Dementia Care on Air

Working in the Clinic with Caregivers of People Living with Dementia

Dr. Anna Chodos Season 1 Episode 3

In this podcast, Anna Chodos, MD, MPH, Executive Director of Dementia Care Aware, sits down with Wagahta Semere, MD an internist and researcher on caregiving in San Francisco, and Joseph Herrera, MSW, a social worker in geriatrics and a dementia specialty clinic working primarily with Latino patients in Los Angeles County. Together they will discuss the challenges of assessing and connecting in the clinic with caregivers of people living with dementia. The podcast delves into the importance of health care teams taking the time to assess caregivers’ needs, building relationships with them, and connecting them to available resources. The conversation also covers practical tips for fostering trust and the consideration of cultural factors affecting a person’s acceptance of the caregiving role as well as the need for self-care opportunities for caregivers. Overall, this podcast provides valuable insights into the practical aspects and nuances of working with caregivers in primary care.

Wagahta Semere is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco in the Division of General Internal Medicine, and Joseph Herrera is a social worker at the University of Southern California/Rancho Los Amigos California Alzheimer Disease Center.

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