
A Candid Conversation with Fashion Visionary Coop DeVille

July 28, 2023 Season 4 Episode 1
A Candid Conversation with Fashion Visionary Coop DeVille
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A Candid Conversation with Fashion Visionary Coop DeVille
Jul 28, 2023 Season 4 Episode 1

In this episode, we chat with a true fashion visionary, Coop DeVille. He has a charismatic presence that just draws you in.  Coop embodies the essence of embracing one’s uniqueness and loving oneself at the core.  Throughout this episode, Coop shares with us how he breaks stereotypes and how he uses his platform to redefine beauty standards…encouraging everyone to embrace their individuality.  Get ready to be inspired!

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In this episode, we chat with a true fashion visionary, Coop DeVille. He has a charismatic presence that just draws you in.  Coop embodies the essence of embracing one’s uniqueness and loving oneself at the core.  Throughout this episode, Coop shares with us how he breaks stereotypes and how he uses his platform to redefine beauty standards…encouraging everyone to embrace their individuality.  Get ready to be inspired!

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Good afternoon and welcome to everybody. The podcast which shares stories that highlight people in life, that make the world an interesting place, which ultimately ties us all together in unique and wonderful ways. And who am I, you might ask. I would be the headwrapped socialite Weith mom, micro-influencer in the fashion and etiquette world. But on this podcast I will be introducing you to some people who I've had the opportunity to meet along my journey, who have helped enrich me in my life in beautiful ways and who I hope will do the same in yours. I first met today's guest within the fashion modeling sphere. There was something electric when he walked into the room what I like to call the magic of the moment. I am so excited to share with you a very talented fashion visionary and model, coop Deville. Coop truly embodies the essence of embracing one's uniqueness and loving oneself at the core. I would just like you all to help me in welcoming my friend Coop to today's podcast. Coop, thank you for being here first of all.

Coop DeVille:

Hello Trina, as always I appreciate you.


I appreciate you too, my friend. I would like to start off giving you the floor and just allowing you the opportunity Coop to share with the listeners a little bit about who you are.

Coop DeVille:

Fabulous. You know, I've tried a little bit of this, I've tried a little bit of that and I have been able to discover myself more and more each day. I wasn't always very open and expressionate of my identity and my creativity and I feel like I really had a rebirth at 16. I really started to come into a tragedy at that time and it just felt like I was reborn again. I felt like I was able to start embracing every single trait, every single thing that felt right and sat well with myself. Starting 16 to now I'm sitting here at 23,.

Coop DeVille:

I've been able to discover love for expressing myself and appreciate how clothes make me feel, how people make me feel, how art makes me feel, how fashion and modeling, everything like encompassing art, has really truly been my purpose. You know, I tell myself all the time I'm like if I was not doing art, modeling, styling, like I truly I would be like Tinkerbell. If you don't clap her, if you don't give her her fairies, you know she'd be alive. I have found that core thing that brings out the best in me and every day continued to celebrate and drive everything I do because it's a human being. We're not always able to play the part we want. So it's easier to incorporate your expression, incorporate your creativity into everything you do, regardless of the circumstance, regardless of hate coming your way, regardless of things that are frustrating, and, honestly, that has been my key to success. I have loved myself endlessly. To push that to the people around me energy into everything I do. Through that, I've been able to discover this beautiful person underneath it all and put my modeling. Push that into my styling, my art, how I portray myself, because I have a message of love and spread a message of creativity. You can only just be yourself and nobody else is going to stop you besides you.


Amen, I love it. But what I found super beautiful about what you said is that's one of the first things that I noticed when I first met you even before we even spoke a word, you are authentically yourself, and I think I've mentioned that to you before. Like when I meet people, especially if we resonate on the same vibration, right First of all, we do 100%. You have always seemed to me to be very mature in your 23 years and you, to me, are like an old soul. You just own who you are and I just love that. When you own who you are, you allow everybody else who is in your sphere to be able to sit with themselves authentically.

Coop DeVille:

Right, I totally agree. I totally agree. It is very beautiful.


Because not everybody has that gift.

Coop DeVille:

Well, and you know, having a knowledge of history, having a knowledge of your surroundings and connecting with people really let's see things as they are Correct. It's really the thing too. Having that recollection and knowledge of what is present before you really helps you perceive and connect with the people in front of you. Also, really just being seething to yourself allows you to same energy within other individuals like yourself. What allowed us to connect? Because I think we're on that same wavelength girl.


For sure. You know, and it's all about the journey, and that's another thing that I want to point out about you is that you invite others to be in your space and not everybody can do that and not everybody has the wherewithal to understand who's around them, even if there's people who are around you who are maybe a little bit more introverted. You make it a point and I've watched you from a distance You've made it a point to touch every single person that's in that room, and that's a gift. That's such a beautiful gift, my friend.

Coop DeVille:

Wow, I appreciate you saying that and that's exactly what I love to do, like naturally. I love to be there for other people in those ways, because I've been in that exact same situation. Like I said, I lived a lot of years of being more introverted or being more quiet or tame person in the room and I guess I don't even necessarily think about it now you bring that up, but I'm like in a way of you pointing that out. It does make sense. I like to bring up the best in people. It's so important because the power of bringing your energy is more rewarding than just keeping it to yourself.


Amen, and I think I've shared this before. But a gift is just that Gift is meant to be shared, and I want to talk about your rebirth. What opened you up? What was that moment like?

Coop DeVille:

It was interesting. Actually, it wasn't even necessarily something I had planned on or something that it was just kind of how the universe aligned. I identify as a gay person, queer person and I had been closeted for a very long time. My family and my friends need that. I was being affected by something like press, very anxious, like feeling sad, and it wasn't until I had my family and my friends, my counselors at school, everybody support me and helped me to come to terms with where I was at in my sexuality and open about that. And it wasn't until then that all I had to do was just accept who I am and I can just do whatever I want and express myself. And from there, after finally being able to open, of course, I was just. Not many people are lucky to have so many support people and I will never take for granted.

Coop DeVille:

And that was where the seed finally was planted, finally was planted, and from there I just continued to water and nurture and I just saw blooms. I started seeing sparkly things Just started coming to place, slowly started experiment with how I looked, how I felt, what made me feel good, because for so long you're pressing those natural feelings. So it's like finally being able to get to a point that I don't have to suppress anything, I don't have to think twice. I was able to fully delve exactly what felt right to me. From there it just really skyrocketed.

Coop DeVille:

I was like, wow, I can just be happy with myself, I can just freely do my hair, and how does that make me feel? I feel great. I look in the mirror and I'm like, wow, this is what I've wanted this whole time and it's what has led me here today. I I could only imagine if I would have started years earlier. Something that comes on my mind all the time and in a way, it really is healing for me too, because for that younger version of me who thought twice about doing and expressing themselves creatively, expressing how they wanted to appear, it really is healing to that younger version of me.


Wow. So if you could look at your younger self-coop and tell your younger version anything in the world, what would you tell your younger version?

Coop DeVille:

Oh, I would sit him down and be like oh honey, the storm cup. You know, live tonight, die tomorrow. You know life is too short to be not living for yourself every single day. Oh my gosh, because you know, in the words of RuPaul if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else? Like amen.


Amen. I was going to say say it again for those who didn't hear you in the back.

Coop DeVille:

So I live by that today. I tell myself that all the time. I really believe that you have to be one, be there for yourself, and then two so you can be there for other people too and love you.


Wow, I mean that makes my heart just happy for you because, listening to your story, what a blessing that you had those who were in your sphere to accept you and love you, be supportive to you and for you as you journeyed in your journey.

Coop DeVille:



You know, not everybody has that, but maybe there's a piece that somebody else who is listening to your story today can take away from that and say here I am right now. I know that if I just hold on and if I'm authentic to myself, that things will get better. Coop is telling me things are going to get better and I just think that's such a beautiful lesson. And just a quick aside, I can totally. You know this is separate from like modeling and fashion, but it can be in. Modeling and fashion will kind of merge the worlds together. But I could see you being a mentor to people who are on this journey and I just think you have such a gift with words and a gift with how you make others feel that you would allow others the space and the freedom to be who they are while helping them to accept who they are on the journey. That's just my quick aside, saying that you are destined for great things, my friend.

Coop DeVille:

Wow, thank you. I appreciate all your words and I you know I absolutely, I would love, I would love to continue to do that and I think, being the example of just being who I am and continuing to do that I would love to. Regardless of who you are, any minority, any background, authentic, true self for other people relate to you and are trying to find their voice, trying to find their image and embrace who they are, because there's always somebody out there that can relate. I absolutely agree with everything you've said and I just I absolutely agree with you.


Okay, I'm going to say this as we continue on our interview, but I am truly looking forward to this whole journey that you are on and I'm super excited to see where this leads you Because, like I said, I can just feel it within my spirit that you're going to do some big things.

Coop DeVille:

Oh, thank you, I really appreciate you.


I appreciate you, know, I appreciate you. So, as we continue on, I would like to just ask you like when and what made you want to start modeling? How did you get into that? Oh well, you are gorgeous. Let me just say that.

Coop DeVille:

Thanks, thank you, I appreciate it. It's just so hard being gorgeous and beautiful all the time that I just know it needs to be shared with everybody. I love it. I'm a Leo darling. I'm obsessed with myself. It's you no?


I love that. For those who don't know yes, if you haven't already figured it out, coop is a Leo. So yes, yes, leo vibes all day.

Coop DeVille:

Yes, leo fire, I've got my mirror so I can stare at myself in the other hand.


Fabulous, darling, but do continue, because sometimes, coop, you got to push me back onto the track, because sometimes I do like to digress.

Coop DeVille:

Right, and we're the same in that. We're the same in that. You know I'm going to be like wait, where were we? Did you say what? Did I say what? Where were we? Back on track?

Coop DeVille:

I really do think he fell in love with modeling through my love of pop, tour, fashion, music. I just love the art. Modeling is so intertwined with music, pop culture, all of those things I started just seeing. Hey, let me dip my toes. What's going on? What's happening? How can I get my pictures? What do I want to say? What message do I want to send Me? Also, modeling is something that is producing an image, producing a beautiful picture. It's really displaying the art, how a garment makes you feel. A garment can transform who you're going to be that day. That carry in my own personal style. I take pieces and references from many generations. I love knowing my fashion history of different designers, different references, and incorporating that into my daily style, incorporating that into modeling. I really love curating a lot of my own art direction, knowing your references. People need to know who has come before you. I think that's so important having that history and knowledge in all meanings of life and in the future.


For sure, if I could ask you who would be your top three models, your muses?

Coop DeVille:

Speaking of models, obviously nobody has done it like Naomi Campbell. Let's be, real, all tea, all tea. Like Naomi Campbell is the ultimate fashion model muse. Nobody has done it like her.


I would agree with you. I agree with you on that. I will say her walk iconic.

Coop DeVille:



When she was in the fashion show for Vivian Westwood and she was wearing the stilettos and she fell. Nobody could have fallen.

Coop DeVille:

Gracefully, I didn't even see it, it was performance. Miss Lady Gaga totally admire her. She has been the source of a lot of my passion for art and pop culture, because one thing I really love about her depth of meaning behind what she produces, of somebody who takes a project, takes art, takes beyond just what you see. She creates things that are have a message deeper than always just be seen, and that is something that I admire. I love Aries women. I'm also Mariah. She is a muse always. Miss Mariah Carey darling.


Call her by no other name Darling Darling.

Coop DeVille:

I'm so inspired by women. I've always been surrounded by powerful, amazing, creative, supportive women and really majority of my life, women have people to fully understand me. Or no questions, no questions asked. Just I got you, I know who you are, I support you and I really just have a deep for so many women, peergood.


That's beautiful, great that you just pay homage to those women who have supported you. And because I think that's again, part of all of our journeys is to find those people who can bring the best out of you. You found those people. Could I ask you another question? What inspires you to take who you are at your core and make that into your artistic expression?

Coop DeVille:

Well, simply put, I really would be sad if I didn't. I really would. I would crumble if I did not continue to strive to be myself, putting myself at the core of everything that I do, because to me I simply just would. I would not be happy Even further. So I think love and passion that envelops modeling and art. I just love to be inspired by other artists, by other creatives, because it further share my perspective of the world, because, even tying back to what we talked about earlier, it's just like there's other people that are in the world that are looking to who they are and find their voice, and it's like I could only just really want to give that back to people. Have for me.


Wow, I want to sit with that, just comment for a moment and just kind of take that in. And I know what you just said. Touch something, because my little spidey senses went up and they're like wait, wait, wait, hold on. I'm just going to say I'm like I have to go back and listen to that because I know there is something from that that I was supposed to learn. So thank you for your wisdom. With that, I would like to just ask you could you share a story or an experience where it's a fashion choice or modeling work that you participated in resonated deeply with individuals that you may have heard about later?

Coop DeVille:

Wow, a couple years I've been freelance. I, you know, I'm not signed to an agency, I don't have any management or anything, so everything that I do is connections and Creations that I have birded on with other people. I I really just took a lot of thing. Whatever I could get, I was Doing that I could get my hands on. Yeah, you know, and I just wanted to sure I was Contacting every photographer that I could. I was contacting Everyone, my show and anything that I could get my hands on, and I did. And I did a lot of different things and Over a couple years, you know, I started to make some beautiful connections and I was working a magazine for a little over a year and was Creating my own articles in the magazine and I had the opportunity to, you know, write articles.

Coop DeVille:

I coordinated photographers and I, I think I, you know, I guess I can't really Say how it impacted other people, but I can say how it impacted me in a pride photo shoot and it was with one of my photographer friends. He does a lot of with film cameras and I just I just have such a A passion and appreciation for film cameras I think side-tangent, but you know, my initiative was to find a group of near people in the Twin Cities and get us together and do a photo shoot for pride and you know, very fashion-focused my article. In the images were really just about what we all strive for is just being ourselves unapologetically Right.

Coop DeVille:

Yeah you know, one of the most things that you can do as a queer person, I pock a woman at any minority. Any pressed or identity suppressed in some type of way is literally just existing. Being who we Apologetically like that is one of the most badass things you could possibly do, sure, oh, I, I together that I could, and we shoot. So some of my favorite pictures and photo shoots that I just because it means much to me, because the intent of creation of that art and imagery was to display unapologetic, and I Could only hope that that resonates well with hmm, and I think what you said so beautifully is the intention behind it.


What I hear you saying is Love, and you are bringing that to the world.


Amen is, it's beauty, it's truth. I believe that the core of who we are as beings is to search for that love, to search for that acceptance and to be that acceptance and be accepting to the world and Use the platform that you have been given, build so that everybody has a voice. Yeah, another thing that I was I was thinking of sometimes it takes people a lifetime to understand how to use their voice said about you in the beginning of when we met, and I look at you as a Wisdom filled individual who just has an An innate ability to know what to do with what you're given. And if we could all take away Something from what you have said is when you have the platform, when you have the opportunity, don't squander it. Use it the best of your ability, and that can change the world at a hundred percent can.


You are amazing. I, I. There's so many questions that I I Want to form late, but I want to ask you is there something that you wished coupe? I would have asked you. Is there any question or something you would like to share?

Coop DeVille:

Well, I, I believe that you know, I, I believe that happens as it does and I believe, oh, you have put things into such a beautiful perspective that I Really do just appreciate.

Coop DeVille:

Ask me, like I think you live on the world and on shedding light, those, and sharing people, stories is just such a beautiful thing because I, you know, I want to give you your flowers to girl, like you know, I think such a beautiful thing that you share and that, because it really is important to Equally highlight individuals that you resonate with and that you connect with, because you know it takes one to no one. You have a radiant energy and you really you do got to understand that, to appreciate it and find those people and you really do just have such an innate sense for that it's, it's girl, no, but you know, I do just want to accept you as well and do Appreciate who you are and what you're doing. I think it's amazing. I'd be, you know, ever since you reach out to me and shared, you know, your show with me I was listening to over the last week and I just think and I just I love to see it, we love to see it.


Oh, thank you, my friend. We go on this journey, my friend. We go hand-in-hand together. I am grateful for you and I am thankful that you took this opportunity to sit down and share your story and share your journey and allow us to See where you started and where you are now. And the journey still continues for you, and I want to say that you fearlessly Embrace your beauty, your intelligence, your individuality, and what I appreciate, coop, is that you allow and you encourage Other people to do the same thing and that, my friend, is super powerful. That is a gift.


And as I sit back and I think about pieces of the conversation that we've had your platform, your initiative it serves as a reminder that true beauty lies always within the ability to be authentically ourselves. And you make me smile every time I go on a project. My heart gets a thousand times lighter when I see you enter the space and I just want to say I'm glad that we met along this journey and I am thankful and grateful that the universe allowed our energies to meet. And From my being to your being, coop, I really love you. Always make my heart smile. No, thank you, my friend.

Coop DeVille:

Oh, thank you Got me. Oh, I love you as well. You're a radiant, amazing Human. I'm so thankful to have met you I really am, because there's nobody's energy like yours that I'm like wow, it's intoxicating. I'm like you know, your energy is so pure and I thank you for that. And sharing that, equally, you know, with other people, sharing that with me, sharing that with who you lift up. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you as well.


Thank you.

Coop DeVille:

I love you too, thank you, I I appreciate you. Thank you for having me.

Embracing Authenticity and Self-Love
Leo Vibes and Modeling Inspiration
Freelancing and Networking for Success
Expressing Gratitude and Love