The Small Nonprofit

The Future of Giving is Here with Juliana Sprott

Further Together

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Key Episode Highlights: 

  • Trust-Based Philanthropy 
  • Challenging Outdated Norms 
  • Donor-Nonprofit Partnerships 

Quotable Moments: 

  • "I believe in the nonprofits we fund. They know better than I do where the money needs to go." 
  • "We need to move away from this idea that nonprofit staff should be underpaid. It's time to invest in the people who make change happen." 
  • "If nonprofits across the country could standardize a percentage of donations for admin costs, it would be a game changer for the sector." 

Actionable Tips: 

Include Admin Costs in Funding Requests: Nonprofits should automatically include a percentage for administrative expenses in donor agreements.  

Trust Grantees' Expertise: Funders should trust that nonprofits know best how to allocate resources and should avoid imposing restrictions that hinder their effectiveness. 

Educate Donors on Real Needs: Nonprofits should feel empowered to educate donors about the importance of funding operational costs and negotiate for the support they truly need. 

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Next Episode Teaser: 

Join us next week as we discuss systemic change and the effects of whitelash with Carmen Randolph. Don’t miss it! 

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