The Body Image Revolution

How To Dress FOR Your Body in 4 Simple Steps

Rebecca Sigala Season 1 Episode 41

When someone says "dress for your body," we generally think of clothing that will be the most "flattering" or make us look smaller. Thanks, diet culture. In this episode, you'll learn how to truly dress FOR your body instead of against it. 

In 4 steps, you'll be guided through:

-Letting go of what no longer serves you (Both mentally and physically)

-Embracing your true and unique style

-How to start implementing this work so you can show up as your real, badass self

To go deeper on this journey so you can wear whatever the F you want and stop caring about what other people may think, you can apply to The New Sexy. First, book your discovery call with me here:

And then I'll send you an application form via email to get this party started. 

xoxo Rebecca 

I would love to hear from you on Instagram!

Rebecca Sigala:

Hello. Hello. Welcome to The Body Image Revolution. You guys are the freaking best. Thank you for being here on this journey with me. Every time I come on, I'm just so happy to be here and I want you to get ready for a few months of even more episodes. I have so much to share with you and I plan on putting out an episode at least every week. So please make sure that you're subscribed to my podcast on Spotify or Apple so that you get the notification of all the new episodes coming out. And also, if you're enjoying it, please give it a rating or even better, share it with a friend who needs to hear what I have to say, whoever just came to mind right now, send it to her right now. Let's keep this body image revolution going strong. Today. I wanted to talk to you about something really fun. At least it should be fun, but unfortunately diet culture has made shopping and clothing something that is often filled with pressure and stress for many of us, especially those who don't fit into the quote unquote average sizes at stores. It always amazes me when women tell me that they couldn't find their size. And this is women in every type of body, small, large, maybe even more quote unquote average, but have smaller breasts and a bigger butt or whatever. So many stores don't take the uniqueness of women's bodies into consideration. And I'm sure it has so much to do with the cost of the clothing and demand for those sizes. But there is truly a demand for more inclusive sizes. So I just don't fully get it. Someone please explain it to me. It just really bothers me that on top of all the body image struggles that women have, they are also made to feel worse about themselves on top of all of that, simply because a store isn't carrying their size. And it makes women feel even more alone. Understandably so. It's like, I'm struggling with my body image and now there's not even enough bodies in the world like mine for a store to offer clothing in my size. It's never actually personal, but it still feels really offensive and it really fucking sucks. I can tell you from personal experience that my breasts are often too big for the average bra. Like right now I'm a triple D at the moment. My breasts definitely fluctuate, but when they're this size, there's really only certain places that I can shop for that. And another example is that my daughter is 14 and she's 5 foot 10. So she has definitely left the mall so many times with barely anything because of her size. She's also pretty picky about what she wants to wear, so there's that too. But that combination makes it really difficult. And she's a super strong girl, but that happening over and over again would get to anyone, even if you're not currently struggling with your body image, It's just another reminder to those who don't, or don't feel like they fit into the standard that there's something wrong with their body. Which is not true, of course, but our brains love to collect evidence of our beliefs. So this one is definitely a smack in the face. Like, even though I like my boobs a lot and I've definitely done a lot of body image work around them, there's still that little voice in the back of my head sometimes that thinks, wow, they're really big. Not necessarily a negative thing, but I still have that voice. But like, Why? Compared to what? Just because a store decided not to carry my size, there are tons of women with boobs that are my size or even much larger than mine. And it's all totally beautiful and normal. And we need to keep reminding ourselves of that. There's literally no wrong way to have a body. Say it with me, guys. There is literally no wrong way to have a body. I want to share with you something that has happened for me and many of my clients who have worked with me in my coaching program. And I want to help you get started on this part of the journey for you. And that is dressing for your body. So, in diet culture terms, that means let's dress in a way that makes us look the skinniest. We all know the"rules", darker colors for bigger bodies, no horizontal lines, having a waistline fall in the perfect place that makes us look the best or is the most flattering for us, meaning the most thin. But, right now, I want you to throw out all of the rules. Throw out all of the things that society or your mom or whoever told you about how you are supposed to dress or what you can quote unquote, pull off. That is the first step to this process. I'm going to go through four different steps. So stay with me guys. Number one, I want you to do what I just said, let go of what you were told about your body and how you're supposed to dress. If you have time, this is super valuable. I want you to take out a journal or your phone and just write down all the things that were said to you about your body and how you were supposed to dress. Let me think about this for myself right now. Hmm. I feel like the first message that I received about clothing or my body was you can't show your stomach. I don't know if anyone ever straight out said that to me, but that was definitely the message that I received. Like, you can't wear a bikini from day one. It was tankinis and one pieces all the way. I remember being eight years old and not feeling like I could wear a bikini. So that informed what I wore like forever only in the past decade. Have I been starting to unwind those limiting beliefs and show up and wear what I want. I actually really love crop tops now, and every time I put one on, it's still like crazy to me how comfortable I feel in it. And it's so freeing. So amazing to see when you've come so far on your journey. So other things you might've been told are don't dress too slutty or you'll give the guys the wrong idea or you shouldn't wear XYZ that's only for this body type or people with small breasts. You should hide your body. You should wear a push up bra because your breasts are too small. Like really take the time to go through the comments and messages that you received that have informed the way that you dress today. Write them all on a piece of paper and burn that shit, burn it baby. In The New Sexy, my 12 week group coaching program. I have a process to help my clients let go of their limiting beliefs. And the truth is it doesn't just go away in a day, but even being aware of them right now and realizing that they're limiting beliefs, ideas that were put into your mind without your permission, that in itself is really freeing. So once you've done that, something else that you've got to let go of, this is step number two is you need to let go of clothing that doesn't fit you or that you don't like. I know it sounds so simple, but it can be really difficult. Create space in your mind and in your closet for your authentic style. The whole Marie Kondo thing, sparking joy, is like a little cliche and annoying at this point, but there's definitely truth to it. Does your clothing make you feel alive? And like, does it even fucking fit you? So many of us have those skinny jeans in the back of our closet. Not like the skinny jeans that make us feel like the sexy millennials that we are, but skinny jeans. The ones that fit us when we were thinner. The ones that we are hoping one day we'll fit into again. Listen to this guys, okay? Having those jeans are a constant reminder that we are not giving ourselves permission to feel totally happy and at peace with our body now. Having those jeans make us wait for our bodies to change in order to feel good. So letting go of them, signals the opposite to our brains and gives us the permission to feel good in our bodies right now. Sometimes it's literally as simple as giving ourselves that permission. Okay, so you've let go of the limiting beliefs. You've let go of the clothing that don't fit you or that you don't really like. And the third step is to create a vision for yourself. I personally love Pinterest, but you could also just Google things and screenshot them, or you could cut clothing out of magazines and make a collage. You could draw whatever you want to do, whatever feels best for you, but create a vision board for what you are wearing when you feel most like yourself. Without the pressures of what other people will think of you or what is expected of you. Just go all out. Don't even think like, am I actually going to wear this? Just create the vision that you truly desire. Fuck that inner bully. The one that says, can a mom really wear that? Are people going to think I look professional enough? Lean into your own definition of sexy. What makes you feel sexy, not what society has told us is sexy. Okay, guys. Number four. Now it's time to shop. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars or you can, that's fun too, but you can go to thrift shops, you can do swaps with your friends. The most important thing is that you have your vision in mind. Put that vision board in your room. Put it somewhere you can see it. Put it on the background of your phone. I don't care. You need to see it every single day. At least for a little while. Be picky and selective about what you allow into your closet. Ask yourself, is this me? Does this align with my vision board and the person that I'm becoming? How does it make me feel? Not logically, but like in your body. And if doubt comes up, try to recognize if the voice is coming from all the limiting beliefs in step one, or if it's really your own inner voice and intuition. Treat yourself as the goddess you are. Just decide right now that you are a goddess. Every piece of clothing is something that will adorn you, enhance your beauty, give you a sense of self expression, in an authentic way, so that you can really show up as your true self. I'm telling you, if you dress how you really want to dress and not how other people expect you to, it is much easier to show up as your real self. When I was first married, I wore a head covering for a few years until I realized that it was so not me. It was very cute. Like, seriously, I looked so good with a head covering, but because my intentions were coming from a place, I didn't even realize it at the time, but like it was coming from this place of, this is what I'm supposed to do, or if I don't do this, people will think a certain way of me versus this really feels like me. And because I was doing it from a place that wasn't my own, it became a tangible expression of this physical block that was stopping me from simply being me, and uncovering it really freed me. For others that may not be the case. For others, head coverings or covering up more can be very empowering. This is all so individual. Don't let anyone, not even me inform the way you show up in the world. The world. Needs you to be you. If you know, and understand, and love yourself, we all get to reap the benefits of you sharing your true light and your gifts with us. If you fall into what society expects of you and you stray from your own intuition, that keeps you small. It keeps you on autopilot, doubting and second guessing yourself, trying to fit in, but then not being who you were always meant to be and contributing to the world in your own unique, beautiful way. Dressing however the fuck you want is an expression of that. It's an expression of you. If all of this is speaking to you, I really need to share with you about The New Sexy. Because so many of my clients have walked away from their experiences with me, giving themselves the permission to dress however they want. And not just like a fuck you to everyone in their community or anyone who has told them to be a certain way. It's really from a place of real grounded confidence and self assuredness. And just caring more deeply about their own opinion of themselves more than someone else's opinion of them. It's so freeing and I want you to experience that too. So pre enrollment is open. We're starting the group coaching calls in September But if you apply and are accepted now You can actually get started on the modules and start the journey at your own pace. And if you do this during pre enrollment, which is before July 15th, then you will receive$500 toward your investment. It's one thing to know these four steps, which is very, very important. And I know that you all are going to get so much out of this. If you really sit down, think about this and start to implement it, but it's another thing to have the framework to know how to do it and have accountability as well. I know that you're ready. You're ready to let this all go and dress for you for your body so that you can really just show up in every area of your life as your bad ass authentic self and feel so confident and so at peace as you do it. You can sign up for a free discovery call, if you'd like to apply. That's the first step. I'll put the link in the show notes. And then Once you sign up for a discovery call, I'll send you an application form to fill out before we speak. And that's basically the application process. And from there, I'll let you know if you're accepted and it feels like a good fit. The call, is also to help you get really clear about where you're currently at on your journey, what your future vision is, and if I'm the one to help you get there. I am selective about who I accepted in to The New Sexy so that I can make sure everyone who goes in is walking away with insane results. And also, so the culture of the community is cohesive and really just feels like a safe place for everyone to be themselves. Don't even think about it. Literally just go to the show notes right now. Book a free call and I'll send you the application form to get this process going. The application process is currently free of charge. So get your tush moving. You've got nothing to lose except those limiting beliefs. I hope that you enjoyed this episode and that you start to implement these steps into your life so that you can dress for your body, not dress against it because of what society or anyone else says. Take care of my loves. I will talk to you soon.