Grounding with Gem

The life-changing power of crystals with Mart Tweedy from Canny Crystals

March 17, 2023
The life-changing power of crystals with Mart Tweedy from Canny Crystals
Grounding with Gem
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Grounding with Gem
The life-changing power of crystals with Mart Tweedy from Canny Crystals
Mar 17, 2023

Welcome back to another episode! Hope you've had a great week so far.

This week I'm spoiling you with yet another guest, and it's none other than everyone's favourite crystal dealer and my good friend Mart from Canny Crystals.

In today's episode we discuss:

  • What inspired Mart to leave his full time job in the NHS to start Canny Crystals
  • How you can tap into the infinite healing power of crystals 
  • The best alternatives to Moldavite 
  • Why you need to follow your intuitive nudges
  • Top tips for creating an abundance mindset

View this podcast transcript here

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back to another episode! Hope you've had a great week so far.

This week I'm spoiling you with yet another guest, and it's none other than everyone's favourite crystal dealer and my good friend Mart from Canny Crystals.

In today's episode we discuss:

  • What inspired Mart to leave his full time job in the NHS to start Canny Crystals
  • How you can tap into the infinite healing power of crystals 
  • The best alternatives to Moldavite 
  • Why you need to follow your intuitive nudges
  • Top tips for creating an abundance mindset

View this podcast transcript here

Visit the Canny Crystals website
Follow Canny Crystals on Instagram
Follow Canny Crystals on Tiktok

If you enjoyed this episode, please feel free to rate, review and subscribe.
Loved this episode and want to find out more about my 1:1 coaching support? Get in touch below:

To find out more about VALA, my award-winning natural energy gel business:

Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi, and welcome to Grounding with Gem. I'm Gem Wilson and I'm a mindset coach and founder of VALA Energy. I'm so excited to help you uplevel your mindset, ground back into your body, and reconnect with nature to live your most fulfilling and expansive life. I truly believe that whatever you can see in your mind, you can manifest into your reality, and I can't wait to share my practical tips for life, love, and business with you. Thanks for joining me today, and let's jump right in.

Hi and welcome back to Grounding with Gem. This week I'm spoiling you with yet another guest and he's actually one of the people that really encouraged me to start this podcast and was on hand to answer my many questions. So I'm really happy to have him on here. He's the founder of Canny Crystals, a master manifestor, host of his own podcast The Canny Crystals Podcast - which by the way is often the UK's number one personal development podcast - and he's someone that I am so thankful to be able to call a friend as well as a business buddy. So welcome to the podcast, Mart.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Oh, thanks for having me Gem. That was a lovely intro. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
How does it feel to be on the other side and to be the one answering questions instead of asking them?

Speaker 2 (01:37):
You know what, it's, it's really weird because obviously I do this all the time as you know, and I interview people on my podcast, but when it's like from the other side I'm like, "Oh my God, what are they going to ask <laugh>?" And it's always really daunting and it's like being in a job interview, but I love it, really. I can talk till the cows come home. So yeah. <laugh>.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
So I mentioned a few highlights about you in your intro, but I would love it if you could share a little bit more about you and Canny Crystals.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Of course. So my name's Mart Tweedy. I'm 35, I'm from Newcastle. It's like my Take Me Out/Tinder bio, isn't it <laugh>? So yeah, my, my company's called Canny Crystals and I basically cover a vast area of self-development, spirituality and mindset, kind of helping people become the best possible version of themselves.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
So for anyone who's listening that doesn't already know the backstory, we've actually known each other for around two years when my other business, VALA was less than a year old. And Mart, you just started Canny Crystals and I remember finding you online and messaging you to say thank you for actually selling the most incredible crystals on your website rather than a live sale. And the rest is history. It's been so amazing to see your growth since 2021 and you've really gone from strength to strength and this month marks Canny Crystals's second birthday. So happy birthday. And I personally find your backstory about how you started Canny Crystals to be really fascinating and inspiring. Would you like to share a little bit more about how you got into crystals and what inspired you to turn this interest into a business which eventually ended up with you leaving your job in the NHS to grow it?

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Yeah, so if we head back maybe four years to 2019, just to paint a bit of a picture, I'd been working in the NHS for 12 years at that point and just like the majority of people in the UK, you know, I was in debt, I had credit cards, I was struggling to get a mortgage and I was surviving day to day. Don't get us wrong, but money was always tight and I was in a £30,000 a year job in the NHS, but I was still struggling to make ends meet and I'd always had like a keen interest on social media and I just always thought, you know, like one day I'll be on TV. So kind of after reading The Secret a couple of years before that I was just visualising myself, you know, sat on the couch with Alison Hammond on This Morning chatting away, you know, just flyaway goals.

And I remember there was one specific day, my friend at the time Amber, she came to us and she said she was in the running to be on the ITV2 show Love Island, and would I look after all of her social media while she was in there? So obviously I jumped at the opportunity and I said yes. And a few weeks later things got crazy because I was in charge of all of her social media and I got invited on BBC Radio 1 BBC News breakfast, I was on Capitol Radio every day. The Huffington Post even ran an article on me rather than her, branding it the most successful social media campaign of all time. And then guess what happened? Obviously I got invited onto This Morning to do a little section on Love Island and just by chance while I was with Eamonn and Ruth, guess who came in on her day off? Alison Hammond <laugh>. Like, honestly it was one of those moments where you just realise that you know, visualisation and all this works.

So that's the little bit of the backstory. But then to put it into perspective, I was there on the 29th of July, 2019 and I was just on top of the world. It was the Love Island final. Our mortgage had just gone through that same morning after six months of hell and we got the keys for our house at 5:00pm. By 7:00pm I was out in Newcastle at a Love Island finale party and Amber won. And obviously I was ecstatic. I remember being pulled up on stage in front of everyone that was there. I was crying, I was screaming. It was very dramatic and it was just a real triumph for moment for me because I thought "I've run this campaign on the outside, I've achieved something, what I set out to do with social media" and I was just really chuffed with myself.

So we got home a bit later than planned. We'd had a few drinks and the next morning I remember being late in bed and my phone was ringing and I just thought, "Oh my God, it's gonna be like news reporters or something". And it was six o'clock in the morning and when I looked at it and I realised it was my mam calling us, my mam never calls me that early and you know when you just get that gut-sinking feeling and I just knew something was off and I re-live this call over and over in my head like all the time. My mam had told me that while I was out celebrating, nobody in the family had kind of wanted to disturb us and spoil the mood, but my granddad had been taken to hospital in a lot of pain that just came on instantly. And unfortunately he died in the ambulance before they even got to hospital.

Now he wasn't ill. And it came so suddenly like my granddad raised me, I didn't really have a dad growing up so he was the the father figure in my life. And I just felt like instantly my world had fallen apart. Like, I dunno, it was just so weird. It was definitely like a blurred few months that followed this because I closed myself off from friends and family. I would be, you know, lying in the bath for hours on end... wellbeing went out the window. I was just unable to see a way out. Like a few my friends had unfortunately taken their own lives that year as well. And I was just starting to question everything like, "Is this where I was headed?". Do you know what I mean? And the one thing I do remember is I called out to the universe and I asked for a sign, just that things were going to get better because I was literally on the edge.

And one day the NHS sent me to Liverpool. Now I love being in a hotel, that's my me time. So I went and I got myself a hire car and the girl who served us in the hire car place, Carly, she recognised me from being on TV and we just got chatting, we got talking like a house on fire basically. And then a few months later she opened up a crystal shop on Instagram and just because of how nice she was with me when I was in Liverpool, I just supported her and I bought a box of five tumble stones and she said I was the only person that bought off her. And I felt really, really bad <laugh>, but I didn't have a clue what crystals were about. But I just started carrying them with us daily.

She'd recommended crystals for grief and purpose. And I kid you not, slowly but surely doors started opening for us with new opportunities. You know, grieving got a little easier. My mental health seemed to improve day on day and the more I did it, the more crystals I bought because it's really addictive. And over the next 18 months I think I'd accumulated something like 200 crystals of my own. And I just remember one night thinking, you know, I'm really passionate about this. Maybe I could start my own business, you know, pairing candles with crystals in a little bundle as gift sets. Just thought that might be a good idea to earn a a few bob. So with my last £250 in my bank, I took a chance and I bought a handful of candles from a friend, a few rough crystals. And I remember when I was trying to think of a name for it all my grandad always used to say it to me "Gan canny" just before I left his house.

It's, it's a Geordie way of saying, you know like "Take it easy - go carefully". And I remember hearing his voice in my head as I was trying to think of a name and just like that I launched me website on my birthday -the 30th of March, 2021. And like you said, Gemma, this is my second birthday month. So just to put that into perspective, I now have just under a 100,000 combined social media followers. My podcast is constantly at number one in the UK for self-improvement and it's listened to by 16,000 people a week. I've just recently completed my 27,000th order and I've just recently also launched the Canny Crystals Academy to help other people on their spiritual journey as well. And I just think all of that in two years, it's absolutely mental when you think of it and put it like that.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
This is why I always call you a master manifestor Mart, because you are always messaging me these amazing stories about book deals and cars and <laugh> financial goals you've hit and it's so inspiring. I know you just tapped on a few amazing crystal experiences that you've had, but was there one moment when you were working with a crystal and you thought "This really works - I totally get it now"?

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Yeah, I think obviously I'm gonna bring up the main ones. So when I started working daily with my moldavite for example, I've got it right here, I've got it on a necklace pendant right now. I've got it in my hand, I carry it everywhere. I would literally receive, you know, like little downloads of ideas from the universe and I just put it down like working with moldavite. So for example, one day I just got this idea, you know, I'm going to message Fran from Law of Attraction Changed My Life and just ask basically outright to be on her podcast. And I think we even discussed it and you were like, "Bite the bullet, stop procrastinating, just do it". And I started meditating with me moldavite and I was like, "Yeah, let's just go for it".

She had the number one podcast for self-improvement at the time. We'd messaged a couple of times before and she seemed pretty friendly so I just went for it. I chewed the frog, took that inspired action and two weeks later there I am driving to her house. We recorded an episode of her podcast, an episode of my podcast. And then on the Friday that both episodes came out, I remember waking up in basically like just amazement that I had over a hundred orders and I was like, "It's seven o'clock in the morning, what the hell?". And then that month I hit my first £30,000 month and things just haven't gone back since then. That was nine months ago. And I think, I mean I thank Fran all the time because it changed my business and she really helped me to grow.

And I guess also like using crystals, just being able to pay off all my debt to have like money sat untouched in my business account and pay myself a wage. They're all massive things for me and I give all credit to, you know, carrying around crystals for wealth with me daily like pyrite, citrine, green aventurine, jade, they're all absolutely amazing for luck, prosperity and abundance. And believe me when I say I carry them everywhere, like they go everywhere with me. Like I've nearly had them confiscated at the airport on holiday when I couldn't speak to Spanish the lady as well. And I'm going "Crystal, crystal!" thinking I'm probably telling her crystal meth or something. Thanks Google. But what else have I manifested? My partner was never really interested in getting married - back in early 2020, literally like a couple of weeks before the first lockdown I was using strawberry quartz for you know, like passion and burning desire and stuff and he got down on one knee and proposed to us. It's just random things like that and I'm like, yeah, crystal healing works 110%, you don't need to convince me of anything otherwise.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
I love that you touched on moldavite as well because I feel like it's been popular for quite a while now and I hear lots of people tell their own moldavite stories. I love hearing how people work with it, the transformations they've had. It's always so interesting and I know you have a new moldavite drop on the website today, so if anyone listening is interested in getting their own piece of moldavite - I definitely am feeling called to finally get my own - head on over to Canny Crystals. But what I really want to know is... do you think there is a new crystal trend emerging or is there anything that you think is gaining popularity or is moldavite here to stay for a little bit longer?

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Oh God. Well I do think it's here to stay because I mean the whole moldavite craze was all from one specific video that went viral on TikTok. It's had millions of views, millions of likes even. And because of that the mines in the Czech Republic actually couldn't keep up with the mining of it and then the retail price just shot up because everyone wanted it. So it went from £2 per kilo to £25 per kilo on average. It's absolutely crazy but honestly there are so many alternatives to moldavite that tend to be cheaper as well. Really like high vibrational stones such as, you know, Libyan desert glass or tektite or campo meteor or prophecy stone. They'd probably made my top four and they're ones that I've got with me right now that I carry around all the time. But I'd even go as far as you know, saying something along the lines of malachite as well. Like it's a pretty common crystal but it's highly transformational. It really helps to bring new opportunities into your life whilst also keeping you safe and protected. It's definitely one I keep with us at all times, but you know, you can't beat the basics.Citrine for abundance and happiness, strawberry quartz for love and relationships, green aventurine for business success, pyrite for luck and cash flow. You really can't beat the basics honestly.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
I love the idea of a crystal starter pack and that was actually something I was going to ask you. For someone that's new to crystals, I know it can feel a little bit overwhelming sometimes when you're looking online or you walk into a crystal shop about what you should work with first. So I'd love to know where would you suggest beginning, are there any crystals that you'd recommend starting with?

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Well I've got you covered <laugh> because on my website you can actually get various bundles and I've put them together with that in mind as well because I know when I got those five stones from Carly and I was like "What the hell are these?". Do you know what I mean? Like I didn't know what they were about or anything. So I've been there, I know exactly what it's like and I know how overwhelming it is when you open up an online shop and you're like, you see there's 900 products and you're like "Hmm". And it kind of, it's overwhelming. I know that. So on my website, like I say, you can get various bundles. There's one bundle that I've put together of chakra tumble stones. So you place them all over your chakras. So you get the seven chakras, the crystals that align with your chakras or you can even get like a beginner's bundle, now I put this together because it's got a starter a pack of tumble stones, a necklace, a bracelet and a rose quartz heart.

Because basically I think that even if you forget to carry your tumble stones around, you can always wear them, you know, like on a necklace pendant or a bracelet and it's just so easy to introduce crystals into your life. And overall I would definitely suggest to start smaller because just do what I did, buy a handful, work with them daily, get to know their energies and just research what each one could help you with because I think that really gets you to know your crystals enough that you can then expand and then get more. But it is addictive like I say, because once you start seeing certain things happening, you're like, "Wait, was that the crystals?" - You'll want more every single time.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Are there any crystals that you always go back to? I know for me, I absolutely love anything that's yellow like citrine or anything shiny like pyrite. And no matter how many other crystals I buy, I always go back to them. So do you have a similar crystal in mind that's your trusted favorite?

Speaker 2 (16:30):
Oh honestly it's citrine all day every day. Like the amount of citrine I have in this house and obviously I started doing like, a Feng Shui book last year and I got really, really heavily in a Feng Shui. And when I found out that we have like our prosperity corners of our homes and they were like "Oh put citrine and pyrite in it" and I started buying little pieces of citrine. Before I knew it, there's about 40 pieces of citrine in this little corner down by my front door and I'm like "Oh my God!". But it's just yellow and it's sunshine.

And I don't know if you know much about like uh, positive psychology and stuff like that, but when I worked in the NHS we had to do this thing, I think it was called the Myers Briggs type indicator, MBTI I think it's called. And it basically tells you what kind of person you are and what kind of personality you have and how you then interact with other people. And I'm a sunshine yellow and it, I think it's just ironic that I go for yellow crystals every single time I see this and I'm like, "Oh sunshine yellow, just like me". But citrine is great for abundance but not just like an abundance of money and abundance of joy and happiness and I just think it really, really anchors you to, you know, that like abundance mindset of having everything that you desire in your life.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
I think that's the thing, isn't it? That we so often forget when we talk about abundance, that abundance it's exclusively financial. We can have an abundance of love, of happiness, of opportunities and especially if you're a business owner, opportunities can be an incredible thing to manifest because that's how you can generate more customers a bigger audience. So I really, really love that perspective.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Yeah, definitely. I mean like you said, they, you can have an abundance of love and abundance of health. Do you know what I mean? Like people seem to like try and manifest, you know like material things like wealth and prosperity and love, but they don't often like try and manifest good health. And I mean, you know, as well as I do, Gem, like two months ago I was really bedbound for six weeks I think it was. I sadly contracted pneumonia which turned in a kind of viral meningitis and it really knocked me to pot and it really made me think though at the time I was like "Why am I not manifesting good health for myself?". Do you know what I mean? So then I started working with crystals that could like amplify my health and get me back to how I was. And that's when I started healing from the inside out because it was just like a trigger. I was thinking "I'm always wanting an abundance of wealth or an abundance of happiness or abundance of love. I don't ever look at an abundance of health". And I think that's probably what triggered kind of the illness.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
I think so many of us can really relate to that where we almost take our health for granted until it's taken away from us when we get sick. I would love to know what crystals you were working with during this time to help you get back to full health.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
I think I started working with my labradorite. So labradorite really transmutes all negative energy into positive energy but it's also good for internal healing and protection. And then I don't know if you can see this on camera as well, but this is my favorite piece of clear quartz, clear quartz is so slept on because it's, it's like the master healer, do you know what I mean? It heals everything. It amplifies energy, it cleanses energy, it cleanses your aura, it just gets rid of any negativity within your body. And I honestly think just lying there there with a big chunk of clear quartz on your chest and or even your head and just meditating - like I almost look like a nutjob half the time cause I'll lie there and I'll have them placed all over us. But I love it and I just get such a buzz from the energy and it just really, really helps like lift my spirits and raise my vibration.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
I'm picturing that Spencer Pratt gif, you know the one on The Hills where he's holding the crystal to his forehead. That's very relatable <laugh>.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
I posted that last week, yeah!

Speaker 1 (20:25):
So I feel like for a lot of people working with crystals all day would be a dream job. What is your favorite thing about what you do?

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Oh god. You would think that it's a dream job, wouldn't you? <laugh> my back doesn't think so. No I'm joking. As you can imagine, crystals are heavy and sometimes that and get deliveries from mines in different countries and they're like 800, 900 kilos. Trust me, there's a lot of literal blood sweat and tears that people don't see when they buy from me because it's not something I ever share on social media because quite honestly I don't want people seeing me like dripping with sweat, carting boxes of crystals along to me office. Do you know what I mean? Because I work in like a communal building so I have my own office but it's like within a shared space so it all gets dumped at reception and then I've just got to cart it along. But the best thing I'd say would probably be the fact that, you know, I'm opening people's eyes to what else is out there.

Like I mentioned at the start, like I had my eyes open from Carly from Liverpool and that led me down a huge rabbit hole to where I am now. But I think the most rewarding part is definitely like getting those emails and those messages saying that I've changed someone's life, like they're the real, you know, pinch me moments that really bring me back to earth where I'm like "I've really helped that person" and because of that I'm actually like going through a life coaching qualification as well with Jude, my life coach. Just because I think it's the natural next step. It's like, people will like overshare some of their life stories and things and I'm like, "Are you wanting some advice from me?". I don't understand and I feel like I need to take and process that knowledge and kind of pass it on and pass on like my expertise if that makes sense. But I mean so many people in the world, like especially since the pandemic, they've like searched high and low for meaning in their lives and just wanting to feel that connection and that empowerment. And I think I'll deliver that via, you know, my online shop, my website, the academy, social media, the podcast. And I just think that the natural next step for me would probably be going in a life coaching now know you're a life coach yourself, aren't you Gem?

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Yes. I always say that coaching is all about asking questions. I absolutely love that phrase "The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself" and that's what I love about coaching. It's that you are giving that other person the power to see where the patterns, where the limiting beliefs are surfacing in their life. And it's my job to help them to uncover where they are holding themselves back or where these beliefs are holding them back. It's not my job to give them the answers or to tell them what to do. And for me that is so much more powerful for that person to find the answers within themselves. And like you said, there is nothing more rewarding than receiving a message where someone has made a positive change in their life through your support, your assistance, or even through a crystal they bought from you. And something that I love about crystals is that they act as a very physical and tangible reminder to honor that promise you made to yourself.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
A hundred percent. I think obviously some people see crystal healing as a huge placebo, but even if it is placebo affects work and do you know what? They're scientifically proven to work. So I think even if you do see it as a placebo and it's working, what's the harm? It's a beautiful rock if anything. Like you say, it's an anchor, a kind of a reminder that you need to look after yourself or you're going to meditate today or you're going to do some visualisation or you're going to do some inner work. And that's what Crystal healing is all about. It's all about finding what works for you, what works best for you. And I think spirituality's exactly the same. It's whatever works best for you, there's no one size fits all.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Oh 100%. Something I often say to people is to take what lands, tweak what you like and leave the rest. There is no one size fits all approach. And I really think there's no bigger life lesson than starting your own business. So I'd love to hear what has been your biggest life lesson or life lessons even since leaving that full-time job at the NHS to go it alone and go all in on Canny Crystals?

Speaker 2 (24:47):
That's a great question. So I'd definitely say my biggest life lesson is to surrender and let go, which ironically is something that we do, you know, to bring in a manifestation isn't it? But since leaving school right up to the age of 34, I worked in a corporate job just like yourself I guess Gem and all I ever did was 'work to live', you know, 'work to survive' and all that jazz. And it's an awful feeling because it keeps you trapped in that scarcity mentality and that lack mindset of that you know, you have to work a 9-5 to afford a house, you have to work a 9-5 to feed your family and support your family. And I even remember when I was considering leaving the NHS to do this full-time a couple of years ago, my nan really got irate with us one day and she said, "You know, you can't leave the NHS to sell rocks, you've got a mortgage".

And similarly my mam told us to get me head out of the clouds and snap back to reality. And once I did jump ship to go on alone, the first thing I did was sit in that fear and that panic of you know, getting no sales and guess what? The universe delivered. I had me first two days ever since opening up back to back of getting no sales. It was literally like the universe went, "Oh you're thinking about getting no sales today, here you are, zero sales". And it served me that mini manifestation on a platter. But since then I've just learned and taught myself I guess that what will be will be, and it's kind of got me to the point that I now make more money in one month than I did in the NHS in one year. And I'll be honest and open here, like I was making £33,000 a year in the NHS before tax and now here I am in March 2023, 2 years after setting this company up and I'm on track to hit me first ever £50k month.

That's unbelievable to me. But I do think it's because I've just been able to relax and not stress, you know. Just relax, give into it and get into that state of knowing that your manifestation is on its way to you and it will be delivered. Because I always say it's kind of like ordering off Amazon Prime. If something didn't come the day after you ordered it, you might go and chase it up with the customer services, but what you wouldn't do is you wouldn't go and place another order for the same thing would you? That's like us asking the universe for a manifestation and then not believing it's coming so we make another order over and over again. Whereas us checking in with customer services is basically just, you know, us checking our alignment and ensuring that we're ready to receive.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
I love that analogy and it's such a simple way of looking at things. I really love what you said about staying true to your own vision and honouring your intuition, honouring that little niggle you had to look for something more, to dream bigger and to start your own business. Because how many of us have an idea for something that we want to do but we allow ourselves to be talked out of it by the people surrounding us and their limiting beliefs. We allow them to be projected onto us when, when you honour yourself and you do things that feel good to you and in alignment with you, I'm a big believer that you can't not succeed because you're following your own path, you're following what lights you up inside. And as far as I'm concerned, the universe can't help but rearrange things in your favour.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
I mean, don't get us wrong, it is scary like stepping out from the corporate world when you've had that job security for all those years since leaving school and you know, it's just like having a a steady income and things like that. And it obviously there's, I've had to go on a really steep learning curve because for the first year of my business I thought "Oh I'll just do the accounts myself". Do you know what I mean? "I've got a business account, it's fine, I can see all the in-goings and out-goings, why do I need an accountant?". And then the tax form came at the end of the year I had to fill it in and I got like halfway through and I think I spent like three full days trying to fill out this like online form for HMRC and eventually I was just like, "I can't deal with this. Like how much is it for an accountant?". And I messaged one of my friends who is an accountant and he went, "I can do it for £50 a month". And I went, "Is that it? Like £50 a month? I'm sat here stressed to bits, like at the end of every month trying to compile everything and you can do it for £50?" And he was like,"Yeah!". So now they do everything and it's just outsourcing isn't it? And delegating what you need to, to give you the the focus to carry on with what you're good at basically. But I think it is a steep learning curve, don't get us wrong, but two years has flown by. Absolutely.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
And that's what I love about you Mart. I feel like you really embody that expander energy and it's something I talk about quite a lot on my Instagram, whether something makes you feel expansive or constrictive and I love that you're someone that we can look at as an example of someone defying the odds of following their heart and making their dreams a reality. You've really achieved so much Mart and I can't wait to see what else you have in store. So I know you also sell subliminals, which are really popular and you've recently launched your academy and the Money Masterclass. So what inspired you to start these digital products and branch out from selling exclusively crystals?

Speaker 2 (30:10):
Yeah, I think spirituality and mindset kind of come hand in hand and once I started developing myself spiritually, I found that, you know, I was looking at ways to adapt and change my mindset and came across different things, you know, such as subliminals and when I looked into them and the science behind them, I actually created them just for personal use because I thought I might benefit from them. So for example, I created two, I created one to enhance my abundance and wealth and another to rid my anxiety and stress. And I will play them all day, you know, whilst on dog walks, whilst packing orders, making me tea, doing housework, laying in the bath - and things started shifting. But more importantly my mindset started changing. And it's cool because obviously we all know about affirmations, but if I looked at myself in the mirror and I said, you know, "I'm a wealthy millionaire", my brain might be like, "Yeah, right, shut the eff up Mart". Do you know what I mean?

Whereas with subliminals, those affirmations are spoken very softly at a level that can just say be heard to your conscious. So it kind of bypasses that and it hits your subconscious instead and that absorbs the statements like the sponge. So I now have like 15 of these all with five star reviews and you know, people are losing weight with the weight loss ones, people are quitting smoking, it's unreal the results that people are getting from them. And then more recently I did research and I invested in myself through, you know, courses like Denise Duffield Thomas's 'Money Bootcamp', Amanda Frances's 'Money Mentality Makeover'. And I just kept thinking "I'd love to do something like that". So I started small with me Crystal Masterclass, I built a course around that and it just grew. Then in January this year I moved that course onto and I launched a free 31 days of Gratitude challenge and over 2,000 people joined it and I just basically like went whole hog. And last week I launched, as you say, my Manifesting Money masterclass on there and in the first hour of launching it I had over 150 people sign up and here we are three days later and I'm over 250 students in that one course.

It's just crazy. And you know, like this course has an inbuilt community as well. So I could see someone the other day was confused about what to write in her workbook on one of the lessons and she even commented on the group and then loads of people had chipped in to help her before I'd even got to comment myself. And I think that like community helps to keep us accountable when it comes to things like manifestation raise now vibes. So I honestly think it's like the balance of spirituality, mindset and wellbeing.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
It honestly sounds so exciting. And if anyone is interested in finding out more, definitely head on over to Canny Crystals to sign up. Now Mart, I think financial freedom and abundance is something that a lot of us are consciously manifesting, especially during these times as more of us look to shift away from corporate jobs and really crave more balance within our personal lives and our professional lives. So what top tips do you have to share about creating an abundance mindset?

Speaker 2 (33:19):
So this is exactly what I cover in the Manifesting Money Masterclass because so many people will manifest money but then in a few weeks time they're back to you know, square one in that desperation and it's because they haven't done the behind the scenes work. They haven't forgiven their money traumas and their memories and this is all covered in the course naturally, but for example, you can't build a house on rocky foundations. Well you probably could but no doubt in a year or so that would that house still be there or would it have crumbled? Do you know what I mean? You've gotta flatten out all the foundations first and then build on it and that's what this course teaches you. It's teaching you how to flatten out the mindset first and then the fun part starts of building on top of that.

And there are so many ways that you can create and expand your abundance mindset. You know, things like Feng Shui, crystal healing, decluttering, visualisation, upgrading in your life, but even as you say like subliminals, then you've got like EFT and tapping. The list is endless. But basically this course consists of 25 lessons in six modules and it's all about creating that abundance mindset, working on healing your money traumas from the past because we all have them and most people don't even realise they have and upgrading your life to the next level. And something that I talk about in the course and I'll talk about quickly here is that I didn't think I had any money traumas or money memories until I started doing this work and all of a sudden the floodgate opened, there was even one memory where I remember being pushed out of the year one school photo - so I was like five years old - by the head teacher because everyone had the school jumper on, but I had a knitted jumper on because my mam couldn't afford the actual uniform.

And I remember her elbowing me out the way saying, "What's wrong, can your mam not afford the uniform?". And that stuck with me but that didn't come out until I started doing this work and I was like, "Wow, where's this come from? Like how long have I held onto this for?". Do you know what I mean? And I think going through the course kind of works through things like that because we don't realise that we have them, but once you do, you'll be able to upgrade your life to the next level.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
I'm a big believer that we are a product of our habits and our beliefs and how many times were we told as kids, money doesn't grow on trees, don't touch money it's dirty and then we walk around with these beliefs for the rest of our lives until we sit down and we question them and we replace them with empowering beliefs. And as you touched on, I think it's so important to be surrounded by a like-minded community, which is what is so amazing about your Money Masterclass. And for me as a business owner, community is everything. And when I was telling people that you were coming on the podcast, I had so many people that were very excited. One of my friends, Zoe actually said she listens to your podcast every Friday and she looks out for it. So on behalf of everyone that listens to the Canny Crystals podcast, thank you so much for sharing so much knowledge and wisdom with us all. So aside from your hugely popular subliminals, your academy and your new Money Masterclass, what else do you have planned for the rest of the year? And I would personally love an update about the book as well.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
Well I was just about to say I've got an acquisition meeting soon for my very own book, which obviously I'm ecstatic about, but this year I really want to start delegating outwards and outsourcing certain things because what people don't realise is that Canny Crystals is literally just me and people don't realize that I work seven years a week <laugh>. So Monday to Friday I'm usually like at work eight o'clock and then I'll come home, walk the dog, have me tea and I'm on my laptop till like 10. And then Saturday and Sunday I do at least six hours a day as well. So I just feel like I need maybe a day off a week and obviously I would love to get a away just for a week somewhere because me and my partner haven't been on holiday since 2018. Luckily his mam lives in Spain, she migrated to Malaga, so maybe like once a year we go out there and spend a few days with her and that's kind of like a holiday, but it's not a holiday if that makes sense because it's not just our "us time".

It's hard though, isn't it? It's like Denise Duffield Thomas says "Your face is your fortune". So I guess what she means is that people buy from me. So if I was a faceless corporation, people would be less likely to buy from me. So it's kind of finding that balance of delegating while still obviously being at the forefront of the social media accounts and the podcast and the academy. I could obviously hand over things like packing orders, but hiring staff will help give me a little break. So that will be my main goal for 2023. And you know, I've got a lot of stuff going on at home at the moment too. You might have heard, but me and my partner have recently started the adoption process and it's pretty grueling and timeconsuming. So if we got a child at the back end of this year, obviously I would need to take some daddy time. So I think I'm just getting ready for that and kind of hoing that things will stay afloat whilst I step back ever so slightly. But I'm just ready to hand over everything back over to the universe and be like, "Help me out here" <laugh>.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Yes, I think you might need to get some crystals for manifesting employees and spa days. <laugh>.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Yeah, definitely <laugh>. I'm gonna look at that <laugh>. Speaker 1 (38:40):

Well thank you so much Mart for coming on the podcast. I feel like we could talk all day about crystals, subliminals, abundance mindset and running your own business. As always, it's been so great catching up and I can't wait to see you soon.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Oh, thank you so much, Gem, I've absolutely loved catching up with you. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
If today's episode has inspired you to work with Crystals or uplevel your money mindset, head on over to or give Mart a follow on TikTok and Instagram @cannycrystals and I'll see you next week. Bye.

Thank you so much for and play on today's episode. If you enjoyed, I would be very grateful if you could subscribe, download, and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. Have a great week and I'll catch you next time. Until then, join me over on Instagram @gemwilsoncoaching and @valaenergy.