Grounding with Gem

Manifestation is a downward flow of energy

March 24, 2023
Manifestation is a downward flow of energy
Grounding with Gem
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Grounding with Gem
Manifestation is a downward flow of energy
Mar 24, 2023

This week I'm sharing a perspective that will change your manifesting game - how manifestation is a downward flow of energy.

I'll be discussing:

  • The seven chakras in your body
  • How to tell if you have a chakra blockage and ways it's impacting you
  • Manifesting through each of the chakras
  • The upward and downward flows of energy that are essential to manifesting your dreams 

Links to a few things that I mentioned in today's podcast:

View this podcast transcript here

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Show Notes Transcript

This week I'm sharing a perspective that will change your manifesting game - how manifestation is a downward flow of energy.

I'll be discussing:

  • The seven chakras in your body
  • How to tell if you have a chakra blockage and ways it's impacting you
  • Manifesting through each of the chakras
  • The upward and downward flows of energy that are essential to manifesting your dreams 

Links to a few things that I mentioned in today's podcast:

View this podcast transcript here

If you enjoyed this episode, please feel free to rate, review and subscribe.

Please note that this content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Loved this episode and want to find out more about my 1:1 coaching support? Get in touch below:

To find out more about VALA, my award-winning natural energy gel business:

Speaker 1 (00:01):

[INTRO] Hi, and welcome to Grounding with Gem. I'm Gem Wilson and I'm a mindset coach and founder of VALA Energy. I'm so excited to help you uplevel your mindset, ground back into your body, and reconnect with nature to live your most fulfilling and expansive life. I truly believe that whatever you can see in your mind, you can manifest into your reality, and I can't wait to share my practical tips for life, love, and business with you. Thanks for joining me today, and let's jump right in.

Hi and welcome back to Grounding with Gem. I'm on my own this week after two weeks of amazing guests. I'm so glad you've all been enjoying the episodes with Kayleigh and Mart. Thank you for the love, thank you for the messages and I am really looking forward to sharing today's topic with you because this is something that I actually learned from a mentor just over a year ago and it's something that's really been coming back into my life a lot lately. Doing lots of chakra work and I recently completed my level one reiki, which was incredible and I just started reading a book, well, not just started -probably months ago at this point - because if you've listened to previous episodes, you'll know by now, I am a very slow reader.

So I started reading a book called 'Anatomy of the Spirit' by Carolyn Myss and I actually bought it for 40p in a charity shop near me. I thought it sounded good, I picked it up and I brought it home and I thought to myself, "This is the book I wish I had 10 years ago because it would've genuinely changed my life". It's all about energy healing, energy reading and it's actually based off of the seven chakra points. And if you're interested in that, in reading energy, in healing your body and how unresolved emotions manifest in our body as illness, I would highly, highly recommend this book. I'm probably about two thirds of way through and I've highlighted so much of it, which I know is really controversial.

I was having a conversation with my friend Vanessa a few months ago and she thought it was criminal that I put a highlighter pen on my books, but I actually see it as a way of loving my books and especially if you've not read that book in a while, you can just pick it up and flick through to the highlighted notes and be like, "Oh yeah, this is why I read it and these were my takeaways. And it's like a quick refresher and a quick recap". So let me know, if you think that highlighting is the worst thing on earth or the best thing, I'm definitely in the best camp because I have a really short attention span and it really appeals to my efficient side as well.

But anywho, today I wanted to talk to you all about how manifestation is a downward flow of energy and this really does tie into the chakras. So if you are new to the concept of chakras, it's actually said we have seven chakras in our body and chakra is actually Sanskrit for wheels. So they're thought to be these spinning wheels of energy and when everything is aligned and clear, they are spinning as they should. But sometimes we get blockages in our chakras which can result in manifestations of certain illnesses perhaps or situations in life.

And I wanted to touch on some of these before I dive into the topic because I feel like this is actually really, really insightful and interesting to learn about. And as I mentioned with the book, I wish I'd known about this when I was younger because when I was working in corporate jobs and I was feeling incredibly depleted, rundown, exhausted and I would always get throat infections, anything that was glandular fever-like/tonsillitis-like. But I never actually would have those things. And when I look back, I think it's a lot of the time because I felt like I was suppressing myself and silencing myself and I couldn't express my truth or who I wanted to be. I wasn't very open about my spirituality, I really struggled with working in a corporate job and the limitations of it and the sort of the hierarchy of it all because I really believe that we should all be treated equally in the workplace.

And there's so much to learn even from younger people in the workplace as there is to learn from more experienced people. And I would often feel really frustrated with certain situations. But looking back, I honestly think I had a throat chakra blockage. And something that I wanted to speak to you about today was ways to tell if your chakras do feel blocked. So I'll give a quick rundown of them and then we'll go into how manifestation is a downward flow of energy. So as I mentioned, we have seven chakras and they actually start at the root chakra, which is at I would say our coccyx. Signs of a blocked root chakra, which is actually the red chakra, feeling depressed or disconnected, a lack of boundaries or poor communication with others, feeling sluggish, fearful, tired, fatigued, a lack of confidence and materialism.

You can also meditate with crystals if you like on your root chakra. You can do a chakra guided meditation. There's one I have been doing for years I would say at least since 2015. His name is Jason Stevenson and I used to look it up on YouTube and it's called a 'Chakra Aligning Meditation'. It's really great and also if you want to learn more about the properties of the chakras, such a simple way to listen and learn as well and it's very visual. So I will link it in the show notes and, if you have any other chakra meditations to recommend, please do send them my way because I love doing them. The next one up, which is situated around the belly button and is a sort of glowing orange color is the sacral chakra and signs of a blockage. In this you can look out for things like jealousy, low self-worth, low energy, addictive like behaviors and a lack of creative inspiration and even things like guilt and shame around the past.

And the next one up from that which is sort of located around the naval area of your body near to the upper abdomen and the breast bone. And symptoms of this being blocked include things like feeling the need to control everything. How many of us try to micromanage every aspect of our life? And a lot of the time it can feel really, really frustrating. So if that's something that's showing up in your life, really take time to ask yourself, "Do I think I could have a blockage here? Why do I think this could be here?". And something else that also ties into it is difficulty with seeing the bigger picture in life or feeling directionless or like you're lacking purpose. And this is something also that comes up a lot with my clients. Women I work with that feel that they're at a point in their life where they are happy but they feel like they're not meeting the expectations of society and they need to rush through life to have the family to buy the house when really they just want to be traveling the world and following their own path.

A few other symptoms also include feelings of helplessness, physical symptoms could be things like nausea or bloating or cramps as well. And then after that we move on to the heart chakra - my favorite, the glowing green. And symptoms of a blocked heart chakra can include things like difficulty in trusting others, being impatient and irritable, experiencing restlessness and a lack of empathy and even insomnia as well. And then we move on up to the throat chakra, which is a gorgeous blue colour and physical symptoms of this - things like sore throats, stiff and achy necks and fluctuation in hormone levels as well. And I also find when I feel like I'm saying something that is speaking my truth but I feel quite uncomfortable saying it, I will get a scratchy throat or start to lose my voice and I always think, "Oh my gosh, that's my throat chakra, blockage!". <laugh>.

And then moving up to the third eye, which is this really beautiful indigo bluey purple color and some side effects, some symptoms of having a blocked third eye chakra could be physical things like eye discomfort, sinus issues, headaches, things like migraines. But then the more sort of unseen side of this is a lack of faith in your purpose. Maybe feeling a little bit pointless in what you're doing, stuck in analyzing everything. How many of us do that? And we go about our days analysing our days over and over again to no avail really. There's literally nothing to gain from it and also being indecisive as well.

And then finally we move on up to the seventh chakra, which is our crown chakra. And this is a purple colour, a very regal royal purple I think. And I've heard some people say that they picture this as being white as well. But I like to go with the purple and blockages in this are an inability to feel connected with the universe, feeling cynical, apathetic and being self-destructive as well. And then more sort of physical symptoms of these are things like tension, headaches, exhaustion, and clumsiness.

So that gives you a little quick overview of each chakra before I start talking about what I really want to be talking about, which is how manifestation is a downward flow of energy. And it's actually said that we have two currents in our body. We have an upward current and a downward current of energy. So the upward current is actually most commonly associated with this chakra theory and it's called the Current of Liberation. So it really begins at the earth and it rises up through the body. So step by step towards even more awareness as we move from the root through the other chakras up to the crown and we gain even more freedom, we gain more awareness of the physical world and we start to free ourselves of the limitations of the physical world with every chakra we move through.

And this journey we have through to consciousness really helps us to open up our minds to possibilities and to free ourselves from behaviors that feel like they're compulsive or constrictive. And then we also have the downward flow of energy, the downward current which begins in consciousness and descends towards the earth. And that is the current of manifestation.

And as many of you know, I live in a church and upstairs we have this beautiful stained glass window. And our church is quite unusual actually because we don't have any religious stained glass. There's stained glass everywhere - I have not looked out of a window in <laugh> a year and a half nearly, but I'm used to it now because I used to feel like it was quite claustrophobic sometimes and I love to look out of the window. But I actually live on a really busy street so there's nothing to really look at. So I'm really not missing out there much. But hey ho, I digress. Anyway, we have a stained glass window with lots of flowers in, it's like Murakami, it's so beautiful. And then in the middle of the window is this huge star and people always go upstairs and they say, "Why is there a Star of David?" because it's two triangles overlapping, one over the other, and it does look like the star David. And for the longest time I have not had an answer to people and I used to say, "I think it's something to do with 'As above, so below' - that well-known phrase. And anyway, I was actually looking up about sacred geometry the other day because I was telling my partner about it and trying to find a visual reference. And then I found out about the merkahba and I don't know if you've ever seen the merkahba, it's sort of like a spiky square star.

You can often buy them in crystal shops. I have bought them before I bought one from Canny Crystals actually. And it's beautiful. I'm not sure if Mart still sells them. But anyway, so the flattened 2D version of a merkahba, it actually symbolises the downward triangle, which has the point facing down symbolises spirit and heaven. And then the one with the arrow pointing up symbolises the body and it actually represents ascension from the body to the spirit. And I actually thought that was so beautiful how in so many different cultures and religions and beliefs, the the theories are really the same, the essence is the same. And again, that is something that the author touches on in Anatomy of the Spirit. She combines the the different principles from several different religions and applies them to this chakra theory. So anyway, I went on a bit of a tangent, but it's really lovely to see how so many of these things that we think are unique to one place or one belief, they actually pertain to so many different cultures.

So then we've got the downward current of energy, which begins, as I said, in consciousness and then that descends down towards the earth. And this is the current of manifestation and this actually begins the crown of the head. So if you think about the fact that our thoughts come down and as they come through the body, they become more and more dense, they become more anchored, more specific with every chakra they move through until they manifest onto the physical plane. And you may have never thought of it like this because I definitely never had until I'd spoken to my coach before and she explained this. And it's a really life-changing way to think actually. And it, it makes so much sense because you know, if you think about it, we have the idea in our head, we see it in our mind's eye, in our third eye.

And then we often talk about it, we'll speak it into reality, we'll feel it in our heart. And that is using our entire chakra system and our body to manifest what it is we want into our reality. And so it's really important to find balance between both of these energies in order to live harmoniously and have this lovely equilibrium in our lives. And to experience true consciousness, we should allow ourselves to really let go from these fixed ideals, from these things that limit us from accessing what we need to access and expanding... and to manifest your dreams, to bring them into reality into the world around you. So if you imagine that your upward current is blocked, then you'll be unable to free yourself, which means that you end up feeling constricted and limited by destructive patterns. Perhaps things like health problems or addictions or as I mentioned earlier, things like compulsions as well.

And then if the downward current is blocked, you may have lots of inspirations, lots of ideas, but never actually take that inspired action to manifest them into your reality. So they always remain as ideas and it is said that as these two currents of energy pass into each other, they actually mix together and they create the chakras. And in our higher chakras we have this immense amount of freedom, but little substance - imagine you're, you know, up away in the clouds, I always think about it as. Ad actually something I usually do with my sister circles when we've been up in the spirit realm, up manifesting and dreaming and visualising, I actually always encourage the ladies to eat some fruit afterwards or to eat something from the earth to reground their bodies and recenter them to carry on with the rest of their days.

So if you imagine then that your mind can imagine things that don't exist in the physical plane, but in the lower chakras we do have less freedom. However, we have more of a stable manifestation and we have things like structures, forms, tangible things, but we do not have the freedom of the imagination as much. However, if all of the chakras are open, these currents of energy can work their way up and down your body so they can complete the journeys and as a result you can experience the full spectrum of what it is you want to be experiencing. And it's also said that we have two additional currents that are horizontal because the upward and downward energies are obviously vertical. But these ones they are currents of reception and expression. And it's said that we can receive energy from those around us in the the form of information and emotions and touch, love and express what is inside of you and your heart and your mind. Things like creativity, thoughts, and love.

But if either of these are also blocked, you may feel like you are being compromised in social interactions or maybe you feel like you're having difficulty receiving. I know that is something I do a lot with clients as well. And that really ties into wounded feminine energy as well of feeling unworthy of receiving or feeling like you need to do everything yourself because you've been taught that to ask for help is quote unquote "weakness". And we "Should be independent and we shouldn't rely on anyone", whereas I've definitely mentioned this before in previous episodes, we are tribal beings at our core. So we were actually meant to do things as a community. And this concept of being entirely independent and self-sufficient, it's very new, but I think more and more of us are seeing that it's really not serving us independently or as a collective.

Now it's said that the lower chakras, they are made from elements like earth and water and fire and they are the building blocks of what we want to do and they help to make our resolutions become a reality. Whereas the upper chakras - think of elements like air and space - they're very light as I just mentioned. So that's the place you want to go. You want to go up into the heavens to really gather inspiration and ideas and to dream about your life, dream big. But by using these currents of energy, we can allow ourselves to become free from limiting beliefs, old habits and patterns that are no longer serving us and to really connect not only with ourselves but with everyone around us.

And so to wrap up today's episode, I really wanted to walk you through each chakra and manifesting through each chakra. So as I mentioned earlier on, we have the Crown chakra, which is at the top of the manifesting current. And this is the center of our divine connection and wisdom. This is at the top of our head. I always think of it like a portal to the universe and I often imagine like a hole in the top of my head and wisdom flowing in or a white light coming in.

And actually in 2015/2016, I went through a phase where I'd often get a really tingly scalp and I remember looking it up and someone somewhere mentioned that it actually could be a sign of becoming more conscious, bringing more awareness to your spiritual self, becoming more in tune with divine guidance. And that's something that's really stuck with me. So whenever I get the little head tingle, I always think, "Oh, something's coming through". It's like an antenna <laugh>. Anyway, so when we're open and we are feeling balanced in our crown chakra, we are really allowing divine wisdom to flow into our lives and to give us the seeds of an idea. So this could be anything from getting inspired for a new business to somewhere you should go this weekend and perhaps maybe you'll meet the love of your life.

And I have definitely read something before that again has stuck with me - that that the universe is always trying to give us ideas. It's always looking for humans and bodies and vessels to manifest through. And if you get an idea and you sit on it for long enough and you don't take action, eventually the universe will find another person to work its magic through. And I find that to be a really comforting sort of kick up the butt to get on with what I said I was going to do because I want it to come through me, I want to be the one to birth this idea and creation into life.

And then the second chakra in the downward flow of energy is the Third Eye. And once you feel like these seeds have been planted, then the idea flows down into your third eye, into the center of intuition in a knowing and inner sight as well. And it's here that we really begin to visualize and we can picture what our reality should look like, how we want it to look. And this could be the dream house, the dream car, the dream partner, whatever it is. And I know that some people really do struggle with visualisation. So if this is you, I would encourage you to think about how you want to feel and tap into that, feel it in your body as well.

And then after that you will notice that it will flow down this energy into the Throat chakra. And as I've already mentioned, this is a place of communication, self-expression and speaking aloud what it is you desire. How often do we have an idea and a lot of the time we are actually quite afraid to tell others. I remember when I started VALA, I was working in a corporate job in London, freelancing at different agencies and big fashion and beauty brands and I would have to go outside and take phone calls and people would often ask what I was working on, or what my business was. And I would be terrified of somebody stealing my idea because I am basically the first business in the UK to do this. And I was self-funded, I still am. And I remember thinking, "What if someone comes along and they have loads of money and they go and get investment or they pitch it to someone else and then somebody steals my idea?". And I remember speaking to my partner Dann about this and he said, "Yes, but for every person you think that about, there's another person that wants to help you. There's another person that can recommend something else or will pass you on to someone else and that's how you'll grow your community". And that was a big mindset switch for me because I was living in this lack, fearful mindset when if I actually chose to stop and choose another perspective, I could see that the universe wants to support me.

What are the chances of someone going out there and spending three years formulating the product that I did and taking that time and energy and passion to do so? I would say slim to none to be fair, because I would never want to go through what I went through again. It was painful at times. There were lots of tears <laugh>, there were lots of emails telling me no, but it made me more resilient. I would never change it for the world. But that was a huge lesson from this experience to not be so fearful and to speak about what I'm doing and I still do it now. I even did it when I first started coaching and I used to think, "Oh, I don't want to tell people I'm a coach, what if they judge me?" And then I realized, "Hang on, I'm holding myself back and I'm stopping myself from getting clients because if I am shy about this and I sort of have this fear around what I'm doing, then how is everyone else going to respond?". They are going to respond to that energy as well. So now I own it as well <laugh>, and I'd encourage you to do the same.

Okay, then we move down to the Heart chakra, which is the center of love, the center of relationships. And this is where you begin to look out for those relationships and partnerships. So as I mentioned, after speaking about my business idea to people, I started to find people, I started to have people come into my world that wanted to help, that wanted to recommend others or to suggest things to me. So you know, if you are looking for a new partner in your life, this is where you can begin to open up to the possibilities of this person coming into your life as well.

And after this we moved down to the Solar Plexus, which is where all of our personal power lies our will, our ability to create transformation. And this is where you will begin to bring your manifestation into life, bring that idea to life where you start to physically take the inspired action. Because as I mentioned, if you constantly are staying in the upper chakras, that's where your ideas will always stay. You need to ground things down to earth and take that action.

And after that we have the Sacral chakra, which is our center of pleasure and movement and creativity. And as someone that has worked as an art director for well over a decade, it is one of my favorite places to meditate upon and a really fun opportunity to experience what it is to be a human on this earth.

And then finally we moved down to our Root chakra as we really anchor our manifestation in. And this is our center of safety, security, belonging, and solid matter. And this is the point where you will have manifested whatever your desires were into your reality, into the physical world in physical form and ready to let it go, pushing it up like the baby bird out to the nest.

And something I also really want to mention is a lot of the time I get people come to me and they say, "I've manifested something but I can't hold onto it". And money is a really good example of this. How many of us, we can manifest money, and this does tie in a lot with limiting belief work, but also to chakra work. And this person feels like they can't hold onto money, it's just slipping through their fingers. And I would always say to that, anchor yourself in your root chakra. Let yourself be secure and do some meditations around this. Allow yourself to hold and to be in that energy. And especially with money, I think so many of us, we are used to having these energetic set points like Amanda Frances talks about and it can feel unsafe to have more than we are used to.

And we will self-sabotage occasionally by doing things like be an over generous with others, by doing things like overspending on things we don't really need, to get back to that place of safety and security in our root chakra. So that's a little something as well for you to go away and think about today.

But with all that said, that brings me to the end of today's episode all about manifestation being a downward flow of energy. I hope this taught you some new principles. I hope you this allowed you to see things from a new perspective and I hope that you remember this when you are manifesting next time. And really think about "Which chakra am I in, how am I embodying the principles of the chakra? And actually do I feel like there are some blockages somewhere?" And you can always go if you like for reiki, you can go for crystal healing with the corresponding crystals. I think Mart from Canny Crystals said he does a chakra tumble stone kit as well last time, on the last episode. So maybe you want to check that out, if you want a more physical reminder.

And let me know where you think. Please feel free to share and tag on your stories because I always love to hear what you think about these episodes of what your takeaways are. And before I go, I wanted to mention that I have three new manifestation bundles now on my website, And each of these, they are wealth and abundance, business and opportunities and then also self-love. So each of these has a minimum 15 minute guided meditation in them. And anyone that does a guided meditation with me absolutely loves them.

I'm very excited for you to hear these as well as a one hour subliminal audio, which is a freaking game changer. I love subliminals. I could talk about them all day long. So if you're interested in these, head on over to my website, they are £6 per bundle - so super friendly prices. You can get one, two, or all three, whatever takes your fancy.

So anyway, I hope you have a great week and I will catch you next time. Bye!

[OUTRO] Thank you so much for and play on today's episode. If you enjoyed, I would be very grateful if you could subscribe, download, and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. Have a great week and I'll catch you next time. Until then, join me over on Instagram @gemwilsoncoaching and @valaenergy.