Delighted Motherhood
The Delighted Motherhood Podcast is devoted to applying biblical principles to everyday motherhood as we delight ourselves in the Lord and in the calling that He has given to us.
Kira is a homeschool mom to four young boys, wife to James, a Bible teacher at her church, writer, podcaster and seminary student. But more than anything else, she’s a Christian who is loved by her Savior. And that changes everything.
Delighted Motherhood
When Motherhood Feels Invisible
As a Christian mom, I should know better than anyone that nothing I do is invisible. Everything I do—or neglect to do—is fully and completely known to God.
There’s no such thing as an invisible mom or a supermom. But there are moms who are fully known, fully forgiven, and fully loved in Christ. He has called us to live in the light as he is in the light. And as we abide in him, we need not fear our labor is in vain.