Proverbs 31 Wannabe

Connecting the Dots: Messianic Prophecy from Old to New Testament (Episode 6)

January 04, 2024 Proverbs 31 Wannabe Season 1 Episode 48
Connecting the Dots: Messianic Prophecy from Old to New Testament (Episode 6)
Proverbs 31 Wannabe
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Proverbs 31 Wannabe
Connecting the Dots: Messianic Prophecy from Old to New Testament (Episode 6)
Jan 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Proverbs 31 Wannabe

Welcome to Proverbs 31 Wannabe where Alexis Heaslip, a stay at home mother of two and follower of Jesus, shares her personal walk with Christ. Her goal is to help women explore the Bible and walk with Jesus by being a Proverbs 31 Wannabe woman of faith. 

We are so excited to announce that we have JUST RELEASED our first ever Bible study! Our Suffering Servant: A Six Week Study in Isaiah 53 is now available for purchase on Amazon. 

Purchase Here:

For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, like a root out of the dry ground. He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, nor beauty that we should desire Him.

Many women know that our Lord, Jesus, suffered and died for our sins, but have never stopped to ponder this suffering we hear in Isaiah 53. This powerful passage in Scripture can be a guide to meditate on the power of the cross.

In this 6-session study by Alexis Heaslip, gain insight and passion for our Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. Discover the connections between Leviticus sacrifice laws and our Lord and rest in His love for us. Dive into Scripture and see it in a new light so that you can see the LOVE our servant has for us.

Click the Amazon link to learn more and purchase!

Today we are going to be continuing our SIXTEEN week study into Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament and how we can connect them to the New Testament. Not only will this series help you look at the Word through new lenses, but it will also help you discover how you can disciple your children to know and understand the Gospel.

Missed the first episode? Click the link to check it out!

What happened in Israel is devastating. If you want to support those in Israel, click the link below to donate:

Want to memorize  Bible passages?  Check out out where Alina Bolshakova has beautiful scripture cards for children and adults. This fabulous tool is a great way to help you in scripture memorization!

My Testimony:
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Welcome to Proverbs 31 Wannabe where Alexis Heaslip, a stay at home mother of two and follower of Jesus, shares her personal walk with Christ. Her goal is to help women explore the Bible and walk with Jesus by being a Proverbs 31 Wannabe woman of faith. 

We are so excited to announce that we have JUST RELEASED our first ever Bible study! Our Suffering Servant: A Six Week Study in Isaiah 53 is now available for purchase on Amazon. 

Purchase Here:

For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, like a root out of the dry ground. He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, nor beauty that we should desire Him.

Many women know that our Lord, Jesus, suffered and died for our sins, but have never stopped to ponder this suffering we hear in Isaiah 53. This powerful passage in Scripture can be a guide to meditate on the power of the cross.

In this 6-session study by Alexis Heaslip, gain insight and passion for our Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. Discover the connections between Leviticus sacrifice laws and our Lord and rest in His love for us. Dive into Scripture and see it in a new light so that you can see the LOVE our servant has for us.

Click the Amazon link to learn more and purchase!

Today we are going to be continuing our SIXTEEN week study into Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament and how we can connect them to the New Testament. Not only will this series help you look at the Word through new lenses, but it will also help you discover how you can disciple your children to know and understand the Gospel.

Missed the first episode? Click the link to check it out!

What happened in Israel is devastating. If you want to support those in Israel, click the link below to donate:

Want to memorize  Bible passages?  Check out out where Alina Bolshakova has beautiful scripture cards for children and adults. This fabulous tool is a great way to help you in scripture memorization!

My Testimony:
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Find us on Social Media:
Facebook: Proverbs 31 Wannabe
Instagram: proverbs31wannabee
TickTok: @proverbs31wannabee

Support the Show.

Find us on Social Media:
Facebook: Proverbs 31 Wannabe
Instagram: proverbs31wannabee
TickTok: @proverbs31wannabee

Want to become a supporter of our show? Click the link below so that you can support Proverbs 31 Wannabe today!

Speaker 1:

Hi there and welcome to Proverbs 31-1, where we discuss Biblical womanhood and are constantly busy in sometimes crazy daily life. I'm Alexis Heaslip and, as a wife and mom of two, I'm always striving and praying to be a Proverbs 31 woman of faith. Happy New Year, guys. Can you believe it is 2024 already? Thank you so much for this past year of going on this journey with me of being a Proverbs 31 woman of faith. I have a lot in store for this year. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I have just released recently my first book and it's a Bible study called Our Suffering Sermon, a six-week study in Isaiah 53 and y'all. It is just so wonderful. It's a deep dive into Isaiah 53. Go check it out on Amazon the link will be in the show notes. And I'm also really excited because I am working on my second book and this won't be a Bible study but a book book about being a Proverbs 31 woman of faith. I can't wait when I'm able to publish it and let you know about it. That's something that I want you guys to pray for throughout this year is this process of my second book. But today we are back into our Connecting the Dots series of Messianic prophecy from Old to New Testament. We are on week six of this in-depth discussion that I'm so excited to be having with you guys, and we are continuing this journey of a big, important passage of Scripture that Jesus tells people that he fulfilled on a certain day. I am so excited. Let's dive on in. It's going to be great.

Speaker 1:

The main focus of Scripture is going to be in two places Isaiah and Luke. The first thing I want to do is I'm going to read these two verses from Isaiah 61, verses one and two. Then we are going to break them down and talk about it and talk about how Jesus tells us he fulfilled these Scriptures himself in the book of Luke. So Isaiah 61, verses one and two, tell us this the Ruach Adonai, elohim, the Spirit of the Lord, is on me because Adonai has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me up to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. To proclaim the year of Adonai's favor and the day of our God's vengeance, to comfort all who mourn. Now, some of you who have maybe only read the New Testament or have maybe watched the chosen recently may be going. I know this from the New Testament because Jesus himself said these same words and that is why I feel like it's so important that we spend an entire episode just on this passage. And Jesus does say these exact words in Luke, chapter four. And if you start looking in Luke, chapter four, verse 16.

Speaker 1:

And he came to Nazareth where he'd been raised and it was custom, he went to the synagogue on Shabbat. On the Sabbath and he got up to read when the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written though Rwak, the spirit of Adonai is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. He closed the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. All eyes in the synagogue were focused on him and he began to tell them today this scripture has been fulfilled in your ears. And all were speaking well of him and marveling at the gracious words coming out of his mouth, and they were saying Isn't this the son of Joseph? But he said to them Doubtless you'll say to me this proverb Doctor, heal yourself. And what about what we've heard that you've done at Capernaum? Do as much here as in your own hometown. But he said, truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown. And if you guys remember the rest of the story, the people of Nazareth get so upset at him that they drove him out of the town and they were going to throw him off the cliff, but the Lord allowed him, the Father allowed him, to pass through the middle and he went on his way.

Speaker 1:

So in order for us to understand why the people he lived with his whole life, who he grew up with, got so upset because they weren't able to see the truth in his words we need to figure out what this passage in Isaiah, and what Jesus proclaimed as fulfilled, is even talking about. So I really wanted to break it down and really hit home the message of how Jesus shows us that he is indeed the fulfillment of this prophecy found in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. So the first thing that we need to look at is that we are told the spirit of Adonai Elohim is on him and he was appointed by Adonai, appointed by God himself. So there are many passages, obviously, that we could look at to show how Jesus himself is appointed by Adonai, but there are two that I really want to focus on, and the first is Matthew, chapter 3, verses 13 through 16. And this is really to demonstrate God not only chosen, but he publicly, the Father, states this through Jesus' baptism. Matthew, chapter 3, starting at verse 13.

Speaker 1:

When Yeshua came from the Galilee to John to be immersed by him in the Jordan, but John tried to prevent him, saying I need to be immersed by you and you are coming to me. But Yeshua, jesus responded Let it happen now, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. So John yielded to him. Now listen, these next two verses are extremely important. After being immersed, yeshua rose up out of the water and, behold, the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Ruach Elohim, the spirit of the Lord, descending like a dove and coming upon him. And behold, a voice from the heavens said this this is my son, whom I love. With him. I am well pleased, as we can clearly hear from the scripture, and just this one portion of scripture. Anani the Father has anointed Jesus Yeshua and is pleased with him. And we see this again reflected in the book of John in a different way.

Speaker 1:

If you'll turn with me to John, chapter one, starting at verse 29. And I really love the title of this section and the tree of life version, it's called Behold the Lamb of God. So, starting at verse 29. The next day, john sees Yeshua coming to him and says Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This is the one about who I have told you. He who comes after me is above me because he was before me. I didn't know him, but I came immersing with water so that he might be revealed to Israel. Then John testified I have seen the spirit, the Ruach, coming down like a dove out of heaven and it remained on him. I did not know him, but the one who sent me to immerse in the water said to me the one on whom you see the Ruach, the spirit, coming down and remaining, this is the one who immerses in the Ruach Hacodesh. And I have seen and testified that this is Ben Elohim, the Son of God. So again, we clearly see that Jesus is anointed by his Father. So that's how Jesus fulfills that first part of the prophecy.

Speaker 1:

The second part is this the Messiah Messiah in Isaiah is supposed to proclaim good news to the poor. Now, this is a really easy one to show how Jesus fulfills this, and there are so many different instances in the Bible that demonstrate that Jesus Yeshua proclaimed good news to the poor, but I want us to focus on just two instances and something that Jesus taught during his sermon on the Mount. So the first instance we need to look at is in Luke, chapter five, and Notice that not only does Jesus proclaim good news to the poor, but he also chooses People who were poor to spread his message to others, and so this is a great example of Jesus calling fishermen. It happened that the crowds were pressing upon Yeshua, jesus to hear the word of God as he was standing by the lake of Kenorat, the sea, when he saw two boats standing beside the lake and if you're wondering what the sea of Kenorat is, that's the sea of Galilee. Now the fishermen have left them and we're washing the nets. Getting into one of the boats Simon's boat Yeshua asked him to push it out away from the land. Then, sitting down, he taught the crowds from the boat.

Speaker 1:

Now some side note People who lived in Galilee, we have to remember. They were oppressed by the Romans. They were taken away all the good jobs. They were only allowed to do forced labor type jobs or low-paying labor jobs. So the people of Israel at this time were poor because they were oppressed, and the region of Galilee was one of the poorer regions in Israel.

Speaker 1:

And so when he had finished speaking to these poor people in Galilee, he said to Simon Go out into the deep water and let down your net for a catch. Simon replied master, we've worked hard all night and caught nothing, but at your word, I will let down the nets. When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled to their partners and the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Yeshua's knees saying go away from me, master, for I am a sinful man. For amazement had gripped him and all who were with them Over the catch of fish they had netted. So also Jacob and John, james and John Zebedee's sons, who were partners with Simon. But Yeshua said to Simon do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men.

Speaker 1:

So when they had brought the boats to landing, they left everything and followed him, these fishermen, these followers of Jesus, and the crowds who were there. They were poor people and he proclaimed the good news to them and they believed and some of them, like Simon and John and James, started following Jesus. And we see this again Further down in Luke 5, starting at verse 27. Another example, because they were physically poor people. But there were also people who Needed to hear the good news, that were spiritually poor, and An example of this was Matthew, who was poor in spirit, who was broken and poor and needed spiritual rescuing. So let's let's hear about how he rescues the poor in spirit and proclaims the good news to the poor.

Speaker 1:

So Luke, chapter 5, starting verse 27 after these things, yeshua went out and observed a tax collector named Levi or Matthew, sitting at the tax booth. He said to him follow me and, leaving everything, he got up and followed him and Matthew Levi made a great banquet for Jesus, yeshua, at his house and there was a large Crowd of tax collectors and others who were reclining with him. Now the Pharisees and the Torah scholars begin murmuring to his disciples, saying why do you eat and drink with these tax collectors and sinners, these poor people in spirit? And Jesus answered those who are healthy have no need for a doctor, but those who are sick do. I Did not come to call on the righteous but the sinful to repentance, and this beautifully reflects what Matthew himself Wrote about the Sermon on the Mount, which tells us in Matthew, chapter 5 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. So Jesus Was anointed by Adonai, the father, and he proclaimed the good news to the poor. And Not only did he do that, be also healed the broken hearted.

Speaker 1:

And there were three examples that I want us to look at, and the first one is the famous Story from John of the woman at the well, and If you want to read the whole story, it's John, chapter 4, one through really 37. It's a long passage. It's a long passage but it's beautiful. And she, this woman, who was a Samaritan and if you know your Bible history, jews and Samaritans did not get along and she was a woman during a time where being a woman wasn't really a good thing. And not only was she a woman. But she did some things where she was even out, an outcast from her own community, because she'd had one husband after another, after another, after another.

Speaker 1:

But Jesus talked to this woman, he asked this woman questions and he offered her the gift of living water. Through his love and mercy and by giving her the opportunity to repent, she was healed, her heart was healed from all of her past sin. And she was so excited. I love how, in verse 15, she says give me this water so I don't get thirsty and don't have to come all the way to drink it. And then Jesus says because this is before she knew fully who Jesus was, jesus said go call your husband and then come here. And she said I don't have a husband. So Jesus said you're right to say that you don't have a husband, because you've had five husbands and the man you live with now is not your husband. This you've spoken truthfully. Her mind was blown and she said sir, I see that you are at least a prophet. And she was so convicted and her heart was mended that she proclaimed I know that the Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us. And Jesus told her I am the one who is speaking to you. I am. And when she heard that she was filled with so much joy, she went back to the town. She told everyone in the town what Jesus told her, what they talked about and, because of her heart being mended, people who were Samaritans, who were looked at as bad people by the Jewish people, came to believe in the Messiah.

Speaker 1:

Another example of this is found in the book of Matthew and chapter eight, verses one through thirteen, about two different people one who was healed physically and another person who their friend, was healed physically but his heart was healed because of this. And the first is a man who had leprosy and Jesus healed him because of his faith. Because this man said Master, if you are willing, you can make me clean. And he was cleansed and his heart went from broken to restored. And then a Centurion, a Roman official, the enemy of the Jewish people. He was like one of the faces of the enemy. His broken heart is also healed by Jesus. Let's start at verse five of Matthew eight.

Speaker 1:

Now, jesus, yeshua, came into Capernaum. A Centurion came begging for help. Master, he said my servant is lying at home, paralyzed, horribly tormented. Yeshua said to him I'll come and heal him. Now, listen to this verse. It's so beautiful, but the Centurion said Master, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but just say the word and my servant will be healed, for I also am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I say to this one go when he goes, and to another come and he comes. And to my servant do this, and he does it. Now, when Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who are following Amen, amen. I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. Moreover, I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and they will recline at table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, because the sons of the kingdom will be driven out into the, out of darkness, and that place will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then Yeshua said to the Centurion go as you have believed, let it be done for you. And the servant was healed in that same hour.

Speaker 1:

You see this Centurion. We don't know much about him, but what we can? We can make some guesses. He's been lost. He has, probably because he was a Roman, worshiped many false gods and his heart had been broken over and over and over again by this idolatry and he had heard all of these stories about Jesus living in Capernaum. He had been maybe even seeing some of the things that Jesus has said and done and hearing and seeing what other people have gone through, and he went to Jesus in his brokenness and put his faith in him and he was healed. What a beautiful thing to reflect on that.

Speaker 1:

I love how Jesus said people from east to west will come into the fold with the patriarchs of Israel. That means anyone can come and be healed, not just the Jewish people who were brokenhearted, but anyone. So he was anointed by Adonai, he proclaimed the good news to the poor, he healed the brokenhearted and Jesus brought liberty to the captives. Now people may say, physically did he bring liberty? Because a lot of Jewish people at this time thought that the Messiah who would come would be a great military leader. He would free them of their captivity from Rome. But Jesus came to free people from the captivity of sin in their life and from demons in their life, and there are some really beautiful examples in the scripture of this. Again, matthew chapter 8, there are so many great things in Matthew, chapter 8. It's one of my favorite chapters because it just shows you the work and power of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Verses 28 to 34 is this time where Jesus had come to the region of the Gadarenes, where there were two demon-played men coming from a graveyard. And they met him and they were so violent that no one could pass that way and they screamed what is between you and us, ben Elohim, son of God, have you come here to torment us before the appointed time? Now? A large herd of pigs was feeding some distance away and the demons kept begging him if you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs. And he told them go. So they came out and went to the pigs and the whole herd rushed down the cliff into the sea and drowned, and the herdsmen were so afraid. He ran away into the town and told everything, including what happened to the demon-played men. And so Jesus, not only did he come to provide liberty for people who were lost, he provided liberty to those who were captivated in their sin, and it wasn't just for Jewish people. He came to free people, whether Jew or Gentile, to be freed from their sin, to be free from evil, to be free from demons. And we see this example of a woman in Matthew, chapter 15, verses 21 through 28.

Speaker 1:

Now Jesus left from there and went to the region of Tyre in Sidon and behold, a Canaanite woman. Remember, the Canaanites weren't the enemies of Israel for a long time and a lot of Jews would not even talk to or associate with someone who was a Canaanite. And she came out from this district and started shouting have mercy on me, oh master, son of David, my daughter is severely tormented by a demon. But he did not answer her a word. And when his disciples came, they were urging him send her away because she keeps shouting at us. But he responded Iowa sent only to heal the lost sheep of the house of Israel. So she came out and got down on her knees before him, saying, master, help me. And answering he said it's not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. But she said, yes, master, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table. Then, answering, yes, she was said to her own woman great is your faith. Let it be done to you as you wish. And her daughter was healed in that hour. You see, my friends, jesus isn't trying to compare Gentiles to dogs. I've heard that, and that's not the case at all. Instead, what Jesus was trying to do was to pull out her faith, and he did. He really did.

Speaker 1:

And another way that you're released from your captivity is your freedom from greed. And an example of this is in Luke, chapter 19, 1 through 8, when Zacchaeus became free from the captivity of greed as a tax collector and he repented before Jesus. And now we get to the next point is that Jesus released the bound when we hear this, not physically bound, but spiritually bound people In John, chapter 8, in 34 through 36, jesus tells the people Amen, amen. I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now, the slave does not remain in the household forever. The sun abides forever. So if the sun sets you free, you will be free. Indeed, we are no longer a slave to sin, as Paul says in Galatians 4. We are no longer a slave. We are a child of God, and Jesus is the one that sets us free. We cannot be free from anything else. We cannot be free from all the good things that we say, that we do, or we cannot be free because of who we're friends with. That's not how it works. We are free because the sun sets us free.

Speaker 1:

And Jesus also did something really interesting, and I had to do a lot of research into this. But Jesus came to proclaim a year of the Lord which is a year of Jubilee, and you can read all about what a year of Jubilee is in Leviticus, in chapter 25, verses 8 through 55, and Leviticus 27, verses 17 through 24. But I'll just give you some bullet points. A year of Jubilee was like a year of rest and celebration and renewal, and during this year, israel the people of Israel they would cancel all debt, they would liberate all their slaves. If someone had to sell their land because they couldn't afford it to another family, that land would be returned to the original family who owned it. It was a holy time for the people in Israel and it was a time where they were reminded about why they should be fearing the Lord. And so this moment, jesus is saying this is a year of Jubilee, this is a holy time, and he was here to liberate the slaves, cancel the debt of sin and return the land to its proper state of holiness.

Speaker 1:

Now, the only thing that Jesus didn't say was that to proclaim a day of vengeance and retribution. This hadn't come to pass yet. He had fulfilled everything else in Scripture except for this, because the day of vengeance and retribution is a day that is yet to come, at the end of times, during the second coming of our Lord Jesus. And we see this in multiple places in Scripture and if you want to look more into that, look into Revelation 11, 12 through 19, as well as Isaiah 34, 8. Those are some really good reference points that you can look into. So Jesus fulfilled the Scripture. He had this ministry of healing. He had the ministry in Galilee, which was prophesied in Isaiah that this Scripture would be fulfilled in a ministry of healing Isaiah 35, 5 through 6, and a ministry in Galilee itself. Specifically, we see this in Isaiah 8, 23 through 9, chapter 9, verse 1,.

Speaker 1:

But not everyone. Even though they heard this good news, not everyone wanted to accept that Jesus is the Messiah. As you saw when we were talking, the people in his very own hometown of Nazareth rejected him and they tried to throw him off a cliff. The Pharisees, who were the religious leaders of the day. They rejected Jesus as well, even though they knew the Scriptures the best out of everyone. And in Matthew 23, we see how Jesus really harps on them with their eight woes. That's it. The Romans, overall, did not accept Jesus and they didn't want to. My pilot pilot although pilot thought Jesus was not guilty, he still allowed the crowds to win in the end, and the church was persecuted by Rome for a long time, a very long time. Paul himself was executed for his faith by the Emperor Nero.

Speaker 1:

Those who see the truth, of Jesus as Messiah, though, although many will reject him, those who see the truth will find Shalom, shalom, the perfect peace, even though people have been martyred for their faith, and there have been many martyrs. All of the apostles, except for John, were martyred for their faith. Stephen was martyred for their faith, and there have been many martyrs of the faith beyond that, but they had perfect peace, perfect Shalom, because the Son had set them free, and I hope you can see how Jesus fulfills this scripture and how Jesus, our Messiah, was anointed by Adonai. He proclaimed good news to the poor, he heals the brokenhearted, he sets the liberty to the captives, he releases the bound, he proclaims a year of the Lord and one day when he returns even though we don't know the day or the hour he will proclaim a day of vengeance and retribution. I don't know about you, but that just got me so fired up and excited because I know that through all my messes, through all my mistakes, I have Jesus Messiah and he has set me free and that just brings me Shalom, shalom, peace. If you are searching and looking for this Shalom, looking for this peace, I ask an employer that you start looking to Jesus. Read the Gospels for yourself, pray about it, ask questions, ask a local preacher, ask a local pastor if they could help you learn more about Jesus. Message me on social media. I'd be more than happy to talk to you, either through Instagram or even email me my emails. Alexis, at Proverbs 31 wannabecom, I would be more than happy to talk to you so that you can know who our Messiah is and find that Shalom, shalom. That's the whole reason why I do this podcast is so that more people can come to know Jesus, yeshua, as their Messiah, as their Lord, and so that they could be set free from the bondage of sin.

Speaker 1:

I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. If you like this episode, please like it, rate it, review it, share it with your friends, leave a comment. We would love to hear from you. Also, go and check out our Instagram page. We have a lot of really fun things going on over there, from the verse of the day to some tea time and scripture. We just have a lot going on over there and we would love for you to follow us on Instagram, so come and check us out. Lastly, take a look at our book Our Suffering Servant, a six-week study in Isaiah 53. It'd be a great resource for you to have to prepare your hearts for the season of Easter that is already creeping up on us. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great rest of your day. I hope you guys have a great week. I can't wait to come back with you guys next week and continue this series where we connect the dots between Old and New Testament. Until then, this is Alexis Heaslip, and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day, god bless.

Jesus as the Fulfillment of Prophecy
Jesus' Good News to the Poor
Jesus and the Concept of Freedom