Discovering Your Calling - A Strengths-Based approach to career and life fulfillment, success and joy!

How to Flip the Switch from Fear to Solutions and Self-Doubt into Confidence! S4E46

Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach Season 4 Episode 46

Discover the unexpected power of a simple three-letter word that will transform the way you navigate doubts and fears. This one word holds the key to unlocking your potential for greatness and resilience. It's not what you think, and it's not about asking why. Dive into the surprising revelation that will change the game for you. Are you ready to discover the game-changing word that will revolutionize your approach to challenges? Get ready for a fresh perspective that will leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Stay tuned to unravel the unexpected secret that will elevate your mindset and propel you towards success.

"The key is to let your brain sit with this thought. Keep asking the question until you get armed with the solutions. " Sheri

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Mastering the power of mindset to unlock personal growth and transformation.
  • Conquering doubts and fears with effective strategies for a more fulfilled life.
  • Embracing a solution-oriented mindset to navigate challenges and achieve success.
  • Harnessing the one simple word as a powerful tool for realizing goals and aspirations.
  • Developing resilience as a key asset in facing life's obstacles with strength and adaptability.

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

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One word, three letters, one simple three letter word that will make all the difference in your life. This one word is your best defender for the battle happening in your mind. Now, you may be thinking, oh, I know what it is, Sheri. It's Simon Senec's why, which is an important word to ask. But that's not the three letter word I'm thinking about that I'm going to share with you today in this episode.

Put the intro here. So, as I mentioned earlier, Simon Senec's find your why teaching is super valuable. I love the book. And we actually do an exercise in the discovering your calling academy that gets you very clear on your why, because that is super important to help you reach your goals. But the word I want to talk about today is what I think should come before the why.

And before I divulge what that word is, I want to back things up a little bit, because have you ever noticed that when you want to try something new, do something different, step out of your comfort zone or create a new habit, you have two voices in your head. The first one is that excited one, the voice that is that voice of victory and success and joy, the one that says, you can do this and you should do this. But then there's that second voice that creeps in really fast sometimes. And that's the one of doubt, the one of worry, the one maybe feeling of that impostor syndrome, feeling the cynic. It's the one that tells you all the reasons why you can't do something.

And here's the thing. We cannot stop that second voice from happening, but what we can do is be ready to fight the battle with that second voice. And it only takes this one three letter word to win that battle. You see, that second voice wants you to stay focused on the problem and barriers you'll face attempting to do this new thing you want to do. But it's a simple, not always easy mind shift to flip that thinking.

And instead of letting yourself sit in that doubt and fear and thinking, can I do this? Can I really do this? Here's the three letter word that changes everything. Just add the word how in front of that sentence. Start asking yourself, how can I do this?

And what happens is amazing. When you make add that one three letter word in front of that question, immediately your mind shifts gears from doubt and fear to problem solving and solutions. So instead of can I start this exercise program? Ask yourself, how can I start this exercise program? Can I pay off this debt?

How can I pay down this debt? Can I really find time to start my side business to how can I find time to start this business? The key is to let your brain sit with this thought. Keep asking the question until you get armed with the solutions. Now, this is something we have to train our brains to do, but our brains will react to what we tell it to and think about problems.

We will see problems, but if we look for solutions, we will find them. Now, I'm not a scientist, but I do know this is all scientifically based, and it's called the reticular activating system, or RAS. You will hear it referred to many times. And this is a network of neurons located in our brain stem. One of its jobs, the Ras jobs, is to act as a filter for the overwhelming amount of sensory information that our brains receive every second, determining what is important enough to be processed and what can be ignored.

And here's the cool thing. We can change what it focuses on. And simply by adding how to the icann question, it flips the switch for our brains. Now, this again is the non scientific way of saying this, but that flipping the switch to go from problems to solutions. So what is the problem you've been ruminating on?

Where is that second voice speaking so loudly that you get shut down in 2 seconds after having the thought? And it's as simple as making a decision to shut it down by asking, how can I? And here's the thing. You can't just ask the question. It goes a little deeper than that.

Like I said, this is simple, but not always easy. So here's a process to take yourself through if you want to do this, and I hope you do. I mean, if you're listening to my show, I kind of have a feeling you are a problem solver looking for solutions, right? So here's the thing you need to keep asking yourself, how can I do this? So let's just pretend like maybe you're thinking like, oh, I want to make some big changes.

Maybe you've heard me talking about the discovering your calling academy, but you're thinking, well, I don't have time to do this, Sheri. Like, I would love to do that program, but I don't have the time. And that's the problem you need to solve. So the question becomes, how can I find the time to do this? So you ask yourself that question and just let your brain ruminate on it.

Just let your brain go to work, and then write down all the solutions your brain comes up with. Your brain's smarter than sometimes we give it credit for. I promise you that. And here's the thing. Don't worry if the thoughts that pop in after you ask the question, how can I?

No matter what you're thinking, write it down. It may seem unreasonable, it may not seem doable, but if it's God's solution, let him worry about that piece of it. After all, he turned well water into wine, fine wine and loaves of bread into feasts for plenty. He loves an audacious plan. So don't worry about if it sounds crazy, if it sounds audacious, if it sounds not doable and unreasonable, just write down what pops in your head.

We're just letting the brain brainstorm. It's what it loves to do. So just let yourself brainstorm on how can I do this? Be curious about it. Be curious about finding the answers to the questions.

They are there. If we let them come in now, this may take a few days of processing. You may not even have anything pop in your head immediately, but keep ruminating on it. Walk around asking yourself all the time, how can I do blah, blah, blah? How can I find the time to do this new thing?

How can I find the time to take the discovering your calling academy? How can I find the time to fit in an exercise program, whatever it is that you want to find the solution to? You can say it out loud if you want. Your kids and your spouse may think you're crazy, but who cares? Because you're on the way to making yourself a better person for finding the answers to the problems you've been dwelling on.

So just, again, let yourself ask the question. Jot down the answers that start to come into your mind, no matter how crazy they might seem, let yourself just brainstorm for a couple of days. Then when you're done brainstorming and you feel like you've gotten all the downloads that there are, then you go back and you select one or two of the ideas and you get to work. And they may not be perfect, but one step at a time will get you there. And I promise you that this seems a little crazy.

I know it sounds too simple, but again, it is simple. It's very simple, but it's not always easy. And sometimes the simplest things that we can do are the ones we think that will never work, and we pass it by. But I promise you, my friend, if you follow this, it will change your life. And you might get stuck.

You might get stuck along the way. It's okay. Just go back to, how can I do this now with this new situation present? How can I fit it in now? Because this now is happening again.

Just add the word how in front of the can I. And here's the cool thing, though. The more you practice this, the more attuned your brain will get for problem solving. And that second voice, it never really goes away. But over time, it'll get quieter and quieter, and it doesn't rule your mind anymore.

So, my friend, what battle is going on in your mind right now that you will take on and be a warrior? My friend, it's time for you to be a warrior. Against the doubt and the fear and the things that are keeping you stuck, it's time to attack it with one simple little word. How? How can I?

Because you were meant for greatness, my friend. So don't stay stuck in the can. I get to work. You've got a battle to win. A battle in your own mind.

I believe in you. Let me know how this resonates. Let me know what battle and challenge are you taking on today? I would love to hear. And I would love to hear if this helps you.

Thanks as always, for listening to the discovering your calling podcast. Bye.

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