The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance

Trading tendencies for truth social and palintir

April 29, 2024 Lance White
Trading tendencies for truth social and palintir
The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
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The Truth Teller Podcast with Lance
Trading tendencies for truth social and palintir
Apr 29, 2024
Lance White
The Truth Teller Podcast +
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Something you need to be aware of. With companies. That are polarizing. But highly successful, like truth, social. And Palentier is that there's going to be a lot of manipulation. Because there's such a visceral hatred for those two companies. The, uh, founder, Alex Karp of Palentier is a good friend of Donald Trump. He's a Trump supporter. And a lot. Of ways. And for that reason. He has a lot of people that try to short the stock for Palentier. If the stock was not shorted, it would probably be over 50. Two$60 right now. And. Same thing with true social. I have owned. DWA C before. They went public. That was a ticker. And there are a whole bunch of times when there were fake. Uh, stories put out. By people that had no credibility. And what they did was they would try to scare people into selling DW OAC stock so that they could then buy it. And then in an effort to accumulate stock. Affect the ability of the company to come public. Like it has. And. Obviously that should be against law, but that's how evil people are in the markets for companies trading, et cetera, wall street. You've got some incredibly evil people, probably the most. Evil people at their core. That you would find anywhere. And. Well, Tanya is such a rollercoaster ride. And they can seem so convincing when they have these articles come out. And, uh, if you're not educated about a company, you don't know, what's really going on with a company, you can fall prey to people like this. So in the case of truth, social. Some of the tendencies are. That, uh, When the retail investors that people that actually own the stock, the ones that believe in the company. When they are in control, the stock is going to go up period. When that momentum stops it'll flatline. And then it might go down two to$3 a day for several days. And that's shorting typically when that happens, if you look at it on the chart, The, um, volume in the trading day is typically six to 8 million sheriffs. And that is illegal shorting. These people did not own the stock. They're doing it illegally. And last time that happened at went to. It took the sacrum 67 all the way down to like 30. And of course, if you know how to trade, that's a great opportunity. Cause you know, the stocks going to go up. So. You know, Have a stop in at 67 gets stopped out at 61. Hold on to your money. Led to hit the 30 range, buy it and ride it back up to 68. You'll double your money. If not quadruple it. And, uh, that's kind of thing I like to do. But. When the stock. Um, Went down Devin Nunez. The president of the company. Or the CEO or whatever you want to call them. Um, he made a complaint with SCC and asked them to investigate. Illegal shorting. And from that time when he made that announcement, The stack has only gone down two times. One time, it went down the two to 3.6, 8 million shares and that was shorting. But immediately. It didn't go down more and it's been on a steady climb going up ever since. And that's because I think. These people that are illegally shorting the stock realized they're under a microscope now. And when Donald Trump gets elected. They're going to get burned big time. And personally, I expect the stock to be over a hundred dollars a share when he gets elected. And I'm not saying if I'm saying when he gets elected. Now. The same thing is similar with, uh, Palentier. Um, The last. Quarterly report. Alex Karp was interviewed and he said they have so much business. That they have no way to handle it all on their own. So, what they've done is they've made an agreement since then with Oracle to use our cloud. System and network. To, um, expand their ability. To handle these clients. And they also have an agreement with a company in Japan. Um, I forget the name of the company who starts with an M, but the purpose of that agreement is for them to have the ability to spread out their ability to, um, Make more money handle more clients, expand their business. The only thing holding the company back right now. Is, they have such an amazing, incredible product. That so many people want to work with Palentier. And use her soft for about Palentier. As a smaller company. And there are limited resources that can only grow so much on their own. So they took the step to make these two. Agreements with two larger companies. To help them handle the workload. So it's going to be pretty exciting. On pellon tear. I have. Some stock and, and I'm intentionally not going to put a stop on it because I know it's going to move around a lot. And I don't want my stop to get head and then have a rocket up. So I'm going to see how their earnings go on May 5th. And what I expect. Is initially when the trading opens and when the announcements made about earnings, the SOC will probably do a head fake, go down strong. And then go right back up strong. And if the earnings are good and people like what's being said, This stock should go up strong. Um, if they don't like it. Then. You know what. If you're a longterm stock holder. And you believe in the company, just hold on to the sock. You don't have put a stop in. If you want to cut your losses. And wait for a good entry point. Take a small loss. Put your money on the side and wait for a good entry point. What's going to happen. One way. Or another is if the earnings are good. There are going to be mark my words, answer the same thing with choose social. I'll get to that. Go back to that in a minute. But. Um, mark my words, there will be. Some articles written by people trying to tear down Palentier. And they're going to be people like, you know, Pippi Longstockings analyst. Even though it's someone you've never heard of. They just put animals behind their names so that people who they're an analyst syndrome. What they're talking about. But what you need to realize is. When people write these articles are being paid by individuals. They have a vested interest in the stock and they want to get it for a lower price, knowing it's going to go up. So, what they do is they find these people. Random people with the word analyst behind their name. They tell them, okay, write a hit piece, make it look really bad for the company. When the stock price goes down, they then go in. Buy up a bunch of stock. Let it stabilize. The stock goes up and then make a ton of money. It's it should be illegal. But no one can prove that it's going on, but this is something that's common knowledge. Anyone that's traded anyone. That has worked in the markets. Um, that's the game they play. It's totally crooked. It's unethical, but that's what they do. So I mentioned a. And one of my previous podcasts, he idea of being the remora that my mentor taught me. Stay by the mouth of the shark and get all the food that falls out of his mouth. You can do that in this situation. Typically when Palentier announces and they have good earnings, the stock goes up. It stabilizes. And then for the next two to three months up until the next earnings report. It'll slowly drift down. If you look at the charts. On the company. You'll, you'll notice that there's a spike. When they have good earnings and then it slowly drifts down. To about 40 to 50% of. The, uh, gain that it had. And that's a tendency you can take advantage of. And that's what I'm doing right now. And, uh, going back to true social, they play all the same games. Um, the last hit piece that was done on true social that people said, oh, well they lost$58 million last year. And they have no money in the bank. But if you're a stockholder Devin Nunez contact, the SOC holder said, don't listen to anything you say. It's fake. These people say it's fake news, only listened to official news from the company that we will send you in the email. So I knew. When that article came out. I knew that they had$200 million in the bank. I knew that there are 100% debt free. I knew that. They had a plan for aggressively moving the company forward through the end of the year into the election and beyond. I knew all of that. So when this hit piece came out and the stock went down$15 share. Because. People are idiots and they're easily manipulated. And. They allow their emotions to dictate everything to them. If you're like that don't trade you'll, you'll be played like a fiddle by these people. They will take advantage of use, take all your money to spit you out. They don't care about you. So, you know, if you're a super emotional person, don't trade. Because you need to ha it's just like the Bible says. B of sine, uh, be of sound, mind and sound. Judgment you need. To trade what you see. Not what you think. You can allot, you can not allow your emotions to dictate to you what you do. You need to have a plan. You need to understand what you're doing. You go according to that plan. Period. You have parameters, you follow them. So these are all things. My mentor taught me. And. His method is based on God's word. And a spaced. On controlling your human emotions. Um, Romans 12 one through three, you know, every thought. Being captive to Christ being obedient to Christ. Do you not be conformed to the ways the world. But be transformed by renewing of your mind. You know, And I know the rest of the verse too, but that's one of the points, you know? Um, his method is based on the temptations that the devil dead with Jesus in the wilderness. And he's, he said. Those are all key points. That the devil uses in the markets to try to manipulate people. To take advantage of them, but look at how Jesus responded. He was confident he was calm. He S he spoke the truth. He knew what was alive and what was not because he had an intimate relationship with the father and he was, God. And. Those are all solid biblical principles. So anyway, I just want to put this out there. Um, May 5th is pound tears earnings. I am not sure if they're releasing them pre-market or post-market choose socialists. Doing great today. Um, My shares. Are parked at$47 and 81 cents a share. And it's getting close to that. So I put a 10% trailing stop and I'm hoping. You know, it'll go up to at least 55. Within the next week or two. And that would put me at a profit on those sheriffs. So. I'm excited and things are going good. Alrighty. I will talk to you guys later. Bye.