The Visibility Impact Show

Do it Yourself Meta Ads with Expert Kelly Sturtevant [130]

July 05, 2022 Crissy Conner Season 4 Episode 130
Do it Yourself Meta Ads with Expert Kelly Sturtevant [130]
The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Do it Yourself Meta Ads with Expert Kelly Sturtevant [130]
Jul 05, 2022 Season 4 Episode 130
Crissy Conner

DIY Facebook Meta Ads with Expert Kelly Sturtevant. Kelly takes a deep dive into Facebook Ads with you in this episode, so if running your own ads has been scary for any reason - don't worry! She'll break it down and give some action steps that are going to turn that fear into confidence.

Grab the two options Kelly discusses in this episode:

Ultimate Business Owners Toolbox for Fb Ads:

The Pocket ADvisor Membership:

Kelly Sturtevant is an award winning Meta Ads Strategist who specializes in digital marketing strategies to help entrepreneurs and business owners grow their online presence, generate leads and attract their ideal customer to their products or services. She does this through her 1:1 management services for 7 figure entrepreneurs as well as teaching through her membership, The Pocket ADvisor for small business owners.

Kelly is an avid baker, cake decorating enthusiast and enjoys spending time with her two girls.  You can connect with her on TikTok or Facebook.

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Show Notes Transcript

DIY Facebook Meta Ads with Expert Kelly Sturtevant. Kelly takes a deep dive into Facebook Ads with you in this episode, so if running your own ads has been scary for any reason - don't worry! She'll break it down and give some action steps that are going to turn that fear into confidence.

Grab the two options Kelly discusses in this episode:

Ultimate Business Owners Toolbox for Fb Ads:

The Pocket ADvisor Membership:

Kelly Sturtevant is an award winning Meta Ads Strategist who specializes in digital marketing strategies to help entrepreneurs and business owners grow their online presence, generate leads and attract their ideal customer to their products or services. She does this through her 1:1 management services for 7 figure entrepreneurs as well as teaching through her membership, The Pocket ADvisor for small business owners.

Kelly is an avid baker, cake decorating enthusiast and enjoys spending time with her two girls.  You can connect with her on TikTok or Facebook.

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Have questions or want to see episodes on a certain topic? Text us!

Ready to shift the final half of 2024?  Let's go!

It's November 2022 is not over yet so ready to move. It doesn't mean we can't take a break. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy our holidays like what all is available are starting, ignite your visibility on Instagram coming up on the 28th of November and that is going to help you streamline your Instagram experience, understand fully know what type of content to be putting on there and understand all the ins and outs real stories. He posts all the things so that you can create a raving fan audience there. Make sure you check it out visibility Welcome back to the show. I am so excited to have one of my dearest friends on today's show. She has really propelled and helped me understand Facebook ads more than anybody else. She has mentored me in Facebook as I'm in one of her programs now for Facebook ads. So welcome to the show. Kelly Sturdevant. I screwed it up started. You're much pressure to get an A right? Always right. So tell my audience a little bit about who you are and what you do. Awesome. Well, first off, thanks for having me. My name is Kelly Sturdivant. I'm a Facebook ads strategist. And one of my superpowers is helping business owners learn and understand how Facebook Ads work, and how they can use them to grow their business to their wildest dreams. I love that. That's a good intro. So how did you get into Facebook ads because you started in a similar program that I started in. And typically we think we're going to be social media managers. And so what happened to evolve into Facebook ads? For sure, I think a lot of us got into that. And we're like, wait a minute, I don't have to do it all do I know that's that's how I started my business. About five years ago, I actually started as a virtual assistant. So I was looking for a way to stay home with my kids since they were you know, back in school full time. And I really did not want to be back in corporate and you know, over glorified paper pushers. So I decided it was time to find something I could do from home and found online. You know, all of the wonderful things out there that tell you you could do from the comforts of your living room. I realized very quickly, I was not meant for data entry, I was not meant for blog writing. And I was certainly not meant for being an overqualified paper pusher online. So I started transitioning to social media management, which I found through Rachel Peterson and joined her monthly program and then eventually ascended her lovely value ladder. And along the journey, I realized I love social media in terms of what it can do for business, I absolutely hated managing someone else's social presence. So very quickly decided that was not the spot for me to be in. But I really loved paid marketing, I really loved seeing how Facebook ads worked for business, I loved getting you know, all of the ads in my newsfeed and just seeing how things worked, what didn't work, what caught my attention, and really just started to find when I talked about it, it lit me up and and started transitioning fully in ads and I've been doing ads fully for almost three years now. And I love it that was one of my favorite things to do for businesses. So I love that I understand how organic works and how it can help in terms of what you can do with ads but man did I hate running it further. I love that you said that you love the paid side because I think a lot of times as business owners in the organic space like honestly I mean it may be easier now with short form video but unless you go viral it's it's going to take time to really get out of your circle and get out of your friends and get away from you know outside of that that normal circle and network that you would normally have and like paid ads kind of give you an advantage to that too. Yeah, they do. And I think we've seen transitions over the years where the platforms are definitely a pay to play type of platform that make no mistake like organic growth is great but you can do a lot better and a lot faster when you can put some money behind it. Whether that is as simple as boosting a Instagram post or a Facebook post or whether you have a well thought out you know ad plan and strategy behind it. I still love organic and and like I said organic can really just give you the the the framework in terms of business growth and it helps with your ads adds, but ultimately all businesses get to a point where if they want to grow, they have to be willing to invest into paid marketing of some sort. Absolutely. So we have a lot of people listening that maybe haven't even tried even to boost a post. So, and I think a lot of times there's this, they don't have an idea. Like they're thinking 1000s of dollars, like, what is like the minimum? If somebody wanted to start, let's say, playing around with that, what will be the minimum they would want to invest? Why is this question always the one people want to know, How much money do you think I should spend on that? Yeah, I love this question. And at the same time, it's one where I think people get into a lot of trouble with I am a firm believer in your budget should be whatever you can willingly and exceptionally lose, knowing you may not see it again. So my adage is, if you were to take that money and go to Las Vegas and throw it all on the on to the roulette wheel, you know, you're likely going to walk away empty handed. That's what you have to really consider with your with your budget, is, will my business still survive? If I throw this money into ads? And I get nothing back? If the answer is yes, then what am I comfortably willing to spend? Knowing that? If the answer is no, I never ever want to see business owners running ads as a desperation to grow their business, because that is a surefire way it will not work. In terms of budgeting, you can run ads for as little as five bucks a day, you can really you can run them for $1 a day if you want. But the truth of the matter is, the more you're willing to put in, the faster, the data is going to come back to you. So if I want to run a $5 a day add to let's say, a lead magnet to grow my list, an average email can cost you up to$5. So you could be paying five bucks a day to just to get one person on your email list. If you're spending $20 a day, then you can see you can get that result a lot faster over time. So regardless of how much you spend, the data is still roughly going to be the same. It's just a matter of you're budgeting for it. Great answer. But I know that's the question everybody's going to ask. So I had to ask it first, always, always, always. So most people get this message from email. And I don't know if Instagram does it or not, or this notification, this post is doing really well. We suggest you boost it. Yeah, what is your response to something like that? They, I have a love hate relationship with Facebook with those. So those messages are called boosts. And what it is, is Facebook is saying, hey, guess what you can actually reach 800 more people, if you put $20 behind this to boost it. Right? The truth of the matter is, and if this has happened to you, I this is the one exam, one test I will tell you to do is take a look at what post they're saying is actually performing better than your previous ones. And actually go look at your results. So I did this just recently with one of mine. It said, you know this, this specific post is doing 90% Better than my last ones. And when I looked at the metrics, no, it wasn't, it wasn't even close to doing that it was not even on the same level of reach as the previous post. So this is just Facebook's way or Metis way of saying hey, I think it's time for you to start spending some money with us. And this is the easiest entry point for you to do. Because people look and say, Oh, great, I'll throw 20 bucks into it. And everything's great. Boosts do have a place and I'm not crapping on boosts like they can help. Right. But they really need to be done when the post has proven to be performing well. And it has a almost like a goal behind it. It's one thing to have a great post out there that's reaching but if it's not actually serving the business, there really isn't much point in doing it like I can have a post go viral that's as basic as Do you drink coffee or tea, that's not going to have any bearing on the growth of my business. So it would make no sense to you know, boost that. But if I had a post say that was a specific value content for my audience that that resonate with them. Or if I was driving traffic to a lead magnet or a blog post or anything like that and it was performing well then that might be a consideration for testing out 20 or 30 bucks into a boost. But other than that, I believe that when you start to look at paid marketing, you really need to start looking at actual ads and not relying on the boost to do the job for you. And when you say actual ads in case anybody listening doesn't Know what does that mean? So a boost is, in fact, an ad. It's just the simplest form of an ad, it means all it can do is, whatever that post is, it's just going to put that out into, into your audience. So there's no goals, there's no objectives, there's no metrics, besides how many people you reach, you know, you can't track page lakes or website hits or anything like that. So when it comes to running a real ad, this is run through your business manager in a proper ad account, that is set up with your tracking pixels, with your proper payments for the business. And it's allows you to do more objectives for your ads. So you can run the same sort of thing as a boost, which is called an engagement post, you can run a page like campaign, which can help you grow your Facebook page, you can send traffic to a blog site, your podcast episodes to whatever, you know, whatever, lead magnet or webinar or whatnot, you have. And then you get into things like conversion events, which is your purchases, your registrations, your lead generation, none of these can be done from a boost, they have to be done in the ads manager correctly. I love that you said that. So you mentioned a pixel. So can we explain that to anybody that doesn't understand what that is? Sure. Facebook has what's called the Facebook pixel. This is a line of code that goes on to your websites or your funnel systems or anything that you're you know, you want to drive traffic to the code is a way for Facebook or meta to track the people who are landing on that page and taking action on it. Now lat mid last year, we had the iOS 14 update, which was Apple's privacy update, which has severely impacted the data that the app that the pixel can track. But it is still a trackable measure. And this allows you to be able to retarget people, you'll be able to see you know who's landed on specific pages. And it just gives you a little bit more robust data in terms of what's working or not working in your business. I love that great explanation. So at what point? So you mentioned we talked about traffic, as we talked about conversion ads. So when somebody starting out and an ad, is there, one that you would recommend over another. I'm not just between those two, by the way, anything that that maybe you didn't mention, too, I usually when starting out, I always tell business owners, you need to know what your objective is, what is the goal of putting up an ad, are you trying to list build? Are you trying to just get people to read a blog post Are you trying to get purchases? Once you know what the goal is, the man allows you to determine the best course of action for your ads. So let's say we want to list that we want to get people onto our email list, we have a lead magnet that we can drive traffic to, we could run two different ads for this, we could run what's called a traffic campaign, which is essentially paying Facebook to drive traffic to that landing page. These are cheap ads to run most traffic ads, you can get anywhere between really 10 cents and 80 cents on average per click. That doesn't necessarily mean II, you know, you're paying 80 cents to get someone to that page, you're paying 80 cents to get someone to click the link in your ad. Now it can help you build pixel data, it can help you get your brand awareness out there. And especially for small budgets, I still enjoy running an occasional traffic ad, I still think they do have a place. Right. But if you really want to know what your cost per lead is, that means a cost to get someone to sign up for your email list, then you want to run a conversion campaign. And that's where you need that Facebook pixel setup. So that you can track the results of people who have actually landed on your page and opted in to that email. So when they look at your data, you can see all right, well, I paid you know 100 bucks and adspend and I generated a team leads or 15 emails from it, then you have a cost per lead and you know what it's costing you to get people onto your list and then it helps you to be able to make business decisions going forward. Okay? Is that cost prohibitive? Is it cost effective? Am I able to build my list, you know, at 10 or $15 an email. Most people aren't especially for a free lead magnet so it can help you to also see Alright, well maybe there's an audience problem. Maybe we need to figure out a different messaging and the ad. Maybe the landing page needs some work. And you know, people aren't registering for it because they don't know what it is. So the ads really can tell you a lot more than just what your cost per lead is. And that's where it can be really powerful for businesses going forward. I think one thing that people struggle with, and maybe you can explain this to, is that they don't understand the conversion. Like, if I'm giving somebody a free something, why would I not have like, at least close to 100% conversion rate? Because they know it's free? And they're going to my site? So we talked a little bit about that for a second. Oh, my gosh, everyone can have 100% conversion rate. Right? Yeah, we, we, we just can't, when it comes to targeting and your audiences, you have to think when you set up your audiences, you can be targeting, you know, between 1,000,020 million people, depending on the you know, the targeting options you given. And we know that's still a needle needle in the haystack. So even though, for instance, you and I, we have very similar interests, you'll probably follow the same people, if but if we were being targeted with the same ad, we're not necessarily going to resonate the same way. Right. So that's as simplistic as it can be, we're not just because we're matching one area doesn't mean we're going to resonate with whatever the offer is in front of us. The goal, though, with any lead magnet, or any page, really, that you get people to your conversion rate should be higher than about 50%, for free for free lead magnets. So and that's information you will find in your actual website, or your funnel program will tell you so if you generated, you know, if you got 1000 people to your actual landing page, and only 300 of them signed up for that free lead magnet, that's my half 30% conversion. So that is an indication that maybe that landing page actually needs some tweaking or your audience needs some tweaking. So that's where it really, really comes in handy. And this is just like in terms of bass, lead, lead generation on lead magnets and stuff. If you're an E commerce business, or you sell physical products, your landing page conversion is between one and 3%. Yeah. So like it's a massive, massive difference. So in those terms, it's, you know, strategy changes in terms of ads in general, but you then have to look at how do I get that much more people to that product page in order to get one to 3% conversion. So really, you really need to know what your numbers are. And especially for service based industries, where we're generating leads to webinars or lead magnets or free challenges or anything like that. You have to really know what your baseline metrics are. So that every time you run it, you can adjust and pivot, make changes and increase those conversion rates as you go. I love that. So let's say I'm a new business owner, I just created this link magnet, should I go immediately and start running ads to it so I can build up my list super fast. If you have the money? Absolutely. In a perfect world. Yeah, we would all love to create a lead magnet and be able to drive traffic to it instantly and see it converting. That's not the case. And for most of us when we're starting off, we're not dealing with budgets, where we have that financial freedom to do so I firmly believe in anything, is you have to test it organically first. This means you're testing to your warm audiences. Have you put out emails with this link in it? Have you put it on your blog, on your blog posts? Have you done videos talking about it? Have you sent it to your email list over and over again? Have you done Facebook Live? Have you done youtubes? Have you done TED Talks? Like whatever you can do organically? Yeah, you get people to that page to see what your conversion rates are, will help you to determine before you spend a single dime in ads, whether it converts or not, because there's nothing worse than, you know, you start to run traffic to a posting, you're like, Well, that was a waste of 500 bucks. I didn't get any conversions or my you know, my opt in rate was 10%. Well, the ads aren't always the issue. Right. And by testing your landing pages organically First, you start to fix the fix the problems before you put any ads them behind it. And that ultimately keeps money in your pocket in the long run. Like test it for free. First, everything you'll have to tweak it once you start running ads to it, but test it for free because there'll be plenty of testing this still can happen after you're putting money behind it. Yeah, and the thing too is a lot of people will say well, how like how do I know if my tests are working or I don't have an audience to like a big enough audience for that. Generally speaking, I like to make sure I've had at least a bare minimum 100 hits to that page. Yeah. So if I, if I have metrics in the backend of my, my software showed me I had 100 page views, I would expect to see between 30 and 50 actually convert on that page. And a lot of times with small businesses, they don't maybe don't have even 100 people, even 1000 people to be able to direct to that page. So they don't know what their conversion rates really are. The thing to keep in mind is whatever traffic you can get, there can be the starting and your baseline. So if anything, continue to drive traffic in any fashion, you can organically keep taking a look at those metrics on a daily basis. And if you find, you know, one day you only had 10, you know, 10 clicks to it, but three people convert it, okay, guess what, that's a 30% conversion rate, even though a week may show, you know, 200 hits at 10% conversion. So as long as you can continue to just keep an eye on the data and be able to make those adjustments, small audiences or non not really built audiences can still get some information going forward, to determine if things convert or not. I love that that's such a great answer. And I know you get asked that question a lot. So I had to like throw it out there. Okay, next question is When would you suggest somebody run what you and I and we, you can explain this to call a video view ad. Video view campaigns are one of my favorite to run. And they're really great for, for anyone who's getting into ads, but they don't quite know what their overarching goals are, they don't have an objective yet, or they don't have an offer built out yet. Video view that the great thing about video view campaigns is a video on your Facebook page is a trackable audience. So even if you don't throw ads them behind the video campaign, anyone who has landed on your Facebook page and started to watch any of your video content, that's an audience, you can actually custom build for the future. So when it comes to running ads, when we run a video view campaign, we're now expanding that reach into a cold market, essentially. So anyone who's watched a portion of that video, doesn't matter if they've been on our Facebook page or not, we can target them with another offer later, we can build that custom audience. And they're the cheapest ad to run a video view. For anyone who has never seen before the video view campaign, you can track an audience who's watched three seconds, three seconds of your video. Now granted, three seconds isn't necessarily going to be the best warm audience that we're running to. But it still allows us to target and we know with the with the know like and trust factor building up that brand awareness requires more than eight touch points generally. So even three seconds is a touch point that someone is going to be able to see oh, I've seen this. I've seen this name before. I've seen this brand before, where have I seen it, I'm not quite sure. But if you can continue to get in front of them for a low cost in a video view. It just allows you to continue that nurture process beyond and then you're not losing data, you know, down the line, especially as we talked about with the iOS updates, because you're not taking them off site that video lives in Facebook. Facebook owns that data. It's not third party tracking, it's first party tracking. So we don't lose anyone who's watched that video, which becomes very powerful as an as a business owner and an advertiser. And to and you can expand on this. I feel like if you don't have a list already, it's a great way to start because you can almost build your own audience from what's already on Facebook and Instagram for that matter. Absolutely. Yeah. And like I said, it's, it's what I do normally with my clients, when we have when we have portions of budget for brand awareness is I just run videos in the background. So I don't even you know, I don't do anything more of them except build an audience. And that allows me to continue to bring people in cold and nurture them along the journey, again, for as little as a penny per view that that can help me in the long run. And again, it just builds that brand awareness up and the more someone sees your brand, the more likely they are to convert to a sale or conversion or whatnot down the line. And that's ultimately the goal of any type of marketing. It's paid visibility basically paid visibility it is and I love that because Again, we said this before, we don't always have control over who sees our cause we don't have control, even with paid ads, but we can't get outside of our circle, or who already follows us if we're just doing organic. So it just gives us that like that little edge when we put ad spin behind it. Now, when you run a video view ad Do you often put a link in because they have that option, when you run through ads manager, it really depends what the content of the video is. So if the video is value based, and there's no call to action within the video itself, a lot of times I just leave it as a video. And the great thing about that, especially when it lands in your newsfeed is when there's not an ask, people relate it to an organic post. So they don't automatically resonate with you know your name and sponsored in the corner, they just think, Oh, well, that's a video from Christie, I've seen a million of her videos pop up, you know, it's it's normal, normal organic traffic. So it kind of has that ability to just play with the mind a little bit and think, Okay, well, this isn't an ad, when there is a call to action in the video and the and again, there's nothing wrong with doing that. If there's a call to action, then yeah, I will, at times put the link in the body of the ad. That really the key to keep in mind with those is the goal of the ad is not the click. Yeah, goal of the ad is to get people to watch the video. So when you pick that objective, you have to really keep that in your mind is I can't look at my metrics and think, Oh, well, I only got three link clicks from this video. Well, that wasn't the goal. So Facebook's not tracking that for you. They're tracking how many people are watching the video. If you want to use the video, for a traffic ad, then you would have a link and you would have you know, you can drive traffic to that. So it really does come down to what the goal is of the video itself, whether it's brand awareness, whether its value based, whether it is an offer, and then just keeping it in the back of your head. The goal of the ad is is a video view. I don't want to necessarily muddle the waters and give them multiple calls to action. That's going to skew them watching that video to begin with. Absolutely. So you have ran ads from $5 a day to one a day for over 1000 a day. Okay. So this is a question that comes up a lot with visibility and getting people on video. Well, I need somebody to edit my video, I need somebody to produce my video, I need professional photos. What do you say to somebody who wants to run ads? They're like, well, I can't do it yet. Because I need a videographer. I need editing, I need all these things popping out. Or I need professional photos where I'm sitting there and looking poised and professional like what if they feel like that's the only things they can use in a Facebook ad scenario. I usually tell my clients when they tell me they can't get content, as I say, go look at your newsfeed. Spend a few minutes just browsing through all of the ads that are popping up in your newsfeed and tell me how many of those are professionally done, perfectly crafted, beautifully edited in your niche type of ad majority will come back and say well, some of them have you know, a graphic or whatnot. But most are regular real type of people and we've seen the shift in organic social I mean, we've watched his Instagram has kind of imploded on themselves in a in a in a way where they used to be very aesthetically pleasing very professionally very, you know, everyone's grids look gorgeous and immaculate. All of a sudden in a year we've seen a shift to no one gives a flying F about the grid. It's the content that is in your newsfeed I don't know about you, when I browse Instagram I'm going through the newsfeed I'm not going to someone's profile and scrolling through their content is it pretty or is it not pretty? This tells me whether or not I'm going to work with you know we don't know and your ads with the same way people are are are open too late we've seen a shift in in society in general people are not falling for the the bro marketing life. That Lamborghinis and fancy houses and perfectly polished pools and all this. People don't fall for that and they don't fall for professionally done imagery when it's used all the time. We're real people. Yeah, we're and people buy from people they don't buy from brands. Now if you're Coca Cola, obviously you have millions of dollars to spend on marketing. That's a completely different story. But for the average small business owner, you are the face of your brand. You are the you are the one selling and People need to know who you are. And if you continue to show up with your fabulous mansion in the background and your hair's all quaffed and perfect, you've already set a standard for people that you are hands off like, I'm not that's, I'm above you, in a sense. That's my feeling, you know? Yeah. And I think I even say this in organic side of things, the more overproduced, you are, the more salesy you seem like, they're like, What do you want from me? Right? It's not like, Oh, they're just trying to give me some value. It's like, Oh, you want me to buy something from you, because you spent a lot of money on this ad, or you spent a lot of money on this video. So my guard is immediately up. And that's what I see. One of my best performing ads that I had for a client was a selfie she had done with her hair and rollers. And I asked, I asked her permission first, because you know, some people are like that, thank God, she's a great client. She's like, No, you use whatever you can, anything in this folder is yours. And I use that picture of her within here and rollers in the coffee cup in hand, and it was one of our best performing ads. Because it did two things. One, it stopped the scroll people were like, What is this, and two, it was different than anything else. In her industry. No one had done that no one shows up in rollers, like are you at a good face is not perfectly quaffed and polished and all that. You stand out more when you show up as your true authentic self. And I know this is something you preach quite a bit. It's something I preach, you know, in in terms of business and for my clients as well is people buy from people they don't buy from brands. So you need to make that personal shift. And I you have to put on your big girl pants, like you're an adult, get out there. And if you want your business to grow and succeed, then stop making the excuses that you don't have professional pictures, you don't have professional video, you don't have you have a cell phone, you have both a camera and a video maker. That's all you need, how to pretend it's to go to goes with you everywhere, everywhere. We're never away from them. So. So one of the things I want to talk about really quick, because I'm a member is especially if you have questions like I just asked Kelly or if you have additional questions, or maybe you've played around with ads, and you're like, I feel like I could do so much better. Is her advisor membership. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that? For sure. My pocket advisor membership is a is a membership for small business owners for social media managers who are running ads for their business or for their clients. And they have the Distribute down but they need ongoing support. I love doing one on one consultations. But my one on one consultations are pricey. And a lot of times people don't need an hour of time, they just need five or 10 minutes like I just I just need to check this as okay. And this is where you get to do that in my community, we have a safe space, a safe place that I like to definitely refer to as no broke bro marketers are loud or in my business. Because I know business owners over the years have been hit with this type of mentality that you're an idiot. If you don't know this or you How dare you not know this, we're all beginners when we start and a lot of people forget, this is a big skill, like it's taken me, you know, three plus years to get to a point where I'm now running ads. And even still, I'm learning on a constant basis. So this isn't your full time job. You can't expect to go from zero to 100% successful without guidance and support with you. And I really found that there was this missing in the community where people offer courses they offer, you know, products, they offer templates and spreadsheets and all these kinds of things. But no one offers real time support a place where you can go and ask questions with an ad specialist and get an actual real time answer. And it's not well, you're an idiot for not knowing this. I feel afraid I'm afraid to ask him those big groups running ads for like two years, but I probably don't know something. So I don't know if I want to ask I'm not going to ask it in the like, I'm not going to say it in the words that they say it in so I'm afraid. Yeah, I've had a number of myself. We're same thing like you have this moment of dread. You're like, oh, I can't believe I have to ask this. And it's a simple question. Or you know, you just don't know but the comments that come back are I've seen it time and time again. How dare you not know this like are you? How are you running ads you don't know XYZ and And I know even for myself, as a professional that, you know, we all need help. And I hate this, this mentality that comes from these bro marketers that you have to know everything instantly, and it's just not possible. So I really, really want to be able to show up and support small businesses who are often overlooked in these communities, because they're not running $1,000 budgets, they're not, you know, they don't have multiple products. So they don't have multimillion dollars in their in their back pocket, they just have their, you know, two or three or $400 budget that they're trying to grow with, and they need the support to help them. And they, they just can't invest in hiring someone to handle that yet, or they can't hire, you know, someone's hourly rate. In order to help this, this gives you the place to do it, on the time that you need it with a very supportive community behind you. And it's one of my, one of my my biggest goals is to continue to grow this to help support all of those business owners who really do need that support, ethically and professionally and not made to feel like they're not worth it. Yeah, and I love it for two reasons. Number one, I love it when I have questions about my own ads, because I'm too close, right? We're too close to our own ads. So if you're a business owner running your own ads, you're a little too close to it. So you need to ask questions, you need to ask what are you get to ask questions actually, in this platform? And then when ad costs go up for all my clients, the first question I have, is this me? Is this a me issue? Or is this a everybody issue? And so it's nice to be able to put it in this community? And everybody's like, yeah, my app costs are going up, too. I'm seeing it too. We're seeing those go up. So just knowing that you're not alone sometimes and that it is happening across the board, just makes you feel better, right? Because you have this collective community who is saying the same thing, and they're saying the same things, too. So it just it just, you know, yes, Kelly is, is the main resource. But every when you have a community like that, if you know some people running ecommerce, some people running lead magnet, some people doing everybody's doing something different to have that collective come in and say, Yeah, we're seeing this too. It just is like peace, like, oh, it's happening for everybody, not just for me. I'm not crazy. I know, I know. It's happening. Right? Exactly, exactly. And we will drop in the shownotes. Like how you can find out more about the pocket advisor because it is i 1,000%. recommend it. I used to call Kelly or message Kelly, but can I have the link? Can I have the link? Can I have the link and I would go pay and get on a call with her and just go over like what I was struggling with, or what we were having problems with, with my clients ads. So this was like a no brainer for me because it was just an easy, yes. Because the support is always there. It's real time. She does a call. I always have stuff on Mondays. But what is it once it's once a month, once a month? Currently? Yeah, I do real time coaching calls. And this is an opportunity for you to come in with your ads that you're running. And we actually go into your ad manager, we go through the dive into your metrics and you know, we bring up your ads and and with a copy of the creative and your audiences. And we kind of help you figure out where the leaks are, where are the things that need improving. And I don't know anyone in any other community that offers that which is, but you need to know what your address is showing, you know? Yeah, I love that. I love that. So the question I asked everyone, and you know, I'm going to ask you is what has visibility done for your business? Oh, my gosh, um, I was, you know, two, three years ago, three years ago, I'm just starting out my business. I didn't want to be the face of my business. I was like, no one no one needs to see this. They don't you know, I'm not I'm not XYZ in the in the world of, you know, beauty and aesthetics and all that kind of thing. Why would anyone care. And it took a long, hard look in the mirror. But it took a really hard my business meant that I can't grow my business. Unless I'm showing up. And I as much as you know, I think a lot of us women get into these traps of I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. I'm not pretty enough. I don't have beautifully crafted images and videos and all that. I realized that there were more people like me out there that needed someone like me to stand up and be able to speak to them and for them and that really made a shift mentally and to be honest, Tik Tok was one of the platforms that did it for me. I hate Facebook Live. I hate Instagram Live. I will Love, tick tock. And that for me was a platform that I could really be myself on and really show up. And for those that have ever been on tick tock and and you know, over the, you know, the last couple years that it's really blown. There is both positive and negative sides to the platform, I've been very fortunate that I have not experienced negativity on my platform. In fact, I think one of the worst troll comments I got with someone like my fingernails, so it was very easy to build my platform and to become visible in my business safely. And to have an audience that follows me that appreciates my message appreciates who I am, you know, keeping it real, and all that kind of thing. And that platform alone has allowed me to grow to where I am today, and I would not be the business owner. I am without it. 100% and more than views and followers, you have also gotten leads from Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm and for those that think that it especially service based industries, if you think oh, well, my clients are not on the platform. Yes, they are. Ha, yes, they are. Because they're scrolling with their children at night, too. Don't worry. I've had I've had not only numerous leads come in for you know, my, my my small products or my my consultations or anything like that I've had several, seven and eight figure business owners reach out to me because of my tech talks. And I had one client who I had never had any contact with. Had a you know, call with me. And they said on the call, I've been following you for six months on tick tock, I just I love your content. I love what you you're messaging. And it was a no brainer. Like they didn't even ask for proposals. They just said send them send the invoice. So it's, it's been it's been wild, really the way that platform has helped grow. And I think you talked about it and you're you know, and your your stuff in your community is it's building that parasocial relationship. And you become celebrity in a sense, like, your face becomes a recognition. So now when I show up on podcast episodes, or I'm doing trainings with other people, or I've had a couple of times where I've done live trainings, and people will pop in, they're like, Oh my God, I've been following you forever. And those are the reasons why visibility is so important. And it's the way I grow. And I know on the, you know, the days in the week where I fall off, it takes a long time for me to build that back up. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it's true, it just goes back to somebody's always watching and you never know who is watching, they may not always give you instant gratification of comment or like, but they're scrolling and they're seeing your content over and over and over and all they have to do is watch it right and they keep seeing you back in their feed whether they follow like or anything like that the algorithm is is regurgitating and your content to them. So I think that's important to note too that you know, get visible. Yes, absolutely. And stop letting excuses stop you so I don't know if I think I've told Kelly this price to get so mad that she was not on video because like she's amazing. Like people need to see how brilliant she is. It makes me so mad. She's not on video. And I even used to be the person who said it has to be live video and it clearly doesn't have to be live video. We can do visibility in our own way and tick tock works reels work like you know live video works YouTube works like it's whatever feels good to you start there and then you'll build the confidence to do other things do you do tick tock I have in fact that's one of the only platforms I do do lives on. And again like I just find it's more laid back and because with with tick tock you kind of get I mean you get it on all but you get that real time feedback you know instantly with a video it just feels more more close to me than when I'm doing a Facebook and maybe that's the distance between my camera and my my phone or you know that feeling or whatnot I fully believe in being consistent on whatever platform wakes you up and for me tick tock was it and then that allowed me to be able to take that content and use it on other platforms to help grow from there. So now I kind of I can show up everywhere as you know as a as a bit out but that's that's my basis tick tock and that's usually where we're all spend the majority of my time because it likes me, it's where I feel most comfortable. I could give a flying F about Instagram. I you know, just I'm not that type of person. But tick tock is where where I feel most comfortable. And I've been very fortunate that I don't have a following coming after me for my fingernails. So I love that too. And I'm the same way so many people think tick tock, there's mean people. Honestly, do you know where the meanest person has been to me is on Pinterest? Come on, who gets me in on Pinterest? Like you're making amazing things? How can you be mean on Pinterest, but that's where they're meeting me at. So I feel you on Tik Tok. I've never really seen anything bad there. So, um, okay, so you have a free resource for my audience as well do you want to tell them about it really quick. For sure. It is my ultimate business owners toolbox for Facebook ads, it is a free free resource for you, it's gives you the 10 rookie mistakes that all that you should be, you should be doing instead in in ads, they're kind of the everyone makes them. So when you're aware of them, this has changed the types of ads you should be writing for optimal results. Because again, you know, there's a difference between a traffic ad and a conversion. And then the seven metrics you really need to be tracking in your head. So again, it's one thing to read ads, but you need to understand what the data is telling you so that you can proceed forward. So this is all bundled up into a wonderful freebie for you. And it will be below. Yes, we will drop it in the show notes. Okay, if there is one thing, and this can be Facebook ads, this could be whatever. One thing you would like to leave any entrepreneur listening to this podcast, what would it be? Um, it's something I wish someone told me years ago is and it's it's a phrase I take. i It's my own phrase, believe it or not, and someone told me about having to share this message. And it's just this it's stand up and take up space. You are a person, you are an individual. There's no one else on the planet like you and people need to hear from you. And when you can fully stand up and take up space in the world and show up authentically as yourself. The world changes before your eyes. That's so good. That's so good. Okay, thank you so much, Kelly for bringing all this knowledge to my audience. Make sure you check out the link for her pocket advisor for her lead magnet that she mentioned her resource and make sure you connect with her where can they find you at let's we're gonna find out on Tik Tok. They want to follow you there. You can follow me on all platforms with the handle at Cal Sturt event. All right, we'll make sure we drop that in the show notes too. Thank you so much, Kelly, I appreciate you for coming on. Dropping all the value and I'm sure we will have you back on soon. Alright, thanks for having me. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Feel free to share it on your favorite platform and tag me I love re sharing these and giving you a shout out as well. My goal is to always support you and help you see a transformation. Not only your business, but in your life. We will never outgrow our business. Remember that so we get to work on ourselves and see that transformation come through on both personal and business side. I would love to work with you and 2023 I have loads of opportunities that will fit the pricing and the budget that you have. Let's chat. I'm truly interested in creating an unforgettable experience for you to grow, transform and see how big your business can grow and 2023

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