Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution

Michele Marie Angel: The Power of Surrender and Spiritual Attunement

June 12, 2024 Peter Michael Dedes Episode 118
Michele Marie Angel: The Power of Surrender and Spiritual Attunement
Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution
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Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution
Michele Marie Angel: The Power of Surrender and Spiritual Attunement
Jun 12, 2024 Episode 118
Peter Michael Dedes

Join us in this episode of the Transcendent Minds podcast as we welcome Michele Marie Angel, an exemplary figure in the realms of education and spirituality. 

Michele, a teacher with a diverse academic background and a trailblazer in holistic learning, shares her journey of surrendering to a higher power and finding profound spiritual enlightenment. 

We discuss her daily practices, the alchemy of letting go, and the transformative power of surrender. Michele’s impactful literary contributions and her role in the Alchemy of Light project reveal her commitment to conscious creation and service.

 Learn how surrendering has shaped her spiritual path, empowered her life, and provided her with a wealth of divine insights. 

Discover practical applications for incorporating surrender into your life and be inspired by Michelle’s stories and wisdom. 

Visit Michele at for more spiritual insights and resources.

00:00 Introduction to Michelle Marie Angel

00:22 Michelle's Educational and Spiritual Journey

02:37 Exploring the Concept of Surrender

06:14 Personal Stories of Surrender

09:14 The Dance of Trust and Surrender

10:05 Navigating Life's Balance: Participation and Surrender

11:27 Cultivating Trust and Spiritual Practices

12:37 The Phoenix of Surrender: Transformation and Rebirth

18:49 Attunement and Resonance in Spiritual Practice

28:31 The Alchemy of Energy and Manifestation

33:11 Humility and Ego Transcendence

39:01 Service and Spiritual Growth

42:19 Multidimensional Connections and Guidance

46:01 Gratitude and Manifestation

48:28 Balancing Surrender and Personal Autonomy

56:18 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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Peter Michael Dedes:
Host: Transcendent Minds Podcast

Human Development ImpleMentor

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Show Notes Transcript

Join us in this episode of the Transcendent Minds podcast as we welcome Michele Marie Angel, an exemplary figure in the realms of education and spirituality. 

Michele, a teacher with a diverse academic background and a trailblazer in holistic learning, shares her journey of surrendering to a higher power and finding profound spiritual enlightenment. 

We discuss her daily practices, the alchemy of letting go, and the transformative power of surrender. Michele’s impactful literary contributions and her role in the Alchemy of Light project reveal her commitment to conscious creation and service.

 Learn how surrendering has shaped her spiritual path, empowered her life, and provided her with a wealth of divine insights. 

Discover practical applications for incorporating surrender into your life and be inspired by Michelle’s stories and wisdom. 

Visit Michele at for more spiritual insights and resources.

00:00 Introduction to Michelle Marie Angel

00:22 Michelle's Educational and Spiritual Journey

02:37 Exploring the Concept of Surrender

06:14 Personal Stories of Surrender

09:14 The Dance of Trust and Surrender

10:05 Navigating Life's Balance: Participation and Surrender

11:27 Cultivating Trust and Spiritual Practices

12:37 The Phoenix of Surrender: Transformation and Rebirth

18:49 Attunement and Resonance in Spiritual Practice

28:31 The Alchemy of Energy and Manifestation

33:11 Humility and Ego Transcendence

39:01 Service and Spiritual Growth

42:19 Multidimensional Connections and Guidance

46:01 Gratitude and Manifestation

48:28 Balancing Surrender and Personal Autonomy

56:18 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

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Peter Michael Dedes:
Host: Transcendent Minds Podcast

Human Development ImpleMentor

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Welcome back to the Transcendent Minds podcast. Today marks an exciting milestone as we continue our ongoing series featuring remarkable individuals who've left an indelible mark on both education and spirituality. I'm thrilled to introduce a true luminary, Michelle Marie Angel. Michelle is not only a passionate teacher, but a trailblazer with a diverse educational background. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the esteemed University of Central Florida. She furthered her academic journey with a master's degree in computer science education from Nova Southeastern University. Michelle's commitment to education extends across state lines with certifications to teach in both Florida and Oregon. Beyond the traditional realms of public school teaching, Michelle has immersed herself in the field of spiritual education and a staunch advocate for holistic learning she has crafted and presented numerous classes, seminars and events, enriching the lives of those who seek spiritual enlightenment. Michelle's literary prowess shines through her impactful books, including her debut in 2005 with It's a New World After All and her subsequent works, Live, Love, Master Vision and Vibration to Create a Better World, and Forever Free, Soul Liberation with the Holy Spirit of Truth, which continues to inspire readers worldwide. Additionally, Marie shares her profound insights through 48 thought provoking stories for awakened awareness and contributes to reputable online magazine E Zine. Michelle dedicates herself to group consciousness, leading classes in manifestation, using meditation, intentions, and visioning, and her commitment to conscious creation and mastery consistently produces reliable results. Her influence extends beyond academia and literature as she actively participates in the Alchemy of Light project. This transformative initiative focuses on creating a groundbreaking curriculum for holistic education, exemplifying her dedication to making a positive impact on the world. Today we're going to delve into her journey and we're going to talk about surrender and attunement.


I want to say thank you for having me. I enjoy our interviews so much


Oh, you're welcome. I was thinking about the alchemy of surrender, the alchemy of letting go and in its truest alchemical form is the mystical process of transmuting resistance into acceptance. It's the conscious choice to release the illusion of control and embrace the cosmic dance of existence. Like the philosophers stone that transforms the base metal of fear and attachment into the gold of divine flow. My question to kick off is, how do you personally define real surrender in the spiritual sense?


It has to do with identity and free will choice. I've had a daily meditation, deep meditation practice for over 20 years and surrenders been at the heart of that practice so I surrender all my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions for transmutation and to transform that energy into the highest vibration of love and light and life. I let go of things that are bothering me. I let go of pretty much the small self and be one with the intelligence of the greater self, in a humble fashion, because, the less we think we know, the more we can learn. I surrender what I think I know even what I think I know about myself it opens up my heart and my soul channel to receive divine guidance, as I attune to god's will I surrender to god's will and attune to god's divine plan and understand that I am a child of God and an instrument of God. I go in to get guidance and wisdom every day when I meditate. I also use spiritual literature and, different types of scripture like the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita and also spiritual writings of other people, masters, mostly, so this combination of reading, contemplation, reflection and surrender has really brought me a wealth of information, inspiration and divine beingness. I can at once be like the bratty child, pouting in meditation and, like the soul who's surrendering and saying, but I know this isn't really a bad thing to resist. It is something I need to surrender so I can learn how to go with the flow and see what is the blessing, what is the lesson, what is the purpose of whatever I'm resisting or whatever's bothering me. With that, I have received much of the inspiration for my books, and my life, because I propose that, I am not someone here to necessarily teach, but to learn and to set an example, the best way to teach is to set an example. One of my stories for awakened awareness, as a matter of fact, is help me walk the talk. The intention is, let me walk it before I talk it. I had observed people before saying one thing and doing another, and it just seemed out of integrity and we can still make mistakes and be authentic about it. I didn't want to have a wide gap between what I was saying and what I was living. Example is the best teacher and our whole soul's evolution for me, it's the whole purpose for being here.


Can you share a specific experience where surrendering led to a profound transformation in your life?


The one that comes to my mind first and foremost actually makes me laugh one time I went to a little picnic at the neighbor's front yard, They were having other neighbors in and so I was a substitute teacher at the time in a new school district. That's when I first started teaching in Oregon. She said how would you like to be a full time temporary sub so somebody was going out on maternity leave. So there was like a long term Subposition. You teach full time for a period of time as a sub so I said sure and it was in a computer classroom and my master's degrees in computer science education I'd met a computer teacher before so I thought that sounds like fun. So I did it the person, decided not to come back. I landed into the job I was asked by the principal to stay and told I'd have to get highly qualified, which is a term meaning you've got to get the credentials within a certain period of time. I had to get my high school credential because I'd been teaching middle school and math and computers. I went to Southern University for three classes, but when I first got the job, part of me was dismayed. I was saying to God in meditation, pouting, really. It all flowed when it's in the flow, it's divine and it flowed so easily. I knew I was placed there by God and I went pouting. I'm saying, God, why did you put me in this high school public setting when you know, I want to teach spiritual education. I had already worked for Neal Donald Walsh, and then for myself, creating workshops, and I love creating and presenting, and being a facilitator for higher consciousness. After I said my peace, I shut up, in meditation, and listened, and I received the best download ever. There was a purpose for me to be there. I went with the flow and it served me in so many ways. It was a great income. I ended up getting a retirement from that state because I had done, it for several years. I ended up learning a lot of things that I would have never been aware of. I processed and did meditation every day. I still serve the souls in my classroom spiritually, it was like a treasure chest of soul development, and it still serves me to this day, I surrendered to it here's what I said in my mind and in my heart. Okay, I'm going to make a difference wherever I'm at. This is where I find myself I'll do my best here. I did a lot of things that I feel like positively impacted my students.


It's interesting, because when you propose this title, it made me wonder about the dance of trust, because I thought about surrender. To my mind, it's not a passive resignation, but it's an active dance of trust with the universe. In looking at reframing it from a masculine perspective because we don't like to surrender. But it really involves an active letting go of the need to micromanage outcomes allowing the divine orchestration to unfold. So the alchemist of surrender to my mind that true power lies in trust and the universe is the ultimate alchemy workshop. How do you navigate the balance between actively participating in life and surrendering to the cosmic flow?


That's interesting because it is a dance, we both transmit we receive, and we also become observers when we go with the flow. Transmission is putting out there, what you choose to experience or create, receptivity is hearing, the guidance and, the intuition and the soul's messages through feelings, then the observer going with the flow is, completely, passive in a way non emotional, but I see that this is what is happening, very, objective, neutral observer. Sending, if you will, the whole scene and seeing it from a higher point of view. Oh, I see, what came before, what came after. I can see another perspective, I can change perspectives up here in my transcendent mind, if you will, and, be that objective observer and see the bigger picture and how it fits in. It is a dance because I do transmit what I manifest I do receive guidance and distinct intuition and also synchronicities, which is part of the guidance.


Are there any practices or insights that have helped you to cultivate a sense of trust in the unfolding of life's journey?


Yes, I read a lot of literature and study the masters. I love Jesus or Yeshua, as many people like to say, and I ask for perfect trust and ask to be, in that space, in that consciousness of perfect trust. That's another part of surrender. Trusting is part of surrender. My trust has actually grown and strengthened through the years because of the surrender everything always turns out fine. I always get through everything. I always end up on top. What I need comes through at the perfect time. I have learned to grow trust from the reliable results from the surrender going with the flow and the, transmissions. Also, I want to say, like, when I'm manifesting, I'll transmit images married to feelings like the intentions. Then let that go.


Another thing that came to my mind I was writing some notes and when you mentioned imagery, I was thinking about the Phoenix of surrender. Sometimes I look at the soul as a laboratory. The image that came up was surrender is like the fiery process of the Phoenix rising from its ashes. It burns away the old patterns, the beliefs and the attachments and paves the way for a rebirth into a higher state of consciousness. Surrender is the alchemy of self transformation and transcendence.


That is a great metaphor or analogy because I picture the moth flying straight into the flame and rising above in spirit. It's like the rebirth, you give up the identity of, the physical body and materialism, and you rise in spirit, the true essential self. That's the resurrection the life the rebirth at the alchemy that happens by going straight into the flame, which is what we do when we put our attention inside our inner light. Surrender to the highest intelligence, that creative intelligence of the oneness of spirit. When we dive right in and give up everything else about the self, then we're resurrected and reborn in spirit. We know oneness. We don't think about it or see it from the outside. We are it.


Was there a moment in your spiritual journey where surrender felt like a profound alchemical process?


Yeah, within the last six months I would say, I had the intuitive knowing that I had built my light body and my true identity is light. Although I still have a physical body, I'm more identified and I'm wielding the power of the light body, which grace by grace, gets built, as we do our spiritual practices. I felt like I am this really strong light body and no matter what, the physical body, it comes from that place of inner knowing is being transformed by that light body, my true self that I perceive in a surreal, but real way. If that makes sense.


Absolutely. Something I've been thinking a lot about and, meditating on in terms of light, because, I'm an amateur photographer, and for me, everything is about light and light doesn't lie. It brings everything out into the open. One of the things that comes up is how do you help others through your programs embrace the transformative power of surrender in their own lives?


I can only be the arrow. Each person has their own growth and has to do their own self realization, but I can be the arrow and the pointer, I can show processes, I can show what I did. I can make bullet points and make things step by step and point out lots of details, which I do, because between the books and the workbooks and the classes and the 12 step ascension process I have so many presentations and books and so forth that are going to be organized in such a way that they're going to be going out to the public more than just the three books that are available right now. I've already produced the 12, steps or workshops for Ascension, and I've already shown stories for Awakened Awareness. My next step in my journey is I am crossing a bridge right now to reach a wider audience. I think it's no accident that we're together because I think this is also a universal new cycle for people on our wavelength. The paradigm pioneers, January, 2024. It is change time bridge time, taking a first few steps into the new paradigm where we're in service, we're also being alert, aware and looking at signs of synchronicity. There is a universal orchestration, putting people together like you and I really, and groups that work together in loving cooperation to be lighthouses and guides. Show the way because we have paved a path and each person has their own individual path, but having a guide in a light and exploring different processes and tools from different paradigm pioneers is extremely beneficial, not just to pave a new way in their own way, but when you partake of somebody else's work, the person who was the sower that did the work, someone can come along and read one of these books, for example, or, anything that's available on my website, because a lot of it's free, they can be the reaper. In other words, if I sowed and created higher consciousness they can step into and attune to that field that I've worked many years, and they can be part of that field in the higher vibrational consciousness without having done all the work. I'll give you an example of that. I didn't know this was going to happen, but I gave somebody a reading. This person went into meditation, and after the reading and the feedback, she said to me, that was the best and deepest meditation I've ever been able to achieve. She was in the same field that I was in and in my home space where I create this sacred space, sacred energy, I do more meditation here quiet solitude, meditation, writing, that's the energy of where I live.


That talks a lot about attunement when we navigate the frequencies of our existence, then we can look at the resonance and harmony like the reading you gave that lady who had that experience, because there was resonance, there was harmony. For me, attunement in a spiritual, alchemical context, is like tuning into the cosmic frequencies that underlie existence. The resonance, with the symphony of the universe, like a dance of harmonious vibrations that connect the seeker with the fundamental rhythms of creation. That posits the question of how do you perceive attunement about resonance and harmony on a personal and universal level? Let's keep it to those two contexts.


Yeah. The inner sense within is a feeling of peace that passeth all understanding the presence of God and knowing the oneness of the presence of God. So it's peaceful presence and it's also attunement to the intelligence that reliably comes through every time you go deep once you have reached that zero point. I'm just calling it zero point when you are like right there where you're in direct communion with God without a doubt. It feels like deep peace. You're in the zone. It's very blissful, peaceful love. I've done many times what I call getting stuck in meditation.. It's just that I don't want to leave. I do it in the morning before I have to work or start my day and I don't want to go to work or start my day I just want to stay in that space does it feel so good when you do it enough you create that baseline state of consciousness and that achievement comes grace by grace and a lot of effort and dedication and devotion, but an intention, of course. My intention and what I have said is I'm attuning for it for God. In other words, I'm not entrained and I don't succumb to any lower vibrational frequencies no matter where they might come from. Wherever I am, God is, and I'm maintaining the God frequency. I'm not going down, but I will lift others up, if they're receptive and want to be in a higher frequency. Sometimes it's conscious. Most of the time it's not, but my normal self is peaceful, joyful, blissful, often childlike and silly, actually. That's why I like working with kids so much. We really resonate. But yeah, I really have set the intention to not being trained because I understand frequency. I basically can, with my inner eye of intuition energy and, intention is so powerful, you can intend to build that light body, emit light and radiate light and increase the luminosity so you don't just generate it, but you amplify the light on purpose and you can see it and you can say it and intend it and purposely be a lighthouse because when you realize your soul essence, you know that you are part of the all and you have a great desire to be of service. To be helpful, I'm a child of God. I'm an instrument of God, and so I can break that down with my big life purpose and I can break that down daily and say, Who am I in service to today, as I look at what my day is going to look like and who I'm going to see.


Light is in service to us as human beings. We're giant tuning forks, but what are we attuned to? That's the question because we can be tuned or attuned to anything. Can you share an experience where tuning to a specific frequency brought about a profound shift in your consciousness?


I'm just going to tell you the first thing that came to mind when you said that I have passed cell towers before, and I would use my intention, my vision and my heart, which is our great tool of electromagnetic and photonic radiation to say in my intention and vision, I would turn that cell tower into a lighthouse for God and raise its frequency so that instead of having it put out any lower vibrational frequencies or anything negative or damaging, that it raises its frequency and is a beacon of light of higher frequency, something completely benevolent and pure. I have the faith and the power to make such changes if I can believe it I can achieve it.


Indeed. That's the power of our imagination. That's the power of using light as distinct from mind because the mind plays all kinds of tricks, but when we move into light, is that has its own frequencies. It has its vibration. and within the quantum fields and energy resonance of attunement because it delves into the quantum fields of energy where vibrations weave the fabric of reality. To my mind, I recognize that everything is interconnected and when we attune our energy, we can navigate and influence, that quantum dance.




Then consciousness becomes the master alchemist because we're in that field of consciousness. We are in consciousness.


Consciousness is light. Our consciousness has all the properties of light. We have different, types of intelligence so you can talk about electro, you can talk about magnetic and you can talk about photonic. You can talk about the father, the son, and the holy spirit. You can talk about the brain mind, ego mind, the heart intelligence, and the soul intelligence perceptions. So we have different dimensional frequencies, with different types of intelligence. The spiritual intelligence can pick up on much more subtle information than the ego mind intelligence. Each type of intelligence has its benefits. The ego mind can analyze and it can do data and it can remember and pretty much left brain and right brain and then heart intelligence. That's another way to put it. So I love left brain. I love math. I love computers. I love all of that.


That's part of our 3D life, and I don't think we're meant to escape the 3D life. Yes, we draw in from higher dimensions, intuition, perception, being psychic, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, all these things coming from different dimensions. But we think, oh, we have to escape the 3d life. We're here to, in a sense, slow down time so we can experience those things. From the NDE that I had time was irrelevant. Everything was instant. It made me think that, maybe I'm here on earth to slow down time so I can experience all of these different aspects of life, which are much more instant in another dimension. But all those dimensions are integrated. Like you say, they're part and parcel of intentional attunement, universal, creational, planetary, intentional attunement.


Yeah, and we can go in and out of the dimension of time. We can go into no time, no space consciousness. That's the zero point. We can speed up time and we can slow down time. As we become masters, we can, of course, do time travel. We can change the past. We can jump into the future and in a way, we do it already with our mind. Not just our, brain mind or ego mind or right left brain, but the whole totality of integrated, mind, soul included because you get the subtle, fine, infant intelligence of the universe, of spirit through the soul, which, the soul is spirit. It's not either or it's both and, but we can also emphasize one type of mind or the other based on the application or the need at the moment.


That's the alchemist symphony because. Exactly. attunement much like a master alchemist can compose this symphony, but it involves the orchestration of the energies of mind, body and spirit into this, integrated harmonious whole. It's the recognition that life's melody is rich and diverse. When we attune to the subtle notes of existence, we gain access to the keys of profound transformation and transcendence.


Absolutely. When you go into nature and you resonate with the essence of nature because the essence of our nature is light. The whole essence is light. Light is consciousness. One way to attune is to be in nature, besides, meditation. anyway, so I was thinking of something and I want to say it before I forget it. The other beautiful thing about alchemy is understanding the conservation of energy. Let's say there's a situation and you wonder what it would be like if you had another situation that's part of alchemy. What would it be like if I improve the situation or if it were different, then you start playing with the energy and visioning something different. Something comes up for healing, like a past pain, grief. In the conservation of energy, energy isn't created or destroyed. It only changes form. When it comes up for healing, you can go, Oh, this is great. I'm not just healing and releasing this energy. Oh no, I am so powerful that I can take this energy and with alchemy, get the wisdom out of the lot of experience and keep that golden wisdom. The purpose has been served and create a new purpose. Lately, I've been using the violet flame because there's always energy to transmute and heal for ourself, for others, and we're all one anyway. I did a process recently and I called in higher beings of light, angels, archangels, masters, light beings, galactics, and I listed a lot of the names and the ones I work with and everything, and I said, I'm calling this big team in for help, and I made a list of things that I was intending to manifest, which specifically has to do with my service and being of service and my life's mission. That's what I did. I'm in that process right now. I'll pay attention to it and, I'll do the transmission and I will be in gratitude that it's already done. The vision of one of the things is a place to teach my classes and do my workshops and everything. This little phrase I heard was love is the key. I'm pretending I have this key in my hand and it's made out of love, of course, and I'm going into the place and so I go there in my mind. I look at some of the different rooms, of course, it has a kitchen because we're going to have to eat when we celebrate, and I have the different rooms and spaces that I'll be needing, including a gift shop. Because I have manifested before, I know that where my mind goes that's what's coming. That's what my reality is coming. So I've been using the violet flame to transmute, using the conservation of energy, thanking for its purpose, giving it a new purpose, which is to manifest these things. In the oneness awareness knowing that there are higher beings and related guides and angels and tasking them to be on the team and create this as we're working together and loving cooperation in the divine plan to raise consciousness and to be fun and to be light. I give out awards, there's a lot of laughter, there's a lot of food, there's the classes of course, and the events and I have so much fun and I know I'm creating. This will happen. It will happen


It already has.


Yes. But understanding and using consciously the conservation of energy because one thing that we are all mastering saying, the energy is not created nor destroyed, but when I'm healing when I'm crying, when this energy is coming up for healing and being released, I'm especially powerful. That's when I need to focus on solutions and my vision in the future and not the past with blame or judgment or remorse or grief or, you vibrational energies. Definitely authentically feel feelings, but recognize it all is energy and saying, oh, boy, what a gift. This big old energy is coming up. Now I can, process the energy through reflection, get that wisdom out and consciously say, now, here's your new purpose and we speak in terms of vision and the new feeling. The new feeling is joy peace, love, laughter, unity, cooperation, accomplishment, attunement and surrender to God's divine plan. Always ultimately surrender.


That's a beautiful balance between ecology and economy of energy. When you balance those two things which is not always an easy task, but when you do balance those two things, then you get this beautiful melody, this harmony starts to happen. I was also thinking about humility because, there's an argument to be had for surrendering to a higher power really requires acknowledging one's limitations and embracing humility.


That's why we always say to God, the glory. Father, God are one. it is not me that do the works, but my father in heaven. One of my most important lessons that I love and adore. We never, ever take the credit. Ultimately, we know God is source of everything, all ideas, all energy, everything. That surrender just opens the channel for God to express the highest and the best through us. That's why I say I'm a child of God. I'm an instrument of God and anything I accomplish is to glorify God because God is ultimately the doer provider and giver. When we choose to attune to that, we're working in harmony and unity at that God vibration of giving love and giving whatever we can, giving and helping.


That's humility as well that plays a huge role in my spiritual journey. Can you share an experience where surrendering your ego led to spiritual growth?


Yes, actually I remember going for a walk when I got the lesson, I remember exactly where I was in a specific park in California. It was like, one hour north of San Francisco Bay. I was walking through a park and I was communing with a master and, understanding that people can get tripped up on their ego and fall into these ego traps. I was almost pleading saying, how do you stay out of that because there's so many traps as a human being, how can you really stay out of that. I heard directly, always give credit to God. So I apply that and recently, somebody was complimenting me on something that I accomplished. I did say, glory to God, all glory to God. It's the learning of it. It's the expression of it and remembering it and incorporating into your soul. It is such a gift, because you do all this work to transmute the ego and realize your true self as the oneness of spirit, when you can, partake in the peaceful presence and the infinite intelligence of God through union, who wants to, ever leave that space of pure love and pure peace and get ever caught up in the sense of separation that the ego brings ever again. I was solemnly and deeply wanting to know, how do you avoid this trap and my master guide at that time said, always give credit to God so I can just say it touched me deeply, at many moments in time, if, credit is given to me, I pass it on to God and it's not a one time thing. It's a way of being. Hopefully, I have developed and we'll get better at because we always have room to grow.


Definitely. You cannot jump over your own shadow. There is a surrender, involves transcending the ego and allowing for that deeper connection with the divine. In what ways has ego transcendence enhanced your spiritual awareness?


It's a continual practice, but I am practicing to get over myself already not taking things personally, when something hurts my feelings and it affects my heart that way, transcending it and looking at it as energy and not taking it personally and learning the process of getting out of the small self and back to the bigger self on a regular basis in order to process it from that higher dimensional space so that I don't take things personally. I see the information, for example, something happened in the workspace a few months ago, I felt sad and wasn't feeling like it worked or fit anymore. Instead of feeling like anybody did anything to me, I had to rise above that and go, Oh, this is information. I am being redirected, which is a good thing because it's part of the spiritual guidance to go when you need to go or turn right when you need to turn right. It's that heart guidance, which is intelligence. It's not personal thing, even though it feels that way, it feels like your feelings are hurt in a way, it's part and being an empath, feeling deeply processing that energy and understanding that it's all information. That one helped me very recently then new opportunities came into my life, I'm in the midst of crossing a bridge of many changes in my life and when we go through these changes, there's what we know to be true in this moment. Also an understanding that sometimes you have to step into the unknown to get to your next place, in the orchestration of the cosmic picture.


I was listening to a presentation by Dr. Wayne Dwyer. He was saying in his sixties, he had this beautiful place to live. He had a massive library and he gave the key, to his daughter and said, sell it all, give it away. He moved to Maui and it made me think about, even in his sixties, he surrendered,, and entered an orientation in his life of service acceptance. The feeling I have is surrendering involves accepting a life of service. as well as aligning one's orientation towards a greater purpose. How has your understanding of service shaped your spiritual path?


Following divine guidance and being of service, when you set these high level intentions, you go through these spiritual tests and also what I call going through the eye of the needle. You give up everything material and you are surrendered to whatever you have or don't have and you live by your spiritual wits, so to speak. That did happen to me and I gave up everything I was spiritually guided, I gave up everything twice actually one time I gave up everything moved across the country never owned a home again since then or no, excuse me after I moved across the country I did own one more piece of real estate and for a couple years and that was the last one but basically gave up a home with a already paid off mortgage and a 10 year teaching position. Gave it all away, followed my heart, went into this new path, which brought me in much soul satisfaction and bliss. Got back into, another financially stable situation then it was time to move on from that. I ended up living in my RV for a couple of years and going to a different place and being all by myself with very little financial income or stability. It was very good for me spiritually. There were no material trappings at all whatsoever. I didn't even have my RV for a while. As a matter of fact, someone took me into their home and I slept in the living room for about a month while my RV got fixed because my RV and my van broke down at the same time. I was literally without anything and a new angel came into my life and provided a place to live for a little I was going through the purification process, why I know I was going through that purification process because I was crying a lot every day for about a month. I knew it was a soul thing and coming back out of that I knew because of my meditations and intentions and different things I understood the process. I was going through the spiritual reform. I knew what was happening, but going through the eye of the needle is when you either consciously or soul consciously, because at some level, you're in charge of your own life anyway. You plan everything so you go through this thing and that was another one of my books is about that as a matter of fact, and the funny thing is, it's why you have nothing and then it's talking about the everything that you are and why you have nothing the eye of the needle is the spiritual rebirth tunnel of leaving the sense of identity and all of those trappings of the material world and then emerging that's another resurrection. I will always have what I need, clothes on my back, somewhere to sleep, God's got me. Someone, always shows up, I am a child of God, and I have a lot to give through who I am, not what I have.


That speaks to me about surrender and attunement, but also about a multidimensional connection and communion, because one of the key things I'm seeing in surrendering, it opens the portal to multidimensional connections and a sense of communion with the divine, but not only with the divine, but from a planetary, creation and universal communion. How do you perceive and experience multidimensional connections in your spiritual practice?


That's interesting because I remember one time out at a campsite I was doing some writing and all this profound stuff was coming to me and through me like downloads, automatic writing, then somebody started making loud noises. I was like, wait a minute, I thought I started wondering where is this all this information come from because I don't personally know this stuff. I started realizing that I had some telepathic connection to some higher intelligence. Then I would start asking, how do I know who's talking to me, they said, it's who you're talking to. I was like, oh. So I have had guides, like ever since I was little, my grandma, took me to Unity Church, and I wasn't particularly religious at all, but I loved Jesus. I felt this heart and soul connection, always. Then later, the connection to Parma, Hans Yogananda became, like cement years and years of study of his stuff. Then, mother Mary came to me and threw me and I had personal interactions and lessons. Archangel Michael came to me and threw me and you just get to know, the essence. It's that knowing but not really knowing how you know kind of thing, but you're in that space of eternal, absolute, zero point, it's called many things, state of consciousness.


Is that like differentiating between, personal intuition and guidance?


All of it is connected in the oneness of spirit and in the oneness of spirit there's direct transmissions through the heart and soul, and there are a lot of channels of communication. If you really think about it, what they're trying to use in that transhumanism is voice to skull technology, where they transmit thoughts, where you actually get this thing that sounds like your own voice and, you think it's your own thought and drives people crazy when they're targeted individuals. Intuitive feels different. You can test spirits, so to speak, to see if they're of God. and when you're completely clear and certain you're on that level of spirituality there's different levels and layers, there's the spiritual realm which is spirit and there's the astral realm, which is psychic. You have to realize what realm you're dealing with and where your transmissions and reception is coming from. You get to know that as you start transversing the inner world. how do you get to know it? You and ask, and then you get to know, you might pick up books, you might not get it directly every time, you might pick up just the right book that explains it or you might have an experience, and pick up a book, and get the language for the experience that you had that you didn't have words for, because feeling, and images, and understandings that now you've got to translate it into human terms of a language We're always communicating on all the levels. Like, when you and I are talking right now, we can feel a resonance and answer or ask a question that I was about to say or vice versa.


Definitely. One of the things that is talked about a lot in the spiritual community is gratitude. Another aspect of surrender is how it leads and connects to the significance of expressing gratitude for the gifts of a spiritual journey. How has the concept of gratitude played a role in your surrendering process?


Gratitude is the transition from materializing reality because gratitude to me puts you in a place of isness. So if you're manifesting, you're saying, thank you. What I have projected or asked for already is. Also, you marry that with what already is I am grateful for what's in my life right now. I can list the people and the things, and I am grateful for what's in my imagination right now, because I know that's how I manifest reality. So that's already real. Gratitude makes an isness. It makes things real. It's funny because I've written two books about isness. One is the wizard of Is and isness is my business. Gratitude has to do with isness. It's like you claim it, you have faith.


Can you share a specific gift from your spiritual journey that you're particularly grateful for?


Oh, yes. I have to tell you something that happened one time. I was teaching computer classes In Oregon at a community college and I had been in meditation I was just like a child, really, saying, God, I just want to see your hand in my life. Within a few days, I was teaching class in Grants Pass, Oregon, and a student came up to me she gave me this, gift and it was God's hands with a baby in it. It says, God bless you. She was thanking me for something I said to her, they helped her get through something. But the gift was from God and her, but we all work together. I just said, I want to see your hand in my life in here, in this physical gift where God's hands holding a baby. I'm getting goosebumps right now. I almost feel like crying because it meant so much to me.


That's a beautiful story and demonstrates the power of asking, because what is it to ask?




The other thing I wanted to talk about is in the context of surrender and attunement is there are arguments that surrendering might lead to a loss of individual autonomy and personal decision making. I don't subscribe to that, but how do you balance surrendering with maintaining a sense of personal autonomy? Have you ever felt conflicted about surrendering control over certain aspects of your life?


No, because in my experience, surrender renders the realization of my greatest potential and my gifts from God that I can give. I get gifts from surrendering. Gifts of the soul of the spirit realm. Gifts of writing, communication, gifts of a higher being you learn to give and you get the joy of giving and understanding my soul's blueprint. Being a part of God, because I can understand I can be a fractal of God, be part of all that oneness. At the same time, carry my own soul seed of specific unique potential that I get to discover. It's not like anybody else in the whole wide world or universe or omniverse. It is that one piece of God has given me to realize and express. To be a integral part of the whole, symphony of, cosmic love. There's individuality it's even more acute individuality, actually, when you surrender to spirit. It's the highest self and the highest potential that's realized, recognized, and expressed. That feels good and joyful and happy, that's happiness.


How do you ensure the authenticity and clarity of the messages or guidance that you receive during surrender? That's part one and part two is have you encountered situations where surrendering led to unexpected challenges for you?


Yes and yes. say the first part again so I can answer them in part.


How do you balance surrendering whilst maintaining a sense of personal autonomy?


Yes. So I know that I always have free will choice. For example, I can get guidance and it will resonate within if it feels right. It's resonation. Heart vibration navigation. That's what I call it. That's resonation. I know who I am. I know the truth of my being and I'm centered in that truth. That gives me the navigational compass to know what feels right and truly is right. On the other, thing, surrender and having to face challenges I remember I'd been meditating for many years and I said, it's funny now that it's over, but I said to God, Oh, okay, God, here I am a naked soul. I didn't say test me, but I just said, Here I am. This is it. I can't remember how I said it exactly in meditation, but I present myself to you as a naked soul. After that, I went through these major challenges and soul tests, but I knew I was getting soul tested. I almost felt like I was telling God, I was ready to be tested. I went through the most difficult times in my life and I lived through it. It refined and evolutionized my soul. What I say, Oh, give me the worst experiences of my life so I can grow through it. Not on a, human conscious level, but on a soul level, I think I did exactly that to tell you the truth. I brought it on by surrender. I'm like, here I am. I surrender. This is my whole soul surrendering to you, God and I called it a naked soul. I went through all that and, look, I'm still alive.


Some might argue that surrendering might result in an unhealthy dependence on external forces rather than personal empowerment. How do you maintain that balance between surrendering but taking responsibility for your own life in what way has surrendering empowered rather than hindered your personal growth?


It's always a paradox, and it's not either or it's both and, that's the thing. The mind when it wants to understand a concept they'll have the duality it's this or it's that and there's dark and light but in the paradox it's all integrated. I wrote a poem called Paradox as a matter of fact it is a new world after all and it's very interesting but you're speaking to paradox but the mind has a dualistic nature. When you're trying to understand a concept, you have, a this and a that, and that can be useful. But if you get caught up in a concept and don't release the concept into the paradox of that integrated intelligence, you could get stuck in just the concept. But when you release that, then you can get a broader, deeper understanding that comes from, the wholeness and the oneness of the infinite intelligence and believe me when you surrender to this greater intelligence, there's a thing in the Bible that Jesus said, I believe it was Jesus saying, lay not on your own understanding. It's basically if you're giving up, a P brain to get a global brain, you're really, come out ahead, right? Surrender is like that. You're not giving anything up that you don't receive something greater for in the end.


What advice do you have for individuals who struggle with incorporating surrender into their spiritual practice?


If you think about it like you're surrendering your difficulties, the small sense of self, which gives you a sense of separation. You're really getting rid of the things that are most difficult in your life or cause difficulty or resistance. You're always getting something better when you surrender. When you're talking to God and you're facing the light within your own heart and soul, the surrender is to something higher. Now, I wouldn't surrender to anybody but God. You don't go around surrendering. This takes, discernment, discrimination. You have to understand it's surrender to God in the greater self, which is also you and your highest potential, you have to really understand what surrender is, I would say, and that it is nothing but beneficial.


Have you faced any challenges in maintaining a surrendering application or mindset and how did you overcome them?


Surrender is a daily process for me. I do it meditation every day. I release things. I let go of things. I even have one vision that if things are troubling me, I have a vision called the law of diminishing concerns and I have these, air balloons the people go in with the baskets, hot air balloons. I imagine myself putting my concerns on a piece of paper, putting them in the air balloons and letting them go. That's the law of diminishing concerns. I let go of them. I know that higher intelligence will solve those.


Beautiful and what's been your experience today?


Oh, it's been great as usual I love the way that you can elicit things that I would have never thought to share. You really have a gift and I appreciate your gift. I appreciate being able to speak and share what my work is about, because I really am here to help people and be of service. if my books or any of my websites or anything can be of help to anybody I always say a lot of it's free because there's a wealth of information on my websites. I just say, God bless everybody on your path. Everyone's doing great. Everyone's doing the best they can in every moment and we are growing by leaps and bounds. Every one of us is equally special, unique, and needed at this time.


Where can people find you, Michelle?


They can find me at www. smile4love. com. They can email me at the same address, michelle at smile4love. com. M I C H E L E. From there, you'll see my other websites and links there's a whole network of links and so much to review and share. It's a little playground of spiritual information. So thank you.