Have the Audacity

Stop and Celebrate Yourself. Here is How I Am Celebrating in Real Time

January 01, 2024 Jacy Lawler Episode 100
Stop and Celebrate Yourself. Here is How I Am Celebrating in Real Time
Have the Audacity
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Have the Audacity
Stop and Celebrate Yourself. Here is How I Am Celebrating in Real Time
Jan 01, 2024 Episode 100
Jacy Lawler

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • Celebrating 100 episodes
  • The truth about setting goals
  • The power in finding community. 

Use my code JACY10 to save on your order of Gut Personal Supplements! Visit www.gutpersonal.com and take their online quiz to get personalized recommendations of supplements for your gut health needs!  I recommend starting with the Miracle Worker! It is my favorite and will literally TRANSFORM your sleep.

Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • Celebrating 100 episodes
  • The truth about setting goals
  • The power in finding community. 

Use my code JACY10 to save on your order of Gut Personal Supplements! Visit www.gutpersonal.com and take their online quiz to get personalized recommendations of supplements for your gut health needs!  I recommend starting with the Miracle Worker! It is my favorite and will literally TRANSFORM your sleep.

Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

Need a Community of Audacious Women to Join:
⚡Join the Have the Audacity: Audacious Human Free Facebook Community:   
⚡Click Here to Access Our Podcast Guest Self Care List:
⚡Want to Work Together?:
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⚡I would love it if you take 30 seconds to leave a 5 star review and a rating sharing why you love this podcast! If you have left a review, please share it with a friend! 

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to the have the Audacity podcast, where we are all about living our own version of our best life. My name is Jacey. I'm a multi-passionate human obsessed with personal growth, and I want you to come on this journey with me, where we share our stories and learn tools, tips and tricks to live the life we were always meant to live. So let's lean into the uncomfortable celebrator highs and embrace our lows, because all of it's important. It may get a little messy, but it's time to have the audacity. Hey, audacious human, I'm so glad that you're here for today's episode. We are celebrating 100 episodes of the have the Audacity podcast.

Speaker 1:

Like what this is, even in real life, I cannot. I don't have words to explain how cool this is and how exciting it is just to hit this milestone. Because this is a big milestone and you know it's just a moment in time that gives me confidence on. I say I'm going to do something and look back on and, like you, did it. Like that's 100 times of recording an episode, 100 times of putting it out there and just 100 reps of doing the thing that I said I was going to do. After the feeling that I said it in was gone and if you're listening to this recording, when it comes out it is January 1st 2024. It is New Year's Day, it's a brand new year, and celebrating this big milestone with you and you know, this time of year really lends itself to being reflective and I talk a lot on this podcast in previous episodes about, you know, living your life with intention, because you only get one shot here and life is happening in the in between moments and the little subtle things life has been happening in these 100 episodes. Like could you imagine if I waited to celebrate anything until I hit 100 episodes? That's literally, let me think, 14 months to get to this, like 14 months. Since I first hit publish on the first episode, it's been 14 months. That's a lot of life. That's a lot of life that happened in those 14 months. And if I wouldn't have celebrated it, like what would I be missing out on? That's 14 months you can get back in. So I talk a lot about on this podcast, about celebrating all the steps along the way. So, yeah, every time I like push and push publish on an episode, like that's a big deal. Every time you do that workout, that's a huge deal. Every time you take time for yourself. That's a moment you celebrate because life happens in the day to day moments. But also when you hit a goal, you need to celebrate it. Like I set out a goal to publish 100 episodes of this podcast. I'm going to celebrate the heck out of hitting this goal.

Speaker 1:

And oftentimes we don't celebrate long enough and just sit in the moment because we're already thinking, okay, I need to shoot for my new goal. Like, okay, cool, I accomplished that. What's next? What's the next thing? What's more? Do I need to achieve? What's? How much farther can I go?

Speaker 1:

You know, in the sake of this, now it's 200 episodes, 15 more episodes, more downloads, whatever it is, and anything alive, like if it's losing weight, you're like, oh, I lost five pounds. Okay, I need to lose five more pounds. We're constantly moving. Oh, I want to make X amount of dollars a year. You hit that mark and you're like, no, I need to make more.

Speaker 1:

You don't enjoy the moment and really it's just we're stuck on this hamster wheel of always striving for what's next and I'm not saying that goals are bad and we shouldn't have things to strive for because we should. Then life is about growth and wanting to reach things is good and having goals is good, but your life's happening right now, your life's happening on the journey of accomplishing the goal, and so you need to enjoy it, celebrate the moment, and that's why I think you know it's so timely and everything works out perfectly, because this episode the 100th episode was going to come out, was going to be released a few days earlier and I decided during the Christmas holiday time I was going to only do one episode a week. It's a busy time for myself to just be present with my family, but also for listeners to be present in their lives during this time. And everything works out so perfectly. And I'm so glad that I listened to my gut and did this because we're talking about celebrating this huge milestone.

Speaker 1:

100 episodes is a big deal. Not a lot of podcasts get to 100 episodes. I want to say less than 25%. I read don't quote me on this, but I want I read that less than 25% of podcasts get to 100 downloads. 100 downloads, 100 podcast episodes.

Speaker 1:

So, like, this is the big accomplishment, but and I want to celebrate it and you know it's coming out on New Year's Day, which is perfect, because this is the time when we're going to set goals and we're always looking what I want to accomplish this year and you know, sometimes we're reflective on what went right the year before. But a lot of times I think, ooh, what goals did I not accomplish? And like here's New Year's resolutions that you're going to quit by February, and because last year you quit by February, or you know you're like, oh, I did accomplish that, but now I need to do this better and we spend a lot of this time setting goals. I'm recording this on New Year's Eve and today I saw on commercial on TV and it was like a weight loss commercial because duh, that's like the most common New Year's resolution is to lose weight, so marketers are going to market to that. But I was like how many people? It made me think. How many people are setting their New Year's resolution or their goal at any time of the year, because you can set goals at any time. You don't have to wait for the first day of a month, a Monday, a New Year's day. You can set a goal for yourself at any time.

Speaker 1:

But I was thinking how many people made progress towards that goal or their New Year's resolution, whatever they set, and they didn't make it, but they made progress toward it and they're labeling that as a failure. And how often do we tie our goals right now to this? We're not celebrating the fact that if it's a weight loss goal in this example, you had a goal to lose 50 pounds when you lost 30. And you're like I'm a failure because I didn't lose 50. I didn't meet my goal. So it's very black and white I failed. You ignore the fact that you made progress. Like you lost 30 pounds. That's huge. Like go pick up something that weighs 30 pounds. Like you carried that on your body and now you don't anymore. That is huge. And celebrate the progress that you made. If you accomplished a goal that you've set for yourself, take time to celebrate it.

Speaker 1:

We're so quick to move on to what's next and not just be in the moment and celebrate how far you've come and like that's what the today is and that's what I want this reminder to be. Like yes, do I have big dreams for this podcast? Yes, I'm excited for what's to come in 2024. I already have guests lined up that I'm super excited to have on this podcast and things that I have planned, things I planned for the community that I'm going to talk about later, that I'm super excited for. But I'm going to take a moment and be freaking proud of the fact that we had some amazing interviews this year In the last 100 episodes, like, if this is your first time, go stop, pause it right now and go listen to episode one, that I released the very first episode 14 months ago and see, compare it to today, that I've done it 99 more times. It's different because I've put the reps in, I've built confidence, I've learned more, you know, just like even from the recording thing but talking and I've just got more comfortable myself and gained confidence. And that comes with putting the reps in.

Speaker 1:

But it could. I could very easily be like I set a goal to have you know X amount of downloads this year and we didn't. I didn't reach that goal and I got to thinking about it. That doesn't mean that this last year of work was a failure in any way, like this podcast is literally Around the world and has thousands of downloads and has grown more than I really honestly thought it would, even though I had a big goal, because that's what I thought it meant to be successful was I needed to have these huge amounts of downloads. But really the success is showing up a hundred times the successes in this community that we've built, and I want you to think about this when you're looking at 2024 or whenever you're listening to this, thinking about the next month ahead, your goals for the month, what are things you can control, and I know this episode's a little all over the place. I just sat down and was like I'm gonna record, I'm just gonna push record, we're gonna see where this goes, and so it's a little squirrely, but it's real and it's me.

Speaker 1:

And so, coming back to this, like I Want you to look at your goals and think what you can control, because I talked about how I had a big download goal, but this podcast is here and I got to thinking about it and I was talking with a friend the other day. I was like you know, why did I set that as the goal? Because I have no control over who listens to this. I literally don't. So why am I putting success in that? Or? And? And why am I making a goal around something I have no control over? So why don't? Instead, I say I'm gonna show up. My goal this year is to show up twice a week Because I can control that. I can control releasing two episodes twice a week, every week, for the whole 2024 year. I have control over that. That's a way better goal than I'm gonna hit X amount of downloads because I don't have control over that. I'm gonna show up, I'm gonna share it and keep pouring value into this community and I'm gonna control what I can control in it. And so I want you to take that perspective when you're setting goals Whether you're listening to this at the beginning of 2024 or whatever year or whatever month you're looking at setting goals for this season.

Speaker 1:

What are the things you can control and are your goals actually things you can control? I mean, like you could even go back to the weight loss, because that's such a common goal that, honestly, there's so many factors into you being able to lose weight or not that it is not as simple as you. Just it's not as simple black and white as people make it seem. I mean, especially if you're a woman, which most of this Community is, then there's hormones involved and there's some things out of your control that you know just showing up and working out and eating less. It's way more complicated than that. So why don't you just say I'm gonna move my body for ten minutes five days a week. If you literally never worked out before, I'm gonna start walking for ten minutes a day, like whatever, it is something that you can control, an action that you can have control over that you can take.

Speaker 1:

I want and I want you to look at your goals. Is it something that you think you should want or is it something you actually want and like really think about that? I think that's something we fall into. A lot is like, oh, we think we should want this and you know, oh, I should want, I should want to lose weight or I to be successful, like other podcasters are successful, I should have this many downloads and really that's not it. We don't shut ourselves here. We don't shut on ourselves here. So what is? Is it something that you really want? I want you to be really honest with yourself about this, and I actually had a phone call today because I'm, like I said, I'm recording this. It's New Year's Eve had a phone call earlier to have a friend and they were like okay, what are your new year goals and Do you have any goals for this year? What are your new resolutions?

Speaker 1:

I used to be the person that wrote down like 20 goals, like I, 20 things I was gonna accomplish that year. And Over the years it's like I've done a little bit of different things. I've done vision boards a couple years ago 2019, 2020. I did vision boards 2021. I did a vision board with pitchers, goals that I wanted 2022 and 2023. Here I Did and I'm doing it this year. I'm gonna do it tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

On New Year's Day, I I just literally go and get a phone board and sticky notes and I put down Action steps that I want to accomplish this year, like some things that I have like big goals for, and what are action steps that I could take. So I know the direction that I'm going and so then, as I accomplish it, I remove the sticky note with the action step and I scoot it over. You know, if you have a financial goal of saving $10,000 this year, what are the action steps? Well, if I break it up, you know, if I want to say 10,000 in 10 months, that's a thousand thousand dollars a month. I may break it up even smaller to 250 dollars a week. So I put a sticky note that like has the month of January save a thousand dollars? When I save a thousand dollars, I put it over on the corner of the poster board so I can see these are all the goals that I've accomplished as as the year goes on. And so you take this big goal you have and you break it down into action steps To really focus on the actions you need to take along the way, and that's been very helpful in the past, and so I still do that a little bit. I am a visual, I like to see where I'm going, my businesses, on sticky notes, on poster boards, and if you're interested in that, let me know if you want to share my goal setting process. I can do a whole episode on that.

Speaker 1:

But my friend called. She was like what are your goals this year? And I really thought about it and I was like you know, honestly, I can't list them off. I Know what I want 2024 to feel like and I have an intention for this year, and a big common thing right now on social media is having words for the year, and I have two words and I focus on the feeling around those words that I want to feel, and so I told my, I told my best friend. I was like Abundance and freedom. Those are the two words that I've been coming up for me the last couple months in 2023, that I know are going to be for 2024, and it's abundance and freedom and those are very broad, but it's not like abundance in certain areas. I want my life to be abundant. I want to have Freedom in all areas of my life financial freedom, time freedom, abundance financially, abundance in relationships. Just, I want my life to be abundant and I want to have freedom. And so and she was like that's interesting, like tell me more about it.

Speaker 1:

And I said well, I'm just approaching every decision I make this year whether it's personally, in my business, at my 9-5 job, relationships, like whatever it is is does this get me closer to that feeling? Do I feel abundant making this decision? Does this decision lead me closer to the freedom I'm wanting or is it leading me away? And I think freedom is like such an easy one to share, so it's decisions I'm making in my business. Is that leading me closer to having time freedom or is that taking away some of my time freedom? Looking at having financial freedom anytime I go to make a purchase, is this purchase leading, making me feel like I have more freedom, or is this purchase taking away of freedom and that really helps. You know, like if you really wanted to buy something. Because if you're like, no, I mean like I'm gonna spend money on this, but it feels good, so I do it. And if you're like, oh, you know, I don't really think this is worth it for my goals, it's just you just shift. And so abundance and freedom that's the theme for 2024. And so on my poster board I wrote abundant and freedom those are the feelings I want to cultivate in my life and like one way I've done abundance is, I thought and I'm thinking about this in real time is I love plants and have a lot of plants in my house and they really give me, they bring me a lot of joy and they just make me feel good.

Speaker 1:

I love having plants and when I say I have a lot, like I know people have more, but I have 20 plants in my house and I don't, they just like, they make me feel abundant, like that's how the feeling they make. So I'm like I'm going to make time to like enjoyment plants this year. As silly and small as that is, it trickles into other areas of your life. I want to have physical freedom this year, so I want to prioritize some of my movement goals so that I don't have limitations on what I go do. Like I just want to have that feeling where, if I want to go hike 10 miles, I know I can go hike 10 miles, it's gonna be fine. Like it's gonna be hard, but I'm not going to be feeling like death the next day, it's gonna be okay, I'm not going to be so sorry I can't move or sit down, Like it's gonna be fine. And so I want you to think about that.

Speaker 1:

I really want to shift this narrative from goals outside of our control into things we can control but also focus on, like the feeling how do you want to feel? How do you want to feel? And I don't want to say chase that feeling, but cultivate that feeling. That's what I want for you. That's how you live an audacious life is you focus on the things that you can control and you cultivate the feelings in your life that you want. Now I'm not saying stuff's not going to hit the fan this year. There's not going to be trials, there's not going to be hard times, because there is going to be. There is every year. That is the part of life, but you navigate it by focusing on the things you can control and making aligned decisions that take you closer to the goal that you want the life that you want, the audacious version of your life that is in you, and you make goals, empowered choices from that place. That's the mindset I want us to take into 2024.

Speaker 1:

And I know this episode was a little all over the place, but hey, it's real. This is me Little squirrel brain sometimes, but I just wanted to come to you and share in real time where I'm at and the things I'm thinking through. And these are the things I'm thinking through. And it's messy and it's not all put together and you jump all over the place. Like this is real. I sit down for 100 episodes now in picture that we're sitting here drinking coffee or tea, just chatting, and if you're just chatting with your friend, conversations jump all over the place. And I really just wanted to have this real, authentic conversation with you about what I'm thinking about as I'm setting goals going into a new year and to celebrate the crap out of the fact that we have published 100 episodes, like what, we're just getting started and I'm convening right now that there will be a hundred more episodes published in 2024. I'm so excited for stuff coming and so, with that, in the celebration I've talked about in the last couple episodes, if you're your first episode, I'm so glad that you're here. Check out I don't know if you can hear the firecrackers in the back there's a dog. Check out.

Speaker 1:

The last few episodes I've been talking a lot about things. I've been navigating and aligning my life for this upcoming year and how I closed the Audacious Collective. But behind the scenes I've been preparing and it's open now that I have a Facebook community for that have the Audacity podcast. So I basically took the Audacious Collective and made it free for 2024. And so this is what we're doing.

Speaker 1:

So I have the Facebook group that have the Audacity podcast, Audacious Human Community, and I have linked it in the show notes you can join. There's already high vibe women in there and it's just a great place to build community, build connections. We're going to have two live calls a month going to bringing in somebody to do a sound pass and every quarter and going to do some workshops. I'm going to go live in the community and it's just going to be this place of like minded women to connect around wanting to build on Audacious Life and wanting to build a life on their terms, and so I hope I can't wait to see you in there, because it's already. I just opened it a few days ago and there's already people hopping inside and this is the first time I'm announcing it on the podcast and it's so much fun, so I can't wait to see you in there.

Speaker 1:

It's not just collective, but it is free to come join us to have that audacity, audacious, human Community. The link is in the show notes. You can join. There's two questions to answer. You'll get through. Yeah, come join it, it's a lot of fun there. And the other thing I'm going to ask because I'm in the season of just asking for what I want. We're just unapologetically big ourselves in 2024.

Speaker 1:

And so, with that being said, I want to ask you to take a few minutes to leave a review. If you haven't, on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Leave a five star reading, leave a review saying why you love the podcast, because it helps. That is how you can support a podcast. It helps the algorithm on these podcasts platforms to suggest it to other listeners. This is how you help spread the word. And if you've already left a review, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Please share this episode with somebody you think that would totally love it, or share it with your on your social media feed. Just, thank you so much for helping me spread the message and supporting this show. You know, if you've been here for a while, I can't let you leave, though before we go For the almost hundredth time, I need to look back and see when I started doing this. But it's our thing now. This is our thing.

Speaker 1:

I close out every episode with this reminder that I want you to always remember that you are worthy, you have value, you get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise, and if that idea or vision for your life is in you, it is for you. I'm rooting for you and I can't wait to talk to you soon. Thank you so much for listening. If you love this episode, I would love to hear from you, so share it on Instagram and tag me so I can personally thank you for getting this message off. I'm so grateful to have you on this journey with me, so until next time, remember to have the audacity.

Celebrating 100 Episodes and Setting Goals
Setting Goals for Abundance and Freedom
Empowering Reminder and Call to Action