The Mommalogues Podcast
The Mommalogues Podcast
BLACK MOTHERS IN PRAYER - Listen for your own peace and healing_EP 37
Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Mommalogues Podcast. I hope this finds you safe and blessed. In a time when we have so much unrest and pain and suffering and turmoil and the not being seen or heard. I love my black skin, I love being black, I love my black son who loves being black, I love my black community who embrace all of their blackness, I love my community of non black folks who are being public allies and holding space.
THANK YOU to the mothers that shared their prayers with me. I know it was not a simple ask for some but you showed up. THANK YOU & BLESS YOU!!
I implore all mothers to do what you do to pray, meditate and use your voices to nurture our Mother Earth as it's inhabitants are in a world of pain. Please be safe.
Peace love and light
Intro by Rhoda Deon
Song at the end Jhelisa (Hold My Peace)
Take the time to pause, meditate & pray...