Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Moon Phases

October 11, 2023 Marie Reynolds London Season 3 Episode 5
Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Moon Phases
Good Vibes Only
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Good Vibes Only
Good Vibes Only with Isreal Ajose - Moon Phases
Oct 11, 2023 Season 3 Episode 5
Marie Reynolds London

Celebrity Astrologer Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol is a dedicated practitioner and teacher of astrology and tarot. He studied and completed full honours in psychological astrology at the centre of psychological astrology in London with Liz Greene. By combining traditional, mediaeval, and psychological methods, he offers in depth consultations, which provides insights into peoples situations. He is now a full-time practitioner & teacher of astrology, tarot, philosophical and esoteric teachings. He is the current President of the astrological lodge of London. 
In today's episode we delve into the Moon and all her wonder, why Moon phases matter in human health and life. 

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Celebrity Astrologer Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol is a dedicated practitioner and teacher of astrology and tarot. He studied and completed full honours in psychological astrology at the centre of psychological astrology in London with Liz Greene. By combining traditional, mediaeval, and psychological methods, he offers in depth consultations, which provides insights into peoples situations. He is now a full-time practitioner & teacher of astrology, tarot, philosophical and esoteric teachings. He is the current President of the astrological lodge of London. 
In today's episode we delve into the Moon and all her wonder, why Moon phases matter in human health and life. 

Marie gives an insight into understanding with vibrations and frequencies matter when it comes to your skin and wellbeing. She takes you on a journey of how the environment we surround ourselves in and the people we associate with can impact our mood and health. 

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Marie's page @mariereynolds_mrl
Marie Reynolds London Skin and Wellness range @mariereynoldslondon

Facebook: Marie Reynolds London Page

TikTok: Mariereynolds_london

I am joined again by my wonderful friend and gorgeous human being Israel Jose and he is a astrologer extraordinaire and we've already had a fantastic podcast. So if you want to listen, all about. Israel's journey into astrology, then head on over to the Good Vibes Only podcast But today we're going to be talking all about the moon, about the different phases. Why it's important what the different stages are and anything else that you can enlighten us with. So welcome Israel. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Always a pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me. The moon, my favorite planet, my favorite topic. I know. So tell us Israel, because. Obviously, people are talking more about moon phases and I think with social media, it's become more apparent and People are becoming more aware. And I've always had an interest in it because of the crystals, you know, putting the crystals out in the moon and charging them. But the more I've got into it, I found it so interesting in the different types of moon, the different phases of moon, how it reacts to The human body, but also how you can implement everyday life in two different moon phases. Oh, yeah. So I'll hand over to you and you can start off telling us what the different types of moons are and what it means when there's a waning moon and a waxing moon. Yes. So they are known as four primary phases of the moon, but in total, there's actually eight phases of the moon and where we get. the word or the root word month from a full cycle of a moon is a month. So we have seven days in a week and we have four weeks in a month, which is actually 28 days. And 28 days is the lunar cycle. So from the moon to move from one place back to that same spot again is a 28 day cycle. And hence why it corresponds with the female, uh, manifestation menstrual cycle. So. The beginning of the lunar month starts with a new moon. So every month we have what's known as a new moon, right? And that is when the sun and moon are together in the heavens, they will be together. And that's why anytime there is a new moon, if we were ever to look up at the night There is no moon. It's completely black because it's blocked out by the sun's light. It's the, you know, the sun's too powerful. It drowns it. So we don't see it. That is the new moon phase, but because the moon is moving quicker after about a day or two, we see the first crescent moon, and then from that moment, the moon is starting to wax. So that's a waxing phase. So from the new moon to the full moon, it starts to get bigger and bigger. Seven days after we get the first quarter, what's known as the first quarter moon. So it's like a half moon and then it starts to get bigger and bigger and then seven days later will be the full moon. So that's when it's opposite the sun. So the full moon is when the sun on one side, earth where we're in the middle, and then we've got the moon at the other side. So the, the, all the rays of the sun are shining onto the moon's light surface and we can see the moon total in her full glory and splendor. That's when we have the full moon. We had a full moon last week, and then the moment the full moon hits, then it starts to wane. So then it starts to get smaller and smaller and smaller. And then seven days after the full moon, we have what's known as the last quarter moon. And then it comes back down round again to a new moon cycle again. And then we start again. So the four major points, if you want to say we've got the new moon, then we have the first quarter moon, then we have the full moon, then we have the last quarter moon, and then back again to the new moon And those four points are always associated to the four seasons. Right. Okay. So the new moon, has been likened to the winter solstice. Right. The new moon. Then we have the first quarter, which has been likened to spring. then we have the full moon, which has been likened to summer. Yeah. And then we have the last quarter moon, which has been likened to autumn. Because it's waning, it's beginning to fall. Everything's coming down again. So if you've got a cycle in every month and within that cycle, you have four phases that link with four seasons. How would those seasons link in with the month? For example, if we're in the point of autumn within the moon, but we're in just a month and we're in summer, how would that, how would that relate? So that's a very good question. So we are able to know and understand and observe the nature of each season and how that will, correspond to that particular phase. For example, if we start with the new moon, so that's the beginning. So that's the winter solstice. Yeah. So the winter solstice is the longest night of the year. It's dark. It's cold. Yeah. There's not much light. Hence why there's no light in the sky when it's a new moon, when we look up at night, it's dark. So I get that. I get that. So how would that then correspond if we've got a long night, but if that new moon corresponds to the winter, yes. If that new moon is coming in a summer month where we've got shorter nights, so it was still apply. So for those days. Or for that phase, because that new moon phase is approximately like two and a half days long, three days long. So for those three days, those three days are considered somewhat a bit weak. Right. Okay. It's, initiating, it's a new cycle. So it's like a new beginning. Yeah. So again, I, I, we've, we spoke about this before, so it's very much links in with where, it's mostly in its yin phase where it's mostly you know, cold. It's mostly, longer, it has not as much energy because it's coming to the end of the face. And that's also the thing with females, with when they're coming to the end of their period is that they're mostly Yin exactly. So it's describing a time where something is very young. It's receptive it's yin energy. it needs to be, looked after the new moon is like, The farmer planting that new crop, planting that new seed. Yeah, that's what we're doing. That's why new moves. It's always good to plant, whether through visualization or through meditation or whatever, it's very good to plant good seeds of intention, new ideas you're starting, but it's new. It's very fragile. So when we plant a plant, we've got to make sure it's getting the right amount of water to get the right amount of sunlight. And then after that first seven days or so. We see some kind of germination of some sort, we see the, the sprout shooting out of the ground. And then that's what brings us to that first quarter phase. And that's likened to spring. So really you're talking about the characters of the seasons, which again links in with the characters of the elements. Yes, yes. So we're talking about the characters of things. So then what does it mean then where we get the harvest moon and a blood moon. Right. Right. Yeah. So those then correspond with particular cycles of the year. So one of the moons that we just over the last month was a harvest. Why? Because for us in the northern hemisphere at that particular time, the month of Virgo is the time of the harvest. Yeah, it is. Yes. This is when all the farmers are doing their thing. Exactly. So the full moon that takes place during that particular season of the Virgo becomes the harvest moon. That is the time where the farmers would say, right, we need to harvest our crops. And, you know, because the season that follows that will be the autumn equinox, which is the Libra season, which is, that's why they call it the fall. So that's when the leaves are dropping off the trees. So in the olden days, and it still happens today, but just not as much because we've become, a bit more advanced is that the farmers would say, right, time to harvest. We need to put all the grains in the storehouse because we're starting to enter the cooler periods, of the year. So we need to make sure that there's enough food, there's enough grain that's going to take us through the colder times of the year. So it's the harvest moon. So the moment they saw that moon, they knew, right, that's it. That's the marker. That's the timer right there. Nature telling you like, right, I'm going into my colder seasons right now. So harvest what you need to harvest and store what you need to store because the colder seasons are now coming in. Okay. And I suppose as well, like where we're looking at all of these things like Vikings because they use the stars and the moon a lot for everything. All the cultures did that. That's what they saw. They saw the sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moon set full moons, new moons, first quarter, last quarter. So they were able to observe and they saw they were much more in touch or their daily life. In tune, yeah, their lifestyle in tune with nature. So they recognized that, ah, when the moon is out or with you, when the moon's over there, or it's half quarter moon, They could look at the moon and, oh, it looks like it's going to rain. And, oh, yep, that's the right. And that's the harvest. So basically they were using the lunation cycles, both sun and moon, especially as the seasons, they knew when to do things, they knew when to plant crops, they knew when to, you know, harvest crops, they knew which crops to plant during certain seasons, the moon cycle will let us know. This is the time to plant this crop. This is the time to harvest that crop. So there's so many different variations in it. And they saw how animals also reacted also to the different seasons and birds flying away at certain times of the year and then coming back again and animals going into hibernation and coming back out, this was all to do with the season. So they were very much in tune. I'm very much aware of that and they incorporated that into their lifestyle also as well and be able to use each particular cycle of the moon in daily life and also through the year and through the seasons and so on and so forth. there's a, a lot of people, talking about the different moon phases, with health, but I also think, it's a lost art, you know, like foraging. I think it's so important for us to be aware of, plants and nature and what you were saying, the moon phases, because it really does impact our everyday life. And I think it's a, it's a lost art that we are now becoming dumbed down to. And I think it's really important. There's a lovely community of people that are doing more foraging yeah. That's good. That's good. It really has opened up my world. to it so what about the blood moons and things like that? What do these mean? Yeah. So the blood moons, they are to do with particular times of the year when there's like a full moon and, uh, sometimes around eclipses also as well. When the, uh, the shadow of the earth is cast onto the moon and it gives it like a reddish color. Right. So those are also, they're known as the blood moons. There's also moons as well. That's sometimes where there will be a full moon and it's next to the planet Mars and because Mars has a reddish color also as well. Some of these moons are linked in with the native American Indian cultures, where they would go hunting at certain times of the year. They would maybe hunt buffalo or wolves and it was only at certain time of the year when there was a full moon. So sometimes some of these names have also. being adapted or got from them. So blood moons, obviously, because it's to do with, hunting an animal and shedding blood so they would refer to it. Oh, that's a blood moon. so there's different variations as to the word blood moon. So there's blood moon from the appearance of the moon from the shadow of the earth cast onto the moon. And there's also ones from the planet Mars. And then they've also blood moon also to do with associated with hunting. Yeah. Yeah. Where they would, you know, they kill an animal or shed blood and stuff like that. So it was linked with the blood moon. It's just amazing, isn't it? Tell us how the moon fits in with health and people's mood and people's, maybe dietary habits. Oh yeah. How that might that affects the body big time. We know the moon has a tremendous effect on the waters of the planet, with a full moon or super moons when the moon is close to the earth or during the time of any full moon, we see the direct effect of the tides, tides rise when it's a full moon, the tides are high. When it's a new moon, the tides are low. we see animals also as well, correspondence also with new moons and full moon cycles as well. Our body is 75 percent water. The moon is having a tremendous effect on it. That's why in the ancient times, all physicians, all healers had to know. astrology. Yeah. They had to know the phases of the moon because doctors would not, for example, operate on certain parts of the body when the moon was in a certain phase. So for example, when the moon is waxing, So between the new moon and the full moon during the waxing phase, this is the time where there's more increase of blood flow in the body. So if you are operating during that phase, depending on the type of operation that it is, there's a more increase of blood flow. Blood flow can equal to blood loss death. Right. Whereas on a waning moon, while the blood flow is less, it's much more better to operate during that particular time because there's less blood flow. And if, depending on the parts of the body that you are operating on, there's a less risk of death. Okay, I'm just gonna Disclaimer there, because people are going to freak out and say, Oh my God, I've got an operation. Yeah. I know. Let's just do a disclaimer. Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong. There are other, there are other, Factors that need to be taken. Yeah, that, that's just a general one. let's just say we're put disclaimer there that this is what they, thought in the medieval times. In the medieval times, okay. This is their, okay, this was their approach, They, saw that there was a direct link between the moon and the body in astrology. Each particular Zodiac sign, is connected and linked to a part of the body. Yeah. the moon. is actually the planet that symbolizes the physical body in astrology. So there's a direct link to our moon signs, for example, and the kind of habits that we have, the kind of foods that we are attracted to, or that we should be eating that are better for us based on our moon sign, based on the lunar phase that we were born under. This can also show, quite a lot of information in regards to the more sensitive part of our body and the part of the body that we need to be more, mindful of, based on the time that we were born. So the link between the moon and our health is tremendous. Yeah. Well, we know that, in a full moon, there's a higher. influx in INA, isn't there? Exactly. Because the moon rules the tides. On a full moon, the tides are high, which means the emotions are high. So this is why the police are more busy during that time. Why? Because there's more fights. people will get drunk more. Because the moon rules anything to do with liquids and alcohol is liquid. So people tend to drink more, I used to do security at a bar and I always used to tell him, I say, right. Well, anytime it was a full moon and I was on duty, I say. Get ready guys. It's going to get busy tonight and they'll be like, Oh, this is astrology stuff. And surely enough, I swear to God, it would be packed. It would just be, I mean, it would pack normally on the weekends. Fair enough. But when it was a full moon, it was just extra pattern. We just see more drunks on the road and more fights and more bundles in. Yeah, yeah, exactly. When it was a full moon, so the police are dealing with more crime and more fights and more people that end up in the A and E because they've got drunk because the emotions now are risen. People's emotions generally rise on their own high when there is a full moon. this is where we see the wolves howling at the moon, and things of that nature. So there's a direct correlation with the moon cycle. And how it affects our emotional body and physical body also as well. Yeah. So if we have a full moon and people are noticing that they're more heightened in their aggression or their anger or anything like that, if we know that the full moon is in the winter cycle, if we have foods that deal with that winter cycle, that would. Help with those aggressions. Most definitely one of the reasons why, for us, in the UK, for example, one of the reasons why they drink a lot is because of the kind of diet that. A lot of people are predisposing. We're prone to a diet that's high in sugar. Yeah. So people drink more. Yes. They may say, oh, I'm doing it socially, but they drink more the alcohol because alcohol is bitters. Yeah. It's coming from ops. So the body's trying to find something to balance it out. But also alcohol converts to sugar. Well, we're exactly, yeah, exactly. So this is where it becomes a bit of a thing. So for people like you who are into the health or nutritionist, who know that, well, since the body needs this kind of bitters and stuff like that, or Ops. Why don't you just eat maybe more oats or something or eat more mushrooms or where you can directly get it from. people are not responding to that. So the body's craving this. So they, they're finding that in the alcohol. So they drink more alcohol, but then the alcohol is not converted to sugar. So it's like a vicious cycle. And then that's why out of drinking a lot or alcoholism is very, very high in cultures like the UK, whereas if you go to countries where they still drink, every culture has its drink. There are certain cultures that don't drink as much and you find that their diet is not so high in sugar. for that. You see, once there's an imbalance, the body will crave for something to try and balance it out again, you see it's craving the bitters. So it's getting the bitters from the alcohol, from the ox or whatever, but it's, it's, it's converting it to sugar also as well. So it's like, yeah. And. Yeah. And do you know what was really interesting? You've just reminded me, I read a book on parasites and it was telling you that how parasites behave in the body and how that they actually make you make decisions, especially with there's like flukes or parasites in the brain and the blood, how their decisions or how they make you choose what foods to eat. Right, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Because we have to remember that all living organisms are under that moon's cycle. So once there's new moons and full moons and things of that nature, that's what people are responding to that. So if parasites are living organisms they're going to respond to that also as well. So they're going to, create certain, feelings or, skew or perhaps our. Decisions we make, in terms of foods decisions that we're going to make and what we're going to eat, and we end up eating the wrong things because of the cycle of the moon, because of these particular cravings at certain times of the month, whether the moon's waxing or waning and, things of that nature. So all of this is, really very, very important. Also when we carry out certain things, like for example, people say, Oh, I want to fast. Okay, fasting is great. We know that it's great for the body. It's good for the body. But when are you fasting? When are you starting your fast? Are you starting your fast on the waning side or on the waxing? Because it's better to do it on the waning side when it's decreasing, not when it's waxing because it's increasing and then the body needs more. It needs energy. Right. We're in that yang phase. Yeah. It needs, you need that fuel. Exactly. So you want to do it when it's waning. So that's why a lot of people sometimes at the new year, when they say, Oh, I'm going to make a new year's resolution to lose weight or to lose that. It doesn't actually happen because a lot of the times. They are not aware of what lunar phase is actually happening when it's January the 1st when they're making that in the new year starting with? Is it started on a waxing or a waning? You see, so when we want to increase something in our life or in the body, do it on the waxing. When you want to decrease Do it on the waning. You want to lose weight. even think that we, may take for granted, like cutting your hair. Yeah. You should cut your hair on the waning side, not on the waxing. No, because you want that energy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're cutting off your, it's like, samson. Exactly. Exactly. So you want to do that when the moon is waning. So there are certain things that you want to be doing when the moon's waxing for increase. You want to do it on the waxing side for decrease, letting go. You want to do it on the way. And does that, does that also, apply to if you're building something, definitely. Yeah. So if you're building something, you want to do it on a, on a waxing. Yes. Because you're increasing, you want it to build, you want it to increase. And if you want to take something down, you do it on a waning, do it on a waning. You want to declutter, you want to get rid of, that's why waning is very good for getting rid of things, decluttering things, house cleansing, house refurbish. Do it all that on the way and get all rid of it. You that. Yeah. Get rid of my ex. I got rid of him years ago. Thank God. I think I'd done that on a waning moon because he's buggered off and stayed. Yeah, exactly. And don't come back. You know, that kind of thing. Yeah. What is really interesting is that obviously we're doing a sort of like massive, barn renovation and, me and my husband did ship lapping on part of the barn and it's all gone tits up. We must've done that on a waning moon. Waning moon, maybe Mercury retrograde, you know, stuff like that. Yeah. So yeah, you've got to be mindful. You want to be doing these things. You see a huge difference by doing something in the waxing moon. Or, or versus doing it in a waning moon is if you've got somebody that sort of like wants to exercise all the time. Yeah. That's fine. Yeah. But you'll find that maybe it'd be better to do more yin type exercises in a waning moon. And it's also about when you're initiating it, when you're starting. So you want to start something. It's that moment that of that starting. So do it. during the new moon. Yeah. So more or less that energy from the waxing moon will carry on when you start. Exactly. Yes, exactly. And that's why even the religious festivals will start or will coincide with new moons or full moons and things of that nature. So the Chinese new year starts with the new moon in Aquarius. You know, you know, the, the, the Jewish new year starts with the, you know, the new moon in Virgo, so that they're all, they all start with the new, seasons. Ramadan starts with the new moon. So that all these festivals of religions, there's always a very crucial new moon. That's when you're starting something. That's when you're initiating something into be. So you're getting the buildup from that. Okay. From that moon in terms of waxing, but you want to end something. You want to eliminate something. It's the end of something you want to start doing it from the full moon. The full moon represents the full peak and the completion after that. It's waning. Can we get a moon calendar? Yeah, you can. yes. I mean, we're very fortunate these days because iPhones or Android phones. There's quite a lot of them that are free. If you go into your app store and put in moon app, moon application, you can get moon calendars and they will alert you to when there is a new moon, when there is a full moon. They will tell you the different phases. If it's a waxing gibbous moon, is it a waning gibbous moon? Is it a balsamic moon? Oh, what's a balsamic moon? So the balsamic moon is a waning moon, it's when the moon is waning, the balsamic moon is the one before the new moon. So just before we have a new moon, it's that closing, when the moon is closing her cycle, she's coming to the end of her cycle, coming back round to that new moon phase, that last phase before she becomes a new moon is known as the balsamic phase. So when we're talking about like new moon, quarter moon, full moon, and the last quarter moon, that is a 28 day cycle, that is correct. So they do not match our monthly cycle on a calendar. Why is that? Is that because the moon changes all the time? Why, why would there be a difference? So good question. So what's actually happening is it's almost like we're using two calendars or two calendars merging. So the calendar that we are predominantly using around the world we use for business and every day knowing what the dates are is what's known as a solar calendar. And then the lunar calendar is. marked obviously from a new moon to a new moon. That would be a lunar calendar. So we are, we are incorporating the lunar calendar into the solar calendar. So it looks like they don't match because they're at different times. So a new moon. can be on any particular day of the month. So the next new moon, for example, is going to be on the 14th of October, the following month, it might be on the 13th of November, but it will be every 28 days. Yeah, but it's not going to coincide with the calendar that we use on a day to day basis because that's the solar calendar. And that was predominantly just brought in. For business, to be quite honest, and everyday mundane things, whereas the lunar calendar is used can be used for medical, can be used for spiritual, things can also be used by farmers for planting and so on and so forth. Yes. So it's two calendars together. Yeah, so a good rule of thumb is to use your everyday calendar for your Monday life, for your day to day life, for meetings, for things like that. But actually, for your health and well being, and for your food cycles, and for planting, and for life, is to actually go with the moon phase cycle. Most definitely. Most definitely. That's how we should be using it. Most definitely. Bang on. I've just had a quick look on the app store. It's called moon calendar plus and it can tell you the different types of moon. So that would be really interesting. So listen, if anybody wants to have an astrology reading by Israel. Please, please check him out. His astrology reading is off the Richter scale. I can't tell you. Cause I've, never ever really been into readings, but I met Israel through a mutual friend and honestly we hit off straight away. And, His reading is absolutely mental. I mean, it's, as I say, we've still got to do part two of my read. Oh really? Oh my God. Right. That is honestly so interesting and so accurate. It's mind blowing. So if people want to reach out to you, Israel, where can they find you? They can find me on my website. www. sacredplanets. co. uk. That's www. sacredplanets. co. uk. And, there's a whole heap of stuff there. It's still being built. So some of the stuff needs to be updated. But, but also you're, active on TikTok and, and I'm active on TikTok, I'm on Instagram, sacredplanets, also on TikTok as well, sacredplanets you can email me at, sacredplanets at gmail. com. So I'm, quite easy to get hold of, details are all there. So if you're on social media, you can catch me on, the Insta, And TikTok as well. This thing, I've seen you on TikTok with your, these green screens on the back. I think I'm playing around with it. I'm playing around with it. I'm like, you know, trying to, trying to get a bit colorful, you know, you're, you're red hot. You're fine. Anyway, listen, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. I love talking to you. And, we'll definitely get you back on and we'll talk about the planets next. All right then Israel. Thank you so much.