives and their environment stress, those eggs that are released when they're released, they're released. That's right. So yes, you'll then get into your menopause earlier. Yes. Yeah. And also,, especially in the Western society, very strong ofcom, uh, you know, medications. Mm-hmm. So girls are taking those contraceptive pills, they're too early. Mm. Which just suppresses the natural process of the hormones. Mm. In the end it was, you know, it's greatly effect there. Fertility and also the natural productions of, hormones. Yeah. So before we talk about the different menstrual symptoms that can occur within a woman's cycle, let's just understand what are the different meridian or the different energetic factors that contribute to menes? So we have the kidneys, the spleen, the heart, and the liver. Yeah. Well there, there are various, uh, organs that are contributing to the productions of period mens mm-hmm. uh, the most important one that to start, the mens, to open up the puberty age, is the kidney. Because the kidney is the one what we'll call it a prenatal energy, uh, gauge or energy source. That means, the essence of energy. Stored in kidney, it comes from even before the birth of the women. Mm-hmm. that is the amount of energy, you taken over from the parents so that the parents giving to you as the foundation of the life to start with. So this is just the seed that growing from your, from your live tree. So, just briefly explain what's the yin yang representative? The ying, representative water means the water when the nourishing force of the, the kidney or the life force. Then also to follow The tree to see, to start to open, to start to grow the pushing and driving force. This is the vital energy. Mm-hmm. which is relates to young. It's the fire. So, for anything that, function in your body, need both type of energy. One is provide the feel, one is provides the starting fire. Mm-hmm. for women to, start period. then you need to have certain amount of essence to produce that period in a form of like liquid. But then you also need a fire to start off the opening. Yeah. Yeah. so when we see these young girls, with their. Backs bear and their bellies bear. It's not good in traditional Chinese medicine, is it? It's all about keeping everything warmth because we need that fire warmth. We need that kidney energy to be strong. Yes. So, uh, you know, if you expose your bag and expose your tummy, very short time, it doesn't matter. It's more a. emergency exposed to the code, and then that's code entering your body that's coming in as a get, as like what we call evil external pathogenic factors. Mm-hmm. But if you're constantly having all this external pastic factor coming into your body, then they'll use up your energy, use up your warming energy, which is the fire. Yeah. Young. So in the end it was, Young's energy. Causing no problems. Makes total sense. Mm-hmm. So we've got the kidneys that open the gate of development and help to support these menstrual cycles. So that's the kidney that starts the essence. Yes. So the kidneys, in essence, in every sense of the word, also contribute to the blood of men mens, yeah. Yeah. kidney plays a role, in the productions of the blood. However, there are many other organs involving in this process. Mm-hmm. period comes out as is a form of blood. It's a, liquid form of blood, but it's rejected by the body. However, it has to, come in. Fund the foundation of the productions in your body. Mm-hmm. And the one that contributes most importantly is the spleen. Yeah. Which is related to your digestion, related to your metabolisms or food and fluids. So you do need to have, have a very strong learn, uh, the, the spleens function to absorb, what whatever you are eating. And then turning to those essence, we'll call the food essence and then, then spleen will bring. Food essence up into the heart, and then in there heart as a factory. Mix in with various different things and kidney is one of the organ that provides those firing force. Yeah. To, for those, the processed transformation from the fruit essence into the blood, into the red stuff as the blood. Yeah. And that will be bring back to the uru to be created as a man to. So there's lots behind it. When I talk about, all of the different functions of the kidneys essence and the spleen. It needs the food to bring nutrition and bring all of those vital ingredients or components to make the blood, and then it's then brought into the heart and then also stored in the. Yes. Yeah, liver is always what called is controller. It's a traffic con controller and it's all is the door boy. So that means it will press the button to let door open for everything. Yeah. So including the period cycles. So liver is the one that really watching the clock and then doing its job. Yeah,, so let us just say, this is time for this hormone to be released, or this is a time for the blood to be released. It will press the button. Yeah. And there's so many different things to think about with menses. It's not only, these factors of the energetic processes that go into the production of the menstrual cycle and the menstrual blood, but it's also other factors that can be. Contributing to it. So it can be linked in with the five elements, whether the spleen is, overacting on the liver and vice versa. And all of the cycles of there is also the six evils that you've mentioned. So it could be cold and heat and phlegm and et cetera. All of these different things. So it seems very, very confusing. But what I would say is that if people are having issues with their periods, be it Disman, really painful periods, Amen. Ear, periods that are missing or irregular. All of these factors are not just a labeled factor. It's really important to understand that we're not just 2D beings. We're more than that. Yeah. So, If we just quickly touch on what type of things, little clues that we can look at because pain as well, the different characters of pain also gives us clues, doesn't it? Yeah. So if, if you can just give us some little indications of if you've got endometriosis, what things could possibly be linked to that, if you've got P C O S. which is polycystic ovary syndrome if you can just give us an indication of what they may be. Mm-hmm. and also touch on possibly pm m s, because emotion is really important around periods around, Menes and they range. Anxiety or anger or, worry or, stress, depression, all of these things. So I'll hand over to you so you can give us some indications. Chinese medicine, western medicine, and varies in this way to understand the, illnesses. In Chinese medicine, we don't normally have those names, right? So we possibly will name the condition, when you have, uh, dys, we call it painful period. Yeah. And then that will be the, the general will call it the disease man. But under the disease there should be differentiation, because when only by differential d. Can you understand the illness? Mm-hmm. Right. So then doing this differentiation all come to, the good understanding about the, pathology that, each of the organ or meridian involving in this. Mm-hmm. I read the patient's symptoms. To figure out which organ is more playing a major role in this, a group of symptoms because he might be having DYS Maria, but then you also have other symptoms. Yeah. PMs So the conditions, the label with the estimate can be three or four more, but possibly in west, in Chinese medicine, that would be just one label for that differentiation as liver. So that's the difference. So I will give what we call sick nature symptoms of each of the organs. Then you will know, this possibly is related to this organ and we can work on that organ. Mm. Yeah. So, periods very much related to the kidneys and the liver. They're major two leading, uh, rows, but then also they can be also related to the spleen. and any others like, pericardium or other others. But I would say the first three leading roles in period associated conditions are the kidney, are liver, and, spleen. Mm-hmm. So to do with the kidney. We also mentioned already the kidneys, uh, ying and kidney young. So if there's a problem with kidney ying, normally we call kidney yin deficiency means they don't have enough kidney ying. You don't have enough cooling and nourishing, kidney essence. So in decades, if you look at all the symptom, that would be very much like showing the red light flex. One is night sweats, filling hot, hot flashes and night sweats. So all the symptom. For ladies who have typical kidney deficiency, quite often if they are like they're still like in a young age before menopause, there will be. Night sweat or insomnia, like restlessness before period. Comes say a week or several days before period. They have hot feet, hot hands, and night sweat, feeling hot. before period. And a lot get, people get confused by having, like in deficiency, cuz yin symptoms are all cold and dark and mm-hmm. So, and if they're having symptoms and more heat, they think that it's more yang access. But actually it is yang access because the is dropped. Yeah, that's, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. So you will get more heat conditions. Yeah. You, you understand the correct because you, the ying. it's cold and cooling right In deficiency means not cold, not enough. Cold and cooling. Yeah. So that would be hot. Yeah. So, so that's about, because Ying, it's nature's ying, so it's closer to the, the nine. To the darkness. So all the symptom seems to be happening more towards the evening. Mm-hmm. So if you people having that issues, then you, you look at, they feel hotter at night, they get more excited, have difficulty falling asleep in, you know, after 9:00 PM and that's all related to keeping in deficiency. Yeah. And to talk about particularly period, uh, yin deficiency, uh, that can cause two things. one is, uh, scan periods so they don't have enough ying to produce, the period. it can be red. Yeah. But then very short. And scan, so smaller amounts. Mm. That's a, typical sign. A second sign. Because the gin causes heat, they can bring the period. earlier, so they have a shorter period cycles. So womens tend to have like four weeks after 30 days of period cycle. The lady who has yin deficiency, they might be having two or three days, very close, very short period bleeding, but they have every 24 days, 25 days or some of them in like three weeks, 20 days. Mm-hmm. they have period cycle. They're quite often indicat. The kidney deficiency with the. Yeah, if you get somebody that has very, very heavy, painful period. Yeah. Very dark. dark crimson with clots, that's mm-hmm. usually to do with the liver, isn't it? Yeah. So, that's, that's the second, major or organ that's involving the Percy, because as I say, liver is the one that smoothly open the, the doors for everything. So, so liver is the one that makes sure everything flows smoothly. And that includes, the process of period. Mm-hmm. and the process of emotions. So therefore, if there's trouble with the liver, that could happening on both sides, uh, emotional sides, that can cause people having troubles with, emotions, expressions. Yeah. So you could, you could give people swings so they can have, angers frustrations. but anxiety, could also cause people have fi like depression. Mm-hmm. it just swings between two ends, because of liver. Yeah, yeah. And also because, you know, liver is the one enough, that's in charge of those opening again. So therefore everything tend to happen before the door is open. Mm-hmm. So that quite often happens before period. Occasionally it happens in the meat cycle when the ovulation door is due to open. That's the time. Also, they have problems people can have. Yeah. and also the pain, the different pains that women, experience either a sharp pain can be to do with like liver, blood stasis or if you have, you know, the, the dragging pain as well. Mm-hmm. So just explain the different types of pain and what that may be linked to. So, so various pain that can indicate these natures of, stagnation in Chinese understanding, you say, if there's a pain, there's a blockage. Or there's a pain gas insufficiency, so that's two types of pain. The blockages type of pain, they're much more intense. And, um, they, comes in either sharp or bloated. So, expanding pain. This is, stagnant, type of pains. Mm-hmm. Then you also have a deficient, uh, type of pain. Those pains are much more background dull pain, and also they usually happen after period. If you lose something and they have more pain, that's indicating the deficiency. Yeah. So what, what foods would you suggest if we've got pains that are linked to more y deficiency? Mm-hmm. we need to sort of like stay away from cold foods, don't we? The general to say, especially when people, ladies, having period, we don't encourage people to have cold raw food. No. It's just because this reward and cold a straightaway that give you too much yin freezing energy. Yeah, imagine this is like water, water's like a river, so, yeah. Um, and the, the blood comes out as a river flowing. So you don't give them the really freeze in the body? No. So foods that link in with like the kidneys like black foods, like black tier seeds, black wild rice, black bri, and also your, your warming foods, you know, like your. Button up squashes and your orange foods, turmeric. That's all very good, isn't it? yeah, they are good, so something is weaker and kidney. So therefore we finally kidney the ladies who's got short period cycle, bringing too much, earlier and, very, uh, scan period. Then you know, this is the key yin deficiency. Yeah. Then you'll need to give them the yin nourish. Yeah, we quarter body, uh, but at the same time, given not the growth of kidney ying. Yeah. So we need to nourish that kidney yin. Yeah. But then if the people have, spleen troubles, which is related to digestion and metabolism, then, and they have loose stool, they tend to have water retention before period comes and also like put on weight before period comes mm-hmm. that usually indicating the ling deficiency. Yeah. Then you need to give them. Something to help the spleens. So there's like you say those, those earth food. Yeah. The orange, colorful, they're good for the spleen. Yeah. Yeah. The black foods good for the kidney. For the kidney, yeah. Yes. That's great. So obviously, this is such a big, big area, but we're just touching on these, The reason why I wanted to bring you on so that we could talk about this is because. So many women are fixated on just the shedding of the lining of the womb as their periods, and it is so much more than that energetically. Yeah, that's right. Talking with the meridians, talking with the elements. It is so much more than that. And also genetically, isn't it? It's, it's just, there's so many things that you have to take into consideration when we're doing diagnosis. So before we go onto the menopause. Let's just talk about, women that are trying to conceive mm-hmm. um, I know it is sort of like, again, deeper and wider, but generally what type of things we would be looking at. And also, breastfeeding people that, uh, what, what are the organs or what are the meridians that we need with breastfeeding? And then we can quickly go on to menopause. Okay. So to understand the ity side of that. Um, I think it's better to combine Western ideas than Chinese ideas, so then they can have, we have a comparison, but at least also had a breach to understand each other. Mm-hmm. when the, condition for the lady get the proper healthy pregnancy, it depends on one, they have healthy over. Second, they have, healthy hormones to support it like estrogen and progesterone. And in then, and they have healthy uterus. So that uterus is in a well, circulated, proper temp temperature, calm environment inside. And then to help to assist us through the pregnancies and the organs or in Chinese magazine. They all, help to contribute to that. Say for example, the good development and the maturity of over, is determined by the kidneys essence. Mm-hmm. Okay. So the happening of ovulation is determined by the liver. Yeah. Okay. The proper productions of hormone levels is to level as related to the. and Postgres level is related. Chy. Mm-hmm. Right? And a healthy uterus is related to the blood level, which is again related to the spleens productions and the kidney support and liver. Good regulation of circulation and heart and, and so on. so when we look at the ladies fertility, we need to look at all this. We need to find. Uh, the eastern level, if it's enough, if it's not enough, we're looking at to support them with kidney ying. Yeah. If their progression level is not enough, then will need to support them with kidney, young and ple tea. Mm-hmm. Right. Or they do produce enough, however, they're not coming on the right time. They're late or they're too early. And that's related to liver. Yeah. And we need to also to regulate the liver. Yeah. Yeah. So, and then we'll see if there's not enough blood or it's too much hot in the, in the uterus, then we need to give them enough blood to encourage more blood circulation or, calm the blood, uh, the, the uterus by various, um, you know, method, like supporting the productions or spleens and calm livers and cool down the blood, everything throughout the pregnancy. Yeah, I know people that have had success stories and what we do is not an alternative. It is a compliment to allopathic medicine. Definitely. You know, there shouldn't be a them and us mentality. it's a really lovely partnership. Working together you can have amazing results. And I know you have cheated many people that, that have, successfully conceded. So what about breastfeeding? If, new moms are having issues with, bringing on milk or having issues with breastfeeding, this coming from the, from inside, outside, when, when you talk about the breast, you have so many meridian going past in the breast. Particularly for those meridians that's easily being attacked by the external, factors that could, straight away affect the function or condition of breast. Like for example, stomach meridian is one of the major meridian going past in the nipple areas. Yeah. So when you had, external pattern pathogenic factors, then that could cause, inflammation, in the, stomach meridian areas. Therefore, then you can have mastitis. Mm-hmm. Then that was straight away causing these blockages of tubes. The milk will not come out and it's gast stagnant. Right. So that's one of the, common things for, breastfeeding mother. But then also we have internally, linking to those, the real productions of, breast milk and in Chinese understanding the breast milk. Is the extremities of blood. So therefore it's part of the production coming directly from the, blood supplies. Yes. So therefore, the heart is related to blood. The liver is related to blood. Splining is related to blood. Even the kidney ying is related to blood. There can be three of these or any of one of the, four. Having issues then that could, affect the amount of blood, the, breast milk, produced and coming out from the, breast. Yeah. Therefore then we need to look into which one is contributing to that. I was treating a lady who had difficulty produce in our breast. In the end we found out, huh? Actually toing, on her heart helps to produce more breast milk. Milk. Yeah. that's the idea of what we were working and also looking at different meridian to help. Yeah. I think it's also really important to understand when we're talking about these organs, we're talking them about them in an energetic. Why in a, in a way that where she passes through and the relationships they all have with one another. Also understanding the meridian pathways in where these meridians, let's just say the meridian of the heart. Mm-hmm. where it crosses. Mm-hmm. And it has also not just superficial. Meridians, it has deeper connections as well, and deep meeting points. Mm-hmm. We are always talking about, either the liver or the kidneys or the heart, we're not actually talking about the organ itself. We're talking about the energetic pathways. Mm-hmm. the meridians and the different relationships they have with other. Elements. So that's great. Um, now let's come onto menopause, which is a huge subject. Yeah. What happens with women? We talked about the cycles of the seven years with with women, but there's also different yin phases and yang phases the rise and fall of yin and yang. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And when we go through into the menopausal state, we obviously have a decline in yin, mm-hmm. Yeah. So, so actually the yin phase and yang phase happens in every sections of our life. in every month's pure cycle you have ying faith and young faith. Yeah. Lady, obviously in, uh, we're taking the whole process alive. Circles. They also have G phase and young face, right? When they were, in the front part of their life before menopause, there was more a like, tend to be, the cold ladies seem to be like more colder. So cuz that's the phase of them, their, their life. They, because they're loose blood and they, most of the time they're, they, the warming energy is not enough. So, but then when it come reach to this menopause age, they start to stop the period. But then the young face start to happen. They start to feel very, very hot. You know, menopause, hot flashes, whoops, like, heat waves coming up, So that's all, because that just the indifferent, you know, cycles of, faces. So, that is. reflecting the, natural process of that. And men interesting to watches, they're the opposites. You know, when they're younger, they were hot at night, they were, sweating and hot. But then, after a certain age, menopause age, then they start to get cold and they start a lack of energy. You can see men's after age of 70, they just are sitting there and nodding their heads, sleep on chairs, Yeah, exactly. And so all of the different factors that, when we're talking about, night sweats, we know that that can be linked in with LinkedIn de. But also things which are really common with women are brain fog, low mood. Mm-hmm. um, poor memory is just horrendous. And that can actually cause a lot of fear. Mm-hmm. um, The anxiety and depression and also low libido. Mm-hmm. We've been talking about ying yang. As a universe, a complete, part, it's a combination of ying yang yang together. So women the same, you have ying and you all have yang. Although we talk about a ying face and young face, we talk about declining of your energy, uh, substance. It's both declining. So when you reach the menopausal age, uh, your yin deficiency start to happen, but you also have the chi and young deficiency start to happen. It depends on, uh, individual constitution. Suddenly they tend to have more severe yin deficient symptoms. They tend to have. Um, more heat symptoms like hot flushes, night sweat. But then also some lady tend to have the opposite. They're young and cheek efficiency start to happen. That's the time they start to feel they're put on weights. Yeah. They, they feel colder and their lack of energy. Mm-hmm. and they depressions. You know, so for low lipid dose, this is actually a, symptom of kidney young chi deficiency. Mm-hmm. or even spleen, she deficiency. Mm-hmm. In terms, yeah, the spleen is also a factor in menopause with everything that. Maybe drops, you know, we find that our mm-hmm. we age faster. Mm-hmm. jaws seem to happen. Yeah. Your boobs might go south. You know, all of these things. Yeah. cuz the spleen's character is about holding things up, isn't it? Holding things up? Yes. Yeah. Also, Women all their lives, every month they lose blood. So they always tend to have a tendency of blood deficiency. Mm-hmm. The, is the leading, the factor to produce blood. Mm-hmm. So, uh, you can imagine, you know, a splint slam mother of the child. And the child's constantly losing something and the mud is always in the back trying to catching up and pick it up and yes, you know, produce it enough to support the child to move ahead. So therefore all their lives, Lins being struggled. Then like when they come to a certain, um, age s splining, fun is very difficult. You know, the then and the, the energy of spleen start to decline and that's the time everything seems to be slower. Mm-hmm. And that's the time all those major conflicts start to show up. And then you have those major symptoms. like digestion issues, weight issues, and all the other issues following. Yeah, it just makes, honestly, I mean, I could talk to you for hours and hours and hours it's just amazing. What about those, who have had, total hysterectomy where they've had the uterus and the ovaries removed? Mm-hmm. How does that affect the kidneys and the spleen? Yeah. And the liver? Well, obviously The reason for people either they have issues like, um, cancers or they have very heavy bleedings like, fibroids or endometriosis. So therefore they removal that, um, in one way they'll make the body like not producing enough. Hormones, for example, estrogen, um, is not, uh, produced because you lo you lose all these, ovaries, but at the same time, also part of your body, the organ has been removed. And then through that you lose a lot of blood from the operations. So that will force the body to stop a certain function. but also, taken a major part of the body away and deplete, badly the kidneys and the spleens energy. Mm-hmm. and also blood loss contribute to those, declining of energy in the liver and and heart. So there's overall a big, suppressions of the, energies in the whole body. Yeah. And that in turn can actually not give the body that natural decline of yin and yang. Mm-hmm. but it actually forces you very quickly into that. Decline. Um, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a big shock to this body. Yeah. It's a big shock. Yeah. Yeah. So therefore, many people could find it difficult to cope, I can always see a, a good sign of that and back sign, because o obviously for people who had a severe condition, they cannot really. Control or, properly managed. There gotta be something that should stop and keep losing. For example, who had a very big fibroid issue and they constantly losing blood. And then in that case I rather say, okay, we stop. Those lose first than trying to get the others. For other support to get them through that. But then, if they do removed over, then that would be certainly a big shock for yeah, assistance. Yeah. I'm really passionate about women finding other possible support systems, for their health and wellbeing and acupuncture and TCM and herbs and energy medicine are fantastic support for that. Obviously we would both never, ever tell people to not. Listened to their doctors. Mm-hmm. but it is important to understand that there is a fantastic support network out there. What about with fibroids? Would you say that that is more linked with the liver? Fibroid is a form of a new growth. for this new growth to, uh, happen in a body that's involving, uh, various factors, the major factor is a, certain form of, wrong energy. Yeah. They're involving what'll call, uh, to start with is a cheese technician. Then you can have, fluid, a phlegm, we'll call a flam form of that technician at last. They'll be blood stasis. Yeah. But for this mass to grow faster and bigger. Cause every month, because western medicine, they say the whole mon stimulations and grows, you know, faster. And then once the period finish this kind of flattened and goes back down. But in Chinese understanding for this to happen quickly in a short time and gross verifi fast, it's a form of young, so therefore there's a heat. Yeah. Many of this, it comes from liver or comes from the kidney. Yin deficiency. Yeah. Or some of the heat in this pericardium or heart. Yeah. then we'll need to look into dispersing all this problem, but also help to balance up and reduce the heat. Mm-hmm. You're, you are so interesting and I love this subject so much I'm bringing this in with my energy medicine. So, it's all amazing for me and I know that you've helped so many people and it's been fantastic. You have to talk about this Chinese supplementary and energies healing. I have to add one sentence, I think.. Completely different from the western, say. they all say either you have something growing when we move it by operation, or you have something lacking like estrogens and we give you like H R T, and that's the only solution to them to help. But. What we are doing here is different. We, we find out what's wrong, what's in balance in your body. Mm-hmm. We're trying to bring the balance and piece back to the systems. Yeah. So it's not giving you extra or remove the, the extra out. It's to help, to help your body to cope. They'd reach to a new balance. Yeah. Because the body is amazing. it is unbelievable how it heals itself and brings back balance and Yeah. Um, we don't tell you not to have things, it is that obviously people, when they're at that stage, they get very scared and they need to trust their doctors but also before you have something drastic, I would always recommend that you cover all bases to see where you can, possibly heal yourself or bring yourself to, a stronger state of management of health and wellbeing. That's right. Yes. Um, and that's what we do. If people want to reach out and. See where they can find a T C M practitioner. Email Lacker, which is the London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture. Mm-hmm. And, they'll be able to, uh, give you a practitioner nearby. So, Dr. A. Thank you so much. As always. Thank you. thank you for having me here too. Oh, it's always a pleasure. Never at chore. I am sure that we will be coming back on again, because there's loads of things that I wanna talk to you about, and there's loads of things that the listeners love to hear. As I said, your last one is the most popular. Podcast on the, series. So yeah, you're becoming a bit of a superstar. Thank you very much.