
Episode 28: Exploring Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece, NCAA Heartbreaks, and College Football Realignment

August 18, 2023 SportsBruvs Season 1 Episode 28
Episode 28: Exploring Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece, NCAA Heartbreaks, and College Football Realignment
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Episode 28: Exploring Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece, NCAA Heartbreaks, and College Football Realignment
Aug 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 28

Get ready to embark on a stimulating journey as we dissect Christopher Nolan's latest masterpiece, Oppenheimer, and dive into the world of superhero films. We'll even share a few personal anecdotes along the way, including Chris's Nashville crosswalk incident and Cory's cinema walks in Atlanta. From there, we'll venture into the realms of history, discussing fascinating topics such as the history of Florida and the JFK assassination.

But we're not stopping there. We're tackling some of the most heart-wrenching NCAA tournament losses, including the 2015 Kentucky team's loss to Wisconsin. As we stroll down memory lane, we also reminisce about the remarkable journey of college basketball coach Lou and the team he led to the NCAA tournament. As sports enthusiasts, we don't shy away from exploring the complexities of college football realignment, discussing the impact of the Pac-12 network's failed launch and the Big 12's ambitious expansion.

To wrap things up, we'll turn our attention to the performance of the US Women's National Team and examine what led to their early exit. Additionally, we'll be admiring the incredible acting chops of Rex McElaney and speculating about a potential spin-off show. As we conclude our thought-provoking voyage, we contemplate the future of college football realignment and the exciting possibility of a 12-team playoff. Grab your headphones and prepare to be entertained, informed, and enlightened!

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Get ready to embark on a stimulating journey as we dissect Christopher Nolan's latest masterpiece, Oppenheimer, and dive into the world of superhero films. We'll even share a few personal anecdotes along the way, including Chris's Nashville crosswalk incident and Cory's cinema walks in Atlanta. From there, we'll venture into the realms of history, discussing fascinating topics such as the history of Florida and the JFK assassination.

But we're not stopping there. We're tackling some of the most heart-wrenching NCAA tournament losses, including the 2015 Kentucky team's loss to Wisconsin. As we stroll down memory lane, we also reminisce about the remarkable journey of college basketball coach Lou and the team he led to the NCAA tournament. As sports enthusiasts, we don't shy away from exploring the complexities of college football realignment, discussing the impact of the Pac-12 network's failed launch and the Big 12's ambitious expansion.

To wrap things up, we'll turn our attention to the performance of the US Women's National Team and examine what led to their early exit. Additionally, we'll be admiring the incredible acting chops of Rex McElaney and speculating about a potential spin-off show. As we conclude our thought-provoking voyage, we contemplate the future of college football realignment and the exciting possibility of a 12-team playoff. Grab your headphones and prepare to be entertained, informed, and enlightened!

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Speaker 1:

Oi, this is Sports Broves with your hosts.

Speaker 2:

Chris, Andrew, Rammus, Victor and Corey.

Speaker 1:

Enjoy the commentary and all the banter and golden poops.

Speaker 3:

Three, two, one. Hello and welcome to Sports Broves, episode 28. A bit of a while we are back. College football has changed. Epl is almost here, messy to Miami, mlb is in the thick of it, and it's been a while. So let's connect. Let's see what we are doing. Some big movies are out. What's everyone been doing? Andrew, you seen any of the new movies? You seen Barbie?

Speaker 4:

Not Barbie, but did the Oppenheimer experience and it is legit. I would put it up there. Definitely a top five Christopher Nolan movie. I loved Interstellar. Like I know, some people come out, some people come out, some people don't. Kind of hate on that one because the storylines kind of wicked and it like jumps around a lot.

Speaker 3:

Is that with Matthew McConnay? Yeah, cool, good movie. Never saw it. You never saw Interstellar? No, I didn't see Gravity, though Gravity was good. That's not Christopher.

Speaker 4:

Nolan, though it's not a space movie, but it's not Christopher.

Speaker 3:

Nolan movie. I didn't know the direction we were going with the topic. Favorite Christopher Nolan movie other than Oppenheimer and Batman?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Dark Knight. I think Dark Knight is the number one.

Speaker 5:

Well, he also did the Joker one, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was good. It was done well, I don't know. I didn't love the movie, but it was pretty good.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. As far as superhero movies go, that's my number one.

Speaker 3:

Oh, dude, superhero movies time you got.

Speaker 4:

Okay, let's not go all in that Pearl Tangent, let's tell it back into Oppenheimer. But Oppenheimer is legit. It's a really interesting story to tell.

Speaker 3:

I saw an IMAX.

Speaker 4:

I saw it in. Imax. Yep, didn't get the 70mm wooden. I didn't want to make the drive all the way down to Nashville. It didn't seem like it was worth it. Which, chris, by the way, do you remember? Do you know what movie theater it is in Nashville?

Speaker 3:

Is it Opry?

Speaker 4:

Mills or something, opry Mills. Do you remember the first time you were at Opry Mills, when you visited me that first time in Nashville? We were at the water park, we were at the water park and you were leaving and you were crossing the street. You were in the crosswalk and that car came up and just like, laid on the horn in blue as the horn, so loud.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, first impression of Nashville was not a great one.

Speaker 2:

I saw it in a crosswalk.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, literally I was walking across a parking lot and this guy lays on the horn because I'm walking across the and it's not like, oh yeah, I have the right of way. No, I was literally walking through a painted ladder, rung of the way to go. Yeah, I was like damn, these people suck. And then a couple years later I moved there, and then you moved there, definitely a tourist.

Speaker 4:

You're afraid. I was outside of that movie theater. Yeah, never went there. I saw a parasite there in IMAX. It was legit, never seen it Is that the movie.

Speaker 3:

that's all in another language, korean.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was good though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's really good, yeah, is it short? Isn't it like an hour and a half, like a short movie?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's not long. That's the thing about Oppenheimer is you got to be prepared? This is not the movie to load up on snacks and drinks pregame. Why go? I know right, but you don't, because here's the problem. You could go to the. You could probably get up and go to the bathroom in the first 45 minutes, but if you leave at any point, like in the back half of the movie, you're going to miss so much because it starts going so fast.

Speaker 3:

Question for you guys how many times, or what percentage of times, have you left the movie in a movie theater to use the bathroom during a movie? I've only done it once. I can remember I did it one time, west Virginia, harry Potter. I almost peed my pants. It was so bad, harry Potter, yeah.

Speaker 5:

What? Oh, it was the fountain that's the Chamber of Secrets. I got to go now.

Speaker 3:

I kind of completely forgot about that. I was like, oh shit, that's right. Yeah, I hate leaving movies. I mean I don't go to a movie that often. I'm not a huge movie guy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I know, but I just don't like to leave a movie during a movie.

Speaker 4:

No, I don't either. That was when, in Atlanta, my senior year, I moved off campus into North Atlanta in findings right where the new ballpark is, the new Brace Ballpark. It wasn't there when I lived there, but I literally my apartment complex was right across from a really nice movie theater. So I was just, it was the best, I would just walk over, go see a movie in the afternoon on myself, or whatever. It was pretty legit.

Speaker 3:

So that was like the summer.

Speaker 4:

It was what was the Compton movie. Straight out of Compton. Straight out of Compton. Yeah, that was the one that I had to. It was such a long movie. Did you guys see that I never saw?

Speaker 5:

it. Yeah, that's a good movie. Yeah, ice cubes in that.

Speaker 4:

Is he? His son plays him. Yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Chris, what's up with your mic man? I don't have the. I don't have the thing with me. I got to hold it. You haven't unpacked it yet. I'm going in chiclet style. This is how they do it on chiclets the guy just kind of holds it the whole time. I just hope it's not going to. I'm afraid, for when I go back to edit this, if this is going to have like a bunch of interference, I'm trying to like I don't hear any of it Unless you like switch hands or something when you like.

Speaker 4:

move it around, yeah, but if you keep it still, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so back to Oppenheimer. I've been going down a rabbit hole with World War II, world War I, 21st century history of the United States and the world, so I'm ready to watch this. I'm pretty pumped. I've been watching a lot of documentaries on it. So the movie how close is it? Is it true? How deep does it go into? Like the like? I know it's true, but like. Are they basing it off a true story or are they doing it more like?

Speaker 5:

No, this is Nolan's very literal and like making it not very deviated from the truth and like what actually happened.

Speaker 4:

So it's based off the book American Prometheus. That is about Oppenheimer. So it's like it is about World War II, but you're not getting World War II in it. Like the whole focus of the movie is Oppenheimer, his upbringing, his come up through, you know being involved in physics and discovery and you know his connections with all these physicists, and then Then it's him and his involvement in the Manhattan Project.

Speaker 3:

Do they go into? Like what they did to, like the Manhattan Project, like how they like created new cities and new infrastructure, like out of nowhere? Cool, yep, it's legit.

Speaker 4:

It's the coolest. That's what's so cool about watching. It is because that's not possible anymore. Like you couldn't do that. You couldn't just create a secret city somewhere and expect everyone living there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, they're like do you know what you do here? No, not a clue. That's what's like 90% of the people that work there had no idea. No idea, not even a symbol. It's just literally no idea.

Speaker 4:

That the secrecy around this was incredible, and you know why? It's because of how significant, like, the ones that knew what they were doing knew the significance and everyone knew we were in a World War II. So, like spies, that was a big deal. Like when there's a war going on and there's, you know, you got allies and enemies and people gather information. Yeah, I mean that's why it was able to stay a secret. Yeah, psychological warfare, that's the craziest thing. They built this bomb, they tested it. The next day they take it. They don't even hear what happens until they announce, like until Harry Truman is on the line. They tell Harry Truman is on the radio announcing they dropped the bomb. Like that's how they found out, that's what was great. I couldn't believe. Like just everyone had their job in this and they did their job and then that's it. I didn't know what was going on around them or all the movie pieces.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they were just incredibly siloed, like even the guy that was or even I think they were B-29s that took the bomb out there. Yeah, like they only like they knew, like they knew their mission, and then obviously like the ranking generals and stuff. But yeah, it was, it's going to be. I want to see. It Sounds awesome.

Speaker 5:

I saw somewhere that it was quoted, that one of the pilots who dropped the first one as they were flying away he was like like oh God, what have we just done? I think is what he said. So I don't even knew, like they knew what they were dropping.

Speaker 4:

They didn't. They thought they knew it was a bomb. They didn't know it was the atomic bomb Right.

Speaker 3:

Like they didn't know the sheer destruction that was going to happen. They never had, they were saying, yeah, they were saying when they dropped the bomb I think it was the Enola Gray they dropped it and then, obviously you know, flew away and when it finally ended up hitting the ground, they could like feel it. That's right.

Speaker 4:

That bright light and that's the best scene of the whole movie is the bomb. Obviously, you're going to see you know, what? Yeah, all right, I won't spoil it. Then you guys.

Speaker 3:

Dr Warner Von Braun, is he in it?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, All those businesses. I mean it's crazy. You know it's good you think of. Albert Einstein is like this guy. That was like in the way to pass. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think he's like he's in there. I think I've always thought of him as like late 1800s Albert Einstein. He's kind of got that award to him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no man. It's crazy what these people were doing and like they were literally doing this stuff calculations by hand on white boards, on paper, scratch paper, just coming up with this stuff based on theory. They were building this bomb.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, they had to keep like the plutonium pressure, like at a certain certain degree or whatever. And they had these groups of women and I can't remember what they called them, but it was just these women at these like huge computers, and they would just hit dials and change to keep it within a certain parameter. Oh, yeah. There was like some sort of issue where people were like scoffing at their inability to, so they did it, and they did it against scientists and they did better than the scientists.

Speaker 4:

They got high school girls. It wasn't just girls, it was high school girls Really.

Speaker 5:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 4:

They did better than the scientists. Yeah, yeah, I didn't raise them. I didn't raise them, uh huh, but they had no idea what they were doing. They thought they were just like pulling levers and switches and they were just like okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. That's amazing that people are just like, yeah, I'll do it, sure.

Speaker 4:

That. I mean that's the biggest thing. And obviously we're in a different time where you know the internet, social media, everything. We have so much information at our disposal. We don't fall like the following of authority back then, like if someone told you to do something, just did it, you didn't question it, like there wasn't, like why are we doing this? Or you know what's the big idea here? Except they're they do a great job in the movie of kind of showing how they were really at a, you know, at a crossroads, trying to think about the ethical, you know, dilemma of building an atomic weapon, you know, building something that would be so destructive. And they knew I mean even thought that there was a chance it could blow the entire world up, which was insane, like they really had they really had like no idea.

Speaker 4:

No, it's gonna happen. No, when they did that first test, man, I can't imagine just the sheer fear when they're about to set this thing off. You know, not knowing what it would do.

Speaker 5:

I think the pilots died on one of the first tests because they weren't that far away.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that wasn't like I heard about that. Yeah, they had different. You'll see it in the movie. They have different stations set up and each like distance. They have to do, like you know, some people have to be like behind this heavy machine, like protective wall, and they have the goggles on everything. And then guys that are like a mile out, they're, like you know, looking behind this. They have like this glass that they're having to shield themselves with and they're on the ground and yeah, no, it's, it's insane. And what they were able to capture, like with the cinematography of everything, is just it's perfect, Damn absolutely.

Speaker 3:

It looks so real. Yeah, I can't wait to watch it. I was reading that a lot of those like makeshift plants that they did this at, like we still. The documentary was saying like we still don't really know, like, what went on there. Like there's just like vague blueprints of what was constructed but we still have no idea what all went involved in that. Yeah, yeah, history's, history's lit. I discovered this year. History is lit. Can confirm?

Speaker 4:

Dude, I don't know if it's just getting older, if this is what we do, but I love watching the Smithsonian channel, the history channel. Dude, yeah, I'm like so into these history books now, oh my God, I'm reading a book. I'm reading a book right now about the history of Florida, which is Florida man, like this is it's 15. Sc number.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's so funny.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we thought, if it starts off like Danny were full, steve Spurrier, like those guys.

Speaker 4:

Right, yeah, yeah, the state of Florida, but yeah.

Speaker 5:

No man.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, history is interesting. Like there's so much nuance. Most of my tick tock is just history tick tock now where I just like start watching these storytellers.

Speaker 3:

Have you guys recently got into the JFK assassination because you?

Speaker 4:

guys look at that at all. We're going to go player 10 foil caps on and talk about conspiracy.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what happened. It's not a conspiracy. I'll tell you what happened. Yeah, yeah. Professional hit two to three men. Job Did he die? Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Was there two shooters or one shooter? At least two.

Speaker 3:

At least two. Yeah, lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas state book depository and an unnamed assailant over the grassy. No, behind the fence, okay so you're part of the grassy.

Speaker 4:

No contingency grassy.

Speaker 3:

No. So I saw. I've been looking at it and then one of the episodes on YouTube that came up as a recommended watch was macro dosing the JFK assassination.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

It's pretty funny, like they just talk about random shit and I guess the film that records the actual shots is it's called like PFT. Screw this up. For me it's called like a Sepruder, is it Pruder?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's pruder, it's a pruder. Yeah, and PFT is like. Every time I hear it, I think it's the zip recruiter film.

Speaker 5:

So every time I see it, I think it's zip recruiter.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that was one of their first ones. I try to listen to those macro dosing. They have some good ones that go with it. They went through Oppenheimer as well. Really.

Speaker 3:

I only listened to a couple. I actually listened to one. There was one, it was. It said Billy was mad at Megan Rapinoe. All right, let me see what he has to say. And I pulled it up and it's the first time I've ever seen the podcast without PFT.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I can't listen to it without PFT. It's awesome PFT drives that thing, yeah, seriously.

Speaker 5:

So I've listened to every single one, and Arian and Big T just did one, and it was just them two. Kind of good, actually, just them two.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I can't stand Big T, though man, I hate Big T, I mean he's a Tessie man, but gosh, he's so stupid.

Speaker 3:

Where are they based out of? Is Arian Foster and like Houston, yeah?

Speaker 5:

it was in Houston.

Speaker 4:

They do it fully remote they're going to now.

Speaker 5:

How does that?

Speaker 3:

work. How does that work with Billy Leven PMT? Is he going to stay on macro dosing? Yeah, no.

Speaker 4:

Okay, all right, that's good. Yeah, because of Arian being remote, they're just going to have PFT remote in Chicago. I think Big T's actually moved to Chicago, maybe some other people, I don't know. Who knows what's going on at Barstool right now. In the last couple hours, I mean, their whole company just changed Barstool's back.

Speaker 3:

Did you see?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, people are starting all these random like the caller daddy girl started out a new unwell. What up DJ?

Speaker 4:

What's up, man, he's coast. Do you have air pods or anything? Yeah, I could hear you Do?

Speaker 5:

you have air pods. You have like a headset or something.

Speaker 3:

Any sort of headphones.

Speaker 5:

I don't think he can hear us. I can hear you now, oh God his ass.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have to skip that little portion of there.

Speaker 3:

I'll do it right out of the podcast. Is everybody going to be used right here? Oh yeah, the grills here. Okay, what is it? What's?

Speaker 2:

it called. I'm visiting Charlotte. I haven't been back here. I lived here. This is how I met. Andrew for like six years or whatever, and like this is the best thing there is and it came out early or something. That's my football beer, so I was like ready to dive in deep here. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

What's it? What's the beer called? I've never seen that.

Speaker 2:

It is a Noda Gorgeous If we're going to start getting sponsorships on here. I would add Noda Brewing yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'll reach out to them and see if they want to sponsor. Otherwise we'll bleep this out.

Speaker 2:

Done. Yeah, this is the best fall beer you'll ever have in your life. It's a little early, but like I said in, the second homecoming, so I'm having it here in August. Just to get far down it's football season.

Speaker 4:

It's right around the corner. Let's go. Yeah, you're fall ready, that's right, make me feel closer.

Speaker 3:

I've been sitting here sipping on a medello. Not only did it, because it's a Cori's, that's how.

Speaker 5:

Cori's got one.

Speaker 3:

I was like, I'll go get one.

Speaker 5:

It's medello time fool Well let me crash the party.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm late.

Speaker 1:

You're good, man, you're good.

Speaker 2:

I'm just diving in wherever, so I'm going to go shut the door open.

Speaker 5:

Wait, when is Harry coming on tonight?

Speaker 3:

No, let me read you the text. Well, I don't want to hear it. I don't think the air is dirty laundry, but I'm going to do it. Content Go, respect it. Oh, he said damn it, bro, I have to bail. B-a-l-e. I have to bail on you. Got to go see my mom who had knee replacement surgery last week. She's causing a ruckus at the rehab place. He's going to get so much content over there.

Speaker 4:

He's going to get so much content. He's going to ask do you want to go live?

Speaker 5:

Put her on the phone, let me talk to her. Oh my gosh, vic, did you guys end up playing Fall Guys that other night? Yeah, I was pissed.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we got to the final and then we missed it.

Speaker 5:

It was just you and Riley.

Speaker 4:

It was me Riley, one of his friends and a random. Am I good, Can you?

Speaker 5:

hear me yeah, okay, that's a lot better.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, perfect. I don't know where Chris went to. So yeah, I think what we'll do is just you can introduce yourself, we'll go. Well, actually, we'll just go around and we can all introduce ourselves and you can kind of share, just talk about what your favorite sports teams are and then, most heartbreaking moment, you're making it heartbreaking.

Speaker 2:

I was like I can't wait to pick.

Speaker 4:

It's been a tough year, right.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you some nostalgic picks, but then I'll come back to you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Garbage. Yeah, my name is DJ Beaver. I met Andrew working through the same engineering company back in 20, dude, remember 2016. So my company asked me to travel out to Charlotte. I was living in Phoenix at the time.

Speaker 5:

It was right around March, bandis.

Speaker 2:

So I just kind of rolled a bit of this office and they're like ACC tournaments here. Basketball is kind of big out here. I'm like oh man, okay, I have no idea how or why I met Andrew, for whatever reason, but he ended up being a Kentucky fan, even though he wanted Georgia Tech. And right, are you wearing a Tennessee hat?

Speaker 5:

No dude.

Speaker 4:

This is the tech. The tech tee, that's Tennessee.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no change.

Speaker 3:

Is that a tech tee?

Speaker 2:

Andrew and I went to I think it was Graham Street Pub or something like that and we watched SEC Tournament basketball in Arizona played Oregon, I think in a semi-final. We lost, we were bad that year 2016. But I think a relationship spawned from there. But for me personally, obviously Arizona is my friend and butter.

Speaker 2:

I grew up there. I lived there for 26 years, actually lived there now again. I moved back last August, about a year ago now. We had a baby in February, so she's close to her grandparents and her cousins and football is on at a better time for us out there yeah, not 11 o'clock, it's not 11 o'clock at night. My favorite sports teams, if we're going the college route, are definitely the U of A. My family is from Ohio so unfortunately, for better or worse, I've been an Ohio State fan. My parents went to the national championship game in Tempe when I can't remember who got called for the push off in the corner, but it was like triple overtime. I think it was Willis McGee. He snapped his knee in that game.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we talked about.

Speaker 2:

Miami, yeah, yeah I was taking my.

Speaker 4:

It was like 2001.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a while ago, but they were there. They were at that game. So I mean we were fans long before that. But my parents are definitely into Ohio State. But both my parents met at the U of A. It graduated in 86. They've had season tickets for almost 40 years now. With two other families we go back every year as much as we can for a game. I went back last year for one game drove down. I saw SC play the cats and honestly I thought we played really tough. Like there was a couple of weird calls Go back and watch. I can't remember what his name is. I probably should do my homework, but it is a really good like 30 minute recap of the game. There is a long third downs that they called a personal foul, like out of bounds or something, and they would have punted the ball back to us.

Speaker 2:

We were down seven, like in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 4:

So we can play these guys, tough yeah, you guys had them.

Speaker 2:

Most heartbreaking moment, undeniable unequivocals. We blew a 15 point lead to Illinois, oh gosh, 2005. It was apparently one of the greatest comebacks in the history of March Madness, but for me it was quite honestly, the most horrific, like four minutes I've ever experienced. We had a party on the forget this at my parents' house. We had a lot of people over there is, you know, hooten and Holler, and like my dad and I are just kind of sitting there like everyone Settle in like this, this is not over. And Lou was just such a unbelievable tournament coach like absolutely took teams that didn't. We were three seed that year and we squeaked by Oklahoma State the game before that. So we just got a minor hit like a eight foot baseline jumper to go up by one.

Speaker 2:

I think Eddie Sutton was the head coach of Oklahoma State. They were a good team. I think they were a one seed or a two seed. We upset them and so we were kind of riding that like we shouldn't be here. You know, we were just like, look at your vibe. And we played, honestly, probably one of the top 10 teams of college basketball. I think they lost like one or two games maybe all year.

Speaker 2:

That Illinois was bill selves like built team. I mean, he built that team. There's Luther had Jeron Williams, james Augustine, they had the, I think D Williams or he's Jeron Williams and D somebody, but like they're a loaded dude they lost a game to Ohio State. I remember that that year of a free kind of deal it was a fag mother coach team. They were a good team but up by 15 blew it. They pressed a little bit and Deron just went. I hit like three or four threes in the last like four minutes and it was just like turnover after turnover after turnover. We called timeout still up by like eight, like okay, we're okay here. Oh, we just like kept turning it over and they would run down and hit a three. We ended up losing the game 90 to 89 in overtime and that team lost to Carolina. But that was a fricking in the championship game. That was a fricking good team and we haven't made it back since. We haven't been that close, since we have one other overtime loss.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, wisconsin right.

Speaker 2:

Wisconsin very close game, unbelievable good game. I mean just a vaunted defensive, very talented offense, like then. We played him again the year after and then lost again. But Andrew knows that team well. One of those teams beat Bride and Joy and the rest is history. Yeah, I don't know, they didn't win.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that was my most heartbreaking moment was the 2015 Kentucky team losing to that Wisconsin team.

Speaker 3:

Niger has.

Speaker 4:

The shot clock violation, being there in person was.

Speaker 2:

Sam Becker just gunned everybody down, that attorney.

Speaker 4:

Except against Duke man, where he was ice cold, couldn't make anything, oh.

Speaker 2:

I remember Grayson Allen like came off the bench in that championship game and coach K, like either During a half time speech or like one of the first things they asked him like after they won the game, and like he just went immediately to Grayson Allen. He was like the guys love Grayson Allen and he came off the bench and he had like 14 points or something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's why he do. Who doesn't I?

Speaker 2:

could have gone to 2001 route. Yeah, that was a special season too. So to give you guys some context there and I think this is what's fun is like everyone's got their teams and you can kind of hear like the subtle backstory. So for those of you that don't know that, 2000, 2000, 2001,.

Speaker 2:

Arizona men's basketball team Started off the year, I'm sure, highly ranked. We had a gauntlet of a schedule. Maybe one day we can pull it up on here and Wikipedia. I think we played like In the nonconference alone like six or seven ranked teams or something like that is crazy. We were like a two seed with like 10 losses. I mean it was. We played Stanford that year twice who was, I think, top five. We played like Maryland who was top five. We played, or two is top five. We played Illinois, who was top five.

Speaker 2:

In the middle of the season though Lutz wife complained of just either being in pain or something and I'll never forget this. In between Christmas and New Year's she went and got like an MRI and they were just like boom cats or everywhere. Oh, just like in the middle of the season. Everyone's like, oh my God. So like Lutz, like I got to step away and everyone's like we totally get it. And so he stepped away from the team. We lost a couple games. She died in the middle of the season. Jim Ross Barrow, who is our associate head coach of the time, coached the team the rest of the way. I think Lutz joined us again in like February or March. Like, I mean, he literally, like his wife of you know 40 years died and so he came back and everyone's like all right, we're going to win this one. For Bobby, like Lutz came back like nothing left in the tank emotionally and he was just like we're going to do it and we went on a tear.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we just took off like it was unbelievable. We steamrolled everybody. That tournament got to the title game against probably the best team of all time. I know Andrew would say is some of his Kentucky teams Go look at that, oh, one team that was a good team.

Speaker 4:

James Battier, Carlos Boozer, Mike Dunlavy.

Speaker 2:

Ellen Brand, jay Williams, chris Duhon Geez, they were stacked, dude, stacked, stacked, stacked, stacked, stacked and we just we kind of ran out of gas. There were some chancey foul calls but, like you could tell, the team was just riding on emotion and adrenaline. We lost, but that was. I was like, if you ever thought of like the biblical run of watching your absolute, I'm trying to think of who the equivalent of It'd be like if Davos, sweeney's wife, unfortunately like passed away in the middle of the season.

Speaker 2:

And then Clemson just goes like a guy who built the school like absolutely yeah from the ground Sure there was a little bit of history but like took him to an absolute different level, different talent level, different, like bring talent out of players ability level, like you can think of so many of those panning fry three star recruit, like Gilbert Arrhenius, like two star recruit, I mean there is a refreeze, and they were just selling air.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man, if Arizona Reach Agents zero.

Speaker 3:

So, speaking of Arizona, I like to say you have a like you did, because it makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about. So you have a bear down the best player ever to come out of U of a curious of your opinion, and why it's basketball Doesn't matter Gronkowski.

Speaker 2:

The best player you coaches all in that category, I mean.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I know I hold on hold on. I know who he's going to say, because I know who he loves. You're gonna say Steve Kerr, weren't you?

Speaker 2:

He would be the best. I mean, as I'm saying, is he a player? Is he?

Speaker 4:

a coach.

Speaker 2:

He's definitely the most wrecked If you. If you think of the game of basketball I don't think someone has. He's got Steph Curry but Mark Jackson was a coach before him and Mark Mark was running that hardcore grinder defense.

Speaker 1:

Was more of the pistons back in the day.

Speaker 2:

I mean it was just a very defense thing. It was like Steph Curry playing defense. But Steve stat, check me on this, whoever's on this lead still has the record for the NCAA like career 3.0 percentage is over 50%. I mean it's just, it's absurd. I mean it's not, it's not real, it's just ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

But him going there. Yeah, what does he have?

Speaker 2:

10 rings now I mean it's, if yeah, three with the three with the bowls, to with the Spurs.

Speaker 4:

Do I feel like for? Four, so maybe as like Steve Kerr for Arizona, is like what Pat Riley is for Kentucky. Dude wasn't like a totally great player when he was at Kentucky, but like his career just took off and is just he's dominated everywhere he's been.

Speaker 2:

At every level. Yeah, as a good player getting from a good program. A good coach recruited him. Saw something there, Steve. Yeah, but I'll you said Arizona song to go dive deep down. There's a guy who was one eight national championships and he recently retired, but Mike Candrea, I mean he was. You ever went eight national championships? Like playing softball, it's like your softball program. I can't say that out here.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I just, I mean, you know how Dean Smith said. You know, we're not like a basketball or a women's soccer school. Lou would have said like the same. He's like we're a or women's soccer like as you in North.

Speaker 2:

Carolina is. Women's soccer team is a dynasty or something. I'm just absurd. Look up Mike Candrea and no one talks about him enough. He ran the 90s. I mean, he was winning a title every year. He reminds me a lot of Gina Oriama, like a women's sport that people paid attention to. But kind of, you know, okay, is we like men's March Band is?

Speaker 3:

both here. Here's this women's team and, like man, they're dominating right there undefeated seasons, like Oklahoma softball is kind of getting that love.

Speaker 2:

right now they're just a wagon. It wins 60 games or something about the percentages there, like they play 60 games and they lose like two games. I mean twice as many as college men's college basketball at six times as many, almost seven times as many as men's college football.

Speaker 2:

So those two guys for sure I know I'm speaking a lot and I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts that they have. And Bronx, the easy choice, I guess, like he's popular, he's a good player. He had Tom Brady, though. I mean like yeah, but they saw something. I think he was the first or second round picks, so they were like he's got some game but came out of retirement just to play with Tom. That doesn't say something about what he thought of Tom and the way Tom prepares for games.

Speaker 3:

Andrew's like yeah, I love to worry and retire to come play for the Bucks. I mean, let's not overlook that, that huge possibility.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Andrew and I would always go back and forth like who's better, bill or Tom and Tom. For the longest time I was always like the coach builds the player. To me I was like you can get lucky and draft somebody. But I was like even before, Tom, like Bill Belichick has some nasty Browns teams and I'm kind of rooting for him with Matt Jones.

Speaker 4:

I'm like oh really Wait. So you've turned and you're like you lost this on that the porter. I was every game.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the pass, but I they do have a lot of Arizona flavor on their Teddy Bruce.

Speaker 4:

He was pretty recognizable Zonny SPM, a great analyst.

Speaker 2:

A very low rated recruit. Riot came from a good coach, found him in college, coached him up. He went to a good organization, stayed there, earned his way up. And then think about how many good linebackers came out of that Belichick defense. Yeah, oh many, so many unheralded guys Like I remember playing Kyle or I didn't personally play him with watching Kyle Van Noy at BYU being like this guy's good, like I think I'm blown away by him.

Speaker 2:

But the career that Van Noy went on to have, like with the Patriots, I was like this is ridiculous what he can do with players. Patrick Chung's other guy I was like Patrick Chung went to Oregon. I was like he was pretty good. But what do you guys say? I don't know. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, let's go into it. You want to go into it, Chris? Just start talking conference realignment and what's going on. Let's kind of just go over what the news is and just kind of go from there. So, of course, you know, let me start.

Speaker 3:

Let me start this segment. Yeah, the college football realignment. I have paid zero attention to what's going on.

Speaker 5:

I have no idea.

Speaker 3:

Like I couldn't tell you anything. The only thing I know what's going on is trying to sift through Harry's texts to some of the other conference realignment texts to see what's actually going on. So if anyone wants to clue me in on why the Pac-12 was dead and why the Big 12 is now Big 20, I'm up for it.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I want to get DJ's take on this, because, dj, we've kind of talked about this, the past, the Pac-12 network, and how this thing was just built to fail and it was just never could take off. Pac-12 after dark, I mean right. So who was the commissioner with Scott? Larry Scott, is that right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, and he thought he was a revolutionary coming up with this concept of we're going to create this network on our own and then sell it to somebody and then they just couldn't. They couldn't get anybody to take it. I mean, you could barely find the Pac-12 network. I remember, DJ, you're trying to find, you know, streams of Arizona games that were on Pac-12. Only you couldn't. You couldn't even watch the game.

Speaker 2:

Larry had the perfect plan and the worst execution. If you go back and look, larry put together the most lucrative TV deal. I think that's when the Big 10 network really started to like take hold and weird things were happening with the Longhorn network. That was a new thing with Texas and it was like what pissed off the Big 12 teams Nebraska more more than not, tom Osborne, missouri A&M for sure was the fact that like why does Texas get their?

Speaker 2:

own network versus the rest of us. So Texas saw what the Big 10 did, but the Big 10 was in the Midwest, like AT&T. Direct TV, like that stuff was a foothold out there. Larry's biggest mistake was that what I've researched either overvalued or underestimated what he thought like Direct TV specifically was going to do, and so he either turned down a deal from Direct TV that he thought was lowballing them. The Direct TV comes to the table and says we think you're worth 300 million Larry's like oh, we're worth 400 million Larry's, like we're gonna walk, we're okay with that, but that that move hook so many opportunities for people in the Midwest East Coast. I mean Direct TV is obviously a national brand. They're everywhere. They've got NFL Sunday ticket like that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

NFL Sunday ticket. You can only get that on Direct TV back in the day. So like if you liked football, that was, that was the cable provider, satellite provider, whatever that you had, you liked football, you want this. One Big 10 network was like we're on Direct TV, period matter what.

Speaker 2:

Don't care what you value us at, Don't care whatever. Larry said no. So we got pigeonholed to Time Warner cable in Spectra, right Of all things. Both, I think, are California based. You know the headquarters in California, but the reach is not quite as big as Direct TV. But oddly enough, Spectrum TV out here in Charlotte, North Carolina, was like hell. Yeah, Like I can watch Pax 12 network, but it was the. It was being able to go to a bar and think about football bars. What do football bars have? They have Direct TV. Why? Because they want Sunday tickets.

Speaker 2:

They can bring people in when everybody's watching football and things kind of snowballed from there. We didn't. The big 12 got a little rocky when Texas and Oklahoma bounced to the SEC and everyone's like, oh, we're gonna back in the day if you've really looked into it back in 2011,. We were very. The Pax 12 was very, very the Pact 10 at that time was very very, very, very, very close to getting Texas and Oklahoma to go to the. Pact 10.

Speaker 5:

It was based off.

Speaker 2:

It was based off that AAU, that academic, you know that's what, honestly, the driver is California.

Speaker 2:

That's what Stanford wanted, that's what SC wanted, that's what UCLA wanted and that's what Cal wanted and like what they want they got and that was that. But for some reason that didn't happen. They stuck around to the big 12 for another 10 years, then left. But even then there was round two. It was like, okay, tcus up for grabs, baylor's up for grabs, texas Tigers up for grabs, kansas is up for grabs. I remember there was a lot of Kansas big 10. Ooh, definitely they could fill that like Nebraska partnership. So Larry again chose not to expand or he listened to the wrong contingent and, from what I understand, usc shut a lot of that down and they played it off of like religious base, like we don't want to Baptist school, that would be Baylor. We don't want to Christian school in here, that would be TCU. They also didn't want a Mormon school in there.

Speaker 2:

That would be why you. So they got very like picky when they shouldn't have been, and then those assets either stayed or left and BYU eventually made their way to the big 12 and then use USC and UCLA. I mean, they got offered a bag, I would have taken it, and Arizona almost didn't go. I don't know how closely everybody was following this.

Speaker 4:

Right Like a. It was close.

Speaker 2:

Okay, when you say last ditch effort, it was like the meeting was scheduled at 9am and at 745, like offers are coming off the ticker for both we're gonna offer X dollars and the conference is just dying. I mean, when you're considering bringing in Tulane and well.

Speaker 4:

SMU, it's not like that. So they had the Apple TV deal right. So this was like the last chance to save the pack.

Speaker 2:

That was a mystery, though no one knew how much that was exactly.

Speaker 4:

And then the news came out about what the deal actually was and it had all these incentives built in right, so you had to have so many viewership numbers, subscriber numbers, to hit these metrics.

Speaker 2:

It clips the numbers that they said they would.

Speaker 4:

Exactly, and if you look it down like that was what they were asking for. To get to what the SEC and the big 10 are making, they would have had to have the same number of subscribers as the NFL does for Redzone. Like that was the level. It was insane. It was unattainable.

Speaker 2:

It was, it would redefine the term Hail Mary. I mean it was they're banking on it streaming absolutely taking over, which I think things like YouTube TV, you know, shout out to YouTube TV. I have that. I mean I think it works great, but that will never not show up in a sports bar, Like you've got to be a sports bar type deal. Like Apple, no one's pulling up Apple TV at the local sports bar.

Speaker 4:

It's just not gonna I mean, we're gonna find out this fall with NFL Sunday ticket being on YouTube TV now and all these bars are gonna have to figure this out Like it's gonna be hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's like right, and they came up with a crazy deal. I think I split it with my brother-in-law. And that's the other cool thing too, is like YouTube TV, you can still kind of like under the table, split with everybody, and it's like, oh, this is suddenly like very affordable.

Speaker 5:

You get everything and it just grows the sport.

Speaker 2:

But track 12, whatever they got outfoxed by Brett Yormark Brett Yormark did it was the thing I want to talk about the most is like Twitter and how this played a role in how this all went down. There were two huge factions of people people that believed the insiders from day one, and then people that were saying you are dead.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Like you are so wrong. I've got people up in these athletic departments and they're literally telling me they're having meetings in. I've never seen anything like it. I mean people are like they were betting money but they were. I mean they were like calling each other out. They're like you're wrong. And just watching that kind of dynamic go back and forth and then to watch the people that honestly I didn't care. I wanted what was best for at the end of the day, or as I was, thinking yeah.

Speaker 2:

I can't care less about this conference. I don't think they've ever really stuck their neck out for anybody. But really the schools in California and schools in California has dug their own grave, Like it was very well known. They shut down all of that expansion, all of it, that TCU, BYU, Albedo. I mean great programs and watching these guys kind of like back up. And I'll say their names on here John Kenzano, this guy that follows Oregon, that guy was dead as well.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Like I don't know who he was following and like he works for the athletic and I was like dude, you pay, you make people pay for your information and you move so wrong Like you said that and no one's gonna believe it, man.

Speaker 4:

And you know what the nail in the coffin was last year when USC and UCLA left, like that was it? Like these were the two schools running the conference. And when they leave to go to the big 10 and we're like you know geographies out the door. You know it doesn't matter anymore. The Ryan was on the wall for the Pac-12. It was gonna collapse For sure.

Speaker 2:

I think the schools that had the guts a lot of people later made a lot of big deal and academic research money and I'm like that doesn't, it doesn't.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it's all about football, it's all about that. It's literally only about football.

Speaker 2:

It's about exposure, like it's not just how good you are, but who is watching you, like the only people. So Pac-12 after dark I can't remember who said it, but that was one of the greatest and I use this term because I've lived in both coasts and I'm allowed to say it but like the East coast media belittling a good football league and they made it a joke because of, like, crazy comebacks. It's like they're actually really talented players and it's like if you go and look at NFL draft, I'm like there's plenty of pacts, oh, dudes, everybody. I'm like the NFL doesn't think this league sucks. If they thought the league sucked, then we'd be the mountain West and no one would be drafted in the first three rounds. I'm like you have players everywhere, tip of toe is drafted. I mean you're going to have another guy drafted, number one, caleb Williams.

Speaker 2:

I'm like dude, there's good players everywhere and it was wild to be like. Oh, this is a joke and they'd play the circus music in the background showing highlights. And I'm like this is bad. I'm like you can't be seen as a joke and like all of a sudden, all of a sudden, what became a fun, cute thing became a joke and became a JV football league and then all of a sudden, you lose viewers and then boom, your dad, you're sunk.

Speaker 4:

Yep, what's up, harry?

Speaker 1:

Fun on guys. I finally made it.

Speaker 4:

Harry, you're late. We got my buddy.

Speaker 5:

This is.

Speaker 4:

DJ. He's a huge University of Arizona fan, so he's our.

Speaker 3:

Pac-12 analyst.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

He's your West Coast guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep, he's a coast connection. Yeah, how are you doing, harry? What's your story?

Speaker 1:

Oh, what's my story? I'm best friends with the Johnson boys. I'm like the uncle Harry. I'm pretty much kind of like an uncle for them. So we've got a lot in common we like to cruise, we like to talk sports, and then our arsenal is the best right, Corey Christopher, you agree.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't cruise. I'm going to disagree with two of those three.

Speaker 1:

Community shield champs. It doesn't mean shit, I know.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know it was happening. Then, all of a sudden, they were holding up a trophy.

Speaker 1:

But I'm also an FSU graduate. Yeah, so Corey, he's a big Gator fan, even though he's never stepped on campus other than the football stadium. But no, I went to Florida State, graduated there. Just to give you an idea how old I am, I was at wide right one. So we're talking I was there in the 80s, early 90s. So go way back. Danny McManus was the quarterback when I went to Florida State. Bobby Bowden was actually a young man back then. So when I was there the North and South end zones were basically a high school stadium. So after I left is when they finally bolded in and the stadium became a little more presentable. So I've seen that program go through a lot. But you know it's, it's fun. Like I got a 30 year old daughter who's good friends with the Johnson boys and They've got a five month old baby, so I'm a grandfather. And then I got another daughter who's 18 Could it be a senior in high school? And kind of seeing if I can get her to go to Florida State. So we'll see what happens.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, man it's all good so. I apologize for jumping in late. I've got an eight-year-old mother who who had knee replacement surgery and she called me and was bitching a moment that the nurse won't give her her medication. So I had to go over there and talk to them and just you know she's getting out of there Friday Because she got the rehab facility. So which is? It's really not a rehab facility, more like a psych ward. Man. You go in there, just the smell of urine and people is just in here.

Speaker 1:

Get you people wandering around the halls and diapers. It's like Asking, if I go, this is a rehab or is this? You know once over the cookies that she started laughing because, oh, we got a little bit, so that's alright, whatever. So, yeah, she'll be home Friday, so she'll be able to do. She got her insurance qualified her for Giving her a home health care person for four hours and then they're gonna provide her transportation to do physical therapy three or five days a week. So that's good. So she'll be happy when she's up. She's a knee but she's very. She doesn't drive but she lives at home. She's very independent. So good for her, you know, but having a mother that doesn't drive, any time she needs to go somewhere, it's like call me an Uber or come pick me up.

Speaker 2:

The real, the real questions you bet over. Fsc was a ten and a half.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I take the under. What are we thinking? I mean, it's all gonna come down to week one, right, let's go set the ticket.

Speaker 1:

You know it's funny. I was watching Paul Feinbach, which I really I was your first. I don't like, but the guy seems to have like a lot of inside information.

Speaker 1:

He thinks he thinks for us to end up in the SEC. But he also said that he thinks LSU is gonna win the national championship. Yeah, so I guess the key for Florida State is, if you don't win that game you know, win that game, make it competitive and make it close Then they'll have to, you know, run the table and win the ACC. But if there's a chance that they'll play Clemson twice, because this is the first year that they're gonna have just one division in the ACC, so Florida State and Clemson are or the same division. They always play each other, so they it's conceivable that the two teams will play each other twice. But you know, just depends on I don't know how good my auntie's gonna be the shooter. My auntie's a really good job recruiting.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't believe in Miami. I mean, come on, like every year, it's all the hype and then they trot out there and lose to middle Tennessee State like yeah, I know, I know, but they, but they still freaking.

Speaker 1:

You know top five, or top five, top ten recruiting class every year. You know, I just you know.

Speaker 2:

I, you know it's funny, those, those preseason rankings I mean the honest to God, the only preseason rankings I believe in our college basketball business somehow are like always right everyone kind of. Again. Yeah, yeah, no one's talking about Louisville right now and like I don't even know anything about Louisville, but you know they don't play from seven and don't play Florida State and they're probably gonna win today.

Speaker 4:

They have the easiest interesting.

Speaker 1:

Talk about a nice talk about a nice draw the schedule.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that's not that's all it takes. Sometimes is like they're like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I think if you over, I think.

Speaker 2:

I believe I think Mike Morville is Was the reason why I'll give you a pectin I get really fast. He was the offensive coordinator for Todd Graham. It was a garbage head coach, but like their offense was nasty. They recruited a lot of good players. They recruited Um DJ Foster, who was a really good running back. They had a really good wide receiver, jalen strong. Their quarterback was more of like a gay manager guy.

Speaker 2:

I think Jordan Travis is a better athlete, but I see that same like gay management, pass the ball around, don't throw it into trouble. But like, let your playmakers really take hold. And like, damn those offenses that early 2010. So like 2010, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or whatever they were good and when he went to Memphis, I was like he's gonna be good there. And then when he left Memphis, I was like he's gonna be good there. Like he just has just continued to win and I think that's awesome. Like I think Florida State is one of those iconic, like they gotta be good. I'm paying attention. Like if Florida State is good, I'm watching that game. Like if there's nobody else on and Florida State's top 10 and they're playing somebody, I'll probably Change the channel to that game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I missed the days when Florida and Florida State would play that last game of the year and they'd both be in the top 10. One or both of them would be vying for the national championship and it was just kind of sad. The last couple of years, you know, I went to. I went to the Florida Florida State game. I don't know about three, four years ago. Florida State was bad and Florida was Okay, but it was just amazing to see, to see the stadium not full, and I'm not talking about dope, I'm talking about Florida Field. I just I couldn't believe that that stadium was not full, but you know, I mean it was pretty empty when I went up there. This maybe.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, that was really empty for a while there.

Speaker 1:

But I was like this, is it, you know what?

Speaker 5:

What normal has done really well.

Speaker 1:

Is he's got the one-two punch in not only recruiting but in the transfer portal man, he's just killing it. And you know they. You know they always kind of rate the recruiting class. But I think what's more important is if you know if they could somehow have a weighted scale. You know combining the, the portal, because you know the portal is probably more important because you got guys that are going to come in and play right away, because most of those guys are, you know, juniors and seniors transferring from somewhere else, whereas you know the high schoolers they'd always be like you know they're like you know they're like.

Speaker 1:

You know they're like you know it's like. You know the high schoolers they always seem like they need at least a year. Well, you got some guys that you know going to play right away, but Norville's doing a kickass job Making us relevant again, and you know people are excited and tele-hasty.

Speaker 3:

So Harry, I got a question for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, buddy.

Speaker 3:

Who finishes higher FSU in the ACC or Arsenal in the Prim?

Speaker 1:

I think. I think going to be the top four is my prediction. I'm not going to say Florida State. School to the national team. I'm not going to say that Arsenal is going to win the league, because I got burned last year claiming that Arsenal is going to win the league. Guys, you guys have that on recording and you guys remind me constantly of that.

Speaker 3:

Ever since the guarantee, how many points did Arsenal drop? We got to look that up.

Speaker 4:

I tell you what, when I was in.

Speaker 1:

Orlando and I touched the trophy. You guys just laugh it. Oh my god, he jinxed it. He touched the trophy man and then they signed.

Speaker 3:

Georgino that same week.

Speaker 1:

You remind me of that all the time too, hey how Chelsea do this year.

Speaker 3:

This year they won the summer league.

Speaker 1:

They won a trophy. Yeah, they won a trophy. That's a big one. That's a big one, right.

Speaker 3:

No, not really.

Speaker 1:

I really think we might see like a Chelsea Arsenal in the quarterfinals of Champions League. Oh wait, a minute, never mind, I retract that last statement.

Speaker 3:

You know who I can't wait to see in the quarterfinals United States women's national team.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, oh, no, boys, let's talk about that.

Speaker 3:

We'll save that for another part. Is that a new coach?

Speaker 2:

What the hell happened to that guy? One win, three draws. They scored four goals, and three of them were against South Korea, was it?

Speaker 4:

that bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they scored four goals in four games plus 30 minutes of overtime, so they finished averaging less than a goal a game.

Speaker 3:

So take away.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you why they got eliminated.

Speaker 3:

No heart.

Speaker 1:

Number one they're old. They're old. They try to mix it up with young players, but you had a lot of players in their 30s. I think we can all agree that a 35-year-old woman is like a 50-year-old man when it comes to professional. No, seriously.

Speaker 4:

What about Tom Brady? What about Tom Brady? I?

Speaker 1:

don't mean that to be sexist or anything, or I'm just saying that a man men can maintain their strength longer than a woman Fucking blue hair there. Did you see her corner kicks? Did you see her corner kicks? She kicked two of them in the side net she kicked two in the side net. She didn't even reach the six-yard box. Why was she on the team? Why was she in the game? You know?

Speaker 2:

Harry. They were on the team because they broke her to deal. This was I was telling somebody I did not wake up at 5am. I should have because I was on vacation but people were staying with here. They were up at 5am, they had champagne out. I was like dude, I can't do that. But I think those stars Julie Erz Rapinoe, alex Morgan, all those girls broke her to deal and be like I'm still coming back After they won. They were like I get a free ride now. This was that free ride. I think that attitude and the hunger was gone. We've already proven ourselves. They're like, kind of like. When Jordan wanted to go play baseball, it was like Jordan, you're not a good baseball player. They're like well, we'll take you. I think you've done so much for the game, which they probably have. They're like well, we want you on this mantle again. But, mike, it's your ass kicked. And they got their ass kicked.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like it wasn't close, and the thing that's most bothersome for me is the influence that they have on the young players, and I don't think that's a bad thing.

Speaker 2:

I think you want that. You want to inspire the next generation and losing like that will probably inspire the girls that didn't get to them or women that didn't get to make the team because of the people they chose to put in the team over them that were like you know, I really should have been on this team, not a 40 year old woman who probably should not be on this team and blow the penalty and be the captain of the team and laugh about it and walk away and just talk about the captain.

Speaker 1:

First of all, the coach is not. American, I thought she was, the coach is not American and in that game that they lost to Sweden, do you guys realize you only made two subs the entire game. That game went an overtime. I don't know how many starters they have there in 30s and you make two subs Terrible. That's not good when you're allowed to have five because, remember, you get that extra sub overtime. So and Alex Morgan was invisible throughout the tournament. She's a show.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she was. I mean, she came in, she was the favorite to score in every game, and I don't think she even got close. She looked good though.

Speaker 1:

She looked good. She looked good, she played well.

Speaker 3:

The only person I thought that played well that's been on that team for a while was Julie Hertz. She was awesome.

Speaker 2:

Actually I can't say anyone on the team was awesome.

Speaker 3:

She had like, she had like the grit, like she wanted to win. She wanted to be there. Everyone else not so much.

Speaker 2:

You just felt like there just was a lot of ulterior motives out there, uh-huh, like that was the whole qualifying thing and like you know what, maybe it takes someone like those girls to stand up and do it, but like they had to earn the mantle to do it and, like I'm just looking at, this from I played soccer for 20 years, Like I played all the way from four years old through.

Speaker 2:

I didn't play, I wasn't scholarship in college and I wasn't walk on, but like I played intervals played up. So like I know the game, like I don't follow the professional game as closely but like I can tell when people are not over there prime, but like just needing to let the next generation kind of do their thing and like there are starters on that team, I shouldn't be starters.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, he drinks the Wonder Juice and maybe he's rejuvenated now he's dating, uh, Cristiano Ronaldo's older girlfriend or something like that. So he's he's boxed head or the box man, he's gonna. He's gonna be a happy guy come to fall, for sure.

Speaker 1:

And you see the money he's gonna make when he when he I guess Fox hired him. They're paying him a ridiculous amount of money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like an under contract More than players, I think is that happening?

Speaker 4:

Because I don't. It's not this season, right. He gets like a gap year, Like it starts next year.

Speaker 3:

Because, Fox.

Speaker 4:

I really like Greg Olson. I mean, greg Olson did a great job with the Super Bowl and he was he's. Everyone seems to like him, so I don't know what they're going to do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but if it's Tom Brady and Tom Brady is like I want that seat, they're going to give it to him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean he's getting into ownership and stuff. Now I don't know if that is as far as it's just diversifying.

Speaker 1:

He's doing okay. He's doing okay, he'll be fine, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Tell me about the ownership stuff. I did not hear that.

Speaker 3:

He bought us talking Birmingham. Was that a championship team, Harry Birmingham FC? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who, what team, I don't know what league that team is in.

Speaker 3:

We bought that, and then why?

Speaker 2:

are all these football?

Speaker 1:

guys buying in the championship, aren't they in the championship Second division?

Speaker 5:

Those are two different things.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I guess he's following the Reynolds McElaney script and if he watches, bought into something too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, by the way, rex, we are Rex in season two, I think starts in September.

Speaker 3:

I haven't even watched that show. I need to sit down and watch it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you got to watch it because season two is coming out.

Speaker 3:

Now that Ted Lasso is over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's Ted Lasso, but real life.

Speaker 3:

Well, part of Ted Lasso was fictional, that was.

Speaker 1:

Well, you guys think I hear rumors that might be a spin off.

Speaker 4:

They're going to. I mean, there's just too much money there to be made. With what beard and Roy, yeah, something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd like to see a Roy spinoff. Just really just call the show.

Speaker 2:

He's a great actor I don't reminds me of, like the new Jason Statham, kind of like I could see him being at so many action thrillers. Now he's just that Blue collar.

Speaker 1:

He could also play a good villain too, you know. Yeah, right, Not that you know he can do that central or middle eastern. Look so he could. He could get away being a south you know grows here long and be a South American cartel guy. He could probably do it all, you know.

Speaker 5:

And it's a stretch, but oh, harry, is that what you're doing? Oh?

Speaker 3:

Have you cut it yet?

Speaker 1:

Mike, mike, I was the lettuce, my cartel opportunity passed me by so no, did you cut it? Did I cut my hair?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

I got her cut but.

Speaker 5:

Rock it on.

Speaker 1:

Party in the back. Yeah, man, keep on rocking in the free world man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a.

Speaker 1:

When it, when it's wet, it's like Not a foot below my neck.

Speaker 5:

So do you shake it off like in slow motion?

Speaker 1:

Well, what I do, know what, what I actually do. I get out of the shower and I just I do the shake, and then I Do a quick brush, and then I do the shake, and then I I got this kind of wet hair gel spray thing. You know and you know.

Speaker 2:

It's like a tasty. Whatever it is. I know your camera's a little grainy on my computer, but it's coming in strong.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Great podcast.

Speaker 1:

Now this, this is the look I'm going to look at. That I've been going for is the Mel Brooks Lethal weapon.

Speaker 3:

One, two, three look that is a bright room and a bright shirt.

Speaker 4:

It's a Florida State, banders America get America shirt on.

Speaker 3:

America, united States, women's national got a little got a little Beatles.

Speaker 1:

that here, yeah, we bear back somewhere, yeah.

Speaker 5:

There's just flexing.

Speaker 1:

Just for you guys. He pales starts Saturday. Yep, we start predictions.

Speaker 3:

When does when does Chelsea and Arsenal play?

Speaker 4:

Good Play, liverpool open season right.

Speaker 3:

Chelsea. No, arsenal plays nottingham forest big, big matchup on Saturday morning at 730.

Speaker 1:

Are we going to a pot? Are we going to a pub Saturday? I?

Speaker 3:

Can go Chelsea, liverpool 1130 on Sunday yeah, I'm gonna go to I.

Speaker 2:

Met a guy on Charlotte and he grew up an Hour and a half from Liverpool, so he's like die hard, you got the calf tat going Scouts. I was with him and yeah.

Speaker 5:

I was with him and his dad.

Speaker 2:

His dad played amateur for South Park Rangers, by the way. I was with him and they went up the champions like it was wild. We were in a. Andrew might know this, but there's jackalob jacks out in Plaza Midwood. Yeah boy, it was in soggy.

Speaker 1:

When you guys start, guys think Florida State's going the ACC or the big 10. I'm coming at the point right now. I don't care, just kidding, I just want to date.

Speaker 2:

Why would they not go to the SEC? What, what is? How do you miss?

Speaker 4:

so here's what things going on with the SEC is. So SEC and the ACC are both partnered with ESPN, so ESPN really, I mean they have control over kind of both media Markets, right, or both packages, and so they don't. They have a great deal with the ACC and it doesn't really make sense for them to take a team from the ACC and Plug them in and pay them like they're already getting a deal for Florida State. Why would you, you know, take them out of there, break it up and then pay them so much more money To play in a different conference? It just doesn't make sense for the, for ESPN, and I think that's what's happening right now. It's ESPN's kind of holding back and they have but the.

Speaker 1:

I Watched Florida State's president do his Speech or interview whatever on YouTube and he's basically saying that the he has an equal share. I don't think the SEC does. I think the SEC is the better performing teams get a better piece of the pie. So no, that's what.

Speaker 4:

Florida's. It's equal share. Yeah, Vandy gets the same cut. That's what's such a great deal about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the SEC's got a much better deal than the ACC. The SEC. Locked into a shitty.

Speaker 4:

And they did that because that's when they lost Maryland. So they really were at that point. Maryland leaves to go to the big 10 and the ACC is like we're locked down. We're like we're making this agreement that all these con, all these teams go stay together with a science TV deal. We're gonna get this thing done. They did it under a pressure, whereas SEC's be able to negotiate, get a new deal, same with the big 10. They just knew no, she ended up a new deal. That's why they have more playing power right now.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean clearly it's, it's the two big leagues that I see the big 12 being a second tier leg. My prediction, just you know, no, no, educated, no, inside information is I could see the big 10 and the SEC just pulling out of the NCA all together and just creating their own league, kind of like a semi pro league. I could really see that happening, at least with college football, so they kind of hold the cars.

Speaker 2:

What's gonna happen with like big 12 basketballs? They're starting to amass like All the teams they can find. Like they're going after Gonzaga, they're going after you, con, yeah, and if this a city shit goes down, they're going after Duke. They're gonna start amassing that stuff. And like what I was, what I heard and saw and talked to people, what I trust is that if they get enough basketball teams, they're gonna renegotiate a completely different basketball TV deal only and like that's where, like you play college basketball, like During this league period and that's it, and like everything else and eventually it's going to become a huge league. What's going to be? A huge league of like the best of the best and like you're, they're gonna be. So Kentucky's in a weird spot. Kentucky's like I want to be In the SEC for football, but I'm like whoa, they would never leave. I don't think they would ever break off.

Speaker 4:

No, and that's why the SEC, if they were to add teams, they'd add North Carolina, they'd add Virginia. They had basketball schools to balance out the basketball element.

Speaker 2:

you know which is. I mean Florida State's a pretty good basketball school.

Speaker 4:

I know that not recently. Yeah, it's some good years right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they've been through the last five years, but last year they just had way too many injuries. They just couldn't overcome it. Yeah, Miami runs, florida, I mean, or you're finding me fate losses in the early the year against Against the, you know, the Montana State Junior College schools, right, corey?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

I'm telling you that big 12 basketball TV deal thing is a that's a real deal. Yeah like they're going to start plucking big East teams. They're going to start finding, like the I mean they're gonna do that.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna be like okay, we're gonna package this and send it to TV and like what's this worth? And that's why they were like so the difference between the Pac-12 Was like 20 million and like the big 12 was like 31 million. But if, like, you had a good basketball team, much like, they're not there. The thing is, there's not even a guarantee that, like, some of those teams make it in like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like a few basketball team, like no, like they'd be, like no, you're not in here because we're totally break. It's gonna become like big East basketball is like this thing and like big 12 football is that thing. And it's like Dude, if your basketball team could pull in 15, 20 million on its own, it's like now you're talking, it's like you're getting 31 from everything else and you get another kicker of 10 or 15, like now we're at that 45 range and it's like this is starting to matter.

Speaker 5:

But you gotta know who you are at that point, but dude.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, if ACC breaks up like yeah, virginia's going, but like I'll take Louisville, fuck yeah, that's. That's what I'm wondering.

Speaker 4:

Like very how, how, how binding is this agreement that they're, they're holding on to you right now? That's collective or whatever where they call it. It's the. Magnificent it's not that, no, it's, it's. What is the ACC agreement?

Speaker 1:

the problem with the, the ACC contract is if Florida State or anybody, clemson, if anybody leaves, they have to pay the, the ACC, like ridiculous amount of money, something like 300 million dollars over three years. It's like this. We have billion dollars to get out. So you know, I imagine that Florida State, behind the scenes, is Negotiating with the, with the big 10 and the sec, trying to work something out. That's my guess. Um, and I think that's probably the thing that's hold, that's stopping Clemson and Florida State just getting automatic invitations because the other, the whatever conference, takes those two schools and I think the two schools are for a package deal, so that's going to cost, you know, whatever conference takes them in, it's going to cost them, you know, like five, six hundred million dollars a year for a few years.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but Costs of doing business if you're the big 10 and you creep into South Carolina.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Florida that is. That is a Howitzer across the back and that's uh, you can't even the only thing, the sec could do, then is take Notre Dame like there is nothing.

Speaker 4:

And that's and that's why I think the sec would step up and take Florida State and Clemson to make to block the big 10. They don't want the big 10 to come in the south, like they don't want them to be in their territory.

Speaker 2:

And they let harbaugh do his summer camps down at florida. They're in about Clemson and FSU go to the big 10. That'll be wild, I mean that would be absolutely. They go in and take la and they take florida. Have I seen this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they would have. They would have two huge markets and, Um, that would probably open the door for Miami. Who knows? You know, I it's. It's Miami is interesting because their football has sucked lately and then all of a sudden their basketball team goes to the final four Classic and and they're. You know, like we were talking earlier, you know they, they do a great job recruiting, just you know they on the field.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, what are your thoughts on your hated rival I? I we've played that guy a couple times. I wasn't overly impressed with him. I looked back at his FIU days. He did a garbage job. When you go look up his record at FIU, he was terribly got fired. So I was like, okay, he went to the Nick Saban School of Rehabilitation and became their offensive line coach for a minute, recruited a couple of five-star guys and then I was blown away. Organs like hell. Yeah, sign them up. He brought him on. He put together a great O-line. Andrew and I talked about this what's the most important position on your team? In my opinion, it's O-line twice on Sunday, doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

He also got Justin Herbert too. A Herbert was an Oregon guy through and through right just that yard.

Speaker 2:

He was not highly recruited yeah, not highly recruited. Got very lucky. He took the first opportunity, just like Willie Taggart.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, willie Taggart, I'm saying Mario's barely Willie, though Willie was just oh, I can't, that dude was way too ahead.

Speaker 1:

He was over his head. Yeah, I mean just to look on his eye, mario to me is a little over his head.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, last year was bad. It was bad.

Speaker 2:

That's not good. He picked up and they were highly. I remember a year ago I moved to Arizona and, like everybody, could not stop talking about Miami. Josh got us this, josh got us that. All these guys, all these guys and holy. They felt flat on their face badly. It was like can you imagine? Think of another school. I'd put Oklahoma and Miami probably in that same breath.

Speaker 1:

He lose to him football last year, that was like a really embarrassing loss at home, both those Miami middle Tennessee, middle Tennessee, yeah, crazy.

Speaker 2:

Can't do that, can't do that. You know what?

Speaker 4:

If it wasn't for A&M upstaging them, I think Miami would have been one of the biggest disappointments last year. But A&M took the cake. I mean, jimbo is gonna be under so much pressure this year to win. It's all or nothing right now.

Speaker 2:

I think he should mail it in dude, that 95 of another contract.

Speaker 4:

That's true.

Speaker 1:

I mean they literally they cannot buy him out. They are stuck with him.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

That's beautiful, that is supply and demand at its finest. And they're just like you signed a back and like somehow A&M just cannot get out of their own way. They remind me so much of Tennessee and like I think Tennessee got so lucky. Andrew and I talked about this all the time Like who was it at? Ucf. That was good. It's very clear now who it was.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Josh Hypel, Everyone's like Scott Frost this.

Speaker 2:

Scott Frost, Scott Frost, Scott Frost, oh my God Scott.

Speaker 1:

Frost Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

God Josh Hypel, oh my God Josh Hypel, like that's. There's always a mystery man behind the curtain and he's the real guy. Mike Norvell was that guy there and it was like, oh my God, todd Graham walks on water and like how about this offense. Like this offense is pretty good. Josh Hypel was Mike Norvell. They were stuck under bad coaches. They were good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and at the time I mean they literally hired Danny White, the UCFAD, and he just goes and grabs UCF football coach and everyone was like what is he doing? Like he's not gonna get anybody good, like he's just gonna take this guy and then air raid, offense and the SEC work you surprised what those guys know.

Speaker 2:

You know they see they watch practices, they know the players, they know the families, they, they know they they probably operate and watch them deal with donors like head on. They're like fine, do you wanna go talk to this guy? Do you want me to talk to this guy? Like how are we gonna handle this guy? And like Hypel must? Bob Stoops probably just was like look, this is how we do it and let's you know this is-.

Speaker 2:

Oklahoma's Joe is right now. He was a sticky. Oh yeah, think about that, think of think about us.

Speaker 4:

Brent Vendables is not the guy.

Speaker 2:

He's on. I think he's in way over his head. Yeah, he's another one.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

He's a great deco-ordinator though Great coordinator. Because what Dabbo knew, that Dabbo knew that he was like I need a guy that I can bring in that is not gonna take my job and like I don't think Dabbo's worried about people taking his job which oddly enough, every single one of the coordinators that have left that Clemson tree have been.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Bad yeah, Tony Ellie.

Speaker 5:

Jeff Scott oh, it's Virginia Soap's fruit right now.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna be so bad Morris.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, these USF, that was terrible.

Speaker 2:

All of them have been bad. That's like four or five guys hired from the tree and I'm like that's not, that's not good.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

What about your Georgia Tech?

Speaker 4:

David's fruit. Believe me, yeah, I don't know what we're doing, man. We just we fight, we had to get rid of Jeff Collins, and then you know, we just bring in the interim guy, we win five games, just shock everybody. We thought we were gonna be awful, and that's our guy now.

Speaker 1:

So Tech sticking with the wishbone.

Speaker 4:

No, we haven't been running that. The Paul Johnson retired back when I was in school.

Speaker 2:

You should have been running that the whole time. I thought that was a beautiful.

Speaker 4:

It was the only thing that worked, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes that's what works.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it was honestly, we ran. It's a perfection.

Speaker 1:

When you run the wishbone.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so Brent Key. He's a alum, he played offensive line at Georgia Tech, so he's got the roots. He's a decent recruiter too. But I don't, I don't know. I mean we're just getting so left behind right now. I mean Georgia has completely just they're in a different stratosphere and that's the problem. Right, when you're rival, like you're in state, right, I mean they don't even consider that's how bad it is. Right now they even consider Georgia Tech a rival because the gap is so big now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have to shame Beamer. I thought dude.

Speaker 4:

There's no way. I don't know if I believe in Shane Beamer, yet I think he's got. He's got it back enough this year. That was just getting hot the end of the season, I think he's.

Speaker 2:

I think he's good. I think that was a smart pluck. I will tell you, though. I will tell you this Nico Manion and Spencer Rattler went to the same high school there were a lot of important North Scottsdale, very plugged into the U of A, very plugged into ASU, when neither one of those two schools went after him hard, I was like that's kind of weird, it's got an attitude problem man Arizona State Arizona like you're never gonna get that five store quarterback.

Speaker 2:

It's just not gonna happen, but you might pull up DJ Yuliunga, lalee and Landon if you're Oregon State, right, it's like, well, maybe that might give us a chance. Dude, they didn't even think about it. They were like, no, it was a hard no. And so when they played well last year, I was like Shane Beamer is a wizard. Because Lalee couldn't really get to him. I was like, wow, like if he's not gonna listen to him or somebody's not listening to somebody, he's not playing the playbook, he's not doing things off script, like I don't know how Shane Beamer got to him, because he's shellacked. Tennessee's defense was bad. I think Clemson's defense was still pretty good though.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, those were two big wins, huge To finish the season, Huge wins, the day of the year. I mean and that's another situation for Virginia Tech is sitting there thinking like how do we not have Shane Beamer? How do we miss this?

Speaker 2:

Great dude, great point. Yeah, geez, I mean again are you too proud? Are you too proud to be like we're better? Because I think Shane Beamer was an assistant coach, Was he a coordinator?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, he was a coordinator. Yeah yeah, but-.

Speaker 2:

Maybe he had multiple positions. I heard he was a tight ends guy.

Speaker 4:

He was a tight ends guy. He's a good recruiter. Like that's the thing is. You gotta get the guy that can recruit. That can relate to the players you know.

Speaker 2:

But not only did he get Spenser to come, that's a big get, for South Carolina was in the Gwagmeyer, they were in the Marsh, they were in the Swamp, they were. What were they doing? They had Will Mustchamp, they had yeah, they had bad coach after bad coach after bad coach.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he was the assistant head coach at Oklahoma, so he was a coordinator for the assistant Assistant. Yeah, he was Jordan's assistant.

Speaker 5:

Right so he was also assistant.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, kirby. Kirby was a nuclear weapon waiting to happen.

Speaker 4:

I can't believe we like if and Georgia schedule was playing up for this like Georgia's gonna be right there at the end of the playoff because they don't really play anybody.

Speaker 2:

They gotta go I think any bet outside of Georgia is yeah, georgia should be Joke Georgia schedule.

Speaker 1:

That's an imbed joke of a schedule.

Speaker 4:

Well in defense. They were supposed to play Oklahoma and then the SEC stepped in and was like we're saving that for next year, so they got rid of the hardest-. I understand Georgia, not Huffins, game.

Speaker 2:

I saw a stat. I should've sent it to you. It said the amount of I'm gonna butcher this. I wish I could get it right. But there was only like two or three SEC teams that played more than like five power, five school, something absurd. You're like that can't be true. And then you look at it and you're like, oh my God, it's true. Yeah, they only played eight conference games. There was literally LSU A&M and like Mississippi State.

Speaker 4:

I mean-.

Speaker 2:

For the only teams that were playing five power teams.

Speaker 4:

Kentucky's one of the teams that's fighting for that. Keep it at eight, don't go to nine conference games, because I remember the COVID season we played 10 SEC games and it about killed us. It's just, and with Kentucky, like we're just trying, like we'll play cupcakes. Right, we got Louisville, so we start the season, we're playing Ball State accurate.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna be tough dude. If you win that game, that'll actually give you a strength of schedule. But again you're sealing my ceiling. Again we got. You got Georgia. We got people above us. 10 games is about as good as you could ever do. I don't know if there's ever gonna be a day where Kentucky goes 12 and no, 12 and no.

Speaker 2:

You're saying okay, we're gonna be everybody, we're not gonna misstep whatsoever, but hold on, I want one last shot at this. We're playing on the road in Starkville. If we get out of there, arizona will be four and zero. Yeah, we'll lose the next three or something, because I think we play five or six ranked teams in a row, but there's a very real shot at four and zero sitting in there and I wanna know what this Mississippi State team looks like. Rip Mike Leach, one of the best.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, that's the situation where I think they're just gonna take a step back. They got to. I mean, they just went with the interim guy. I know their quarterback's back Will's, what's his name.

Speaker 2:

Will Rogers, he's good, will Rogers, he's good, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Georgia might finish their regular season having only played one or two teams that are ranked in top 25. Yeah, yeah. I mean they're at the end.

Speaker 2:

Harry, like you're like conceivably at the end.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna show you that, I'm gonna read the schedule to you and you guys just count with your fingers how many teams, how many of these teams you think might, will finish in the top 25 at the end of the year UT, martin, ball State, south Carolina, uab, auburn, kentucky, vanderbilt, florida, missouri, ole Miss, tennessee and Georgia Tech. They completely avoid Alabama, lsu, a&m.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

I mean, there's no secret that, harry, they do. You protect your own when you have an asset like the SEC values viewers, they value good teams. There's no conceivable way they want to throw Georgia to the gauntlet whatsoever. They don't want. They don't want to run the risk of having a couple 10-win teams that are trying to duke it out. Dude, they want juggernauts. They want like oh, this team has guys over that year. Georgia's like oh, we've only given up seven defensive touchdowns.

Speaker 4:

I'm like yeah, oh yeah. And there it was Georgia versus Bama. They had it in the SEC and then they had it rematch in the championship game, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's a very shrewd. I wish every conference, every conference, went to eight games. I'm like, give me that freaking four. We would four wins a year. Give me that. I'm like, oh, all we gotta do is take care of business on two or three. You know, we're a touchdown favorite maybe a coin flip, maybe upset somebody. I'm like that's eight or nine wins a year every year and that's not like a lot here.

Speaker 4:

Did you see this? Apparently the SEC wants to get together and revamp and relook at the college football playoff expansion for next year?

Speaker 2:

Oh sure they do Like now they're, we're seeing all the moving chairs.

Speaker 4:

They're seeing the big 10 load up the big 12, you know. And now they're getting worried that their spots are gonna get taken. They're gonna try to shrink the playoff again. Dude ready for this we're recording right now.

Speaker 2:

I bet you there's gonna be a year or out. Of the 12 teams, six of them are from the SEC.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yeah, half.

Speaker 1:

I can see that happening.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Right, hold on, I'll spell them out for you too. Alabama's undefeated. Somehow, they don't play. Oh, we don't have a championship game anymore. Oh, that's funny. Alabama doesn't play Georgia, great, okay. So Alabama and Georgia under-feated. Lsu's a one loss team. Tennessee's a one loss team. Now you're sitting at four, don't you think who's gonna sneak in? Who's gonna be the first 10-win team in? Oh, it's gonna be Ole Miss, who lost to Alabama and lost to Georgia. Oh, they're undefeated. Oh, this, that guess what it gets gonna get worse. The big 10 is gonna be like well, we have four teams in there too. Ohio.

Speaker 3:

State's undefeated.

Speaker 2:

Michigan's undefeated Is that games or they'll be like oh, we'll still play that game in the regular season, but one of them will be undefeated and one of them will have one loss. Penn State will be there, sc will be there. You'll have. Don't sleep on Washington, like please don't?

Speaker 4:

Well, here's the thing about the big 10, and this is what they gotta make sure they do they gotta split up Michigan, ohio State, penn State from being the same division, cause that's been screwing them up for so long that those three are all playing each other. They have balanced their division. It's so unbalanced. They all like whoever gets out of that mess gets the big 10 championship. And then they're playing Purdue, or they're playing Northwestern, or they're playing nobody killing them in the big 10 championship. A big 10 championship game hasn't mattered in forever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, true.

Speaker 2:

But, guys, is there a day where we're looking at a 12 team playoff and 10 of them are from the SEC and the big 10? Cause that's pushing it too. I'm like there's no chance.

Speaker 4:

I think the big 10 is now it's balancing, like I feel like with they're gonna have to figure out something. Obviously, the big thing in here is the scheduling, the flights, like trying to go cross country. They're gonna have to do something with the division in the West and they're gonna have to go out there and do like you know those guys will play a road trip or something. They're gonna do whatever they can to make it easier for those teams to do well in their conference to get those spots in the playoff.

Speaker 5:

But, then what?

Speaker 2:

There's gonna come a day where you're gonna have again, we're gonna go back to the old BCS model.

Speaker 5:

It's like you've got oh, please no.

Speaker 2:

And, thank God, we're at least at a playoff. What if you have four undefeated teams? That hasn't happened yet. I'm like that could happen Now.

Speaker 4:

Well, I think what happened, like now you're saying with the playoff, is you've got you kind of siphoned every. I mean the worst thing about the playoff is that it devalued the New Year's Day. Games Like the Rose Bowl didn't mean anything unless it was a playoff game and so it just funneled everything in cultural ball to these four spots and you were just focused on those four spots the entire season waiting for those rankings to come out. Who's gonna move up? And it really. We saw it Alabama, clemson, ohio State there were the same players every year because they were getting all the top level recruits. They were getting all the media attention all season. That's the model that they created it. At least with a 12 team playoff you have more seats at the table, more chance for an upset or somebody slips in. I mean the fact that TCU played the national championship game last year is still crazy. I mean they lost by a billion.

Speaker 2:

It gives me hope. I mean, there's hope.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but it gives hope though, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So for a very huge Michigan guys. They is families from just Detroit. They love Michigan.

Speaker 1:

I think TCU and Cincinnati in the last two years have ruined it for a team, a non-traditional team, making the playoff, because they've just totally gotten embarrassed, those two teams in the playoff.

Speaker 2:

I don't, harry. Tcu still owned Michigan in that game. Like you, go back and watch the highlights. They had a nice buffer distance. They were making the points. I don't know, I don't think. I don't think you can say they owned them.

Speaker 4:

I mean, michigan was literally. What did they like? They had two first and goal opportunities and got zero points in the first quarter. Like they were shooting themselves in the foot. They threw two pick sixes Like they were shooting themselves, like continuously you catch a pick six, you still have to score, yeah no, I mean TCU is there to. They capitalized for sure.

Speaker 1:

I thought that game was more Michigan losing the game than TCU winning it, because that you know those turnovers don't happen. But yeah, that's football, you know it's like.

Speaker 2:

Well, how's state shaking that kick with?

Speaker 4:

27 left. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What are we saying right now? What I mean? We're sitting here saying Is that?

Speaker 1:

you know? The playoffs, all the playoff game, the playoff game, the semi-finals were great. Yeah, they were energy games, they went down and then you just go to the final and it's just this shellacking.

Speaker 4:

It was over the first five minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean the that's happened in the last couple of years. 49 valley.

Speaker 1:

I were 40 clubs.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's like 65 to seven or something. It was crazy, yeah, no, I mean that you're right, I mean the two. We had the two best semi-final games probably in in the playoff history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that'll house. Take Clemson, though. I went to that one in 2019 okay, yeah, that was a good one. Okay, so Trevor Lawrence, dude ETN. Jk Dobbins, I mean that was uh, that was a T Higgins, I think was in that. Chris Alave was in that. Gary Williams yeah, gary Wilson was in that.

Speaker 1:

The solid Tampa was the best finals. Christopher was there cooking burgers. The parking lot.

Speaker 4:

Alabama Clemson. Yeah, that was the game where we were. We should have bought. We thought about it Like we should have got tickets to the game beforehand, before they they got to the Alabama Clemson Because this was before Clemson had won the championship. This was their first one with the Sean Watson right and those tickets skyrocketed.

Speaker 1:

What other one in the 80s? But as far as you know current, you know what was amazing all week is Just the traffic in Tampa because yeah, everybody I'm sitting in Alabama drove to Tampa. I mean it was just, it was crazy. You went out, you went out anywhere. You went to downtown or you went to Channel side or Dale Maybury. We all wore the strip clothes. It was just, it was crazy. It was like a, it was like a whole week on. Yeah it really was. It was just absolutely nuts.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I will never forget talking to some Bama fans at the tailgate and they were. They were saying that they were Contemplating going to this game or waiting and going to the playoff game next year. Like they, they think they're in the playoff every year. So, like they play in, like, hey, we'll wait and go the Rose Bowl next year, we'll wait till it's in Atlanta. You know, like they, they have this such level of ego and you know, finally, that that armor is starting to take some some battle wounds and starting to get Naps down a peg, I mean. But last year they were what two plays away from being undefeated. You had the Tennessee field goal, the, the drop pass that, yeah, that Alabama should have, you know, converted to score. And then, you know, the overtime lost the LSU. I mean, they were back floss last year.

Speaker 1:

Well, the year Florida State wanted I mean look how, look how Alabama should have been in that final. Yeah, you know they, they try what like a 59 yard field.

Speaker 2:

The guy returns in 180 yards yeah, yeah, best play hey you know that was I mean. If you're an eye, are the same age or I might be a little bit older, but I Can't think of oh big that play more shot.

Speaker 4:

It was the most shocked I've ever been watching a game, because that game meant so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but not only. It'd be like if Ohio State like at the peak of their power. It would be like if what do you know?

Speaker 5:

we're going at it.

Speaker 2:

Someone's like I'm gonna kick a field. What it was like. This is to go to the national championship. It was very clear yeah, pretty much over a three for a chance at three straight championships for Bama. In Auburn was ranked, I think, like number six or something in the country.

Speaker 5:

I mean, they were just on this like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Got out of a cannon here.

Speaker 4:

Was that good First season? Was that his first year there? They do it in year one another guy.

Speaker 2:

That was the guy behind the guy. I remember Jean Chiswick.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, who was his offensive?

Speaker 2:

coordinator, though it was like, I think, that UCF Gus has got it. Yeah they're gonna be it. They're gonna be a player.

Speaker 4:

I mean, you see UCF on the label, but I'm like Dude, big 12 now I mean they're in the big boy conference.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think they're gonna have. I think UCF reminds me a lot of what ECU and Utah were very competitive epic. That's slightly lower tier. Good coach like Gary pattern people are like Gary Patterson yeah, man, good guy.

Speaker 2:

And then he gets to the big 12. It's like oh shit, yeah, like he's, he's actually really good, yeah. And then like Kyle Whittingham, like good guy, yeah. Urban Meyer yeah, he was a defensive coordinator for a while and then he took his lumps in the pack 12. We're like oh shit, like oh, this guy's good. I think Gus proved it Day one right. Like he took Nick Marshall, a Georgia basketball player yeah, document quarterback, and was like hey, you got Trey Mason behind you. He's good. And I don't know what's up with Trey now. I hope the best for him. I think he was yeah.

Speaker 4:

Bad things were happening for him, but they just they figured out how to beat that Alabama defense in that one game. They figured out that option pass, spread, option offense and cook Alabama couldn't figure out. They couldn't stop it. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to see that. I do you think 12 offenses like there that's gonna be? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

that's gonna be exciting, man. That's gonna be a I don't. I don't it's hard to see it that calm. I mean. I TC was the championship game master or something they they have proven that they can play on a level I guess. But All those teams want to be there like they all have that drive to be in a big time and some of them agreeing their first chance at being in a power five. So it's gonna be fun. I mean it's gonna be interesting. They're gonna be competitive games. Like it's gonna be an exciting conference for sure, especially with Oklahoma and Texas on the way out this year. Everyone's gonna be done it for them so hard. Texas has these guy high expectations that they do every year.

Speaker 2:

But how many times have we said that?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly.

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