
Episode 26: US Open Controversies, NBA Free Agency Frenzy, and College Football's Uncertain Future

June 26, 2023 SportsBruvs Season 1 Episode 26
Episode 26: US Open Controversies, NBA Free Agency Frenzy, and College Football's Uncertain Future
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Episode 26: US Open Controversies, NBA Free Agency Frenzy, and College Football's Uncertain Future
Jun 26, 2023 Season 1 Episode 26

What does it take to host the US Open and should such an exclusive venue be chosen? Join us as we analyze the atmosphere at Wendell Clark's course, discuss the careers of professional golfers Rory McRoy and Jordan Spieth, and uncover how the golf course manages to pay low taxes. We also touch on the controversial Oklahoma State mascot change and Mike Gundy's double duties as an NBA commentator and college football coach, while critiquing the NBA Finals broadcast crew.

Are super teams and free agency ruining the NBA? In this controversial episode, we explore recent trade rumors, examine NBA free agency rules, and break down the upcoming free agent class. We also debate the merits of a possible Chris Paul return to the California, and discuss the potential moves for teams such as the Dallas Mavericks, Los Angeles Lakers, and Portland Trail Blazers. 

Where is college football headed with conference realignment, NIL, and transfer rules? We dive into the future of the sport, discussing potential impacts of these changes and even the possible retirement of Lee Corso. Additionally, we examine the reclassification of a high school sophomore to the class of 2023 and consider the potential of marijuana being removed from the list of banned substances before it's legalized in the US. Don't miss out on this jam-packed episode of Sports Brubs!

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What does it take to host the US Open and should such an exclusive venue be chosen? Join us as we analyze the atmosphere at Wendell Clark's course, discuss the careers of professional golfers Rory McRoy and Jordan Spieth, and uncover how the golf course manages to pay low taxes. We also touch on the controversial Oklahoma State mascot change and Mike Gundy's double duties as an NBA commentator and college football coach, while critiquing the NBA Finals broadcast crew.

Are super teams and free agency ruining the NBA? In this controversial episode, we explore recent trade rumors, examine NBA free agency rules, and break down the upcoming free agent class. We also debate the merits of a possible Chris Paul return to the California, and discuss the potential moves for teams such as the Dallas Mavericks, Los Angeles Lakers, and Portland Trail Blazers. 

Where is college football headed with conference realignment, NIL, and transfer rules? We dive into the future of the sport, discussing potential impacts of these changes and even the possible retirement of Lee Corso. Additionally, we examine the reclassification of a high school sophomore to the class of 2023 and consider the potential of marijuana being removed from the list of banned substances before it's legalized in the US. Don't miss out on this jam-packed episode of Sports Brubs!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to episode 26. What's the guy's name that won the open? Clark Wyndham.

Speaker 2:

Wyndham Clark.

Speaker 3:

Please keep that in.

Speaker 1:

Wyndham Clark. He won the US Open.

Speaker 3:

Oi, This is Sports Brubs with your hosts Chris, Andrew, Rammus, Victor and Cory. Enjoy the commentary on all the banter and golden poops 3, 2, 1.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Sports Brubs episode 26. Coming off the interesting golf course at the 2023 US Open Winner, wendell Clark champion. Wendell W Clark is the winner of the 2023 US Open. The NBA and NHL are done. The MLB is back, summer of baseball, but we got a World Cup around the corner, some soccer coming in. So the US Open. What happened with the course? Why is everyone shitting on the course? Everyone says the course is terrible. Are those not seam heads, dimple heads? Golf Dimple heads? What are they saying?

Speaker 4:

about the course. Yeah, they're saying that this US Open was pro-corporate, not pro-fans. That's why I didn't watch. I showed you guys the SNP the other day. There's only like 9,000 general admission tickets, which are the rowdy bunch. I think last year's US Open had something like 30,000 or 40,000. It was just incredibly quiet, very LA, so the atmosphere was in question.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's the most private club, I mean aside from like a Gustav Getsch, but like as far as courses go, i mean it's one of the most elite golf clubs in the country, right, cory?

Speaker 4:

I don't know about that. I mean just looking at like membership wise, it's not like it's more.

Speaker 2:

I saw something there. They don't even allow like celebrities of like high like following because they don't want attention. essentially, it's a weird, weird thing they have going on there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, those high end golf country clubs are so exclusive. I mean, if you just start inviting everybody that's famous in LA and you're going to have too many people, exactly, i think Augusta's membership is less than 300. Maybe Really Yeah something like that.

Speaker 1:

Wow, wasn't it just men that were allowed to be a member up until like a couple years ago?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there's two different things. So there's members and then there's actual like Augusta, like course workers I guess I don't know what the proper name is, but yeah, like my, the owner of the engineering firm I used to work for, he worked Augusta, I think it's 20 years, I want to say maybe 25. If you work it so many years, then you, once you hit that year, that threshold, then you can go to the masters for free the rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

So he goes 20 or 25 years, Yeah right.

Speaker 2:

Well, those are the people that wear like the actual great jackets that are like telling people to go and a lot of stuff. Usher's, the golf ushers Yeah, pretty much. I mean this isn't the same thing. What I got from a Corey is like one. Why are we doing a golf course? I mean, why are we doing the US open at a golf course like this? There was no intensity, There's no emotion. I mean, when you got to the final round, like the leaderboard was all the names you wanted to see. Macklemore was right there, Like you. It should have been more exciting.

Speaker 1:

It just felt dead because of the atmosphere weren't they saying on PMT there's a like a playboy mansion or something that overlooks it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, apparently Hugh Hefner's house was on like 13 fairway or something like that, but it was kind of like tucked away I think. But yeah, that's like it's like riding LA, like you could see the skyline in the background. It's like I think they were saying I was reading an article because the golf course only pays like Some stupidly low property tax number like $250,000 a year, like something ridiculously low, and the property itself is worth like Two and a half billion. So they like finagle their way somehow to only pay like half or a quarter million in taxes, which is crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's that nonprofit They all have. gigantic conglomerate businesses still have their tax system status, which is a joke.

Speaker 2:

It's a tax loophole and it's so annoying especially, I mean, because it's so such a big deal out there in California with the tax rates and tax fraud they deal with, to find that loophole. I mean, it's just a joke.

Speaker 1:

NFL would never, didn't they? lose their tax system status years ago? NFL.

Speaker 2:

Is that when they had the whole thing about the military about the military was paying them to come and do the national anthem They found out about all that stuff that got leaked 2015. Oh, that's a few years ago, Anyway. Yeah, Corey, what is your take on Rory McRoy? Like, what's going on with that guy? I feel like he's cursed right now.

Speaker 4:

He's got the Yips. I mean I don't know has of recently? he's been terrible with his wedges. His putting has been either offer on and earlier in the start of the season he had some driver issues. So it's hard to win a major in this era of golf because everybody's good, but I don't know. But he won Liverpool already and that's the next major, so we'll see what that, what happens there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll see. What about Jordan Spieth? I feel like I haven't heard him do anything in a while. Is he still competing?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was actually very shocking that he missed the cut. He had some type of wrist injury going into the PGA. Sure, i don't know if that's contributing at all, but he made the cut at the PGA. He's been well this. he's been playing well this year. He just, i don't know, he just sucked. Thursday, friday Yeah. But yeah, ricky choked, we should talk about that, Yeah.

Speaker 1:

He got to the final guys right there, ricky is not back. What you're saying.

Speaker 4:

Ricky is. he's got his toe inside the doorway. Hmm, he's trending. When them Clark also Oklahoma State alumnus, just like Ricky. So that's kind of cool. Go Cougars. Yeah, yep.

Speaker 2:

What did you say Cougars, that's what I said. Cowboys, bro, cougars Washington.

Speaker 1:

State. Now the golf team is the Cougars. Look it up.

Speaker 2:

Oklahoma State's golf team is the Cougars.

Speaker 1:

They're called the Cougs C-O-O-G-S. Never heard of this before.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna fact check here. Go for it. We're going to cut out that anyways, they must have changed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. No, i remember seeing that as well, chris. It was some sort of controversy on the squad. It was like some sort of inappropriate thing that caused them to change it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

They like deleted it from the internet and stuff too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. That's why the coach was like saying come after me, i'm a man, i'm 40 over the Cougar. Yeah, i know, that's what that was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because they weren't talking about the animal when they were doing Cougar.

Speaker 2:

That's why it was a whole controversy. Yeah, without Googling who's the coach, who's that coach?

Speaker 1:

What's his name? I have no idea. I was just about to ask the mole about it.

Speaker 3:

He was just saying that it was Mike Gundy, before we started recording.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say how you forget about Mike Gundy. He's still there.

Speaker 1:

I thought that's the guy that's with Mark Jackson.

Speaker 3:

Jeffay Gundy.

Speaker 4:

Jeffay Gundy.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, that's the same guy.

Speaker 3:

Next step for a while Yeah, those are brothers, because NBA playoff season and college football season don't really overlap, so he just does both.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, yeah, you know, when he's not working the OAN Yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's got to be one of my favorite commentators, because I love Mark Jackson, because he's just funny when he's not trying to be Yeah. And then Van Kruij is just complaining about everything, like when he was talking about the, when they're inbounding it and they just let it roll, he gets so pissed. Yeah right, we got to stop this.

Speaker 2:

Man, this is going to be a hot take. You guys are going to crucify me for this take. I'm about to give No pressure. It doesn't sound like something we would do. Yeah, yeah, you guys ready for it. Nba finals broadcast crew is the worst of major sports.

Speaker 3:

You're excluding.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Breen from this right, Because we're not taking any slander for Mike Breen.

Speaker 2:

No, i'm talking about Mike Breen is the only thing that actually gives it credibility. I say Mark Jackson and then Jeff Fenn, kind of doing whatever the hell he wants to do. Bring it down. so much The fact that there are points where I have to just mute them because they're not even talking about the game. they're not even talking about what's happening, they're talking about whatever.

Speaker 1:

Are you just saying that because I just complimented them? Yeah, right, yeah, yeah, because I have bigger flowers and you're like, you know who's the worst ever?

Speaker 2:

I think I can't stand them. I don't know what it is Like.

Speaker 1:

I feel like they don't bring the game energy to it. I think he brings a lot of energy. NHL playoff commentating sucks.

Speaker 3:

You can't tell me that in the middle of an NBA final series, in back to back possessions where Mark Jackson goes hand down, man down and then hand up, so what You don't get chills Looking brown.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what.

Speaker 4:

I'm talking about? I mean, does anything carry you through the commercial break better than mama? there goes that man. Yeah, into the transition.

Speaker 1:

Mark Jackson is the last one that says it before the commercial. You could tell sometimes if he's like forcing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's like trying to make sure that he gets the last thing so he can say, mom, when they go that man, so he'll like go like halfway into the commercial break. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Literally. there was a controversy. There he goes. Yeah, There was a controversy because of how slow they tell their story. So the whole thing with the bronze wife and everybody thought Mark Jackson was hitting on the bronze wife.

Speaker 3:

He said he would hit it out of the park.

Speaker 2:

He hit that out of the park. It's because he took so freaking long to tell that story. He kept pausing that people didn't actually have the context, And so when he says, yeah, hit that thing out of the park, I'm literally talking about what bronze wife people are like is he talking about having sex with a bronze wife.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, you're not. You're not getting that on any other network.

Speaker 4:

That was so funny. That exemplified how beautiful Twitter is, because everybody figured that out at the same time and then everybody decided to just disregard it, like yeah, we're just still going to assume that he was talking about the bronze mom.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, oh my gosh, i remember he had one. I texted in the group and I came to what it was, but it was the last thing he said and I think he was like what can? it must have been brown. What can brown do for you? He can do that. And that was it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Okay, Cool, Thanks Mark. I mean guys, it's like if we had the Booger McFarlane Monday night football crew calling Super Bowl, that's what it feels like.

Speaker 1:

I don't appreciate it. I don't know, maybe it's because I don't watch a lot of NBA, but I love that crew. I think it's comedy nonstop.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Who's the other guy? The Ramasthani you just said Breen Mark.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, mike Breen, mike Breen, Mike Breen is go to play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's an awesome bang. Yeah, no, he's great. The PA guy is fine. I'm talking about Mark Jackson, his stupid commentary. I mean it's funny. It's nothing like that, it's funny, it's just so bad The most important parts of the game.

Speaker 3:

It's like a one-point game with like 35 seconds left and then arguing about something completely unrelated. That's what the NBA finals are about.

Speaker 1:

Remember when he was like when I don't know who bent it, bent the rim and Mark Jackson's, like we got to play, we got to keep going.

Speaker 3:

You can't, you can't, yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's so funny to just laugh at Mark Jackson all year and then during the summer he's going to get rumored to like the jazz or something. Yeah, right Like there's going to be one like lower half of the conference team he's going to be rumored to.

Speaker 1:

I would love to see his, his before Kerr with the Warriors, like his pregame motivational speeches, playoff games.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was about to say. He was the only coach to hold back Steph Curry from what Steph Curry became Mark Jackson, didn't Steph?

Speaker 1:

have a bunch of injuries though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, ankle stuff and the starters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Someone also pointed out that in the entire, like NBA finals, it was very clear that Mark Jackson doesn't know how to say Nicola Jokic's name like either pronunciation, because he just called him Joker every single time, no matter what the situation is.

Speaker 2:

He's too scared. He's too scared.

Speaker 3:

He's also the one that didn't give him any MVP vote at all. He didn't recommend, like his top five for MVP.

Speaker 2:

It's like when, never when, stephen A couldn't say to his name to a technical he stepped all, he stepped all over at one time and then from there on, it was just to a.

Speaker 4:

God, i respect that so much. So much, though, to go so far out of your way not to say a word that you can't say, right? He wasn't even top three in my finals in VP voting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, He couldn't say it.

Speaker 1:

He didn't want to justify it or have to. Yeah, it's just amazing.

Speaker 3:

That is a terrible take in my opinion, it's also an unfair thing because with the NBA, like the TNT broadcast is so good that anything will kind of look inferior to it, right, i would love if TNT could trade for Mike Breen, though, get him on that and then have them do the finals.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, for me I would just say No, that's. That's the whole point, and and it I was. The point I was trying to make is that it's hilarious that We hold the NFL in such high regard that we will just destroy bad commentary. Like people won't let that shit fly at all. Like if there's a mess up, people will have that person until they're fired. Like the poker big violin with through so much shit that sees it on my football. It was hilarious. But then you have more Jackson, i just doing this. Everyone just laughs. It was like oh, whatever, it's fine, it's hilarious. Yeah, i just think it's funny.

Speaker 3:

It's funny that Mark Jackson, like he, did the commentary until like 2009 that he went over the Warriors And then he just stepped back into the job as soon as he got fired from the Warriors. Like he, there wasn't even like an interview process or trying anyone else out. They just had a two-man crew.

Speaker 4:

Until Mark Jackson came back, they just held his seat for him 10 minutes of 10 minutes of giving Mark Jackson flowers was not on my.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sorry, i complimented them earlier.

Speaker 4:

Should we talk a little. A little trade trade news draft preview I.

Speaker 1:

Could break down the tree, the foundation, if you wanted to build off of it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, you want to start us off?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll be myself. Oh, yeah, appreciate it. So what happened was? is Mr Beal Bradley Beal?

Speaker 3:

It was a Mark Jackson moment where he didn't want to say first name I.

Speaker 1:

Did think for a second. Oh yeah, mr Beal. Bradley Beal, yeah, he became disgruntled, losing a lot in Washington. So He's been traded to the Phoenix Suns for Chris Paul and draft picks. So, basically, and the Phoenix Suns are loading up on another super team with Deandre Aitin, kevin Durant, bradley Beal, and they have one other guy that haven't signed yet, and then the water guy, our book book a book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some random fans. It'll be the fifth guy on the team.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, who's the guy? they don't have signed.

Speaker 1:

That's a free agent.

Speaker 3:

There I saw the cards. Like they just don't have a point card right now.

Speaker 1:

I think it, i saw it on, i saw it on the ESPN or something, where they were predicting the starting five And it was those four, and then it was one guy where they're like, oh, he's not. Yeah, i signed, but I didn't really know who he was. Yeah, maybe I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you had like 30 in our last game.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you didn't go out. They just, they just need anybody that can dribble a basketball to play the one at this point.

Speaker 3:

So Jalen bronze out.

Speaker 1:

Jalen frown right now, Oh God.

Speaker 3:

I think From whatever, and I think they're gonna try to shop Deandre Aitin to try it because, like it did, it been something Insane where, if they keep Deandre Aitin, if they keep those four, they have like four million at cap space for the remaining Eight players on their teams. Yeah, like it's just. It's Exceptionally stupid what their team building has been.

Speaker 4:

I mean, what is? what is Aitin making? Like 40 million 40 something Yeah. That's so dumb.

Speaker 3:

And his only like his best use was when Chris Ball was there, them running the pick and roll. So without him, what they did they? now they have three players that need the ball, and then Deandre Aitin so I have a question.

Speaker 1:

So I'm looking at NBA free agents right now and that's saying UFA non bird or UFA bird. What's the difference? What's a bird? What is it?

Speaker 3:

You know. So it's a contract thing. It goes back to the South Texas with Larry Bird and, like we say. So the basic concept is, if you either draft a player or you sign a player and have him for three years or something like that, you have their bird rights, which means you can go over the cap to sign them.

Speaker 3:

It's a secret creation with bird. That means that, like the team that they're on can go over the cap to sign them, versus other teams have to. You know I still go with the cap without the or with the luxury tax and all that, so it's basically just an advantage for teams to keep their existing players.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there's an early bird, early bird special Okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you break. These are non qualifying veteran free agents, those are non birds. So, as a team may resign its own free agent, who is neither a bird nor an early bird player, to a contract with a first-year salary up to great or greater, then a hundred percent, hundred and twenty percent, of the player salary in the last season, yeah, of his prior contract, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The NBA cap is even more of a myth than the NFL one. Like it's it, every team can just work around the cap if they get their owners willing to spend like you'll have to pay a luxury tax, but the cap is pretty much just a joke. Yeah, I'm a million contract options like the veteran minimum, the like the middle level exception and stuff like that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i've tried to look into, i guess, the rules of bird contracts probably like 10 times and every time Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I still didn't know yeah, so I'm looking at the top free agents And one is James Harden, so you guys stay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I heard too. He's in for James Harden.

Speaker 1:

Yeah okay, number three Overall best free agent is for Zingas. See, i forgot about him for Zingar.

Speaker 2:

It didn't really work in Dallas. Yeah it's so they're still. I mean, luca is obviously The guy and I need to hold on to him, but it is weird that they haven't found a good fit like Jalen Brunson was a great fit, and yeah, exactly, they had to get fit. I mean the Kyrie's not a good fit Right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, kyrie's gonna be like that. So that's what's gonna. What do you guys think's gonna happen? Everyone's saying Chris Paul is gonna go to Lakers now They're just gonna flip them. We would the Lakers really bring in Chris Paul and Kyrie. That'd be hilarious.

Speaker 4:

Hope not, and Raymond Oh.

Speaker 2:

My gosh. Okay, we're just following around. That'd be awesome.

Speaker 1:

Who's Jeremy Grant for the.

Speaker 2:

Trailblazers. He's really good player. He's played for the Thunder For a while. That's where you get rid of them. Yeah, 20 20.

Speaker 4:

The Clippers should just bring back Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan, if Chris Paul was to the Clippers Yeah, just go Lopsity again.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like Flopsity, now Flopsity.

Speaker 4:

If it ain't broke.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, i'm not gonna lie, this free agent class kind of sucks. Yeah, Kyle Coosma's in the top 10, Yeah yeah, he just declined today his contract offer, so he is gonna be unrestricted, but he uh Polo is Coosma's on situation. Everybody's clear up. Read that name again, chris.

Speaker 1:

It's not refreshing. I can't his. His agent is the same, james Dunleavy, though.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, big Jake, big Jake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, big Jake, that's what I meant to say Jake Jake, paul, polo, polo, paul.

Speaker 2:

Chris. Well, i'm gonna tell you what his name is. You're not gonna believe me. It's Yaka Pertle. That's how you pronounce his name. I'm not falling for that. That's it, yaka portal.

Speaker 1:

That's I need.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna, i'm gonna pull up YouTube and see how Mark Jackson pronounces it Hold to be to assume Mark Jackson has ever said that name in his life.

Speaker 1:

Big J Like yeah, jordan Clarkson, i don't know any of these guys, world dogs I mean that.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of funny. Austin Reeves is a free agent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lakers, are gonna pay him though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, Billy.

Speaker 1:

Coby, yeah, yeah, he made his career. Earnings is 2.4 million.

Speaker 3:

He's gonna get like 40 or 30 second rounder right?

Speaker 4:

Yes, probably I was soon, oh.

Speaker 1:

Bruce Brown to I remember them talking about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah they're like you. He wanted to take a pay cut. Absolutely the worst time to negotiate a contract is Brad, to win that. Where I do not, championship, don't say anything about taking pay cuts.

Speaker 4:

So do. Do we think that the Suns are gonna be true contenders this year?

Speaker 2:

No, i'm true. Dude super team is dead. Man Super team's dead. It's not work. It doesn't do it anymore. Name the last super team to be successful Denver Nuggets.

Speaker 3:

They're not a super team, denver Nuggets like a super team depends on if you define the Warriors as a super team, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Warriors. See, i don't, because that's just adding Katie, like they were a farm grown team and then Katie just joined. That's not super. I mean, they became like a super team, obviously, but so wait.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna cut that. You just said homegrown. They added a guy, they became a super team, but yet They're not a super team.

Speaker 4:

I think he's talking about this last year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that was also five years ago, but I was talking about a Super like a, a group of super stars coming together to form one team, i mean the Miami Heat. Obviously that was the last Last one to win a championship, right?

Speaker 3:

How you define LeBron's Cleveland team, because he brought over Kevin love after joining.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, you got me there, cleveland. So LeBron is the LeBron's the only one that can do this. What about the bubble?

Speaker 3:

which makes sense, because everyone else just thinks like it's easy enough to do it, and then Katie has learned. This is now. Is what fourth attempt at a super team Exactly?

Speaker 2:

It's really just.

Speaker 3:

Katie trying to build super teams and they're not working.

Speaker 4:

Part of the worst people it's. It's some kind of like Russell Westbrook PTSD or something.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, It's the little B curses back.

Speaker 2:

Everybody gives LeBron a hard time for being an awful GM and bringing Russell Westbrook. No one gives Katie That same rap as being an awful team builder for everything he's trying to do.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. Katie's always gonna be in my good graces for how he's on Twitter. Yeah, do you see what he said today? He said like Hate drives me and.

Speaker 3:

Love is gonna kill me, or something like that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's why he responds to haters. Wow, post post burner KD is probably the most electric NBA player in recent years.

Speaker 3:

He's doing what you can do it on the court and on Twitter.

Speaker 1:

Is it right? true, i was just thinking about the time that he, he like, responded to big cat story and he's just like your trash.

Speaker 2:

Pickets like dude, come on the show please. I've asked you a million times, please come, i do you just ignore them again. He's a ghost.

Speaker 1:

I Wonder if they'll ever get him.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure he goes to the bowls but it's like Katie was in Brooklyn for how many years he was right there. Yeah, that's gotta be frustrating. I don't even know who's like that. I feel like they've gotten everybody they could want at this point besides Katie, belichick and Belichick. Yeah, that's true, brady. That'd be such a bad interview, though. Imagine the bellage. That's hard, am I taking?

Speaker 1:

it would be just like If it was a head coach for the Lions and came one of the worst in cable no map at.

Speaker 3:

Russia. One before that map, patricia.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, awful, awful. So what about the interim Raiders head coach, the special teams for the Packers?

Speaker 1:

oh, yeah, yeah, the Saocia the Saocia for the box, the Sikia books legend, yeah, he's for the box man.

Speaker 4:

I am well more recently, but you dude he was with the bucks, forever he was like guy in Tampa, he's a special teams coach. We don't we don't talk.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you want to preface yeah, i don't know that plate back for cut that out. Yeah, cut that coach on the Super Bowl team. I would. I'm pretty sure that's right. That's right. Get that ring Super Bowl champion.

Speaker 2:

Well, we'll take out the John Turin's guy, we'll put in Super Bowl champion yeah, dude, the fact that they didn't hire him as the coach to on Vegas is ridiculous. What he did to take that team, with everything that happened that season and still took them to the playoffs and they almost beat the Bengals who went on to the Super Bowl I mean, i can't believe they didn't hire him.

Speaker 3:

I think he did. In my opinion, he got fired because he didn't settle for the tie in our last game of the season, which would have been iconic. That would have been the tie that got both of them in the playoffs right didn't he go to an epic season finale?

Speaker 2:

that was.

Speaker 4:

That's gonna be hard to top that yeah he went directly to Green Bay though as the special teams coordinator, with Amari Rogers as the punt returner, and he botched like five puns that season, yeah the fact that he had to go back to a such team's coordinator at all. That is insane did you guys see that? um, this was probably like a week ago now. Carson Wentz was like watching film with you know working out in camp huh and he was rumored to be a potential like backup in Tampa dude.

Speaker 3:

How many backup quarterbacks do we need on the same roster?

Speaker 1:

they don't like Kyle Trask at all. Kyle Trask is never gonna see the field.

Speaker 4:

Kyle Trask, bro. So you know how in the NHL playoffs everybody said Seattle was like a bunch of second-line players. The books should just stack up backup quarterbacks, yeah, and just do like a three or four quarterback system.

Speaker 3:

I bet the 49ers wish they had a bunch of second-string quarterback last year in the Fc championship. That's right, you got to prepare for those situations did you see what they were trying to do?

Speaker 4:

they were trying to petition to the NFL to allow an extra roster spot yeah, yeah a backup quarterback because of that so are we saying that the Bucks are looking ahead to the NFC championship game?

Speaker 2:

exactly that's what you're doing, they're playing ahead, they're getting person.

Speaker 3:

We got a build in that first yeah, now we're ready for the NFC championship. Now we build the rest of the conference team around them oh my gosh and according, you guys were winning like seven games is here, right?

Speaker 1:

so we're already, yeah, third to the way they well we made that prediction on the podcast, so I'm only taking 20% of the fault there. So, okay, cool you guys. Give you it up. The rest, the rest of the 80% what I picked.

Speaker 3:

I think two or three wins for him, so I'll be if I. If it's less than seven but more than two, then I think I'll count that as a win for me yeah, i want.

Speaker 4:

I want zero attachment to that segment where we picked them to win seven games. Want that on record. Good, fine, we'll see yeah, i forgot.

Speaker 2:

I forgot to tell you guys there's a bet that I put in that you guys are gonna love. So it's plus a thousand. It's the Tampa Bay book and ears to be the last remaining winless team in the NFL. We're gonna one week one.

Speaker 1:

Now, who do?

Speaker 2:

they got week one plus a thousand Vikings on the road. They're actually in the game yeah, because that's an afternoon.

Speaker 3:

Kirk Cousins, yeah, one o'clock, yeah, yeah, that's guaranteed for touchdowns for Kirk looks like the first five games that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I think it's Vikings and Bears. If we lose those two, then we have me New. Orleans after that, don't we Eagles, saints, lions, falcons, okay, so yeah, so that's like oh and six then the bills.

Speaker 3:

It could be 0-7, it could be 0-7 this is a reverse of the conversation that you guys were having before.

Speaker 1:

For the record, i'm still sticking with it, i think there'll be three and three yeah, because here, here's what I was looking at.

Speaker 2:

I was like what are the other bad teams? right, the other bad teams? Houston, that's gonna be a bad team. Who do they play week to the Colts? Anthony Richardson, they could beat the Colts. They play them at home what's another bad?

Speaker 3:

you can always plays the Colts really close to the NFL, exactly if she South is always and then I was like what's another bad team?

Speaker 2:

oh, the Arizona Cardinals. Everyone thinks they're gonna be bad. Right, they start the season against the Washington commanders in the Giants.

Speaker 1:

Right, i was not gonna be ready for the start yeah, we can.

Speaker 4:

We could realistically go 8-1 to finish the season. Yeah, yeah, the box the box.

Speaker 2:

Is that red, or Chris? I'm telling you right now this I couldn't believe it was plus a thousand. I was like I'm gonna bet that's, that's, that's easy money, the bucks to be the last win this team now hearing it, hearing Andrew.

Speaker 4:

So talk, talk so confidently about this, bet I want no part of it yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

This. The fact that you said this makes there's no chance it's gonna happen. It'll be probably three and three. They're definitely gonna win the first game. Now that you did that, they might be one in five, but they're gonna win the first game because you said though yeah, they'll start the season like one and nine, but kept that week one wins.

Speaker 1:

That would be funny. They're like seven, eight or nine. Yeah, this is it on the first game the first afternoon. I don't know, man, i feel pretty good about it. I don't know. I just know this is gonna be a, this gonna be a hard red zone year. The bucks shaping up the way they are, this is gonna be all red zone. Bucks are gonna be on the small TV all year. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I was like so hyped to do the NFL Sunday ticket. Now they put on the two TV and then they announced the price of it, which I'm like that seems outrageous and I saw it's a hundred dollars off yeah, yeah, right, that's not good no, it's the. It's the promotion they're running till, i guess, july.

Speaker 1:

I think July, like why would you buy it now?

Speaker 3:

because they want people to be ready signups yeah, if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready are the bucks also gonna be on poopoo TV? yeah, probably it's right now, it's $300, that's what his commercials are gonna be on.

Speaker 1:

Well, can we imagine if we see a bunch of bucks Baker commercials?

Speaker 4:

oh god, him, him locking up the walls at Raymond James, yeah right, with the Tom Brady poster still in the background.

Speaker 3:

It would be. That's the 12th the top rate as of late April, it was still up.

Speaker 1:

Victor, can you confirm if it's still on the? can you hop on over and check right now? just go go on Google Earth real quick.

Speaker 2:

Google. I don't. I'm gonna check. I don't think it'd be updated by now just call it brocks decent ticket line.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you'll get right through hey, i'm just asking about the first.

Speaker 2:

You haven't reconsidered getting season tickets, have you?

Speaker 1:

I know I'm pretty, i'm pretty strong on my zero chance percentage. They have reached out to me a few times. They asked if I wanted to do a. They're like hey, we have great deals on like the club suites. I'm like okay, i wonder why those are expensive, hey offer.

Speaker 3:

Like you skip the waitlist.

Speaker 2:

Google Street View was December of 2022, so before he retired, of course, it's up well we just confirmed, it was April.

Speaker 3:

I think I think by December of 22 he was pretty much retired, and then March.

Speaker 2:

March of 2023. Yep, still up there, so never mind, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I said April, it was still up. I know, i'm telling you my word mean nothing.

Speaker 2:

Google Street View. Bro, i'm double checking your fact checking you. I'm saying you're right what about?

Speaker 1:

what about early April? do we have? do we have those facts online? that's true, you never know. Does anyone have anything?

Speaker 3:

from the Taylor Swift concert, if there's a picture that's true line.

Speaker 4:

For some reason, we're actually two factor authenticating Tom Brady's poster right now.

Speaker 2:

Rhombus, i just wanted to come back, bro. I'm just trying to hold out hope really, i don't want to back.

Speaker 1:

You don't want to back. What do you mean? no, dude, did you see how you threw the ball last year? oh my god, did we win the playoffs we talked about we? do you see our division?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that was the only yeah. The only good thing about this season is that there's no way it's as painful as last season because there's not the expectations. So I'm hoping right that it just won't be as miserable, because last season was probably the worst season because there were expectations and we were just the worst team to watch because we were in every game. We also punted 17 times a game our punter, those electric.

Speaker 1:

What's his name?

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah, yeah, jake, marta.

Speaker 2:

I still think that I still think that Bucks team was the most painful sports watching experience for a full season I think I've ever had yeah, because you couldn't even look away, like you couldn't stop watching because they were in the division the entire time yeah, and they were in most the games that just yeah, do anything offensively, and you kept waiting for them to flip the switch, and then they just didn't never.

Speaker 1:

And then byron left, which was like you know, we're playing fine, yeah, we're just fine, be sure, you sure who's our running back? he was shot. White number one. Yeah, yes, yikes.

Speaker 4:

I hope we, i hope we just lose so many games so that we can get Caleb Williams dude he is so good.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the hype on him is kind of scary.

Speaker 4:

At this point you have a plus 1400 losing this season is low, key, pretty crucial, right, i mean, the season doesn't really mean anything.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know that's why you bring Baker in yeah, you just know the Bucks are not gonna get the number one overall pick, though yeah, no, they're gonna win like four years yeah, to get like it's like that tackle pick instead.

Speaker 4:

Yeah but even Drake may like everybody's hype. Like this QB class is gonna be loaded that's Drake may?

Speaker 1:

Victor was asking me before, so I just want to get that out there. Who's Drake may? yes, nobody's saying anything.

Speaker 2:

Just guess what school you go. Steeper is see. I want to see if you can get right.

Speaker 1:

Drake may plays for Oklahoma yep, got it, that's dude, dude, does the name Luke?

Speaker 2:

may ring a bell for you, chris?

Speaker 4:

no, that makes it even harder what about the 8 am tick-tock that went viral, or vine that went viral?

Speaker 1:

it was a snapchat you talk about a vine that went viral. How does?

Speaker 4:

it is a snapchat we're not talking about that what is?

Speaker 1:

this guy we're talking about Luke like.

Speaker 4:

RH he went to. He went to his 8 am class after doing something really cool okay.

Speaker 2:

Corey, that's enough. That's enough. We only have relive that he doesn't know about it. Kentucky oh man, he went. He's at North Carolina Chris. I have no idea who that is he hit the shot that doesn't know, we'll be him, fox monk, that Kentucky team lost because of Luke may please and Drake may that's his younger brother oh snapchat. He's no. Luke may Corey's talking about the fact he hit the game when he shot to beat Kentucky and then the next day he went to his 8 am class and went viral.

Speaker 1:

That he was.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen that yeah, business.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean, what do you, what do you expect him to do? yeah, yeah, class. They didn't go to play school. Who a? Cordell Jones remember that name all-time tweet. That's one of my favorite tweets, fucking oh my god the college play school before, and I know that's crazy he comes back to college.

Speaker 2:

It's just fucking tanks. Is that? it's a soul draft stock? I mean it.

Speaker 3:

What an idiot wasn't Cardell, the same one that played the like, make-a-wish kid or whatever in NC, la, like 700 points that he wanted by 270 and not like to you 30?

Speaker 2:

yes, oh my god what an icon what a legend.

Speaker 4:

I didn't come to play school, didn't? he like quote tweet, a tweet that like talked about that and he was. He said something like I can't let up on these kids, or something like that. Yeah, he like doubled down on it who was the original one.

Speaker 2:

It was a Tory Smith the receiver that did it to like his, his younger brother or something. His cousin and men he like beat him like 300 and nothing or something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah didn't Tory Smith's brother die? isn't that his whole story really?

Speaker 3:

yeah, i think it happened with the late, like they played the Patriots in the playoffs shame who's the quarterback for Ohio State this year?

Speaker 1:

they who's gonna be better, ohio State or Michigan?

Speaker 2:

Michigan? probably Michigan because they brought a bring about their whole team.

Speaker 1:

Essentially, so they're gonna be mid again I mean, they crushed Ohio State still want to play off game though that's true.

Speaker 3:

Well, they had to a break cuz they play TCU and that was gonna be a blowout. I heard that on a podcast yeah, can't lose, can't lose yeah, did you guys see this latest news?

Speaker 2:

so Kirk Herbst Street, one of his sons, is that Ohio State is apparently hospitalized. I think he's at that. I saw Kirk treated by out to say he's okay, but I'm not sure what happened.

Speaker 1:

He just said he has a long journey ahead of him is DeMar Hamlin supposed to supposed to play this year, because that seems like an absolute lock for comeback.

Speaker 3:

Player of the year yeah, he was practicing like, or in my training camp or something like that he's cleared, though, right yeah, yeah, he's gonna come back before Michael Thomas yeah, i didn't see that.

Speaker 1:

That's insane. Says college for both of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So the thing about this college football season is it's probably the last time you will be, it will be recognizable.

Speaker 3:

I disagree.

Speaker 2:

From what? no, no, chris, remember this is the last year before Texas and Oklahoma come to the SEC, before USC, ucla go to the Big Ten and before all the big conference realignment shift.

Speaker 1:

That's fine. Still college football to me, And this also the last year the 14 playoffs, and it's the last year the 14 playoffs.

Speaker 2:

Next year we get a 14 or 12. Sorry, 12. Is it 12? That's awesome, yeah, next, that's what I'm saying, this. So this upcoming college football season is the end of an era. It's going to be the last run. We're now completing the college football playoff era, the 14 playoff era, and we're now we're entering into, and now, with NIL and transfer, everything's, everything's going to be different going forward. We either We see you may want that legal.

Speaker 3:

Anything that gives Stephen a an opportunity to bring back. Stay off the weed.

Speaker 1:

It's the cannabis era. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you can't tell me this. Think about how ridiculous it's going to be. You can't tell me that the NCAA is going to remove marijuana from the band substances list before it's actually legalized in this country. That's insane to think about. Like that we didn't get. Like you you would think if that was happening then weed would just be legal everywhere. It's insane. They're considering it. I wouldn't be surprised.

Speaker 4:

You're also forgetting a very important detail about the fact that this might be the last recognizable college football season. Yeah, we could be looking at the last of Lee Corso this season.

Speaker 2:

Oh, corey, taking it really dark now Retiring Lee would even go there.

Speaker 3:

I think this is also. I think Stetson Bennett only has like two or three more.

Speaker 4:

I think he's finally graduated guys, he's a red shirt junior this year.

Speaker 2:

That was hilarious.

Speaker 3:

Triple red shirt.

Speaker 2:

So the recruit that? so there's a recruit that was in the class of 2025. He's reclassifying. He's a sophomore in high school, reclassifying to 2023. So he can enroll and he's signing with Ole Miss. People are joking saying that that kid is going to get his college degree before Stetson Bennett.

Speaker 3:

He's like 10 years younger than Stetson Bennett.

Speaker 2:

He's like 12 years younger. Back to back champion, though, Oh yeah, shut up, i can't, i don't want to think about it. I'm just so glad, go dogs. I'm so glad to do this while I was at Georgia Tech. If I was in school in Georgia Tech and Georgia went on this run, i'd be so f*****g pissed because what? so? here's what sucks about Georgia Tech. I don't know if you guys have been following it. So basically, here's where we're at with conference realignment. So the SEC just announced.

Speaker 2:

I'm just talking about the SEC. So the SEC just announced their schedule for next year, because next year is the first year with Oklahoma and Texas. But here's the catch They're not going to do any kind of divisions. They're striking the divisions. We're going to just a consolidated top two teams go to the conference championship. There's no divisions. They reform out of the schedule, but it's only for one year because they want to add two more teams And when they do that then they will split and break up divisions. So they're trying to get more teams.

Speaker 2:

So right now, and UCF- No no, no, i'm going to have you guys guess, hold on. So here's the thing. I'll throw this caveat The big 10, same position They're at 16. Same as the SEC is going to be next year. They want to add two teams.

Speaker 1:

Well, then you add six teams.

Speaker 2:

Yes, get another. They're both going to be 18. 18 is the even number. They're trying to get to 18. You can go to three divisions. They want to add the same two schools. What two schools are they? Clemson, fse, there, miami? Nope, think about it.

Speaker 3:

Kentucky and Georgia Tech.

Speaker 2:

No, we're talking about two schools that are not part of the SEC or the big 10. Notre Dame No, notre Dame. So the Notre Dame situation? they have a just real quick Notre Dame. They have a standing invite to join the big 10. Big 10 will accept them whenever they want to come, but they're tied to their ACC contract right now, so that's why that's being held. Plus, big Notre Dame wants to keep their football independent because they have that awesome TV deal where they get all the revenue. But back to it. Where are the two schools? What do you think? Oregon, no, no. Usc No, we talked about them earlier. Think about it.

Speaker 1:

Tell them about the Gamecocks.

Speaker 2:

One talked about two schools that are in close proximity to both conferences. Baylor No, usually that's this.

Speaker 1:

It's not obvious. You know there's 113 teams.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, north Carolina, i got it.

Speaker 1:

North Carolina and NC State.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Nope, virginia Go Cavs. You know why? Because you want this is the strategy, because it's all about media markets.

Speaker 4:

I feel, so stupid for not guessing Virginia, Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say the same thing. You're so stupid for not guessing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I thought you were going to get it for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, it's about media markets. So those are two states.

Speaker 4:

I was just going to say that, yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So that's why everyone thinks SEC is going to want Florida State and Clemson. No, why would they want that? They already have Florida and they already have South Carolina.

Speaker 4:

They already have those two, i think there are a lot of good reasons why they might want to stay North Carolina on tap potential Big college state.

Speaker 2:

Exactly North Carolina is also a well-rounded athletic programs. All of their athletic programs go at the same thing with Virginia And you add those two schools, now you have the best basketball conference ECU to the SEC next year.

Speaker 4:

That's a return.

Speaker 2:

So basically, North Carolina and Virginia will have their pick If they want to go to the Big Ten or if they want to go and they're a rivalry, they're probably going to stay together. They'll either go either way And that's why I was saying about Georgetown. Georgetown is kind of screwed. Georgetown actually used to be in the SEC and they left because John Heisman or, I'm sorry, Bobby Dodd and Bear Bryant got a big fight because of a game between Alabama and Georgetown when they were both in the same time.

Speaker 3:

I remember when that happened.

Speaker 2:

I remember Back in the 50s.

Speaker 3:

That was on my second TV.

Speaker 1:

That was the assigned seats. That was the issue.

Speaker 2:

And Bear Bryant or, i'm sorry, bobby Dodd swore that he would never play Alabama again, And he took Georgia Tech and went to the ACC, which seemed to work out well because they've had a lot of success in the ACC.

Speaker 3:

And they haven't played Alabama. But here's the thing They didn't make the playoffs and stuff ACC champs. They're not on that.

Speaker 2:

So this conference is a realignment right? So they both the Big 10 and the SEC they are targeting Virginia and North Carolina. Now they obviously can't get. They're going to go one way or the other. The fallback for the SEC is okay, we're going to go after Florida State and Clemson. The fallback for the Big 10 is Washington, oregon. Corey said Oregon. Yeah, those are the. That's the backup plan. What about the White?

Speaker 4:

I've actually heard. I've heard rumble that a cocker could be considered for the Big 10 in a couple years.

Speaker 2:

Oh, are they with you? Yeah, it's a good powerhouse.

Speaker 4:

People are saying they're outgrowing the SEC. It's hard to outgrow the SEC, but people are saying, yeah, the SEC is solid.

Speaker 1:

It's a good good conference. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Who would want Washington, though? Why not Washington State? Yeah, the Oregon.

Speaker 2:

State is Washington. the Eversdigger School It's Cougars.

Speaker 4:

What's a better?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, we can get a cheaper price.

Speaker 3:

I guess the question becomes like would you rather be a Cougar or a Husky? Yeah, i mean, if you're just thinking about it, are we talking about the Oklahoma?

Speaker 4:

State now, or are we?

Speaker 3:

I thought, we were talking about Washington Just outgrowing the SEC.

Speaker 2:

No, we're not talking golf, Yeah, and just we're talking about just golf, Corey, Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Okay, sorry, yeah, exactly So, anyways, working towards a two conference NCAA in about five years time.

Speaker 3:

I like the idea of three divisions, because then you can just have all three teams play each other in the championship game, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, i was thinking the same thing. It's going to be so funny when the NCAA rebrands as like Western Conference and Eastern Conference. Yeah, it's going to turn into professional sports. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Essentially yeah, FCE NFC, Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's exciting. I mean, at the same time, it's like I'm thrilled. You know you're saying goodbye to the old college football, but the new era, i mean the 12 team playoff man, it's going to be freaking lit. It's going to be so insane, It's going to be awesome. Yeah, i can't wait Kentucky going down to Austin to play Texas next year.

Speaker 4:

Boise State Cinderella Run. It's going to be great. Meet up with Cal.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he has the John Califari Bowl right. Good, john Califari, what a good thing. What a good thing. What a good thing. Okay, good God.

Speaker 1:

What up Max?

Speaker 2:

He's a big counter. He's a big counter Texas guy. He's one holding the side.

Speaker 4:

Can you capture that and send it to me whenever you clip that? That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So fun.

Speaker 4:

That was.

Speaker 1:

Max. So, victor, what are you most looking forward to on college football this year? Damn, that's lit. Can't wait to fall along with you. Just three yards and a cloud of dust, you know I think he's going to check on the Tom Brady poster.

Speaker 3:

He's on the red.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's still going. He hasn't come back yet. So, corey, you got to come up here, kentucky, florida.

Speaker 1:

I'm down.

Speaker 4:

Come in, let's do it. You're not scared, are you? I've noticed that you've neglected Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, i was. It's not going to hit now, but I was going to make a. I'm just going to wear a Helmins mayonnaise t-shirt to the game. It's all I got. We'll let us just play there anymore.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so Devon Larry's team now.

Speaker 3:

You got to leave to go get drafted in the first top five Just like a round.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Andrew, do you consider this a lock to be another, like Phillip Rivers slash Russell Wilson situation with NC State? I think so. I'm thinking. What do you think of Rose Bowl?

Speaker 2:

Russell Wilson, joe Nermis Scott's taking to the Rose Bowl. I was just thinking. Devon Larry, future Hall of Famer NFL.

Speaker 4:

Hall of Famer Probably.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Drake May.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

See Drake May, it kind of the same Hal thing kind of scares me right. The same Hal was like super, like incredible as a freshman and then his sophomore year he was like It's a different hype though, i think. I think it's a completely different hype. Yeah, I mean may have had some moments though last year, when he struggled, i feel like people around.

Speaker 4:

I feel like people around UNC built up Sam Howe and I feel like NFL guys are building up Drake May. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, with Devon Larry, the thing about him, he doesn't have the physical to do anything about it. He doesn't have the physical traits that Will Levis has. Obviously he's not the same kind of caliber runner, he's a pocket passer. But he's perfect for the Liam Cohen system, the short passing game. Yeah, no, he's elite, like he doesn't have the deep ball that Levis had, but he is his touch, his accuracy He literally has. If you could combine the two, will Levis and Devon Larry, then you're looking at like Patrick Mahomes, they both offset each other perfectly to make the best quarterback. So it's going to be interesting to see those traits in the system.

Speaker 3:

Is there any concern over the fact that his name is one letter away from being Kevin O'Leary from Shark Tank?

Speaker 4:

Good question.

Speaker 1:

What are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

No, what are you talking about? Oh my gosh, I need to call into KSR with that.

Speaker 3:

You want to call into.

Speaker 1:

KSR. That'd be awesome. That'd be so much fun.

Speaker 2:

Dude, i can't believe what they built. It's insane. They're now the largest local radio show in the country. It's insane. What does that mean? So they're as far as, like you know, like local sports radio, they are the most popular one in the entire country.

Speaker 4:

I don't think you changed any part of that.

Speaker 1:

That clears my mind. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

I think that pretty much explains it Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Andrew, do you have any comment on the fact that Florida is number two in the rankings for 2024 class? I'll hang up in there.

Speaker 2:

Corey, i'm surprised it took this long for you to mention. I wanted to commend your coach for finally trying and actually playing for the effort. Dan Mullin is the goat. Dan Mullin, yeah, exactly, dan's doing it. He's finally waking up and recruiting when your placement has come, dan.

Speaker 4:

Killing it on the SEC network.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's Will Muschamp now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, chris actually went back to Will Muschamp. I'm blanking on his name, corey, who's the coach with the shark? I'm from Colorado. Yeah, colorado State.

Speaker 4:

What was his name? McElwain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Jim McElwain.

Speaker 2:

What's it? I think that was probably the place.

Speaker 4:

That was the weirdest moment.

Speaker 1:

Playing at the locker room, Hey coach.

Speaker 3:

I just stared at that picture.

Speaker 4:

Apparently that wasn't him. I still don't believe it. I don't believe it at all.

Speaker 1:

I think when he met the guy who's actually in the video he was talking about this conversation. I just thought a naked backside looks the same guy.

Speaker 4:

From a side profile with no clothes on.

Speaker 3:

Probably wishes. That picture came out like eight years later, so you could just say it was an AI picture.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, there isn't a fun of your controversy.

Speaker 3:

Can you imagine?

Speaker 2:

your answer to the questions about that in your press conference, did you?

Speaker 4:

focus on it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what you're making on the news dude. Knowing what we all know about.

Speaker 2:

What did you do this weekend?

Speaker 4:

Knowing what we all know about football coaches. But there was the first question where he had no idea what the guy was talking about. Yeah, absolutely Like what shark? What do you mean?

Speaker 2:

Somebody had to show him a picture He played it off well, and then he literally had to defend it. That was in him. Oh my gosh, what a time to be alive. Oh, i love it so much?

Speaker 4:

Did they interview him on PMT or no?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they did because he's at Central Michigan. He's a Mack guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah yeah, Unrelated, but did you see Antonio Brown's arena football? He got axed because he didn't pay the league fee. So they're just like yeah, your team's done.

Speaker 3:

Certainly an oversight.

Speaker 2:

How does he still have money? You thought of that. You thought he had to run out of money by now, right?

Speaker 1:

Well, he's been doing Instagram ads of the betting companies Where he's like, high off his mind at 4am in Vegas.

Speaker 2:

Do you believe that guy won a Super Bowl ring with us?

Speaker 1:

That sounded like a Super Bowl too.

Speaker 4:

Great route too.

Speaker 2:

All-time clip. What the heck did he just run? What was he doing on that point?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, but he caught it. It's so funny that he's going to go in history in that span of time. From what? 2013 to 2018? That's like the best statistical wide receiver in that era.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, easily If he played that same way for four more years. he's the first ball at Hall of Famer.

Speaker 4:

Honestly, does he have to Blind resume? yeah, I think he's still at Hall of Famer. Yeah, They're not going to put him in, but what a speech that would be.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

What if he just ripped Tom Brady the whole time? He went up there and smashed Brady for an hour.

Speaker 1:

What if they're the same class?

Speaker 4:

I was just going to say that.

Speaker 3:

That would be iconic.

Speaker 4:

The joint acceptance speech Yes.

Speaker 1:

That would be something.

Speaker 3:

That would be insane. It's wild that if he hadn't run off the field against Jets, we'd probably win back-to-back Super Bowls, because if he's healthy for that game against the Rams, where we had one healthy receiver, we'd probably win that game and then win the Super Bowl.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, probably, so we can go ahead and just claim that now.

Speaker 3:

then Yeah, yeah, yeah, like a UCF style thing.

Speaker 4:

Just semantics.

Speaker 1:

you know, When is USF getting their new stadium? Is that official?

Speaker 3:

They started testing grass a couple weeks ago. They've been testing out the grass.

Speaker 4:

Touching grass. Did they release the results on the grass yet or not yet?

Speaker 3:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

That must not be good, we've got to work on a little bit. What are they hiding.

Speaker 4:

What is he cooking? What's he cooking out there?

Speaker 3:

Oh, he had the old guy who had been laying grass forever, and then he choked in the Super Bowl. Yeah, what a legacy to have all the stories about him being like the oldest groundskeeper. and then the Super Bowl is known for the terrible turf. That's tough.

Speaker 4:

That was brutal. Do we have anything else?

Speaker 2:

I think it's going to be your gators when the College of World Series are correct.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so it's Florida TCU tomorrow. Tcu's lost once Florida's 3-0, now Yeah, or 2-0.

Speaker 2:

And then we got the Wake Forest LSU rematch.

Speaker 3:

Is it double elimination all the way through? Victor was also asking this question before.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's double elimination until the actual finals.

Speaker 1:

Florida is hilarious if they had double?

Speaker 3:

elimination for the final, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Florida's like 4-0. LSU's 3-1 and Florida just has to not lose twice. They're up 1-0.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now it's the best, of 3 in the final.

Speaker 1:

Oh it is. I don't know if you guys saw this.

Speaker 2:

I'll probably tell them the victory. Yeah, so that was funny. On my road trip out west During 2020, I went through Omaha, so I went to the stadium. Of course, it was all closed because it was COVID, but there's a bar across from the stadium called Rocko's And during the College of World Series they have a Jell-O-Shot Challenge where they keep a tally of all the schools fans that order Jell-O-Shots.

Speaker 3:

I made sure that the other day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes. So LSU broke the record, not just for individual school, but for all Jell-O-Shots ever ordered during the College World Series. They broke the record on Monday.

Speaker 4:

There's still a week left. It was disgusting The numbers. It was disgusting 25,000 Jell-O-Shots.

Speaker 1:

When you went out west? is that when you saw the Moose or the Elk? It's all both, Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Really cool.

Speaker 2:

Have you guys been to Yellowstone?

Speaker 1:

I watched the first episode. I just couldn't really get into it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, man, it's the craziest, it's so worth it. One of the coolest trips I've ever been on that trip out to Yellowstone because we camped too And Yellowstone National Park we camped at one of the campsites And it's just like. It's like Jurassic World man, these wild like the Elk, the bison.

Speaker 4:

Don't people just disappear out there? Yeah, it's huge.

Speaker 2:

The park is massive, oh my gosh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, i'll be alright. It's crazy man, it's so worth it though. Yeah, in 2020, we just We'll send a drone out there at one point, and then I can watch it on my Apple headphones or Apple headset.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, YouTube has it in 4K. It's pretty cool. No driving.

Speaker 2:

So the whole park is 2.2 million acres, the whole Yellowstone park. It's a lot, yeah, but anyway. So yeah, we did a road trip where we went started in Nashville, st Louis, to Kansas City, up through Omaha to Sioux Falls. We went through South Dakota, sioux, hit the, hit Mount Rushmore, then we went up to Bighorn National Forest and what is it called? The Devil's Tower up there It's like a huge, massive tower or rock structure in the rock formation, and then from there we went to Yellowstone, down to Jackson Hole, salt Lake City and then came back through Nebraska. We went and came all that stuff and then we came back to Nashville. It was cool, yeah, that whole stretch out there with the Grand Tetons Yellowstone went to Badlands in South Dakota. It's so crazy, it's just, it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, should we wrap this up, gentlemen?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's go out of here, oops.

Speaker 1:

We'll appreciate you tuning in folks Episode 26.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Go Big Blue. You looking for life updates, Chris.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how's the pool?

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh Dude, it's been a nightmare of a week trying to set that pool up. Still wasn't ready, so Pool Guy came helped me set up the pump and the filter on Tuesday. Didn't have enough water in the pool to actually run the pump and the filter so I had to spend 10 hours filling my pool to get it Like.

Speaker 1:

It was like four inches from the filter or for those skimmers, can you say spend 10 hours to be like, turn the hose on and walk away and then come back 10 hours later?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went on holding the hose for 10 hours.

Speaker 1:

But you got a front seat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So anyway, next morning I get the pump to the point where I can actually turn it on because the skimber is actually full of water. So turn the pump on. Then it starts spraying water everywhere. So I call the guy to come back out and he had to tighten up some of the clamps because there's leaks in the connection. So he leaves. I keep the pump running. When he set the pool up he dumped a bunch of chemicals and had to shock it, right. Yeah, the powder is what he used, corey, by the way. So that afternoon pumps been running for about four hours. I go out there and it's spraying water again. So I call them again. They come out, they take off the connection points. They put in some new ones, replace one of the tubes, replace the clamps, make sure everything's not leaking. You know, turn the pump, make sure it doesn't leak, turn the pump off if it leaks. They finally get to the point where the pump is not leaking, right, they go to plug it in right before they leave to make sure everything's good.

Speaker 2:

Double check and the outlet died. So I had to take the outlet out. The box was so old, i guess there's moisture in there. So then I had to take my electrical socket off, went to Got a new box. Cut that, i'll cut that. I'm sorry. Lowe's got a new box, got the outlet put it, went back to my house, rewired it. You know it's all in a one breaker, which is great. So you just flip that breaker off, get all that stuff, rewire it, turn it back on, plug the pump back in, starts running. Five minutes later it dies again. So I'm like, oh my gosh, do I have a series? as I went back out, flipped the breaker, flipped it back on second time around pump good, keeps running. That was on Wednesday night.

Speaker 2:

So Thursday I start noticing like the it's not really clearing up, i'm not seeing the bottom or whatnot. So I start I mean they told me that basically I had to vacuum out. He's like, once you get this kind of clears up, start get the vacuum down there, start sucking all the leaves up and all that stuff, whatever stuff you have above, anyway. So I try to do that with my vacuum, start getting down there and I vacuum through the pump. So I reverse the pump through backwash and it shoots everything out. So I have an outlet, you know, open the valve, everything goes out. So it's using the pump to pump through the vacuum, anyway.

Speaker 2:

So after three times of filling and clogging my filter my skimmer with leaves because I kept filling up the skimmer, the filter thing in the pump kept filling and jamming with leaves I had so many freaking leaves I just gave up on that And so I ended up getting in my pool with my skimmer net and I'm just scooping out leaves for four hours. I had so many freaking leaves in this pool, man, the entire bottom must have been coated, like everywhere I was going around the pool there was like a layer of leaves and just shoveling leaves out of my pool for four hours, which means those people that had this house previously didn't even clean it before they put the cover on. They just threw the cover on with all the leaves and it just sat there. You're a new pool guy? Yeah, so I'm the pool guy because I'm not paying for a pool guy, i just paid for the new pool.

Speaker 2:

So after I got enough leaves out where I'm done scooping and I can't really get any more, and it's still clear. It's not clear, it's foggy, so I can't even see the bottom. Still I don't know what the leaves are. I go take it in on Saturday to take a pool sample. In the pool store They give me 25 pounds of like a powder alkaline solution. They give me five gallons of chlorine liquid and they give me this other solute.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember what it was to dump in the skimmer. It was like a crystal kind of thing, but anyway. So I dump all that stuff in and when I'm dumping the thing in the skimmer it says dump very slowly. I dump it a little bit at a time. I took like 20 minutes. All of a sudden it's all gone. I looked down at my pump and the freaking skimmer in the pump was just like clogged with this stuff. It's like I'm like are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do? If I take this out, everything's going to shoot up. I just wait. So luckily I monitored it. It eventually broke down the solution through the system. So now I'm at the point I had to wait 72 hours after that. Today marked the 72 hours. So tomorrow I'm going to take another sample to the pool store. It's kind of clear. I can kind of see everything but the very bottom, the bottom foot, is still cloudy enough or I can't see. The pH was a 6.8 when I tested it today. I got the wool test Dude, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Do you see that have a segment of you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, What was it? We just need to have a Corey go ahead Full guy.

Speaker 4:

I was just going to say. your leg is just going to disintegrate down to the bone if you dip it in 6.8.

Speaker 2:

I was in the water dude. I was fully in my pool scooping leaves out.

Speaker 4:

That's very acidic.

Speaker 2:

You can't read that. That's sad to you. I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so You didn't have the entry. Andrew described his home ownership of the week.

Speaker 2:

Dude. So, yeah, i'm going to go back to the pool store get another sample tested. Have them tell me what else I need to add. You going to Lesley's? We don't have Lesley's here. We have, it's true blue pools and it's a local pool for us. Going to Fair enough, fair enough, True blue is kind of a stretch. Yeah, i'll send you what it looks like right now. True pool Cool, right now my pool looks like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, It's definitely not the largest local pool store in the nation, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

No. So that's where I'm at. Yeah, get tested again. There's more chemicals. Hopefully I can use it this weekend I'm shooting for, but we'll see.

Speaker 1:

So episode 27,. Andrew's pool is good to go.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully Right. If it's not, there's some big problems, because I've been scooping leaves out for like total like five hours now, six hours probably of scooping leaves. I don't even have a tree that hangs over my pool. The tree is like my pool gets plenty of sun during the day. It's not really covered by trees. There's a tree that's off the street that's like maybe 30 feet from my pool, but, by the way, i get a lot of leaves, yeah. So, on that note.

Speaker 1:

I think we can leave the folks with pretty well-rounded discussion though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I'm at my pool is perfect. I went in. I went in. That's over the pain. Someone probably you paying someone to your pool. Vic, what's the pH.

Speaker 1:

What's the pH? Perfect 7.6.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, isn't that crazy. You think it would be like a range. No, it's 7.6 to 7.8. It's that specific. Like you, can't be too high, can't be too low, and I'm at a 6.8. I'm that far off.

Speaker 1:

You can't rush perfection, ask Cal.

Speaker 2:

So the good thing is that. so when I went to the pool store got my sample tested, he did say my phosphate numbers were kind of within range. It was only about 214. If I had a bunch of leaves down there it would have been in the thousands, like my phosphate numbers would have been sky high. So that means I got most of the leaves out. So that's good. After four hours I hope so.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, it's been a bear. Yep, it has been a bear. Got a little screen patio.

Speaker 2:

I can't do that. My pool is there. I got to do my screen and porch after this Vic. We do that whole process. So this weekend I'm going to try to embark on the pressure washing again. I'm going to take your guys' advice work my way away from the house on the driveway. That was an all time moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been. I've been press washing my driveway and just getting all over the garage door.

Speaker 2:

You know, rookie mistake and learning, figuring it all out. Got new hose, try out on that too, so hopefully this time it doesn't burn out on me. Pressure washer number four Yep.

Speaker 1:

Well, folks Appreciate you tuning in. We'll see you in episode 26. I don't really know how to title this episode, but we'll figure it out and go from there. We'll see you in episode 27 next week. Go hit blue, it's Nate.

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Sports Commentators and Their Quirks
NBA Free Agency and Super Teams
Sports Banter and Predictions
College Football Banter and News
The Future of College Football Realignment
Sports and Travel Adventures
Pool Set-Up Nightmare