Sips from the Fountain

Discovering Your True Identity with Chloe Pannell

May 21, 2024 Martha Gano Season 1 Episode 6
Discovering Your True Identity with Chloe Pannell
Sips from the Fountain
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Sips from the Fountain
Discovering Your True Identity with Chloe Pannell
May 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Martha Gano

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Have you ever felt shackled by invisible chains, holding you back from the person you were meant to be? Chloe Pennell joins me, Martha Gano, in a soul-stirring conversation to help you break free and step into your true identity in Christ. We share stories of personal awakenings and divine encounters, revealing how the lies we've believed about ourselves can distort our perception of God and our purpose. Together, we unpack the tale of Gideon and how his transformation from a man plagued by doubt to a mighty warrior mirrors our spiritual journey. This episode is a call to action, inviting you to shed the falsehoods that shadow your unique calling and embrace the transformative truth of your Creator's vision for your life.

Parenting takes a prominent role in our discussion as we navigate the delicate art of nurturing a child's divine potential and steering their strong wills towards leadership rather than control. We examine the critical falsehoods that can stifle growth, not just in children but in anyone struggling to find their footing in faith. Concluding with a heartfelt prayer, this episode is an invitation to listeners seeking to recover their kingdom DNA and tune in to the melody God has composed for them. Whether you're a seeker or a seasoned believer, our exchange offers a wellspring of encouragement and a compass to help you reclaim the identity and destiny crafted for you by God Himself.

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Have you ever felt shackled by invisible chains, holding you back from the person you were meant to be? Chloe Pennell joins me, Martha Gano, in a soul-stirring conversation to help you break free and step into your true identity in Christ. We share stories of personal awakenings and divine encounters, revealing how the lies we've believed about ourselves can distort our perception of God and our purpose. Together, we unpack the tale of Gideon and how his transformation from a man plagued by doubt to a mighty warrior mirrors our spiritual journey. This episode is a call to action, inviting you to shed the falsehoods that shadow your unique calling and embrace the transformative truth of your Creator's vision for your life.

Parenting takes a prominent role in our discussion as we navigate the delicate art of nurturing a child's divine potential and steering their strong wills towards leadership rather than control. We examine the critical falsehoods that can stifle growth, not just in children but in anyone struggling to find their footing in faith. Concluding with a heartfelt prayer, this episode is an invitation to listeners seeking to recover their kingdom DNA and tune in to the melody God has composed for them. Whether you're a seeker or a seasoned believer, our exchange offers a wellspring of encouragement and a compass to help you reclaim the identity and destiny crafted for you by God Himself.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever feel like life can get too complicated and maybe even overwhelming? Yeah, me too, and it's okay. My name's Martha Gano, and in this podcast we're going to talk about life, love, faith, family relationships, all kinds of things, and we're going to drink from what God wants to pour into us, one small sip at a time, because when it's the fountain of living water, small sips make all the difference. Sometimes it'll be just you and me, sometimes we'll have a friend join us. If we could have lunch together today, this is what I'd want to talk about. Okay, hey, everybody, welcome back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

This is episode number two, with Chloe Pennell talking to us about foundational lies. So if you missed the last episode, encourage you to hop back and just grab it really quickly. It'll give you a great overall snapshot of what we're talking about today as well. But as a quick summary, we talked about the fact that the enemy of our souls would love to speak lies over us to keep us from living out the identity that God's called us to, to living what his original design for us was, and he does that in a number of ways. A lot of those ways are to inflict a wound or a place of brokenness and then whisper lies about who we are, lies about the nature of life, lies about other people, lies about God himself.

Speaker 1:

And I'm so excited because Chloe's been leading us through breaking those foundational lies that color everything we do in our lives, because they're so foundational. And then today we're actually going to talk about once we begin breaking those lies over our lives how do we know who we are, what God has for us, what's our purpose, our calling, all of that kind of thing, and I'm really excited to get into this part of it today. This is so much more exciting and positive, chloe. That foundational lie stuff is like. That's like heavy stuff and kind of dark, but so necessary because we never want to pretend like we don't have something lodged in us that's there and is shutting everything down. So take us into the bright future now, chloe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm really excited to be talking about this. I think this is something that is very hard for this generation and a lot of people in the world right now just wondering what their identity is. It's some sort of twisting on what you are actually called to in your identity in Christ. That's what, then? He wants you to not live in your full, like what God has called you. He doesn't want you to live in the fullness of that. We all have this song, all this song. There's a song that's in us and that God sings over us. These lies can silence that. They can keep us from coming to our full identity. This can get off track as growing up as a child, your parents. They don't create your identity, but they have a part in calling forth your identity and who you are and affirming the attributes that God has given you.

Speaker 2:

One of the ways that we help get our song back and hear the song that God is singing over us is, like I said, we go back to those lies, jamie Winship. He talks about asking the Lord the lies that you believe about yourself and confessing it to him and then repenting for believing those lies about the beautiful design that God has made, because God created you and he doesn't want you believing lies about his creation. He's called you for a specific purpose. When we believe those things about ourselves, it's kind of a rebellion, in a way, against God and his creation. We ask him to speak his truth over us. We trade the lie for the truth. We need to hear his word and what he says specifically to us, more than like I said in the last podcast, more than seeking out biblical truths. Those are all good, but we need God to rewrite the lie that's been laying in our hearts and in our minds and that we believed and been deceived by. We need to hear his voice on that matter.

Speaker 2:

Haley Braun she says in her book and it's so powerful. She says the reason why prophetic words from the Lord and words from him in general are so impactful and influential is because it's kingdom DNA being implanted inside of you. It's a little kingdom seed, and this is when the enemy tries to plant these seeds and these lies within us. What he's trying to do is try to choke out God's truth, and so what happens is when this kingdom DNA is planted inside of you, it chokes out all of the other weeds and it's no longer in competition with what the enemy is trying to say, because it is a declaration formed in the mind of God about you being spoken to you.

Speaker 2:

So I did this once I heard about what Jamie Winship was talking about, I immediately did this and one of the lies that I kept coming back to was, like I'm not good enough or nothing to bring to the table, I asked the Lord to show me what he calls me and what my identity is in him. And the weirdest name you know. I got called and I knew it was not my mind that you know I came up with that. It was definitely the Lord, it was mother, and I knew that it was in the spiritual sense. I knew it was something you know in the spiritual sense.

Speaker 1:

First, I just want to say Chloe's not a mother. That's why she's making that she's not a mother. She's young, she's not married yet and she is not not a mom yet. So that's what you mean by that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's definitely what I mean by that. I was like, okay, lord, but I realized he was calling me into like being a spiritual mother. I needed that Like, I needed to hear those words and that the Lord was preparing me for a time where I could get to pour into other people about the things the Lord has shown me. Another instance that I love that we see this happen in the Bible is with Gideon the Lord. When he's calling Gideon to help free the Israelites from the Midianites, he calls Gideon. He said, oh, mighty man of valor, the Lord is with you. And Gideon's like what? Like I am the weakest of my clan and my clan is the weakest, so like he's. Like I'm the least, but yet God calls him. I think this is something that's super hard for us to believe as well, because we usually think that what we're good at is what God calls us to do and operate in, and that's not our anointing, is actually what we're least good at, because that's when God can actually use us, and so that would be. Another thing is to ask the Lord what you're anointing is. You can see the things that the Lord wants to use and be able to grow you in, and a beautiful thing is that our giftings can be used to help us tap into that anointing.

Speaker 2:

Going back to Gideon, we see him. He gets called oh mighty man of valor. It takes him a while to fully step into the identity that God called him to. It's like he's still doubting. He's still like okay, lord, please show me that you're going to come through for me. You know, like over and over. And then he starts stepping into what the Lord had called him to. I mean Moses too. You think of Moses. When he was first called, he was like I'm not eloquent in speech, like I can't do this, but the Lord called him to help set Israel free from Egypt. And then we see him later on and we're like he's just going off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's a beast. Yeah, Well, and I think this goes back to what you talked about last episode with Shane, because you guys, if the enemy can keep you shaming yourself like Gideon wanted to shame himself, and the Lord was like no, it doesn't take any gift to see someone's trash, chloe, we can all see the trash about all the people. It's pretty clear what takes a supernatural empowerment of God is to see the treasure that he put in the person when he created them, to see their original design and to speak life into how God created them, what his purpose was for someone. And that's what I see here with Gideon. Gideon is a kid hiding from the enemy and he calls him a valiant warrior. Well, that's even I.

Speaker 1:

Go back to the scripture that says speak. Speak the things that are not as though they are. So we say God, what's your picture of me? We break down the lies. Show me the lies first, god. Break them down, let's get them out. Are the ones who offended me and caused the lies to start? Forgive myself, ask God for forgiveness for believing lies instead of his truth, all the things, and then to say, okay, now show me who you say I am. But when we operate in shame we can't receive.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna be some pretty awesome stuff that God says about who we are, and so I think that all of what you've been talking about ties together yes, it definitely has, and that's what you know, going back to, the Lord speaks the language he speaks, the language of life, and that's what we're supposed to do for others.

Speaker 2:

You know, we're not supposed to be trash inspectors, like what you just mentioned, martha, like we're supposed to be treasure seekers to see the good that the Lord has put in them and to call them forth to that, but also be okay where they're at right now, like love them for who they are, including yourself. Including yourself, yeah, because it's really easy for us to just focus on our sin and instead of, you know, focusing on the Lord and trusting in him that he's working things all for the good of those who love him. I thought about something when you're talking, you know, like this is, this is really good, like for parents with young children. You know, maybe, if you have a child and she's very like he or she's very strong willed, it's really easy to just say, oh, my gosh, he or she's being like very bossy. You know, like they're I don't know what's you know gotten into them. I can't break through to them. You know, most of times we think like, oh, we just need to break them down, like just, break them up but it's not.

Speaker 2:

That's not necessarily true, because if you look, there's a gifting of leadership within them and so you have to, I mean, ask the Lord for help for sure, but help them wield their gift, because they're set twisting that the enemy loves to pervert, he loves to pervert that into something bad, to keep, control the manipulation you know in a means of getting their own way, but instead you can help them be a leader.

Speaker 1:

It's just for their calling in the future purpose like yeah, yeah, and you know, I mean, I'm raised my kids already. But how many times have we heard people talking about breaking the will of a kid? And the truth is what if we're breaking the identity God put in them? But it takes a lot more challenge to ask God how to creatively call forth the life of what they're supposed to be, while dealing with the twisting that the enemy's trying to do with that gift but it's definitely not to crush it, yeah, or squelch it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Gosh, you kind of talk like a you have a mother gift and another thing too like I thought about myself, like when I was growing up I was shy, like I was opposite, I was quiet, you know, like I didn't talk a lot and so that got spoken over me a lot.

Speaker 2:

You know like, oh, she's just shy, you know, she's just quiet. Then, as I grow, grew up, and I was getting, I felt the Lord calling me to worship, leading and, like you know, all these things that require you to kind of be outspoken and to kind of, like you know, be a leader, and I was like, oh my gosh, I don't know if I can do that. And I realized I believe the lie, like, oh, yeah, I am shy, like I am quiet. That's not who I was. And the thing is like, yes, we all have different personalities, there's different ways that God has created us, but when it affects you and keeps you from stepping into the calling that the Lord has put on your wife, then you can know it is a plan from the enemy to keep you from stepping into the goodness and the fullness of what God has for your life wow, I feel like things are probably starting to click with our listeners.

Speaker 1:

A little bit about some of the lies that have spoken over, been spoken over you, that you believed, and also how exciting it is to think about being done with those lies, even though they can sometimes be a comfort zone yeah, because you've lived with them your whole life. But I think you've just given us a really great picture of how exciting it can be to find your actual identity and to start walking in it. A couple well, just one book at least I want to reference, and then we'll see if you have anything else. To wrap up, if you, the book by Jamie Winship W-I-N-S-H-I-P that we're referring to is Living Fearless, then he's got.

Speaker 1:

There's a Bud Gilliam podcast and YouTube's out there where he has shared his basic teaching about identity, which is setting people free, is setting people on fire. It's like foundational lies are just like falling off as people find their identity in God and why they were created, why they're on the planet, and I just encourage you, grab that book if this is intriguing to you. So, chloe, finish this up. How about just a prayer over people who are listening, with where they are, what they're seeing right now and releasing some things?

Speaker 2:

So, lord, I thank you that you are beginning to show people that they've been living in a false identity. That's not you call them to be and not what you call them to, lord, and I pray that right now you begin to speak your truth over them and sing the song over them that you created them before they were in their mother's womb. You needed them together. You know everything about them and, lord, I just pray that we just call them forthright and out to their destiny. Lord, in Jesus name, I just ask that they would just step into their calling, lord, and take it. They would take what the enemy has taken and stole from them and, lord, I just pray that you would restore it. In Jesus name, we just give you all the glory in Jesus name.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I also want to say you guys, some of you may be really interested in getting more information about finding the broken places that need forgiveness and need healing. It is a really, really fabulous place to start Transforming the inner man by John Lauren and Paula Sanford God's powerful principles for inner healing and lasting life change. Transforming the inner man and that's more about looking at. You know where some of those wounds happened that may be impacting your life without you even realizing it, because they're so far in the past and they're buried so deeply. Just because they're buried deeply doesn't mean they're not in your life right now. They haven't been healed and resolved. So those are some great resources. We are just praying freedom release. We're praying lives broken. We're praying identity and destiny released over your life in Jesus name.

Speaker 1:

Thanks you guys so much for joining us. It's been a blast hanging out with you. Chloe, thank you. I kind of want to make you sing something, a song, over you. Thank you guys for joining us. We'll see you next time. Hey, you guys, thanks for hanging out with us today. I hope you got some refreshment from this SIP, from the Fountain. If you're curious to hear more or if you like what you've heard. You can go ahead and subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen to yours, or follow our Instagram account, sips from the Fountain, or our Facebook page by the same name. Special thanks for cover our photography to the Sarah D Harper and I can't wait to see you guys again soon. You.

Discovering Your Identity in Christ
Discovering Identity and Destiny in God