
Richard Rindt

Richard Rindt is a divorced father of four children who have been unlawfully erased from his life by a corrupt family court system that severed all contact between him and his children without any official legal finding of unfitness or endangerment.  He was married for 20 years, after which his ex-wife used the Silver Bullet scheme in the corrupt family court system to unlawfully pillage all of his financial assets and completely bankrupt him. He fights a daily battle against parental alienation from his ex-wife and her adoptive family. He is not only a devoted father, but also a passionate advocate for alienated and erased parents who are victims of the rigged family court system. He also advocates for equal shared parenting. He is using his experience and knowledge of the family court cartel schemes to help others avoid the same pitfalls he faced, as they contemplate divorce or head into court with a high-conflict divorce or custody battle.