Expert Ownership Podcast

5 Steps To Hear God In Your Business

Benham Brothers

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Imagine elevating your entrepreneurial journey to a higher calling by bringing God into the boardroom. That's the revelation we journey through today, inspired by Christine Lee, whose entrepreneurial spirit and faith-infused teaching set the stage. We explore the profound concept of viewing God as the majority stakeholder in your business, a paradigm shift that not only shapes how we provide for our families but how we serve His kingdom through our work. 

In this episode, we outline five actionable steps to ensure your business decisions resonate with your faith, by aligning ourselves with our business partner - God. 


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Expert Ownership Podcast. This is David. I'm finally speaking first because I told Jason Hush his yapper you know we talk often about God is your business partner, but he's the majority owner. You're just the member manager. Yeah, you're the managing partner. That's right and it's a stewardship. He's given you the keys to the kingdom. He wants the stewardship of this so that it can be used not only to provide for your family and future generations, but also to promote his kingdom on the earth. So today we're going to talk about okay, what does that practically look like? Yeah, we're going to give five steps, five keys on how to practically make God your business partner.

Speaker 1:

Hey, let me say this real quick too I got to give a shout out to a lady that I love in terms of following her for her content Christine Lee. She's great. She's based in I think she's in Los Angeles. Yeah, she's Los Angeles, san Diego. She's in Cali, out there, missionary yeah, actually I think she's Los Angeles but fantastic entrepreneur. She's incredible, and I signed up for her newsletter and I don't do newsletters, but she is so fantastic in terms of teaching you practical steps on how to make decisions with God.

Speaker 1:

And you know, david and I if you read Expert Ownership or if you've ever done one of our masterminds, if you've done one of our retreats, you know we spend time at least an hour at the beginning of each day during those things in listening prayer, where we'll turn on some William Augusto soaking music and we listen for the Lord. And all of us have our notepads there ready to write what the Lord wants to say about our business, about our family, about our personal lives. And I just did a marriage intensive couple days with Becca and Kyle Quill. They own an HVAC company crushing it in South Carolina. So they went and we did listening prayer on the day two of that marriage intensive and they told us at the end that that was the most powerful moment. It is for everybody.

Speaker 1:

Because when you get quiet you know we live in an age of distraction, and let's just break that word down. Distraction, yeah, god wants us to move forward. Think about the wheels, the tires on your car. They have traction, they're moving you forward, you're going places. But the devil wants to like throw an oil slick out there and get you distracted, like get no more moving forward. And we live in a day and age where distraction is everywhere around us and quite often it's a bunch of good stuff, especially if you're a kingdom entrepreneur and you truly do want to serve the Lord and you're walking up rightly, with your family and all these other things. That's great. But there's still the ploy of the enemy to get you distracted doing so many good things that you don't just stop, settle the noise and hear the voice of God. Yes, and why would you want to hear the voice of God? Remember he is your partner. We're talking to faith-filled entrepreneurs here. Okay, there's so many different ways that we can apply hearing the voice of the Lord, but we're going to apply it to your business today.

Speaker 1:

And Christine Lee in her newsletter, she listed out five steps to making a decision with God and it was fantastic and I'm like you know what. I love those. We actually use those. But since she jogged my memory, I want to go ahead and share these with you guys Now.

Speaker 1:

Step one so you want to make a decision with God, you want to partner with God, you want to make sure that you're hearing from him. Step number one you got to find a quiet place. You got to find a quiet place where you can hear your own thoughts. Because? Why? Because, well, the Lord says, when you delight yourself in him, he will give you the desires of your heart, which means he will give you certain desires. So when you have desires, those are actually his desires. So your thoughts are his thoughts. So you're like, oh, is that my thoughts, that God's thought? No, don't worry about that, they're God's thoughts, because you're delighting yourself in him. Now, if you're tickling some tent, some temptation, some sin, and and you're trying to keep it secret, or whatever, your thoughts ain't God's thoughts, let me just tell you, because you're not delighting yourself in him. But you got to start by finding a quiet place. What is that place early in the morning that you can spend some good time with Lord.

Speaker 1:

David and I had a couple quiet places. He had one in his house, I had one in my house. Of course, we always had to wake up for the kids got up, because that's when it was quiet and then we would get into our office early before anybody else showed up, and we get on our knees in our office and it was quiet and we would spend time praying and listening to the Lord. You know, it's interesting as you look back in Scripture at the patriarchs Abraham, isaac, jacob, you know, moses and Joshua, caleb and all of these. They would build altars. You know, early on it would say that Abraham left and he built an altar to the Lord. Isaac would then sojourn and build an altar to the Lord. Jacob, when he left, built an altar to the Lord. These were quiet places.

Speaker 1:

These were places where they said, well, I'm gonna meet with God now. Look, you can actually meet with God in your car. It can be mobile, it can be anything. Look, I mean we don't have to straight up go grab some rocks and build an altar Like they did back in the Old Testament, but you do want to, on a consistent basis, find a place in your home. Where can I meet with the Lord? And it doesn't make that that place anymore Holy. Then you know, when you're standing over the sink doing dishes and putting them into the dishwasher, you can meet with God right there as well.

Speaker 1:

But just getting into that consistent routine really helps you. Helps you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically say, okay, I'm locked in. When you're tired or distracted, you, you a hundred percent, are not gonna be in a good place to be alone with your own thoughts and be alone with God. So that's why early in the morning is important, because if you're tired, that's a that's a. That's a tough place to be and I and I love David, I've used this example a lot if it's important to you to hear the fan motor on your refrigerator, then you have to make sure that you quiet everything down and get close and listen, otherwise you're not gonna hear it right. If you got a ton of people over, if it's busy in the house and all that kind of stuff, you're not gonna hear that fan motor. The same is true with the voice of the Lord. He doesn't want to scream at you, he wants to whisper, which means you got to get alone and you got to get quiet. Okay. So, step one find a quiet place.

Speaker 1:

Step two Ask a question. This is so good because you need to go into your times with the Lord, specifically listening prayer. You need to come, come at it with pen and paper. Okay. So, pen and paper, you are ready to write, and what you're gonna do is you're gonna ask a question. You're gonna pick a question that you would ask a business or life coach. What would you ask a business coach or a life coach? Okay, just ask him and ask that to God. You can even write it down, lord, what would you do with this person that I'm thinking about having to fire? What would you do? Like, lord, I've got this, this new vertical I want to go into in my business, and I'm not sure if I should launch out and do that. Is it too risky? Like, write down that question and ask and then ask okay, what's the next step? What do you think about blank? You know what's your will regarding blank. Like, just start asking God questions. Okay, so that's step two.

Speaker 1:

So step one find a quiet place. Step two ask a question. Step three this is so important Wait. Okay, just wait and listen. That's a hard one, yep. Step three is wait and listen, close your eyes and listen, and You're gonna wait for however long it takes.

Speaker 1:

Usually, you know, whenever we're walking people through listening prayer, I'll do like a 15 minute period. So we'll say, okay, write down a question or two that you want an answer for, and then we're gonna. I'm gonna turn on this music, because that's one of the important things. I've got some music, no words, william Augusto soaking music and we're now going to wait and we're just gonna listen. Okay, that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna listen.

Speaker 1:

Now you want to hold that space and sit in it, okay, until something comes to mind. And so At that moment, when something comes to mind, don't worry about the thoughts that are gonna go through your head. Is that my thought? Is that just coming straight from me, like what? I don't know if that's God's thought or or whatever. So we just wait and listen, okay.

Speaker 1:

So step number one get to a quiet place. Step number two ask a question. Okay, get ready to write. You've got that music playing. Step number three listen. Wait, okay, until something comes to mind. And when something comes to mind, there's step four write it down.

Speaker 1:

Now can I say this real quick in the period of waiting it may be two or three days I mean you may be driving in the car after this is all said and done, you hadn't heard anything or whatever, and then all of a sudden it hits you or you're sleeping. That happens to me most of the time. Yeah, because you're always listening. I wake up in the middle of the night, at like 3.30 in the morning. It's funny, it's always sometime around the three ish and I'll wake up and I'm like, hmm, that's interesting, I hadn't thought of that perspective before, and it's often the Lord speaking to my heart. Yeah, and here's the thing when you're listening and waiting, some things will come to mind. Just write it down. Okay, that's actually step four.

Speaker 1:

Step four is write down whatever you hear. So, with childlike faith, like a five year old would write down whatever comes to mind. Okay, don't judge it. Don't judge what you're writing down. Just write it down, because the temptation at that moment will be to judge it. Okay, so I did this.

Speaker 1:

My wife and I did this exercise with a couple, and I'm sitting there and I've got the music playing. I explained to them how listening prayer works. I'm like, hey, the best thing that we can do here is to not give you advice. The best thing that we can do is simply get you to a position to where you're hearing and getting advice directly from God. And so they understood. It turned the music on, we're on our knees. They got their pen and paper ready and you know Tori and I are at one side of the room, they're at the other and I said just start writing whatever comes to mind, ask the question, whatever question that you wanna ask, and then start writing it down. And Tori and I are gonna do the same thing, cause you can do listening prayer at any moment.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm there, the music's playing three or four minutes, nothing was really coming to mind, you know, five minutes. And then I just I'm thinking seer, see, seer, like a seer in the scripture, like somebody who sees, and so I just wrote it down. I felt it was specifically for the lady and I forget what the one I wrote down for the guy was. But then, as I just began to think through that it was like a seer, what is a seer? So I started writing down what a seer was and, you know, really felt like the Lord was saying that she has the ability to see things that a lot of people can't see. And so I'm writing it down. I'm like, is this my thinking, or is this? Is this God? I don't know, I don't have a clue.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the funny part is we get done and now I'm ready to go over their answers with them, and what the Lord had said because that's a very important part, you know is that we want to have an opportunity to share that. So I'm having them share it. But I went first and I said, you know, I don't know what this means. But I really feel like for you, it's God is saying that you are a seer and that you can see things that other people can't see. And Tori goes. Oh, that's crazy, because the one word that stuck out of my mind for her was the word see, and so and I was like that is so hilarious. Like here, I am worried that this word isn't the right word, and it's me and all that. But then the Holy Spirit just had a way of coordinating and she needed that word. So, listening, prayer can be used like that.

Speaker 1:

So you're gonna find a quiet place and when you do, grab a pen and paper, turn on some music, okay. Step two you're gonna ask a question, whatever the question is, as if you're talking to your business coach, your life coach, just whatever questions that you've got. And step three listen and wait. It's during that time. That's when the music is important, cause you're gonna feel something in your body. Okay, then start writing down answers. Doesn't matter if you think they're your own answers or if they're coming from God, doesn't matter, you'll start to see patterns. Whatever you do, just write it down.

Speaker 1:

And then step number five ask God, follow up questions. Okay, follow-up questions, like you ask him. Okay, so you wrote down something, you wrote down a question, you wrote down an answer of what you think it could be, or whatever that God might be speaking to. You Ask a follow-up question, okay, so what do you mean? Can you make it clear anything else? Like you're literally having this conversation with God. It doesn't matter how many multiple follow-up questions there are, but just talk with God like he is your business coach, okay, and then, when you ask that, write down whatever comes to mind.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you do this on a consistent basis in your business, even if you just do it for five minutes, okay, and you write it down. You ask question, write it down, ask question, write it down. You do it every day in your business. Let's just say, five days a week. Okay, what you're gonna see at the end of two, three, four weeks is you're gonna start seeing patterns. You're gonna start seeing things like okay, well, I keep getting this answer, so maybe I should go this direction. That's how God speaks to you. And you're like well, I don't know if that was my thought God's like don't, don't go down that path. Your thought is God's thought. Now, that's why you have to make sure that there's no impurities in your life in that moment. That's right.

Speaker 1:

And secondly, it says in the scripture that there's a wisdom and a multitude of counsel. So you want to be speaking to the counsel that's in your life. If you're attached to a local church, which you should. If you're a kingdom entrepreneur, you're involved in a local church where there's a, there's elders, there's a pastor, there are some leaders that you can connect with, there are some other. If you're a man, there's a men's group. If you're a woman, there's some other women in the church that you can get some advice, for God allows us and actually I don't want to use the word yeah no commands. He says for sake, not the assembling together he wants you involved in, because he wants you to be able to receive wisdom that God gives other people for you, yeah, which is so incredibly important.

Speaker 1:

Now, my goal was to do this podcast in less than 20 minutes. I think we hit it in 15. That was my goal and so. But now here's the thing If you do this, david and I don't have to belabor the point and talk about all these different angles If you simply do this, then you will partner with God in a very powerful way. We've talked about listening, prayer so much, but I love these five steps Find a quiet place, ask a question, listen, okay, and wait, write down the answer, ask follow-up questions. It's all you got to do and then you will be partnering with God in a very, very special and powerful way and watch what he does with your business.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Okay, jason, own it or loan it. What? The Yucca app? I don't even know what that is. Yeah, you do, I don't. Okay, yucca, it's an app you can put on your phone and you can scan any barcode in the grocery store and it will tell you if it's like good or bad, in terms of like over-processed, too much junk, what it's gonna do to your body. Yeah, well, of course, it's actually really cool.

Speaker 1:

But the problem is is I really like some things? I like chomps. I like those because it's a good protein and I'll take a big ol' chomp stick and I'll put it into the avocado, or? I didn't think you ate chomp? Well, no, I stopped eating chomp because of Yucca. Oh, because it said it's got way too many man-made things in it. It's too processed. Yeah, it's not great for your body. Own it or loan it. A Laili, no, no, no, no, hold on, I'm not done with mine yet, but I wanted to tell you Yucca, laili, stupid. Okay, that was quality material. So you own Yucca. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm gonna own it because Lori's got it on her phone and we were rolling through Costco the other day and and I'm like, babe, I want these. These are these dark chocolate bars from Joes. It's Joes dark chocolate bars, yeah, and it had this great story, this lady that survived cancer and, ooh, yeah, I love them. She had a sweet tooth. Well, I scanned it. How bad are they? I scanned it on Yucca and it says it's poor, really. And the reason why it's poor is it's a little bit too sweet and I think it's because it's got cranberries in it. So I peel the cranberries off, yeah, but that's 70% dark chocolate and it is so good, it is very good, I love it. So I think I'm gonna own Yucca, but I'm not gonna sit there and and it's not omniscient, so, so I'm gonna just make some wise decisions.

Speaker 1:

Okay with Yucca. Okay, there, that's a little tidbit. It reminds me of Vince Vaughn, how he's like hey, let's get together and make some bad decisions. Okay, that's stupid, that's stupid. Okay, god bless you guys. Subscribe rate review. Send it to some friends. Hopefully this blessed you. Reach out to us. If you want to hear anything specific, any topics covered, hit us at BenthamBrotherscom. You can follow us on socials at Bentham Brothers. Yeah, you can Enjoy. All right, guys. God bless you Peace.