The H.E.L.P. Show

Episode 4 Change

Derek Wallman Season 1 Episode 4

As we approach the New Years weekend, a lot of us are making our New Years resolution's.   Things we are trying to do in our lives that we might not have had a lot of luck with in the past.  Todays episode lays out 5 tips you can use to improve your chances at hitting those goals, as well as a bunch of encouragement from me!  I'm so proud of everyone who is trying to better themselves in mind, body, and spirit because all of our resolution's will do that for us because it makes us feel good about ourselves!  
Change is hard!!!  But if nothing changes, nothing changes!  These 5 tips are a guideline to help and as always, feel free to reach out to me or post on the FB group to get some additional support! 
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all an BEST OF LUCK with your resolution's! 
Oh, and above all else... BE SAFE!!! 

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