The Intuitive Way of Love

Ep3: Pleasure

Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D.

In this mini-cast Linda describes our mystical and innate ability to experience emotional and sensory pleasure.  She talks about checking in with our experience of pleasure as a valuable guide to our alignment with inner wisdom.

Dr. Linda Pettit’s book, Leaning into Curves: Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love will be out in March 2024. Linda’s life’s work is listening—to the wisdom within, to the wisdom that is expressed in heartfelt conversation, to the wisdom of Life, and to the wisdom that Love is. It is listening that empowers her words in writing, spiritual mentoring, and compelling public speaking. She is a global influencer at the intersection of psychology and spirituality.

Linda holds a doctorate in counseling psychology, a master’s degree in counselor education and a bachelor’s degree in journalism.

Visit to learn more about her programs and individual mentoring.