Discovering Your Calling - A Strengths-Based approach to career and life fulfillment, success and joy!

When God Calls You to Make a Career Change - One Woman's Journey of Faith to Find Her Purpose - Feat. Lindsey Schiel S4E51

Sheri Miter- Clifton Strengths Finders Coach & Visionary Strategist Season 4 Episode 51

Embracing a new journey

Starting a new chapter can be daunting, but it offers opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Taking the leap into the unknown can lead to transformative experiences and help individuals discover their true purpose. Our guest, Lindsey Schiel, shares her remarkable story and the unexpected twist in her career journey. Lindsey's story is one of listening to the nudges and being faithful. As she navigated her path with faith and purpose, she encountered a surprising turn of events that redefined her priorities. Find out how she found clarity and confidence in the pursuit of new paths and how you can, too. Stay tuned for the remarkable revelation that changed everything.

You need to pause and really listen to those nudges. If you're questioning something, there's a reason that you're questioning it. So, really lean into that, just sit with it, and then make your decision.   Lindsey Schiel 

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Embracing a new journey from corporate to entrepreneurship, unlocking your potential for success.
  • The power of listening to God's whisper and following His nudges to find career success while keeping your priorities.
  • Overcoming family health challenges while building a business and finding resilience amidst adversity.
  • Discovering the power of leadership coaching for women, unleashing your full professional potential.
  • Navigating career changes with faith and purpose, finding clarity and confidence in pursuing new paths.
  • Harnessing side hustles for financial freedom, unlocking opportunities for prosperity and fulfillment.

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

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Well, welcome to the discovering your calling podcast, Lindsey. I'm excited to dive into this conversation with you and hear all of your amazing story and where God has led you and taking you from and to and through in the past few years. Well, thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to chat as well. Great.

So, and I know we've been chatting a lot about my story before we hit record, but I'm really like, I really don't know a lot about your story. So I'm really. I always just love to let things unfold on air so we can hear this, you know, hear this. And so take us back to, you know, how long ago was it and where were you working before you made that decision that you needed to make a change? Sure.

So I'm going to step back just even a little bit further and just share that I am a first generation college graduate in my family. So I graduated with an engineering degree after I got married, before I started having kids, I got an MBA. And I really had a lot of aspirations to do big things and to try to really kind of climb that corporate ladder. So right out of college, I was fortunate to receive a job at our local utility. So I came back home, was excited to be close to family, but still have a lot of different opportunities.

So I started there, was kind of on, like, a fast track engineering program for new, upcoming leaders and had a great career. I was with the company for almost 19 years, so I was able to have kids. I got married, have kids, be in a lot of different leadership positions. So I worked my way up through leadership, went to different organizations to kind of help those organizations out if they were having any type of staffing issues, if they were having any type of quality issues. And so loved the work I did.

I had no complaints. I mean, I maybe encountered a leader here or there that I was like, maybe not the best fit, but overall enjoyed my career. Never really thought that I would go work anywhere else or do anything else. So I was in a role most recently there or in my most recent role there, and I was like, what am I? What am I doing?

You know, what, what is my next steps? Because I knew it wasn't the right fit at that time, but knew again, I had opportunity and so was kind of just, you know, working around, you know, still meeting with, you know, my, the folks that I knew that could kind of help me working with those people that had different influence. And the company was going through some changes and they were offering a voluntary separation plan. And I was like, never. I mean, there'd been many throughout my 19 years there, you know, depending on the year, depending on the financial state of the business.

I was like, oh, let me consider this for a minute. Again, never would have considered it, but I was like, maybe at a point in my life where I do need something different or I want to do something different. So I talked to my husband, and I'm like, I don't know. You know, we were both like, I don't know. We really have a great life that we live.

We have great benefits and so kind of ingest. I was like, I think if, like, they were, the offer was right, I would take it. My husband was like, okay, whatever, you know? Well, it was very interesting because one night after they had announced that they were going to do this, but before they really sent out any details, I had a dream. And I don't, like, I don't have dreams all the time, or if I do, I mean, I probably do, but I just don't remember them.

But I had this dream that they came out with the offer and said, like, we're going to, based on all the information, like, we're going to give you this dollar amount. And it was much more than I had ever expected. And so the next day, I woke up and I told my husband, I was like, listen to this dream. They offered me this, like, that's so crazy. Well, literally a few days later, they sent out what the packages would look like for the individuals if you were to choose to pursue the separation.

And it was within, like, a few thousand dollars. Like, it was. Yeah, right? I'm like, that is so crazy. Right?

So, like, this was a number that I never would have expected. This is much, it was a much bigger package than had ever been offered in the past. And I was like, this is so crazy. Like, that's interesting. And prior to this, I had started to kind of dabble in leadership coaching, and so it's kind of doing that part time.

And obviously within my leadership roles in the corporation, you know, I had a lot of experience helping leaders grow and, you know, get different promotions. And so I had been doing that, and I was like, maybe this is, this is my sign, right, to step away from corporate and really take a look at what value I can bring to others on a different scale. I also am very involved in my community. I am on the local school board. I am our local regional leader for Girl Scouts.

I participate in Kiwanis. My husband runs a youth program for basketball that I'm really involved in as well, so I'm like, I have things to bring to people again, different than maybe what I thought my aspirations were when I was younger and newer into this corporate world. So we decided together that this was our plan, that I was going to take this. And, you know, there was still a lot of, like, oh, gosh, is this the right decision? You know, I had these signs that were positive and.

But I had to make a decision, you know, they're not going to just let you say the last day. Yeah, okay, I'll take it. Like, you had to apply, they had to approve it. Then, you know, you had this time frame to rescind it. And so I went through all those motions, and it was getting to the time that we were.

It was getting close to the end of my working time with the company and my daughter. So we have four children, my husband and I. They range from seven to 15. We have three boys and one. One girl.

Our daughter started to have these weird eye issues, and I'm like, it's okay. Like, I'll be done working shortly. So we had been getting into some specialists, and I was like, you know, we'll have the time to take care of it regardless. We would have taken care of it, but. But we.

So I, like, it was. I only had, like, two weeks of work left when this started. So then we started to see some specialists, and we ended up finding out that she has epilepsy. And so for me, that really cemented that. Like, God gave me these signs to make this humongous decision, life altering decision for not only me, but our entire family, to say, you need this rest.

You need this time for reflection. You have these skills that you can use in other ways, but you need to be with your family, and you need to take the learnings and stresses of that and build those into what your next part of life looks like. Yeah, it's amazing. Sort of like, it gives me shivers that, you know, when we trust, we trust the signs and, you know, God. God knows what's ahead for us.

And, you know, thank God we don't know what all is ahead for us. I think we don't, like, never leave our rooms. Right. That's coming down the path, good and bad. But how amazing that he nudged you along, it sounds like without you knowing, maybe that that's what it was or maybe you did with that.

I'm curious, like, to go back because you said you, you know, you'd already started kind of doing some leadership coaching, so, like, where was your mindset in that whole process? Besides, just like, oh, this is a big, you know, financial decision, big life change situation. But you'd mentioned that there had been some changes in the company or some changes that you were already wondering, where do I fit? Where do I belong? You know?

So bring us back to that moment of just that decision before you even knew that there was a separation package coming. Like, what was that feeling of? I don't know. Was it discontent? Like, how would you label that?

So it was. I don't know if discontent is the right word. It was more of uncomfortableness and different experience than I'd had in the past. And it really. It was so much that it kind of had me pause more than I'd ever paused before.

And a big part of the discomfortness was leadership changes. And I always tell people I'm, like, I'm passionate about leadership or the lack thereof. And so, like, I feel that as individuals, we have so much opportunity to influence so many people, and maybe that so many people is the kids at our dining room table or the neighbors down the street. But we still have that ability, and we have that opportunity in us. And so when we use that not in a positive way, think of what that consequence is.

And so, in the company, again, you know, there was. There were some changes, and I understood the changes, and I didn't have a problem with the changes. It was very much the way within which leadership chose to share those changes, implement those changes. And for 18 years, I had felt like a valued employee. Even when I started as an entry level engineer, I felt valued.

And then I got to the point where I didn't feel valued. And so that's really where I started to think, and not from my direct leader. You know, I had great bosses and directors and executive, you know, depending on where I was within my career, I never felt like my direct leadership didn't value me and my contributions, but it was, here are these folks at the very top of this large corporation that are making decisions and probably the right decisions, but again, the way within which they are sharing those decisions and implementing those decisions, the trickle down effect was very negative to me, and I know others, but, like, this is about me, right? Right. And so that's really when I started to think, like, is this what I want to do for the next half of my life?

Is this how I want to feel every day and bring that home to my kids and show them that this is. You just kind of do this, you go to work and you have these feelings, and. Or do I want to try to do something different. That has a positive impact on a different group, a greater group. And also show my kids, like, you can kind of do whatever you want and reinvent yourself at 41 years old, if that's what you so choose.

I love that. I love that. And I think, you know, this newer generation and starting, like, my sons are all in their thirties now. And I see it mostly with my youngest son, who's 30. He'll be 32 this year, to do the math, very much with him of this.

They will not stay in a job that they do not feel fulfilled, that does not align with their purpose, does not make an impact. Like, they are very passionate about that, that the job has to matter to them. It's not just a paycheck. It's not just about benefits anymore. Our generation was all about the benefits, the security, all of that.

I also noticed with him, and I think it's even more so now, probably your kids, that they also want that freedom and flexibility to have a life. Right, right. And I think that, for me, as I reflect back, like COVID, I hate to use the word, really brought to light a lot of different things that maybe we hadn't considered in the past. Oh, 100%. And we made some, and I say we, like, as the country, as the workforce, whatever, we made good choices out of that.

And then we made some not so good choices. And then to figure out what that looked like and how to balance those choices as we kind of came out of the pandemic, I think, really spoke to who we have as strong leaders and who we don't and who truly values that culture? Kind of that you're talking about, that your kids so strive to be in that. It really kind of showed the gap of who the good guys are versus the maybe not as good guys. And so out of that, I really, again, was like, okay, that lack of leadership, like, how do I help people strike that balance of being that leader that people want to be with and follow and.

But also know that they're making the right decisions for the right reasons? Right, right. And I like how you took that, because I always say that usually it's whatever are the problem we see in the world. And, you know, being clear that the world for us isn't necessarily the global. It could be.

It might be the globe world that we know, or it might be, like you said, lindsey, it might be our community. It might be, like you said to the dining room table, you know, or it could be the state that we live in or whatever that world is for us. I can't think of the right word there that I'm looking for. But it's the problem we see there, and that usually becomes our mission. Yes.

Because we see something that other people don't even notice sometimes. But when we dive into and we dissect, and I think, too, going back with the COVID I feel like COVID just gave people space to think. I agree with that. To be quiet, forced to stop the hustle and the busyness and just pause for a moment in time because there wasn't anything else to do. So we had this opportunity to just pause and think and prioritize, like, what am I doing with my life?

And I think that's why there were so many people making shifts afterwards of their careers or, you know, it's still trickling. It'll never stop now. But to take that, what you saw, this problem in leadership, this opportunity you had available to you and then to step into that role, to start leading or teaching leadership. So I do want to back up, though. Sure.

Because you said, and I mentioned this before, you said that you were already coaching leaders. How did that happen while you were still working? Because a lot of people, I think this. This is how the progression is, the safer progression to take. It's not always because we're not always offered that severance pay, you know?

That's right. Yes. Thank you. But for a lot of people, it is. You have to do a couple things that for a short amount of time.

So talk a little bit about what was that like first and then go into what you're doing today. Yeah. So I was really looking for opportunities. So, I mean, this sounds kind of like a spoiled ish problem, but I was like, we had taken our family to Disney World, and Disney World is expensive, especially when you have four children. Right.

How do people do this every year? Because, again, my husband, I both make good sailors. I was like, that is still a big trip. And so I was really looking for ways, like, what skills, skills do I have? What things can I do to make extra income so that we can do some of those bigger trips maybe every year.

Every other year. So it really was more kind of like that side hustle, right. To say, like, what. What things can I do? So, you know, within my network, I was able to start to dabble in it.

And so that's kind of what switched that. That light on for me was I was just, like, looking for ways to make that extra money to be able to provide more for my kids and my husband and I than I was already. No, I love that. And honestly, like, that's why we start a lot of the side hustles. It's a very.

I guess maybe we could call it selfish. I don't know if it is not really for your family. I mean, I was in direct sales, and that's why I started. I wanted to go on vacations, besides camping, money to do things. They let the kids play the sports teams, and.

And then it grew, you know, beyond that. But initially, I think that's why a lot of us do start. And I said, being in the network marketing business, I saw that that was primarily the number one reason why any woman joined that company was, I remember one, one of my consultants, she wanted a real live band for her wedding. I love that. And that's why she joined.

But she stayed in because afterwards she, you know, like, oh, wait, this is pretty cool. I'm making extra money now. We can do these other things, but, yeah, so I think that's great that, to have that motivation, because we will do more for our kids a lot of times as moms. Right. Then we will do for ourselves.

And that you found that, like, what am I good at? What do I enjoy? What am I passionate about going back to that mission? Yes. For leadership.

So how did that evolve? Like, what did that look like then, as you made this new change and progression? Right. So I knew, you know, that I'd had some success on a much smaller scale, but that along my journey, I've learned a lot of things. Right.

I know. Again, I've seen good, I've seen bad. I've seen what's worked for me. I've seen what's worked for others. Um, and so I know I primarily work with women.

Not that I'm opposed to working with men, because I always would joke with my male leaders, like, I can definitely manage up to you. Like, I can manage you from below. Like, no problem. Yeah. But, you know, there's women that want to do big things, but maybe don't have the confidence, don't think that they have the skill set.

And so it really was just honing in on who can use the help that I can provide. And again, it can be in a corporate perspective. You know, we have different leaders, you know, within our communities. So I'm open to whatever type of leader, but really people that are looking for, you know, different opportunities that, you know, are maybe, maybe newer to being a leader. And so they haven't had teams, but also women that, you know, just feel overwhelmed because of how quickly they've, they've gone up the ladder and just need that ally to say, okay, this is.

You're. You're doing the right thing. Right. And so I really also, you know, talk a little bit about the difference between mentorship and coaching, where I think that both roles are important for folks. And so I probably digressed a little bit.

So, you know, I work with folks to just really to give them some of those extra tools in their tool belt to make sure that they are feeling the confidence and knowing that they have the ability to do all the things that they want to do. Yeah. And I was thinking that, like, I could see where you would be a great mentor coach for somebody that was looking to get. Because you were kind of in a man's world. Right.

Yeah. There were many times where I was the only woman in the conference room. Right. And one of my clients I had a while back, she's very similar, you know, in a tech field, and she was very passionate about helping other women, not necessarily in her same company, but the same type of field. Like, how do you navigate this world as a woman and do it confidently and successfully?

So I think that's all. Yeah. Because, I mean, you know, in my experiences, you know, there's different ways a woman can approach their career. You know, there's the women that are. That are definitely using their masculine selves to try to get there, and then there's women that are more timid because they don't have some of that confidence.

And so it's really what's the right balance for you as an individual to then accomplish the goals again that you want to accomplish. Right. And I want to go again back. Sorry, I keep going back. Yeah, no worries.

I just wrote down a couple of things as you were saying them, and I know you said you were a first generation graduate, college graduate. How did your family feel about your decision, like, your extended family, to step away from that? Because I feel like, and I asked the question because I know so many times we stay someplace because of societal opinions we're afraid of or family opinions we're afraid of, or, you know, all those emotional thoughts that we have. So what was that like, announcing that decision? It's almost like you listen to the conversations between me and my dad, for the most part.

I would say, like, my people. So my family, my close friends, you know, they're very supportive, and they were supportive, and they're like, I think probably to my face, they were like, that's so great. But probably, you know, again, you know, behind closed doors, they're probably she's crazy. My dad was much more vocal about she's crazy. I had done, you know, fairly well, you know, for, you know, the role I was in, the flexibility I did have in my role, the salary I was making, the benefits that came with that job.

So, yeah, he was very. He still is today. Like, are you sure this is what you should have done? So that's hard, right? Because it's like, I know this is what I need to do, and this is where my heart is, and I am confident I can do big things.

But then you have those voices that do make you question yourself. Right. Because not that. I mean, my dad is my biggest fan. He will support me in whatever I do, but he's still.

Are you sure this was a good choice? And so it's really, like, even faking that confidence where I'm like, yeah, I mean, I've got this. I mean, and I've shown that progress and proved that, you know, I can be successful in this role. But you walk away, say, no, I'm not sure exactly. Exactly.

But, you know, I have a coach, and, I mean, she is helpful. And I even, you know, like I mentioned, my daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy. So it was a big change with that and then this big career change. So I started therapy. Like, I, you know, I think that there are people that can come in and out of our lives that can be our allies and can help us, and there's no right or wrong answer.

And so just to kind of balance things out, that was the choice that I decided to make, was to bring on a couple people that I knew would champion me. Not that I had any loud haters, but I'm doing the things to make sure that I can be as successful as possible. Right. No, that's so smart, because I think we need to put our, especially if we're stepping away from one environment that we've known, and everybody in our world kind of comes from that environment. So if everybody in our world is a nine to fiver and now we want to step into a different role, whether it be, I'm now going to be a leadership coach, I'm now going to run my own business.

I'm not just going to be. I just want to stay home with my kids. Whatever it is that we're changing to, we need to find a new environment that will support that, because otherwise we get pulled back into this other world that we know, they know, and we have to be around like minded people. So to hire a coach, get yourself in a. In that environment is so essential.

Otherwise, it's so hard to do it alone. So hard to make this. Yeah, definitely. It's almost like a whole new identity, right? I mean, it is.

Yeah. For 19 years, I went to work or I took calls on the way to school or. And now I'm like, oh, this is different. This is so different. And it's fulfilling in different ways.

And I have good days still, and I have bad days still. And so, again, yes, just definitely bringing on folks to help you is the right thing to do. And talk a little bit about that, that identity. I have a whole podcast on that. We talked about that when my husband, he was a professional firefighter, and he's one of those people that knew he wanted to be a firefighter since he was, like, three years old.

Like, that was his identity for his entire life until he turned 60. So from three until 60, he identified as a firefighter, and he made it happen. He did very well with it. So when he retired, it was challenging. So I've done a couple podcasts on that identity crisis.

What was that like for you, and how did you. I guess, was it the coach and the therapist, or how did you work through that? Yeah. Yeah. For me, it was not immediate because, as I mentioned, my daughter got her epilepsy diagnosis, and so I'm that mom that I'm like, okay, what specialists do we need to see?

Like, who do we need to go to? What? Like, get it booked? You can't get me booked out for two months. Figure it out.

Like, I'll call you back every week to get. So for the first October, November, like, first four months that I stopped working in my nine to five job, we were going, you know, I have four kids, so we have regular appointments anyway, orthodontist doctor, you know, we have that. So, like, we're usually going to an appointment a week, but then to add on top all of these. These specialists, we, you know, so it didn't. It didn't almost feel like I had a minute to breathe.

Like, it was like we. I was going from working to, okay, I'm, like, in mama bear mode where, like, we're figuring this out. We're making sure she's seeing all the doctors she needs to see. We've got our medication right where. And so it was a different stress that I hadn't experienced because I've never had a child diagnosed with anything like this or, you know, have any other.

Any other types of ailments or anything. And so it really has been kind of, like, since like, january this new year where I'm like, okay, I can breathe. And so it's been weird because it's like, okay, what does my day look like? What are my goals that I want to meet? What are the things that I need to be doing to be successful and be present for my clients?

And so it's really restructuring, like, my whole day, my whole life, in a sense. And, yeah, definitely. I mean, for me, my coach, my therapist, again, my husband is wonderful. I mean, he's a great support system. But having those two people in my life have helped me to shift my thinking in ways that I don't know that I would have been able to or at least as efficiently and quickly as I have been able to if I didn't have them.

And so it. I mean, I had hard days. You know, there was days where I was like, I just don't think I could do this. Like, I don't know that this is the right choice. I mean, how many months later, right?

And so those folks really helped me recenter, and I really think, too, that they're, like a neutral party, and it's so hard to kind of get that with your friends or your family. And so, not that they don't care about me as a person, and, you know, they. They both, I believe, want the best for me. It's still a different perspective than I would get from my mom or my sister or my best friend or my husband or even my kids. You know, my kid, my kids that I, you know, when they're like, well, mom doesn't work anymore, that doesn't help the identity situation.

But definitely for me, that's been how I've been able to kind of get my head on right post all of this humongous change in my world. Right. And going back now, I want to spend a little time with about your daughter. And because that was, like we said before, like, such a huge God wing that he led you there, knowing what was ahead for you. Did you ever stop to imagine, like, what would you have done if you were still working?

I have. And, you know, again, not to take anything away from my employer, they. I know they would have accommodated me. That's not the question. But to not have that stressor in your life, too, when you're going through this, it was a blessing.

I mean, I can't imagine for any type of, you know, disease or issue like this that parents have to deal with that do have jobs that are not flexible or they don't have the community that we're blessed with. Or, you know, I have another. I have another friend that her son is friends with. My oldest son, he has epilepsy. And we kind of keep each other on track because, you know, she'll get down or I'll get down, and I'm like, but remember, you know, we have insurance, and we have one of the best children's hospitals, you know, an hour away, and we have access to medication, you know, so to keep those things in perspective.

But, yeah, to not have to, like, think about, okay, I've got these employees that I have to deal with, or we have these deadlines, or. It's just very much been a blessing. And again, I've told. I mean, everybody I've talked to, I'm like, God works in mysterious ways. Everything happens for a reason.

Would I ever want to wish epilepsy on my daughter? No. Or any child. But the fact that I had these blessings and that the timing worked out like it did, I couldn't have planned that better myself. Right, right.

So what was the timeframe? I guess we didn't really like. So when you got the severance, you left. Yeah. So we had to make a decision in May, I think, if we were going to, like, apply for it.

Because you had last year, 2023, May of 23. Yeah. And so that's where I was, like, then I was like, I mean, I can apply for it. And then still, like, we had options. Right?

Like, they weren't gonna say, and it was based on individual. And so they approved me. And then you had till June something, I think. And I was like, nope, I'm gonna do it. Like, I know I can do what I'm setting out to do.

And so the last day of work would have been July 31. My daughter started having her vision stuff. I think it was July 22. Okay. So I already knew that I was leaving, but her issues didn't start until literally, like, a week and a half before I was done working.

Wow. And so it's that. And that in itself, I'm like, that's the God's timing, right? I didn't have to worry about all these crazy appointments while I was wrapping up things and transitioning work and saying my goodbyes. It's all in God's timing.

Right? That's amazing story. And how is she now? How is your daughter doing epilepsy? I would have never known how many people it affects just by talking about it in our community.

The people that have said, well, I had seizures as a child, or, I live with epilepsy every day, or my child has epilepsy. It's amazing. We, again, we're blessed with a wonderful community, and they have come together for our family and have done anything and everything that they can for us. She. We are lucky.

The medication, the doctor she sees caught things right away. Put her on a medication cocktail. We pretend she's an old lady in the morning with all of her pills. I'm like, get your old lady pill by accident. And so we've been blessed that since we've gotten the medication levelized, she hasn't had any seizure activity, and so she's doing very well.

You know, I read stories about people that have to deal with seizures every day, and my heart breaks for them. And so we, again, we're very blessed. Right. And it's probably so good, like you said, that you could just go into mama bear right mode and be on top of things, because it probably felt like a new full time job in the past. Yeah, it really did.

It was like, you know, everyone's like, how is retirement? I'm like, well, I'll let you know when we're not driving an hour three times a week. Right. So, really? Then, like you said, you're just stepping into that this year.

Yeah, yeah. So, yes, so, once. I mean, we did some, like, last appointments over to the December holiday break, and, you know, now we're on a regular schedule where it's like, oh, gosh. Like, I can really focus every day on the things that are not only helping my business, but the people that I'm serving. Mm hmm.

Awesome. So, anything else, Lindsay, as we wrap things up here that we didn't get to that you think would be important to somebody listening to this, somebody that maybe is in that same situation is like, ooh, I have this opportunity to step away. Should I take it? Or that they just feel called, like, I think God's nudging me in a different path? What.

What would you say to that, woman or man? I would just say that through my coaching, through my therapy, like, you need to pause and really listen to those nudges. And if you're questioning something, there's a reason that you're questioning it. And so to really lean into that and just sit with it and then make your decision. Great advice.

Great advice. And how can somebody reach out to you, follow you, find you? Yeah, I'm on. I'm mainly on LinkedIn and Facebook. Lindsey Schiel under both of those.

So happy to chat with anybody about anything. So those are the best ways to get ahold of me. Great. So if somebody has a child with epilepsy. Yes, please.

I'm not the smartest on the topic, but I've learned a lot, and so I'm always open to learning more and to helping however I can. And then leadership or perhaps that woman on the trying to break into the man's for sure world. So. Yeah, wonderful. Well, thank you so much, so much for being on the discovering your calling podcast today and sharing your story.

Story of just really the God winks. The God winks there. And I'm glad your daughter's doing better, and I'm glad you made that decision. So you followed the nudges? Yes.

I appreciate it.

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