The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance

Episode 5: The Holy Spirit showed me some things tonight.

April 29, 2024 Lance White
Episode 5: The Holy Spirit showed me some things tonight.
The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
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The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
Episode 5: The Holy Spirit showed me some things tonight.
Apr 29, 2024
Lance White
The Truth Teller Podcast +
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Something that I've noticed. So for time, And a lot of different situations that have been through. Has been that when you mentioned prophecy, People have a bunch of their own definitions of it. And there's a lot of misunderstanding about it. I've been told that because. Aye. Take seriously witnessing, witnessing to people and sharing credits. I want to see people come to him that people say, well, you must be charismatic because. Baptists aren't like that. They believe that. People are going to. Get saved. If God wants him to get saved and go to heaven and they don't really have any say in that, which. I think. Isn't really true. I think. God. Knows what we're going to do, how we're going to relate to him. Whether we're going to accept them before wherever born. But. Having said that I think. He allows us to make the decision ourself. Even if. Uh, we think. That we have control over it. He knows how it's going to end up. That's just my view. So, I guess you could call me a Cal minium part Calvinism part Armenian. On the other side. Uh, regarding the idea of prophecy and profits and things like that. I came from a background where. Um, It was more cessationist background. Where people did not believe their profits today. And there was no purpose for it. Just like call the charismatic gifts. Or the five-fold ministry and things like that. That's a background I came from. I went from that background and I got involved in a word faith cult in California through dating a girl. And after a couple of years, I realized it was incredibly screwed up and I confronted the leadership. And I had death threats against me by the li the, uh, pastor. Of that group. In Michigan, Ohio, California called new life Christian Church. Uh, John McCullough was the guy's name. Um, Yeah. There'll be a podcast sometime though I'll tell you guys about, um, I think I'm at the point. Where I can talk about what I went through without crying. It's. I mean, seriously, it's probably been. Gosh, over 20 years is take me. It gets a point where. I can talk about the trauma I went through. Um, And that situation and getting out of that cult. Um, the word faith cult is pretty much the father. M mother. Of the NAR the new Epistolic reformation, which Bethel. Church and writing it is a cult. It is a straight up cult. Um, Gosh, I've been around people that are associated with that church. And there's not a single person that I am not convinced is DEMA possessed. Every single one of them. I could feel it. I witnessed it. I, um, here's a little story about that. I was with a group. That was part of that whole Bethel movement in east Austin. And there was this Asian girl. That would go to the Bible study, even though it wasn't a Bible study, it was a joke. No one, there was qualified to lead a Bible study and I was just there to witness what was going on because I had heard about things. And, um, This Asian girl. Whenever. She was in that group. She'd roll on the floor. And laugh and giggle. And it got to the point where. There were like, oh, she's just having fun. You know, that's the typical excuse. Oh, he has no big deal. Jesus having fun. No one could figure out what was going on. And I felt like the holy spirit, why me is say something. So. I told them, you guys want to know what's going on. And they said, yeah, sure. And, uh, I said what's happening is she is made in God's image. And you guys don't believe in spiritual warfare. And there are demons controlling her. And manifesting through her right now. And the reason they're laughing. Is because they have control over someone. Made in God's image and when they laugh, they're mocking, you. That's what they're doing. They're mocking you. And they just looked in like, okay, this is weird. They didn't believe any of it. They don't want to believe in demons in that Bethel group, they commune with demons. They do tarot cards. They do all kinds of crap and try to say it's Christian, but any way. That happened and they hurt. They listened to what I said. And then they just lost over. Glossed it over. Like it was no big deal. And then after that meeting, we went to a, was it. Taco cabana. And just down the street from where we were. And. I was convinced that this girl was demon possess and that I was right about it. And I was sitting at a table with her and two other people. And I know. Through my experience dealing. With demons and such. Any time. I want to trigger a Damon. Possessed person. What I'll do. Is, I will talk about their eternal destiny and I'll talk about supremacy of Christ south. Talk about the blood of Jesus. And I'll talk about all the things. That directly confront. Uh, demons. Passion and lust and anger. And every time I do that, it triggers them. And they're forced to show who they are. And I did that when I was sitting there. At the, um, Table. And this little Asian girl we're talking like 95 pounds. She gets a real guttural voice and tells me to shut up with a bunch of expletives. So I looked at her. And then. I quietly rebuked her in the name of Jesus Christ. And, and continued talking about the supremacy of Christ. And then the demon fully manifested. Out of this low 95 pound agent goal and she overed through a table. Through chair's had three or four people holding her back. And she wanted at me. And, uh, if you can believe it, they, they struggled. Then they took her out to the parking lot. To their car. And they said, oh, she's just having a bad night. She doesn't feel good. That was her. Excuse. There were totally blind terrorist that was going on. Spiritually. So. Yeah. When I, when I started this podcast, Before I started recording. I asked the Lord to guide. What I was going to talk about. And it's interesting because I wasn't going to share. That story, but that is the story that holy spirit brought to me. So if you guys are listening to this. Maybe there's somewhat need to hear that for some reason. And I will not say maybe, but I will say there is someone that needs to hear that. Um, You know, When I was in school and when I was in church and California and stuff, people would always say, well, you can't know if someone's really diva obsessed or you can't really know someone's a Christian or. Any of these different things, which are not true, you can know. Period. You can know. The devil wants you to think. You can't know, but you can know. And I was mentored by Walter Martin. At Christian research Institute, he was one of my mentors. And I learned from him. I took classes from him. And, uh, before he died, And I learned a lot. From him. And, um, If there's any, anything. That. Really sticks out is knowing the word of God. Listening to the holy spirit, learning how to listen to the holy spirit. And then doing what he tells you to do. And the other thing is there's absolutely no reason. When you're in a spiritual confrontation. It's like Neil Anderson said it's not a spiritual conflict. It is a truth. It's it's a, a truth encounter. Bottom line is. Use the word of God. Use, use your authority in Christ. And the devil has to submit. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and you take it seriously, you don't. Just go to church on Sunday and say, oh yeah, I went to church. I'm good for the week. That's bullshit. I'm sorry, but it is. And you need to take your walkway. God seriously. It does not. Mean. That you're a. You're a fundamentalist. That, you know, thinks anyone that disagrees with you is gone to hell on their demon. Possessed has a lot, what I'm saying. What I'm saying is. Listen to the holy spirit. Take time. And set it aside each day. And even if you have to just sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes. And ask God. To protect your thoughts and protect you during the day. And they ask him. To show you exactly where. He wants to work, open up opportunities to tell people about Jesus. That is what I'm talking about. W there's no reason for us to go through our day. And serve ourselves if we're serving ourselves and we're doing what we want to the whole time that we're not listening to the holy spirit, then it's a wasted time. You just wasted your day. And you add a bunch of days, you just wasted your life. We're not here. To serve ourselves. We're not here for self worship. We're not here to post pictures of our face on Facebook. Incessantly all day, because we're insecure. We want lots of full guys to see our picture and tell us how beautiful we are, even though we don't know them. And we don't know what they're doing under the table. Okay. Just being honest. Um, that's not what we want. We want to honor God. We want to do what he calls us to do. Do you realize that if you ask him. To show you. Different opportunities. To touch people's lives and tell them about Jesus. He's just looking for people. That he can trust with that. He's looking for people that'll say, Hey. Send me, I want to do that. He, he he's fervently looking to and fro all over the earth, trying to find people that'll do that. That's what he wants. So. Anyway. I wanted to do that encouragement. You know, I'm just letting, uh, Letting God show me what he wants me to talk about, but so here's, here's the main thing. Uh, a lot of times a lamb bed when I go to bed and the holy spirit will bring a bunch of things to my mind. And. If I don't. At least. Uh, look online to read some things about it. Or if I don't, uh, Um, dig deeper on it. Then. I'm not going to get asleep that night. I'm going to have in my mind, I'm going to be constantly. Preaching. I'm going to be constantly talking. I'm going to be constantly communicating everything. The holy spirit gave me to say, even if no one, Sarah, my mind will be like that. And there are a lot of times who are like right now, it's a six minutes after nine. There are a lot of times. Where. It will be. Nine o'clock. And. The holy spirit is prompting me so much that I cannot fall asleep until 5:00 AM. And he's just downloading information into me and. Make me feel passionate and at about. Eight 15 tonight, our psycho holy spirit. I don't want to get out of bed. Um, I don't want to record tonight. It's going to keep me up and. Then he kept on me 45 minutes later. Her, I am. You guys got me, so. But something. And I'm gonna change directions a little bit here. Something. That's really interesting. I know. That, um, when people talk about profits, depending on what your background is, they demonize the idea that. There are profits today. I personally. Believe that 99.999% of people that claim to be profits are not, I believe they're false profits. But I do believe that there are some that are true profits. I've. I've had so many crazy situations. Um, I'm going to tell you. Two of them, but there are a lot more than this. I was walking around. I was visiting. Uh, city. Randomly. I think I was there interviewing for a ministry position. I was looking around the city and. I didn't know where I am in the city square. I didn't know where someone comes up to me. And looks at me. And it says your name, Lance white. And I looked at him. I said, yes. Um, why do you ask? And they said, well, we have something, a message from God for you. He's called you to be an apostle prophet. To this generation. And. When I was told that. And when this person said it randomly in the middle of the city, that I was just visiting. Um, At that time. Uh, it's very. I was like a hundred percent. There's an all profits. And, um, I was, I could not dismiss it. You know, And it confirmed some things for me. And after that I had similar situation happened three more times in different places. People I'd never seen before. And, um, Then the second, the second story is I was in a Bible say in Lynchburg, Virginia. And there was someone that was a guest. And I kid you not. I was just sitting there listening. To everything that was going on. And this person was talking. And he was on the board of directors of navigators that are national. Uh, Christian ministry. And he came up to me. I had not said a word to him. I didn't even say anything during the Bible study, he came up to me. And after the Bible say, Hey. Is it, can you come in the kitchen? I like talk to you. And I said, sure. And he, he said, There's a passage that I want you to read. In the Bible for me. And tell me what you think about it. And the passage that he had me read. Was the, a passage where it talked about the blood of the prophets calls out. From the earth. And the earth was not worthy of them. And I cried when I read it. Any of looked at me and he said, what is your life been like? And I told him. And. He's I mean, If you compare the lives of the prophets in the old Testament, as a spitting image of my life period. Every aspect of it. Except being killed. And. The vast majority of it has come from. Uh, the institutional church. That is supposed to be Christian, which I believe at least 95% of people that go to church anymore are not Christians. Especially mega churches. I think you've got a Wolf's running. The chicken coop and the majority of mega church, it's a vast majority. That's my opinion. I stand by it. As far as I'm concerned, it's a hundred percent truth. But I'm going to stop that train of conversation right there. Just because I could go off on that for a long time and, you know, We've got plenty of time to make podcasts and tell you guys what I think. But, um, There are just lost my train of thought. I love. When that happens. I'll have to jump on the train and see where it's leading, but, um, He, he then told me. After, uh, ask SME what my life has been like. And I was wiping away tears. He told me that the Lord showed him that I was called to be. A prophet. And it was very clear to him. In the end. Um, Even though I had not said anything up to that point. And I was like, okay. That's on fit. My theology. But everything he's saying is accurate. Everything he's saying is true. So. You know, um, If you, I think one reason. The a lot of people. Uh, have a visceral reaction to people talking about being profits and things like that is they've never seen a biblical one. Um, there are people that say all profits should be encouraging this, that, and the other I'm like. Dude. What. What freaking book are you reading? You know, the Bible said that profits were not welcome in their own community. They had nowhere to rest their head. When they would go somewhere, people would leave. And, uh, by the time the prophet left, they were getting rocks thrown at them. They, they, uh, but, but here's, but here's the thing. Um, today when you hear about profits, it's eyes charismatic, super Pentecostal. Uh, example, and I can honestly. Tell you tell you. That even though I've been told. The I prophetic gifting and God's called him, called me to be a prophet, even though I've been told that. I can tell you I have been. In so many churches in so many meetings where people claim to be profits. And every single time I can tell you that the holy spirit told me they are demons. Every single time. I saw. Graham cook. And he was at a church and all he did was talk about himself. And, and grand eyes himself. He didn't even talk about Jesus or anything. And then there was someone rolling around on the ground, like a snake. And people are laughing uncontrollably. And I was, if, if I would've had my car, I would have been gone. The second I walked in there because I saw demons everywhere in that church. And it w it was, uh, something you'll hear me talk about sometimes is something. That I call a demonic elixir or Tim demonic. Uh, numbing fluid. It's like when you go into a place and you lose control of your centers, your senses. And, and you feel lightheaded a Fil. Relaxed and all of those are indicators. That you're being as. It's like tenderizing a stake. You're a stake in your being tenderized. So that demons connect her in. And take advantage of your vulnerability. Now. If I go in somewhere any more. I always asked the Lord to surround me with his angels. And I I'm, if you've ever heard me pray, I'm extremely aggressive against he handed me and I know where I stand and I know where God stands. And there's absolutely nothing in this world that I will back down to. There's absolutely nothing in this world that I'm afraid of. I don't care what it is. I am not afraid because I know the God that stands with me and protects me and fights for me. And he's undefeated. So I've got nothing to worry about. But, uh, You know, I, uh, Went to a restaurant with a group of people. After the Graham Cooke fiasco. And they said it's a Lance. Tell us what you think. Graham cook. And I looked at him. And I said, do you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to blow, smoke up your butt? And, uh, they just had, well, since you put it that way, tell us truth. And I told them, I said, the guys that DEMA possessed. False prophet. Heretic. That's what he is. And I said that in everyone. Got the socks on their face and they just change the conversation. Pretty crazy. Huh? How dare I tell the truth. But that's, that's common when I'm. When I'm in institutional churches or in. Pseudo Christian groups who are everyone wants to feel safe and comfortable. And that's the most important thing to them. I always get the same reaction. They don't want to hear the truth. But that is the truth. Graham cook is a flaming. For all eternity false profit. That's what he is. And, um, Gosh, I did. What was it? New life? Um, Blue's called new life had taught MoPac. In Austin. I went with a friend of mine that went to that church and that's a, a one is Pentecostal cult. And I went and there was this guy that said he was a prophet. And I kid you not, this is really going to trigger some, you guys. But I kidney Katie, not the guy went up there and he was just saying things that were stupid. None of it was accurate. None of those biblical, none of it was the holy spirit. And someone called them out on it. And this. This is a guy that they paid a lot of money to come and just prophesied. And, uh, someone called them out on, it said something from the audience. And I kid you not this. Makes me so live it. The guy literally said from the front and he said, Um, He said, oh, I guess even the holy spirit has an off night. That's literally what this. Piece of excrement said. About the holy spirit. And I can tell you. Um, People. That have been around me when, when I say. That if, if I'm in a situation. Like for example, um, there was a place. Um, Stacy you'll know where this place is. If you listen to the podcast. But. I went there. And, uh, I would, I would go there, have water and I write notes in my notebook. And stay Sudan. Take great care of me. She's awesome. And, um, I don't drink. I would just go and I'd watch people. And I pray. And all kinds of things. And I didn't it's yeah, I've got lots of stories about it, but. Um, There were people that when they would walk in. Through the door. I could tell you all about him. I can tell you what demons I had. I could tell you this. I could tell you that. And the bouncers there. Um, I'm guessing they know that I'm a Christian, but they didn't know my gifting or anything. But they know I was very observant. And, um, I would go up to him. If someone walked in. Um, I would go up to the bouncers, say this, this, this, and this. About people in the room. I'd say, watch this, watch that. They're hand is their hand is their fists clenched. The job's rigid. Their pupils are dilated. Things like that. And you need be careful. And if something happens, you're going to need all you guys. So hold them down because you're not dealing with the human being. And I would tell them things like that. And they got to the point where they trusted me and they would come up to me. At various times different nights. And they would ask him what I thought about different things and I'd let them know. Um, there was one time and I forget. If I a. Talked about this on other podcasts that I did previously. But I had a friend that was a head bouncer is a really big guy, really nice guy. And, uh, It was busy that night. And there were two guys that walked in. I immediately knew that they were warlocks, which are male. Satanist high priests. And some people call them male witches. But, um, They came in. And they had trench coats that they literally looked. Like, uh, Anton LeVay here. You know, And he's a founder of the church of Satan. But, um, They went in there, looked around. They walked around the left side of the building, went into the bathroom, came back. And then they, they took their hand. They'd made a, uh, With their index finger and their thumb. Like a saying, hi. And. They made it with their hand. They kissed her hand. They put it on their forehead, tap their forehead. And then when they left. Both of them tapped the lower back. Of my friend that bouncer. And put a curse or a hex on him and left. They didn't save her, the music, they didn't get drink, anything. They were specifically there for him. And I told him about it and I rebuked it in the name of Jesus. But even though I told him about, he didn't take it seriously. Now, hear her hear something. Okay. It's like, okay, you're not going to take us seriously. You think I'm blowing smoke up your butt? What happened? To him after that. His wife cheated on him with a bunch of different guys. He got divorced. He lost his job. And he had. Bad back problems. All of that happened right after that happened. Okay. I'm not going to say who it is. He's a wonderful guy and he's doing better now. But I told them specifically, I said, you need. To rebuke. What's going on because you're being targeted. Uh, you need to take us seriously and. When I said it, it was like, I didn't say anything. He didn't take it seriously. This leads me. To another situation. Okay. I was a leader in a ministry in, uh, Southern California was one of the leaders in the college ministry. And people knew my background. And what I came out of. And at the time I had not gone through my deliverance yet. But I was there one night at church during a weeknight. And, uh, A friend of mine said, um, there's a witch that's performing. Uh, hex on the church. And she's right out there. And I was on the upper level. I came around and I saw her. And I. Pray to cancer and she laughed. And, um, What happened? After that was. Um, David Hawking. I was her pastor and a. He had an affair. He was cast out of ministry. And, uh, It's you know, the church is good and strong now. But he was a huge name. Excellent speaker. I, uh, I'm friends with his son. I believe he's been restored to ministry. But the thing is. You know, um, It doesn't mean. That when they do a hex or a curse on someone. That the devil has more power, but what it means. As you need, take it seriously. You need to combat it. And when people are in power, they're in a high position or they're overly confident. Those are all situations where the enemy will take advantage. And do everything he can to come against you and make you trip up. I mean, how many pastors have you heard of. That fall from ministry and every single time it has to do a sex. You don't hear much about drugs. You here with pedophilia. Rape. Uh, fairs. Everything has to do practically with sex. That is a man's weakness. And. I mean, you can, you can tell people that and say, okay, be careful about this, this and this. And the second they don't look at you anymore. They're looking at a girls tight, but. Jiggling walking by. That's how easily the devil can sway. Your focus. And, uh, man. It was extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous. But, um, All that happened after this, which. Uh, performed a hacks. Um, another example. Um, I met with when I was at moody to. I met during a mission conference. With Dr. Ed Murphy, he's friends with, uh, One of my mentors, Fred DECA Sen, that helped me. Start the process process of going through my deliverance at moody and getting rid of all the demonic stuff. And I talked to ed Murphy. He wrote a book called the handbook for spiritual warfare. And in that book, he talks about. Being on a jet. On a flight. And he was fasting. And. He was sitting next to someone. And when the food was offered, the person said I'm not taking on fasting. And look the per set. Are you a Christian? And the person said, no, I'm a Satanist. I'm fasting. Uh, for the downfall of Christian leaders in California. And. That's. All these examples. I'm giving you guys that is. The exact same thing. Um, Just because someone is a Satanist doesn't mean that they don't honor and serve him just like Christians do in a mockery of what Christians do. For God, when they want to see a breakthrough. And, uh, they do the same thing. But you've got these Christian leaders that are on their high horse. I think there are untouchable. They're arrogant. They, they have people. That say that they're good. And then they start believing they're a lot better than they are. And they push God to side and say, Hey, I've got this, I've got this covered. Like what everyone's saying about me. And as soon as I do that, they fall. And that guys. I mean, look at the headlines. Look at all these leaders. That were based on emotion based on ego, based on making people laugh, not based in the word of God. And they're all falling all over the place. We see articles. Uh, news, everything constantly all over the place. And it's happening more and more. And uh, here. Okay. This is a little bit unrelated. But, um, You know, I saw someone speak last week. And. I did not feel the presence of the holy spirit with them at all. There was no conviction. There was. No passion. There was no holy spirit insight into what people were feeling and he audience. It was someone that went up. And. Tried to make people laugh. And then there were done. You know, 35 minute talk, there were done. And I looked at my friend and, you know, they, even, they even told me while I was the worst speaker. I've seen a long time and I. I looked at her and, uh, I was like, what was the point of that? You know, Where's the holy spirit fire. Where's the passion. Where's the insight. Where, whereas it's not about me. It's about Jesus. And. I also a common out's Umaid. Well, as you know, when I communicate, I, you know, Just, just like, you know, I'm talking right now with you guys. I don't want people to say, oh, Lance, he's funny. He's uh, he's at. I don't want that. I want you to say, you know what? The Lord spoke through him. He's God's vessel he's God's mouthpiece. The Lord spoke through him. I don't want people to say that I'm funny. Even though I probably am at some point. But, um, I don't want people. To encourage me in any fleshly things that word. Make my EO puff up. I want people to say. You know the things you said tonight, the holy spirit really worked through that. To me, that's a home run. Because it means that it's not me. I'm God's mouthpiece and he's speaking through me, period. That's the way it is. And I want a no other way. When I do this podcast, I want you guys to feel that. When I write these many books that dominate, do I want you to feel that. I don't want the first thought in your mind to be like, man, that guy's really funny. Okay. But when the speaker. Was there. When, when his name was mentioned, everyone said always really funny. And I'm taking a, myself. Dang. So. What's come to the church where. We validate people in and say that they're. Good. If they make me laugh. You know, while we're DL moody, say about that. What would Leonard Ravenhill say about that? What would David Wilkerson say about that? That's ridiculous. That's completely ridiculous. Oh, yeah. He made me feel good and I feel safe and protected because I laughed. What kind of sense does that make. Emotions are the devils. Playground. If they are not controlled and they're not protected by the holy spirit. They're the devil's playground then manipulate you. They. They affect you physiologically. They can lead you open to attack of the enemy. All of those things. They can be good too. And when they are godly and, and the holy Spirit's in control. It feels. Most incredible thing in the world. To feel the presence of the holy spirit and God working. Through you. That's amazing. I want nothing more than that. I don't want people to say, oh, he's funny. I don't care about that. But, um, So I am going to tell you. About the initial thing that came up, um, when I was laying in bed thinking, okay, holy spirit, you're not going to let me sleep unless I talk about it. So I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to do a podcast on it. Um, I was looking at. The story of a lie of Elijah, where he, uh, Confronted the prophets of bail. And God showed up and consumed the sacrifice that was covered in water. And all the prophets of bale were killed by the. Nation of Israel. And then the king got angry. It said while we're going to kill a lychee because of all the people you killed, this, that, and the other. And then. Um, The, uh, guy that came after that Elijah anointed and, uh, trained up was Elijah. And, uh, What happened? With him is pretty cool. He was surrounded. By armies. And, uh, the Lord showed him. What the real situation was. And those armies that were there to kill him. Um, We're surrounded by God's armies and chariots of fire and angels placing swords. And horses and everything. And, uh, Elijah told us servant, look again. And the servant saw all of them. And then as the, uh, enemy army started to come down, Elijah. As Lord. To strike them blind. So that they can not see him and Elijah and his people. Left. And the, uh, army didn't see any of them. Um, It brought to mind some parallels with things that I've been through. Um, you guys know that if you've listened to some of the podcast, I think I've. Six episodes before this set are all pretty random. But I'm getting my feet under me. So now I'm going to be cruising into podcasts and moving forward. But. Uh, You know this last year, um, ending on Jen. Uh, January 4th this year. They took the chemo pump off me. For the last time is Lord willing. And, um, I went through about six and a half months of chemotherapy for stage two. Colon cancer. And, uh, I remember when I was in the hospital. Um, You know, my parents came in and saw me and, um, They said never in their life. Had they ever seen me without hope in my eyes? And, um, I felt. I knew that God was there, but I couldn't feel him in for the first time in my life. I cannot feel his presence. And I felt totally alone and abandoned. And it reminded me of what Jesus went through when he was separated from the father. On the cross when he was gone and a. Remind me of that. I felt like I was in the bottom of an endless. Uh, Bess. And I was naked and Baron. I was curled up in a ball and I was crying and. Crying out to God saying, Lord, show me, show me. Where you are, let me feel your presence. And for the, for that month. Of time with three different trips, a hospital. I, I could not feel his presence. But I still pray. I said, Lord, I know you're there. Please carry me no matter what I'm going to do. Exactly. Everything. That you lead me to. And I asked him to protect me and carry me. And, um, The way I can describe it. Is like, um, if you. Make your body limp. Um, to the point where like someone shook your hand, it's just, you know, the dead fish shake. Your body is limp is just say I'm done. I trust you. I love you with all my heart and I trust you, and I know what you're going to use. What's best for me. And I'm going to boldly. Do everything. That you tell me to do, and that's why I did. And, uh, some of my friends. We're like, man, I can't believe. How, while you're handling this, I can't believe your attitude is such an inspiration. And, um, Yeah. Ever since, uh, January. 27th of 2022. That's what it's been. I feel like a 2023, God was downloading information preparing me for this year. And yours. Into the future. He gave me a conviction on what he wants me to do, and that's what I'm going to do, period. End of story. And I trust him. And a friend said, was it feel like, and I said, I feel like. I'm in the chest of a giant lion and I can feel his powerful heartbeat. And his claws and his roar. Go before me and nothing can stop. What God is going to do through me. And he's going to do big things. And I could. Answer questions say, oh, this is going to happen. That's going to happen? What do you think's going to happen? I know that God is going to do even more than I ever dreamed. I just need to keep walking in the footsteps he puts in front of me, period. And that's what I'm doing. Um, Something that happened. Um, Before I started. You know, this medical journey that took all of them last year, 2023. Um, Aye. What's fearing or. I was feeling weary. I was feeling weak. And, um, You know, um, I was. I pray. And I said, Lord, please sustain me. Uh, give me strength, show me what you want me to do. And. No sooner did I prayed that? Then I was, um, I'm doing a door dash delivery. And I picked up the food and I went to an apartment I've never been to before our complex. I went up, the guy answered the door and I felt something very different about him. And, uh, everything was super clean. Uh, you know, looking as par, everything was like gray or white. And he was clean cut. And on his arm, he had like a warrior. Um, like a tribal warrior. A tattoo on his arm. And I gave him the food and he just looked at me with a very. Uh, loving, calm from voice. He said, this is for you. It'll sustain you. And he gave me the order. And I told them I can't eat it. You know, the typical thing I'm bill stupid for saying it, but I can need to time a. I'm doing keto. And, uh, He, he, uh, It guys. It was just, it was just real out. It's like, there's something about this guy. And he was really nice, super appreciative and thanked me and everything. I went to my car. I was like, there's something about the sky. And the holy spirit. Prompted in my mind, he was an angel. And. He reminded me. That I prayed that God was sustained me and I had not had any dinner or anything. I was starving. And I go. And this guy says he bought it for me and it will sustain you. And it's like, You know, I think he was an angel. And the thing that confirmed it for me. Is, um, that was real close to Halloween. And I was praying that God would, uh, protect. Me on Halloween because there's usually a lot of spiritual warfare. With everything going on and, um, That night. I got done with wine deliveries. I was walking around the back of the house and I looked out and I could see angels that looked like there were 10 or 12 feet tall at the base of all the trees. And our two acres. And one of them. Look too sadly like the guy that I give the delivery too. So. There you have it. Huh? So, um, uh, Elijah. Was sustained by an angel that came, he was given food for 40 days. Because he had a long journey. And the angel came to him twice and gave him food and sustained him and said he needed it for its journey. And it reminded me of what happened with me. And, uh, I thought that was really interesting. And then. Um, Something. About, um, situation where. Eli HSA. I saw the armies of the Lord surrounding the army that was going to kill him. And he was a hundred percent confident. I have seen that. Several times in my life. Um, various situations. Um, You know, the podcast will go too long if I go through them all, but I've experienced that exact same thing. And, um, You know, when, when so many times I've been in situations where people said, don't do this, don't do that. You're only one person. And I look at him. And I say, I've got the arm itself, Lord surrounding me. It doesn't matter. Period. Who are you afraid of? Why are you give them power to the devil that he doesn't have? Where's your faith. Why don't you believe God? And I've been through that situation a bunch of times. And, uh, The other thing. So I've talked about food sustaining. I've talked about the armies of the Lord. But, um, Yeah. It's just a. There are a lot of, uh, There are a lot of parallel sides. See? In the life of Elijah and Elisha and myself. And, um, It's just, it's really interesting. Um, something said about Leonard rave vanilla. If you don't know who he is, look him up. Um, his grave site. Is that the garden valley church. Um, Cemetery. In garden valley next to Lindale, Texas. And I went up there to pay my respects and I took a picture of it. And I have several friends. That knew him when he was still alive, that were mentored by him and every single one of those friends. That's Lance, you are just like Leonard Ravenhill. You're like a cross between Leonard Ravenhill Alijah and the apostle Paul. That's what. I'm told constantly. And, uh, I was looking into Leonard Ravenhill and I read quotes. And I was just shaking my head. I'm like, that's exactly something I said, As exactly something I would say I was just blown away. I couldn't believe. How much of a spitting image. The two of us are. Um, I'm not from England. I don't have a old man's voice. But, uh, I'll tell you something when you. If you listen to a Leonard Ravenhill sermon. On YouTube. They have a bunch of them. If you listen to it. The first thing you say is, oh, he's really funny. You know, you're not going to say that you're going to say. That man is passionate. He loves the Lord. He loves people. And he is, he is going to. Put his name. Right at the gates of heaven and tell people at repent before they are right at the gates of hell and tell people repent before they. Go through those gates. Um, I think. Uh, quote. That he had. Was, um, He wanted, he, he wanted. Uh, to be number one. On the devil Titlist and that's exactly how I feel. It's pretty awesome. Um, He wanted. Two. When the devil wakes up in the morning, he wants. He wants Leonard Ravenhill. To be on his mind about what is this man doing? Who's he praying? You know, what's God going to do with him. We need to fight. And the funny thing is Leonard Ravenhill did not have to fight the Lord's fight and forum just like he's fighting for me. And I've had so many people tell me, Lance, when you pray. Where did you learn to pray like that is you have such an intimate relationship with God. Um, just like when, you know, The Lord, the way I know him, you can't help, but be like that. So. But I, uh, I like talking. Like this, um, I feel like the holy spirit spoke through me tonight. Let. Uh, there's no way for you to let me know. I don't have my email address. I'm working on my website and they don't let you put comments on these different platforms for podcasts. So. Maybe if I do YouTube, but if I do YouTube, they're going to kick me off before you know it. How dare you told the truth? But, um, Yeah. But, uh, hanging in there with me. Um, I like talking like this. And talking about things that the holy spirit brings to my mind. We're looking just over 56 minutes. So this one went longer. But, uh, Yeah. So. I feel like a hundred God and send everything you want me to say. So I'm sure he's going to let me sleep really well tonight. So I will talk to you guys soon. Um, I'm working on my website. I think initially. I'm going to put a link to my eBay store. On the website before I upload all the products to my website. And, um, I'm going to try to get the, a website done. By the end of this week, hopefully. Um, But, uh, when I had that done all. I'll put a link. To each of the podcast. So you guys can check it out. It's going to be really collide. I've built seven websites in the past had a lot of people like, so this is going to be the best of all. All right. Love you guys. I will. Talk to you soon. Bye.