Walk Diva Walk

EP 26: Embracing Courage When Your At Crossroads

Dr. Mary L Boyde

Have you ever found yourself standing at the crossroads of a tough decision, weighed down by what feels like the impossible? That was me just a while ago, facing the choice of traveling for my podcast recording– it felt like it was the wrong week with just not enough time. Join me, Dr. Mary L Boyde, and my coach, Tiffany Largie as we dig deep into our experiences of pushing past ridiculous hurdles and making the call that feels right for us. We promise to equip you with the “good - good”  from our journey, and hope to inspire you to never let fear or excuses stand in the way of you getting what you want.

Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. Hey, it's your girl, dr Mary L Boy, the reposition specialist. You are listening to the Walk, diva, walk podcast. This podcast is for you, the woman, specifically the black woman, who's had enough. Enough of saying no to your kids because you can't afford it. How about robbing Peter to pay Paul, working two or three jobs just to make ends meet? Enough of running from your God-given purpose and enough of just being sick and tired of being sick and tired On this journey. With the Walk, diva Walk podcast, I will help you overcome your past, face your present and walk into your God-given, purposed future, so you can support your family the way that you desire, live in abundance and overflow, live birth to that God-given purpose, giving birth to your dreams and desires. How about travel and experience the world in ways that you and your family will never forget? Have joy and peace so you can live. Are you ready? Let's walk. Hey, diva, hey, it's your girl, mary Boy, here and I just came to have like a real, real conversation. You know how we say for real. For real, that means like it's serious. It's that type of conversation.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know you've probably heard before that everybody needs a coach and you may be thinking, oh, people are just saying that because they want my money, y'all. Let me tell you that is not the case. Okay, I have a coach and she is absolutely fantabulous. Let me tell you about something that just recently happened, right? So, as you know, because you're watching, I have a podcast, surprise, surprise, right, and the plan was to have a home podcast space. So I found a space in my home that was an empty room and I decided to dedicate that to my podcast space. And, super excited, ordering all the things, right, ordering all the things the mics and the lights and the camera, just everything that I needed. And so we started setting up and we started testing some stuff. Okay, well, you know wasn't thinking that, since the room was completely empty, the echo in the room, and so in testing, it was like we tried two or three different things.

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The team was editing, you know, trying to figure it out, and it just wasn't happening. So a decision had to be made and you know it was. The conversation between she and I was now we can do it at home, we can make it work, but the quality that would be produced wouldn't be the quality of your other episodes and even that you would want. And I said, well, you know, I heard a snippet of it and I was like, yeah, it's good. But then I started thinking about all the other things that could go wrong. Right, I had my grandson. My grandson is he's six, but he's autistic, and so when he comes in the house, the whole world knows he's there. So I could just imagine me recording and here he comes bussing in the room like Nana, right, and it's going to be like no right, or the garage door opening water, running anything, and then we would constantly have to do several different takes, just the whole nine.

Speaker 1:

So when I started thinking about all the things that could go wrong, a decision had to be made, and I know some of you all in your life have been in situations where you just had to make a decision. My mama would say not fight around with it. She really would say that, okay, you know, not play around, not try to come up with all type of excuses, because it's easy. Mind you, this was a Tuesday. We were set to record on Thursday, okay, and so I thought of every reason not to come, like, oh, trying to find flights. That was an ordeal in itself and at first I was like, yeah, okay, let's do it. Then, when I tried to find flights, I got frustrated. Then when I talked to my husband, he's like, oh, we got plans on Friday and we have to keep our grandson an extra day, and so all of these things started to come up.

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That could have made me say, you know what, just forget it, I'm not coming, it's too hard. You know I'm getting stressed out. I'm like, oh, my God, mind you, I had to pack 28 outfits. Did y'all hear me? 28 outfits? Okay, now you know I'll know about some of y'all, but I've been on this weight loss up and down, up and down, up and down. So now I'm sitting here thinking, do I have 28 outfits that I can fit? Like, all of this stuff is going through my head. That could have seriously made me say forget it. But you know what? I had to make a decision to say what is it that you want? And I had to have that coach in my ear to say, mary, you can do this, but that's not who you are. I know you and I know what you want to produce, and the truth of the matter is we need you here to produce it with a team that's gonna hold your hand and walk you through everything that you need. So the decision just had to simply be okay, I just had to do it. Now, y'all, I know you saying okay. You said yes. Uh-huh, I said yes, I had to fly one airline to get here and book a separate airline going back.

Speaker 1:

The airline to get to the studio had a layover. Let me just tell y'all my experience right now had a layover which initially was about 40 minutes. Okay, I'm like that's not bad. Get to my layover destination, which was Austin, texas, because I'm flying from Atlanta to Phoenix. Get to Austin, texas, turn my phone on and get a wonderful alert that says instead of my flight leaving at 9, it's not leaving until 1158. I'm like, are you kidding me? Right now it's about 8.20,. Right, we're looking at almost a four-hour delay.

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To top it off, y'all, I had to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Now, y'all, let me tell you mornings are not my juj. You can get me at night all day long, but in the morning it's like no, you want me to get up at what time? I just landed at what time? Okay, here we go, me being who I am, I get in and I start trying to find one-way flights from Austin to Phoenix that's going to leave before this layover flight come in. They kept pushing it back. It went from 1158 to 1210 to 1202 to 1153, back to 1202. It was ridiculous, of course. I couldn't find any flights. I just said you know what it is, what it is, don't get frustrated about it. Find you a corner, take a quick nap while you're waiting, get some rest and let's get it.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you this story because I know that you have encountered many situations where you had to make decisions. The decisions weren't easy, because we all know life be lifeing all the time, especially when you decide to do something for yourself. You decide to take that next step in your life that you want to take. You are like, oh, I'm ready to put my big girl draws on and I'm ready to get it done. As soon as you do that, all hell breaks loose and you like wait, what have I just done? But when that happens, there are times where you just have to say come hell or high water, I'm going to do it, because if you don't make the decision in the moment, then every time something happens you're going to fall back and you're never going to get to that goal that you want to get to.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you, having a coach around you that you can lean on, call on, be open and brutally honest with, tell them how you feel, but they can receive all of that, but then still push and drive you in a loving way to do what you got to do, because they know your goals too. They know what it is that you want to achieve. See, my coach knows that one of my dreams is to move to the Caribbean. I got two spots in my right now Aruba and Bonair and I want to do that by next year. She can't let me fall on my sword, gracefully. She cannot let me just sit back and just say throw my hands up, I quit and forget it.

Speaker 1:

You have to have somebody like that in your corner. If you don't have anybody like that, you need to get one, not now, but right now. It is so important that you do. But don't give up on yourself when life starts life and I need you to take a deep breath, have your moment. But then I need you to decide immediately. Don't call and ask 12 different people their opinion, because all that is going to do is confuse you even the more.

Speaker 1:

You have to be sure of yourself and be okay even if it's the wrong decision. We try to be so perfect that we want to always make the right decision. Which who does it like? Who wants to make wrong decisions, like I'm intentionally making wrong decisions here? No, that's not how that works. We want to make the right decision, but you got to give yourself some grace even if you don't. So go with your gut.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you just got to go with your gut. You know Holy Spirit going to talk to you and tell you exactly what it is that you're supposed to do. I just need you to roll with it and, as scary as it may be, just do it. It's execution time, y'all. It is execution time. You've learned all the things. You know what you know. You know what you know. You are equipped, you are smart, you are intelligent, you are skilled, you all of it. So just do it and don't be afraid. Or do it afraid. Do it afraid Again.

Speaker 1:

Every excuse I had it. I don't have enough money, what borrow money? I don't know how I'ma get to the airport. Figure out a way. As she says I love this, sell the couch. Sometimes you got to sell the couch right so you can get what it is that you want, right? You got this one little couch. Sell it so you can get a sectional. All right, Think about it like that, but do what you have to do. Make the decision in the moment, go with what you know and know that it's gonna be all right, cause I'm here. I'm here, I'm in front of you. It is six o'clock in the morning, it is early, I hope, and I am here.

Speaker 1:

So let me tell you, god is not a respecter of person at all, and if I can do it, and he can do it through me, oh, since you got it, diva, let me tell you, all you got to do is walk, put one foot in front of the other, so the next time life starts life in and you have an important decision to make, just make it. I don't have 5,000 steps for you to take, the three steps you need to do, because, when it comes to something like this, you just have to make the decision period. Your mind just has to be set. You have to know you are worthy and you are worth it, and as long as you know that, the decisions will be easier to make and you will tackle whatever obstacle that comes along the best way. You know how right, but when you got a team around you, it makes it even easier. So the one thing I will tell you to do is get you a team, get you a coach, get people around you. That's not going to let you slack off, but push you to where you need to be. Oh, that's my time today. I love y'all. Ain't nothing you can do about it. I want you to win, so let's walk.

Speaker 1:

All right, divas, what an episode. Did I hit you in the head one of those bricks. Did you go out? Did you have the ducking cover? I know you went running around the house checking for cameras, looking under the bed, looking out the window to see if I was watching, because I was all in your business. I was on your street and in your lane. It's okay, though. It lets you know that you're not alone. I Hope that's something that you heard Resonated with you and, as a result, you are starting to reposition your mind so you can have the life that you want to live Now. That's not all I have for you guys, not just what was in the podcast, but now I want to give you a gift. Go to wwwstopdrowningandwincom. Wwwstopdrowningandwincom To receive the seven steps every black woman must take this year to break free and live her dreams Once and for all. You will also have an opportunity to connect with our community Again. You are not alone. The work is just beginning. Are you ready? Let's walk.