Discovering Your Calling - Career Change | CliftonStrengths | Mindset | Faith, Fulfillment & Purpose

Successful But Not Satisfied? The Top 5 Reasons You're Unfulfilled in Your Career - Despite Your Success! S4E43

February 05, 2024 Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach Season 4 Episode 43
Successful But Not Satisfied? The Top 5 Reasons You're Unfulfilled in Your Career - Despite Your Success! S4E43
Discovering Your Calling - Career Change | CliftonStrengths | Mindset | Faith, Fulfillment & Purpose
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Discovering Your Calling - Career Change | CliftonStrengths | Mindset | Faith, Fulfillment & Purpose
Successful But Not Satisfied? The Top 5 Reasons You're Unfulfilled in Your Career - Despite Your Success! S4E43
Feb 05, 2024 Season 4 Episode 43
Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach

Do you want to gain clarity and fulfillment in your professional life? If you're a successful professional feeling unfulfilled in your career, I'm here to share the solution so that you can achieve that result. Ever wondered why you still feel unsatisfied despite your success? I've identified the top 5 reasons and have tips to help you break through. Let's dive in and uncover the reasons behind this feeling and find the solutions to bring back joy and fulfillment in your career and life.

"You're highly successful, looked up to by your peers, and seemingly have it all to outsiders. But there's this weird feeling that you're missing out on something and you know you're designed for something more."- Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover career fulfillment and satisfaction through actionable strategies.
  • Align your career with core values for greater professional satisfaction.
  • Embrace authenticity in the workplace for career growth and fulfillment.
  • Find purpose and a higher calling in your professional life.
  • Utilize your talents and strengths to excel in your career.

The resources mentioned in this episode are: 

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Let's be friends on Social Media - @SheriMiter

Searching for Mary Kay products? Shop Here

Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

Show Notes Transcript

Do you want to gain clarity and fulfillment in your professional life? If you're a successful professional feeling unfulfilled in your career, I'm here to share the solution so that you can achieve that result. Ever wondered why you still feel unsatisfied despite your success? I've identified the top 5 reasons and have tips to help you break through. Let's dive in and uncover the reasons behind this feeling and find the solutions to bring back joy and fulfillment in your career and life.

"You're highly successful, looked up to by your peers, and seemingly have it all to outsiders. But there's this weird feeling that you're missing out on something and you know you're designed for something more."- Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover career fulfillment and satisfaction through actionable strategies.
  • Align your career with core values for greater professional satisfaction.
  • Embrace authenticity in the workplace for career growth and fulfillment.
  • Find purpose and a higher calling in your professional life.
  • Utilize your talents and strengths to excel in your career.

The resources mentioned in this episode are: 

Support the Show.

Connect or work with Sheri:
Website -
Book a Start with Strengths Session!
Join the
Discovering Your Calling Academy Waitlist
Send me a Direct Message -

Join the Motivated for More Facebook Community
Let's be friends on Social Media - @SheriMiter

Searching for Mary Kay products? Shop Here

Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

You did it. You got the degree. You got the job. You worked hard and you earned that big promotion. So why are you still not happy from the outside. It seems like you have it all a successful career a happy healthy life happy healthy family. But yet something still seems out of sorts for you and you don't know why? Well this was me four years ago and despite having just earned the pinnacle of success in my company and our best year ever as a sales team hitting over three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in yearly sales I still felt this angst. And I just didn't know why and it took me a lot of soul-searching and time to figure it out but after working through my own journey and with other women I realize that this feeling of angst usually comes down to 5 1 of 5 core reasons. We find ourselves in this spot and today I'm going to divulge those 5 reasons to you and share tips to break through so that you can feel joy and fulfillment in your career and in your life put the intro here. So before we. Jump into today's episode I have 2 big announcements one the new motivated for more Facebook community is open and ready for you to join. This group is a vibrant community for individuals driven to uncover their true calling and transition from a conventional.

Career to a path of purpose and fulfillment and inside this community you gain strengths-based strategies and network with likeminded women who are like you and motivated for more out of their career and life the link for that group is in the show notes or just look for motivated. 4 more so motivated number 4 more on Facebook can't wait to see you in the community. The second huge announcement is that the discovering your calling academy spring 2024 cohort registration doors are opening very very soon I am working on the sales pages this week and the registration will be out there for you to join us and you are invited if you're curious. Learn more. You are invited to hop on a no obligation call to see if the discover in your call in academy is the next best step for you in your career journey and if you join us in February. You will receive a free 90 minute navigating your strength session. So let me know if you want more details or you want to hop on that call I'd be happy to share more information and again see if it's the right step for you. We can decide together.

Okay, back to our show for today. So again, if you don't know me I am Sherri Meider I am the host of discovering your calling and I am so grateful that you are here today and if as I shared an intro you find yourself in this place that you are successful but just. Satisfied. You feel unfulfilled and you feel like there's just something missing. It's this really weird place to be isn't it because you are highly successful. You're looked up to by your peers and you seemingly air quotes have it all to outsiders and you know really, it's not. That bad and you wonder like why do I even feel this way like I should be so happy. Um, and you do enjoy some aspects of your career. It's just that there's this 9 feeling that you're missing out on something and you know deep inside your design for something more. You don't know. That is but you just know there's something more there and you're wondering if there is a bigger destiny for you and I totally get it I understand how weird this feels because again, you've you've made it. You've you've earned the things and you shouldn't. And feel this way in your mind is at least is what you're thinking. Um, and as I shared in the opening I have totally been there and it didn't make sense to me that I would even want to walk away from my successful career because I had finally made it but I knew.

I knew by taking myself through this journey. Um, that if I stayed where I was I would always have that sense that I'm missing out on something more that I'm not truly stepping into my god given purpose. Um and mission. In this world and after going through that from my own experience and having conversations with a lot of other women who understand that same angst I have identified top 5 the top 5 reasons that. We might end up feeling this way and in David Letterman fashion some of you may not even know who he is but the late night show with David Letterman used to do the countdown from top 10 to to one. We're going to break down these top 5 reasons and you might. To take note on which 1 or maybe 2 or maybe all 5 of these reasons you can relate to and I've got some solutions for you. Okay, let's get going so number 5 your career life doesn't match match your dream lifestyle I'm going to repeat that again number 5 your career life doesn't match your dream lifestyle you once had a vision of traveling the world on exciting adventures. But now you find yourself.

Duck behind a desk staring at a computer screen all day you dream of shorter work days and more time off to spend with your family and pursue your hobbies or maybe maybe you're the opposite. Maybe you're like 1 of my clients who hate it. Traveling all over for her job and she yearned to be a work-from home mom she wanted to find a way to succeed in her career but be home while her kids were still little either way if your career demand you to live a lifestyle that doesn't match up with the. Image you have in your head it will lead you to always feeling pulled in different directions and never fully committed to what matters most and if you you know look and see that you don't have that flexibility. To make the changes so that you can fit that lifestyle that you dream about you're never going to feel satisfied in your career and here's another thing my friend do you even know what that lifestyle looks like have you ever even taken the time. To really envision what your dream life would look like down to the details of what time would you wake up in the morning and can you savor your coffee or do you have to rush out the door. This is an exercise that we actually do in the discovering you're calling academy and i.

Have my students get crystal clear like I said down to the details on what they really want their career their life to look like and then we go about finding or creating a career career that will fit into that dream life versus. In the real world. You have a career and then you're supposed to plug in your dream life all around it and that rarely works out for us. Okay, so number 4 the number 4 reason why. You might be successful but not satisfied is your career doesn't align with your core values. Do you find yourself in a position where maybe you're selling something that you just don't 100% believe in whether it be. House that you know has issues pharmaceuticals that you know have issues or maybe a product that you just you don't even use yourself or maybe you work for a company that claims and maybe has the motto on the wall about. How they treat their clients and treat their employees but yet you see that that's not really really, what's going on behind the doors and if you find that your core values and beliefs are compromised. This can lead to.

An internal struggle and a struggle that might manifest in health and your health and well-being being compromised and if you find that you're going home at the end of the day just feeling totally. Drain maybe you have that headache. Maybe you just have that heart burn and it's because your heart is breaking for the way you have to compromise those values this is something you really want to take a deep dive look into and if you can relate to this. Do you even remember what your core value. Are are they misaligned and maybe it's just maybe you have the influence to change to the direction of the company. How amazing would that be or maybe it is time to find a new place to work so that you don't have to compromise your true. Poor values. Okay, let's go on number 3 the number 3 reason why you may feel this angst and not be satisfied is you can't be your authentic self at work. So. Do you find yourself acting or behaving in 1 way Monday through Friday at your job but then on the weekend you could be an entirely different person when you're at home with your family and your friends and there's this inner struggle between these 2 different personas.

That you have to keep up and or maybe you've even forgotten who you really are at any given time in your life has you've been living up to everyone else's expectations for you for so long. I remember 1 of my discovering your calling students saying last year that she forgot what her favorite color is because she's been compromising her true self for so long to fit into everybody else's mold of who she should be and I remember feeling this way in my direct sales days. I remember walking into a room at a large conference and though I was proud to be there and I knew I had earned the right to be in that room I just never felt like I truly belonged there and it wasn't. Because of what anyone else said or did it was this inner struggle I had with myself of just not feeling like this is not really who I am at the core and maybe it's not even who I really want to be anymore and I realized that once I quit that. Career and I stepped it out ah away from it and it took me a while to recognize this but I realized it that I wasn't being my authentic self there and I had forgotten what really made me happy and I mean even down to like what did I want to wear.

To work and it is yoga pants all day baby versus skirts. Thank you very much and could this be your struggle as well. Do you remember? What makes you feel alive. What makes you smile. What makes you laugh and are you able. Do that? No matter where you are whether it's at work or at home or at play. What makes you want to get up and dance and what would happen if you let that woman show up at work and where you were able to again have a career or create a career where she could show up at work and be accepted. Did for who she was so that's our goal. That's our mission women friends. Okay number 2 continue in our account down here is this number 2 reason why you might be feeling that angst and why you may not be fully. You know. Feel like you're in your calling is you aren't being challenged at work have you ever driven to a place that you go frequently. You know, maybe it's work. Maybe it's picking up the kids from school. Maybe it's the grocery store and you drive there and you get there. And you realize you don't even remember any of the trip because you can do that trip basically with your eyes closed. Please don't do that? Um, but we don't have to think about it and sometimes our job gets into this routine that we don't even have to think about what we're doing anymore and basically.

It's just gotten pretty darn boring for us versus think about a trip now we did this a few years ago quite a few years ago now where we got to drive up the pacific coast highway and I want you to imagine that you're driving up the pacific coast highway maybe you've seen pictures of it. If you haven't done it yet. I do side note put that on your bucket list. Oh my gosh. What a trip up to Sonoma oh I want to do it again anyway, when you're driving up the pacific coast highway you have to pay attention you want to pay attention to every second of it. Scenery is beautiful. It's always changing. We felt like we drove through all different countries and this one trip it was amazing. Um, you know from the ocean on one side to the greenery on the other side. Um, it just it was so beautiful. Was also challenging in and spots the pacific coast highway is very narrow in spots and you're going around curves and tight curves and it's it's kind of treacherous. So it's a drive that you have to pay attention to is also. Kind of drive where you want to roll down the windows and let the breeze flow through your hair or better yet. Get a um ah you know a bus staying and put the top down anyway, this drive makes you feel alive and if you're.

Career started to feel like that habitual drive to the grocery store versus this exhilarating drive down the the pacific coast highway maybe that's why you're not happy anymore. Why you're not feeling fulfilled anymore and basically maybe you're just. Bored. It's not really burnout. It's just boredom and what do you need to change that that you could feel challenged and alive again at work have you been investing in your own professional or personal development. Maybe. That's a goal you should set or you could set for 2024 so that you can do things that are going to challenge you. We need to be pushed gently outside of our comfort zone to truly live up to become the people the person we're designed to be. So how can you do that more either in your existing career and or maybe it's outside resources. You need to look at just so you can start to feel alive again. It's time for you to roll down the windows and feel the cool breeze ah through your hair ladies. Let's do this all right. The last reason the number 1 reason why I feel like most of us get that angst even though we are successful. We still just don't feel 100 % satisfied in our careers.

The number 1 reason I think it is and again you can rate these yourself is you are not using your natural talents and strengths in your work. This was my number 1 issue when I really started to get that angst. Like something's amiss here and once I truly understood what my natural talents were and believe me it took me a long time to understand this I took the clipton strengths Scalps Clifton strengths assessment and 2016 and it wasn't until about 2018 that I started to really understand it and then. Went to a workshop soon after that and um, you know a couple years after that I was able to get to a small intimate workshop and be coached and that was when I really started to understand what it all meant how my assessment. Um, made a difference in how I showed up in the world and it also helped me realize I will never forget this moment being at a small end intimate workshop and having some set having the um our coach explain to us the difference between maximizers and developers. And when I heard that I'm like oh my gosh this this is why I'm exhausted doing what I do every day now and this was it so developers gallups clifton strengths findder developer definition says.

People exceptionally talented and the developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others they spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from evidence of progress whereas maximizers. The maximizer theme according to Gallup says maximizers focuses on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence they seek to transform something strong into something superb the developer theme. Is number 26 out of the 34 themes for me. Maximizer is number 2 now I loved I loved my people I loved my group of women that I got to coach a mentor and I did it. And enjoy seeing them grow. But honestly I found the day to day the way I had to lead day to day in that position I found it to be exhausting most days and I knew that for me to be able to spend time using my mac. <unk>r strength I'd have to change who I worked with and for me I realized that was going to have to be a total career change because otherwise I would have had to get back out there and hustle and find a whole new group of women and I wasn't willing to hustle anymore.

And that is why today I love working with women women like you who have had success who are high achievers and they love what they're doing and they love that sense of achievement. But they're looking for a guide to help them empower them so they can step into their true greatness That's what lights me up as a maximizer you're already successful. You just need to step into the right role to really be empowered to become that woman that god created you to be so that you. Can use all of your natural talents and strengths now I'm going to pause here in case, you're new to the discover and your calling podcast and you have absolutely no idea what I just talked about developers maximizers Clifton strengths what the heck is Sherry talking about that comes from Gaalup's Clifton strengths. That's all new to you and it sounds like a foreign language. Go back through some of my older podcasts and you can listen to what clippedton strengths is all about so you understand what I'm talking about here because it's so so so important. But if you aren't new to that and you know what I'm talking about and you have. Your Clifton strengths report take a look at your clippedton strengths 34 themes really dive into them and and ask yourself are you able to live and work using your top 10 themes or are you.

Having to do tasks that require you to work in your bottom half this could mean just changing the how you do your job. Some of my clients in the discovering your calling academy. That's all they needed to change. It was. How they approach their job or for some of you. It might mean that you need to change the what you do and honestly in the discovering you're calling a canway. We. Ben the first four weeks diving into the clifton strength and what it all means for you and your success journey because when you fully understand it like I finally did at that workshop. It will be life changing for you. It'll be like oh. That's why and you'll start to understand why you feel that angst why you're not satisfied. Why you're exhausted and why at other times you feel like oh I could do this all day long I love what I do and that's our goal. We want to be able to say that every single day. Okay. So my friend this has been a lot but I want to know which is it for you which of these 5 is the real problem with why you are successful but just not feeling satisfied in your career is it not matching your dream lifestyle. Are you not able to.

Your core values or are your core values being compromised is it not letting you show up as your best best authentic self at work are you no longer growing or challenged or is it that you're not able to use your talents and strengths. Maybe it's more the one. Maybe it's all 5 I see that a lot I'd love to invite you to a discovery call and just have a conversation. Let's see if your next best step might be just having a 90 minute clipped in strengths that navigating your strength session with me. Um, maybe it's just a few little tweaks is all you need to find that joy in your career again or is the discovering you're calling academy your next best step. This academy is a 90 day live group coaching experience. It's not a course that you watch the videos and I wish you good luck on it's live. You get me there in a small group intimate setting where we dive into not just your Clifton strengths results. But we vision near your dream life. We review your core values and priorities and purpose and so much more but you will finish with clarity on your calling plus a gold map to get you closer to your ideal career and life and a plan on.

How to make it all happen and on this discovery call. We can talk about solutions to your situation. You can ask me anything you want about the discovering your calling academy and together. We can see if it is the right time for you to join that and if it's even the right. Answer for you. So if that sounds good and you want to book that call head to my website. It's Sherry Miter Co S H E R I m I t e r c o dot com to book a call or click the link in the show notes. Or find me on Facebook you could always send me a message over on Facebook and hey while you're on Facebook. Don't forget to join the motivated motivated for more community. Love to see you in there. So I hope that this podcast today has gave you a little insight on what is. Really going on and why despite your success you just don't feel satisfied in your current career because there are answers. There are solutions and you deserve to have a life that lights you up. My friend. All right? Thanks as always for listening to the discovering you're calling podcast.