The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance

Website update and how you can support my ministry

April 29, 2024 Lance White
Website update and how you can support my ministry
The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
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The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
Website update and how you can support my ministry
Apr 29, 2024
Lance White
The Truth Teller Podcast +
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Show Notes Transcript

Hey guys, I decided to, uh, give you a. Uh, update on things I'm working on. As I relaunch the podcast. I have decided to build a website. With the, um, GoDaddy arrow. They're new. AI supported a website. Software. And. I still need to figure out the, um, Domain name and everything, but I may have already purchased it. It's a little bit cloudy from last year when I was going through chemo and everything, but I need to look at my account. And, uh, see if I already have the truth teller Domain. But what I am. Going to be doing. And I already have the main part of the website finished what I'm going to be doing. Is I have my website on the first page, the home page, I'm going to have my podcast player. So I need time. You'd go to the website. You're going to be. Able to look at the newest. Uh, podcasts episodes right there on the front page. The other thing I did was something. That some friends of mine thought would be really good. And that would be to make a list of all of my books on spiritual warfare initially. Um, I have a lot of books on the topic and if you have listened to. And the, of my. Previous. Podcasts. You will know that I have. A lot of experience and background and spiritual warfare, I came out of Satanism. And I went through my deliverance over a three-year period. Uh, star Dan moody pop ones too, and finishing and seminary. And after I finished going through my deliverance, uh, the enemy really attacked me in a lot of ways. And during the process, that was probably. It might've even more. Been more difficult than going through my cancer treatment. These last 12 months and everything I've gone through. And, um, Yeah, it was extremely difficult. 10. I'll share some podcast on some things I went through in that situation. But, um, what I did was I went through my library half, got to. Seven foot tall bookcases and. I think I've got over 50 books on spiritual warfare and biblical demonology in counseling and deliverance. And things like that. And what I did was. I went through. Picked everything out. Put piles of books on my big desk. And I used, um, The list and I use dictation software from Google. Um, that's part of Google docs, which if you guys don't know about it, it's pretty awesome. Because right now I have neuropathy in my fingers. And if I try to type, I have to use index fingers, it takes forever to do it. But, uh, what dictation software I can use a headset and a microphone that I'm used to right now. And all I have to do is set it. What I say, and it's really, really awesome. But I have over 50 books. That I made a list of, and I put him on a page on the website. And I made those available. So you guys have something. To take a look at. Um, Several of the books. I would say. You know, take them with a grain of salt. I have a very holistic approach to the way I look at things. I have a strong foundation. From moody Bible Institute in biblical demonology and I have the experiences that I've had. And I've read. A series of books and I know the authors of those books. And I've talked to them and they mentored me and things like that. And, uh, that's where my foundation is. Some of the books are going to be super charismatic. Some are going to be super, super charismatic. Uh, take those with a very big grain of salt. But, uh, the main books. That I trust are written by people. That are part of the ministry that mark Bubeck. Uh, the author of the average Syrian overcome the adversary and other books. Um, he was a moody grad and he's started the Institute for biblical counseling. And he's the one I got my training through and Dr. Fred. Dickerson. My mentor at moody Bible Institute in spiritual warfare. Um, he is one of the main teachers there for many years. And he also mentored me and taught me. So that's where my foundation is biblical counseling. And the interesting thing is. That is the only. Um, spiritual or front counseling and deliverance ministry and training ministry that I know of that is not charismatic. So that would be a real shocker. If you haven't heard of them, you'd be like, wow, they're not curious. MADEC. And. They, uh, help deliver people. Yup. They do exist, believe it or not. And they are not Baptist and they're not non denominational. Um, so go figure, huh? If you know about deliverance minister, you would be shocked to know that something like that is even. Available. And, um, Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It's really, really awesome. Um, My theological. Understanding. Is right in line. With, uh, the people that founded that. Um, the only thing I might. You know, Go back and forth on a little bit is, uh, dispensationalism. Even though that's my background and my training. I'm open to discussion about different views. And I'm also open to discussion about, uh, things like once saved, always saved or. Um, You know, God allowing people to turn their back on him. If they choose, they don't want to serve in. Anymore. Um, I'm not going to get into all that conversation, but, uh, It's interesting. Um, anyone that takes a look at the majority of people that are. In the institutional church today can make a very good argument for the fact that people are not saved. Because. In my opinion and the opinion of the majority of people that have left the church. For the same reason that I have. Um, they would say. That. The majority of people. Their life is basically a mockery. And our life is a POS state. And the church today. And, uh, I would say that the very, very, very, very small percentage of people that truly are. Christians. Are either trying to hold the candle in a dark place in the institutional church. Or they're outside the institutional church, doing ministry. And, uh, I think you'll find a lot more people that are. Having vibrant ministries outside the walls of the institutional church. And, um, If he gets to know them, you're going to realize you're going to be like, your eyes are going to open up and. You're going to be like, wow, this is amazing. I don't have to. Be within the walls of the church. I can be in a small. Group of people that are serving God and in love with Jesus and encouraging one another and challenging one another and teaching one another and rightly dividing the word of God. Like the Bereans. And it's not inside the walls of a church. You know, It is possible guys. It is there. I know that a lot of people say, if you're not going to church every Sunday, you're not a Christian while, you know what, if, if you go to McDonald's, you're not happy meal. So go figure, right. But anyway, that's a little tangent. This is about. 10 or 20 episodes. Right there, but anyway, um, So I have that list. Of all the spiritual warfare books in my library. What I'm going to do. Is I'm going to add more pages and more books. Um, theological books, Bible study books. Um, Different books that I think are really cool, that I would recommend for you guys. And. A lot of them are books. That if you went to Mardel. Christian book. Store. And you asked him about these books. They wouldn't even know they exist because. They're only told about. New books are being published. They have jacked up high prices that the publishers want to push. They're not going to have knowledge about these books I'm telling you about. And, um, you know, they're part of the machine. You know, write a book, update it, update it, make more money, make more money. And the update was only like a page and a half. The book costs 40 or$50 when you can buy. Previous edition for 10 or 15 online. I mean, let's just be honest. It's a moneymaking machine. There's no difference. Between, what they're doing in the world is doing. There's just not. But, um, I'm going to point you guys in direction of the correct books. That you should have that are really solid. And they're going to come from a variety of different. Uh, views because I have a very holistic, uh, classical education type of way of looking at things. But they're all going to be rock solid. So I'm going to continually. Update and edit. The page for book recommendations. And. I'm looking at the books right now in my bookshelves. Uh, something else. And this, this is kind of random, but several of you guys. No, um, you know, me and you know that I really enjoy fragrances. So something. I'm going to do. Is, um, I really enjoy. Learning about really expensive fragrances that smelled good because I'm very sensory. And. I don't know. I just love things that smell good. So I stay away from junior Hart, junior high boys. I stay away from, uh, Poopy mouth to puppies. Because they don't smell good. So I stay away from those. But, um, There are companies. Okay. Let me go back. Something that's really big right now. In. Here. Here's a term frag calm. You know, There. Goofy and secure guys. That over-spray and force themselves on people when they go on a room and everyone gags and they're like, who's the idiot that over sprayed. But, uh, yeah. Okay. They have their little thing. Frank com. So they have to. Give themselves a cool little name so that they feel like they're valuable. But because there aren't secure. But anyway, I'm going to use their term. Just for the heck of it. It means fragrance community. It's typically online. And, uh, what these guys do. Is they work super hard. But they don't really have social skills. So they make all this money doing things where they don't interact with people, and then they have all this money. At the end of the month, they say, Ooh, I don't have any social skills and I'm really insecure and I dress like a nerd. But I have$500 this month to spend on a fragrance. So, what they do is they go online. And type in fragrances at women. Love. And they buy all these fragrances pay 500 bucks for fragrance. They get it. And then they're like, okay, I've got this fragrance. I don't need to take a shower. I don't need to wear deodorant. I'll just spray my clothes because he's guys on YouTube say that I'm going to smell amazing. All the women are going to. I want me and Dave and have. Guys, check this out. They even have a term for it. They call him panty dropper. Fragrances. That's what they call them. So you've got all these guys that used to be part of the underground pickup artists society that don't know how to talk to women properly. And. They spend all this money and fragrances. Because they've got high paying jobs that are anti-social. And, uh, any way. These guys will pay$500 a month for fragrances. They don't care how expensive they are. So what I do. Is I practice. A principal. That one of my best friends. I, one of my mentors taught me and he's with the Lord now. Um, he passed away during COVID. But, um, One of his famous quotes was called be the remora. And the remora is that fish that looks like a mini shark. And it swims along the mouth of these sharks. And the shark will eat something. And then some of the food will fall out the side of the mouth of the shark, and there were more will be there. And. He'll just shadow the shark and follow the movements of the shark. And the food will come down and he'll have a full belly and he won't have to do any work. So I apply that principle. What I do is there are some different people that I listen to and I watch. On. Uh, YouTube, there are part of the fragrance community. And what I do is. Um, when they do reviews on fragrances, if there's something that I think sounds good, I'll write it down. And. Then I'll look it up on a number of different websites that make copy fragrances. Of super expensive stuff. So I have. A number of websites that I've purchased. Fragrances from. And. I have per purchased there. S there. Copies of super expensive fragrances and I have a bunch of them. And for example, Excuse me. There might be a fragrance for five to$800, maybe something like a perfumer name, Clive Christian. Or Kilian or Roshe. Par foams. They're all a European. And, um, My mouth's getting dry. Um, They're all super expensive. They're complex. They smell amazing. Uh, no one is going to smell like you a few where these, if you. Are dressed. Nice. And well-groomed and confident. You look, people in the eye when you shake their hand and you pay attention to them. You don't go up to someone like so many of these. These totally shallow people. I met in Austin where you, you go to a gathering and. As soon as they shake your hand. They're looking for the next person shake hands. There was a guy that I. I looked at him. I said, do you realize, you've asked me my name seven different times. You've done the same thing you realize how freaking offensive that is. Okay. So there are a lot of people like that. If you've been to a networking meeting, he know what I'm talking about, especially. Networking with, um, Real estate agents. Oh my gosh. Don't ever do that. Make you lose your pizza. If you ate pizza before you went. But the point I'm getting to. Is. You want to be unique? You want to smell. Expensive. You want to smell? Uh, appealing. To the people around you. And, uh, It's really cool when you've got your act take out there and you smell great. And someone says, what are you wearing? I've never smelled that before. And then you look at them. And if there. A really creepy guy. You tell them. Oh, you can never afford it. Don't worry about it. If you want to be. Yeah, a little bit cocky, a little bit arrogant. And get your point across, I'll say that sometimes. If it's a lady. And the, uh, The creeper guy is not there. Trying to shadow you. And listen. To what the, a pretty girl likes so that he can try to trap her. Put her in the corner and not let her leave, even though he's making her feel really weird. And won't stop talking to her. Which happens in groups. Um, I'm speaking from personal experience, rescuing many women from guys like that. But, um, You know, you can tell the lady. And, um, Maybe, you know, about more frequencies. And you can say, what kind of fragrance do you like? I can. I can tell you where to go and save money. Which brings me into this part. Um, on the website. I am going to put the names and links. I did different companies that make copy fragrances. Uh, of these expensive ones, but here's the deal. In the last two years, technology's gone through the roof and the quality has gone through the roof to the point where. It's virtually indistinguishable. Every aspect of the expensive original can be duplicated. It is absolutely incredible. I never thought that would happen. But it's happening now. And. For example, one of the companies in the United Kingdom. Um, You know, the original 30 mil or one ounce. Fragrance might be like$500. And, uh, one of the companies you can get an identical copy that is 50% perfume oil. Which is an extra rate or extract. Concentration the highest you can get. Uh, you can get for like 20 to$25. And that's before I need discounts. Or free shipping or anything like that. Um, This is information that people whole quotes the vast, but I'm going to put it. On my website, I'm going to make a page. I'll put a link so you guys can see it. Um, I'm not doing any affiliate. Links. If you guys want to support me. And what I'm doing and you appreciate what I'm doing and the value I'm providing you guys. Canada. Uh, support me if you want to. Um, That's the other thing. Um, there are different ways to support my ministry. That I'm going to put up. I've always felt really, really, really uncomfortable. Um, When people give me money and people know that, I mean, I've had people. You know, um, invite me to dinner and then trick me and. Say on paying for Derek and I get what you want. And then I always get a burger because I don't want them to spend money on me. That's this kind of person I am, but I realize that if I'm going to do this podcast and it's going to be a ministry that I do need support from people. And to be honest with you, even though I'm. Uh, buying things and selling them and I'm doing door dash and things like that. My dream come true would be to do this podcast. And bring my laptop with me and record episodes. During the week and beyond the road and meet with groups of people. And encourage them and speak into their lives and train them. Um, that's that would be my dream come true. Its eyes. I found my dream to do that. And I feel like the way that can happen is if I do a good job with this podcast and people support what I'm doing. And that provides money to be able to do it. Um, So. There is. Uh, let's see. I am going. Okay. This is another way you can support. Um, I'm either going to have a PayPal donate. Button on donation page or. I'm going to do something with this store because it would, they would take the same amount of money out either way. And just have, um, different amounts that people can adjust. However they want to, if they want support what I'm doing. That is going to be something. Um, With fragrances. Um, If you feel overwhelmed and you would like some professional knowledge. On what direction to go. Was with a recommendation sings like that. Um, my friends have convinced me. To, uh, put a$20, uh, button on there so that I can. I do a consultation with someone and send you. Different fragrances that would match what you're looking for and put you in the right direction because fragrances are overwhelming. But I've Asperger's so it's not overwhelming for me. But, um, You would get. Advice from someone that has over 500 different fragrances and over. 200 different perfume oils. Of expensive copies. So I could put you in the right direction. Um, just to give you an idea, even if you get a popular designer fragrance today. Like it's a fora or all to beauty or something. You're looking at 150 to$180. So why not? Uh, Pay$20. For some advice, it supports a podcast, supports my ministry and I can give you five to 10. Solid recommendations and tell you where to get them. For$20 instead of 180 to$200. That's called sound investing. So I'm happy to do that for you guys. I need find ways to support the podcast. So I'm trying to provide a variety of different things. Uh, that will help people out. Save them money. And everything and, uh, help help me. Get to the point where I can do this. Full-time. Um, So there are the fragrances. I believe, you know, I try to focus more on. Fragrances from the United Kingdom and Greece and Switzerland. Um, believe it or not, shipping is not super expensive. It can be even more expensive in the us. And it is. In Europe. I couldn't believe how cheap I was able to get things sent in here from Greece. So. Um, You'll save a lot of my doing that. Trust me. Um, and the fragrances smell. Absolutely amazing. Better than anything, you'll find it. So fora or Alta. Um, So that is, uh, fragrances and that is fragrance oils. Um, And I'll, I'll talk about that in a podcast at different. So what I think is the best way to go for you guys, depending on your budget. Um, Something else is I'm going to have a page. Where I have links to the different selling platforms I'm on. For example. I have over 3000 books. Uh, price between five and. Seven or$8 plus shipping on eBay. They're all in excellent condition. There are books that are dramatically under priced. And I just made the decision that I was going to price them low so that people could have them. And, um, they can afford something good in this terrible economy. And, uh, so I have all those books on eBay. Um, There is a website called They all tie up an app. And what I do on is. I put my clothing. And footwear and hats. And Bibles and cookbooks. So that's what I do there. Um, but I think I'm going to take the books off of my Cari, to be honest with you. Um, they don't really sell very fast, sir. Uh, So I will have a link to Maccari and I will say, okay, if you guys want to buy some clothing, Or footwear or hats. You can buy it on my car and that will help support the podcast. So instead of just giving you a donation, you'll have something in your hand, just like you would with the books. I am on Poshmark. But. Um, You know, they take 20% and if I put something on Poshmark for 25, everyone wants to give me an offer for 20. And then the price closer in 25 to 20, and then Poshmark takes 20%. So my$25 item is 16. So I'm not going to put a link. To Poshmark. I'm just going to let that one ride. Um, This here's another, that I'm also doing. There is a website that's been around for a while. It's kind of like a mirror image. Of eBay. And they have a new owner. And the owner is investing money into the company and they're actually doing an excellent job. Of revamping it. And it's called Bonanza it's I will put a link. There. For you guys. And, um, they have all the same stuff. As eBay. Um, their fees are pretty much the same, but the thing is, um, the company has the ability. To open up. You open up an account on Bonanza. And you press a button and it imports all. Of your products from eBay. Onto their site perfectly. And not only that, but when an item sells on their site, it automatically deletes it on eBay. It's and if something sells on eBay, it automatically gets deleted on Bonanza. Now, the thing is interesting about this. Is that there are all these other companies that I mentioned. And they've got a ton of money. Like. I mean so much of our money, the money Hanza. But none of them have the ability to do up an answer. Does. And no one can figure out how enhances so good at it. And, uh, what I am doing is this week. Right now it is Sunday night, the 29th of April. This week, I'm going to finish, setting up my account with Bonanza. And I'm going to put a link to that. For you guys as well, knowing that everything I need is going to be on that same site. But the difference is. If you buy the item. On Bonanza, you're going to save 2.5% more. Then, if you bought it on eBay, And to me. If I can save you guys, even 2.5%, that'll add up, you know, And it doesn't affect how much I get, because it's just a different way of, uh, figuring out the numbers for Bonanza. So. Um, I will put a link to that. And I think it would be pretty cool. If, uh, you guys have go to Bonanza first. Knowing that the same products are on that site. Over E-bay I think, I don't know. I just think it would be pretty cool to, uh, get established, um, Bonanza. Um, But, um, So there's that, um, as far as my ministry goes, My initial footprint is going to be my podcast. And I'm going to be talking about, um, you know, the kind of things I've been talking about. But I'm also. Going to talk about things going into this coming year. And into the future regarding. Um, finances. For example, uh, investing. And trading. Uh, stocks and commodities and things like that. I'm going to tell you guys what, um, Stocks I'm trading right now. And, um, I'm not some of those talking out there, sphincter. Uh, when I talk stocks, I know what I'm talking about. I'm not certified, but I'm beyond certified. So legally I'm not certified, but I've been mentored by. Um, my buddy, um, That was a master trader for over 50 years. And he charged$400 an hour to teach people and he spent a week. Full time and taught me everything. Because he believes in what I'm doing. And he, he said, I know that you'll support missions and you'll further a kingdom of God. If I teach you this. And he had a tear in his eye when he told me that. And he said that I reminded him of himself and he believed in me and he wanted to do that as probably part of his legacy was to teach me. So what I'm going to do. Zach, I'm going to take the experience. I'm going to point you guys. In the directions, I'm looking on some of these investments and why I'm choosing them. And talk about them. And, uh, the. I need to figure out a time to do that. I would like to pick out one day a week. One podcasts a week to do that. That's something I like to do. Um, I'm going to talk about, um, spiritual stuff one day a week. Initially. And well, everything's going to have the word of God as the base, but, um, and I would like to talk. About different ways to resell and make money. Um, That's a topic that a lot of people would like to pick my brain on. And I've got a lot of ideas for that. Um, you know, talking about. Different types of things you can sell, why you would sell them characteristics that make them differentiated. Um, Lot of things like that. I don't want it to be like all these reselling. Uh, channels on YouTube. I want it to be. Different. I want it. To be my take. Uh, when I. Was. At the Goodwill outlet, I would go two or three times a day when I lived in round rock, Texas. And, uh, It was funny because you go there and everyone thinks they're an expert. And usually I'd walk up and down the aisles of bins and I would just look and Pitt. And be like, what's he doing? And then one day. A guy came up to me. That, um, he's a smart guy. I worked in real estate, um, insurance. And he looked at Bain said, do you know what Lance. I had been watching you. And call me crazy, but I think you're the smartest guy in this building. I looked at him and smiled and said, why is that? And he said, because you will come here. And you'll use nothing, but your eyes, you might touch material. One time. And just drop something. And he said, we all watch you and we don't know how you. No. And how you analyze things, but you'll come here. You'll pick up two or three things. And you'll leave. And we'll check your EBIT and find out you sold it for$150 when we spend the whole day here and we don't get that much. And all the stuff that we bought. And he, he said, There are people here that try to follow you when you come here and they try to watch what you're doing, they can't figure out what you're doing. And I said, well, they don't need figure it out then. And he said, have you ever thought about. You know, doing a podcast, doing a YouTube channel, this, that, and the other. And I said, they couldn't pay me enough to do it. And, um, I didn't tell him I was going to do this. So you guys are listening right now. You have the inside scoop. And, um, you know, what. I'm creating all these different ways. Um, To educate you guys. To help you out make money. Um, to make you smell good. To grow closer to God, things like that. And, um, Yeah. So I'm going to provide a lot of value. And, uh, I decided I'm not going to do affiliate links where I make a commission on anything. I'm just going to trust. That have, if you guys feel like I'm providing value that you support what I'm doing. Through a tip and the tip jar once in a while. And then. This will grow. And at some point, I'll be able to hop in my car and say, Hey, I know so-and-so listen to my podcasts over here. I think I'm going to go there and talk to their Bible study and pray with them. This weekend. Or I can go over here. And this person listens to my podcast and I can go to Evansville, Indiana and meet the guys at night CTV and spend the night at the Puritan barn. And, uh, spend serious time and warfare prayer with them, that protection for what they're doing. Man that'd be a dream come true. I would just love to do that. Um, That'd be amazing. So, you know, I feel like that's what God wants me to do. I feel like he wants me to be, uh, uh, traveling. Watchman slash profit. However you call it. And, um, You know, it's good for our profit to have a car because by the time he opens his mouth, people are going to be chasing him and throw rocks at him anyway. So. Why not have a car to hop in and get out of town. Go the next place. Do it again, right. So, um, Anyway. Um, Like I said, uh, right now it is. April 29th, Sunday night, 12:49 AM. For some reason. Late at night, I always get inspired to talk. Because the Lord shows me stuff. I laid in bed for an hour and a half before this. And the whole is fair. It was like, okay. Get up. I'll make you awake. I'll put things your mind, open your mouth. Let me talk through you. So here I am doing it. Um, But. This week, the plan is to get those things completed. Um, definitely links. To the fragrance places, definitely links. To, uh, my selling platforms. Um, Uh, oh, you know what something else? There. Something I've noticed in the church. Is that. It X. Extremely. And when I say church, I'm talking institutional church. Um, It is extremely lacking in solid biblical teaching. And something. That I'm good at is turning what. Solid biblical teaching is. And I'm still trying to figure out how to organize it, but what I'd like to do on my website is have a section. For a different YouTube channels where they have really good teaching. Um, And. I don't think I'm going to post the videos. Because that would take forever, but I am going to. Put, um, Links. And I can tell you right now, um, I am a fan boy. Oh, Leonard Ravenhill and David Wilkerson. And, um, David Wilkerson founded. Uh, times square church in New York. And the guy that came after him that took over. Was a pastor Conlon C O N L O N is how you pronounce his last name. And he is. Amazing. He is such. He is so good. He's like, It is so cool. To see the linear. Lineage from David Wilkerson and David Wilkerson looked up to LA Ravenhill and then you look, David Wilkerson. Two Conlin. And now Caitlyn is doing Aaron national ministry and Tim Delaney. D I L E N a. He is taken over at times where church. And he is like them too. And it is such an awesome thing to see. Because so many times when something good is happening, the devil will put someone right next to it and then it'll get taken. Over and turned a POS state, but that hasn't happened at times square church. It is, it's just. Makes me so incredibly happy because I've seen it happen so many times, but. Guys. You probably have not heard. Um, Of Conlon or Delana, but I'm telling you guys, they are rock solid. They are rock solid. Um, They. They are not Baptist. They're not Pentecostal. They're like me. They have the same beliefs that I do. They believe in the five fold ministry. But they don't push it on everyone. They. Believe that if things are done, they need to be biblically done. And they don't put God in a box and say, well, this says, and this. Therefore this, they say, if God is going to do it, it will be according to his character and it will be done biblically. And. They're open to that. And it's. So awesome. I I'm just super excited. That, uh, Tim Delana is there. I had not heard of them before. I've watched several of his. Uh, preaching outside, man. This sounds like a young version of Leonard Ravenhill. So awesome. So excited about it. But, um, I'm going to put some links to that. I do like Jonathan Kahn. And I'll talk about, um, I'll talk about, uh, Torah observant. Born again, Christians. I'll talk about that too. At some point. Um, I think it's important to understand what's going on in that whole thing. And, um, yeah, I've got some stories. You may have heard one in a previous podcast already. Um, I did those podcasts over a year ago. So I'm not sure if I mentioned it. But, uh, it's pretty awesome. But that is what I'm doing. I'm providing you guys. Uh, different things. Uh, give value because. I feel really uncomfortable. Um, when people support me and I feel like I'm not doing anything for it, I feel like. I feel like that breeds. Um, comfort. I feel like that breeds laziness. And I'm not going to be. A nonprofit. I will never be in nonprofit, mark. My words. Um, Ah, man. All that. I'll go too long if I talk about that. But. I'll talk about it in future. And I'm what I'm going to do is I'm going to weave in. Uh, being a nonprofit. With Sam Kennison. So that's. Yeah. Sam Kennison is the, a comedian when I was in high school. That died and, uh, The church got real angry because he would make. Make jokes about the church and Jesus and stuff. He was a, a Pentecostal revival. Preacher. Um, before. He got into comedy. And, uh, everything that I thought about him, even though no one agreed with me, turned out to be true. And I had only been a Christian for about a year when he died. But everything was confirmed that I thought. And I thought that was pretty awesome. But, uh, anyway. Yeah, I will let you guys know in a short podcast podcast. Episode when the website's done, hopefully. You know, One week from now, that's a plan. And, um, I will start putting the link to the website. In the description of my podcasts. And everything. So. If you guys like books, I'm telling you, I've got some amazing books for$5 that. For the life of me. I think, uh, E-bay. Is hiding them for some reason. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think they are hiding them. For some reason and. If people knew they were around. And there were available. I would probably. Get two or 300 orders in. One night. And maybe God's protecting me because honestly I can probably only handle about 20 or 25 orders. At night without being overwhelmed. So. Even though I have everything organized really well. I'm looking at about one third of them right now. I've got a. Six bookshelves that are eight feet tall and seven shelves in each one. And they are absolutely. Packed with books and their good books. So. Anyway. That's it for tonight. And, um, Thank you for listening. And I will see you guys shortly. Have a great night. Bye.