Beyond The Script : Career Strategy For TV and Film Writers
Beyond The Script is fun, informative, and tailor-made for TV and Feature writers. We believe it's not necessarily the technical elements of your screenwriting that need to shift to land that six-figure deal - it's mostly about mindset and strategy. We're Steve Harper and Nick Jobe, writers, coaches, and consultants. We've seen clients succeed using the ideas we lay out in this show. That's why we're passing the wisdom on to you. Be warned, we have wildly different perspectives on just about everything. The show is full of humor, passionate debates, and key insights you can apply to your own writing life. Find Steve at Yourcreativelife.com and Nick at Pageonetv.com.
Beyond The Script : Career Strategy For TV and Film Writers
The One About Life And Death
Every writer wants the secret to career success. It's not only technique. It's not just connections. Those are important, but it's really about navigating what's INSIDE YOU. How do you manage the INTERNAL joys and challenges of living as a writer in TV and Film? You've learned how to put words on the page, but no one taught you to live the life of a writer through the ups and downs. On The Secret Writer Podcast, Nick Jobe and Steve Harper, writers, and script consultants/coaches, examine the "secret" inner world of the writing process for TV, film, and theater - offering strategies as a way to prepare you for a long and fruitful writing career.
In this episode, we ask the question: what will you leave as your legacy? For some writers, their work gives them immortality - think Shakespeare, William Goldman, Lorraine Hansberry - but what if your writing doesn’t ever find a large audience? In this week’s installment of TSWP, we argue that whether you reach fame or not, being a writer will enrich your life is both seen and unseen ways.
This show is helping writers and creative folks in 21 countries, and you can help spread the word. Rate the show wherever you listen. Tell your friends! Send in your comments and questions about writing, your writing life, this episode, or anything (writing-wise) to: TheSecretWriterPodcast@gmail.com
Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.org
Aiyo/ On My Way/ courtesy of Epidemic Sound