The Visibility Impact Show

Heart to Heart: My Most Personal Episode [500]

March 18, 2024 Crissy Conner Season 10 Episode 500
Heart to Heart: My Most Personal Episode [500]
The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Heart to Heart: My Most Personal Episode [500]
Mar 18, 2024 Season 10 Episode 500
Crissy Conner

Join me for a heart-to-heart episode where I chat resilience and the beauty of weathering life's storms together.

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Join me for a heart-to-heart episode where I chat resilience and the beauty of weathering life's storms together.

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Ready to shift the final half of 2024?  Let's go!

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Each time you do this, you will be entered to win a prize during the month of July.🥳

Speaker 1:

We are officially at the 500th episode and, as someone who typically doesn't have any problem figuring out what to say, this one was tough because it was like what do I share? You know, I, you know this podcast originally was five days a week, right, for over a year. And I can go, I can create a video every single day, even on Saturdays and Sundays. I can teach my inner circle once a week. I can launch a new program, or two every single month. I can. Just one thing gets a five minute or less video every single day, right, or some sort of training. And so for me to say I don't know what to say, like, and I think it's just, I actually have 501 is recorded, it's been recorded for a week, but it's like what, what do I share with the 500 episode?

Speaker 1:

And so I was talking to a friend of mine and she was, like make it personal, like talk about you, not the strategies, not the things, and I'm like that's so hard to do. So I'm gonna give you a little, a little tip here. I don't think I've ever said this on the podcast. So do you ever like you get introduced to a group of people and it's probably gonna be virtual online. Maybe you get put in a new group, maybe you get put in a chat and everybody says introduce yourself. Does anybody else freeze, or is that just me? It is like the worst thing in the world to introduce myself, not because I don't think I need to, but because it's like ugh. Here I gotta talk about myself, right, and so, with someone who loves getting uncomfortable, with someone who just was talking to another person about this the other day doing things that are comfortable stretch us, grow us, and the more we can do them, the better, right. So to talk about myself in a whole entire episode and it's the 500th episode, so that means it's a bigger deal is very uncomfortable for me, but we're gonna do it, and so I don't know where this episode is gonna go. I have some points that I wanna make and some things that I wanna talk about that I think are very, very important, but honestly, I just hope you enjoy this episode. Maybe you pick up something, maybe you don't feel alone in something, or maybe you agree with something, or maybe you disagree with something. Whatever it ends up looking like, I think you get to decide, okay. So one of the first things I wanna talk about is.

Speaker 1:

I had a coffee chat with someone a couple days ago and she was asking me it was purposely I wanna find out about your life, I wanna find out about what you've done and why you've done it and all this stuff. And she asked me what my biggest lesson had been. And this goes for business, but it also goes for life. And I said that everything I've ever achieved and received and gotten came from getting massively uncomfortable. And she responded and said something similar.

Speaker 1:

This probably isn't verbatim, but it sounds like you've been very aware and always able to check yourself. And I was like, yeah, I won't totally own that. I am very self-led, I am very self-aware and even in the moments that I'm not, I can check myself very quickly, meaning when I feel bored, when I feel sluggish, when I feel meh, when I feel like things aren't happening. I know it's because I'm in my comfort zone. I know it's because I just I'm feeling safe and I'm loving to Netflix and I'm loving to do all of these things, and I know that staying in my comfort zone feels safe. But it gets old really fast and it's really boring. And when I play out of it, that's when I feel alive, that's when I create excitement. But the thing that we always forget and I know this isn't new for me, saying this on this podcast, especially if you've listened to 499 episodes up to this point is that you will never, you will always have to be up-leveling, right. You can't just be like, okay, I got uncomfortable today, I'm good for the next two months. No, because now you're comfortable with the uncomfortable right, or it might take a little while, but then you get Comfortable again. You know it's like. It's like when I started working out Currently working on getting back into that, by the way, total transparency there, that's a personal note. Struggling to get back into it, to be honest with you, but again, another story for another day.

Speaker 1:

But when I first started working out, I cried on my trainer. I cried, I called her several names on the way home when it hurt my arms to move the steering wheel and, matter of fact, I tried to go home where I could make more rights than lefts, because it hurt worse to go left, because obviously left side of my body was a little bit more weaker right. I didn't even think that I wanted like a strong body. Then I was just like this sucks, what did I sign up for. What was I thinking? Why would I do this to myself? And then I got stronger.

Speaker 1:

But it's kind of like the best thing about life is that you can. It's it always correlates with working out and getting stronger, because you're never not going to be sore. I mean, unless you keep doing the same weight and you never increase it, right, or you never increase the miles that you're walking or running, or you never increase the speed that you're walking Right, you're always going to have some kind of soreness. So that's not comfortable at all, right. And so I think we get to remember that and everything in life it's not comfortable.

Speaker 1:

You know, when my dogs decided well, I have two dogs, but my one dog decided that she didn't like the other one and wanted to literally just wants to eat her all the time. I was getting up every morning before that and I was doing my meditation. I had this whole morning routine set up. I was so proud of myself, I was doing so good and I realized, okay, I can't do this anymore. I could have still done it, but in my schedule it felt better to get the dogs, to train the dogs and work on the trains and work on the trains, work on the dogs and wear them out first thing in the morning, so that I knew that the chance of a fight breaking out was much less Right. And so I shifted it and I got up every morning and for 30 to 45 minutes every single morning, I worked with them one on one. I worked on them to get with them together, and it's just. You know, it was hard, it sucked, it wasn't an easy thing. It also wasn't what I wanted to do. I don't want to do it, but it was worth doing it because I wanted to make sure that I could control the situation a little bit more than without me training them Right. I paid off for all this training for both of them. So why am I not using it right? Why am I letting them lay around? And, yes, it's winter and there's not a lot going outside and doing all of those things. But I got to make that decision and so I shifted. And so in Our personal life I believe so many things in our personal life go into our business life, and that is one of the reasons I got the certification that I did I got certified as a transformational life coach and then the what they call the neurogetics framework, and it was important to me because when my clients had something going on, personally, what kind of advice can I give her that?

Speaker 1:

I obviously haven't been through every situation that all of my clients have had right, some, I can say, similar experiences, but we forget how much our personal life flows into our business life and if things are sucking the personal life, it's really hard to stay motivated for your, for your business. Now, I'll never forget when 2020 hit and when we went to hit, when we went into quarantine and the only thing I knew and that's when I was working, already working in saying amount of hours, right, and the only thing I knew to do was put my head down and go to my computer. That's what I knew, that's how I coped with it and I worked and, matter of fact, the mastermind that I was in at the time, I was like you know what we're going to do. We're just going to do a free summit. I put a summit together in seven days For business owners, for free, with all of the digital marketing and strategy and beautiful knowledge that I had access to, and I think this goes for our business and our personal life too, but when and I'll never forget that, actually in 2020 my mentor at the time said this she goes when you don't know what to do, do the next right thing and or serve. And so it was a lot of serving right. It was a lot of pouring into others because I didn't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

None of us had ever been in that situation before right. We had no idea what to expect. We had no idea how long we were going to be quarantined, but I was at my desk a lot more than I should have been, than I would have been before, but I didn't know what else to do because we weren't supposed to leave our house, at least not for very long. I did go to the grocery store way more than normal, because before that I loved grocery delivery and picking up my groceries, but I went to the grocery store to get away from my family, because I am a true introvert and I love alone time. I hate the grocery store, but sometimes it was nice and also we were a master. Nobody knew who I was, so that was also nice. So it was like not like somebody was going to stop and talk to me, because I didn't know who I was. So, anyhow I digress, but it's like we have so many things personally that bleed into our business and so me getting that certification and I graduated earlier this year was so important, but it was one of the hardest things that I'd ever done and I know I don't want this episode to be about that.

Speaker 1:

But one of the most beautiful things that I learned about that is that we all have subconscious beliefs. We all have things blocking us, and a lot of times those blocks or those beliefs are because of the emotions that we experienced in that moment. You know, have you ever heard like two people not getting along and they said there's her story, there's his story, or there's her story and her story, and then there's the truth. And that's so true because, just like you can have multiple siblings in the same household, the same exact thing happened to them, but they all take it differently, they all receive it differently because of the emotional state that they're each in. One it may have never faced others, it may have, like, been crucial or so overly traumatic in their life that they're still holding on to that and that's still a subconscious block. And so I think the one big thing that I learned in that certification was that our feelings and our emotions are going to go into what we do and how we remember things and how we perceive things right, and so of course, again, that is going to bleed into the things we do in our business.

Speaker 1:

I talk about energy a lot and obviously we talked about energy a lot because the neurogetics is part energy and I told my clients this like if I got a really big, like screaming match with my husband, right, and I tried to come teach personal power or something like a masterclass, like 20 minutes after that happened, probably not even like the same day, right, I probably couldn't even do the same day. You're going to know something's off with me. Something's just not going to be there and it's going to be really hard for me to be the best version of myself. And that's true for all of us, right, like a lot of times, we can shrug it off, and we can, and things that are bothering us, we can put it to the side, but it's not the easiest thing to do. It's not the easiest thing to do and many of you may not know my all my clients know but my daughter-in-law is currently going through breast cancer.

Speaker 1:

We had a very stressful. I even feel bad, saying stressful, because obviously I'm not the one going through it, right, it's her. And we found out she had breast cancer. Then we found out she was pregnant. Then we found out that she had a spot on her lung. Thank God, the lung came back, came back and it wasn't cancer. And then we obviously she had surgery, there's chemo happening, there's an 18-month-old you know there's so many factors, right, there's so many factors.

Speaker 1:

And so it was very hard, I would say the end of January, most of February, it was really hard for me to think about my business because, number one, it wasn't a priority, right, and thankfully, thankfully, I don't know, I didn't obviously know any of this at the beginning of January, but I knew I was going to do a four-week intensive. I wasn't teaching, I was going to answer questions, I was going to be there to support, I was doing one-on-one support for all my program members. I did not sell it outside Again, I had no idea any of this was going to go down. But now I'm like, okay, this makes sense. I mean that I did that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why I did it, I just knew that it felt really right, it felt right to pour into my client and then this happens, and then it's been nice to be there to watch now, like every single morning and if I needed to, and be available, but again I can't like just show up in my business and forget that that's going on, and so it's one of those things that we get to work through right, we get to work through and it's not. It's not really anything I can, there's nothing I can do. I can pray, I can always be there to listen, I can, I can help watch about, I can empty their dishwasher, so it's not on tie like there's a lot of things I can do, but there's a lot of things I can't do. But I do what I can. And then I realized I love my business, I love my clients and this is the strongest why I've ever had in my life. I'm about to be an empty nester. My daughter's graduating high school this year, there's college to pay for, yay.

Speaker 1:

And then my family is going through this other situation and it's like if there's ever been a time that I need to Confirm my why or revisit my why, I've never had a why as strong as this, one which shifted right. So this is me coaching myself, which shifted my mindset and everything that I did. It shifted how I was showing up, because when we first found out the news, it was really hard to show up is really hard to talk about. Anything is hard. It's hard to be happy. It was. You know, there were so many things, it was so many, it was so shocking. You know she's, she's so young, this, this shouldn't be happening to her, and you know, all of these things came Like so fast, it seemed like, and so, again, I never thought I was going to need a certification for my own personal life. I wanted to help others, but it's also helped my personal life.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we don't know the full extent of why we do things. We just feel really pulled to do them and we do them and then it all starts making sense and that is like the most beautiful thing. There were a lot of things going on in my personal life and and friendships and things like that and it none of it matters. None of it matters. I don't care. None of it matters Because my daughter and my daughter in law and the future new grandchild right and the current grandchild like, and my stepson are all right, like and my stepson are all way more important to me than any other BS that's happening. It just doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

And I think Shifting your perspective right. Obviously I'm not happy that this happened and I didn't want this to happen and anything like that but shifting your perspective like, okay, all that BS does not matter, it doesn't matter, it really did never matter. But because there was nothing else trumping it, right it, it. It was the biggest thing going on in your life. And then it's like, wait a minute, let's, everything is in perspective right now. And sometimes, sometimes you do well, you rarely expect it, right, but it snacks you in the face and you're like, okay, moving on, right, I am here for a reason.

Speaker 1:

I am here to impact business owners, to help, serve and support business owners. That is why I'm here. Yes, I want them to be seen and heard. Yes, I want them to make a ton of money, but I'm not gonna promise it because I can't and no one can, and also, the FTC comes after you for those kinds of things. But here's the thing I want them to create success and freedom in their life. And yes, we typically do that by increasing our revenue and helping support our family and all of those can't come into play, but I think that it is so crucial just to shift your why and shift your perspective.

Speaker 1:

The three biggest I think there's three. I might get this wrong. The three biggest things I learned in 2023 that have stuck with me that I will not forget is number one is this a really big inconvenience or is this the end of the world? Really easy way to answer that, right. Second one is is this fact or is this a feeling? Now, it can be fact and we have feelings about it. But you know what the cool thing is we can shift our feelings. We can absolutely shift them when we decide, when we decide. So, is this a big freaking deal or a big freaking inconvenience, or is it the end of the world? Great to shift perspective, right. Is this a fact or a feeling? Again, great to shift perspective. And the third one is is it a bad day or a bad moment or a bad hour or is it a bad life? And most of the time, one of those three questions can shift my perspective and get me to where I need to be. It may not happen like in a split second. Sometimes it does and, matter of fact, one of my mentors told this.

Speaker 1:

She actually made this as a great example and I'm gonna use this as an example too, and I actually I think I talked to my inner circle about this this morning but we think we can't shift our energy and we think we can't shift our motivation and we think we, when we don't feel like doing anything, we can't do anything. And the example she gave and this is so true unless you are the like the best housekeeper ever, okay, we're just gonna throw that. If you, this is not gonna apply to you if your house is always clean and you're really good at keeping on that. But you guys know, and if you don't know, I hate cleaning my house. I absolutely hate it. It is the worst thing ever. That don't get me wrong. It's just like working out. I also hate working out. I feel really good after it's done, but to actually look at, I can probably live with dog hair on the floor longer than most people probably can, but it's just who I am right. So, anyhow, she gave the example If you think you can't shift, somebody texts you says they're coming to your house, they'll be there in 30 minutes.

Speaker 1:

If you were laying on the couch thinking you you're not getting up all day. You can't get up, you can't do anything else and you give a crap about them coming into your house. What are you gonna do? You're gonna get up and that's gonna be the cleanest freaking house ever, like you are going to massively clean. This is what I do. I'm gonna show you, tell you exactly what I do. I'm not gonna show you, I'm gonna tell you.

Speaker 1:

So I turn my shark on, which is? We name the shark that bitch D-A-T-B-I-T-C-H, and it is a he. And so I turn him on and he starts going. Now, normally, on a normal day, when I turn him on, I go pick up all the dog toys first and then I turn him on. But no, I turn him on because it's a race, because I don't have time, and I'm going in front of him getting the dog toys because I'm in record speed now, right, so that is the first thing I do Peek and vacuum while I'm picking up the things.

Speaker 1:

So I get all of that picked up. I pick up everything out of the floor and then I go to the island and then I start cleaning things off the island, like this is exactly right, but this is it. Picking up the shoes at the front door, like making sure my house smells good, like this is like super charged Chrissy cleaning her house because somebody is coming over that had no idea was coming over and I was putting a lay on my couch Netflixing all day and not doing anything because I just didn't feel like it. And it changes right. Raise your virtual hand if you feel this and it shifts you into changing maybe not your perspective, but it definitely changes your energy, because even if you don't want to clean, even if you didn't want to do it, you don't feel like a million bucks after it's done. How many people have ever done that? And this is just me, this is not even my mentor, who said that this morning but how many people have ever done that? And then they call me like, hey, I'm gonna come by tomorrow instead and you just spent 30 minutes cleaning your house and you can't even be mad about it, right, because, well, at least the house was clean. I mean, some people might be mad about it, but I'm not gonna be mad about it. I'm like, dang, maybe people should just fake text me and tell me they're gonna come over so I'll clean my house. That's a strategy, right? Anyhow, I feel like I'm getting off topic here, but it's just like we can shift, we can shift.

Speaker 1:

Is it factor fiction? Is it the end of the freaking world? Or is it a big effing inconvenience? Is it a bad day or a bad life? You always get to decide, you always get to choose. And guess what? You are the, what is it called? You are the. Oh my gosh, what's the word? You are the. Of course, I'm gonna like forget what they, what it's called. Is it the author? You're the author. You're the listener. You are something of your thoughts, right. So you hear your thoughts. Guess what? Shift, pivot them, change them. You don't have to sit there. You have a choice. Every second you have a choice. And also, I believe, you can change your life in a split second.

Speaker 1:

I could still be down and upset and thinking about how unfair the world is, that my daughter law is going through this. Or I can do what I can, because you know what, if I can help support them, if I can buy them a meal, if I can help while she's off work, because I am focused on my wife stronger than ever and I can run my business from that place. That right, there is a blessing. That right, there is a blessing, or I could still be in the why is this happening? To our family questioning, or I can move. We always have a choice. We always have an option to step into our power and to me, that is the thing I will always try to do.

Speaker 1:

I'm not, first of all, I am not like, I'm not perfect. I have negative thoughts. I have to check myself consistently, like you know the interview I had or the conversation I had and I talked about at the beginning of this. I have to check myself consistently. You know, I hate this time of year when the time changes. I hate losing an hour because I love losing an hour in the fall, because I can get up earlier. And I don't know if you follow Taylor Swift, but they had a, they had them. They heard her conversation with her boyfriend, travis Kelsey, and when she flew from Tokyo to see him at the Super Bowl, he goes oh my God, aren't you jet lagged? And she said jet lag is the choice. I'm just losing an hour. I didn't lose 15, right, I didn't lose 15, 13, whatever it is, I just lost an hour.

Speaker 1:

So me being tired and complaining about the time change, and I hate this time change and I wish the government would stop doing it and blah, blah, blah. That doesn't serve me Saying I'll make it, I'll make it work, I'll get up If I need to take a nap. I'll take a nap. Whatever, I'll make it work. That's a choice. Either one is a choice, but the choice for me is to be is to stand in my power and own it and make it work.

Speaker 1:

However that looks, I hope that you had some takeaway that served and supported you. Besides the fact that Chrissy hates cleaning, probably has a gross dirty house and and her dogs fight. I hope you got a little bit more than that from this episode. I hope it served and supported you in some way. I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Speaker 1:

I cannot believe we are here at 500 and if you've listened to one episode, if you've listened to five episodes, if you've listened to I can't imagine anybody listened to all 500, but maybe you have. And if you have, I appreciate you more than you know and I will never take that for granted Because you listened to one, five, 15, 20, 500. It doesn't matter. I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you so much for listening. This is probably one of my longest episodes and I'm not interviewing someone, but thank you so much for listening to episode 500. And feel free to reach out to me, and I would love to know what you thought of today's episode. You can message me at itschristyconner on Instagram, chrissyconner on Facebook, tiktok but I would love to hear what your thoughts were and if you had any takeaways.

Uncomfortable Growth in Business and Life
Personal Life and Business Balance
Episode 500

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