Roasty Toasty Ghosty

#70: So Help Me Guy

April 02, 2024 Lauren & Mattias Episode 70
#70: So Help Me Guy
Roasty Toasty Ghosty
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Roasty Toasty Ghosty
#70: So Help Me Guy
Apr 02, 2024 Episode 70
Lauren & Mattias

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In which Lauren & Mattias chat about Easter traditions, Swedish versus American. They review their recent movie night films, and discuss the downside of loving food and being a messy cleaner.


  • Opening
  • Weekly check in
    • Loving to eat
    • Easter
  • Movie day:
    • Sly
  • Movie on!
    • Wheels on Meals
    • Enchanted
  • Intermission
  • Broken back
  • Easter
    • Swedish tradition
    • American tradition
  • Easter themed Mad Libs
    • Live Mad Libs on Twitch (@roastytoastyghostypodcast) April 9, 2024, 2pm EST/8pm CET
  • Wrap up
    • Limerick
    • Advice

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Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.

No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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In which Lauren & Mattias chat about Easter traditions, Swedish versus American. They review their recent movie night films, and discuss the downside of loving food and being a messy cleaner.


  • Opening
  • Weekly check in
    • Loving to eat
    • Easter
  • Movie day:
    • Sly
  • Movie on!
    • Wheels on Meals
    • Enchanted
  • Intermission
  • Broken back
  • Easter
    • Swedish tradition
    • American tradition
  • Easter themed Mad Libs
    • Live Mad Libs on Twitch (@roastytoastyghostypodcast) April 9, 2024, 2pm EST/8pm CET
  • Wrap up
    • Limerick
    • Advice

Support the Show.

Don't miss this heartwarming and funny episode of Roasty Toasty Ghosty - and be sure to follow and subscribe to our podcast and join us on Instagram. Trust us, you'll want to be part of our crazy journey as we navigate life's ups and downs together.

Instagram, TikTok, Youtube: @roastytoastyghostypod

Reddit: u/roasty_toasty_ghosty

Twitch: @roastytoastyghostypodcast
LIVE MAD LIBS on Twitch every month!

Support the show and indulge in hilarious outtakes and other bonus material:

Beginning music - Energetic Prog Rock from AdobeStock
Intermission & ending music - Marshmallow Overload by Avocado Junkie

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Neither hosts are scientists or historians and all content displayed is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Simply put, not a single word spoken in this podcast is or should be taken seriously.

No ghosties were harmed in the making of this podcast.

Speaker 1:

in a world where everything is unscripted.

Speaker 2:

This is roasty, toasty ghost let's start this let's start this there you go, good job thank you, I have no, sips, I have nothing at all Nothing.

Speaker 1:

I'm going in dry. Yeah, that's not good.

Speaker 2:

No, never want to do that.

Speaker 1:

No, okay, are you going to start it?

Speaker 2:

Is it my turn?

Speaker 1:

I think I've done it two weeks in a row now Awesome.

Speaker 2:

Again. Do it again. No, hello and welcome to Roasty Toasty Ghosty. My name is Lauren.

Speaker 1:

And Mattias is here.

Speaker 2:

Mattias yes, yay, yay, applause, yay, mattias, okay. Oh, we should get, like you know, canned laughter and applause and everything. Can we get laughter?

Speaker 1:

in a can. Yeah, okay, do you have a can? Oh, I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, open it and go.

Speaker 1:

Do I have to finish it first?

Speaker 2:

No, you have to laugh every time you take a sip.

Speaker 1:

As I'm taking the sip.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's make that a thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's make that a thing. Yeah, that should definitely be a thing. Matias, how are you doing?

Speaker 1:

I am doing pretty good, good, very good actually.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And how are you?

Speaker 2:

I am so tired. I'm good though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't get it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's a day off.

Speaker 2:

We did get the day off. Yeah, I'm still so tired, I don't know, I don't sleep. I guess today is good friday, also known as a long friday which is why we get the day off? Because the day is too long to work yeah, you can't work on a long day. No, short days are fine, long days are too much.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and that's why we get Monday off too. Yeah, because.

Speaker 2:

Friday was so long you have to recover for like three days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm also good. Thank you yeah.

Speaker 1:

And how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm also good. Thank you, how are you? I'm good, I'm also good.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, how are you? I'm good, I'm very good actually. Good Thank you, you're welcome.

Speaker 2:

And how are you? I am good. Thank you, cool. How are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm good, pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Pretty good Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, great.

Speaker 2:

Is it going uphill or downhill? Who knows downhill? Who knows um? What have? What have what?

Speaker 1:

have, what have you done? What have, what have, what have you done this week? Um, sounds like a song. I just remembered I have to do a limerick for today and I haven't thought about anything. Um, I just started it so you think I have to work.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, you poor. Thing. Yeah, you only have three days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and how much work did you do last weekend?

Speaker 2:

I put in some effort.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you put in the ending in several places.

Speaker 2:

All throughout the episode Like little Easter eggs. Yeah, perfect for Easter. Barely noticeable, yeah, yeah, that was good places all throughout the episode like little easter eggs. Yeah, perfect for easter barely noticeable yeah, yeah, that was, that was good um but you fixed it I tried and then I listened to it again and it was not fixed. So yeah, weird, very cool yeah um anything exciting to tell me about your week.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How was your week?

Speaker 1:

Oh, my week was pretty good. I think I don't remember much of it. It wasn't standard week.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And your week.

Speaker 2:

I know that I did take your knees swimming last weekend.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I brought them with me. Just your knees, it was my legs, no it's just your knees.

Speaker 1:

Just the them with me. Just your knees, it was my legs?

Speaker 2:

No, it's just your knees, just the kneecaps.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you had to. You know, detach my legs to get the kneecaps, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, so I took your niece to the swimming pool with my children and we went swimming and it was cold but they seemed damn fun. Good, uh, this week has been rough, rough okay, why? Because I feel myself giving up on trying to lose weight. I'm frustrated and I just uh, I'm sick of of starving. If there's anything in this world that I love to do, it's eating.

Speaker 1:

Eating is my favorite thing ever yeah, it's very good, I like it too and when losing weight.

Speaker 2:

I'm told to not do that so much so then I feel like I'm starving all the time.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I guess you can eat stuff that's not that very good Vegetables.

Speaker 2:

They're still good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but not as good as candy sugar stuff. Yeah, I don't know it's just, it's frustrating if you're telling me that vegetables is better than candy, and I never said that.

Speaker 2:

No no, I'm also saying that they're not gross no they're just not as good exactly.

Speaker 1:

You still want some of that candy stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so in my giving in phase I ate up my snack stash.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I helped you a little bit, you did.

Speaker 2:

And I'm completely okay with that because during this process of not eating and having a snack stash there, it's very tempting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just reach in and eat everything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I gave in to that and I did exactly that. I ate everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you could get rid of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll try again next week, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that was for a good purpose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was in the end, so I'm going to try again again next week.

Speaker 1:

See how that goes. You have to be bad in order to be better exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like that. That's good. Yeah, it's like. Um, it reminds me of when I try to clean. Yeah, I end up making an even bigger mess before well in my process of cleaning because, I have to take everything out and lay it out and sort and if you just walk in on me cleaning, it looks like I made an even bigger mess.

Speaker 1:

But I have to make it messier in order to make it cleaner yeah, it's gonna be even better yeah than if you hadn't done that exactly makes sense In order to make it cleaner.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's going to be even better after yeah Than if you hadn't done that Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, makes sense. Thank you. Thank you, boy. Do we sound smart today?

Speaker 2:

So smart.

Speaker 1:

It was perfect, so smart.

Speaker 2:

You're so good at this. We had the day off today.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Did you do anything exciting? Oh yeah, okay, I was watching YouTube.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, okay, I was watching YouTube. Oh yeah, cool yeah, and was doing the deed with my sister's cats.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's weird.

Speaker 1:

No, I was looking after them.

Speaker 2:

You just looked at them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And thought about doing the deed.

Speaker 1:

Just looking at them.

Speaker 2:

That's enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's enough for me alright, you were taking care of them yes, I did, because my sister and her family is away for the holidays. Easter, easter holidays was that you?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. That was you, that's you.

Speaker 1:

That was me, it's not me okay, because I felt that one okay yeah, well, the other one before that, I didn't feel no, but it was still you okay sure it was.

Speaker 2:

what else did you do today other than doing the deed with the cats?

Speaker 1:

I don't remember. I don't think I did much. I went to this place. We had half a movie day and a movie night.

Speaker 2:

Very cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I ate dinner.

Speaker 2:

You did.

Speaker 1:

I was the only one.

Speaker 2:

Yep, because earlier today I went Easter egg hunting with my kids and they got to find a like egg ornament and trade it in for a bag of candy. It's very fun. My daughter found three eggs. She stole three eggs and she turned them in and still only got one bag of candy. She expected to get three. It's supposed to be one bag of candy per. Expected to get three. Yeah, it's supposed to be one bag of candy per kid.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter how many eggs they find oh, okay it's to be fair uh, so was she the only one I doubt it uh, so the boys didn't get in, or?

Speaker 2:

they did, yeah, okay, but she was expecting three bags.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah yeah, okay, I was thinking, if she got three eggs she could have helped them.

Speaker 2:

Uh, get one, yeah I think my oldest had already found one, though okay, okay he said that he saw an egg, like when he was very far away from it. Okay, from afar. So yeah, it was that. And then we went to my life partner's mom's and we had a big Easter lunch, and so I was not very hungry for the rest of the day. I ate a lot, because that's what I like to do. I like to eat a lot.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's my favorite thing.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever said that? I don't think you have? I really don't think so Maybe you should I have no memory of this.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I should say it more often.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's my favorite thing is eating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, when people are talking about fasting and stuff, you should say that.

Speaker 2:

That frustrates me. So today, when you came over after I got home and picked you up and got back here, we watched Sly. Yes we did the documentary of Sylvester Stallone.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I really thought I was going to mess up his first name.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Stallone, slyvester. Stalloneester salone salone, salone because he's alone, or something sly vestry salone vestry sly vestry vestry sly vestry salone yeah um what did you think? About that one yeah, tell me all of your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was good, so it's time to move on.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, hold on, okay, don't get ahead of yourself. Calm down.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but this is a movie, though it's a documentary, but it's a movie, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

I guess, Okay, not official. Do I have to go back?

Speaker 1:

no, okay uh, okay, sly, I thought this movie was yeah. Well, yeah, it's not a movie. I thought, no, I no, I thought it was a book, but it turned out to be a movie. Who knew? I thought I was going to read the screen the whole time. You didn't, I did, yeah, but it wasn't just, it was picture book.

Speaker 2:

Oh, a moving picture book.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a moving picture book. Oh, a moving picture book. Yeah, a moving picture book. So yeah, Do you want to know what I thought about this movie?

Speaker 2:

Tell me what happened.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it was a boovy.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it was no.

Speaker 1:

No, it was a movie. No, it was about his life, slife, slife.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

His life and career.

Speaker 2:

What His life being Sylvester Stallone? Yeah, as if he was someone else.

Speaker 1:

Arnold was there and he was really funny.

Speaker 2:

He was funny. Everything, he said was funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you were laughing so much.

Speaker 2:

Every time he talked I laughed.

Speaker 1:

He didn't even say anything funny.

Speaker 2:

It's just how he talks. It makes me laugh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, I think it was kind of interesting, but I think it could have been longer because, uh, you didn't get too much about other his other work than rocky and Rambo.

Speaker 2:

I wanted more of his personal life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that too. But when it came to his career it was mostly about Rocky. I mean, I get that Rocky was the biggest thing in his career and all that, but I still wanted them to, you know, say something more about the other movies he made and, yeah, I guess, more about his career too and about his son. They just barely touched on what happened to his son. They didn't even say what?

Speaker 2:

They didn't say anything. What happened?

Speaker 1:

No, they just okay. Yeah, he passed away. They didn't even say anything, it just they just okay.

Speaker 2:

yeah, he passed away, okay well, they didn't even say anything, it just had the dates.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was it it was pretty, you know, strongly implied that he died.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Though since it said 2012. Yeah 1976 to 2012.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. They didn't say anything, but it was written.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No one said anything about him being dead.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or even what happened? No, anything.

Speaker 1:

No, I read about it so I knew. But yeah, it could have been so much more and yeah, I think it was too short.

Speaker 2:

I mean Arnold had three. What movie-length episodes of his documentary.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And this was rough. 90 minutes of Stallone. Yeah, the Rocky part definitely could have been trimmed quite a bit. We didn't really have to go through all six of them. Seven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, six rocky movies. Then he, it went on to creed, but those weren't. Those were more about another character didn't mention that either. No, went into rambo yeah, five of those yeah and they only were talking about the first one and the last one really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What I thought was very weird was his father. Seemed like such a weird guy who successful. The dad wanted to compete with his son with pretty much a script.

Speaker 1:

That was the same, yeah, or a screenplay that was the same as rocky. Yeah, sunny sunny yeah, yeah weird, all right so weird and yeah, and I didn't know about the horse polo thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. Whatever it was called, I think it was polo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just polo, not Marco.

Speaker 2:

No, marco wasn't there, it was just polo by himself. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's where polo is.

Speaker 2:

That's where he is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Riding horsies.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, um, it was okay. I wasn't the biggest fan, but it was okay. I got some glimpses into his life, but I wanted more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you Do, you want to add something.

Speaker 2:

I think I already sprinkled in my thoughts. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So you don't have anything else to add.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, still on, it was good sprinkles. Yeah, they were good sprinkles. You don't have anything else to add. No, no, no, stallone.

Speaker 1:

It was good sprinkles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were good sprinkles. I do like sprinkles. I'm going to sprinkle some more Because we had Rhinestone on the movie night list. It's already passed. Yes, we've already seen it. It was when Stallone and Dolly Parton were singing together and we had a thunderstorm that night.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

With so much lightning. And the lightning was so close to us and I had to bring you home.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You almost got struck by lightning Did.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It looked like it and you were like so excited, like whoa, look at that. I was like go inside, go it was cool it was cool, but go inside before you get struck by lightning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then I did, and you got struck.

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 1:

You could have.

Speaker 2:

I could have. Either of us could have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you were taking me in the car, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah we weren't walking there. No, no way, All right, well, it's Friday.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

It's March 29th.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's the 70th episode, yeah that's a good number would you like to movie on?

Speaker 1:

let's do that. Let's move away from the movie.

Speaker 2:

Documentary movie well, it doesn't count if it's not on the movie night list.

Speaker 1:

No, okay, so so tonight now it's time to move on.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let's move-y on.

Speaker 2:

All right Tonight we watched Meals on Wheels. No, Wheels on Meals.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sorry, my bad.

Speaker 1:

It's okay.

Speaker 2:

Jackie's gonna kill me.

Speaker 1:

Yes probably Because I said it wrong, but I told you before why Can you please enlighten me on why it's called wheels on meals instead of meals on wheels?

Speaker 2:

because jackie had a few movies in which the title started with an m. Like the movies, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The movies. Yeah yeah. Movie one, movie two, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Movie the first and this movie the sequel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the production company had them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they started with the letter M but they flopped. They didn't do great, no, so they were like this one's going to be called Meals on Wheels and Jackie was like no Wheels on Meals. So because he's superstitious, Like that yeah. Yeah, so we watched that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we also watched Enchanted. We did yeah. So now I would like to present to you my take on Wheels on Meals.

Speaker 1:

Please do.

Speaker 2:

This is a very sad movie because next week is our last Jackie Chan movie. In this movie, Jackie Chan is there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He has a friend and they run a food truck together and they run into a girl who is kind of a hooker yeah but she doesn't really do the hooking, she just steals money, because that's the term hooking yeah, no hooking for me tonight no, she doesn't do the hooking, she just steals money and uh, people don't like that, so they don't like her no, they gave her bad reviews gave her bad reviews.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they were like uh, not enough hooking not enough hooking and I leave without my wallet yeah it's a problem.

Speaker 2:

One star, one star. There's also Samu Hung yeah, who is an agent of some form.

Speaker 1:

Private detective.

Speaker 2:

Private detective. He detectives the privates.

Speaker 1:

Yep, all of them.

Speaker 2:

All of them and the hookers, yeah, no, they don't really get together. She hits him, his car, with her car.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's the only hitting they did.

Speaker 1:

And then she kneed him.

Speaker 2:

She kneed him and stole his wallet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Later on she kneed him in the crotch.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Nether regions.

Speaker 2:

Nether regions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in his privates.

Speaker 2:

In the private detectives, yeah, privates, yeah, and he, I don't know, gets into some kind of trouble or is trying to crack a case. And then there's bad guys and jackie helps to beat up the bad guys.

Speaker 1:

She's part of the case.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she steals stuff or she was part of something at some point in life. Yeah, and so Jackie beats up bad guys in the end. Yeah okay, thank you.

Speaker 1:

That was my time, very good, thank you. What did you think about the movie?

Speaker 2:

It was a good movie. It was a good movie, it was a good movie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I mean, this isn't like a trial or anything. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

Speaker 2:

I do.

Speaker 1:

So help you guy.

Speaker 2:

So help me, guy, you mouthed me, do so, help you guy. So help me, guy, you mouth me. Um, the movie was good, wow, and also good. It was also good and um, yeah, good, thank you. Uh, there, there were some pretty fun stunts in this movie, and Jackie Chan was also in this movie, and Samu Hung and some other guys in other movies that I definitely could name, which was very cool, and Benny and the Jets. Oh yeah, was also there, that's all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I enjoyed the movie.

Speaker 1:

You did, I did Good, good, I did, because I really do, I also do.

Speaker 2:

Tell me your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I really like this movie. I've seen another version of this movie that doesn't have the music that was playing in this one and this is the music I was growing up with for this movie. That doesn't have the music that was playing in this one and this is the music I was growing up with for this movie. So I'm so happy I found this version, because because the other one just has so weird music, um, anyhow, uh, yes, as you said, I really like actors from other movies that you know, like Jackie Samu and Jun Jun Me, jun, okay, jun, I'm not really sure how to pronounce his name.

Speaker 2:

That's okay.

Speaker 1:

He's a cool dude, and also when the girl. She's also in Armor of God.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Lola Forner.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And the bad guy Benny the Jet Orchides. He's the bad guy in Dragons Forever. Very cool, great bad guy, yeah. So I really like this movie Very funny. Good fight scenes, good stunts yeah. Classic Jackie Chan classic yeah. I don't know if I can add much more than that. Did you have a favorite fight or anything? Favorite part of the movie?

Speaker 2:

I liked the skateboarding. That was fun to watch. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Kind of missed opportunity that they didn't use skateboard while fighting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also liked when he was climbing the wall with the stick. Yeah, that was cool, it was cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I have to say that I really like his last fight with Benny the Jet Arquides Remember that name?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. And when he was kicking, jackie was ducking and he blew the candles out with the kick yeah, it was cool, that is cool um, yeah, uh, okay, so that that fight was my favorite part can you remind me what the movies were that started with m? I think one, I remember one, was it called Megaforce.

Speaker 2:

Megaforce, megaforce.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and that was the guy from Rocky Horror was the star in that one.

Speaker 2:

Which guy?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Bostwick yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that movie maybe we have to watch. Maybe, Watch sometime. I don't remember. I think it must have been at least one or maybe two more movies, but I don't remember them. Yeah, that one I remember because it starred him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Should we move on to?

Speaker 2:

Enchanted. Enchanted. Tell me about Enchanted.

Speaker 1:

It starts as a cartoon and it's about this princess. She's living the life, she's really happy and singing, and all the animals are her friends. And, yeah, the only one who's not happy is the queen, the evil queen and also her minion.

Speaker 2:

You could say that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But he's kind of funny and she wants to get rid of the princess and makes her go to the real world, our world, to New York.

Speaker 2:

That's not our world.

Speaker 1:

No, but it's part of our world World.

Speaker 2:

Part of our world. It's not, it is.

Speaker 1:

Or do you think New York is a fantasy place or what?

Speaker 2:

It might be.

Speaker 1:

Okay, have you ever been there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So you shouldn't think that I was pushed into a different world.

Speaker 1:

If anyone should think that it should be me right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or maybe, since you've been there, you know how it is, and maybe it's another world there.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember. Okay, it was a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

Oh, several months ago.

Speaker 2:

No more than that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so it's more recent than months.

Speaker 2:

No more months.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's several months, many, many months. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

All the months, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Since you were there, yeah it's been all the months.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we're so good at this.

Speaker 2:

How did you feel about the movie?

Speaker 1:

I really liked this movie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's a cute movie. I don't remember any of the songs, but I didn't dislike any of the songs either.

Speaker 2:

They were pretty good songs actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're Disney songs, of course they're good yeah exactly, but I don't remember what they were called or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

You will, I will, you will, yeah, one day.

Speaker 1:

So I can't really say which one was my favorite, but I did like them. Do you have a favorite song?

Speaker 2:

There's not many that I can recall okay but I like the one that. Um, you know, she started singing and then the street musicians started playing along with her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought that was fun. It was fun. Yeah, yeah, I like her. Amy Adams, she's a great actress.

Speaker 2:

There were a lot of actors that I recognized.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Which was really fun.

Speaker 1:

Patrick Dempsey.

Speaker 2:

He's from Grey's Anatomy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Ron.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, and Can't Buy Me Love.

Speaker 2:

Okay Movie. Amy Adams was on the Office.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for like one or two episodes yeah and Night at the Museum 2.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Peter Pettigrew.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yes, I like him too. Timothy Spoon Spalding Spal no Spoon Spoon. Yeahalding Spal no Spoon Spoon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, is that his name. Yeah, is it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Timothy Spoon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe you.

Speaker 2:

I know you do as you should and you shouldn't even be looking it up right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm not, no, I'm just, you're writing your limerick, of course, riding your limerick.

Speaker 2:

Of course Talking about Timothy Spoon.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Can they just drive by already?

Speaker 1:

Timothy Spall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I said, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And Susan Sarandon.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

James Marston. Yeah, did I say that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, many great names Elsa.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Idina Menzel.

Speaker 2:

Something like that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or as others may call her Adele Dessim. That's right, her other name.

Speaker 1:

Was that what you were thinking of?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you, john, mr Travolta, what was he thinking?

Speaker 2:

What was going on there?

Speaker 1:

I really don't know.

Speaker 2:

Was he on drugs?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, or did someone pull a prank on him?

Speaker 2:

Maybe he misread the cue cards.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It was funny though.

Speaker 2:

I have to stretch my leg. Yeah, leg stretcher, leg stretcher.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but this movie was really good. I was really happy with this movie night.

Speaker 2:

Me too.

Speaker 1:

So much better than last week's.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I'm excited for next week's movie night.

Speaker 2:

Me too, oh, very excited. Yeah, week's movie night Me too Very excited. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so maybe it's time for us to take a short break now I'm going to take a nap.

Speaker 2:

We will be right back.

Speaker 1:

Yes, bye, welcome back.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, how's it going?

Speaker 1:

Pretty good you.

Speaker 2:

I'm also good, you're tired, yeah, you're falling asleep over there. Yeah, I hope the people out there are doing good too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hope so too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hope they're really excited for the second half.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's usually the good part.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We're going to disappoint them?

Speaker 1:

I hope not. No, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fun story. I went to the bathroom in the break here and when I was getting up from the toilet my back hurt.

Speaker 2:

You broke your back.

Speaker 1:

I broke my back on the toilet. I don't know what happened, but it hurt like hell when I stood up.

Speaker 2:

You're an old man, I am 33.

Speaker 1:

That's old now.

Speaker 2:

That is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, mattias.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have a problem and I'm hoping that you can solve my problem. Okay, probably not Okay, probably not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, förmodligen inte.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what was the other one you said today, upplevelse.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

My problem is that I've been living here in Sweden for almost 10 years.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I found that I don't know the culture that well, the traditions and such.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Swedish Easter is not like American Easter.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I just kind of accepted that without really looking into the background or what any of it means. So can you please educate me today? And tell me the story of Swedish Easter.

Speaker 1:

I can try.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know how fun it's going to be, but I will try.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so the week before Easter or this week yeah, it's called Stillaveckan.

Speaker 2:

The still week. Yeah, the calm week Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something like that.

Speaker 2:

So it's supposed to be calm.

Speaker 1:

Passionsveckan Ooh, passion week.

Speaker 2:

Those are two completely different things.

Speaker 1:

It is Please tell me more. Or tysta veckan. That's the quiet, that's quiet, quiet Okay.

Speaker 2:

Either it's peaceful, there's passion, or it's quiet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or all three, maybe, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure, how that works, but okay.

Speaker 1:

Before we go into the more Easter thing, I have to tell you something sad.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This past Tuesday was the. That's the last day to eat semlas.

Speaker 2:

That's really unfortunate. Yeah, what bad timing for me, yeah, so now the. There's no more semla at all.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure they are still selling. Yeah, but no, you know, historically it was supposed to be like the last day of semlas in Sweden, so this past Tuesday, that is sad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, should we have a moment of silence for the semla?

Speaker 1:

I think so Okay.

Speaker 2:

That's good. That's enough silence for now.

Speaker 1:

It is this is going to get cut anyway, so oh okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the semla, yeah, someone's going to cut the. No, I mean Don't cut the semla, no, no no, I was thinking the silence. If we have silence, it's going to get cut. You're not cutting it, no, it's going to get cut, You're not cutting it.

Speaker 1:

No, it's going to get cut anyways. Okay, so that's really the.

Speaker 2:

That's the worst part about Easter the worst part.

Speaker 1:

So and then we get into like Thursday that's skär torstan. That's cutting Thursday yeah cutting Thursday or like pink, or like.

Speaker 2:

Pink, pink. Yeah, okay, pink Thursday. Yeah, I've never heard of that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because Hvar also means like Pink.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't really know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really doesn't matter, no. And then we get to the Long Friday that's today.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. Anything special about today? Yes, what are we supposed to do today?

Speaker 1:

Since this was the day Jesus was walking around with the cross on his back and all that, we're supposed to have a boring day.

Speaker 2:

Okay. You're not allowed to have fun today, that's historically okay, that's too late. Yeah, what are you supposed to do on thursdays?

Speaker 1:

I really don't know okay, cut some bread yeah okay, that would be good.

Speaker 2:

yeah, um, I did have fun today. Okay, so I went against the law.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I broke the law, not good.

Speaker 2:

No sorry.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have you deported.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were gonna say hung, but okay, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, on a cross.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's what happens to people who happen to have fun yes, on Long Friday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you think Jesus had fun carrying that cross?

Speaker 2:

I wasn't aware that he did this.

Speaker 1:

You didn't.

Speaker 2:

No, I know about him being hung on the cross, but not that he had to carry the thing around. Yeah, he did. That's a burden. Well, that I heard of, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's why the day feels so long, because he was carrying that thing around the whole day.

Speaker 2:

You know, in English it's a good Friday, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't get that.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Why is it so good I?

Speaker 2:

don't know. Okay, so then what?

Speaker 1:

Okay, then after today tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

That's usually what happens. Yeah, the day after today ends up being tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

I know, yeah, who knew, today ends up being tomorrow. I know, yeah, who knew.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I didn't know, I did know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't know. I told you and then I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know, and then I did know, and then I told you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, thank you.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know you already.

Speaker 2:

Then what?

Speaker 1:

Then what? Yeah Påskafton.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's tomorrow, that's the real påsk or Easter, and now we can talk about påskgris or pålkagris.

Speaker 2:

That's apparently not the same thing. No, please tell me.

Speaker 1:

Polskris, that's when we take some Sticks, sticks and from like bushes I don't even know what vide is in English so just some bush and put feathers.

Speaker 2:

Colorful feathers. Yeah, feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers, colorful feathers, feathers.

Speaker 1:

Feathers, feathers, colorful feathers.

Speaker 2:

Mattias no.

Speaker 1:

Okay, no, yes, and also small eggs, you know, like wooden eggs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And hang them in the stick sticks like wooden eggs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and hang them in the sticks On the sticks and yeah, we do that.

Speaker 1:

I really don't know why we do it. No one knows.

Speaker 2:

No one knows, no Okay.

Speaker 1:

If I don't know, do you think other people know?

Speaker 2:

I would hope so.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you think people are smarter than me?

Speaker 2:

no, no, but I was hoping I would get an explanation for this today okay, I didn't get specifics to no swedish easter, yeah traditions um, okay, so I don't know okay but.

Speaker 1:

But we do that because it looks pretty. I mean, why do we have a tree at Christmas?

Speaker 2:

Because it's pretty. You need a place to put your presents. Tell me about the witches.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why are there witches Witches?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes, why are there witches? Yeah, we kids in Sweden often dress up as that.

Speaker 2:

They dress up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dress up as. Or often girls dress up as påskkärringar. It's Easter old ladies. Old ladies? Yeah, and they look like witches.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they go around and want candy from people, so it's really like Halloween.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's not much of an Easter bunny.

Speaker 1:

Some kids. I did the Easter bunny Well. Well, I did the posk sharing too, but the easter bunny I was more proud of, of my easter bunny, since I could make my own ears yeah and it. When I was yeah, I mean, that's probably a couple of years ago, no, when I was a boy, a little boy. When I was a little boy, I did that and, yeah, wanted candy from people. That's what you do, and also people are hiding eggs filled with the candy that you can find.

Speaker 2:

So I also heard, sorry what or people?

Speaker 1:

It was my parents who did that when I was younger.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, I heard something about Blåkullen.

Speaker 1:

Blåkulla. Yeah, yeah, that's where the witches lives.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and they're like 15-year-olds.

Speaker 1:

The witches.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know about their age.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But sure, maybe they are, some of them have to be, probably have to be. Yeah, I mean, it's not like they just skip some odd, odd years no, I guess at some point they have to be 15. Um yeah, that's what I know okay and um fun fact, at the end of the the month we have a bonfire.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In which we're gonna scare away the witches.

Speaker 2:

Oh it's not just because the evil spirits yeah, it's not just to get drunk and ward away the evil spirits.

Speaker 1:

No, it's the witches too.

Speaker 2:

It's the witches.

Speaker 1:

All right, both yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the scare away the winter, yeah Was what. The scare away the winter, yeah Was what I originally heard.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it was also evil spirits.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't, yeah, so that's what we're going to do. I feel like we were talking about this last.

Speaker 2:

We did. I did not know it was connected to Easter though.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think it is Okay. Know it was connected to Easter, though.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think it is.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but not in that, because I'm not sure when Easter is. If it always is in April, maybe it is. Maybe, I really don't have a clue.

Speaker 2:

Usually it is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is just a weird year when it's in March. Oh yeah, it's true is just a weird year when it's in March.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's true.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was thinking it's April now, but it's March, so I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Anything else?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know, I am so bad at this. Okay, do you want to say or ask a?

Speaker 2:

kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Please tell me about the American easter, because that's more interesting.

Speaker 2:

My yeah there's a bunny that comes out to the fields and he hides a bunch of eggs that are filled with candy.

Speaker 1:

Except out here, they're big eggs we have have little eggs that are filled with little candies, little plastic eggs. Okay.

Speaker 2:

They pop open and then, yeah, we all run out and we find the eggs and we get to eat all the candy, and that's the story of American Easter. There's not really much more to it than that. Okay, we don't have witches no or feathers. Okay, we don't have witches.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or feathers.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just chickens, just eggs, and chicken and honey.

Speaker 2:

I think it's more focused on the phase of you know, most of the animal babies being born.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because I think this is usually when that happens. Oh, hmm, yeah, hence the eggs. I think yeah, usually when that happens. Oh.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hence the eggs, I think.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, I have a question.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Next week we're going to be doing a Mad Libs.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Live Mad Libs. Should we do a couple now or next?

Speaker 1:

week. Yeah, we can do a couple now if you want to next week?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we can. We can do a couple now if you want to, because usually we will do a mad libs and then it will publish after we do the mad libs yeah maybe we should do the preparation today yeah, maybe we can do one next week too just one yeah one, no more than.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We'll do two today, one next week.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, am I starting? No, Me.

Speaker 2:

We're going to do a couple of Mad Libs in preparation for our live Mad Libs next week. Okay, april 9th, mm-hmm. Easter-themed words please.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would like a noun.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Mel Gibson.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because he directed the Passion of the Christ.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hop, adjective no, that's a verb Do you have a verb?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Adjective Yellow like chickens.

Speaker 2:

A country Easter island. Part of the body plural.

Speaker 1:

Bunny ears.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Adjective Bouncy.

Speaker 2:

Plural noun.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Adjective Color Cross Adjective.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Plural noun.

Speaker 1:

I'm all out of bunnies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Adjective Good.

Speaker 2:

Type of food.

Speaker 1:

Candy, all right All right.

Speaker 2:

This one is called the Truth Behind the Moon Landing. Any feather textbook will tell you all about Mel Gibson landing on the moon, but what it won't mention is the yellow scandal that was covered up. Because you know he's known for scandals.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he is.

Speaker 2:

The government claims that it was a space race with Easter Island, but they were actually trying to get their bunny ears on the bouncy treasure hidden deep in the moon's eggs. The footage from the first cross landing was intentionally colorful so people couldn't make out any long details of the surface. After the astronauts returned home, they were paid large sums of bunnies to keep quiet the good secret the government was trying to keep the moon is actually made of candy.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Here you go.

Speaker 1:

Adjective Bright Animal.

Speaker 2:

Rabbit, not the same word.

Speaker 1:

Rabbit Part of the body Plural.

Speaker 2:

Freckles Because the witches have freckles or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, occupation.

Speaker 2:

Witch Adjective.

Speaker 1:

Yep Occupation Witch Adjective.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Plural noun.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Color Pink Verb.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I thought you were going to go with all.

Speaker 2:

Oh sorry, no, you sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pl. Sorry, no, you sure yeah, plural noun.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Silly word Plural Postkris.

Speaker 2:

Postkris, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Speaker 1:

Plural noun.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, do you want to read this?

Speaker 2:

I can read it if you want. Yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to?

Speaker 2:

read this. I can read it if you want. Yes, okay, this one is called Extraterrestrials.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There are many types of aliens living in the universe. Here are a few of the most recognizable species the Reptilians Hailing from the Alpha Draconis system this species resembles a bright, scaly rabbit with webbed freckles. They are a witch race and have quick tempers. The greys these are the most common type of chickens seen by humans. Oh, they have distinctive features such as their sweet heads, large basket shaped, and their namesake, pink skin. The greys these guys can't hide with their feet and instead get around by floating in side sticks. The poskries Okay, this group hopped ancient human civilizations and were viewed as divine food. They're said to have a fluffy influence on our culture. Oh, the end.

Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

That was that episode. Yeah Right, unless you wanted something else. What Did you want to do? Something else?

Speaker 1:

I have to come up with a limerick.

Speaker 2:

You have to.

Speaker 1:

Do I, don't I.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to?

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

No, would you like to take a break this week with a limerick?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Are you gonna be upset about it?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, you want to sit here and figure one out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm thinking. A guy didn't know which word he should take and he didn't want to feel like a fake. He thought to himself I don't want a shelf. He didn't want to take a limerick break.

Speaker 2:

Oh, poor Matthias.

Speaker 1:

All right, okay, that was my limerick for this week.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Would you like to wrap this up?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Did you want to read it again? Do you want me to read it again?

Speaker 1:

I asked you first If you think it was good. I don't want to read it again.

Speaker 2:

Okay, don't.

Speaker 1:

Okay, good Just don't do it. Good, good, it's good.

Speaker 2:

Friday. It's a Saturday now.

Speaker 1:

Bad Saturday. Oh, is it Probably bad Saturday.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully not.

Speaker 1:

No, what's this day called in English?

Speaker 2:

Oh Saturday.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sunday is Easter. Easter is on Sunday.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Saturday is not.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's a no-go.

Speaker 2:

It's a day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a Saturday, it's just silence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a silent day.

Speaker 1:

Silent day I have to drink this too.

Speaker 2:

Finish that so we can wrap this up. Okay, all right, that's it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's the episode. I hope you have a wonderful day or evening or wherever you are in time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, and also, if you please, dress up as either an Easter Bunny or an old lady, a witch, and go up to people and say that you like this podcast called Roasty Toasty Ghosty, you don't have to do much more than that, just say that you have to dress up, otherwise, that's the only requirement. Yeah, people are not going to take you seriously if you're not dressing up.

Speaker 2:

You probably won't leave that much of an impression either. No, you're probably just gonna leave depression actually, yeah, if you're not dressed up exactly, and that's only this week, though, so if you're listening during a later week, then ignore this, yeah listen to another episode where we tell you what to do.

Speaker 1:

Catch up, yeah, okay, now I'm done.

Speaker 2:

Listen to another episode where we tell you what to do?

Speaker 1:

Catch up, yeah. Okay, now I'm done.

Speaker 2:

All right. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

So much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for this bottle episode. Bye, bye. Bye Thank you for listening to the Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast. If you kind of liked our episode, follow us on the social medias. We are on Instagram, tiktok and YouTube at Roasty Toasty Ghosty Pod.

Speaker 2:

And Twitch at Roasty Toasty Ghosty Podcast, where we play live man lives every month.

Speaker 1:

Consider supporting us on Buzzsprout, where you can find deleted content and our entire movie night lists.

Speaker 2:

We hope you enjoyed this episode, just as we enjoyed making it.

Speaker 1:

And we'll be back with another one next Tuesday on a podcast provider near you.

Speaker 2:

Goodbye Mattias, goodbye Lauren.

Roasty Toasty Ghosty Conversations
Discussion of Wheels on Meals
Exploring Swedish Easter Traditions
Live Mad Libs Preparation and Limerick