Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian

Repentance, Forgiveness, and Moving Forward in Faith

Ruth Hovsepian/Karin Thompson Season 2 Episode 82

This episode is about starting over in Christ and the importance of building a personal relationship with Him. The guest, Karin Thompson, shares her personal journey and how she found comfort and guidance in her relationship with Jesus. They discuss the importance of fellowship and finding a church community that encourages growth. They also emphasize the need for personal discipline in prayer, reading the Bible, and renewing the mind. The conversation highlights the importance of repentance, forgiveness, and moving forward in faith.


  • Starting over in Christ means building a personal relationship with Him and seeking guidance and comfort in that relationship.
  • Fellowship and finding a supportive church community are important for growth and encouragement in the Christian walk.
  • Personal discipline in prayer, reading the Bible, and renewing the mind is crucial for spiritual growth.
  • Repentance, forgiveness, and moving forward in faith are essential for starting over and experiencing God's grace and healing.

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Ruth Hovsepian (00:01.108)
Welcome to Out of the Darkness. And this episode is really all about what it means in starting over in Christ. My guest today is Karen Thompson, who is an author and a blogger. And she dedicates her work to encouraging the body of Christ, helping individuals grow closer to God and to fulfill their God -given purposes. Karen, thank you for joining us today.

Karin (00:31.932)
Morning Ruth, thank you very much for having me, it's an absolute pleasure.

Ruth Hovsepian (00:36.308)
Well, to kick off our conversation, can you share a little bit about your personal journey and what it means to you to start over in Christ?

Karin (00:48.124)
I was very fortunate, I got saved when I was 12 and trust me that's a long time ago. I went to Sunday school in my school hall and the lady said there, does anyone need a friend that will never leave you? And I come from an abused home so I definitely needed a friend and I put my hand up and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and then went back home. But I had such an inside...

Ruth Hovsepian (01:05.62)

Karin (01:17.212)
feeling comfort, just a piece that I couldn't explain. Even though I was still going back to the same mess, I knew that God was ready with me. And I literally took what she said seriously. When she said to me, you know, he's your friend, he's with you all the time, everywhere you go, this little friend will go with you. You know, trying to explain it to a 12 year old mind. So I just figured, okay, I've got an invisible friend. So everywhere I went, I spoke to Jesus and

All these years later, I still everywhere I go talk to Jesus. He's become so close to me that I'm conscious of Him being with me. It's not like I have to suddenly be in my prayer closet to pray and say, hello Jesus today or hello God today. It's just when I go shopping, I talk to Him. When I'm having my coffee, I say, I'll talk to Him. When I'm writing my books or my blog, I talk to Him. It just becomes so much part of your existence. And I think this is what we need to do in our Christian lives.

Ruth Hovsepian (02:14.196)
Yeah, I agree with you. I never understood it. I grew up in a Christian home actually and in the church and from a very, very young age. I was a newborn when I was introduced into the church, but I never really understood what it meant to have that kind of relationship that you got into at the age of 12. I really, at the time, you really lived...

The way it was expected of me and what I found myself doing was at the age of 12, I made a commitment as well. I was at sleep away youth camp and we had watched a movie and I'm not sure if you're familiar with the movie. It was called the thief in the night. And it scared me because it really was talking about the second coming of Christ and those that didn't, right?

Karin (03:09.084)
Yes, I remember.

Ruth Hovsepian (03:12.212)
So I made a commitment to the Lord back then and just went on my merry way and really prayer to me was more of a, I forgot to pray when I went to bed. I jumped out of bed afraid that if I didn't say my bedtime prayer, I would be going to hell or, you know, and this is how I, that was my understanding of it. I never had made it a personal thing.

Karin (03:27.324)

Karin (03:38.14)

Ruth Hovsepian (03:42.228)
But like you now, I find I went through addiction recovery in secret and really the only person was Jesus. And going to him in prayer in my deepest need and building that relationship where, as you said, no matter what I was doing, no matter what I needed,

Karin (03:57.115)
Ruth Hovsepian (04:11.124)
I had a place to turn to. It became, it became my constant friend.

Karin (04:12.924)

Karin (04:18.78)
Amen, amen. And that's so important, so important.

Ruth Hovsepian (04:20.404)
Yeah, it's, it is, it is very important. How do we, you know, both of us growing up with faith in our lives kind of took very different roads. How would you encourage someone to, you know, live their life in Christ? What does that look like and mean to you?

Karin (04:50.492)
It has to be a daily thing. I don't think you have to, you build your life around Christ. Christ becomes your life. So even in my book I had to discover this because I come from the views of home so I didn't really know who I was. I didn't have a parental guidance. So when I found Jesus and when I eventually left home, I had to learn to have godly habits. So I made prayer a godly habit.

Ruth Hovsepian (04:53.492)

Ruth Hovsepian (04:59.06)
Mm -hmm.

Karin (05:19.804)
I made reading my Bible a godly habit. I made listening to faith -boarding tapes a godly habit. And then I got a hold of a bunch of affirmations that stirred my spirit up to speak positive things into my life. I started to renew my mind. It's a lot of you there, because no one can do those things for you, it's you. And if you want the best from God, you have to dig into God and give him your best.

Ruth Hovsepian (05:43.348)

Karin (05:45.948)
So it takes time. When I was working, I don't work anymore, but when I was working at the job, I used to get up earlier and spend time with God, at least start my day with having a prayer time and reading my Bible before I went out into the world and faced all that mess. And then at night I would spend more quality time in prayer. I had to cut out my TV. I had to cut out some friends that weren't good company. I'm now going to church.

I could get join a connect group which is like a ladies meeting or a bunch of fellowships people of the same life people that you feel you can you know be yourself with and you can communicate. This is not a journey that you want to do alone. You need to find your community. Your relationship with Jesus very much is alone because your prayer time is alone but your life experiences and your finding out about other people's experiences is

Ruth Hovsepian (06:18.036)

Ruth Hovsepian (06:28.66)

Karin (06:42.044)
very much a part of a community thing. So I would really encourage someone to get involved in church, go to a church, a good church where you're getting encouraged, not where you're not doing enough and you're not good enough, not that kind of church, a church where you're getting encouraged and learning the things of God. And then find your group of people, get a bunch of ladies, a bunch of men, a bunch of mixed other people that just can help you walk your walk and you can talk to each other about things and connect and.

Ruth Hovsepian (06:55.732)
Right, right.

Karin (07:10.14)
You know, that's very important. We at church, once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we have a program called Next Steps. And there they teach you, you know, how to read your Bible, what to expect when you read your Bible and put you into a group where maybe it's same age group or same interest group. So they help you on your journey. Because you know, I think when you've been a Christian for a long time, you don't realize how much we have our own lingo.

We have our own ways. I mean, we've been out there and praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus. And people think, what is this? Strange things don't understand. We have our own quirks. And we talk about Romans and Philippines and Matthew and they think, who are these people? So when you come in from nowhere, it really is, it can be a bit overwhelming. So the more you get connected, it certainly will help you.

Ruth Hovsepian (07:47.631)
Right, right, we did.

Ruth Hovsepian (08:01.588)
I agree, yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (08:06.356)
Yeah, I agree with you very much. So I think, you know, I just want to take sort of take what you said and, and, and break it up into a few things because you've said some really, really good, you've given some really good advice there. And the first thing I would love to address is the fellowship is finding a church that will allow you to grow, not just to become very complacent or feel good.

Karin (08:31.356)
in Maine.

Ruth Hovsepian (08:36.148)
And I think that that is so important as a believer. We need to grow. We need to grow our understanding, not to just be spoon fed, but there comes a time where we need to know how to feed ourselves as well. So for me, finding a church, a community of believers,

Karin (08:39.58)
Karin (08:56.124)

Ruth Hovsepian (09:02.836)
that don't just say, yeah, Ruth, you're doing fine. You're okay. Don't worry about it. But to me, it's a fellowship of believers who are looking out for each other as well. And if I, if I am doing something that goes against the word of God, I want to be called on that and said, you know, Ruth, in prayer, I think there's a way of doing it.

Karin (09:07.452)

Karin (09:25.148)
I mean, I mean.

Karin (09:30.684)

Ruth Hovsepian (09:32.116)
Right? It's not a judgmental thing because as a family, we're doing it in love. And I think that is what is so important. You know, what you said is find a church, a community where you will grow together and be there for each other. I think that is very important. And the other thing that you said,

Karin (09:44.924)
Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Karin (09:53.148)

Ruth Hovsepian (09:59.028)
wow. It's, it's really, really important is the church really is for the believer. Therefore, when someone, when someone comes in, either a new believer or someone who is searching, we need to be, we need to be aware of how we are speaking. And you hit it, you know, you said it so well.

Karin (10:07.068)
Yes, I'm in.

Karin (10:25.82)

Ruth Hovsepian (10:28.244)
We use Christian lingo and we expect a new believer to understand what we're talking about. So I think there is discipleship that needs to be, to take place as well. Yeah.

Karin (10:36.7)
Karin (10:42.588)
Absolutely, absolutely. And also Ruth, if you think of it, when you ask Jesus into your heart, a lot of people have reached rock bottom. They might be tired of themselves and sick and tired of everything else. So now they are maybe not in a good place physically, mentally, definitely not spiritually. So you're dealing with a person that really is

Ruth Hovsepian (10:54.164)

Karin (11:06.876)
on their last nerve maybe, just dealing with so much trauma maybe in their own life. Maybe they're going through a divorce or someone's died or something. Something horrendous has happened to them and they've reached out to God. It's very much the church's responsibility to help this person get back on their feet, see hope for the new world, see some life, that there is still life after whatever's happening and help them. Maybe financially they need some help. Maybe they've got no food, they've lost their job. Whatever we can do as a body of Christ to

Ruth Hovsepian (11:29.62)

Karin (11:36.892)
Show the person that, you know, we aren't just a group of people that say hallelujah all the time, but we are doers of the word of God. We care about the loss, we care about people that are hurting, and that way you build them into your community and they can see there's a difference, you know? That you're part of something, so that's very important. Can we pause here, Ma? sorry Ruth, I just gotta stop. Can I just stop quickly? Sorry.

Ruth Hovsepian (11:54.656)
Yeah, you're right. I had a guess.

Karin (12:20.412)
I am so sorry my alarm went off. You can cut it out. Sorry.

Ruth Hovsepian (12:22.196)
No, no, no, that that's, that's okay. Yeah, no worries. You're right. I had a guest actually recently on, and they talked about how we need to be aware of those that are walking through the church doors and what they need and what is it that they're dealing with. And sometimes we are.

Karin (12:42.524)

Ruth Hovsepian (12:51.476)
so much into our little groups or we are so in our little cliques and into our friendships that, you know, we may welcome a guest into the church, but we really don't take the time to talk with these new people in our church and get to know and understand what it is to know them.

Karin (13:11.964)
Mm -mm.

Ruth Hovsepian (13:18.484)
And I think that is part of what being a family is. You know, I think of it as having a guest in your home. When someone walks in through the doors of your home, you don't just continue talking to your family member. You make an effort to draw your guests into the conversation, getting to know them, getting to understand them and making them feel at home.

Karin (13:23.004)
I mean.

Karin (13:38.332)

Karin (13:46.107)

Ruth Hovsepian (13:46.356)
And I think as a body of believers, that's what we also need to do and address. Otherwise we will see them walk away because they're just uncomfortable maybe.

Karin (13:52.316)

Karin (14:06.031)
I tried that it didn't work, but how much of it not working was maybe someone's fault. A newborn Christian, they might be easily offended and so you've got to maybe deal with it warm with soft gloves with them and help them. I actually teach at our sisterhood at church and I'm slowly getting to know the woman and

Ruth Hovsepian (14:13.78)

Karin (14:31.452)
People come from different backgrounds, different churches, and they all end up in this church now. As I speak to them, some of them have horrendous stories. I've come through some horrendous background. I'm a myself. I know I've come through a horrendous background. The only way that I've overcome all this is because I've spent time in the prayer closet with God, and I've learned to lean on Him and let Him be my guide and my comfort and my strength.

Ruth Hovsepian (14:42.324)

Karin (14:58.78)
And also, you know, as you walk out your daily life, you know, there's ups and downs, things happen, you get unexpected bulls, you might get a curve ball, something happens with the children. You know, life is full of opportunities to scream and have a problem, you know. So if you've got a community or a friend that you can phone and say, hey, can you pray with me today? Look, you know, I just got a call, my son's not doing well and he's lost his job and you know, whatever, you know, just someone that can help you.

Ruth Hovsepian (15:22.196)

Karin (15:27.068)
So it's very important when you get born again that you don't now suddenly become an island all on your own because Christianity is not an island on your own. It definitely is community. But what I say is when you're growing, that is on your own because no one can feed you but you. No one can do the praying but you and no one can bulge your spirit man up but you. And renewing your mind is also you. So maybe the hard work is you.

Ruth Hovsepian (15:34.26)

Karin (15:55.099)
But the more you do it and the more routine you have and the more you practice, you get stronger and stronger daily. You build your spirit up daily. And if you keep it strong, you start growing and you start seeing major changes in your life. And that is so inspiring. And then you can also help other people, which is also what it's all about, giving back and being supportive for other people that are going through different things that you go through.

Ruth Hovsepian (16:08.528)

Ruth Hovsepian (16:19.765)
I agree. I agree with you on that. I think that growing means you need to do something. You need to carve out time in your schedule. And I hear it often, I made those excuses, I'm busy, I have too much to do. Even being busy with church activities, you know, that is just as wrong as being too busy with worldly activities.

Karin (16:26.396)

Karin (16:41.788)
Hi y 'all.

Karin (16:49.084)
Ruth Hovsepian (16:49.3)
activities because being busy, busy doing the Lord's work also takes away from that one on one time that you need to grow and.

Karin (17:00.22)
Ruth Hovsepian (17:02.612)
Unless, you know, it's sort of the, what came to mind as you were saying that it's, you know, when you're on a plane and you're taking a flight, they always tell you, put the oxygen mask on you first and then help the child or someone who needs your help afterwards. Because how can you help someone if you're in need? And that's true for, for me, I have made a dedicated time.

Karin (17:15.708)
Yes, yes.

Karin (17:23.804)

Ruth Hovsepian (17:32.884)
for prayer, a dedicated time to dig into the word of God as well. Over and above, you know, a community prayer, community Bible study. I think that, you know, we need, as Christians that are growing and maturing, we need to teach those that are still babes in faith.

how to put these habits in. We can't just say, take it to the Lord in prayer or just read your Bible. Why? We need to help them more.

Karin (18:04.86)

Karin (18:12.924)

Karin (18:18.588)
Yes, yes. And also you know you will find time for things that you want to find time for. You know when the latest Netflix movie comes out you've got time to watch that. You know you've got time to go have coffee. You've got time to do nice happy things. So if something is a priority in your life you will find the time. And you know God doesn't want us to stay babes in Christ. He wants us to mature and grow and

Ruth Hovsepian (18:33.908)

Karin (18:45.468)
You know today Ruth, there's so much resources online, free resources. You don't have to pay for them or you can do, I mean like Joyce Miles, she has so much Bible studies for free. There's messages download on YouTube for free. There really is no excuse not to be growing today because you know years ago when I started out everything cost money. So I could say, look, I don't have the money to do that. But really your Bible's free too. You know the Bible app is free. Everything is free. So there's no excuse and

You know, you don't want to be found short. I want God to say to me, good and faithful servant. I don't want him to say, you know, I gave you all this opportunity, but you were too busy. But isn't God the center of your life? Isn't he the most important thing you have? And you know, to be led by the Spirit of God, to avoid the detours in life and the mistakes in life.

Ruth Hovsepian (19:27.252)

Karin (19:40.06)
because I've now heard the voice of God leading and direct me, just go left. No, don't go right, go left. And you think, no, I need to go right. But you know, okay, God's saying go left. And I diverse all that mess. It's so worth living in the presence of God. You know, just learning His voice, recognizing His voice, because God is for us and He wants to lead our lives and direct our lives and help us in our life. But of course, like I say, it's you. You're gonna have to give Him the time because He's always there waiting.

Ruth Hovsepian (19:57.14)

Ruth Hovsepian (20:08.384)

Karin (20:09.852)
It's up to you to take the time out of your day. I'm not talking about hours. I mean, you know, a 20 minute prayer, just talk to God, just build relationship. And I mean, when you go for coffee with your friend, you could be gone for two hours and you think, my goodness, it's already, you know, so we can't do it. We've just got to prioritize.

Ruth Hovsepian (20:21.78)

Ruth Hovsepian (20:30.996)
Yeah, you're right. It's a priority. Whether, whether we make it a priority or not, I think that is what the key for it. And I know my listeners are going to be tired of hearing this by the time 2024 is over, but I've made a challenge for myself to read the Bible through. Every month, every month I need to read, not I need to my, the whole Bible. It's my challenge. I gave it to myself. I heard someone do it in a month.

Karin (20:33.212)

Karin (20:49.404)
Okay. The whole Bible.

Karin (20:57.212)
in a month.

Ruth Hovsepian (21:00.724)
And I have to say that the first month was very difficult. I'm into my seventh month. It, it is it. I'd love to say, yes, it's so easy to do. It's not it's it. Yeah. It's, it's something like 35 to 40 chapters, at least every day. So I've, I change it, but all of that really was to say that if we make a commitment to something.

Karin (21:12.764)
No, I don't think so. Wow.

Ruth Hovsepian (21:30.132)
And we stick to it. The benefits are huge. And I am seeing the benefit of doing that. Now that is aside from my Bible study time, because, you know, I, I need my Bible study time as well. This is just to read, but I just encourage everyone that we need to, and I like this to discipline ourselves.

Karin (21:33.916)
Mm -hmm.

Karin (21:58.46)

Ruth Hovsepian (21:58.772)
to lean on him for all of our understanding. And I get questioned a lot about how, how do I know if I hear the word of God or the answer that I'm getting. And I believe that the, the more in prayer we are, we pray, you know, but we also need to sit.

quietly as the Holy Spirit speaks to us. And sometimes Karen, we hear the answer, it's just not what we want to hear. So we...

Karin (22:33.404)
Amen, amen.

Karin (22:40.135)
What I hear exactly exactly I mean it's the same if If you're in a crowded room and everybody's talking and the music's playing and suddenly your husband calls you and Of all that noise your ears will pick up and you'll know that's looking for me, you know or whatever it is Because why you know that voice you recognize that voice because you spend time with a person who owns that voice and The more time you spend with God

Ruth Hovsepian (23:06.772)
That's right.

Karin (23:07.356)
the more you'll recognize his voice, the more you'll know his voice. So when he says, because God doesn't shout, he's not in the shouting business, he talks quietly inside you, softly, he's leading you. So he'll say to you, go left. And you think, no, but I must go right, not go left. But because you know the voice, because you know that he'll never lead you wrong, you will be obedient to it and do it and avoid so much in life, you know. And that's what it is. We want to have successful lives. We want to...

Ruth Hovsepian (23:16.052)

Ruth Hovsepian (23:29.332)

Karin (23:35.324)
do things right. I don't want to make mistakes anymore because they're just too costly. I don't want to buy things that I know I don't need. I don't want to go down the wrong place, be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I want to be led by the Spirit of God and have success as my Christian walk, be a successful Christian. And the more I have that, obviously the stronger I'm going to board my relationship, the more successful I'm going to be. It just has such a rebuffal effect.

The close eye to God really, it's you that benefits because He's got everything you need. Everything you want is in Christ and He's got the resources. I mean God is the networker of all networkers. He knows exactly who can help you and He will lead you there, but you know you have to be pliable to be led and that's the big thing.

Ruth Hovsepian (24:02.964)

Ruth Hovsepian (24:19.188)

Ruth Hovsepian (24:23.924)
What do you, how do you answer someone who says to you, you know, Karen, I've, I've just neglected my, my faith walk. I've just been on automatic for all of these years. where do I start? How do I start? How do I get back into this? What do you say to the, to this person?

Karin (24:49.916)
First thing is get down on your knees and repent. Just say, Lord, I'm sorry. That's all it is. I'm sorry, Lord, that I've been a bit wayward. I suppose we call it backslidden. And just rededicate your life to the Lord. Say, Father God, I just give you my heart right now in Jesus' name. I repent of drifting away. I surrender myself to you again. I accept Jesus, my Lord and Savior. And then get back into the things of God. Find a church.

Ruth Hovsepian (25:05.524)

Karin (25:18.364)
Find your community, open your Bibles. Before you open your Bible, pray, Father God, this is your word to me. Show me, speak to me through your word, direct me. You know what I even do, Ruth? I might have a question. Lord, I don't know, I'm not too sure if I should really go anywhere today. Should I stay home? I just don't feel like I should go out. I read a prophet every day, and then you'll say in the prophet,

Go out and be with one. Some scripture will come up and I know, okay, I need to go out today. God is so literal, put him into your everyday life. So read your Bible and ask the question and believe God while you're reading the scriptures that he will answer you. Get back into a good church. If you can't even get to church, go online to YouTube and find somebody. There's so many brilliant preachers. Start listening to the word because...

Ruth Hovsepian (25:55.956)

Ruth Hovsepian (26:12.212)

Karin (26:14.396)
Faith comes by hearing and the more you hear the word, the more you'll be built up, the more you'll be encouraged and the more you'll grow. And this is the thing you need to grow. So it's not the end of the world that you've backslidden because we are in the now. What's past is past and what's been done is done. We can't change that. But today, if that's how you're feeling, fix it today. Fix it right now. Fix it and just call on God and then move forward in that way of.

Ruth Hovsepian (26:24.052)

Karin (26:39.228)
Now you are back with Jesus and you're going to start walking in victory again. And God will be with you all the way. He will send people to help you. I mean, the books will cross your path. You'll find the right place, the preachers, because as much as you're looking for it, God's eager to give it to you. So he's not trying to hold things back from you. So he wants to help you. So ask him for the help and be open to be led. Someone will come across your path. A book will come across your path. Just be led that way and he will definitely show you.

Ruth Hovsepian (27:09.047)
Yes, amen. And I agree with you, we need to rededicate our lives and just get on moving forward, leave the past in the past. Your sins are forgiven, you move forward. And we take what we've learned from our past and make sure not to repeat those.

Karin (27:17.18)

Karin (27:35.548)
I mean, I'm.

Ruth Hovsepian (27:36.276)
those ways that many times it was our choices that that put us into that situation. But I'm in agreement with you on that. It's it's it's as simple as getting on your knees and asking, you know, the Lord to just help you restart and just get going back on it and.

You're right. It's the Lord is just waiting for those words from us. He's waiting for us to go to him. And recently someone made a comment about the prodigal son and how, you know, the father was eagerly waiting for his son. And that's how our heavenly father is too. He's eagerly waiting for us to

Karin (28:08.38)

Karin (28:24.092)
waiting hmm hmm hmm yes

Ruth Hovsepian (28:33.524)
to come back to him and to, to give back, you know, our, who we are to him. He's, he's not waiting for anything then just you. That's it.

Karin (28:47.676)
Amen. And there's no condemnation. He's not angry with you. He's not upset with you. He's not going to say, well, now you're coming back in how about time? You know, it's nothing like that. God loves you. And as soon as you say you're sorry, it's finished and done. He's not going to ever wave a thing and say, you know, but you did this. So I don't, we mustn't live, go forward in guilt. We need, we don't need to go forward in a shame, be ashamed. You may have done some things while you were away. Repent and move on and let God

Ruth Hovsepian (28:52.372)

Ruth Hovsepian (28:57.812)

Ruth Hovsepian (29:04.116)

Karin (29:17.276)
The blood of Jesus washed you clean. Let his grace and his mercy sustain you. You are now a new creature in Christ. What is done and what is old is now passed away and now you go in new. So it's very important that you have a mindset of I'm fixed now, God is gonna help me. And if you've made a mess, ask God to help you fix the mess. Because he will. Out of the bad will become good and that's what we've gotta trust God for.

And this is why we need God so much in our lives because as human we do some funny things, stupid things, and we definitely need God to lead and guide us. So whatever mess you've made, it's not the end of the world, God will help you fix it. And if in the mess you've done something that can't be changed, at least you can go forward with a clear mind and peace in your heart. Forgive yourself, give yourself a break. I mean, we all do silly things, you know. Just forgive yourself, let God heal you.

Ruth Hovsepian (29:49.204)

Ruth Hovsepian (29:58.644)

Karin (30:13.98)
Because God wants you whole, he doesn't want you to be full of hurt and full of the regrets and full of up depression. He wants you to just love him and trust him and go forward and be just free to receive from him.

Ruth Hovsepian (30:30.1)
Karen, I just want to thank you for being on today and for sharing your story and your journey and your insights with us. If you want to connect with Karen, be sure to visit her website. All of the information will be in the show notes. You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook and be encouraged and read her faith building content. I encourage you.

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Karin (31:20.092)
That's awesome.