Wright Here Right Now, Discover Austin Minnesota 's Podcast
We truly are proud of our town and want you to find out what makes it special in so many ways. Take your time visiting and enjoying our events and attractions (like the one and only SPAM Museum),many restaurants, appreciate the great music, theatre and arts that abound here. Look at from any perspective from sports, culture, family fun, history, conferences, education, outdoor adventure...Austin, MN has an astonishing amount to offer.
Wright Here Right Now, Discover Austin Minnesota 's Podcast
Wright Here, Right Now Season 1 Episode 21 Sweet Reads Bookstore, Austin Public Library, Austin Utilities
On this episode I catch up with Lisa Deyo at Sweet Reads Bookstore in Downtown Austin to hear about a very interesting author visit taking place very soon and also the Trick or Treating event this weekend.
Then it is off to the Austin Public Library to find out about a couple of upcoming events and to learn why the library will be closed for two days this week.
Finally I talk with Austin Utilities about ways that you can get involved in helping out in the community by just stopping out at Austin Utilities. I also learn how you can be part of the Austin Utilities Advisory Board.
As always, thank you for listening and sharing the Wright Here, Right Now podcast.