Wildlife Health Talks

#39 Elis and the bighorn sheep (USA)

WDA Communications Committee Season 2 Episode 39

Our host Dr Cat Vendl and her guest Dr Elis Fisk dive into the mystery of the bighorn sheep. Elis is a PhD candidate and anatomical pathology resident at Washington State University in the US and one of the winners of the 2024 BioOne Ambassador Award. In his video for the award, he showcases his impressive drawing skills and explains how he and his colleagues solved the mystery around the dying bighorn lambs.


"Draw and Learn: A Bighorn Sheep Mystery" – 2024 BioOne Ambassador Dr. Elis Fisk video: https://bioonepublishing.org/our-work/2024-ambassadors/dr-elis-fisk/

Elis' paper on the bighorn sheep mystery: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jwd/article-abstract/59/1/37/490259/ABORTION-AND-NEONATAL-MORTALITY-DUE-TO-TOXOPLASMA?redirectedFrom=fulltext

More about Elis' research: https://vetmed.wsu.edu/infectious-disease-and-immunology-fellow-to-continue-research-into-tick-disease/

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