KingSpeak Podcast

God's Great Glory Commission - Part 2

April 12, 2023 Jim Maffuccio Season 1 Episode 7
God's Great Glory Commission - Part 2
KingSpeak Podcast
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KingSpeak Podcast
God's Great Glory Commission - Part 2
Apr 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Jim Maffuccio

Don't miss the conclusion to God's Great Glory Commission!  YOU are God’s plan to fill the earth with His Glory!  Unpack your Heaven Bags and roll up your Rapture Rugs.  He has called, commissioned, and equipped His people to accomplish His will on the earth, as it is in heaven. 

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Don't miss the conclusion to God's Great Glory Commission!  YOU are God’s plan to fill the earth with His Glory!  Unpack your Heaven Bags and roll up your Rapture Rugs.  He has called, commissioned, and equipped His people to accomplish His will on the earth, as it is in heaven. 

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You play at a different level. You play in a different way. If you have the mindset that we are part of a glorious, victorious kingdom on earth, it's such a certain thing that we win. And not without battles and not without troubles, but it's, you play the game differently. You live your life differently. We're part of a, of a takeover that started at the cross and resurrection. You go from a mindset of. I'm somebody on the Titanic that's sinking, and my job is to pull as many souls off of the Titanic and get 'em in lifeboats before this thing goes down. Okay, that's great. Evangelism's. Great. The other way of viewing is no, I'm part of this ever increasing kingdom where the results of it in the fruit of it are actually righteousness and justice on the earth with real people, with nations singing praises to. And, and we don't have to wait for the return of the king to do that. In fact, the king is seated at the right hand until we actually fulfill what we're here to do. Now, can you picture that? So Isaiah chapter nine, Isaiah prophesied that when this child comes, when this son is, He said from that day, fourth and forevermore, there'll be no end. No end. It'll never stop increasing. It'll be no end to the increase of Jesus' government and His peace. Now, we don't really, I don't think, believe that that can happen because of some of the things we've been taught, but my contention is until that whole loaf is Levi. The Levin's gonna keep working until the enemies are made of foot still. He's gonna sit at the right hand of the Father. He has invested his glory in us human beings, and he intends to fill the earth of his glory through us walking in his presence, in his ways, in his power, in his winsomeness, and his graciousness, in his compassion. And honestly, I just, I feel like that's, That's the picture we need to have on our refrigerators. You know, we can't live in a story. We, we can't live bigger than the story that we believe we're in. And if we're in mostly and escape the earth story, we're not gonna be glory bringers to the earth. I mean, we'll do a little here, a little there. We'll do some evangelism, but will we make systemic change in the planet? Unless we really understand that we've been commissioned to do that. I mean, literally repair the ruined cities. What does that look? What do you think? What is, what is, what is repaired? Are there, are there some ruined cities? We're still ruining a lot of 'em, but what'll it look like when the, when the people of God, the redeemed, actually take this charge seriously and in faith begin to begin to walk into that? Hmm. What are some of those, you mentioned earlier the things that we've grown up with some of those attitudes. Go through a few of the, the common objections to this hopeful message. Yeah. I, I, I think it, you know, we, we've been, we've been told a a when I say we, I mean most people living today, at least in the, in the, you know, the parts of the body of Christ that I've been around, which are mostly. Anywhere from fundamentalist, evangelical, charismatic Pentecostal, that, you know, that's, those are my circles. I was raised Catholic. I'm not really sure exactly where the official word is in Catholicism. I know it's changed through the years, but on, on eschatology or the end of times, like what is the, before the return of Jesus, what do things look like? We've been taught the a model that says things have gotta get worse on the earth. They're gonna get darker and darker. Now the church will shine brighter and brighter, but it. A remnant church. It's, it's the sense is, the sense is more of a rescue mission and a, you know, we are here to get as many people off the Titanic before she sinks. Mm-hmm. As possible. And that would be the, our highest calling. So that would be evangelism and evangelism's. Great. We, we ought to be doing that. But this whole paradigm of, no, we're actually here to repair the earth, you know, the, the most quoted. Old Testament scripture in the New Testament is Psalm one 10, and that's where the Lord said to my Lord. And that's the Father speaking to the son. Sit here at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool. And then he goes on to talk about send sending forth his rod out of Zion and, and sending forth his. His volunteers, his people who volunteer freely in the day of his power well before Jesus left the planet. He goes, all power and authority now in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So as a man, he got authority back on the earth. And then he says to us, go therefore, and disciple make disciples of the nations. He didn't say save as many as people as you could. So the paradigm of an escape and a minimi, a shrinking church, but a more powerful one, they would. Is different from an ever-increasing kingdom of Jesus, an ever-increasing peace and an ever-increasing glory of God filling the earth. And, and if you really step back at a high, high level and look at history from the first advent of Jesus. I will say in almost every measurable metric of life, life on planet Earth is extremely better now than it was 2000 years ago. And it's way better than it was 200 years ago. And you know, we know Bob Frazier, my business partner and our friend that wrote a book called Kingdom Horizon that actually graphs out in chronicles these metrics of, of life on the planet. Mm-hmm. And, and, and life has gotten better. Of Jesus' first Advent. And I, my my contention is it will continue to get better, not without opposition. He said, rule in the midst of your enemies. They're the enemies are real, right? Mm-hmm. They're all around us, but greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. So, so I, I, I think, you know what, what my mission in life is, is to help people at least see that there's another perspective that's deeply theological, very biblical. Mm-hmm. And to me, employs a, a far better Herman. Then the one that most of us have been taught about this, things are going down the tubes. It's all gonna burn up. Anti-Christ is gonna take over one world government, blah, blah, blah. And you know, the church will be this faithful rim that holding on for dear life. Maybe we get raptured out before the tribulation. Maybe we go through the tribulation. But in any event, things, when Jesus comes back, it's because things have gotten so bad that he has an outcome back and make it better. My intention is he's done everything he needs to do and he's invested it in his redeemed people, and we don't need a further. We're perfectly designed, equipped, and commissioned to restore things on this earth. There's nothing on this earth that falls outside of what man's mandate is to take care of, including the devil. He puts all things under our feet. Romans 1619 says, the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet. Paul wrote to the church. So I, you know, to me, it's just my, my perspective on life. Up and to the right. I'm part of an ever increasing kingdom, not a diminishing one. And I have every expectation and hope that his glory will fill the earth and it'll be through human beings that obeyed him. Unlike the generation in Israel that disobeyed him. But he said, as I live, I'm gonna get a team on the field that is gonna, the result is gonna be, the earth is gonna be filled with my glory. Why do you think it's so easy for people to believe a bad. Than to have a positive expectation of what's next. Why are we naturally so pessimistic about these things? Yeah, it, it's easy. A good friend of mine Greg Gorman hi Greg and Julie, they like to say, you know, you find what you're looking for, and it's just a, it's just a fact of life. Mm-hmm. If you've been taught everything's bad, everything's going down the tubes. Then you can flip across any number of channels and you can validate your thesis. Mm-hmm. Anytime you want to. Yeah. So it'd be like watching a football game. And I like to call it the devil's highlight reels. So if you, if you took a football game and you said, we're gonna film every fumble, every interception, every penalty, every missed block, every, every missed tackle. And, and, and that's your team and we're gonna. And we're gonna put that on in front of you, 24 7 nonstop. And an outside observer came and watched that and said, man, this team stinks. This is a team full of losers. No, they actually won that game. That was the Super Bowl and, and if you watch the whole game, no. They were scoring touchdowns. They completed more PA passes than they didn't complete. But you were focused on the Incom completions. Mm-hmm. So I'm saying if you focus on the things that the Lord is doing in the earth, I mean the, the, the body of Christ, the growth of the church, the organic growth of the, the spiritual body of Jesus Christ on the planet is the biggest movement of people ever in, it's actually accelerating right now. If you look at the Middle East and you look at China and you look at a, I mean, I mean it, this is an unstop. Unmovable force. I mean, God. God said when he set up his kingdom. Daniel too, talks about that little stone that came in right and crushed the, you know, the feet of the statue. And it says this little stone will grow to become a mountain that fills the whole earth. And he, and he defined it. He says, this is the kingdom of God come to earth. And he says, and it'll crush and put an end to every other kingdom. And if you step back and look at that, the continuum of time, it's doing just that. Mm, it has been crushing. Thoughts and kingdoms and ideologies, and it will continue to until his enemies have been made a footstool. So if you're looking, I'm telling you, I have that pair of lenses on now and I see. I see the victories of the cross and resurrection everywhere. More important than see them, I feel like I'm empowered now to participate in them cuz I'm viewing life through the lens of one who has been redeemed and made a king, not just redeemed to save me and help me escape the planet. But no, help me to be one that, as I would say, king, me. He's king best. He's put the crown on us. He says, now you turn around and you go in pursuit and start double jumping every, every enemy in sight. The gates of. Yeah. Will not prevail against this kind of a church, but we have to know who we are to operate in faith. Talk a little bit more about your checker's analogy that you mentioned to me this morning and then we talked about later. Okay. Yeah, so three, it was 3 0 9 in the morning as I woke up, and, and I just had this, I just had this phrase on this picture of a checkerboard and it was king. Was the phrase, and I'm like, wait, isn't that what you say? Like when you move your pieces, move your checkers down to the, you know, to the one end of the board. So, and, and I looked it up, said, yeah, that's what you say. You say, you don't say crombie, you say king, me. So I love the phrase king me. So think about it, in, in, in, in the beginning of checkers, you're not king. You're just the, you're just a single layer wafer, right? And you're moving your way. You're mostly trying to avoid getting caught as you go to the other end of the. Mm-hmm. But then you get to the other end of the table and you say, king me, and they put a crown on you. Right? They stack another checker on top, and what do you do? You turn 180 degrees and now you come back and now you're pursuing. Now you are the one afraid of being jumped. Mm-hmm. Now you're the one doing the jumping. Now you're in pursuit. You turn around 180. And you're in hot pursuit of those that you are actually running from before. I believe this is a prophetic picture of the time we're in. I, I believe this kingship of all believers is something that's going to be, first of all, it's hidden in plain sight. It's all over scripture. But we have not functioned as kings in charge of the planet. We have functioned as escapees or, or, or, you know. Whatever you want to call it, but escaping the, getting off the Titanic before it sinks, or just trying to make it to the other side. Mm-hmm. Mentality. So, or or hanging around on rooftops. Yeah. Hanging around on rooftops hope, hoping the, hoping the lifeboat comes by. So one, one other thing that really was a zinger for me, just in the last week or so, is that this, this, this earth being filled with the glory of. Before Jesus returns is I hadn't looked at Isaiah six in so long and I just felt led of the Holy Spirit a couple weeks ago to go look at Isaiah six again. And I'm looking at it, and so it's when Isaiah says, you know in the, in the year King Isaiah died, he said, I saw the Lord high and lifted up sitting on a throne high and lifted up train of his robe, you know, filled the temple with glory. And then, you know, then the SFA in these, the burning ones, these angel. High powered angelic beings that are continually in the presence of God. And one says to the other, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. The whole earth is filled with his glory. So it just, it hit me to go look at when Isaiah said he saw the Lord high and lifted up sitting on a throne, and I found John 1241 in John 1241. It actually says it was Jesus that Isaiah saw. Now that may not seem like, yeah, Jesus God, the father of Holy Spirit. No. Here's the point. When Jesus, it's, it's, it's in the picture. When Jesus is sitting on the throne high and lifted up that the shom says the whole earth is filled with this glory. So this may be stretching it a little bit. To me, this affirms that before Jesus comes off, that heavenly thrown and comes to, The, the earth is gonna be filled with his glory. Is there more to go when he comes back? Of course, for one, he's coming to raise the living in the dead. The judge will living in the dead and he's coming first Corinthians 15, to destroy the last enemy, which is death. But it says again there, but he must reign on that throne. He must reign until his enemies are made of footstool. Mm-hmm. So I would say the process of, or the result of his enemies being made a, a footstool starvation, oppression. Unjust economic systems, slavery, when those enemies communism, all these godless ideologies that seem to be surfacing and really showing themselves these days. These are go, these are i'll, I'll say this in 100% confidence. Those things are coming down. They're not gonna usher in the one world dictator called anti-crisis gonna, no. That ideology is being exposed and you know, even we see it right now, all over the world, people that have tasted freedom are, are standing up and they're protesting. Any kind of tyrannical government. Hmm. That's a work of the cross and resurrection of Jesus. That's because people have tasted freedom that has flowed out of the reality that Christ came to set people free. Yes. Our soul, our spirit, to save us so that we have eternal life. But unto, unto what. Unto being kings and priests on this earth and, and redeeming and rest restoring on the earth. So that's kind of my story. And, you know I, I like to say, you know, we, we can't, we can't have faith in something that's outside of our scope of hope right now. Let me explain that. So Hebrews 11, I believe it is. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, so that anyone who's been born of the spirit or has had the Lord speak to them otherwise, knows what I mean by this. You know, in your knower, that internal witness, the spirit bears witness with your spirit that you're a child of God. That's how when you know you're saved, you know that there's another one living inside. It's a, there's a substance, so it's a real, it's a real reality living inside of you, of something that was. A word or something hoped for. So faith is the substance of things hoped for. Mm-hmm. Well, here's, here's what I would say. If, if seeing this aspect of the glory of God filling the earth to where you're envisioning nations, you know, having righteous government and people being able to live in, in, in, in the goodness of God and the graciousness of God and the compassion of God. If, if you, if you don't have a hope for that, Because your Bible teachers have taught you that that's not scriptural, that things aren't gonna go that way. In fact, the enemy's gonna take over on Earth until Jesus returns. Then you won't be able to have faith for changing a city or, or, or I. It's substance to me now. It's been, it's been revealed. It's, there's a, there's a reality. I'm hoping for bigger things. My, my ocean of things I can hope for now. And remember, faith is a substance of things hoped for, but if the thing hoped for isn't in your container, you can't have faith because it's outside you. You don't even think it's supposed to happen. You think it's outside, maybe even of the will of God. But I don't, I believe when Isaiah said, The increase of his Jesus' government and peace will not end. It'll never stop increasing. And he said from this day, fourth, the day of his, the day he comes to the planet from that day, fourth and forevermore. And here's, here's who underwrites it way better than Lloyd's in London. Here's what un underwrites it. The zeal of the Lord of host. We'll accomplish this. I believe God is zealous for his people to really understand who we are, that the eyes of our understanding would really be enlightened, that we would know are the riches of the glory of his inheritance. That's in us. That's not just a bunch of kids going to heaven when they die. That's his inheritance. Jesus was told, ask me and I'll give. The earth, the nations, you know the whole world as your inheritance, Jesus. So some of that inheritance is in you, and it's in me. It's, it's the, it's us bringing that glory. It's the riches of the glory of his inheritance in us. Do you follow me? Mm-hmm. So we take that into the earth and we bring his goodness, his graciousness, his compassion, and we govern people. When I say we govern people, whoever's called to the positions of, of governmental leader. If they're not governing under, under the, within the Kingdom mandate as, as the people of God, as priests of the most high God and prophets to the culture. We have every place to call them out of those positions. But more importantly, let's raise up sons and daughters to fill those positions. That'll be, that'll go through the hoops, that'll get the education that'll start serving in their homes and, and they'll know nothing but. In the character of Christ, and by the time they're of the age to be statesmen, which used to be like in your late teens, you know, they'll be put in offices and they'll be the most benevolent, wonderful, wise rulers and leaders that the Earth has ever known. Why don't we have a vision for that? I do. I want my grandkids to, to occupy some of those positions. I want your grandkids to, I want the whole earth to be filled with the glory of God. Wouldn't that be nice? It will be. It will be. Hey, thanks you guys for listening and sticking with us. Hope you've been inspired and I hope that more, more importantly, that you'll go on your own quest. You'll open the word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. Thanks, Jim. Thank you.