Proverbs 31 Wannabe

Connecting the Dots: Unlocking the Secrets of Biblical Numerology and the Timely Arrival of the Messiah (Episode 13)

March 01, 2024 Proverbs 31 Wannabe Season 1 Episode 55
Connecting the Dots: Unlocking the Secrets of Biblical Numerology and the Timely Arrival of the Messiah (Episode 13)
Proverbs 31 Wannabe
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Proverbs 31 Wannabe
Connecting the Dots: Unlocking the Secrets of Biblical Numerology and the Timely Arrival of the Messiah (Episode 13)
Mar 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 55
Proverbs 31 Wannabe

Welcome to Proverbs 31 Wannabe where Alexis Heaslip, a stay at home mother of two and follower of Jesus, shares her personal walk with Christ. Her goal is to help women explore the Bible and walk with Jesus by being a Proverbs 31 Wannabe woman of faith.

We are so excited to announce that we have JUST RELEASED our first ever Bible study! Our Suffering Servant: A Six Week Study in Isaiah 53 is now available for purchase on Amazon.

Purchase Here:

For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, like a root out of the dry ground. He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, nor beauty that we should desire Him.

Many women know that our Lord, Jesus, suffered and died for our sins, but have never stopped to ponder this suffering we hear in Isaiah 53. This powerful passage in Scripture can be a guide to meditate on the power of the cross.

In this 6-session study by Alexis Heaslip, gain insight and passion for our Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. Discover the connections between Leviticus sacrifice laws and our Lord and rest in His love for us. Dive into Scripture and see it in a new light so that you can see the LOVE our servant has for us.

Click the Amazon link to learn more and purchase!

Today we are going to be continuing our SIXTEEN week study into Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament and how we can connect them to the New Testament. Not only will this series help you look at the Word through new lenses, but it will also help you discover how you can disciple your children to know and understand the Gospel.

Missed the first episode? Click the link to check it out!

Jewish Calendar as a Circle with Explanation:

Purchase your calendar with Hebrew Calendar and Gregorian Calendar together:

My Testimony:

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Welcome to Proverbs 31 Wannabe where Alexis Heaslip, a stay at home mother of two and follower of Jesus, shares her personal walk with Christ. Her goal is to help women explore the Bible and walk with Jesus by being a Proverbs 31 Wannabe woman of faith.

We are so excited to announce that we have JUST RELEASED our first ever Bible study! Our Suffering Servant: A Six Week Study in Isaiah 53 is now available for purchase on Amazon.

Purchase Here:

For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, like a root out of the dry ground. He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, nor beauty that we should desire Him.

Many women know that our Lord, Jesus, suffered and died for our sins, but have never stopped to ponder this suffering we hear in Isaiah 53. This powerful passage in Scripture can be a guide to meditate on the power of the cross.

In this 6-session study by Alexis Heaslip, gain insight and passion for our Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. Discover the connections between Leviticus sacrifice laws and our Lord and rest in His love for us. Dive into Scripture and see it in a new light so that you can see the LOVE our servant has for us.

Click the Amazon link to learn more and purchase!

Today we are going to be continuing our SIXTEEN week study into Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament and how we can connect them to the New Testament. Not only will this series help you look at the Word through new lenses, but it will also help you discover how you can disciple your children to know and understand the Gospel.

Missed the first episode? Click the link to check it out!

Jewish Calendar as a Circle with Explanation:

Purchase your calendar with Hebrew Calendar and Gregorian Calendar together:

My Testimony:

Support the Show.

Find us on Social Media:
Facebook: Proverbs 31 Wannabe
Instagram: proverbs31wannabee
TickTok: @proverbs31wannabee

Want to become a supporter of our show? Click the link below so that you can support Proverbs 31 Wannabe today!

Speaker 1:

Hi there and welcome to Proverbs 31, 1b, where we discuss biblical womanhood and are constantly busy and sometimes crazy daily life. I'm Alexis Heaslip and, as a wife and mom of two, I'm always striving and praying to be a Proverbs 31 woman of faith. We are going to be continuing our journey in connecting the dots, messianic prophecy from Old New Testament and my friends. There is so, so, so much to talk about in this episode. Things might get a little heavy. I really prayed about saying the right words because the first point is a big one and I was a little confused at first and blown away and I had no idea this was even in the Old Testament, this first point that we're going to hear. So I hope you just bear with me, you enjoy and if you have any questions afterwards, please let me know, shoot me an email, send me a message on Instagram, because this one is really that. This topic where we're going to be talking about how Messiah was cut off and buried, is one that it's like I said, it's a lot to take in and if you have any questions at all, please know. That's what I'm here for my email's, alexis, at proverbs31wannabeecom, and you can find me on Instagram and message me there. But, like I said, we are all in this together and I hope you learn something new with me today and that just remember I don't know everything either. Only God does. So let's dive into this. There's a lot to talk about. Let's dive in together and hear about how our Lord was cut off and buried. Okay, guys, so this first point and I think we're going to spend a majority of our time on this first point is that our Messiah, after he was crucified and considered a transgressor, after he went through all of this torture and being executed without a bone broken, and he was cut off and had nothing, and all of this took 69 times, seven years after the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.

Speaker 1:

I'm not much of a math person, but there's a lot of numbers that are going to be involved in this topic, so bear with me Numbers. This is something that I've relatively recently learned is that numbers in the Bible have a significant and symbolic meaning. So let's turn to the book of Daniel, chapter 9, starting at verse 24. You are going to see a hear about a lot of numbers and I know when I first read this passage it was confusing, but we're going to take our time with this and really dive into the why. So let's turn with me to Daniel, chapter 9. Let's start on verse 24.

Speaker 1:

We hear this 70 weeks are decreed concerning your people, in your holy city, to put an end to transgression and to bring sin to an end, to atone for iniquity, to bring everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, to anoint the holy city of holies. So no one understand from the issuing of this decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Until the time of Messiah the prince, there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks. It will be rebuilt with plaza and moat, but it will be in times of distress. Then, after the 62 weeks, messiah will be cut off and have nothing. Then the people of a prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, but his end will come like a flood. Until the end of the war that is decreed, there will be destruction. Then he will make a firm covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and on a wing of abominations will come one who destroys until the decreed annihilation is poured out on the one who destroys.

Speaker 1:

This passage has so much to talk about. Okay, so much to talk about, and this took me a long, long, long time to kind of figure out what this timeline was, what I knew, what obviously they were talking about, kind of what Daniel was told, but there's so much to unpack. So the first thing that we need to know is that seven is a holy number. Seven in context of the Bible and in Judaism and the Jewish context is the number of God, the number of perfection God arrested on the seventh day from all of his work in Genesis. So we got to keep that in mind and to get some sort of context here. There seems to be with this 77, there are 77, which is 490 years.

Speaker 1:

There is this idea of this like year of Jubilee motif, like when Jesus says I'm here to proclaim a year of Jubilee. And we read in Leviticus and we've talked about this in Leviticus 25 about what this year of Jubilee is where things are come to a rest, you give back to the poor, you set captives free, and so with that background concept, I highly recommend you go and you read Leviticus. This is why it's so important we have an understanding of Torah, because we miss all of these things when we don't have this understanding. That's why I'm doing this whole series. But, yes, this Jubilee motif of rest and restoration and joy this is a part of the point of the number seven and seventy and when I was doing research into this whole passage about that gives a specific dates about when Messiah would come. It's just um mind-blowing.

Speaker 1:

But after Jesus came and after the destruction of the temple, the Jewish rabbis and teachers looked at this passage and decided that this is a passage of text that they would not teach in the synagogues, just like Isaiah 53. They refused to teach about it and talk about it, because it gives specific timelines of when Messiah would come and the Jewish leaders had rejected Jesus and they didn't want to be seen as wrong. So they completely ignore this amazing, amazing passage of Scripture and they're doing of this. It's wild because it verifies this prophecy and this passage in the book of Isaiah. If you'll turn with me to Isaiah, chapter 44, and we're gonna look, starting at verse 28, which tells us this while I, while saying of Cyrus, he's my shepherd and he'll fulfill my purpose, while saying to Jerusalem, you will be built into the temple, your foundation will be laid, and this goes through, continuing to verse 40 and to chapter 45, thus says Adonai to his appointed Cyrus.

Speaker 1:

So what we're seeing here is we're setting up this, this timeline, this timeline because Daniel we got to remember Daniel is in exile, israel is in exile, all of the Jews have been carried off into exile and Jerusalem has been utterly destroyed. And so God, through Daniel, is giving the people a timeline of when there is to be restoration and this jubilation time. And, through Cyrus, we are told in Isaiah that the treasures and the riches will be given back to the people of Israel. So that you may know, I am Adonai, the God of Israel, who calls you by name. And what's great, in Isaiah, 45, verse 4 tells us for the sake of my servant, jacob and Israel, my chosen one, I have called you and given you a title of honor.

Speaker 1:

So we hear that Israel although, yes, we read, if you read, from the time of judges to the time of the of destruction and and first and second kings, israel messed up, they dishonored God, they worshiped idols, they did a lot of terrible, terrible things, and they harden their hearts, but God loves them and even though they were cut off, just like Jesus is going to be cut off, it's temporary, and God wants to restore Israel. And so we hear this message about how, yes, you're in a period of, of utter, of just utter. It feels like abandonment and exile, but after this period, there will be restoration. And we also see this in the book of Jeremiah. If you'll turn with me to Jeremiah, chapter 25, and looking at verses 11 and 12, we read this just one second. We read so this whole land will be a desolate ruin and the nations will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years. See that number 70 again. Then it will come to pass, when 70 years are complete, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation declares Adonai the land of the Chaldeans for their iniquity, and I will make it ruins forever. So for the first 70 years, israel was exiled, but then Cyrus, cyrus will save Israel from their exile. So that's 70 years in exile, then 70 years to restore Israel, right? So this is the timeline, and then, after another 70, it will lead to the Messiah who saves the world from sin. I'm gonna break down this timeline because you're thinking, wait a minute, I need that, like the math isn't mapping.

Speaker 1:

But here's some more context. Okay, so we hear that it's a period of seven weeks of years and that. So seven weeks of years, what we read, and Daniel that To clarify, because I was really confused about this, because numbers, like I said, numbers are not my thing, numbers are not my thing at all, but, um, when I when looking through commentary and praying about it and um Reading Articles about this, because, like I said, I had a lot to learn about this myself this period of seven weeks of years equated to 49 years, and what's funny is seven times seven is 49. Now this was followed by a period of 62 weeks, which equals 483 years. So this is from the decree of, of being told there's gonna be restoration until the coming of the Messiah Then. So we get this period. A seven week period of 49 years is from the time it took, from the issuing of the decree until the restoration of Jerusalem. That's how long it took and what was what's.

Speaker 1:

What was really an interesting aspect. You know, our definition of a year has Changed from the time of biblical times because we use a different calendar system. So this total of 483 years, the 69 weeks, should be calculated as specific biblical prophetic years of 360 days each, and I'll talk about why this is different in just a minute. Actually, let's do it now, because I feel like some people might be getting lost. We have a different calendar system. We use the Gregorian calendar, which was created by Pope Gregory, by the Catholic Church I forget the year specifically, but and it was influenced heavily by Payne Roman influence of this calendar.

Speaker 1:

But ancient biblical years and even Jewish people today it's a lot of ancient cultures use the moon to tell time and and so the Jewish calendar, even to this day, is different and they use the moon cycles to tell time and to make dates and to set months, and the months have different names. For example, one of the months that that's in the Jewish calendar is called Nissan, and so when we're reading and I know that a lot of people get confused if they don't have this understanding of this Hebrew calendar, of this Circular calendar that rotates by the seasons and the moon phases, it can get really confusing when reading the, the Old Testament and it wasn't until a couple of months ago that I started studying this, where Things just started to make a lot more sense the Old Testament, and you realize that the people of the Bible and even Jews today who are practicing, rely on the creation of the Father and rely on our Creator to be able to tell time, to be able to know the seasons, and you appreciate creation so much more when you rely on these times. So, based on the, this biblical timetable, we know for sure that, because, between Facts of when Daniel was in captivity, we know when he was appointed by the King of Babylon, we have these dates. So, because of this biblical Dating and this, these prophetic dating that we can use from historical documents, from Babylonian documents, as well as from the Jewish calendar itself, we can know that the start of this prophecy was Nissan 1 444 BC, which was a March 5th of 444 BC. Then this is followed by 69 weeks of 360 day years. I Told you this is a really number, heavy subject. So that is 173,880 days, and this culminated on Nissan 10 March 30th, 33 CE, which is the date of Messiah, of Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, or what we as modern Christians Call Palm Sunday. Isn't that amazing?

Speaker 1:

This prophecy from way back over 400 years before the time that Jesus came and walked on this earth, was fulfilled on this time and 33 CE, when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem and people were Waving palms and laying down their cloaks and palms and shouting Hosanna, hosanna, blessed as he who would come in the name of the Lord. And it doesn't stop there with this prophecy. This, this number seven, this prophetic sign, the seven is perfection. And, and this prophecy predicts several events that would follow the seven weeks and sixty two weeks, which is a total of 69 weeks, and the first is this One the Messiah would be cut off and it would die. And Daniel's prophecy predicts this. And through this prophecy, because of historical Events, we know that this death had to happen sometime Before the destruction of the temple, which took place in the year 70 CE or AD, however you want to say it. So it had to happen before the year 70 CE.

Speaker 1:

And we know that Jesus entered into Jerusalem On Palm Sunday and the and you can read about this in the book of Luke 9, chapter 19, versus 28 through 40 and the year 33 CE. So, because we have these dates, because of the moon cycle, because of historical documents, because of non biblical evidence, historical evidence we can predict even more. We can predict the specific times of Messiah, jesus's ministry and death. So this original decree that we read in Daniel was issued, and around we say chapter 58 BC ish, okay, around that time, and Verse 25 Indicates that 483 years, 69 weeks, would elapse until the Messiah is coming. Let's read verse 25 again together, just so we remember what it says, so know and understand the issuing of the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem Until the time of Messiah Mashiach the Prince, there will be seven weeks and 62 weeks.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this X, this expected coming here. We help with the timeline. His expected announcement, his, his announcement to the world that I'm here, was 26 CE, and that's when, you know, john the Baptist starts preparing the way for the Lord. Jesus is baptized, he starts his public ministry 26 CE, and that means that his death Would have to take place Three and a half years so that these are estimates, remember. So between 30 and 33 CE, after his public ministry of 3.5 years. Like I said, it's between 33 CE 30 CE. We're getting these estimates. I'm not a mathematician, I could have mathed wrong, okay, but that means we have Established the official timeline that goes all the way back to Daniel, and Jesus Fills this timeline, and this is one of the reasons why I have been so adamant About why we, as Christians, need an understanding of the Jewishness of the gospel, because Jesus did not come here to start a new religion.

Speaker 1:

He came to fulfill Judaism and invite the whole world into his community of Believers, and we are to be grafted into Israel. I'm not saying we need to convert to Judaism. I am not saying to be a Judaizer. That's not what I'm saying, though I want to make myself abundantly clear because I don't want to be accused of that.

Speaker 1:

But what I am saying is that we, as Christians, because of our Misunderstandings, because the church as a whole has had a history of anti-semitism, we have lost as a whole, so much understanding of how Jesus Was a Jew and how our faith is rooted in Judaism, and and we have lost so much understanding of biblical holidays, of Knowing how to use creation to tell time and the calendar and the moon cycle. We don't practice Shabbat, we don't do the biblical holidays that we are told, as believers, to celebrate, and we are missing out on so much. And that is why I am so convicted to have this podcast in the first place, and I feel convicted by the Spirit to be sharing all of these, this Amazing information that's all in the Word of God, because we're so ignorant to it, the church in America as a whole, and I feel like probably a lot of Christians around the world are just so ignorant to the to the fact that there are so many beautiful things in the Bible and we're missing out on it because of human prejudices, because we don't have an understanding of Torah. And I've made a lot of changes in my household, and I pray that you do too, and reevaluate how you look at the world, how you look at our Creator, how you look at biblical holidays and I'm going to include a link of a picture of a Jewish calendar if you're curious of what it looks like and also where you can purchase one that's made by Messianic Rabbi Jason Syllable because when you start to connect our Creator to how time moves and you start to see how Jesus is in it all, it will change the way you look at the entire Bible, from cover to cover, and we also see how this passage was fulfilled.

Speaker 1:

I know we just talked about it a lot, but I also want to look at the New Testament to show you how it connects, if you'll turn with me, to the book of Romans, chapter 5, verse 6, we read this for while we were still helpless, at the right time, messiah died for the ungodly. You see, at the right time, and we are told what that right time is. We are told what that right time is in the book of Daniel, and in 1 Peter, chapter 3, we read this look at verse 18, for Messiah once suffered for sins, also for the righteous and the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. It was God's perfect timing, just like we hear in the book of Esther, for such a time as this, messiah was given at this specific time, between 30 and 33 CE. For such a time as this, as commanded by the Father all the way back in the book of Daniel, wow, wow, wow. That's one big point to talk about. I have two more that I want to talk about, though, and that is that his death, this would be the death that would atone for all, all, all of humanity, and we read about this in Isaiah 53, verses 5 and 7 and 12.

Speaker 1:

And if you want an in-depth, amazing study about this suffering servant Jesus of ours, I highly suggest you check out the Bible study that I wrote myself and I took three years to write on Isaiah 53 and what this word atonement means. So let's just read these verses really quick Isaiah 53, 5 through 7,. He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities. The chastisement for our shalom was upon him and by his stripes we are healed. We are like sheep who've gone astray. Each one of us has turned to his own way. So atonai laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted and did not open up his mouth. Like a lamb to the slaughter, like a sheep before it sheers, he did not open up his mouth. Sorry about that. Time are going off. My challah bread is done baking. But as you can see, he took on the burden and suffered and really atoned and and took on the sin and was our ultimate sin offering and our ultimate guilt offering. And if you want to read more about that, go to Leviticus. Check out my Bible study and you can really learn.

Speaker 1:

I do an in-depth discussion on atonement. But Jesus was our ultimate atonement and without him we would still be lost. And this concept is echoed all throughout the New Testament, for example in Mark 10, 45, jesus himself tells us for even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Again we see in the book of John, john, 3, 16, one of the most famous verses of the Bible, for God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, so whoever believes in him may not perish but have everlasting life. Again. And John, chapter 1, verse 29. We read this John sees Jesus coming to him and says behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This is the one who I told you, he who comes after me, is above me because he was before me. And we hear this, this theme of how Jesus is above and before creation he was there and how he is our atonement in Acts, chapter 8.

Speaker 1:

This beautiful passage in Acts I don't have time to read the whole thing, but it's the story of the Ethiopian and Philip and turn with me. Acts, chapter 8, verse 30. Philip ran up and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and Isaiah 53 and said do you understand what you are reading? How cannot, he said unless someone guides me. So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Now.

Speaker 1:

The passage of scripture that he was reading was this he was led like a sheep to the slaughter and a lamb before its sheers is silent, so he opens, not his mouth and his humiliation. Justice was denied to him. Who will recount his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth? The eunuch replied to Philip please tell me who the prophet is talking about, himself or someone else? Then Philip opened his mouth and, beginning with the scripture, he proclaimed the good news about Yeshua Messiah. So we hear this beautiful story of how we were able to see Jesus in this scripture passage. And again, this is why we need to have an understanding, we need to be able to know what the Old Testament says, so that when other people have questions who are not believers, we can be there to help them and guide them, and the spirit will put the words in our mouth.

Speaker 1:

What to say? I love what David says in the book of Psalms about the Torah. If you'll turn with me, psalm 1 tells us that happy is the one who's not walked in the advice of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat at the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the Torah of Adonai, and on his Torah he meditates at day and night. He will be like a planet tree over streams of water, producing its fruit in its season. Its leaf never droops. But in all he does, he succeeds. When we are in the Word of God and we delight in his Torah, we are able to bear fruit, and bear fruit of the Spirit, and grow in our faith and show others the faith and help others to know Jesus. That's why this is so important.

Speaker 1:

I want to have one quick, quick last point. Is this one quick point before we end? He, yes, he died. We see this timeline that were given how he was cut off and although he had the death of a transgressor, a death of humiliation, he was buried with the rich, he was buried as a wealthy man. Isaiah 53, verse 9, tells us this prophecy and I go really in depth in my study about this. His grave was was given with the wicked and by a rich man in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was there any deceit in his mouth. And again, like I said, I devote a whole day's worth of homework and of study to this in my Bible study. Please check it out.

Speaker 1:

And we read this in Matthew, chapter 27, verse 57. Let's start there. Just give me one second as I pull it up for myself as well, and we read this now. When it was evening, there came a rich man, a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who had also become a disciple of Yeshua. This man went to Pilate and asked for Yeshua's body. Then Pilate ordered it to be given up and Joseph took the body and wrapped it in clean linen and he laid it in his own new tune, which he had cut in the rock. Then he rolled a large stone up to the door of the tomb and went away.

Speaker 1:

So my, I'm gonna end here. I know this was a lot to digest, but yes, jesus was cut off, he died. He was the ultimate atonement from our sins. He died on the timeline that his father had given to us, hundreds a year before Jesus was even born, and he was buried in a rich man's tomb. But this is not where the story ends and we will continue with it next week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you guys so much for listening to Proverbs 31, 1 and B. We hope you guys enjoyed the show. If you do give us a rate, give us a rating on where you listen to your podcast, drop us a comment on any of our social media pages and check out our website. We would love to hear from you guys and we would love any questions, any comments you have. I just love to hear from you guys because that's the whole reason why I'm doing any of this. Come back next week as we continue this discussion of what happens next to Messiah and how it's connected from Old Tenu testament. Until then, this is Alexis he slip. Shabbat Shalom. I hope you have a great rest of your day, god bless.

Unpacking Messianic Prophecy in Daniel
Prophecy Fulfillment
Jesus as the Ultimate Atonement
Proverbs 31 Podcast Thank You