
Episode 25 - Breaking Down the NBA Finals, NHL Playoffs, and Everything In Between

June 13, 2023 SportsBruvs Season 1 Episode 25
Episode 25 - Breaking Down the NBA Finals, NHL Playoffs, and Everything In Between
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Episode 25 - Breaking Down the NBA Finals, NHL Playoffs, and Everything In Between
Jun 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 25

Ready to get your sports fix? Join us as we break down the latest action in the NBA Finals and NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. We tackle heated debates on Jokic's 3-point shooting skills, Aaron Gordon's performance, and reminisce about the 2014 draft class. You don't want to miss the intense discussions on Miami's game plan and the dominance of the Denver Nuggets.

We're also diving into the world of hockey, analyzing the Florida Panthers' chances of a comeback and the unstoppable Vegas Golden Knights. Our conversation explores the impact of the Seattle expansion team and the Florida Everblades' ECHL victory for the second year in a row. And of course, we'll be chatting about the PGA Tour, potential mergers, and Saudi Arabia's ambitious plans for the Super League and a linear city.

But that's not all! We'll be sprinkling in some pop culture discussions, debating the merits of various TV shows and movies, as well as sharing updates on our personal lives and projects. From Ted Lasso's season finale to DIY home maintenance, we've got you covered for an entertaining and action-packed episode. So grab your headphones and get ready to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of sports and beyond!

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Ready to get your sports fix? Join us as we break down the latest action in the NBA Finals and NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. We tackle heated debates on Jokic's 3-point shooting skills, Aaron Gordon's performance, and reminisce about the 2014 draft class. You don't want to miss the intense discussions on Miami's game plan and the dominance of the Denver Nuggets.

We're also diving into the world of hockey, analyzing the Florida Panthers' chances of a comeback and the unstoppable Vegas Golden Knights. Our conversation explores the impact of the Seattle expansion team and the Florida Everblades' ECHL victory for the second year in a row. And of course, we'll be chatting about the PGA Tour, potential mergers, and Saudi Arabia's ambitious plans for the Super League and a linear city.

But that's not all! We'll be sprinkling in some pop culture discussions, debating the merits of various TV shows and movies, as well as sharing updates on our personal lives and projects. From Ted Lasso's season finale to DIY home maintenance, we've got you covered for an entertaining and action-packed episode. So grab your headphones and get ready to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of sports and beyond!

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Speaker 1:

Oi, this is Sports Brubs with your hosts Chris, Andrew, Rammus, Victor and Corey. Enjoy the commentary and all the banter and golden poops. Action Three, two, one.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome. Sports Brubs, episode 25. We have made it to Episode 25 with the NBA Finals and NHL Stanley Cup playoffs going on, vegas Knights, denver Nuggets, both with a 3-1 lead going back home for Game 5. We have Messi to enter Miami huge move. Man City has won the Champions League. And live golf some news in PGA live golf going on. So how about the NBA Finals? We think in. I think Denver Nuggets probably take this, i think they're going to win it and I think they win it in 5.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this series is going to put Yolkich as like definitely the most skilled big in the league or in history of the NBA, but potentially one of the best players all time Is he the best 3-point shooter of any big man in the league. Statistically right.

Speaker 2:

I think that's 45%, although Aaron Gordon's catching up. How about Aaron Gordon? I didn't know nothing about that guy. I don't even know. he was drafted by the Magic, but he went off and came for.

Speaker 5:

Unguardable. Yeah, that guy was a stud at Arizona. It was a lottery pick by the Magic and then won the Dome Contest, i think two years in a row. He went twice. I thought he lost to Zach Levine. You might have lost that one. Yeah, zach Levine had a good. That was my. That was a crazy. God knows, paul, what do you want? That was a crazy Dome Contest, honestly, probably like the last good Dome Contest we've had.

Speaker 3:

Dolanke, yeah no Aaron Gordon's been like. He was like a McDonald's All-American Like I remember watching him at the milk house in Orlando, part of the All-American game. He was like one of the big names going to Arizona.

Speaker 2:

I think he was the MVP. They said during game four. He was the MVP of that game, I think. But I don't mean he played really well.

Speaker 5:

He scored like the first 10 points.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not to brag, but I watched every minute of every play of game four of the NBA Finals. It's electric.

Speaker 3:

Nice. What'd you think Biggest takeaway?

Speaker 2:

Oh, aaron Gordon is a machine. He's just if he's shooting threes like that. He started out. What Aaron Gordon?

Speaker 3:

deserves 40 million a year from one game.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of want to bet him bet he has the under. His point total is I bet the under on game five.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, he went 11 and 15 with 27 points Game four.

Speaker 5:

So just to wrap that up, gordon was drafted in 2014, draft number four overall. Guess who went? number 41? Jokic.

Speaker 2:

He was drafted during the Crunchwrap. Supreme commercial.

Speaker 3:

Right, wow, who's the real alpha on that team Makes you think.

Speaker 5:

I didn't realize they were the same draft class. Yeah, yeah, or. Aaron Gordon went right after and that was in bead Member Jabari Parker from Duke. What a bust.

Speaker 3:

Any of ACO issues? Yeah, relax, he was good. He had a good career. How many playoffs?

Speaker 2:

did he win.

Speaker 5:

Is he still playing?

Speaker 3:

He was putting a good couple shifts on the books.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Victor, pull us up some, pull us up some Jabari Parker stats.

Speaker 5:

Oh it looks like he still bounced around. He was on the Celtics this year. I didn't know that.

Speaker 3:

Was he on Miami at all? No, he went both.

Speaker 5:

No, Bulls Wizards, Hawks, Bulls Red Yeah. How many teams did he play for? That's a bust. He played for 16s.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

He's definitely a bust No No.

Speaker 3:

What's the two overall.

Speaker 2:

What's the top five draft picks of that draft class?

Speaker 5:

The Wiggins went first in that draft. The Cavs Pretty good pick Jabari Parker went two, joellen B went three, aaron Gordon went four.

Speaker 3:

I mean, what if Wiggins went somewhere else besides Golden State? I would be calling him a little bit of a bust.

Speaker 5:

He was okay with the Timberwolves. That's a good point, right, because he was part of the Chess Love trade, right, yeah, yeah. And then going down, marcus Smart was six. He's better than way better than Jabari Parker. Julius Randall was seven. Zach Levine was 13. Yeah, i mean, there's some good players in this draft class. Oh, james Young was in that class. James Young was such a bust He should have stayed at Kentucky.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know who that is.

Speaker 5:

Who is this? Remember when we went so, when Kentucky had the 2014 run as an eight seed that went all the way to Taugin. They lost to Kemba or not Kemba. They lost to Shabazz and that Yukon team Miami Heat legend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, LeBron's seal of approval Right.

Speaker 5:

Right Gosh. This feels like so long ago It was. It was 10 years ago. That's insane. Oh, james Young had a crazy dunk. That was like the only highlight for us in that championship game. He had this dunk over like three people.

Speaker 3:

Wait, Shabazz Napier went to Yukon 10 years ago.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I know right Wow.

Speaker 2:

I have a question. Kevin Love he's looked pretty good Where because he'd been in my. That's a Miami reference. Has he been in my past few years? How long has he been in Miami? Well, yeah, he's old. This year I haven't heard him do anything except for this year in a while.

Speaker 3:

I think he's been on some pretty bad Cleveland teams.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, remember he got stranded in Cleveland when LeBron left, like he was left holding the bag there for the Cavs and they were rebuilding and Kevin Love was just hanging around.

Speaker 5:

They finally let him go because he was locked up for a long time with that contract they signed him to Because I mean he kind of got screwed with the whole LeBron thing with going to LA. Yeah, like Kevin Love, like remember Kyrie, kyrie left and he went to Boston, right, then he went to Boston, then he went to the Nets. Now he's in the MADS, he's been bounced around. But Kevin Love, yeah, he was just hanging out in Cleveland helping the young guys out and then signed with the Heat this year just kind of like as a just an old guy off the bench.

Speaker 2:

So some people are saying there's a culture issue with Duke basketball players. You have Jabari Parker playing for six different teams. You have Kyrie Irving playing for five different teams. You also have us off the court issues. What's up with Duke?

Speaker 5:

Zion, Zion on the court issues.

Speaker 2:

Right now, mr, i don't want to play, and then I'm going to make headlines by posting a gender reveal on Twitter, and then baby mama, two, three and four also post on it, so yeah, The best part was the New Orleans Pelicans PR team jumping out there and posting all this stuff about Zion doing work in the community.

Speaker 5:

to kind of like cover up all this, They were just randomly posting like here's Zion helping all these high schoolers with their schools applies. It was like just stuff that he's done.

Speaker 2:

It's like that's what medium. Or it's like when he's the fine dining expert and it's like we got to find a name and they're all like rushing around in file cabinets trying to do something. That's the New Orleans PR team trying to rectify that situation. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Gosh. Also, i don't know how closely you guys have been following this thing as of like the past zero to 24 hours. Twitter is actually turning on this chick and siding with Zion now, because she's posting every 20 minutes.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, she won't stop. Like it's not this point Yeah, the tide is shifted completely like 180. Oh, she's insane. I mean, she's just caught chasing. At this point She got everybody's attention, zion's caught in a bad spot and now she's just won't shut up about it and she's trying to make it. Yeah, i mean, she's trying to get famous over this. I mean, it's so stupid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, getting all that attention. and then people are like, well, i don't know if I really want to interact or engage with this person. I don't know if I really want all the attention on her.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah. I just Zion man. Like what a waste of talent. Like this dude doesn't care, can't get in shape, can't get motivated to stay in shape, to actually get on the court and play Like, and I mean he's just handcuffed right now to the Pelicans because you know why would they give up on him? Because he has all this potential. He's still super young, he's like 22, 23 years old.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i mean, don't forget, new Orleans was in first place for a good bit of the season while he was playing.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I mean he was okay. Wait, was he playing then? or I thought they were doing well without him.

Speaker 3:

I thought he was playing a good bit of that time.

Speaker 5:

He came back during stretches of this year, but they have a good team down there. Right, they've built a pretty good roster.

Speaker 2:

Who else is on that team, like who's the other couple guys?

Speaker 3:

Is Eric Gordon still there Is who, eric.

Speaker 2:

He's on the Denver Nuts, all things that Aaron Gordon.

Speaker 5:

I thought he said we were just talking about him.

Speaker 3:

I was like I can correct that Is in a oh, Alvarez and Jose.

Speaker 5:

Alvarado was there.

Speaker 3:

Alvarado, was there The Animals?

Speaker 5:

Alvarado. The legend, that guy is placed for Man City. Yeah, no, no, it's the same guy CJ McComble. Oh, that might be.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking of yeah, yeah, and then they also have Jonas.

Speaker 5:

Valenshunis, he was on the Brandon Ingram. Oh, that's right, brandon Ingram is down there He's good, brandon Ingram, i forgot. He was on the Lakers right, yeah, yeah, herb. Jens, where'd you go to college? Ingram Duke He's one of the Duke guys Can't stay on a team. Can't stay on a team.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, they get this Coach K guy that just tells them everything they want to do and then they get out to the real world in the NBA and they can't. They can't stay on a team, they can't stay in a locker room. How does that say about Coach K?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Do we need to start respecting New Orleans? No, no, they're not bad.

Speaker 5:

I mean honestly remember when it went to the Rocks. They could have made some noise They barely got in. They could have made some noise.

Speaker 2:

What a praise. Didn't it work Anybody?

Speaker 3:

like top 10 in the division that can do that. Hey, Kentucky could have made some noise in this college-based series.

Speaker 2:

I mean it could have happened. It could have happened, man right there, no.

Speaker 5:

I'm talking about the. they were playing the Lakers in that playing game. They were close, Yeah. So that's Nuggets Heat Talk.

Speaker 2:

Real quick before we close that out. I wanted to congratulate Andrew on the Lakers. I want to congratulate Andrew on one of the best people I've ever seen to bet Yocic get a triple double and then him not to get a triple double. What was that? game two, No. Game three, Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Game three in the next game, no one time he didn't get it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I bet it was on Phant It was a Phantal boost. What was it? plus 120 for a triple double. And you're like this is it Can't lose.

Speaker 3:

That's why it lost Yeah the boost. Literally the game before. he had the triple double that nobody has ever done before. Yeah, nice.

Speaker 5:

Right Yeah.

Speaker 3:

You like this one though.

Speaker 5:

You know that game he had the other night where he had like 20 something rebounds. He had the. The game he had triple double. I had in a parlay that Jocic would get 65 points rebounds assist in any game. In the finals He ended up with 63 points rebounds and assist. What did you need? I needed 65. He ended up with 63. And it's because remember now the game that I bet the triple double with you, chris, was the game where he scored like 40 something points. He took all the shots. That was the game Miami won, because the whole game plan was we're going to let Jocic score, we don't want him to pass. So he gave him the twos. Yeah, he had the twos. The next game is when he started passing it, he had like 13 assists but he scored only 30 points. So like I literally lost both. That's oh my gosh, if I just would have.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we just need to start fading the boosts.

Speaker 4:

That's what we need to start doing Yeah, we need to.

Speaker 2:

To the boosts.

Speaker 3:

Jocic over on points. Since you, you finished that Jocic over on points game. What is this game five, yeah, feels like a lock, right, cause Miami's going to lean into the game plan that they used to win, right, so they're probably going to let Jocic go crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's the deal with his foot, his ankle? I mean? he gets two days off, so I assume he'll be fine.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, he went under his points last game. He only scored 23. So you know, bounce back. Yeah, had no trouble, i love it. No, no, he only had four assist. Yeah, this pass game it was, uh, the bit, it was. Bruce Brown, out of nowhere, had 21 points off the bench.

Speaker 3:

He's turning into the next Jordan pool, I think.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i think what's killing Miami is one. Jimmy Butler hasn't been Jimmy Butler, i mean he was. he has 25 points in the last game, but that's the best game he's had in the series. And then they're just not getting anything like from Caleb Love or K I'm sorry Caleb Love or Bruce or Bruce or Vincent, like those guys, bruce and Vincent in mind for two points last game.

Speaker 3:

I saw this uh Streuze's three point percentage from like a wide open three is 20%. Yeah, it's hard.

Speaker 5:

And in your when you're at home. That's when your role players have to step up.

Speaker 3:

So I mean that's, that's why the heater here right, it's because those guys are making shots. So yeah, I mean it's kind of just as simple as that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So I mean, i Think what's happened is the heat went on this incredible run, another out of gas. The every team they've beaten, aside from the Knicks, has been harder than the team they faced before. So bucks, then Celtics, now They're nuggets. I mean, they've literally faced the gauntlet to try to get to this point and And they're just out of gas. Like they don't have, like they have the depth But they don't have the stars to carry them consistently.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and like Jimmy Butler I think it was last game He was missing a bunch of free throws. I mean he went 0 for 2 at the end, at the end the first half, i think it was. then he hit that buzzer beater 3 and it's like okay, alright, whatever, but he was even missing free throws and he's correct me if I'm wrong. He's pretty. I mean I assume all of me A players are, but he's pretty good free throw shooter.

Speaker 5:

No right, yeah, yeah, no, they are. they are a good free throw shooting team. It's just They. I don't, i don't know. Okay, i think Denver's offense has been over like just a really hard matchup for Miami, but they just don't have the guys to guard both Yoke edge and Murray and Gordon. They don't have, like they're different than the Celtics and that the Celtics won a play small, they want to spread out and And that's exactly what the heat are good at defending. So when they, when nuggets, try to run everything through Yoke edge, through a big, i Don't, i think at the heat. Well, if the heat had to play the Lakers, i think the Lakers would have been the heat. I think those two teams were bad matchups. I think the Celtics just happened to be a good matchup, plus you got your role players Going off. I can't imagine Celtics fans watching this series must just be so pissed that That strews and Vincent and Martin are just sucking it up because those guys were like on a whole different level and Boston, you got a feel.

Speaker 2:

You got a feel for Boston fans all out of town. They just yeah, it's, it's tough, that's just a tough look for Boston Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, was the last time they won a championship?

Speaker 5:

It's been at least a year, so Yeah, i mean 10 years, right, the Red Sox and 14 was probably the last one, right?

Speaker 2:

When the woman's the Patriots. Last one 18.

Speaker 5:

Oh, shit the Patriots. Yeah, they won an 18 before Tom.

Speaker 2:

Brady left, Damn. Yeah, look at them now.

Speaker 5:

Mack Jones.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's gonna be so. How about you know? Philly was the second place king. How about South Florida? you got Florida Panthers, miami Heat, fau basketball, miami basketball. What I said you know as well, yeah, yeah, fau got close. You're right now win. Yeah, but the shout out to the Florida Everblades they won the ECHL The second year in a row. Yep.

Speaker 3:

Yep good blades a couple of cup champs back to back. Let's get it sweep, by the way. Sweep, oh, it was a sweep. Swoop, yep.

Speaker 5:

Look at Florida just dominating hockey. That's crazy, like between the Panthers and the Lightning. But the amount of success that the state of Florida has had in hockey comparatively to Canada is in just insane.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was kind of hoping.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of hoping Florida would win, just because of just the Florida notice, of just the Florida notoriety. But You know, being a being a lightning fan, you've kind of always looked at Florida's like the younger brother Cory no offense of You know the NHL and they haven't really been there. It took them six Stanley Cup or seven Stanley Cup finals games Just to get a win. Yeah, i'm swept in 96 by the by Insane Colorado Avalanche team. That that team with Joe Sack at computer Forsberg and Rob Lake, was Patrick Waugh insane. You know I could beat that team. That team was insane. But then it was looking like they were gonna get swept again. They got lucky in game three But Vegas in 500%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the Bobby run is Coming to an end. Unfortunately, What happened? was I can't. Sorry. They just like can't block shots, like every shot's getting through, and on the other end, vegas is blocking every shot. Ross isn't anything special, he's like average goalie at best. Oh, but they're just so big Bob. Oh, i said Ross, hill, sorry, hill, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, hill's been pretty good. Hill's going to get paid. He's a UFA, him, and uh, barbershift Barbershift is insane, coming from St Louis, he's a UFA. He's going to get like five years 30 million. He's a big body.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing with Florida is they were able to yeah, they were down one, three, one to Boston. but then you know, they brought in, you know, uh, bergeron and um I forget the other guy's name when they were up three, one, they became smaller and then Florida just kind of took it to them physically, did the same thing with Toronto, kind of ran through the East, just because it's more of a finesse conference of hockey, it's not as physical as the West. And they tried to take that physicality to Vegas, which everyone on Vegas aside from Marsha show is like six, three to 30. Like the guy that hit um, all this are. That guy is an animal. He hits hard and Kachuk is not the same. Since he got that hit he's been skating with one stick or with one hand on a stick. He can't do anything. He's shying away from contact. That's not his game. Montaur hurt his hand in game three.

Speaker 2:

They're just, they're banged up. And I think their biggest issue was when they beat Carolina, they were off for I think it was nine or 10 days. They lost that mojo and then Bob from there was not not the same. But it's not all on Bob, because when they're taking all these stupid penalties and Vegas is 35% on the power play, If you're, if you're a third of your power plays, you're scoring on in the playoffs, you're dangerous and you have to say out of the box. And what does Goudis and Kachuk and Sam Bennett and Reinhardt keep doing? they keep taking, making stupid, undisciplined penalties, slashing, tripping, easy ones to get away from. Euclair is also banged up as well. So they've just, they've just run into a team that's just, overall, top to bottom better. And the best thing about Vegas winning, aside from March show X team Baylighting player is the greatest team ever assembled in all of sports.

Speaker 2:

This year's Boston Bruins fired Bruce Cassidy last year. Now he's about to win Stanley Cup. The team just hates it. Just got to get out of title town. You can win some titles. Look at Tom Brady. Tom Brady is setting a trend. Yep, yep.

Speaker 5:

I was wondering what your guys take on the extra rest that the Florida Panthers had and if that ended up hurting them, because I thought that was going to, you know, give them time to recoup and be ready for that physicality by Vegas. But it seems like they're just overpowered regardless.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they lost I think the biggest, like Corey mentioned, bob was on fire. He was earning every bit of that $10 million contract. Ever since they were down three one to Boston He's been insane. There was like a stretch, like a Vasilevsky stretch, where he saved like 109 shots out of 110 something ridiculous where if a goalie is doing that you can't win, but the rest is. It was the second longest rest before Stanley Cup final And I think I saw teams that had more than six days rest or more than four days rest of the other team are like oh and 12 in the last 12 Stanley Cups. It just kind of ruins their mojo and they barely made the playoffs. So even before mid April they were playing the last six weeks of the season. You know, every other night back to backs, three out of fours playoff hockey grinding and then you get nine days off And it's like hmm, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

It's like a full reset, like you had all this momentum and then you stopped and then it's like, okay, well, we have to take a break, because what are we going to do? practice for nine straight days and then just lose all the momentum? So, yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I saw I mean Vegas was the better team in game three. I don't know about you guys if you saw it, but Vegas or Bob kept them in it because they were, they were pressing, they were, they were dominating, they had a, i think, two or three posts in the third period. and then Kachuk ties it late, just a pucks sitting outside the zone, sitting outside the crease, knocks in and then Verhagy wins it. Ex-Tamp Bay lighting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not going to lie, i went to bed after Vegas scored the second just because, like, yeah, this game is over.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was over too. What sucks is I bet? well, I bet on Vegas.

Speaker 3:

At times that didn't work, but oh, well, it kind of feels that Vegas is like Florida, but bigger and better.

Speaker 2:

Way more disciplined. I don't think they took. I think the only penalty they took in game four was the one with like 17 seconds left where Patrangelo shot it out of the zone, which that's like all right. That's like all right, whatever. Yeah, i think there was only one penalty. Well, sorry for that. I think there was only one other penalty in game four. There's like the trip on stone. I forget who.

Speaker 3:

I think it was Duclair, but what's their percentage on the power play right now? Florida?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's like, I think. It's like I think it's like 10%. I don't even remember last time they got a power play goal, to be honest with you, and they had an hour, oh for 11 at one point. Oh, so they. They. Then they haven't then because they had game three was a ref showcase, showcase, masterclass, where the rest are like Hey, we're going to call 13 penalties because everyone knew why he were here to see. And then Vegas had like six power plays. They scored on two of them And I think Florida went over five. I mean, if you're going to play that style hockey, it's just, it's not going to work. And I think part of what they were trying to do is Vegas five on five is insane. They're on the four check, they are just relentless. And up until the Stanley Cup final they honestly weren't that great. On the power play, i think they were like 15% going through the West and right exchange. They've caught fire.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Vegas was like by far the least penalized team in the regular season. So, like Bruce Cassidy, you have to be a good, you have to be a good power play team. You can't go like 0% when they're only giving you like one a game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean when the when the Panthers lost to the lightning, was that last year? I mean, it's happened so many times last few years, but Oh, my God, oh, when they swept them. You mean, is that what you're talking about? When they swept them? Yeah, when they swept them, they were the president's trophy winner. They were awesome throughout the regular season And I don't think they scored a power play goal in all of the playoffs. And the thing about the playoffs is when you get on the power play, you have to be opportunistic And if you're not, you're done, you're screwed, especially with the NHL nowadays where they're calling so many more penalties. I remember when the lightning were in it. You know 04 around that time, you know 20 years goes a different game, but you could do anything like they wouldn't call it any penalties unless it was absolutely egregious. So it's just a completely different style. And if you can't score on a power play, I mean you're done.

Speaker 3:

Look at the. Look at the Oilers Their defenses like trash. They shouldn't even be in the playoffs with how like horrible they are on defense. But if you go 50% on the power play, is they guaranteed like two goals a game just from the power play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you see dry side. Oh is the still the leading lead leader and in goals this playoffs, and he hasn't scored in a month, he hasn't played in a month. But just hate, you hate to see the greatest athlete of all time in Connor McDavid being upstaged by the number two overall pick from his draft, jack Eichel, who's just about to win a Stanley Cup.

Speaker 3:

This dude has tripped into elbows in the face, been hit slappy to the back of the skull. He's is still playing. and then to Chuck has barely got a hand. I mean hey, yeah, Yeah. Vegas is just there.

Speaker 2:

They are big, They are strong, They are relentless. Vegas is unstoppable. They I mean they might win, depending on how the rest call the game and game five. I mean it could be five to two. I mean I don't think it's going to be really close.

Speaker 3:

So here's a question. I don't really know how the Eichel thing went down in Buffalo, but like what's the average Saber fan thinking right now?

Speaker 2:

Are they sick Or are they like that's, that's our guy from what I understand And I don't have too many sources in the Buffalo Saber camp But most of the Buffalo Sabers fans that I've heard of just despise the ownership and the moves that they've done. I mean, jack Eichel was the best player that they've had in years, maybe since Ryan Miller, and they kind of just chased him out of town. And the issue was he had that back surgery or neck surgery where he wanted to do this type of surgery, but Buffalo wanted to, wanted him to do a different type of surgery, which he didn't want to do. So there was friction there And then they just ended up running him out of town because they wouldn't support his medical choices, which I can't remember exactly what it was, but there was.

Speaker 2:

There was another, another athlete at the time that had the same surgery that Eichel was was getting ready to have And he was talking about, yeah, about this and about that, and then, yeah, they just kind of ran him out of town. But, to answer your question, most of Buffalo is probably like Yep, that's our guy, that's, that's a guy that should still be here, but our ownership is incompetent And that's the way it is. And if there's any Buffalo Saber fans out there that say otherwise on the show?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember one of my favorite athlete quotes of all time is him talking about the organization. I don't remember what it was in reference to, but he was just like what an absolute joke decision from a joke organization. All talking about his own All time. Yeah that's unbelievable Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And for someone to say that that's like Hey, i'm done with you guys, that's it.

Speaker 3:

And that's your, that's your number one player, that's your guy?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's who overall. But yeah, i'm thinking Vegas is just top down better team. They're disciplined if they can stay five on five hockey for the majority of the game Or if they're up five on four hockey, which Florida will probably stake. take some undisciplined penalties. I think they went easily. So Vegas minus one and a half lock it in. Denver. Nuggets minus eight and a half lock it in easy money.

Speaker 5:

So we're saying play up. Playoffs are over.

Speaker 3:

After Tuesday They're back in the home barn. Everybody knows Florida is the toughest environment to play in sunrise. Nobody wants to go to sunrise You might get with water bottle barn There's going to be some 75 year old plastic surgery guy. You know sounding the horn before the game. They're going to skate out of the helmet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, marlins man was there. Have you seen Marlins man sitting? He's got glass seats. Have you guys seen him? Oh, good for him. I have not. He's been sitting on the glass in the corner. But I think that wraps up our hockey talk. Any anyone have any last nuggets?

Speaker 5:

I would say that I mean the Panthers have come back from three one down the day against the Bruins, so they've done it this playoffs. I mean I think if we're looking comparatively against the two of them, let's say the Panthers are more likely to come back than the heat are at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i think that's just an extra hockey, because hockey is more of a you know 18 guy team that all buys in to play a certain way, whereas basketball can be fairly individualistic at time. Feel free to correct me on that. I mean, superstars are going to be superstars In hockey. There's not really superstars that take over a game. I mean, march show has been awesome, so there's, there's that.

Speaker 3:

But I think that if you're looking at what the best scenario is for the Florida Panthers to like come back from three, one is that they need Bobby to be playing well and he is playing well. It's not like they're losing because he's not playing well. So all their goals and like what they're doing and how they're not being successful is based on like hustle plays, i guess. like they're not blocking any shots, they're not winning any 50-50s and they're not like clearing the zone when they need to. It's not like Bobby's giving up goals. So the fact that he's playing well they're just losing means that they can better fix what they need to fix if they were to come back. So all they have to do is, i mean they just have to like put in the work to to like do all the gritty plays and hope that Bobby is still making the saves that he's making, because he's still making like those game winning saves. It's just he has to make like all of them and he can't.

Speaker 5:

Right. No, i mean I could see the Panthers coming back and winning this game, just being back against the wall, going all out, finally feeling like that intensity. I mean this is a team that has thrived on that, you know, win or grow home mentality and that's where they caught fire in the beginning of the playoffs, so maybe they could do it again. I mean I just we're talking about it's so funny that Vegas Golden Knights is a team that did not exist five years ago and here they are about to win a Stanley Cup. It's so hard to like grasp that like that expansion team is about to do this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just rigged. I don't like that. I don't like it because there's a reason Seattle's in the playoffs this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were good.

Speaker 2:

The whole design is to make them relevant. Yeah, i mean that's. I mean, if you want to grow an expansion team, you kind of need to make business right off the bat. Yeah, from a business perspective Yeah. I mean, if they want to raise the cap, which they've been talking about for years, that's going to do it.

Speaker 3:

Vegas is awesome, though. They're really good. Imagine picking the stars to win the Stanley Cup, yeah. I'm an idiot.

Speaker 2:

If I had known, if. I had known, if I had known Jamie Ben was going to be an absolute moron, then I wouldn't have. Then I wouldn't have.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, don't worry guys, i put in the million dollar part lay 2.0. Do you want to pass out now or just wait until it hits. I mean we got nuggets right. We feel pretty good.

Speaker 3:

Knights just talked about feel pretty good He's doing the PFT bet.

Speaker 5:

I mean I lucked this in a couple of weeks ago, so I mean I got the Knights at plus 130.

Speaker 2:

It's just. It's just a 10% investment on my return.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, right.

Speaker 3:

I should lock that in now. Nuggets and Knights, Stanley Cup and NBA Finals winner.

Speaker 2:

I actually have a parlay of that. Tell me what loses here.

Speaker 5:

Oh, by the way, I completely forgot that we have a women's World Cup this summer too, so I threw that in there.

Speaker 3:

Is that here? That's not here, is it?

Speaker 5:

No, I don't. Where is the women's World Cup? It's July, So it's next month Australia.

Speaker 2:

New Zealand. Oh yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool Those games are going to be. What time are those games going to be, isn't?

Speaker 3:

that difference like 12 hours, 10 hours It's.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god can't wait to read. It's 3 pm On Monday and New Zealand.

Speaker 3:

Damn. Can't wait to come back from an absolute bender at the bar and watch USA kickoff at like 2 am.

Speaker 5:

So the first game is July 20th. We got a long way to go at 3 am. Hell yeah, New Zealand.

Speaker 2:

Norway. It's something about watching World Cup games when it's dark outside. 3 am, 4 am, the morning is electric. Oh yeah one time when we made pancakes to watch France play at 5 am. When I live with Alex, you come to that. Think it was just a couple of us.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, we was like No Martin was there, wait this, so wait the the the US games are 8 o'clock at night, though. It's weird. So the games there are two morning get like. there's two, there's one at 3 am, one at 6 am And then there's another game at 8 o'clock every night.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't make much sense to me.

Speaker 5:

Well, what time do you, said Chris, it's what? 3 o'clock in the afternoon then? It's 3 o'clock right now over there Yeah so they're gonna start games at like noon Over in Australia and it'll be the next day, but we'll watch it here at 8 pm. Then the other games they're gonna start at 3 am Here, so it'll be like an evening game there.

Speaker 3:

So the games are just gonna literally run through the night, starting at like 8 pm. Yeah, that's so awesome. Sleep at 2 pm. I don't care, so we'll come up is a who's a favorite?

Speaker 2:

is a US or England US?

Speaker 5:

I got him at plus 230, I think Okay so I'll bet on England then.

Speaker 3:

But South Africa to a cup. That's like the best location Somewhere in like Europe. That yeah longitudinal line, because then you wake up and it's in the summer too, and it's 9 am, then I go like the premiere league schedule. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah, especially being the teenager on summer vacation at the time.

Speaker 2:

Glad you said at the time like an hour. So, speaking of talker About man city, the trouble is where does, where does a Pep Guardiola land on your all-time managerial Mount Rushmore? see, on the Mount Rushmore of managers All time he was a Barcelona before man city.

Speaker 5:

Is that right?

Speaker 2:

Yep, Okay how many, how many do you want to travel? there. Wow, yeah, he won the. He won La Liga, probably 80% of the time he was there. So Corey is he. Is he on your Mount Rushmore of managers? If not, who's there?

Speaker 3:

well, he, uh. He basically promised that he was going to win as many champions leagues as uh Real Madrid. So, assuming that happens, yeah, i would put him up there. Definitely top four managers of all time Yeah, i put him up there Frank Lampard, pep Guardiola.

Speaker 2:

Angelotti Zidane up there. Did he do it as a dawn here in time, ferguson? Greg Berhalter Marino.

Speaker 3:

Just all of those guys in one group. That's fair. Just put him out like tier a.

Speaker 2:

I agree. Who's the who's the manager for Barcelona now is the um. Who is it? the Javi, the Javi, and they won La Liga. No.

Speaker 3:

Yes, they did. Yeah with. Uh, i think Lewandowski had a Pretty good year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he's getting, he's got to be up there. He's what? 30s He's got to be probably Ronaldo age. He's got to be getting up there.

Speaker 3:

No idea, i'm gonna guess 34.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I was gonna say like 36 Vic, can you check that?

Speaker 3:

36, that's so off I.

Speaker 2:

Andrew, over under 35 and a half years old for Lewandowski.

Speaker 5:

Oh, definitely over 38, 35.

Speaker 3:

Oh, are you saying 34, like I said?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a 43. All right, looks like 43 Vic.

Speaker 3:

For my next trick. What about a Ballon d'Or? Go ahead. I mean, holland was invisible. That guy sucks. I haven't watched man City play in the little bit, but like he's just. He's kind of like if you just throw a seven foot two high school basketball player in the court, like he's gonna be good. This guy's fast and he's tall And he can shoot a soccer ball, go figure. Yeah, i like.

Speaker 2:

He hasn't scored. He only had one. He had one goal in the quarter finals. He did not score in the semis and did not score in the final. So that might be his ballon d'Or's.

Speaker 3:

This is just a guy who And I mean any team would pay him any amount of money to play for them and he's gonna score whatever, but like he needs somebody else to score, like he's not gonna create for himself, yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, needs like a the hazard, while prime has a Chelsea hazard with him. Not a, not a rheumatured hazard.

Speaker 3:

He needs service. He needs like through balls to run on to.

Speaker 2:

Him with, like Fabregas, oh yeah, it'd be a leap. Yeah, someone who can create around him, open up space for him to drive the box.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i don't know. I think I'm not an imbap a fan by any means, but I mean I would take imbap a over him.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely not Get out of here with this imbap a talk. If you're gonna spend your, your, your professional career and uh league a own in france. You're not my goat, he's not. Until he goes somewhere else, he's out.

Speaker 5:

So french league sucks. I'm ls man, mls is the league now. Okay, we have messy. All right, talk to him. He's here. Talk to him If you want to missy. Where's messy?

Speaker 2:

Oh he's right down the road I.

Speaker 5:

What I love how everyone was like expecting him to show up to that heat game, like it's messy Gonna be here, and then Neymar showed up and I'm like, oh, it's just Neymar. I didn't even know Neymar was there. Yeah, he was court side. Yeah, it was probably messy. It's probably the seats they reserved for messy, and then he didn't show, so they just gave him the Neymar.

Speaker 2:

I thought you're gonna say codec black. Oh wait, no, that's the piece. Never mind, yeah, you can have a florida panthers. Have you seen kepka, just absolutely out of his mind, clapping on the on the sidelines guy, big, big, big peace guy? They were saying on the broadcast he, uh, he was wearing a, an eggblad jersey. And then the game he went to game four, he was wearing a long longberg jersey and the commentator was like oh, he's changing his costume, dude, it's just a jersey. They were talking about his jersey choice as a costume to a game.

Speaker 3:

I thought he had beef with egg blood somehow.

Speaker 2:

He did, but he apologized. He uh, he had a bet on like the under of goals And egg blood had a bad, uh, a bad turnover and they got scored on and he lost his bet. So that's why he was, that's why he's gone damn warranted.

Speaker 3:

All right, fair, fair, yeah, which is entirely fair.

Speaker 2:

But speaking of kepka, uh, you guys heard a hurt that live in, uh, pga of Some sort of merger or something. The goat shon monahan. What do you, uh, what do you guys know about that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so basically live is all but dead.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do the soddies know that The soddies don't?

Speaker 3:

care So but basically live was always going to be a temporary Gaugly to shake up the market, to get a seat at the negotiation table. Once they got that, once they got the deal, they I mean it's pretty evident because It's very apparent that greg norman had no idea They asked him on I think it was cnbc that they had him on, or whatever they interviewed um, the chairman of the investment fund in jay, and they asked him if greg knew and he just like fumbled his words and said like oh Yeah, i called him this morning, yada, yada, like Skirting around. So greg didn't know. Greg's not going to be a part of Any of the deal, he's just going to be the live guy. I guess until they revisit. They're going to reevaluate the live tour at the end of the year, apparently, because jay gets all All the decision-making. Like the pga tour is going to say the pga tour, they're just being funded by the investment fund now.

Speaker 2:

So is that going to be more guaranteed month or they're they're going to be more Guaranteed or different styles of contracts, like wasn't wasn't live big because most of it was guaranteed, as opposed to having to, you know, fight for a a good position to get some of the pot.

Speaker 3:

That was the. That was the initial um view of it. Um, i think it was later determined That it depended. It was very individualistic. The contracts were. So guys like phil, guys like dustin johnson, they got their number. That was put out um. And then it was later determined that some of the other guys, like Patrick reed maybe I can't, i'm not certain about him specifically, but guys like that They had a guaranteed amount of money But it wasn't the number that was portrayed with their deal. So if Like, let's say, patrick reed, let's say like, the news headline was Patrick reed got a hundred million, it wasn't really a hundred million, it was he had to Do, win tournaments and play well to make that number and that's what he got.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I have a question about the pga. Are we gonna start seeing guys in shorts?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, probably, so I don't really know because it's still I mean, jay's still running it, so it's still being run by the same people.

Speaker 2:

I don't think.

Speaker 5:

I don't think we'll see, yeah, but they don't have the money anymore, Cory. So basically what happened is Yeah, good point They were. So they were caught up in legation. So basically, liv was going to, they were battling this out in court And who had the rights? did the pj had the rights? the players for the players or the contractor that they were able to go to live? Whatever, this is all going to take a long time to sort out. We're talking three to four years. They had already spent 50 million in legal fees and had a hundred million in reserves that they were already tapping into To pay to get through this court case. So basically, monohand calls Like does a secret, didn't tell anyone else, reaches out to the Saudis to uh, what's the guy's? name. I can't remember his name.

Speaker 5:

Do you remember his name, Cory? It's like.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to try. It's like I'll swim on, or something.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, anyway, so they reach out to him, sets up this, this meeting goes over, meets with them in Italy in person. No one else knows this is going on, this and this started in April, so we're not even talking that long ago Worked out this whole thing like, look, you guys just come in, we'll do a merger, you fund everything, we'll walk, we'll wash away the whole litigation. You know lawsuits thrown out, everything's good. They signed the NDAs, everything was kept under wraps and then They announced it like he literally signed the documents. Like Two days before it it broke. That they announced So, basically live, we had as infinite money.

Speaker 5:

Right, they have what Billions and billions of dollars in assets? I mean it's estimated they have like two point or like 1.4 trillion dollars in money like reserves and and Assets that they could just use for whatever they want. I mean they're buying soccer players or they've been buying all these high profile players and It was rumored that Rom was going to go to live, that rom. It took a deal and that's what kind of they were going to have the master's champion and the pga champion in brooks and The pga was like, look, they're just going to get everybody. At this point They have infinite money. They're they're suing us. We can't fight them. That did we have no option here. I don't know how.

Speaker 3:

How valid that story is about rom.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I don't really well like confirmed.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, because it won't come out like it. Basically, people were just saying They're going to continue to pull guys because they have the money to do so, it doesn't matter how bad the live product is. Like no one was. It was on like what's the cw? or something. Like no one was watching. Their viewership was so low, no one even knew this thing was going on. But because they have all the money they have more money than the pga and big shocker golfers like money, like It's funny watching full swing and these guys are flying around on private jets And it's like are we really shocked that they're not? they're gonna, that these guys are, are offered millions of dollars and guaranteed money And they're going to turn it down. Yeah right, like this is their livelihood, like this is their life, is living a luxury and playing a luxury sport. So of course, the Saudis were gonna win in the end. They had all the money.

Speaker 2:

So what do you make of? uh? is rory like one of the biggest scapegoats ever? because I feel like he's been absolutely duped by the pga.

Speaker 5:

Yep, yep, basically, and you could kind of tell from his answers that maybe he knew if this is all speculative and it came like the whole actual documented exchange And the conversation between the Saudis and the pga that set up this whole agreement Shows that nda's were signed and this probably wasn't being talked about with anybody.

Speaker 5:

But people have speculated that rory got the feeling that this wasn't gonna, this wasn't gonna happen, like the pga and live couldn't be separate, that they were gonna have to give into these guys because they had all the Money, and that's why rory kind of backed off his whole. Like You know, these guys are awful people and what they did was awful And you know, taking blood money is not something that he was going to do, but now he's forced to. Everyone is I'm sure they're all gonna get paid buyouts, like I'm sure that's part of it. Because, well, i mean, i don't know how you would show up and play and support and be a part of this if you weren't gonna get some kind of incentive for sticking your neck out and Fighting this whole merger while you know the, the actual commissioner, the guys in the in the suits that run everything, or behind closed doors making the deals with them anyway.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I think Some of the big name guys that didn't end up going are gonna get some type of equity in the new deal. And then, yeah, so the guys on live like aren't PGA tour members technically right now They're. They're kicked off the tour, so they're not, they don't have no right to like rejoin the tour when it merges, so one they have to figure out how to Bring them back on tour. But also there might be fines involved and I think it came out earlier this past week that the repercussions or Punishments are gonna be based on a case-by-case basis. Aka Phil is gonna get absolutely fucked if Jay has the power that he has to do that. Phil's gonna get slapped around Because he is the guy that you know single-handedly Brought live about tour, the PGA tour apart, brought everybody over and basically started everything And then rubbed everybody's noses noses in it when it got announced.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, the latest news that happened is that Jay is the Decision maker when it comes to the live tour. That was. That's been the most recent like big news.

Speaker 5:

Which is crazy, right, like how can this guy Play? how can you be that hypocritical and still keep your job and be respected By? you know the, the actual tour, the golfers? Yeah, he's lost that, it's.

Speaker 3:

It sucks, but He's gonna sing so loud the tune of Guys I'm a hypocrite, but like you guys are all gonna get paid a lot of money. So just like, stick, stick it out with me, because the like everybody on tour knew that they were dipping into their like future resources and they like weren't making money with like the. The elevated events are a direct cause of the live tour. To incentivize people like Hideki Matsuyama to stay Will's out tours, to stay Like the elevated purses on some of these events during the regular season was a very, very direct result of the live tour and That was unsustainable financially for them, as well as the litigation going on. Yeah, so the PJ Tour pros know that they were dipping and dipping and dipping into their reserves, so something had to give. They were just banking that live would go away faster.

Speaker 5:

Essentially, Yeah, pretty much. They were holding on hope that live would fail so miserably That the ratings would speak so bad that it would become a joke that people wouldn't pay attention and The Saudis would give up. That's what they were counting on. That's like when this whole thing started They were just banking because they knew from the beginning. Everyone knows the Saudis have way infinite money compared to what PGA has. So it was me.

Speaker 5:

It was just weighing them out like will they give up on this? and Because they took their best players, i don't know how they could have assumed that. Like, do you really think those guys are gonna go through all the ridicule and hate and everything that they had to take when they took that money and just Quit like they were? they were sold, they were bought, they were bought in like There wasn't gonna be anything that they were gonna give up on. They don't care like they got paid. They don't care if it's a joke and people don't watch it. They got their money.

Speaker 5:

So I It just looking back, it was inevitable and this it really isn't. Ish I mean is when it first broke. Right now that you see everything that was going on behind the curtain, it's just to me. What worries me the most about this is the Saudis Have all this money, obviously from oil, right, they can do whatever they want. They've now decided that they want to and people call it sports washing and clean, clean up their image worldwide. And I think it's also buying it. I mean it. It is buying investments like they're buying assets.

Speaker 3:

I'm Yeah, i mean they, oh yeah, the Saudis just bought golf That like they're already run, like that's what happened essentially exactly.

Speaker 5:

So they bought an entire sport Now and it's. It is a major.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's not the one of the major sports, they're obviously more popular ones, but it is a major sport, professional sport, and it's here in the States It's the PGA tour, which encompasses like the whole like North American tour, and it's also the DP World Tour, so it's everything in Europe. Martin Kymar came out and said if it's like some of these PG got PGA guys Who are like recently singing Like I'm not gonna take money on blood money, they'd have to go to Japan now like that's the only like they own everything else. Dp World Tour and the PGA tour.

Speaker 5:

What I'm interested to see moving forward, just How this is gonna impact the rest of sports. And because they're not gonna stop, they don't, they're not gonna just end here. They have enough money to keep going and they've already started. They bought. You know we're not okay. That was kind of a joke, right? Oh, they got a little in the mouth.

Speaker 5:

Yeah yeah, so they're picking off good players. Now You guys are more soccer guys than me, but my head goes to that whole discussion We had a couple years ago about the Super League. What's to keep the Saudis from trying to create a Super League again and buy into that? I?

Speaker 2:

Don't think they can get enough people on board to do so because if, like the powers it be of European football, couldn't get it to work Really, they're not gonna. They're not gonna be able to. I Don't think they'll be able to persuade into a Super League now with the Saudis, because, i mean, they have What's their reputation and image. I mean, they've been trying to fix it for however long Ben Salman I think his name has been in charge, because they have this whole plan of Revamping Saudi Arabia.

Speaker 2:

It's like a 2030 vision that they have, where they're trying to diversify and try to move away from being heavily weighted in oil, which has been so. It's been fluctuating so much in the past ten years of the Value of oil, and I saw somewhere that oil needs to be $80 and 51 cents a barrel for them to turn a profit, and it's been below $80 for like 40% of the time, so that they're actually kind of I say this to an extent They're hemorrhaging funds because of that, but they have so many reserves. They're looking to diversify and and Clean up their image and do this and they're building like a six flags out there And they're doing all this other thing to try to uphold that, but I Mean trying to build the line, really the line.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna ask Victor if you see in the line, the civil engineering project They want to do it's.

Speaker 5:

It's so stupid Like it's not gonna work. It's such a waste of money like I Hope. I wish they would just focus on that project and just burn all their money trying to build such a stupid thing. What's the line? They want to build? a linear city like, literally a line They want to build like a wall wall just long It's like a hundred miles stretch.

Speaker 3:

Looks like just a massive mall like it. Yeah, air conditioned like city. That's just levels of like a street basically.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, they will go for the city so you don't ever have to drive, you can just. Everything is and levels So you could just travel to places Within the line. I love it, to be honest.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it's not possible, though Let's Anything is possible I mean, if you have that much money, maybe they can figure it out. They would be the ones to have the funds to do it. But I don't know. I was just thinking about the super league. In that that's something that was actually. It's felt like it was close to happening and then the backlash is what caused it to die. But if the, if I'm the Saudis, like that's what I'm going to go after, because what are the chance, like the size, i'm gonna build their own league to rival EPL or Will a Liga or anything like that Well, so why wouldn't you just go in and try to create the league and Be a part of it? that way? that would make the most sense to me. I.

Speaker 2:

Don't think they're gonna be able to do it. I mean, because I was. I was reading that a lot of their issue is, compared to other countries in the world, is Their lack of tourism, like they don't bring Next to no money in tourism because no one wants to go there. I mean you have the human rights issues, mean women are just Women, have the ability to drive, they can drive.

Speaker 2:

Now What, yeah, i mean, and it seems from what I've been reading, is it seems to be a huge facade about. Are they actually revamping Saudi Arabia in a way that would you know, instigate more tourism? and, i think, building up Sports leagues? people travel for sports. It's what they do. Is them trying to get more tourism And is the thing that people don't want to go there? and I saw they were trying to build a Hilton, a couple Hilton's over there, and they were like heavily invested Hilton was was buying and trying to get Hotels there for tourism and then they pulled out of the deal. So it makes me seem like They're not as I think how to say this not as good as they're trying to portray themselves. But I think that's a huge issue and I think that's why that they're diversifying or attempting to Well, you saw what the the World Cup we just had in cutter.

Speaker 5:

Like that. That was an event there to try to build that up as a tourism spot. They wanted to attract people there for an event and then get them to buy and to come back. And people are totally weird out by what was going on there like That. Just all the rules they had to go through, just the setup. It was just no, the fan experience was awful compared to like what normal World Cups are, just because they weren't used to having that kind of event at all. Like people, and like you're saying, people don't go there for Vacation, like they don't know how to do. You can't just become a tourist destination. Yep, that's why the.

Speaker 5:

Is that you have Exactly, but that's why I think the live move is so interesting and that they're buying an asset. That is not being like the events are playing plate in Saudi Arabia. They're being played in the States, like they're being played in courses all over the world. That aren't. It doesn't. You don't have to go to Saudi Arabia. These players aren't moving there. So to me that's interesting, that, okay, are they gonna like? Someone was talking about them actually buying an NFL team. They had the money to do it. They'll buy someone. Now They have to get approved by the extra the other owners to do that, which is why I ever happen, happen, hopefully, hopefully, will never happen. But now, when it comes to You know other sport event to me, they're already trying to get into soccer by getting these players to come there. I Don't know if that's the. I don't know if that's the move. So maybe there's another lateral move that can make with the league. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean they're trying, I mean they're dumping a lot of money into doing it, buying sports teams, new infrastructure. But I think it all comes down to you know how you treat your people, human rights, and if that's not upheld to the rest of the world's standards, you're gonna struggle to bring it tourism.

Speaker 5:

And tourism brings in dollars, but it's also they don't know how to create a product that's watchable, right, they tried to create that with live golf and nobody watched it. They they thought they could just buy the players, throw them out there, because that's what golf is just good players playing golf. It's the easiest sport to actually hold. You know, and and hold an event with right. It's not like you have to like get teams together and practice and stuff, and it failed. I do with. You know the. The soccer players are coming over. A Benzma just signed. But like, can anybody watch Rinaldo's games? Like, are you able to like people following what he's doing there? Or is he just often as void where you sign this huge amount of money to play there?

Speaker 2:

I have no idea. I've never even seen where they're televised. They might be streamed on like What's yeah, I mean whatever that is, but how?

Speaker 5:

do you want to?

Speaker 2:

highlight or anything of him playing over there. Oh, that might be a Rinaldo thing, that might not be a, might not be a Saudi thing, but how do you watch live? is anyone I haven't watched live that. How are they?

Speaker 5:

It was on seat. I mean, it's not that they think they're Revamping now, but it was on CW. Like their events were on TV if you have a CW channel, so that's so when they hill jokes, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so when they started, it was exclusively on YouTube. And then there was talks about a Fox deal, which was even funnier because the deal said that Fox or the deal said that live would pay Fox to broadcast it on Fox, and Then that fell through. And then they got the deal with CW. But I don't know if you guys know this, but They released their ratings for the first tournament on CW and it was so bad that they they stopped releasing the numbers.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, like shows that ran and reruns were getting more numbers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there was some like Home video show. Yeah, like America's funniest home video, something like that was getting Like a rerun from 2007 right right.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i don't know, the whole thing just felt so It just I don't know the whole felt just felt icky, like just not good, like You don't like like live is just.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you guys listen to the Brooke Kepka Interview on PMT. It's it's like not even competitive. It's just all these guys who got paid millions of dollars. They're gonna go out and just play golf. Yeah, people don't like just watch golf. They watch like competitive golf Or like the winner of it actually means something. Right, nobody wants to watch the four aces win for the third time in a row out of like seven teams.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, there's no history behind it and also, it's not a team sport, unless it's the Ryder Cup, which is one event Like it's supposed to be an individual sport. Yeah, i, you know what. It's hard to knock them, though, because it was a genius move. What they did was Okay, we have all this money We want to get into golf, let's offer those best players to come play and create our own league, get them to leave BGA and then, when they do leave, we get the best players to come with us. They're they're legal collapse and we'll have to come in and save it. I mean, it was genius and they picked the one sport that could do that in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was, it was smart, but it's also like So like Phil Mickelson, i guess, was spearheading it, maybe Greg too, you can say, but they're basically They were just saying that the PGA was holding them hostage and they were getting paid their fair share and This is finally a way to get what they're like deserving of Normative leverage. Yeah, and I mean the PGA like kind of Met them, but we're figuring out also that it like they were dipping into future reserves To be able to do that you know.

Speaker 5:

I mean, like I said, now that we know it, it makes a lot of sense how, how that happened. But Geez, like just the things that were said by Monahan about nine, the fact that you brought in 9-11 and You brought out these survivors and you and you really try to make people feel Awful towards these players, make them feel guilty If you use them as prop, like that's so messed up that that was done. Yeah, not a good look.

Speaker 5:

Oh man, but that was the most dramatic thing that's ever happened in golf. I'll tell you that.

Speaker 3:

Money one, that's basically it.

Speaker 5:

Yep, man, it's like they said in part in my take like Always take the money. If you're the player, always take the money. Don't ever try to make a stand, don't try to. You know, do do a solid for the team, just take the money, because the teams gonna just stand in the back. Yep, unless you're like Tom Brady and you're taking contract pay cuts or whatever to Buy other or get other players re-signed or restructured that way.

Speaker 2:

Your marriage is super mom, Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, because you're married to a super model, that makes sense. Yeah, but otherwise, if you're by yourself, like if you're an individual player, yeah. I just yeah, it must suck the guys that held out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What's up with. I saw during the Panthers game Ricky Fowler was in a suite. Whatever happened to him, oh.

Speaker 3:

He's back. Yeah, ricky Fowler's back. He's good. He's having a really good year. I Think he barely snuck into top 50 world golf rankings to play in the PGA at Oak Hill. He was definitely on the verge of losing his tour card, like two years ago, but yeah, he's back. He's playing well. Yeah, yeah, he fell off the map for a while. There Still getting those. What is it? state farm checks from that one?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, Yeah, hey, he's up to 45 now. He ended the year last year at 103. So that's how big of a jump he's made this year, wow.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're about a time here We have anything else we want to throw at the listeners. I think we kind of hit everything Got the NBA finals recap, Stanley Cup recap, golf and lift merger. Yeah, messy to enter Manchester City gets the trouble. Raise red hot at home. Still Domination at home.

Speaker 5:

Second best team in the AL, second best team in baseball and the Rangers best offensive team. They took them down in the series. I mean the Razors incredible this year, man, they are just the numbers are putting up. It's insane. But a little call just briefly in the College, of World Series coming up next weekend, omaha also also just just to correct you on that.

Speaker 2:

The Rays are number one in the league, they're not number two. They're five games ahead of the Rangers.

Speaker 5:

I said they beat the Rangers this series.

Speaker 2:

That's it, no, i know Before that, before that you said the Razor two.

Speaker 5:

Oh, so they beat the second best team.

Speaker 2:

So they are the second place team. We'll mark the tape, we'll play it back. I'll start the show with it. You said to, are we?

Speaker 3:

recording We could. Is there a way that we can get back what that exchange was?

Speaker 5:

No, chance I said it. I said it too fast.

Speaker 2:

The Rays played the Rangers, who are this if I'm wrong, those are the top two teams.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, anyway, rays are good. The.

Speaker 3:

Orioles do.

Speaker 5:

Orioles are three. Three overalls are good. Yeah, i was just going to say the Rangers do have a higher run differential than the Rays. They're plus one of 149. The Razor plus 140.

Speaker 2:

Just give me a second. I got to. I got to scroll down to find Boston. Give me a second, Yeah keep scrolling.

Speaker 5:

They're deep down, they're 14 games back.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God In the swamps, Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Oh, they would be leading.

Speaker 2:

I thought the. I thought Boston was good. They're under 500 at home.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, the Fenway just doesn't do it anymore. Man, that's poor to win way.

Speaker 3:

Darvin Yep. Yeah, the Gators is going to win the College World Series, So yeah they have a good shot.

Speaker 5:

Corey, They have a great chance.

Speaker 2:

Who's left? How many teams are left in the College?

Speaker 5:

World Series. So we have six teams, so there's eight teams. The way the College World Series works is you started the tournament with regionals last weekend, so 16 host. Each host had four teams in the region. It was a double elimination. So then we went to 16 teams this weekend. That was super regionals. There was a bracket. Each of those teams matched up. It was a best of three series. So the winner of those best of three series now goes to the elite eight, which is the College World Series in Omaha. There's going to be two sides of the bracket, so there's four teams on one side, four teams on the other side. Each of those brackets do a double elimination tournament again to determine a winner that goes on to the final, which is the best of three series. That's how the College World Series will work And it's over the course of two weeks because it's double elimination. So awesome, yeah.

Speaker 5:

So right now we have Wake Forest. They're the number one team in the country. They're red hot. They have one of the best pitchers in the country. I mean they run differentials plus 59 to get to the College World. I mean it's insane what they've been able to do. They're actually the first number one team going into the playoffs.

Speaker 5:

The tournament to make it to the College World Series in 10 years has been a curse of the number one team not making that College World Series. So they're in Florida, like we mentioned, they're the first team to punch. They're in LSU They knocked out Kentucky. They're in Virginia. They're in, they took care of Duke. Then you have TCU is the surprise team. They took care of Indiana State. Which interesting thing about that is Indiana State was supposed to host, but Indiana State every year has a special Olympics tournament that they have on campus, so they weren't able to use their baseball stadium So they had to go to Fort Worth to play TCU instead of being able to host the Super Regional. Unfortunately, tcu ended up winning. And then the surprise team it's only the third time this has happened a fourth seeded regional team. So one of the last teams even making the tournament, all Roberts has punched their ticket to the College World Series.

Speaker 5:

And then there's two spots left. As of right now. They're going to go down to the final game unless Texas can come back. It looks like it's. So. We got Stanford, texas winner of that game. And then we also have Tennessee Southern Miss winner of that game was going to go, and those will be the eight teams So we got. If Tennessee makes it, that'll be Tennessee LSU and Florida Kentucky as the three SEC teams to make it, and then we have Duke, wake Forest, two ACC teams plus, and then TCU big 12, we get Texas maybe another big 12.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, Also. Duke lost. They lost to Virginia Go calves. Yeah, man Cabs are good. Conor Teal or Peter, yeah, conor Teal is a. He's a really good player for Virginia. Yep, conor, yep, conor's Kyle, kyle Teal.

Speaker 2:

Right, kyle. Yeah, yeah, kyle. What was that? the short, skinny white guy, the basketball player, kyle Guy.

Speaker 3:

Kyle Guy.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Guy the week.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, to me it's either going to be Florida or LSU. Lsu's got potentially the top two draft picks in this summer's MLB draft. Dylan Cruz he's their leadoff hitter, center fielder. He has gotten on base in every single game this season. There hasn't been a game He hasn't been on base. He bats over 400, but it's 434. And then their pitcher that just absolutely destroyed Kentucky last night. It was awful. They won 14-nothing. The skewing he's really good, just really dominant pitcher. He's probably going to go number one overall. So Paul Skewnes, yeah. Or Patrick Skewnes, oh yeah, patrick, patrick. So I don't know, we'll see what happens. I mean, it's going to be exciting. Two weeks in Omaha Championship series will be the weekend of the 24th. It starts this weekend with the double elimination tournament, so yeah maybe Florida Shout out Florida Gators.

Speaker 2:

They just then, they just went um. They won men's tennis over Georgia Tech.

Speaker 3:

Back to back. Track and field Back to back. Yeah, they're good track and baseball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, watch out football.

Speaker 3:

I just won golf too, by the way, Individual and team.

Speaker 2:

Damn it, just all these accolades. Scc is king.

Speaker 3:

Just means more Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, so, uh, it's kind of closed this out. You guys finished Ted Lasso. You guys watch, uh, you guys, i thought it was good finale. Yeah, i didn't like the season as a whole. I thought it dragged on and there were a lot of meaningless storylines, like Jack and Keely seemed to be pointless and just to waste the time, but the finale was awesome. Very, very well done. I would say that in the office have exceptional finales. Yeah. But um yeah, great ending to his great show.

Speaker 5:

The only thing about the finale that that I didn't like was they didn't show the scene when Ted tells what's the owner's name? I can't remember. I'm blanking on her name Rebecca, Rebecca. Yeah, When he did, they cut that scene. They didn't show him actually telling her that he wasn't going to come back. He was retired.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Between the two episodes, Yep, Mm-hmm. Like hey, maybe cut out the whole Jack and Keely thing and maybe put it Ted and Ted Lasso. They just went so far away from Ted this season. It was weird.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, So it's over right, Like I think that was it.

Speaker 2:

That's it. Yeah, it's over.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, they had planned to do three seasons from the start. Right, i don't see how Jason Sadegis would come back.

Speaker 2:

No, he's come out and said it's over, it's done.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i think if they were going to do anything, it would be a sped off without him. Yeah, which I don't know if that would be worth watching because it's yeah. It was Ted Lasso.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, And you saw what? and that could have been part of season three, kind of deviating from how it had been. the first two seasons were kind of happy go luckies, good solid humor, short episodes. Then it turned into like a real longer episodes, trauma induced, and it just it really detracted from what made the show great in my opinion. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I think they ended it perfectly. Yeah, i agree, i mean it did feel like they were. It was the focus wasn't on Ted this last season. Yeah, So it felt like they were trying to develop other characters for potential spinoff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean Roy and Beard, they're awesome. I mean they'd be funny in a spinoff, but they're not really what you see as a centralized soul character. They're kind of just minor ones.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, they'd have to bring in another big A-list actor to kind of fill the void, and I don't know how they would do that. Yeah, because Jason Sotasiq. He was the only well-known actor when the show started, like he was the main guy to help create it. So, yeah, i mean great show, though I thought I mean like great finale. I think they did everything they could to put a bow on it. Yeah, yeah, well, we need to do a Mount Rushmore series finale or a starting five of series finales.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I've watched that many shows.

Speaker 3:

I've seen like three shows in my entire life, really Okay.

Speaker 2:

Never mind, yeah, he's like, he's like me and with movies.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, i watched Breaking Bad and I stopped halfway through.

Speaker 2:

And that's such. That's insane, because it gets better and better. It literally is the only show that I can confidently say gets better every season. It just gets better and better and better.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i've never watched it. I try it. That's the one show I've tried to start multiple times, but season one is so hard to get through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just got to get through season one and then it just gets so much better. And then you got to watch Better Call Saul, which is an awesome show. Season one of Better Call Saul is kind of iffy. It's slow because they didn't know if they were going to pick it up or not. But Better Call Saul, it just ended. I think it was last year. Awesome show, great show. I put both of those in my top 10.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, sure, like.

Speaker 2:

Breaking Bad top five Right.

Speaker 5:

I tried to get into succession season one but it was so hard to keep going. Season one is so slow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i haven't. I never watched succession. That's how I was with Yellowstone. I've never gotten into that. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I tried the same thing with that in season one. That's the thing with shows. I hate it when they're like, yeah, you just got to get past season one. It's like, well, am I going to invest 10 hours of to watch this crappy show to get to the good show? There's so much out there now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i'm thinking about it. I feel like I finished shows that get worse, so I finished the office. Prison Break Lost. Prison Break Lost. Yeah, game of Thrones No, i don't know If you want to call it that, but those are the lines.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, chris, aren't you glad.

Speaker 3:

I was season one of House of Dragon. You haven't watched it yet. It's going to be better. No, i'm not.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to be as long.

Speaker 3:

I think it's only going to be four seasons, four seasons, but the story itself, it should be better.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, they're not going to go off script like the last couple of seasons of Game of Thrones. They actually have enough material to work with where they can actually get the show done.

Speaker 2:

That's the Jarr Martin's fault, that lazy son of a bitch. He promised them they'd finish the show and then they got to season six and seven and eight and they're like oh, i guess we have to write this now. And then they had Star Wars right around the corner. So they were. They publicly came out and said that they were more, they were just trying to wrap up Game of Thrones, get it out of the way. So they can, you know, produce a great series of Star Wars. And then that folded and they got fired from making those, so they'll probably be done from producing for a while. Oh, my homies hate this guys.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Based on based on Jarr Martin's like whole story of, like that whole world of Game of Thrones, slash House of the Dragon. Like House of the Dragon, the plot and the storyline that goes on at that time in that world. It should be so much better.

Speaker 2:

And they have plenty of time to write it, cause I mean, that came out last year And I think season two doesn't come out until next year. I want to say but the next summer started filming.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Yeah. That's why I'm like I'll watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'll watch season one when season two is closer.

Speaker 5:

No, I thought it was still good Like it was. I think it it scratched the itch enough for Game of Thrones. They were at least cause. I think that was the biggest thing with it And that's why they were really not investing a whole lot into that show right away. They kind of wanted to like, do a few get it out there and see what the public reaction was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause remember, right after Game of Thrones, they started a spin off of the. It's been a while since I've seen the children of the forest with the Night King. They were going to do all of that and show that. I was like, oh, that seems kind of cool. But I think doing the Targaryens is going to be better for a show, cause I think it's like 300 years before, maybe it's like a hundred years, i don't know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how far behind it's a couple hundred, it's like 200 years, it's like multiple. I think it's 200 years. It's like three or four generations.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Cause, i guess you got to get out of everyone who played that, that hierarchy of the family of the Targaryens. You have to go before any of those characters were in the actual show. Yeah Cause the main.

Speaker 3:

the overarching story of Game of Thrones is that a Targaryen is coming back to the throne, and that was never really explained, like why is that so powerful? And this is like explaining it Oh yeah, cause yeah, yeah, i mean.

Speaker 2:

Game of Thrones left a lot of questions unanswered, so if they can take advantage of that, scratch that itch they could, they could still monetize it Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, good old Game of Thrones recap.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, yeah, just like we planned Real quick, yeah, real quick. I got a movie, thought I watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie today. Oh, let's go, and I love that series And the second. I watched the first and the second today Watched two movies in one day.

Speaker 5:

Which one is really bad? Is it the third one? There's one of them that's like really really bad.

Speaker 2:

I think I watched the black. I watched the black pearl and dead man's chest, Victor's forehead.

Speaker 3:

Those are good, those are good I think there's a fifth, right Like the most recent one, is a fifth that came out like a long time after. The first two are awesome, yeah, the first one is great movie. Dead Men Tell No Tales. Is the third one, right? I don't know.

Speaker 5:

There's one where Captain Jack is like in this white void, like spoiler alert dude Outworld to end Yep, okay, that's the one I'm talking about is really bad, isn't that one bad?

Speaker 3:

No, I love that one. That's a good one Okay.

Speaker 2:

I'll let you guys know. But first two, five stars. Great movies Yeah They're good movies.

Speaker 3:

Um have you? sorry, we're talking about movies. Have you guys watched air?

Speaker 5:

Yes, that's good, good, good movie, very good movie Is it? theaters prime, prime prime yeah, and it's, it's like, it's like an hour 30, it's not that long oh, coming out of two and a half hour movies today, i'm feeling pretty good about that.

Speaker 2:

I Like it's definitely good, it's cool.

Speaker 5:

I think, cory, you know, the best thing I think they did was they never showed Michael Jordan's face.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's the best.

Speaker 5:

Thing. Yeah make sense. Yeah, i mean, if you can't get the real guy, you might as well.

Speaker 3:

Hi, I'm not sure like crying. Jordan. Well, i guess AI, but Michael Jordan trying to play 17 year old Michael Jordan.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i guess that. I guess he's put, i guess I don't know what the AI now It's like You can make the LeBron commercial. I guess right, right, i guess it would look weird, but no, I thought it was great. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Matt Damon was really good. Matt Damon's awesome Ben Affleck was low key really good too, but he didn't. I Don't know. Matt Damon was like the main main guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's a. It's a star studded lineup right. There's a lot of big names in it.

Speaker 3:

Ben Affleck's and Eddie Murphy.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Chris Rock, chris Rock, chris Tucker Same. Thing.

Speaker 2:

I forgot about Eddie Murphy. I haven't seen him. What's your oh?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, Jason Bateman's in it. He's good. What viola Davis is Michael Jordan?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, oh right, yeah, yeah she's great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, viola Davis is awesome. You ever seen how to get away with murder? Oh Yeah, awesome show. Top 10 show great really, chris.

Speaker 5:

I would never thought you would watch that show.

Speaker 2:

I've watched that show twice. It's awesome What.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I would give the ending. You get some stazzo. I would never beg that one Dude that was electric.

Speaker 2:

I watch more TV than movies candle No with Something, washington.

Speaker 3:

That's a good show too. Carry Washington, carry Washington. Yeah. There you go, big show, sure you've seen it.

Speaker 2:

You watch the show scandal.

Speaker 3:

Hard on the Google tonight. He's just live fact-checking.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not going. I just know if I've always something like movie and TV show trivial.

Speaker 2:

The ones you don't watch. I'm good at TV show trivia, sometimes not movies.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna get some trivia going. Yeah, that'd be electric.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've never seen how to get away with murder. None of you guys.

Speaker 3:

No, I have oh.

Speaker 2:

Dude. This first two seasons have had to get away with. Murder might be the best two seasons of any show, aside from prison break. They're just absolutely electric. You can't stop watching it. But the ending was not that great.

Speaker 3:

I didn't love it. Ned Stark is gonna do that, just for you to slander him like that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, but we never talked about. But did you guys know that they are gonna reboot the office? No, shreya, yeah. With a woman as the boss.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm unclear, as if they're, if she's gonna be I Think they said it on PMT, where you can't have her be a competent manager They have. She's got to be kind of like Michael Scott in a way, but not too similar. I didn't watch the original, the one in England, no to know, i didn't, i don't, i'd never seen it, so I don't know how much they portrayed that, but I'd be cool to see. I mean, i don't think it's gonna be anywhere near the office, but oh, Is that the English one is with a Jervais?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, rickie Jervais, yeah, yeah, Yeah, it's just funny, right like the humor so dry in it.

Speaker 5:

It's Oh, i mean, it's Rick, it's, if you like, ricky Jervais people.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well, he came out on a couple controversial issues. So if they're entrenched in their values in that particular issue, they're just gonna, they're just gonna cast them aside, which Happens nowadays, apparently. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I was speaking of the office. Did you guys watch the prime of Amazon Prime shit? I was like free V, i guess. but they made a show called the jury, if I've seen it advertised.

Speaker 2:

Did you guys watch that? I've heard it's good. I haven't seen it though.

Speaker 5:

It's, it's it's like a quick watch. It's really easy. Well, it's like probably seven or eight episodes, maybe the 30 minutes. 40 minutes.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of something else.

Speaker 5:

I'm talking about the show where there's it's a jury. It's supposed to be a documentary, but everybody is an actor, except for one person who thinks it's real.

Speaker 3:

I Mean I've seen it advertised on like the prime video homepage, but that's all yeah, no, it's funny.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, Yeah, it's pretty funny because the On newsroom.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, have you seen the newsroom?

Speaker 3:

That's an old show outside of that very famous clip about why America is not the best country.

Speaker 2:

I saw it trending the other day. I thought it was. I thought it was a new show.

Speaker 5:

Oh That, but Cory's right. It's the best opening scene of any show ever, and it's which is downhill. This is the newsroom. It's the guy from dumb and dumber I.

Speaker 2:

Would go to. I would go as far to say that Lost had one of the best pilot episodes of all time. It was the most expensive episode at any time.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no member, Chris, i went back and watched. I didn't watch Lost Live at all And then I went back and watched it and I remember I got to season three and you were telling me stop, like, stop watching the show. Now You're watching the rest of it and I did. But then I came back and watched the last two seasons. It just made it so much worse. I wish I would have never watched the last two seasons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's out, because the riders went through. It was like a rider strike. So season five was nothing really happened because it was just Produced with the rider strike. So they just had to like formulate this Baron plot that nothing was happening. And then season six, the last one was just I Mean they were just too far gone at that point. But the first two seasons where it was was awesome. I remember when they came out I was, i was watching it live, i think ever since, like it's episode two or three is when I first started watching it. But Yeah, great show from the time. I've seen it a few times. Yeah, i Think we hit about everything. Anyone have any life updates going on in Kentucky, southern Florida, tampa?

Speaker 5:

I personal stuff I.

Speaker 2:

Just open it up for anything as we close the show.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i'm like trying to work on the house this summer. Victor, i finally opened my pool The first time. Oh my gosh, i'll send you guys what it looks like.

Speaker 2:

Are me and Leslie's pool supplies employ the month able to comment on a pool topic, or is this just directed at Victor?

Speaker 5:

Well, I was just telling Victor cuz I'm about to embark on the whole how to run your own pool thing like.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Cory would know anything about that. Did you guys, you guys had a pool growing up.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's right, yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

You're Cory. Work that Leslie's pool supplies right, Did you really Cory?

Speaker 5:

I Didn't know that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Sorry, I was on me. Yeah, I worked there for like two summers.

Speaker 2:

It's all about the pH level, Yeah you gotta get the pH.

Speaker 3:

It rains a lot in the summer, which Raises the pH. You got to keep that between 7.6 and 7.8. What about a Kentucky's climate that change Depends on the rainfall, you know yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I guess I got a spinoff I guess been almost a hundred dollars on acid cuz.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Well, my, my pool. So I was. I was gone for a week. My pool level went up six inches. Wow, from all the rain which, for my estimate, need like what four or five cups of just acid, but that's like like normal. But it's gone up like six inches So of course I'm probably gonna spend couple. I Haven't checked yet. Oh, i need to spend some more on some Acid to know where to bring me down to pH.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gotta wash that pH Yeah dude So expensive like acid.

Speaker 5:

Yep. All these cool chemicals and stuff now and you gotta put it in all the time a Shock it Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you gotta get it going, so Charlie can go swimming.

Speaker 5:

I know So probably that. Yeah, no, she was getting excited when I was taking a tarp off. Luckily we have a gate there. She's not gonna be able to jump in tarps off.

Speaker 2:

Tarp off, let's go Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, summers back, tarps off, let's go, yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

So how green was your pool I?

Speaker 5:

just sent you a picture. Yeah, Yeah yeah. It. It really wasn't that bad.

Speaker 3:

That needs some acid.

Speaker 2:

You might want to double the hundred dollar, you might get two hundred dollars worth of acid. You get victor supplier.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, what I do is I just go up on oh Go, pinch a penny fill up and liquid chlorine and I just pour in half of the container every week liquid liquid chlorine rookie rookie move Have. that's what happened I have the tablet to have that's in liquid chlorine that use.

Speaker 2:

Cory. What are the pros using you?

Speaker 3:

got a shock. It, you got a shock. It got a shock. It's the powder. Chlorine is the wave. You don't have to carry 25 pound jugs every time. Yep, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Not to be there.

Speaker 2:

I do got a shock it.

Speaker 1:

I do both. I do the chlorine tablets. I have this little you're shocking it. All right, this yellow thing that I pour two cat folds every week and then half a container. So about containers? about two and a half. So half of that every week. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

So opening that up this week damn.

Speaker 3:

First ever pull talk, pull, maintenance talk. Yeah, we'll talk.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you guys posted Yeah, well, yeah, next time we record this we'll have a pic of a crystal clear blue pool on acid Yeah, i'll show you.

Speaker 5:

I'll give you updates, progress pics, how long it takes.

Speaker 5:

Yeah let us know. I threw in a couple of tablets Just a kind of neutralize it, because when I took so was it underneath the tarp was actually not bad. I could see the bottom of the pool. There was some algae, but it really wasn't that bad. It's the water that was on top was like just this pool of, just put like a, like a film. That's cool, yeah, yeah, it was like. It was so nasty I had to spray that tarp off like five times And that's where all the pressure wash it. Yeah, dude, i got the pressure washer out. I borrowed my uncles. This is a gas one I couldn't get to start, so I go to my other uncle. He has an electric one.

Speaker 5:

I hope they start with that start spraying and then all of a sudden it dies. I was like what the heck? and then I call him. I'm like, hey, i did the pressure washer just cut out on me. Have you ever had this problem before? he's like, no, i just used it yesterday, it's fine. He's like wait, what kind of hose did you hook it up to? I was like, oh, i've got one of those like flex hoses. He's like, oh, don't do that, yeah, cuz. So I have two hose bids one half back of the house, one the front house. I had a plumber cone fix. Both. The front one was broken. We bought the house, the back one. I left the hose on in the in the winter and it froze and that busted my pipe. So I had to get that replaced. Yeah, that sucked $8,000 for that. This is the part about holding the house.

Speaker 1:

That this sucks, Yeah damn. Imagine owning the house in the place that snows.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, so I actually had my hose hooked up.

Speaker 5:

That was dumb. I'm never gonna make that mistake again. Anyway, so that that one fixed at the front one fixed. Go turn the front one on and it starts spraying water because it's a gate valve. It's like it's there's a gate valve that goes to that hose bib and the gate valve. I guess there was a leak. The plumbers, he, that guy sucked and so I got a kind of gonna come back out tomorrow to fix that. So I couldn't use the front bit. So that's why I used my stretch hose around the house in the back and I guess, because it's a flex hose, you don't get the kind of it. The water doesn't flow through it as as full as like a regular garden hose, and so it just burned out the The pressure washer. So I killed his private washer, had to go buy a new pressure washer, and then it rained all day today so I didn't get back to it. So yeah, that was my weekend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's tragic, that's a.

Speaker 2:

James, you had to buy another pressure washer. That's a yeah, it's a washer number three.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, there's only a hundred, but actually it was on sale at home depot was like hundred bucks, so it wasn't terrible.

Speaker 2:

They're actually not that Shout out Home Depot, I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, you have your own pressure washer now.

Speaker 5:

Well, i were bought to replace his. I'm gonna give it to back to them and I'll give. I'll give them the other one, in case the other one works At some point it wasn't working for me.

Speaker 2:

Return the broken one, say it broke Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I don't know I'm kidding. It's not like it's not a Walmart or they'll take whatever.

Speaker 3:

You got to get into the pressure washer tick tock game. Yeah, yeah, it's electric. Yeah, i'd sit there for hours watching pressure washing jobs.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, dude, Mm-hmm, i did it for like 20 minutes. It's awesome, like to see the dirt and everything just makes such a mess. I don't know how they keep it clean, like I was spraying my driveway and then all of a sudden I look up at my garage door is just covered and dirt. I'm like, great, now I got clean that all the wrong way, Oh yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know Next time you do this, when you do it the next time, just FaceTime us will help you out. Yeah, yeah, maybe the wonderful folks at Home Depot can point you in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

Or lows.

Speaker 2:

We can cut any of this.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so that's what we do in next weekend.

Speaker 1:

You just start recording yourself Doing that, put it on tick tock.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, take off dude, this is the kind of stuff where it's like I've never had to do this before my life. You just have to teach yourself how to do it. You never done pressure washing.

Speaker 2:

Oh dude, it's so much fun.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it was killing my back, trying to bend over and like you know you get the one, that's always yeah. Exactly. Oh, I had a one. Yeah, I was like having to get it close to the ground, though No they make.

Speaker 1:

There's like a six-foot Attachment that you can touch the hose.

Speaker 2:

Andrew's nine feet tall, though, so.

Speaker 5:

What happens next? yeah, i think I had to decide on my house, so I don't know how this is gonna go with me like on a ladder, like up there trying to odd.

Speaker 2:

No, goodness Yeah. Oh yes just gonna be fun yourself in, maybe, maybe the belay from the side of the house. Well, you do it, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah Yeah, i got the ladder out, was gonna do my gutters to. I got up there and there's my. My roof sticks out like two feet and I had to like. I was like I'm not gonna mess with this, i just did the check to make sure there was nothing in the gutter. Is fine, i was like that's good.

Speaker 1:

I think it would be good. No, you have to get on the roof with the air blower.

Speaker 5:

I Know, but my roof is so steep I don't want to chance it. Plus it's old I can have. My roof is probably like 20 years old.

Speaker 2:

She'd a bigger ladder. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, is your. Your house is two stories, right Pick, or you one story one story one story, see mine's two stories. So it's much taller. Get up there, it's like 20 feet, oh shit No that's why you go with the one story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, maybe it's too late for that, though. Yeah, so I just call maintenance. Who are? who are three out of five stars here? shout out IMT German town.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, wait, wait till your Toilet starts breaking and stuff like that. Then you gotta. That's when you gotta know how to do some stuff around the house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's going to talk, going you to.

Speaker 5:

They make it look so easy though, like, and then you start doing it. You're like this sucks. I told you guys what it is. You guys know I scraped all my ceilings Last summer, right, so like this popcorn ceilings.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, i bet that was fun, though No, it's the worst thing in the world don't ever look fun, it's fun, no. Duth everywhere. Oh my gosh, you make so much of a mess Like. I tried the sending method and it literally was just like a But like a bomb of dust just went off and I couldn't even, you couldn't even see, because there was so much debris That's awesome. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's such a good apple. Vr headset, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

That's probably what it would have cost if I pay. It probably would have been like four grand to pay someone to do all of it. So So, yeah, yeah, apple VR.

Speaker 1:

That's the point now where you gotta figure out how to do yourself, or you can just pay someone to do it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it's just so much cheaper, especially now like contractors are so expensive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's flying a man. Yeah, they got a lot of work to do.

Speaker 5:

Gotta Get a pressure wash my whole deck and I gotta stain my deck, paint it. I gotta redo my screen in porch. Gotta re-screen it because the storm came through and rip my screen down.

Speaker 1:

Those are expensive.

Speaker 2:

Just to screen it to re-screen it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i heard it's like a thousand, no hundred dollars per, like, square foot of screen. Really, yeah, wow, i think it's cheaper, you can do it yourself, but I think if you pay someone, it's like, oh no, i was gonna do it myself.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, no, because it's a pretty big.

Speaker 2:

The folks at Home Depot could probably help you out. Yeah, I have to bleep all of this Home Depot talk if they don't return our emails.

Speaker 5:

Yep, so I gotta do all that, and I was gonna try to build a fire pit too. You could just buy a fire pit. Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm gonna build like the stone around it and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one stone, like the thing you put on top of your body table doesn't mean the same, gotta build it, yeah, just you know hard to build.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure it will be built different, actually Build different.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and build fire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've seen on my phone. You're just like. I Was just gonna say it's funny that you're like mentioning all these things you have to do around the house And then all we're doing is telling you why you're doing it wrong or what you should have done.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's not homeowners, not big, it's what sucks is like the people before that in this house did not take care of it at all. Like there's so much Girl like I spent weeks just clearing out debris of like old leaves and sticks and stuff that you just piled against expense.

Speaker 1:

Am. I right. I'm lucky I bought from a guy who's like very clean.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's good. What makes a huge difference? because I'm like clean, i'm still clean up their shit. So They, yeah, they bought the house for like 185,000 solitas for three 310 and they didn't. They've made it worse like they. That's what's so frustrating, right, it's because the market went crazy. They made a big profit by actually making the house worse.

Speaker 2:

When, victor and Andrew, when what was the dates? you two moved in to your houses Victor, you were first or house first Yeah, yeah, you bought yours in 2020, right?

Speaker 1:

No, I'll be there's really years 20 was late 21. It was after it was like COVID 2020 to I was coming up on my second year, this year 2021 2021. Like around November 2021.

Speaker 5:

Did you, did you have that house from the bucks on the Super Bowl? No, okay, no, i thought you did, maybe not. I bought this last year in April. I've been here a year.

Speaker 2:

No, because I think I had moved up here already before Victor bought the house. Yeah, I think he bought it while I was up here. I moved here October of 21. Yeah, I bought it in November. Oh.

Speaker 5:

Chris, you were there after the bucks won the Super Bowl. You were in Tampa when the bucks won the Super Bowl.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, watching it. Alex's house, That's right.

Speaker 5:

That feels like so long ago. I hope it was like feels like a decade ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, seriously three years.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's crazy, chris. Are you still? you still playing on, looking to move somewhere after your lease goes up this year?

Speaker 2:

Actually, yeah, i do have a life update regarding Guarding that, so I'll be in Tampa this weekend. Actually, victor, if you're around, cory, if you will be around, i'll be in Tampa this weekend and I gave my apartment notice. My last day here is July 29th. What?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, holy cow, you're moving back to Tampa. Yep, wow, wait, when was your lease gonna run up originally? Wasn't it like this year anyway?

Speaker 2:

January. So yeah, breaking news life update I'm moving back to the sunny state of Florida, wow.

Speaker 5:

July. Wait, what's the reason?

Speaker 3:

8411, sto brook for the foreseeable future.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully not too long, but yeah, that's where I'll start, downtown St Pete again.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so wait, what's the reason? Okay, are you changing? you can still work, promote right. It's not because your job right, yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

I'll just keep the same job. It's just Yeah. I guess you could say the I Guess the allure of Nashville is worn off. You could say Yeah, it's expensive shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're saving on rent.

Speaker 5:

Wait, do you have to pay anything to break your lease Yeah, i just pay one month rent.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, that's not that. So I'm like, if I'm gonna move, i might as well just do that, pay the extra month. So yeah, i pay rent twice in July and then then that's it Okay. So yeah, big news, wow. Well, see I believe I think I'm totally The three people, so we'll see who are. Who are diehard listener? listeners are well.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, don't put it in the header either. Don't put any, any hints, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I gotta cut that AI Yeah that yeah, yeah, we funny to see who. Uh, my dad knows, I told him today.

Speaker 5:

Give him a heads up. Hey, I'm moving in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i was talking on the phone and I was like I should probably tell him. I'm like, oh yeah, but I mean I got, i got Month and a half, figure that out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what's the what's the market in st P right now? Isn't it stupid?

Speaker 2:

No, it's actually gotten a lot better. It was about the same It was here last year, but it's actually cheaper there than it is here now.

Speaker 5:

I was gonna say Nashville is probably worse now Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like my 626 square foot apartment is. They have it on the market for like 1965 now. Wow, insane which was like 150 more than I was paying now.

Speaker 5:

Have ever told you what my rent was when I first moved to Nashville?

Speaker 2:

It was like six or eight hundred bucks. You said they pulled out that paper binder hundred dollars, which I paid back in 2018.

Speaker 5:

I mean that I, and every time I go back to Nashville I see it, the growth, it's exponential since I've left, even since I've been here, i've noticed it's exploded just in oh my gosh, 20 months.

Speaker 2:

They can't keep up like the your.

Speaker 5:

Your rents are going up because they cannot build these new apartments fast enough, because they're getting filled instantly. Yeah, there's not enough livable space in that city. It's gonna be insane Well, i think, next decade.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i think that. I think that rounds us out. Got life updates, house updates, pressure washing.

Speaker 5:

Well, that was the big news, chris. You should have a lab with that I.

Speaker 2:

Want to put at the end of the episode.

Speaker 5:

See what diehard listeners are, day one listeners did to go through my whole rant about house stuff. First I was gonna cut that. Yeah, just cut it. Just cut it. It's boring.

Speaker 2:

It'd be so funny if we just cut this, all the sports talk, and then just lead into the TVs and the movies. That's the best old show. Yeah, but um. But yeah, vic, i'll be around this weekend. If you're around, i'll be there Friday morning to Monday, monday evening, since we have Juneteenth off. You driving or flying No, i'm flying down. I'm filling up two suitcases of like clothes. Yeah, let's get it down there, because I think I'm just gonna Drive everything down. Rent like a Suburban, just fill it up, drive it down. I.

Speaker 5:

Think the big question is are you go back in on buck season tickets?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely not.

Speaker 5:

No, chance it by low, by low, now I.

Speaker 2:

Think buying them low next off season, next off, after Baker goes, what 413? Yeah, yeah, that's hilarious. You know, one-year deal, baker, on a one-year deal to your go things to your do. Whatever he'll, probably your one year, maybe two Romances MVP, yeah, yeah, but any any parting thoughts to listeners as we, as we wrap up.

Speaker 3:

Congrats to the nuggets. Congrats to the Vegas Golden Knights.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's Yokovic, yokovic Oh.

Speaker 3:

Winner, not my goat Choke.

Speaker 5:

Wait, are we talking about Novak? Are we talking about Nicola?

Speaker 3:

Nicola and Jokovic.

Speaker 5:

Yep, yeah, yeah. His Novak Jokovic just won the French Open today and passed Yeah Nadal. That's why I was 23 titles, oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. I'm just not really Very good at NBA or tennis in that, in that room.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, down the joke of it's wanted in a cupcake league though. so Yeah, nadal's the real goat, Oh Yeah well, folks Appreciate you tuning in.

Speaker 2:

I think that was a pretty uh Pretty big episodes, a lot of topics. We got through everything and See you again next week, well, yeah.

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