Walk Diva Walk

EP. 30: Go Get That Money Girl.

Dr. Mary L Boyde

Ladies, ever found yourself aching for money, independence, the ability to support your family, and the freedom to live your dreams? In this episode, I've shared my own story of breaking money barriers, from using my baking skills at home to establishing a successful business, and the crucial role a mentor played in my journey. I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, stop blaming external circumstances, and take consistent action towards your money goals. But it's not just about the money. As we go down this path, there will be tension between your pursuit of material wealth and the teachings of God. Are the two mutually exclusive? Not exactly. Let me help you unpack this and navigate the balance between money success and spiritual fulfillment. Listen in, and let's empower ourselves to break free from limitations and walk towards a delicious future.

Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. Hey, it's your girl, dr Mary L Boy, the reposition specialist. You are listening to the Walk Deva Walk podcast. This podcast is for you, the woman, specifically the black woman, who's had enough. Enough of saying no to your kids because you can't afford it. How about robbing Peter to pay Paul, working two or three jobs just to make ends meet? Enough of running from your God-given purpose and enough of just being sick and tired of being sick and tired. On this journey, with the Walk Deva Walk podcast, I will help you overcome your past, face your present and walk into your God-given, purposed future, so you can support your family the way that you desire, live in abundance and overflow. Live birth to that God-given purpose, giving birth to your dreams and desires. How about travel and experience the world in ways that you and your family will never forget? Have joy and peace so you can live. Are you ready? Let's walk. Hey Deva, hey, listen, it's that Money Talks series.

Speaker 1:

Now, I don't know if you listened to it If you didn't go back and listen to where I talked about money and family. Oh, they can be like oil and water, right, but once you make that decision to, I'm going to leave my family behind just for a minute to make the money that I need to get to where I need to go. The next thing is well, how do I make it Money? Making money is easy. Let me say that. Let me start there, and if you don't have it, it's because you're not working towards it. There are so many things that you can do and I think one of the biggest reasons is you need a coach to help you, because you don't know what to do, how to do it, where to go, what your options are and all the things right. So I want to talk to you today about making money, because it's time to stop the excuses of being broke.

Speaker 1:

All you talk about is how broke you are. If you want more, you want better. But I always say do you really or are you just lying to yourself? Because it sounds real good. It sounds good to say oh, you know, we're here around people and I want more. I've been on this job for 10, 15, 20 years. I only get a 50 cent raise, 75 cent raise every year. I'm never going to be able to have more than what I have now doing. What I'm doing, I have businesses in mind that I want to create and do and all the things. That sounds real good, right, when you just talking about it.

Speaker 1:

But then opportunity knocks and then you have all the excuses as to why you can't. I don't have the money right now to invest. It's a scheme, it's a scam, I don't know how. I don't have a mentor, I don't have a coach, I don't have time. When I get off of work after you know, working my nine to five, and it's really it's a nine to five, eight hours, which is really like 10 hours an hour ago, and, like you, have all the excuses Lil Johnny got his football game, lil Susie got her chili, then practice, then they got soccer and band, like all the things. And honestly, they're all excuses. And I'm going to tell you why they're excuses Because your life is the way that it is because of decisions that you have made when you became an adult, and it is just that plain example.

Speaker 1:

There are so many options out there and this is going to be a rough conversation and some people may say, mary, you are not being sensitive Y'all. So when I tell you something is in my eye, but I'm going to get it, just don't mind me. You can hear me clearly, right. So it is all about all the reasons, all the excuses, right and so, but the truth of the matter is your life is the way that. It is because of decisions that you made. No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

I decided to have a baby at 22 years old. That was my decision. I decided to move to a place that I had never been before and the only person I knew was my brother, who I moved with. That was my decision. I decided to spend my money frivolously right. I decided to spend my money frivolously and not manage it the right way. Right, and do all the things I was big enough and bad enough to do. That was my decision. I decided not to save and invest and just all the things. Those were my decisions and I can blame it on life, life, life as it does each and every day. But the response to life is your responsibility, and sometimes you got to pull up your bootstraps, roll up your sleeves and make some tough decisions as to am I going to just have my knees buckle and bow down to what life is throwing at me, or am I going to pick myself up, make some tough decisions, get out here, make the money that I want to make and move on and not look at every opportunity that comes my way as something that is not Some of y'all.

Speaker 1:

Y'all know, y'all heard that story. It's a couple of stories that I'm going to give you, but this one right here I've heard it since I was a little girl that it was this man that was sitting on the roof of a house. A flood was coming in and before the rain got high, a car came and tried to pick him up and he said no, god's going to save me. Here comes the rowboat, because the rain is now high, right, so it's like a river. So here comes the rowboat and they say come on, get in. No, god's going to save me. Now the rain, the water is almost up to the peak of the roof. Here comes the helicopter. Helicopter drop the ladder down. They like grab a hold, come on, get on so we can save you. No, no, no, you go right ahead, god's going to save me. And then you see God and you like God, is this heaven? Am I still? And he like yes, you have died, this is heaven. And you're like man, god, I thought you was going to save me. And he, looking at you like fool, I tried to. I sent you a car, I sent you a boat and I sent you a helicopter and you didn't take none of it. I was helping you but you didn't see the opportunity because you were expecting me to come a different way.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of y'all are making the money that you need because opportunities are coming and you are looking at them one way, when it's a resource that you need that is being brought to you so you can make your way out. You know, I remember a time money was tight, money was real tight, and I just I was just like, okay, now I'm not getting no second job, been there, done that, have worked the two jobs thing where my baby was little and I was like I just I can't do that again, like no, and so I'm like, what am I going to do to start making money? Because, again, money is easy to make, it is easy to come by, and there's a difference between your passion for what you're doing and a season to do what you need to do, until you can do what you want to do. And I was in that season. I knew what my passion was. I knew that my purpose was talking to you, it was coaching and mentoring you. It was helping you to discover right, to discover what it is that you want to do and help you actually do it Right. That was it. It was to help you discover it and help you do it.

Speaker 1:

I know that was me so years ago, hit a bad patch. Financially it wasn't horrible, but it was like, okay, we need some extra cash in this house and I knew I didn't want to work a second job. So I said, okay, well, what are you going to do? Because you got to do something. You make too much money to rely on. The government Didn't want to do that, but couldn't if I did want to. So God said use what's in your hands. And I'm like use what's in my hands. Because many of you, like me, are multi gifted, multi talented, you have many skills. That's why I know money is easy, and so I love, I can bake, I can cook very well, and that's what he showed me. And so this was during the time.

Speaker 1:

It was, you know, cupcakes were coming up left and right, and so I said well, let me, let me try this. And I was a team mom for youth football team. My husband was the head coach for the football team and I said you know what? I'm going to bake some cupcakes and I'm going to take it to the park. So I baked some cupcakes, took it to the park, gave them away Okay. Lesson number two. The first lesson was recognizing opportunity when it comes your way. The second lesson is sometimes you have to give it away for free before you start making money for it. So we, I started, I took some for free. Oh, my God, they loved it. They absolutely loved it.

Speaker 1:

Right the next week I did a different flavor, took them to the park again, gave them away for free. Then people started saying well, mary, do you, do you sell these? I'm like, yeah, I do, I sell them. And they was like how much? I said $26 a dozen, okay, and that was for your standard cupcake with regular icing, homemade from scratch, okay, in that box. And it was like, oh, can you make strawberry cupcakes? Sure, and then I started getting orders and the cupcake orders turned into cake orders. Where, mary, can you make a cake? Yeah, I can make cakes. Now let me tell you something funny. They weren't just talking about Baker cake and slap some icing on it and give it to them like they taken it to a cookout. These are the decorative cakes, right, that you see on TV. Yeah, I had never made one in my life. I had characters, not the fancy icing designs, none of it.

Speaker 1:

I went to the school of U2B, u2b University, yes, right. But when they asked me, I had so much confidence in my skills and what I could do, even though I had never done it before, I said, sure, I can do it. I got my order, I went home, I looked at the design that they wanted, I Googled and YouTube some stuff, and when I tell you I delivered, I delivered. You would have thought that I had went to school for it, right, that I had been trained by some great cake chef and I hadn't. This is what I did because I knew what I needed, right. And so then order started coming.

Speaker 1:

Order started coming and then somebody else said, well, I took some food or something to an event and they was like Mary, do you? Can I say, yeah, I cater. And I named my business Heavenly Hands Catering and Bakery, right, and that was the name of my business. And so I started getting orders for catering events. I started catering church events and Christmas parties and birthday parties and y'all it. I mean it was going very well.

Speaker 1:

So then people started saying, mary, why don't you open a bakery? Or why don't you open a brick and mortar? And I had to say, no, I don't want to do that, because I understood my purpose. Versus a season of, I just need some money. I knew this wasn't a forever thing. Now, longterm goal, I will have my restaurant. I just won't be in the kitchen cooking in it, but I will have my restaurant longterm goal. But to be in in a hot kitchen baking or as my source of living, no, that that's not what I wanted to do. I knew that. So so lesson three know what you want to do and know what you're not willing to do. Okay, so I. So I started doing order and everything was going well and people were like you know, why don't you do do that and open a bakery and do all of these things? And I'm like no, that's not what I want to do. I'm good. I'm good with taking the orders that I need. So I knew if I was short or something, I could push my heavily hands baking and catering, get a couple of orders. And I was good, right, as I started working on building what I wanted to do long term.

Speaker 1:

So some of you all have skills that you can absolutely monetize. You all know how to bake and cook. You know how to sew right. You know how to crochet. You know how to administrate. You know how I mean. You have so many gifts. You are the social media guru that you are always on. You know how to teach people how to build their audience. You know I mean anything and everything. You like woodworking. You know how to teach that or sell what you do Like it is so easy, because the truth of the matter is God did not create us to for us to have the only interest in a thing.

Speaker 1:

So if you love woodworking, you are not the only one out of the billions of people in the earth that love woodworking. But you don't need to service the billions of people in the earth. To make some money real quick for you, you need a couple of hundred dollars for your bill. Make something and sell it. You need a couple of hundred dollars on a bill. Take your knowledge and sell it. There is somebody out there that needs a skill that you have. Making money is easy.

Speaker 1:

There's the network marketing game out there. Some of y'all like, oh God, network marketing. Listen, network marketing put a lot of money in my, in my house over the years. Okay, because whatever I sold, I found somebody that needed it or wanted it. Okay, so people look at network marketing like it's a scheme or scam. It's not. You are anything you do. You have to market to your network. You start your own business. Who going to purchase your stuff? You got to have a network. How do you get your network? You have to market to it, that's all. Net, that's all.

Speaker 1:

Network marketing is Okay and you can get paid to do that. You can get paid off of the services and you can get paid by referring people. Oh, that's a pyramid, that's a scheme. Is it really so? Macy's has a sale and they say you know what? We are trying to beef up our revenue for this month. It's typically a downtime, so we're not only going to have a sale, we're going to have a friends and family bonus and so anybody that you refer to Macy's that come and shop, that uses your code, you're going to get a percent of it. Y'all will hop all over that. Y'all will be telling everybody their mama, their cousin, the sister, the brother. Y'all be digging people out the grave trying to tell them to go shop at Macy's here, use your code so you can get a percent of it and not think anything twice. But when they use the network marketing name around it, it's a scam, a subspeed and it's a pyramid. It is not Okay.

Speaker 1:

So that's just one avenue, and there's many of them out there to do many different things. Find one that utilizes or has the product or service that you like. If you like makeup, do Mary Kay or Avon. It's a whole bunch of other ones out there, right. If you like wellness products, you can do Melaleuca and what's that? Tlc I mean, it's a bunch of them. Do that. If you want travel, there are many travel ones that are out there. If you want financial services, the sky's the limit.

Speaker 1:

It is no reason why you're not making money, and it's not about this making money season that I'm talking about. It's not necessarily about what your passion is, what you feel your purpose is and what you want to do for the rest of your life, this thing that you want to build. It's about creating some cash flow so you can start having some relief in your life financially, so that you then can start building what it is that you need to build Money is a tool and it's a tool to be used. The next episode we're going to talk about money management. I'm going to talk about this thing of relationship with money. Yeah, that's going to be an interesting conversation.

Speaker 1:

Making money y'all is easy. If you are not making money, you're not trying. If you're just praying about making money, you're not going to make it. Because the word says faith without works is dead. You can have all the faith in the world, but if you are not working for it, the manner is not falling from heaven. The suitcase full of money is not underneath the bed. The banks are not going to loan it to you because if you strap nine times out of 10, you don't have the credit to even borrow. The family is not going to give it to you because they just as broke as you are. The friends are not going to give it to you because most of the time, if you broke, the five to 10 friends around you are broke too. You know that.

Speaker 1:

Saying you want to know your, if you want to see your value or your worth when it comes to money not who you are as a person, but money, look at your circle Right. So you're not going to get it from them. So how are you going to do it and when are you going to make a decision to do it? It's time to decide now. Sell the couch. Sell the couch, give up the apartment and find somebody to move in with and save somebody Like it is. It is so much but anything that we feel as an inconvenience, or somebody's going to look at us a different way, or they're going to talk about us, or they're going to be worried. You know saying these things about us and we don't want to appear this way. Man, that's old y'all, because the same people that you are worried about that's talking about you. They need to be doing it too. They broke too. They need money too. They might have a dream that they want to pursue too. So who cares what it looks like to anybody else? It's about you and your goals and what you want to do. So stop making excuses about being broke.

Speaker 1:

This pandemic that we had has created more millionaires than any other time. Yeah, in a pandemic when people supposedly were getting laid off of their job and not working. You hear the stories I got laid off, I didn't know what else to do. I ended up starting this business and now their product is on the shelves in Walmart, their products are in boutique, their products are being sold all over the world Because they were pushed in a corner. So it was either die or come out fighting. But why do we have to get pushed in the corner and only have those options to die or come out fighting instead of making a decision where you are, especially if you're working and you're making some type of income to build upon that and have it a little easier than dying or come out fighting? I'm just saying there's a better way.

Speaker 1:

So, divas, stop making excuses about making money. Making money is easy. Figure out your gift, which you already know, what you can do, and do it and do it again, and do it again, and do it again. And if you're going to invest in something, invest in somebody to help you do it and watch your life change. Yo, let's go get it. And I'm not talking about let me say this before I end I'm not talking about chasing the bag.

Speaker 1:

Don't chase no bag. That ain't of God whatsoever. That is not. There's no way. In scripture he told you you had to chase the bag. He said all things will be added unto you. That's what his word says right. Seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added. It means addition. That means it's coming behind you. The money and everything is going to come if you be obedient and just do what he's supposed to do, what you're supposed to do. See opportunity when it comes. Don't denounce everything as a scheme and a scam and this and that. Stop making excuses of why you can't and start creating your reasons of the detriment it's going to cost you if you don't Make a decision and do it and walk in it, and the money y'all is going to come. So y'all, that's my time. I love y'all. Ain't nothing you can do about it. Let's go out here and get this money, this mula, this denaro, these coins. Let's get the bag, not chase the bag. Be blessed, live on purpose and let's walk All right, divas, what an episode.

Speaker 1:

Did I hit you in the head with one of those bricks? Did you go out? Did you have the ducking cover? I know you weren't running around the house checking for cameras, looking under the bed, looking out the window to see if I was watching, because I was all in your business. I was on your street and in your lane. It's okay, though. It lets you know that you're not alone. I hope that something that you heard resonated with you and, as a result, you are starting to reposition your mind so you can have the life that you want to live Now. That's not all I have for you guys, not just what was in the podcast, but now I want to give you a gift. Go to wwwstopdrowningandwincom. Wwwstopdrowningandwincom, you receive the seven steps every Black woman must take this year to break free and live her dreams once and for all. You will also have an opportunity to connect with our community Again. You are not alone. The work is just beginning. Are you ready? Let's walk.