Sovereign DBaaS Decoded

Mad world - creating a new stateful world with Kubernetes

Season 2 Episode 2

In this episode, Vinay dives into the world of Kubernetes and stateful systems with Eddie Wassef, VP and Chief Architect at Vonage.

Together, they discuss compare the Kubernetes of yesterday to today and how its stateful systems use case has matured and how it has become a viable option for enterprises who are looking for multi-environment automation of their database ops.

For example, Eddie believes that K8s is a great equalizer because it provides a standard implementation layer across environments. But, he also cautions that it is not for every use case and that, like any technology, it needs to be justified against a higher need.

They address the if / when question, both acknowledging that Kubernetes is not for the faint of heart and requires a base level of expertise due to its quirks and the downstream effects that can result from seemingly innocuous changes.

But, for those who have a use case it makes sense for, they help frame the decisional process, exploring the workload, environmental, organizational, and operational considerations that you'll encounter when making decisions.

They then focus on daily ops considerations like multi-environment conformance and the database workhorse, Operators, how they compare to StatefulSets, using them out-of-the-box vs forking them to better fit your needs, etc.

 And finally, they look into the future and try to divine where Kubernetes is going more generally and in terms of stateful systems use cases and what is needed to get there.

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