Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Numerology

April 15, 2023 Marie Reynolds London Season 2 Episode 8
Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Numerology
Good Vibes Only
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Good Vibes Only
Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Numerology
Apr 15, 2023 Season 2 Episode 8
Marie Reynolds London

Celebrity Astrologer Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol is a dedicated practitioner and teacher of astrology and tarot. He studied and completed full honours in psychological astrology at the centre of psychological astrology in London with Liz Greene. By combining traditional, mediaeval, and psychological methods, he offers in depth consultations, which provides insights into peoples situations. He is now a full-time practitioner & teacher of astrology, tarot, philosophical and esoteric teachings. He is the current President of the astrological lodge of London. 
In today's episode we touch on the amazing topic of Numerology and how it affects our destiny

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Celebrity Astrologer Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol is a dedicated practitioner and teacher of astrology and tarot. He studied and completed full honours in psychological astrology at the centre of psychological astrology in London with Liz Greene. By combining traditional, mediaeval, and psychological methods, he offers in depth consultations, which provides insights into peoples situations. He is now a full-time practitioner & teacher of astrology, tarot, philosophical and esoteric teachings. He is the current President of the astrological lodge of London. 
In today's episode we touch on the amazing topic of Numerology and how it affects our destiny

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Marie's page @mariereynolds_mrl
Marie Reynolds London Skin and Wellness range @mariereynoldslondon

Facebook: Marie Reynolds London Page

TikTok: Mariereynolds_london

We're back today And yes, I have got the lovely Israel Jose Beck with us cause I had an astrology chart done by yourself and that's what you are as an as astrologer. And you do all sorts of other things, which you can about. And the chart was amazing. Yes, I was really blown away I think I mentioned this on our last podcast, that, there's a fantastic book called The Fingerprints of the Gods, and it was right. Yeah. It was amazing about how everything goes back to the alignment of the stars and the planet. Right. Most definitely. Most definitely. if anybody is interested, have a look at our previous podcast where Israel is talking about his journey into astrology he is this. Big man mountain that used to be a boxer. I like that old big one mountain. You're, you're, uh, there used to be a boxer, that changed his life around, into his journey of astrology. So it's a really good, podcast to listen to. The charts are mind blowing. We've gotta do the second part of my astrology reading cause it was amazing. But I wanted to touch on something else that you do, which is numerology now. Yes. Neurology is something that I've been quite interested in for quite some time. Yeah. it goes right back to Pythagoras, so if you wanna just Yeah. Explain about the Pythagoras theory and Yeah. And who he was and yeah, how it relates. Patris are obviously one of the, great, Greek mathematicians who, well we could say taught or learned. And through his touring, he was an Egypt at one point in his life. He was also in India, various places in the Middle East. And, gathered an amalgam of knowledge. It wasn't him so much that invented, numerology. But he definitely played a huge part in, establishing it and making it more, accessible, you know? Well, I think as well, Please correct me if I'm wrong. Yeah, he was the forefather of mathematics in the form of allowing mathematics being the source of everything in life. Yes. Cause he was a philosopher, so he managed. Make ideology kind of built around it. But the system of people using numbers mm-hmm. Actually predates, Piros by many years. But he was a philosopher also as well, as much as a mathematician. And, he was into all of the, esoteric sciences. Yeah. So he wasn't the inventor, but he definitely took it to that next level. Yeah. As many of the, the Greek philosophers and, students of the esoteric sciences, did they, they really developed, even with astrology, we know that the Greeks even though they weren't the inventors of astrology, they definitely took it to another level. And yeah, were able to package it and make it a unique science in its own right. I mean the idea that everything is a number. And numbers are infinite. The whole universe is, numbers. Yeah. That goes back into the frequencies. Yes. And now the frequencies are linked in with numerology and numbers. Because when we think in numbers when we went to school, We're taught, two oranges, three cars so we're thinking in quantity. Yeah. We're, just using numbers as a quantity factor. Whereas there's much more to it than that. we should actually be using numbers or thinking in numbers. As a frequency. As a energy. Yeah. It's a formula really. Yeah. Yes, yes, as a formula to health, wellbeing, most sort everything. Yes. Yeah, most definitely. Knowledge of knowing that each frequency, each vibration, each number vibrates a particular vibration on particular frequency. Mm. And those frequencies are all around us in what we do. It's in our language, it's in our numerical systems. It's built within the, Quality and quantity of the things that we do. Numerology is all a part of that. It's all around us. Mm-hmm. without numbers, there is no universe. And we are a part of this great universe also as well. So by understanding numbers, We actually understand how the universe actually works. Yeah. There's hidden numbers in all sorts of things, isn't there? You can take it like the, hidden numbers in verses in the Bible, apparently, and Oh, yeah, yeah. You know, and, and also, you know, even like medical dictionaries and all these different things, all these different codes. Yeah. We have to remember that even in the Bible. There's actually a. One of the numbers five called the Book of Numbers. That's right. You would think, okay, it's one of the books written by Moses. Why on earth would they call a book? The book of numbers. Have you read the book? Healing Codes of the Biological Apocalypse. No. Never even heard that. It is really hard to get your head round, but it takes about the Pyra skiing, right, which is about Pythagoras's alphabet and the numerology of the alphabet. Right. And showing you the different hidden codes and the numerology codes. Right. And how. In with health and wellbeing and also somatics, of course. Yes. Yeah. That create different patterns within sand that link in with architecture. It's so fascinating. Yeah, yeah, most definitely. Because again, this is one of the reasons why, in the ancient days, when they were building buildings, for example, you know, even the old cathedrals, all the old temples, the places of worship, sacred places, even just normal buildings, palaces had to be built. At a certain distance or ratio or height, because of, the vibration temples essentially are, if you wanna say an extension of man himself, of the human body actually. So they were built at certain heights so that. When, they performing certain rituals, when they were singing certain songs, the vibration at, certain levels, the certain no notes and tones. And again, which is something that Path also was known for, for connecting numerology to music. Yes. The sagio. Notes. Yes. Yeah. Yes, that's right. Yes. The SIO notes. And that goes into even do re do rei. Yeah, that's it. Everything. Numbers, yeah, numbers are really, really very, very important. Very, very interesting. And, everything's all numbers. You can't get away from it. So it all comes back to the, from one to nine really, doesn't it break down? Yes. Yes. From one to nine. So you explain how it happens and how it works. It's based on the, idea that, one to nine are the, Foundation grounding numbers. Of course we have double digit, three digits, war digits, but the idea of numerology is that you add up whatever number is that you have in front of you until you come to one digit. So one to nine are the base, the foundation, the core of any number, regardless of how infinite it, may seem, or how many digits are actually involved. Mm-hmm. And each one of those numbers, from one to nine. Connects with a particular archetype, a particular vibration, a particular frequency, and we are born under a particular number because again, we're born on a particular day of the year of the month, hour of the day. All of that is all part of the numerology. So everybody is connected. Yeah. Or I mean, don't get me wrong, we are operating under many frequencies, but we are all connected to specific numbers. Mm. And those numbers are going to resonate in our life. So we might be attracted to something or we might have a talent for something or we, keep, encountering or reoccurring themes in our life because it's connected to a particular kind of number. We go through certain years or every year. For example, the numerology changes for each indivi, although we have our own individual number, we go through yearly cycles and monthly cycles and daily cycles as well that are connected. Numbers that are resonate on a particular. Frequency. So we start to shed more light in terms of, in certain days in our life, how we might be going through a bit of a difficult time, a challenging time, or overall maybe during the year, the year it's normally a bit crack for us or something like that, or it's some great time. After, reading, that book, I'm actually going I mean like it's taking me ages. With every single supplement that I've got, I'm going through every single ingredient. Right. Finding the numbers, adding, adding them up and then putting them in the, the Pythagoras Well's. Right. Healing. Yeah. Right, right. To see which ones. Just as an experiment for myself, cuz. I just find it absolutely fascinating. Yeah. Cause it's even connected. We have to also remember, it's connected with letters, words, yes. Which we also speak. So even when we are speaking certain words, we are absolutely using that frequency, we're using that frequency, which is one of the things that in the, Torah or the Jewish myam part, they were very conscious. That's why in the early, Torah, it was written in Ara. Uh, and today people say, oh, that they speak Hebrew, or that it's written in Hebrew. Well, the difference between Aramaic and Hebrew is that in Aramaic, there's no vowels in Aramaic, Hebrew and Aramaic are the same. what the difference is, is there's no vowels in Aramaic. And one of the reasons why they did that is because it was a secret way in terms of only the priest. Yeah, would know when there are chanting, perhaps certain rituals or poems or, doing certain incantation Only they would know the pronunciations or what they would do. They'd take out the vowels. So the average person who thought they could read or whatever, would go and try to read it and wouldn't be able to, so you wouldn't be able to make that spell. You wouldn't be able to pronounce that spell. So you had to know the underlying thing, be behind that. Yeah. So even when we call our children names, we have to sometimes be mindful. I mean, there's no accident that we got the names that we got, even though our parents may not have known nothing about numerology, but our names aren't holding a particular vibration. You know? I'm gonna go back and do my name again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That this is one of the reasons why, for example, Elton John. Yeah. That's not your name. Uh, that's why a lot of artists have this stage name. Yeah. And it seems like it takes off, if they were doing that under their real name, they wouldn't have been as popular because there are certain vibrations. Yeah. That, particular vibrations are one of the most common names. For example, in sports, the most successful people who reached Island is the word Michael. Really? Mike Michael, Mike Tyson, Mike Jordan, Michael Schumacher. So there's something about that name that has a particular kind of high vibration to it. Yeah. In spokes. It's really weird even before, I was even thinking about numerology. Yeah. When I think about the names that I've. With some of my products, you know, like Resonate, right? Okay. Instead of the word resonate, a resonate a resin, and the number eight. Eight. And then three set, right? The number of three and then set, right, which plays on the word of reset. Right. I get to, yeah. And eight to me has always been my lucky number. My old telephone number used to be, Two eight, double eight. Olivia was born in, you know, on the eighth, 98, you know, so, uh, you know, there's always been the number eight around me, around you operating on some level, I suppose my birthday and year is number four, which goes into number eight. Eight, and also the number eight. With Infinity, doesn't it? It's, yes, that's right. That's right. Yes. Yeah. Cause when you turn it down with it's the sign of infinity. Number eight is also a great number for business. It's a great number for money. these are like the builders of our society. They, they're very good at like making money going into business, really sort of like creating the earth also as well. The number eight is also the, A number of regener. It's the number of restarting. So people who tend to have the number eight or, your number eight as part of their, name or birthday or whatever, they're very good at regenerating situations. So situations that have gone to the lowest, they, they are very good at regenerating, bringing it back up, bringing it. Bringing it back up again. So it's a very good for healing and fe and things of that nature, which is obviously, that's something which you feel because you're already generating, you're bringing something back to life. Something's gone through a somewhat destruction, or it's reached the LA low level and it, it can bring it back. So number eight, people can do that. That's why they're very good at business because they're the type of people who can go into a business that's perhaps maybe bankrupt or us not doing well, and they can. Right. What needs to be done, alright, okay. Boom, boom, boom, do that look, and then they'll regenerate it back again. And before, you know, the business is back on the feet or it's booming, it's like, wow, like how you number eight. So good at that, you know? And even though we've got the nine numbers, the single numbers, but there is an importance around three, six, and nine. Isn't. Yes. Well, the thing is, is that there are family, so from one to nine they're grouped into three sections. So, three, six, and nine are part of the family. Uh, then you've got two, five, and eight, and then you've got one, four, and seven. So they're part of a family grouping, but three, six and eight seem to be the more popular numbers. So they get along with each other. That's why three six s and nines, they get along with each other. Yeah, they speak the same language. They're part of that same, it's a little bit like astrology where you've got earth signs and fire signs and air sign. They're, they're actually a family, so there's a kind of a familiarity energy between them and they get along very well, and they can work together very, very well. Yeah. And that's what the connection of three, six and nine essentially is about. So, yeah. And so do you use numerology on a daily basis? Oh yeah. Most definitely. Most definitely. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. And also with children, just to point out there with children as well, for people who may have more than three children, plus everything actually goes in stages of three. Yeah. So it's almost like, so you get the first one, the second one, the third, and then it's almost like the fourth one is like starting again. You get the first born. Yeah. Then you get the second born that's somewhat in between. Then you get the third burn. So the third born really is the last born. Yeah. So that's why for people, if you notice with children the fourth born acts like the first born. So again, there's a connection between all of those. Yeah. So what is the, what is the importance of the number seven? Seven. Well, seven is a very spiritual number. It's the number of perfection. That's why it's connected with illusion. It's connected with perfection. that's why throughout the Bible or all through all spiritual teachings, you always find the number seven, this idea that God created. World in six states have rested on the seventh, you know, the seventh days, the rapid. That makes, that makes perfect sense to me because women's cycles are in seven years. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. so seven is very, very sacred. Seven we have to know is also the base of also the cycle of the moon, which again, for females going is That's right. Every 28 days. And so every seven days is the quarter, is the Luna phase. And also women are in, which is the moon and the nine moon. Exactly. Oh my. Exactly. So, that's why people who are number seven tend to be very introspective, quite deep thinkers. They can be very good at things like science or analytical kind of subjects, but they're the thinkers of the numerology. So n number sevens are always, very intuned Very intuitive on some kind of level, not always interested or very good at mystical things or spiritual subjects and yeah, things of about more emotional. Yes. So it's a very, very powerful number. So like I was saying about the number eight being the regeneration, the start back up. Well, number seven, in a way is where things die. Yeah. So that's where death is. The seven is sort of like the death and then the eight is then bring, takes, bringing it back up again, bringing it back, you know, bringing it back, but then that up again. Yes. That makes sense in the yin and the yang because in Chinese medicine, the woman has a. Seven year cycle. The man has an eight year cycle, and also in Chinese medicine the woman links in with yin, she's more yin, so it links with the moon and the nine. Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah. Whereas man is fire and energy and daylight and, and eight year cycle. Makes perfect sense. Makes, makes total sense in terms of how that connection is. But it, amazing to know how these. Particular energies, these vibrations are working in our life daily. Mm. And it can be extremely, useful and quite life changing to just observe the numbers, you'd be surprised how, just a little thing by maybe tweaking your name, adding another letter or something like that, or taking away a letter. maybe two A's or two E's changes the vibration. Yeah. And then by people calling you that name, It now. Yeah. it is all about, vibrations and how energy forms into matter into the solid form. Right. I've been working with, with frequencies for quite a long time now, but yes. I can honestly say, Blows my mind every, every day. Right. That, yes, when you're working with energy and frequencies, it, oh yeah, definitely. Every day I'm learning something new, and I'm being absolutely so, totally taken back it's so true that if you just changed the words that you say, change the things that you think, right? Yes. All of these words come down to a frequency of vibration and a number Exactly. Exactly. And if we can then tap into that number. Yeah. It can be truly amazing to our lives in terms of things that it can do. It can really. Bring us up. Cause each frequency is connected to another frequency. So by raising our awareness of numerology, it raises our vibrational status. Yeah. And our, view of the whole world. Yeah. And then how we are connecting on what we are doing and how we are doing it and when to do it. Yeah. You know, becomes far more in tuned Yeah. Than just becoming just somebody who's just, existing. Not necessarily a victim, but yeah. You just, just existing moving along. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because, especially in health and wellbeing, look, you know, I'm a great believer in a little bit of what you fancy does your good. I'm not one of the Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Don't do that. Cut that out. But, but if you are feeling a certain type of way, you have to look at what you can do to remove the toxicity from your toxic tank. Exactly. Exactly. You know, because it, it brings that vibration down, right? That's correct, yes. It suppresses those vibrations. Yes. So where you get vibrations that lift you up, you also get vibrations that weigh you down. Oh yeah, of course. Most definitely. You know, most definitely listening to certain music. That's really negative and toxic and to talk. And you know the foods that you're eating, the drinks that you're drinking. Yeah. The thoughts that you're thinking. Yeah. They all tap into these different es that most definitely. They're, all a part of it. That's why music is very, very, Important and very essential. That's why when we watch films, if you notice with all a lot of these big budget movies, they often employ, Top composers to create a particular music for particular scenes. That's why when we watch a movie and then they'll play the music and then we get all sad. It's like, oh my God. You know, when it's a bit of a down scene? My friend's son, he's so talented. He's a composer. Oh wow. He's part of his thesis. He had to compose music for the elements. He had to compose music for helium, for gold, for metal, for mercury. Right, right. And, you close your eyes and you can actually imagine, Helium, what you would imagine helium be a mercury and, you know, iron and to be really heavy. And heavy. Exactly. Yeah. And these sounds and these vibrations, you actually feel this. It's absolutely amazing. Yeah. Yeah. It's brilliant. You know, everything's all vibrant, just like color. Same thing again. They're all, again, vibrations. They're, they're vibrating numbers, you know, that's why they use, red for stop because it's a slow kind of vibration. It's, got that, kind of energy to it, yeah. Yeah. Well, I use light in therapy. In the far infrared and the different, yes, l e D. But I also have light within the colonic hydrotherapy that it imprints the water right before it goes into the bowel. Right. We have orange, yellow, green, blue. So one has a frequency that is antibacterial, one that helps us with testing absorb nutrients. Mm-hmm. So, vibrations are everywhere. When you do a chart for somebody Yes. Do you just work on the star signs or do you incorporate the numerology within your chart? Yeah, I do incorporate the numerology Sometimes, obviously when seeing a client costs, there's so much there. Sometimes we don't get down into the numerology so much, but yes, I, do the numerology chart also as well to look at, their number because each number is, a lucky number for you also whatever your number is, based on the date of your birth and things of that nature, and your date of birth also splits into many sections. So, for example, just the day in which you were born, that represents something. It's known as your talent number, so it shows particular talents that you are very, very good at. And then adding the whole number, or as a whole, as known as your life path number, also known as your karmic number as well. So there's gonna be certain things about that number that follow you throughout life that are, always resonating with you in some kind of way. No, that's good. so three, a good number. Oh three is a brilliant number. Three is the number for Jupiter. Each number's also connected with one of the planets also as well. Yeah. Jupiter was in my house. Yeah. Yes. Jupiter's a very good planet because he's the planet of luck. He's the planet of growth, planet of abundance. He's the planet of knowledge. Very spiritual. That's why number three, people, they are always traveling. Mm-hmm. Because Jupiter is the planet of travel. He's always traveling to. Different countries and things of that nature, so it's a very expansive kind of number. Number full of knowledge, full of abundance. And they're often quite lucky. That's where the idea of, oh, third time lucky. That's where that comes from. That's why they say, oh yeah, third time, lucky. You know, you don't get it first. Don't get it. Second, they say, oh, third time lucky, because the number three is the depi, and Jupiter is the planet of love. Oh my God. Do you know what? Anyone who's listening, please, please do yourself a favor and book in to see Israel because he is so fascinating. And the charts. As I said, we still have to go through my charts. Oh yeah, yeah. Listen, there's so much, there's so much to, I, I think, I think we have to go through the first one because, uh, the first one still blows my mind. I still have to do that, but it's not a case of just telling me Oh, well, This, you know, if you do this, this would be helpful with that. If you do that, that would be, yeah. It's about the relationships. I think that's what blew my mind. Yeah. Yeah. You know about the relationships within your family and how Oh, yes. It's spot on. That was, yes. It's just amazing and it reveals everything. Father, mother, uh, yes. Early upbringing, the kinds of partners that you. You inclined to attract, yeah. Husbands, wives. Honestly, and, and it goes into a lot more detail, you know, when you're talking about, Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury, yeah. And all these planets and what they're doing, the planet. Yeah. And, and it just invokes all these amazing images of the gods and the planets. It's just amazing. I loved it. Yeah, well look, listen, I could talk to you for absolute hours. Always a pleasure, Marie, seriously, always a pleasure. If people wanna get in contact with you, what do they do? If people wanna get in contact with me, you can go, website. It's you could also reach me on my email, which is sacred planets you can find me on Instagram again, sacred Planets. It's all Sacred planets but I'm also on Facebook, is Israel Josie on Facebook, so that's just coming under my name. but those are the places where you can find me. I'm on TikTok as well, sacred Planets Fantastic. Find me Sacred. Sacred Planet seven on TikTok, sacred Planet Seven. But. That's where Fantastic. Where you can find us on Not so difficult to get hold of. No. Oh, listen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Three. Thank you. Three thank yous. Yeah. Jupiter. Jupiter, yes. You got that They do things in abundance. They make very good teachers and very good mentors and spiritual. Yeah, it's, it's excellent. It's a great. It's great number, number three. Well listen, you take care and sending you and Trish, lots of love. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you