managing culture change with Surranna Sandy
The Small Nonprofit
The Small Nonprofit
managing culture change with Surranna Sandy
Sep 07, 2020 Season 5 Episode 1
The Good Partnership

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When the pandemic started in March, no one knew what was going to happen.EDs at nonprofits big and small were projecting layoffs and devastating deficits. And that happened. To be sure - the impact of COVID on our sector and all of us has been significant. And mostly awful. People had to quickly adjust their work and lives to adapt. Yes. It's been a rough year. 

6 months later, we're still dealing with an ongoing pandemic with no foreseeable end date. So, let's recognize this: our sector has also made some huge wins. Nonprofits have become more nimble than ever. They're shifting long-existing programming online, making their workplace remote-friendly, communicating to donors in ways they never tried before. Most of these things have been on our bucket lists for years, but we haven’t had the time and space to move forward with these changes.

In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the perfect storm that forced us to change. When our environment forces us to change, we become more resilient than we thought we ever would or could be. We realize that changes are not as scary as we imagined. Can we reverse engineer this process and lead necessary changes with courage?

I am so excited to launch the new season of the Small Nonprofit Podcast with a conversation on managing change. Surranna Sandy, the CEO of Skills of Change, shares her philosophy on leading change with people at the centre. She walks us through how to leverage this pandemic to set up the infrastructure that will enable positive changes. Ready for a new season of change and courage?

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